The Revenge of a Teenage Genius
Bryan Callway had to juggle the competing interests of his life. There were so many things for a seventeen-year-old boy to keep track of. There was time spent with his parents, who loved and cherished him. There was time spent at school, where he pretended to work hard to maintain his 5.0 GPA so as to not scare the other students or teacher. Then of course there was the time spent trying to avoid Mike Voles who had made it his mission in life to cause Bryan as much pain as possible, whether it was the physical pain of being punched in the stomach or the emotional pain of having his pants pulled down in the cafeteria.
What was left of each day was spent fine-tuning his time machine.
With the money he had gained from subtly manipulating the financial markets, Bryan had rented out a storage lock-up and spent most evenings in there working on his machine. His parents thought he was playing board games with his friends. What had started as just a computer tucked in the corner running simulations had grown into a leviathan of a machine, cogs and gears spreading across the storage space and ending in what could only be described as a man-sized centrifuge. Not much larger than a bathroom stall, Bryan had already stood in it as the three great plates spun around him, tracing their way back through time before depositing him in the past. Bryan had only done test runs so far, never going back more than a few hours, but tonight he was going to perform his first real journey back in time. He had one goal in mind: he was going to wipe Mike Voles from existence.
Bryan hadn’t built the machine for this purpose. He wasn’t a psychopath. He had built his machine out of a thirst for knowledge. Out of a desire to see if time could truly be traveled. However the opportunity to take revenge on his bully had dropped unexpectedly in his lap one Friday evening as he ate dinner with his parents. He was sporting a bruise on his arm and for the first time he revealed to his parents that Mike was treating his education as a very long opportunity to try and make Bryan’s life hell. They had erupted of course, jumping up to call the principal at once, but he begged them not to. It was only going to make matters worse and they sat back down at the table.
“I could talk to Lucy, his mother,” Bryan’s mom said helpfully with a smile. Bryan shook his head. “If you’re sure. It’s a shame really because Lucy’s such a nice woman. It’s not surprising Mike is difficult though considering the facts, though.”
“The facts?” Bryan repeated.
Bryan’s mom spent the next ten minutes of dinner recounting Lucy Voles’ life story. They had got to talking one school event and Bryan’s mom learned that Mike had never known his father. When Lucy was only nineteen, she had an explosive one-night-stand with a boy on an overnight train. “The love of her life she said, which is stupid since she only spent twelve hours with him,” Bryan’s mom added to her story with an eye roll. Nine months later, Mike was born and Lucy had no way to contact her mysterious lover. She was left to raise Mike all alone. Her parents must have been wealthy though because she never wanted for money despite being a single mother, living in a nice house in the suburbs.
That night Bryan hardly slept. All he could think about was the obvious opportunity that was in front of him. Lucy Voles had spent only one night with Mike’s father. If he was able to disrupt that night, if he could stop it from happening, then he would stop Mike from ever being born. It wasn’t just the fact that he wouldn’t be bullied for the rest of the school year – it would be that Bryan would never be bullied at all. All the emotional baggage and physical bruising could be wiped from existence. He decided he had to see if he could try and do it.
Bryan wasn’t even sure if it was possible to change the past in such a drastic way. On his previous test trips, time seemed malleable enough, but to remove an entire person was a far larger step than rearranging something in his storage locker. It was taking a big risk – but if it worked then he had gained valuable data on how time could be changed and the butterfly effect would work. If he was going to do it, he needed data. Bryan’s time machine work on causality. It traveled through the interconnectedness of events in time. If he wanted to travel back to the evening before, his time machine traced a course through lunch, then breakfast, then him waking up, then him sleeping, and getting ready for bed before arriving at the desired time. The limitation was that Bryan couldn’t travel forward in time – the machine didn’t know the necessary causality – but considering no one else had time machines, a time machine with a limitation was a fair trade.
For the next week, Bryan did his research. He realized that for any trip before the internet would need to be far more generalized and less specific, but with the internet at his disposal he was able to locate much of what he needed. He had Mike’s birthday, which meant he could pinpoint his conception to a set range. From there he rescued the early social media pages of a young Lucy Voles in 2003. He hunted through what he needed. He saved a photo of her and printed it out, a reference check for when he was traveling. He noticed that her posts changed from Chicago to Seattle during July and narrowed down the exact point even more. Finally Bryan found mention from a friend of Lucy’s that she arrived in Seattle on July 12 2003. He had the date. He had his moment.
