The Queening

"A Chess Master learns how to Queen!"

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If someone had asked me four years ago, when I was a very active Chess Candidate Master, what Queening meant, I would have automatically said that it was when a pawn (lowest ranking chess piece) reached the eight rank of the board and is promoted to another chess piece, usually a Queen (highest ranking chess piece). It is a rare achievement in chess tournaments.

Ask me that question now and I would have a completely different answer to give – depending on who you were and your age, I would say something along the lines of ‘Queening is a sadomasochistic fetish, involving the use of the male face, mouth, nose and tongue, in sexually satisfying a dominant woman. It places the man in a slavish, subservient position, under the woman’s buttocks and crotch. She sits on his face, or has his head trapped between her thighs. The whole event is devoted to her pleasure, her orgasms, and her time schedule. The man’s pleasure or pain, satisfaction or frustration, desires or fears are of little importance, if any. The woman’s clitoris, vulva, labia and vagina demand service.’ I came by this knowledge in 2017, and for it, I am deeply grateful to Ian and his wife Maria.

2017 was a very good year for me on the Chess tournament circuit. In January I did very well at the Hastings International Chess Congress. From there I flew over to Wijk aan Zee in Holland and was among the prize winners in the Tata Steel Chess Tournament. After that came the FIDE Grand Prix in Sharjah in February. Once again I was among the prize winners. May saw me in Moscow for another FIDE Grand Prix and then in June, I was in Minsk for the European Championships. July saw me in Geneva for another FIDE Grand Prix and then I took a break until November, where I flew out to Palma de Mallorca for the last FIDE Grand Prix of the year. Though I never actually won any tournaments, the prize money I received gave me a bumper year financially.

It was during the break that I met Ian and Maria. To cut a long story short, I moved into a semi-detached farm cottage and became a neighbour of theirs. I had wanted to get out of the city for a long time. Not only had a relationship ended but I felt claustrophobic there. My finances were healthy, and I was able to sell up and move into the country. I wanted a rural life. I wanted greenery around me and peace and quiet. I was sick of concrete and noise. A friend warned me that I would miss sex in the city (not the television series!) but I was soon to discover that there is sex in the countryside too.

As the removal people arrived with my possessions, Maria introduced herself. She was pretty, slim and in her mid-thirties. She wore a thin woollen top that accentuated her breasts and denim jeans that hugged her shapely bottom and shapely legs. She gave me an erection, thinking about mating with her. That evening she insisted that I join them for dinner; she also called me over for breakfast next morning, and later that day they both helped with the unpacking.

It was when we came to unpacking the boxes with my chess paraphernalia that things changed. Ian saw my chess boards and told me that there was a chess club in the next village and that he was the team captain. He invited me to join. Maria laughed as she lifted a couple of trophies out of a box.

“Darling, I think you’re a bit out of your depth there,” she said. “Copenhagen Open 2015. Chicago Open 2014.”

Ian dropped what he was doing and rushed over to look at them. “Bloody hell, we have a Grandmaster with us,” he said.

“Not that good yet,” I corrected. “Just a Master.”

Maria smiled. “A Master, hey. I’ve always wanted a master!”

I smiled at her, knowing exactly where she was coming from. She helped me put away my trophies in the large wall cabinet, during which, she told me that she married Ian because he was clever. “Give me a man with brains, any day,” she told me, looking directly into my eyes, and giving me another erection. Maria glanced down, noticed it, and smiled. I knew from that moment that I would be fucking her soon.

How soon, I didn’t realize until she took me into the village to show me around and get some shopping. Pulling into the car park she turned to me and told me that she and Ian had an open marriage. “Ian… how shall I put it… is not a very big man,” she said looking at my groin.

“I see,” I croaked.

“But he’s a wonderful husband… apart from that.”

There were a few moments of awkward silence, then she spoke. “So, if you want to practice any mating… well…” she responded.

It had been a few weeks since I had sex last and my erection hurt in my trousers. Maria noticed it and her hand rested on my thigh. “Your move,” she said softly.

I looked around, not knowing what to say or do. “I usually send Ian off into the spare bedroom,” she told me. ”Unless you prefer your place?”

I cleared my throat. “Ian doesn’t mind?”

Her hand rose a little higher. She shook her head. “He gets off on it.”

“He gets off on someone else fucking you?”

“You’ve never heard of the term cuckold?”

“Yes of course. A wife cheating on her husband.”

