“Good morning, Drew Bishop’s phone,” he said, as he picked up the handset.
“You guys had better not still be in bed,” Geoff’s voice said.
“No, we’re up and about,” Dave lied, “Drew is out in the yard, he said he was going to ring you in a minute.”
Tess and Drew were now stirring.
“Well, tell Drew that we will meet at ten o’clock up at the three hundred acre paddock we left off at yesterday. I want to try and get you to do three loads to the silo before it closes at one thirty,” Geoff said.
“Okay, so you want the truck and the tractor up there?” Dave asked.
“Yes, Jackson is going to bring lunch out for us, so don’t worry about bringing anything yourselves. How’s Tess?” Geoff asked.
“Yes, she’s good. We haven’t had much time with her yet. We had dinner with Drew’s parents last night and didn’t get back until late,” he explained.
“Right, well, see you at ten then.”
“See ya,” said Dave, just before he hung up.
“Come on Drew, Tess, it’s time to get up,” he said cheerily. “Let’s have breakfast together. Geoff wants to start at ten.”
Slowly they climbed from the bed. Dave and Drew went straight to the shower. Tess put on a gown, went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. She fished around in the box of groceries she had brought with her and found a packet of muesli for her breakfast. She sat at the table and poured herself a big bowl of the cereal.
Presently both of her men came in to the kitchen.
‘They could be brothers,’ she thought, as she watched them put bread in the toaster and playfully argue over who would get the first cooked slices.
“Tess, I was so preoccupied with Mum and Dad last night I forgot to ask you how you got on with your superiors at the bank. Did you ring them?” Drew asked.
He had not mentioned to Dave on his return last Sunday that Tess was looking into working from the farm if she could. He didn’t want to steal her thunder.
“I wanted to tell you my news over breakfast,” she said.
Drew and Dave sat opposite her and buttered their toast.
“What’s happening, Tess? What is going on?” Dave asked her.
“I rang my immediate boss the other day. You know him, Dave, Jack Stevens; he was my mentor when I was at university. Well anyway, I was telling him my dilemma. You working up here. Us wanting a lifestyle change, temporarily at least. He told me to come up to his office and see him, which I did straight away. I put it to him that I sat in my office staring at a computer screen ninety percent of the time, and I could do that from up here. And for any dealings I have that are confidential I could go into town and use the local bank’s secure computer system. As it turned out the local manager was the best man at Jack’s wedding. After we had explored a few possibilities we rang the local bank here and spoke to him. He was most accommodating and has offered me an office that I could use and have access to any time.”
“That’s fantastic, Tess,” cooed Dave, “What happens next then?”
“Well, Jack told me to bring my lap top up this weekend and make sure the internet here can handle what I need to do. He told me to stay here the week, visit the local branch and organize what I can. It will be a bit of an experiment. Hopefully everything falls in to place and I can work from here. I’d still have to go to the city every couple of weeks for a few days. Drew, you may have one more passenger when you take the sheep down, except I’ll be coming back with you,” said Tess as she put another spoonful of muesli into her mouth.
“What wonderful news, Tess, it is going to be perfect, I know it will all work out. Really you don’t have to leave tomorrow night?” Drew asked.
“No, I hope it’s okay with you, Drew; I feel like we are taking over your farm. And Dave, I don’t want to spoil your time working here,” she said somberly.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Drew beamed, “This is the best news ever.”
“Tess, I can’t think of anything that could make working here better, of course you won’t spoil it for me,” Dave remarked.
“I had to bring extra clothes and some work stuff up. It’s in the trunk of my car. I didn’t want to unloaded in front of Evelyn and Henry last night. Could you guys bring it in for me this morning?” she asked.
“Straight away,” replied Dave,” I’ll put it in the guest room so it won’t raise any suspicions.”
“And when I get a chance I will empty out a spare room, and I’m sure we can furnish it into an office for you. I’m so excited for us,” Drew said.
They finished their breakfast, and soon it would be time for the guys to fuel up the truck and tractor and head towards Geoff’s place.
“I’m going to go and see Mum this afternoon. The silos close at one thirty on Saturday, so Dave and Jackson can take over on the tractor. They should be able to manage my job for a couple of hours,” Drew told them.
“What are you going to do today, Tess?” Dave asked.
“Well, I have a few more plants to put in to the garden and then I want to go for a ride on my bike. Are they in the shed?” she asked Drew.