Bryan took a deep breath. He was really going to go back in time – seventeen long years. He plugged in 11 July 2003 on his machine and set the time for the early morning – he’d need the extra hours to travel from his home in Ohio to Chicago. He packed a bag with some food, some money from pre-2004 and a book, just to pass the time. He made sure to pick something old, Dan Simmons’ Hyperion. He didn’t want to read a book that hadn’t been written yet in 2003. He watched as his machine picked out the route through history, jumping between events before the centrifuge started to spin. He set the timer for 24 hours – after that time, the machine would yank him back to the present day as if he was wrapped inside a big rubber band. It was now or never.
Union Station, July 11 2003. Bryan could hardly believe he was there. His heart was beating in his ears. He had to keep on pausing to take deep breath to avoid passing out from the excitement. He had traveled from the safe spot his machine had dumped him in near the storage locker, a safeguard to make sure he was never left trapped in some location, and made his way to Chicago by bus. He arrived at Union Station three hours before the sleeper car to Seattle was due to leave. He bought a ticket with old notes and then moved to take up a seat at the entrance to the platform. His hands shook, holding a book that he hadn’t turned a page for at least an hour.
Bryan kept wondering if he looked out of place, a boy from 2020 sitting in a train station in 2003. But no one paid him any attention. He wasn’t a very noticeable person. He wasn’t incredibly handsome but he wasn’t very ugly either. He was plain. He was average height, he was average build. He had some muscle and some fat. His skin wasn’t the pasty white of other nerds, but he wasn’t a bronzed model either. He had kind brown eyes, scruffy black hair, and a pair of glasses perched on his nose. Clearly his tan khakis and short-sleeved shirt didn’t garner any attention. He sighed and tried to compose himself.
All the while, he looked for Lucy Voles. Every so often he would check the photo of her that he had in his bag – a redheaded girl with a pretty face. He tried to ignore the slight twitching in his groin that any virgin seventeen-year-old felt when looking at the photograph of a pretty girl. He couldn’t let his hormones get ahead of him. He was here to stop Lucy from hooking up with Mike’s father – nothing more and nothing less. He shifted in his seat, looking around at the other people starting to arrive, waiting for the sleeper to Seattle. Any one of the young men around him might be Mike’s father. He tried to see if anybody reminded him of his bully, but no familiar faces stared back at him. Bryan settled back into his seat and pretended to read again.
Lucy arrived fifteen minutes later. Bryan caught sight of a flash of red hair walking in front of him and his heart skipped a beat. He only had a view of her rear and already his cock was straining to get a better look. Lucy Voles was drop dead gorgeous. She had long red hair that ran down past her shoulder blades, wavy and ruffled. She was wearing a simple white top, her shoulders peeking out from above the fabric and the hint of a tattoo running down her arm. Her heart-shaped bottom had been squeezed into a pair of daisy dukes shorts, the fabric barely covering her bubbly posterior. Bryan swallowed thickly. He was sure it was her. His suspicions were confirmed a moment later as she turned to look back at her family and he saw the pretty face from the photograph, electric blue-eyed, thick ruby red lips, a small, cute little nose. Bryan shook his head trying to shake out the indecent thoughts. He was here on a mission.
Bryan watched closely as Lucy said her goodbyes to her family. He told himself that it was to make sure she didn’t disappear in the crowd. Instead his eyes stayed locked on her assets. The way the denim shifted and tugged against her ass as she bent over to give her little sister a hug, the way her breasts pushed against the white fabric of her top as she threw her arms around her mother. Bryan had to take a deep breath, willing the blood away from his cock. He didn’t want an erection in the middle of the train station. Instead he discreetly tore up the photo of Lucy and dropped it in the garbage can, not wanting to possibly explain why he had it, and then followed Lucy onto the train. He noticed that many other men of all ages were watching her too and he realized figuring out who was Mike’s father may have got more complicated.
Bryan only had a ticket for a seat – he hadn’t paid for more, but Lucy’s parents evidently had as she disappeared to the corridor of small bedrooms to put away her luggage. Bryan shifted uncomfortably, unsure what to do. It would look suspicious to follow her there and so he had to sit down in one of the cars, waiting for her to reappear. It was a one-night stand. She didn’t know Mike’s father before then. He had to trust that she would reappear down here to find the man who would impregnate her. Instead he turned his attention back to Hyperion, barely paying attention, only feeling relaxed when Lucy reemerged and sat down several row of seats down from him.
