Days like this are never easy. Liz told me just a few days ago of her plans to go out tonight, and the way she put it over, indicated that she wouldn’t just be going out with a girlfriend. It’s best she only gives me a few days notice of her plans, it means the whole situation will have come and gone quickly, then I will be able to relax again, until the next time she goes with one of her lovers.
We don’t discuss her lovers openly, but after many years of her straying and the arguments that came with it, we realised her need to have new cock won’t subside and I really needed to be able to deal with it in a much better way. So now, you can sort of tell she will be going with a lover just by the way she discusses her imminent nights out, but without all the trauma of her having to openly discuss it in detail.
It sort of works for us. Yes, Liz gets the most out of it, but I know she will come back to me after she has had her fun, so I know I will be getting my lovely wife back.
I suppose it gets difficult late afternoon. Having immersed myself in work, reality kicks in with regards to what she will be getting up to in the evening and so I leave the office early to go home and prepare an early dinner. It’s all part of making the experience as easy as possible for her, taking any stress out of the situation, ensuring she is relaxed and in the best mental shape possible for seeing her stud that evening.
Work makes you forget it all, but back home preparing the dinner makes your mind wander, time goes by much slower and thoughts of her leaving you later to get fucked starts making you tense. Your heart beats faster, you start thinking about how excited she must feel and you can’t help but feel mixed feelings inside. Mixed feelings then go towards anxious feelings, but then you tell yourself how happy this is making her, how you can never stop it and that by making her happy will be good for us both. You get yourself back on track again, just in time for you to hear the door go as she arrives home from work.
She is beautiful, walking through the door, a tight black skirt that comes above the knee, the blouse with those 34F boobs thrusting out of, and those killer heels that make that lovely bottom wiggle with every step. The secretary style spectacles and the long blonde hair, it is plainly understandable that wherever she works with men, they will target her for their pleasure.
The talk is of work, sort of small talk to ensure we both avoid the impending encounter. Anything but mentioning her going out tonight is good, but between us, we both understand we are avoiding talking about what we are both thinking about. We sit opposite each other, eating what I have prepared, but we are both not hungry and you can see she is keen to leave the table and prepare herself for her date.
An excuse about her having a large lunch is all that is needed for her to leave her food. She has hardly touched it, she then scans her wrist watch without wanting me to see her do so as she heads upstairs to prepare herself for her date. She is trying to look as if she isn’t bothered, as if it’s not a big night for her, but her excitement can’t be hidden, I have known her for too long and I know she has a big night ahead.
I give her time alone upstairs. I must let her relax, and me being around would only stress her out, so dealing with the dinner plates and general chores is my role as she relaxes in the bath and contemplates what is to come.
It is kind of weird, as I am downstairs doing the chores, she is upstairs in the bath, but both of us will be thinking of Martin. She has been with him on and off for a few years now, the office stud. He never managed to keep his cock in his trousers when he was married, but since his divorce he has had more than his fair share of Liz. I can’t blame him wanting her, I have to accept it, and I know what Liz is like, she has always struggled to keep her knickers on when a good looking guy is around, so it’s just something you can’t stop. I also know there is a bit of competition in the office for him, several of the girls like him, and it isn’t in Liz’s nature to let them win. She will be the one who wants to have Martin and she would be be distraught if he was to pick any of the other girls above her.
I really should stay downstairs, but after a while the pull towards seeing Liz preparing herself is just too much. She is just so stunning in every way, and I can’t help but pop upstairs to see her. On the way I call into the bathroom, and that weird stomach churning feeling hits me as I see her razor on the side of the bath and clear evidence in the tub of her having shaved her pussy to perfection for him. I rinse the bath, as I think back to just a few minutes ago when I was doing the chores downstairs, Liz would have been immaculately shaving her pussy ready for Martin.
I walk into the bedroom as she is doing her hair. Her make up has been applied, and she sits looking in the mirror in her dress that is mid thigh length and clings to her lovely curves. She is almost ready, even her heels her on and I can’t help but think of that lovely prepared pussy in her knickers.
She stands up and asks me to zip her up. The zipper goes from the small of her back to her neck and I have to move her lovely blonde locks to one side to ensure I don’t get them caught in her zip as I fasten it for her. It hits home at this point that the next person to touch the zip will be Martin, but to undo it rather than do it up. I want her so bad, that gorgeous body, my cock is getting stiff, but I can’t have her.