“Yes, and you had best put your car over there also. There is no point leaving it out in the hot sun,” he told her.
The two guys brought all her luggage in from the car and stored it in the guest room. They kissed her, and then went across to the machinery shed and started their machines. Tess waved to them as they drove off down the track towards Geoff’s place.
She went out into the warm sunlit yard, moved her car, and found the plants she had left near the front gate last night. She decided where she wanted them planted, but for some reason her heart wasn’t quite in it. Tess did not want to be alone today, she was too happy. She felt an urge to talk with Evelyn. It was strange; Tess had never been close with her own mother – she didn’t even particularly like her – but after talking with Evelyn last night she just had this urge to be with her again. She wanted to talk with her as a daughter would to her mother. Tess left the plants and went inside.
Searching through the chest of draws she found her pale blue and white lycra cycling knicks and top. She quickly put on her sports bra and the slinky lycra suit. A pair of white ankle socks and she was just about done. She went to the guest room and found Dave’s small back pack. Returning to the main bed room she located her runners in the bottom of the wardrobe and put them in her bag. She reached up and got her cycling helmet from the top shelf and put it on her head and fastened it.
She carried her stiff cycle shoes to the veranda and put the bag on her back. She put on her shoes and fastened them tightly. Tess tied the dog up. He would follow her for sure. Now she crossed the yard to the shed and checked the air pressure in the tires of her bike. All was well.
She mounted the bike on the concrete floor of the shed and clicked her shoes onto the pedals. She changed gears as she pedaled to the door and then she was off up the track towards the back of the farm. She turned right at the first fence line and she felt free as she scooted along the track bordered by the dry paddocks. The sun was hot on her back, and she could smell the wheat as it was being warmed. It was a very earthy, comfortable aroma.
Soon she was negotiating the slope down to the creek, and managed to ford the stream without getting wet. It was only a short ride up the next hill to where Drew’s parents were camped.
As Tess crested the hill she saw that Evelyn was sitting in front of the van doing a crossword puzzle in the morning sun.
Tess was nearly ready to dismount before the older lady looked up and saw her approaching. Evelyn’s face lit up, and she broke into a big smile when it registered that it was Tess who was visiting. She jumped up from her seat.
“Good morning, Tess! My don’t you look sporty,” she welcomed her.
Tess stopped and leaned her bike on the trunk of the mulberry tree.
“Hi, Evelyn, I just wanted to come over for a chat with you,” Tess confessed.
The two ladies met and kissed each other’s cheeks. Evelyn was considered a small woman herself, but she could not believe how small Tess was as they embraced. She did notice, however, that for her size she was solid; she was all muscle.
“Come, sit down, I’ll make us some tea; would you like that?” Evelyn asked in the way only a flustered mother can ask.
“Yes, tea would be lovely,” Tess answered.
Away into the van went Evelyn. Soon Tess could hear the kettle boiling, and she was asked how she preferred her tea.
Tess took the opportunity to change out of her stiff cycling shoes into her trainers while Evelyn finished brewing the cups of tea. She stood up as Evelyn appeared at the doorway with the two steaming mugs. Tess took them and waited for Drew’s mother to sit down before placing them on the small table between their seats.
“This is a lovely spot; where is Henry?”
“He has taken his camera and gone off to spot some birds. He loves his bird watching,” Evelyn replied.
“Yes, I heard him talking to Dave last night. He is very passionate about the environment,” Tess replied.
“Oh, I’m so glad you have called out here to see me. And you rode a bike all this way!”
“It isn’t that far, and I don’t know why but I just had to see you again. I enjoyed talking with you last night. I don’t know, I feel a bit silly now,” Tess admitted.
“Yes, I felt we sort of connected last night. I get a bit lonely sometimes. You made me think of Andrew’s wife, she was the closest thing I’ve ever had to a daughter. Unfortunately we lost her. I don’t know if Andrew has told you about her, but it was a terribly sad time for us,” Evelyn said.
“Yes, Drew has told us all about her, he talks of her often. It must have been a terrible time,”
“What have you and Dave done to Andrew? He is the happiest I have seen him in years. Even his father noticed. I hate to say this, but I think he is in love with you. It was just the way he was acting around you and Dave,” Evelyn stated as she took a sip of tea and looked over the rim of the cup for Tess’s reaction.