Bryan thanked his lucky stars. The way that the train car was set up in configurations of four seats, and that Lucy had taking a seat facing toward him, meant he could just keep her in view. He saw her long, bare, tanned legs stretch out almost in the aisle. He saw the way her tongue slipped out from between her lips as she concentrated on settling in for a long train ride. He shook his head to again clear away the debauchery in his mind – he needed to stay focus. His eyes moved away, scanning the other men nearby, trying to identify the threat. As the train jolted to life, which did wonderful things to Lucy’s perky, fair breasts, Bryan settled into his long vigil. For the next two hours he sat, his attention constantly switching between the men who surrounded Lucy Voles, and the girl herself.
Bryan still hadn’t settled on a suspect when a figure dropped down in the seat opposite him. It was Lucy herself. She was smiling at him, an enchanting smile, an impish smile, like that of some fairy creature about to trick you out of your life. “Hey,” she said. Bryan flushed, his face lighting up as he mumbled some greeting back. He wasn’t accustomed to talking to beautiful girls. “I saw you staring. Hey, don’t blush, don’t worry. I don’t mind. Half the train is staring anyway. But I thought I should say hi since we’re book twins.” Lucy dropped down a copy of Hyperion onto the table between – it was far less battered and ragged than Bryan’s copy, but unmistakably the same edition.
“You read Hyperion,” Bryan said in surprise and putting his foot in it. He couldn’t stop himself though. Lucy Voles, the mother of the boy who made his life hell for being a nerd, for loving books, read science fiction.
Lucy raised an eyebrow. “What is that meant to mean? Girls can’t like sci-fi?”
“No, God, no. They can. Of course. I – I – I just didn’t expect someone like you to.”
“Someone like me? What does that mean?”
Bryan wanted the bottom of the train to fall out and for the ground to swallow him up. “Someone so pretty,” he stammered. His face was now the same color of the inside of a volcano.
Lucy stared at him and then let out a whistle, low and long. Several people looked over at them but she was already smiling. “Good save. You’re a real smooth talker. I’m Lucy, you?”
Bryan knew this was a bad idea. He was there to be a distant meddler, to stop Mike’s father from interacting with Lucy, not to talk with her herself. But the idea made some sense. If he was there talking to Lucy then Mike’s father couldn’t come over and start chatting her up – and if he did then Bryan would at least know who he was and could somehow deal with it. So, he kept talking with the girl. It wasn’t a chore. She was funny, smart and most of all very flirty. She mentioned that she picked him to talk to because he was the only guy she caught staring who wasn’t mentally undressing her, only to then lower her eyes to her tanned cleavage in her white top. She giggled when Bryan’s eyes lowered too. She called him cute and laughed at his blush, she ran her bare leg along his khaki covered leg and winked. Bryan was getting the impression that Lucy was a little bit of a wild child but he didn’t care – she listened to him with interest as he discussed books and science and she answered back with her own ideas. He was having the time of his life, barely noticing that outside it was going dark.
“How old are you?” she asked suddenly.
“Seventeen,” Bryan stammered.
Lucy’s smile became a smirk. “I’m being a real cradle snatcher, aren’t I?” Bryan didn’t know what to say so he said nothing which only made Lucy smirk more. “Do you only have a seat ticket? Yeah? That sucks. My mom bought two tickets for both bunks in my roomette. She didn’t want me dealing with strangers. So did you want to bunk with me?”
If Bryan was in the library or the storage locker working on his machine, the smart, genius Bryan would have known this was a bad idea. He would have seen what was happening. He would have realized how time was reasserting itself, that it wasn’t malleable, that it was set. But that Bryan was struggling to breathe – it was being overpowered by the hormonal, teenager Bryan who was already falling in love with the redheaded minx in front of him. He tried to justify it to himself. If he was in her roomette that meant Mike’s father couldn’t be – it was the most sensible place to be. His cock yelled out in agreement. “Sure, yeah,” he stammered and Lucy smiled. Together they packed up their things and retreated to the corridor of tiny bedrooms on the train.
Bryan only had a second to take in the tiny little roomette that was Lucy’s bedroom for the night. It was barely the width of a double bed. It had a single bed on half of the cabin and then a strip of carpet, which had Lucy’s bags, and a sink. There was another bunk above Lucy’s bed but she had tucked it up and out of the way. He saw all of this and then Lucy was kissing him. Bryan had never kissed a girl before. He wasn’t quite sure what to do. But Lucy attacked with his mouth with such venom that he soon figured it out. Their lips battled for dominance, their tongues sliding all over each other. He didn’t realize kissing was so loud. Her hands ran all over his body and after a moment hesitation he took that as permission to do the same. His hands moved immediately to her heart-shaped ass, squeezing her through the denim of her daisy dukes. She moaned in approval against his lips so he did it again.