I hang around, I pretend I am not looking, but I adore her, no words are spoken, I pretend to be moving stuff around the bedroom, but really I am just looking at those huge breasts pushed against her dress, just bursting to get out. She adjusts her shoe and as she bends down her lovely round bottom is thrust in my direction, her dress rides up and I almost see her knickers. She catches me looking and feels uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have been looking, her body is prepared for her lover and I am not important tonight. The look she gives me is one that tells me not to look. I look away and realise my error.
She has one final look in the full-length mirror, a smile on her face shows she is happy and she leaves the room ready to visit her stud lover. I follow her downstairs and as she goes to leave, she picks up her car keys and quickly faces me. I go to kiss her on the lips, but she moves away and just offers her cheek to kiss. Another sign that her mind is firmly fixed on what she is about to get.
Very few words have been spoken from the time she went upstairs to when she left the house. She uncomfortably told me not to wait up for her, but I knew I wasn’t to do this anyway. I give her all the space she needs, I never text her when she has gone, I just ensure she can concentrate on her lover.
The evening goes through in stages. You know she has a twenty-minute drive, so that part is okay. Her lover isn’t with her, so it is an okay time for me. But when you realise they are together is the time your mind goes into overtime.
He is fifteen years her junior, a sportsman, known as a great lover, so you know they won’t watching a DVD or anything so mundane. You just know what tonight is about, and as much you could see the excitement and desire in Liz’s face, I know this will be matched by her studs desire to fuck her good and proper.
It is at times like this the going gets tough and I have to dig deep into my reserves. I think about what my therapist told me when I initially approached her about having a wife that often strays. After telling my therapist of Liz’s long list of lovers she had before we got together, this with having concrete evidence of her many experiences since we were married, I was told that it was impossible to change a lady whose desire for cock was so great. It would be me that needed to change. I needed to feel lucky that she comes back to me and cherish the fact that we are together at all. To challenge her need for cock would put a strain on our relationship and I needed to be as considerate and helpful as possible, then maybe one day Liz may be confident enough to be more open with me about her needs.
So when Liz has Left the house, I just how lucky I am to have her at all, I try and hope she is being pleasured as much as possible, hope that he is fucking her really well, and looking forward to hearing her come back home.
My biggest difficulty is not in Liz enjoying him, I suppose my biggest struggle is when I think of him enjoying her. I visualise her in that dress, on her knees sucking on his young cock. She is a great cock sucker and visualising him standing there feeding his cock into her willing mouth is difficult for me to take. I also think of her on her back, her legs sprayed with him pumping his bare cock in her until he cums inside her. It is visualising him enjoying her that gets to me. It’s at this time I have to think of my therapist who told me that I am just not important in this situation whatsoever, so my thoughts should not count. I do try and think of it this way as the evening goes on and it does help. The longer the night goes on, the more I know he is doing her, the more I have to think of the fact that I literally do not count in this situation, it’s all about her needs, and his.
I just wished she would use protection. She never has liked to use any protections, always insisting on a bare cock. It would be easier to come to terms with it all if he didn’t always bury his seed deep inside her. I think he likes to do it as some sort of statement as I have often checked her knickers the day after she has been out to find his dried spunk in her knickers, and also she often has scratches on her back and bottom. I think it’s his way of letting me know he has had her good and proper, like some sort of tagging.
I hear the keys in the door and it’s a pleasing noise that tells me she is back. A great sigh of relief. He is spent, his balls will be empty and my wife returns to me. This is by far the best part of the evening, a true sense of relief. I pretend to be asleep, or dozy so to avoid any major conversation. There wouldn’t be anything really to say, so it best she just gets into bed, thinks of the great sex she has had with her lover while I hold her knowing she is again mine. Usually she is exhausted, she sleeps as soon her head hits the pillow as I hold her, and think of what she has just got up to.
It isn’t easy holding your wife knowing she will have been sucking her lover’s cock less than an hour ago, knowing his seed will be dripping out of her pussy as you hold her, it’s like you are getting her back, but well used. But at least she is back and nothing will be said about her night of passion with Martin once she wakes in the morning. Apart from a few scratches to her back, life will return to normal again. The only issue is, like I said, she’s a great cock sucker and you can bet anything Martin will be arranging another go on her as soon as he gets to work the very next day.