Tess didn’t know what to say. She too took a sip of tea and thought about what to say. “Yes I know he is,” Tess said her heart thumping in her chest.
“You aren’t having an affair with him are you Tess?” asked Evelyn sternly.
“No,” Tess answered trying to choose her next words very carefully. “It’s not exactly an affair where I’m cheating on my husband or anything like that. It’s a bit more complex than that,” Tess admitted.
“The plot thickens. After we waved you off last night Henry and I sat by the fire talking. We thought something was going on. Now tell me all. I’m a big girl, I can take it,” Evelyn said.
“I don’t know if I should. Drew was coming out here this afternoon to talk with you, I don’t know if it’s my place to tell you,” said Tess, who was beginning to wonder if it was such a good idea to have made this visit.
“Oh you can’t leave me to wait until Andrew decides to come over. I’ll burst with anticipation by then.”
Tess reached over and put her hand on Evelyn’s. “Drew told you how he rescued us the night we drove into a kangaroo?”
“Well, that first moment I saw Drew and he helped me out of the wreck I fell in love with him,” Tess confessed.
Evelyn had a shocked expression on her face.
“He brought us up to the house, and by that time he was in love with me,” Tess told her.
“But what about Dave? He is your husband,” Evelyn asked.
“I don’t want to shock you too much, Evelyn, but Dave and I have been married for nearly eight years. I love him with everything I have. Before we were married he told me he was bisexual. I have allowed him to be with men when he wanted to because I love him. It is just something I was prepared to tolerate, because I love him that much,” she paused for another sip of the tea.
“Bisexual is where a person likes people of the same sex and the opposite sex, right?” Evelyn asked.
“Correct, Evelyn. Dave loves me as much as I love him. His sexuality is part of him, and that’s what I love – the whole of him. I couldn’t deny a part of him and love the rest. Anyway, in return for me allowing Dave to have his sexual freedom he gives me the same tolerance. As it happened, Drew and I slept together and our fate was sealed. I love him as much as I love Dave. I now consider I have two husbands,” Tess again paused and a tear rolled down her cheek. She wiped it away hoping that Evelyn had not seen it.
Evelyn was a bit shocked but she softened when she saw a tear on Tess’s cheek.
‘This is real. This beautiful young woman loves my son,’ Evelyn thought.
“So how does it work. Do you sleep with Dave one night and Drew the next?” Evelyn asked.
“I don’t know if I should tell you more. I think Andrew should tell you the rest.”
“Tess, you have given me back my son. Previous to you he was in a black place. I would ring Geoff to check on him if I didn’t hear from him every day. He was out on the farm with all his memories and nothing else. We were scared he was so lonely that he’d do something silly to himself. It seemed he didn’t want anything else, all he wanted was Dianne back. Now he is happy again. Nothing you can say about what is going on here is going to make me think less of him or you. I just want him to stay this happy,” Evelyn stated. Now it was her turn to have a tear roll down her cheek.
Tess cleared her throat and sipped the hot tea again. “Well as it turned out the boys sort of… no not sort of – the boys fell in love too. They truly love each other,” Tess mumbled out.
“What! You are saying that Andrew is bisexual as well? He has never shown any interest in men as far as I know. No he can’t be!” Evelyn whispered.
“He is. Sometimes bisexuality can stay hidden for years. Then you just meet the right person and it happens.” Tess said. She didn’t know if this was true, but it seemed a reasonable explanation to put to Drew’s mother.
“It took them a couple of weeks to come to terms with their love. To me it is one of the most beautiful aspects of our relationship. I watch them while they are working around the farm, and they are just perfect together. And the biggest bonus of all is they both love me unconditionally,” Tess said in a husky voice. Tears escaped from both of her eyes this time.
“Drew has wanted to tell you for months, he just didn’t know how to. He is coming to see you later and he was adamant that today was the day. He loves his parents and doesn’t want to lie to you any more,”
Evelyn stood up and came to where Tess was sitting. Tess was an emotional mess now. Evelyn took her hands and stood her up. The older woman embraced her.
“Don’t cry, Tess. It’s okay. I understand, I do,” she said.
“Please don’t hate me, Evelyn. I need you to like me,” Tess whispered.
“Tess, I can’t hate you, or Dave. My son loves you,” Evelyn whispered in her ear.