Within minutes, clothes were tumbling onto the tiny patch of floor as their bodies remained pressed against each other by the door. Lucy made short work of his shirt, revealing his bare chest to her marauding hands. Bryan was eager to do the same and first her top and then her simple white bra ended up on the floor, her breasts bouncing free. Bryan groaned at the sight of real bare breasts for the first time in his life and Lucy laughed. “I knew you were a virgin. Go on. Touch them. They’re all yours.” Bryan didn’t need telling twice. His hands pawed at Lucy’s breasts. They weren’t too large, but more than a handful, his fingers experimentally squeezing and massaging. Twice Lucy told him off for being too rough. He apologized by lowering his face, catching one of her nipples in his mouth, licking and sucking on the nub. “Oooh, yes, baby,” she purred, presenting her other nipple for the same attention.
Once Bryan had tasted every inch of Lucy’s naked breasts, their hands moved back to undressing each other. She wiggled him out of his khakis, his black briefs tented with his painfully hard erection. She let out a moan of approval at the size. Then Lucy was helping Bryan with her own shorts, both of them struggling to push the denim down over her peachy bottom. When they did come down though Bryan stared wide-eyed at the sight that confronted him. Lucy’s underwear wasn’t sexy lingerie. It had obviously been picked for comfort, not seduction. They were classic briefs, the fabric hugging and supporting her ass, but they were all white and decorated with colorful polka dots. The innocence of the panties compared to sexual, plump rump they covered short-fried Bryan’s brain.
Lucy went to peel them off and Bryan gasped: “don’t!”
“You like my panties huh?” she said a smirk. “Mmm, ok. They can stay on for now. I know you virgin boys anyway. I have to take the edge off if you have any hope of lasting.”
With some complicated movements, Lucy moved them around the tiny cabin so that Bryan was pressed against the edge of the sink and Lucy was squatting in front of him. Her reasons were obvious. There was a mirror on the door to the cabin and now Bryan had an unobstructed view of the sexiest scene he had ever seen. He could see Lucy Voles on her knees in front of him. Her derriere was pressed into the soles of her feet, her ass hugged by the colorful, innocence panties. He was so taken with the sight in the mirror that he didn’t even realize that Lucy was pulling down his boxers, that his stiff, six-inch cock was springing free. He only knew what was happening when the head of his shaft was engulfed by a hot wetness and his eyes rolled back in his head.
Bryan was never going to last long. What virgin seventeen-year-old could with a pretty redhead devouring his cock, her mouth bobbing furiously up and down his cock, her cheeks caved in, the reflection of her backside in the mirror. Bryan wasn’t even sure if it was a minute before he was grunting, his hands buried in Lucy’s red hair, filling her mouth with his salty seed. As he came, his cock throbbing on her tongue, she seemed to slide her head further down, taking him deeper, letting his seed coat her throat as she swallowed his load. Bryan almost passed out from the pleasure.
“God,” Lucy said swallowing thickly. “You were really backed up. But now that you shouldn’t be so trigger happy we can really have some fun.”
Bryan didn’t stop to think about how bad this could be. He didn’t even remember he was a time traveler in 2003. All he knew what that he was with a beautiful girl and he was going to lose his virginity. He allowed Lucy to push him back onto the bed that took up one half of the cabin and watched with hungry lust as she finally wiggled out of her panties, completely naked for his eyes. She had tan lines, her ass far paler than her tanned legs and back and it only made his cock twitch more. The red hair that marked heaven was trimmed and tidy. He didn’t get to admire her for long, though. Lucy wasted no time in straddling him on the bed, both of them naked. She bent over him, kissing him hungrily on the lips and he could feel the heat and the wetness of her sex against his cock. His hands moved to her hips, digging into her skin, feeling her as she ran her soaked netherlips twice over his shaft. Then, with a roll of her hips and a change of angle, Bryan felt his cock sink into a woman for the first time.
“Does that feel good?” Lucy asked as she pushed her hips back until his entire length was inside her. She sat on his cock, looking down at him. “Does my wet, tight pussy feel good on your cock?” Bryan stammered his assent and Lucy laughed.
She rode him then. She didn’t seem to care that the walls of the cabins had to be thin, that anyone could hear their fucking. Her ass slapped against his thighs as she rode him like a stallion. She kept her hand on his chest, holding him down, keeping him steady as she rolled her hips, as she worked his cock in and out of her. Bryan clung to her. His hands moved to her hips to her ass, kneading the soft, full cheeks. It earned him an approving moan. Her speed quickened. One of her hands moved from his chest to the point of their coupling, her fingers disappearing between their bodies, finding that tiny nub of nerves that ached to be touched. Bryan watched in amazement, wide-eyed and hungry as he saw her face twist in sexual nirvana, her eyes scrunched up, her lips parted, breathless moans escaping her mouth as she massaged her clit, continuing to ride him as if she was trying to outride the end of the world. And then as his balls started to churn, as his stomach muscles warned of the end of his resolve did Bryan realize. He was about to cum in Lucy. They weren’t using birth control. He was his bully’s father.