Evelyn held Tess for a few minutes until she stopped sobbing. “Come on, let’s walk together.
They spent the next hour walking along the edge of the pond, right back to where it became a creek again. Together they sat on a fallen log in the shade of a big red gum tree and Tess told her all about her own childhood, her teenage years, and how she had met Dave. Tess described their apartment, and told her that much to their surprise Drew liked the city lifestyle, even if it was just for long weekends. Evelyn found Tess to be great company and a good conversationalist.
“Would you stay and have a sandwich for lunch with me?” asked Evelyn as the caravan came back into view.
“Yes, thank you, I’d like that,” said Tess.
They both went inside, washed their hands and started to prepare lunch. As they were making their meal they heard the motor of a quad bike approaching. Tess froze. It was Drew.
“Evelyn, can I go out and have a private word with Drew? It seems I have been a bit of a blabber mouth and I don’t know if I should have been,” Tess said.
“Yes dear, you take all the time you need, I will just wait in here,” she said in an understanding way.
Tess stepped out into the sunshine and saw that Drew was standing next to his machine, taking off his helmet.
“I saw your bike as I drove up. What made you come and visit Mum?” Drew asked as Tess approached him.
Tess walked straight to him, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him full on the lips.
Drew backed away and immediately looked to where he knew his mother was.
“Tess!” he whispered, “She’ll see us!”
Still with her arms around his waist Tess said, “Drew, it’s okay. I told her.”
“You told her what?” Drew asked.
“I’ve told her everything. You, me, Dave, us. She knows we are in love. She knows everything.”
“How? Why? It was my responsibility to tell them, Tess. How did she take it?” Drew asked.
“Drew, she is better than fine with it. She is so glad you are happy. She wants Dave and I to be part of her family. She just told me that. So long as you are happy and safe that’s all she is worried about,” Tess said solemnly.
“But why did you tell her?”
“I didn’t mean to. I didn’t come out here with that intention. We just started talking about you and once I started talking it all just spilled out,” Tess admitted to him.
“And she handled it alright, that you and I are together? That I’m bisexual? That Dave is involved with me?” Drew asked again, cautiously.
“Yes, Drew. She is okay with everything. Come on. Come in and see her. She wants to see you,” Tess said.
“This isn’t how I pictured this would be,” Drew said.
“I’m sorry I told her, Drew, I know it wasn’t my place to do that. Don’t be cross with me, please,” Tess said.
“How can I be mad at you, Tess? You have made it a lot easier for me,” said Drew, as he looked down at the lycra clad pixie in his arms. Tess looked up and stood on her toes and kissed him passionately on the lips again.
“Come on, she will be watching us and wondering what we’re talking about,” Tess said.
Evelyn watched from the rear window of the caravan as Tess approached Drew. She saw Tess place her arms around Drew and kiss him. She saw the fright her son showed as he looked towards the van. They talked, Tess still holding him until she kissed him again, and hand in hand they walked toward where she was spying on them.
Evelyn could see they were in love.
“Mum, are you there?” Drew called as they got closer to the van.
Evelyn straightened herself and stepped to the door. She stepped down to the ground.
Drew looked his mother in the eye. She smiled at him and extended her arms towards him.
“Andrew, I’m so happy for you. Tess, you come here too,” she said as she wrapped them both in her arms.
“Sorry, Mum, I should have told you and Dad earlier,” was all he could say. He was having a hard time trying to think of anything else.
Evelyn, Tess and Drew sat together and talked. They told her how they had been seeing each other and arranging their time. They told her of Tess’s plan to work from the farm so they wouldn’t be separated, and that this trial would be the start of their lives together. They ate lunch together and talked until Drew said he had to get back to work.
“Drew, would you like me to tell Dad?” Evelyn asked.
“Well, yes, Mum. Dad has always had a problem talking feelings with me. If you could break the news to him, I’ll talk to him later and try to get him to understand.”
“You may be surprised with his reaction, Andrew. He is more tolerant than you would think. He has been concerned for you for a long time. He likes Dave and adores Tess. He will be fine, I’m sure,” his mother said.
“Will you come for dinner tonight? Nothing flash, I put a casserole in the slow cooker before I came here. I’d like you to come and see how we really are together as a trio. That’s what we consider ourselves, a trio,” Drew asked her.
“Of course we will come,” Evelyn answered.
Drew got up to leave. He kissed his mother on the forehead. “Thank you, Mum.”
He kissed Tess, then gave her directions to the highway as she wanted to have a longer ride home. It would be ten miles if she continued on down the track to the highway and rode back to the driveway.
He mounted his quad and went in search of the other guys stripping the wheat.
Tess changed her shoes, put her back pack on, and embraced Evelyn. “It has been a big day so far, hasn’t it?” Tess said, “I’m glad you have been so good about this. We’ll see you this evening then. Come over anytime; I’ll be home in an hour, tops.”
It suddenly felt odd that Tess had just invited Evelyn and Henry over to the house whenever they were ready to come. It was their house not so long ago. It was their house until they had given it to Drew and his wife. Rightly or wrongly, Tess now felt it belonged to Drew and Dave and herself. Was she being presumptuous?
Evelyn kissed her cheek, “See you later, dear.”
Tess rode off down the track. Evelyn went and lay on her bed. She felt drained. It had been an emotional morning for her. She dozed off for a few minutes, but was woken when Henry opened the door and climbed the two steps into the van.
“Evee, are you alright?” Henry asked.
“Yes, I’m just a little tired. Could you come and sit with me a moment? I had a visit from Tess and Andrew this morning. They want me to tell you what’s going on. Just listen, please, don’t interrupt. It is good news.”
She then told him of Drew’s secret life. Henry, for his part, took the news well.
“I’m afraid I don’t know enough about male bisexual stuff to really form an opinion about Dave and Drew,” Evelyn admitted to her husband, “What do they do?”
“Well, Evelyn, I have seen some videos on the worldwide web when I’ve been up late at night. Yes, Evee – I look at porn sometimes. I can tell you, or you can watch some when we get home; what would you prefer?” he said to her.
“Goodness, I’m finding out a lot about my men today!” she said, “Tell me first. I may want to see for myself, I don’t know.”
Henry didn’t want to sound vulgar to his wife of forty-five years, but in the next five minutes he said words that he had never uttered to her before. He explained things as he best as he understood them. Anal sex, oral sex, double penetration and he even told her what a spit roast was. He told her that from what he had seen, bisexual men weren’t effeminate like most people’s perception of gay men, they were just ordinary men who enjoyed sex with other men as well as females. He had seen videos where the sex was aggressive and nasty. But, on the other hand, he had seen sex with three people involved where it was gentle and just as loving as any heterosexual couple could have.
Evelyn listened to her husband. She had no idea he had watched this type of material or had these opinions inside his head.
“Could we watch some of these movies together when we get home? I really want to understand this,” she asked him.
“Sure, Evee. Who knows, it might be fun for us too,” he said, with a wicked grin on his face.
Evelyn sat up and cuddled against him. Her husband had surprised her too. “Drew wants to talk to you about this. Can you be ready when he is, and open up to him please?” she asked.
“Of course I will talk to him. I want to talk with all of them. I like Tess and Dave. If this was going to happen to my son then they are the perfect couple for it to happen to him with.”
“They are expecting us for dinner tonight. We can go over any time, Tess will be home. The boys will be there when work finishes. She is a lovely girl. She rode her bike out here to see me. We talked for hours before Andrew came. I feel that she is like a daughter to me already. I need that,” Evelyn said, “Can we go over soon? I like being with her.”
“Yes, Evee, I’ll just have a swim instead of showering,” said Henry.
He slipped off the bed, stripped his clothes off, and started for the door.
“Care to join me in a skinny dip?” he said.
“You are joking, aren’t you? The water is freezing. What has gotten into you?”
“No, I’m not joking, I need to lighten up a bit that’s all,” was his answer as he left the privacy of the van.
Henry walked barefoot and naked the twenty meters to the pond. He felt fantastic. He had never in his sixty-eight years been naked outside. He was horny, and that didn’t happen a lot at his age either. Admitting to his wife that he watched porn and talking about sex with her had aroused him. He felt pretty good for an old codger.
He stepped into the water. It was cold. He stretched his hands over his head and launched himself into the pond with his legs.
Through the window, Evelyn watched her naked husband walk to the pond; she couldn’t help but giggle to herself. Henry waded out, then dived into the cold water.
She heard him bellow, “Fuuuck!” as he surfaced. She had never heard him use that word before, and it made her laugh out loud.