“Lucy, fuck, Lucy,” Bryan panted desperately. “Got to stop! No! Condom!”
“Don’t care,” Lucy moaned, not slowing. Bryan was powerless to stop her. She rode him into the bed. He couldn’t escape. “I’m so close, so fucking close. Fucking cum inside me. Make me cum. It’ll, fuck, God, it’ll be fine. What are the chances?”
“In this situation I think probably one hundred percent,” Bryan stammered out in warning but it was too late. Lucy was in the throes of her own orgasm. One hand still pressed between their bodies, teasing her clit, her other hand disappeared into her own hair, grabbing it as total pleasure consumed her. Her sex clenched and throbbed around Bryan’s cock, squeezing him tighter than ever before, and it was all too much. He exploded inside her. A torrent of hot, potent seed flooded Lucy’s womb, filling her completely. Time itself was satisfied. It could not be beaten. It was fixed.
As they laid together in the post-orgasm glow, Bryan found clarity. All of the testosterone had retreated and his cock deflated and said to his brain: over to you to work out. He knew then time couldn’t be beaten. Mike could never disappear from existence. But already his mind was working on a new strategy, a new way to defeat his bully. His son.
“Lucy,” he said, squeezing her body against his, hugging her tight. “I have something to tell you. You have to let me finish – I know it’s going to sound crazy, but I’m a time traveler.”
Bryan was happy to be home. He could see his parents again and could continue work on his time machine. He understood it now – saw how it could not be used to change history. Time always found a way. But today he wasn’t at his parents’ or even at the storage locker with his machine. He stood outside the house of Mike Voles, his bully, his nemesis, his son. In the dark of the sleeper car cabin, he had told Lucy that he was a time traveler, that he loved her, that in the future they would be together and that he would return on September 3 2020. He gave her enough information about the future to make a small fortune in gambling and now he understood how she could afford such a house.
He knocked on the front door. Lucy Voles answered.
She was no longer nineteen. She was a woman of thirty-six. She was a little plumper than before, her thighs a little thicker, her breasts not quite so perky, but she still had that beautiful face, the perfect red hair and the heart-shaped ass. She was nineteen years older than him and Bryan didn’t care. To his amazement, Lucy stood in front of him with her textbook smirk, in a skimpy white top and a pair of daisy dukes shorts. “I thought you might like me in the same clothes,” she said. Her voice wasn’t quite so certain now. There was a fear of being rejected in there.
Bryan kissed her hard on the mouth. “You don’t care that I’m so young?”
Lucy answered him with her lips, her hands pulling him close against her soft, curvy figure. “You don’t care that I’m old?”
The hunger in Bryan’s embrace answered her.
An hour later Mike Voles arrived back at home after a long day of basketball and beating up the younger kids who arrived at the court. It was honest work. He was looking forward to heading back to school and laying into that nerd Bryan Callway, imagining all the cruel things he could do. When he opened the door to his house and stepped inside, he looked confused at the floor. There was a trail of clothes that headed all the way from the entrance way, along the hall, up the stairs and ending just outside the closed door of his bedroom. They were clothes he never saw before, like men’s khakis, and a woman’s pair of daisy dukes. The last item at his door was a pair of colorful white polka dotted panties. He opened the door with no idea as to what he would find.
Lying naked in his bed, her face and breasts plastered in cum, was his mother. Her hair was messy and all over the place, her face pink and panting. Next to her, just as naked and just as exhausted, was Bryan Callway. He looked over at the door, his face smug, his eyes glinting behind his glasses. “Hey, Mike,” he said with a grin.
“I’m going to fucking kill you!” Mike screamed, but before he could charge at the dork, his mother was sitting up, revealing more of her cum-painted body to his eyes. He had to stop and cover his eyes.
“Michael,” she said in her stern voice. “You’ll do no such thing. Now go back downstairs, we’ll be down to explain soon. But I’m not quite done with your father yet.”
Mike stumbled back out of the room, stunned and confused. His head spinning. Did she say “your father”? Before he could think about it anymore, he heard a throaty moan and his mother’s voice echoing through the door: “ooh, you naughty boy! That’s my ass!”