Tess rode on the track next to the fence. She didn’t ride on the highway. There were far too many trucks and speeding cars. It had turned into a hot day, with the temperature in the high thirties centigrade. She should have bought a drink with her. At last the gate and driveway to the farm came into view, and she turned right into it. She sprinted the final half a kilometer up the hill to the sheds trying to use all of her energy reserves.
She rode into the shed and dismounted. She leaned her bike on the wall next to Dave’s, then put her hands on her buttocks and arched her back to stretch. The final sprint had made her puff and she had perspiration on her forehead. She pulled her Lycra top off and rolled the top of her shorts down to just above her pubic area.
She walked across to the wide doorway and stood there in her bra. The shade and a nice breeze cooled her.
The sound of an engine alerted her. It was Dave in the truck. She watched him go past with a huge grin on his face. He turned the truck into the adjacent machinery shed and shut it down. He grabbed some papers off the dash and climbed down to the ground.
‘Look at her, she’s so sexy,” Dave thought as he passed her, ‘Not many woman can be sexy in cycling shorts and a sports bra.’
‘He looks so happy. He looks so macho. I never thought I’d see him so dirty and driving a truck,’ she thought, ‘He is loving this.’
Dave crossed to her. “Hi honey,” he said.
“What are you doing? I thought you had to work until late,” she responded.
“The silos have closed so Drew told me to come home and spend some time with you. He and Geoff – with Jackson’s help – can keep the header going. I heard you had been out for a ride,” he said.
“Yes, it turned out pretty warm though. I need a shower. I hope you’re going to join me,” she said.
Together they walked across the yard. The dog was no where to be found when Tess went over to let him off.
“The dog is with Drew on the tractor,” Dave told her.
They went inside and soaped each other up in the shower.
Not dressing, they went and lay naked on the king size bed. The windows were up and the blinds and curtains open to allow the breeze to sweep over the couple as they luxuriated together.
“Drew told you I was talking to his mother?” Tess asked quietly.
“Yes, he told me all about it. He was glad you told her for him. He said that you probably did a better job of it than he would have,” Dave answered, as he nuzzled her neck sexily.
“I’m glad Evelyn took it so well. I’d hate to think we were the cause of this family falling apart. They’ve had enough trauma,” Tess said quietly.
The fingers of her hand traced soft circles on the skin of his back as she thought of Drew, and the tragedy he suffered with Dianne.
Dave started to lay soft kisses on her neck and then progressed down onto her left breast and her firm, flat stomach.
She ran her fingers through his hair as his head went further down her body.
“Are we doing the right thing, Dave?” she asked softly.
Dave kissed his way softly down to her vulva. He blew his breath through pursed lips onto her clitoris.
“I think so, Tess. It feels right. I don’t want to go back. I know we could if we had to, but I don’t want to. I don’t even know if I want to go back to living in the city permanently. I do know I love you and I love him. And we are all here together.” Dave said softly as he looked up along her body.
Dave now placed his mouth over her clitoris and gently sucked on the soft firmness of her pubis. This caused her hips to rise a little and her back to arch. Tess’s hands went to the back of his head and she held him firmly against her clit.
He opened his mouth wider, and with his tongue out as far as he could manage he licked deep within her labia. He started near the opening to her vagina and stopped just short of the tip of her now-swollen clitoris. Again she pushed his head hard into her womanhood.
“Ah, Dave, that’s wonderful, don’t stop,” she whispered to him.
Dave repeated his move, going lower and stimulating her by passing his tongue over the opening of her vagina.
Tess sighed and again arched her back as her husband worked his magic on her.
The warm breeze was sweeping across her body. The farm sounds coming in through the windows, sheep bleating in the distance, cars speeding along the distant highway, bugs buzzing past the fly wire all were contributing to her current state of arousal.
Again she guided Dave’s head with her hands; she wanted his mouth on her clit now, and it was becoming urgent to her as an orgasm started to grow.
Dave sucked her clit like a tiny cock; she was bucking under him now, and her legs were crossed over his shoulders, pulling him into her.
Tess’s climax was not violent or overly strong. This climax was exactly what she needed. A soft, massaging orgasm that relieved the pressure that she had been feeling from her emotional morning.
With her hands she motioned Dave to come to her. She kissed this wonderful man as his face came level with hers.
“I don’t think I want to go back either,” she said.