“But this kind is consensual and it’s not cheating.”

“I see.”

“I’ve already told him that I will probably end up fucking you,” she informed. “That’s if you’re into women.”

“Oh, I’m definitely into women!”

“We have a lock on the bedroom door if you’re worried about privacy. Although he will never come in unless called.”

I sighed. All this was new to me.

“He will sometimes stand outside the door and listen though but that’s as far as it goes.”

“Well, you learn something new every day,” I told her.

“If it bothers you I can always come to your bed. I don’t mind.”

“What do you prefer?”

“I prefer to get fucked in my own bed,” she answered. “It’s a four-poster. Very romantic and you can draw the curtains around it.”

I smiled. “Sounds good.”

“So, that’s settled then,” she said as she leant over, kissed, and groped me. “Dinner, bed and breakfast.”

I was speechless.

“Oh, one more thing,” she said, “have you heard of queening?”

“Of course. I’m a chess player.”

She laughed. “No, I don’t mean pawn promotion.”

I was puzzled. “You’ve got me there,” I shrugged.

“I’ll explain later,” she told me as she got out of the car.

I followed her around the store like a puppy. Filling my own trolley with things I needed, while she did likewise. When we got to the pharmacy aisle she picked up a box of condoms. She smiled when she saw the expression on my face. “It’s okay, they’re not for you. They’re for Ian… not unless you want to use them as well?”

I shook my head as I felt another erection coming on. “Good,” she said quietly. “I personally, don’t like them. I prefer… well, you know. I’m sure that you’re not a sloppy seconds man either, are you?”

I smiled, still in a state of disbelief. I was not entirely unfamiliar with propositions – the Chess Circuit does have its followers, not on a level of the music industry, of course, but it does attract. I still had fond memories of Ksenia, a hotel receptionist in Minsk, who warmed and perfumed my bed every night of my stay there. She was a delightful fuck. However, Maria was something else and in a different league. This wasn’t some passing fling. She was my neighbour and not only that, but she also had a compliant husband.

After helping me put away my shopping, she kissed me. It was long and passionate, with our hands getting to know each other’s bodies through our clothing. After a while, Maria dropped to her knees and I just stood there helplessly as she unzipped my trousers and extracted my erection. I groaned as her lips folded around the tip of my cock. “Hmmm, you taste good,” she said with a smile. “And you are big too,” she added before getting to her feet. “Dinner will be at 7:30.”

I watched in amazement as she walked away.




I was on her doorstep at 7:15, with bottles of red and white wine in my hands. Maria opened the door and greeted me with a kiss and a grope, taking advantage of my inability to fend her off. She took me through to the kitchen where Ian was busy at the cooker. Wearing an apron and holding a large wooden spoon over a pan of soup he smiled and said hello. “It’s tomato and basil soup for starters and Chilli con Carne for dinner,” Maria told me, relieving me of the bottles of wine.

“Sounds good.”

“How long have we got, darling?” she asked Ian.

He told her ten minutes.

“I’ll take Richard upstairs and show him round,” she told him as she took my hand.

Ian smiled and it had me wondering what was it about cuckolds that made them want other men to fuck their wives. Maria took me straight up to the bedroom and closed the door behind her. I stood looking at the four-poster bed. It was imposing and yet inviting. “This will be our bed tonight,” she said putting her arm through mine. I felt my cock stiffening. Maria noticed and reached down. “I can ask Ian to hold dinner, if you want, until later?” she said giving me a squeeze.

I wanted to. I wanted to fuck her there and then, but I shook my head. “No, we’ll have dinner first,” I told her as my eye caught the contraption against the wall at the side of the bed.

“That’s a queening chair,” Maria informed as she guided me closer.

“It looks more like a commode.”

She laughed. “Yes, I suppose it does, but the seat is much too low for a commode.”

I realised it was as she stepped closer and sat down on it. I was still puzzled by it. “The space underneath is enough for someone to lie underneath it,” she said.

I began to picture it as she got up and took my arm. “Let me show you.” Maria guided me down onto the floor and onto my back. “That’s it. Push yourself all the way under it.”

The penny was beginning to drop as she guided one of my arms to the side of the chair. “For added effect, the arms are held by restraints,” she said as she began to fasten a leather cuff to my wrist.

Moments later both my arms were restrained. I looked up and all I could see was a large round hole and the ceiling beyond that. Suddenly Maria was blocking my view as she squatted over the seat to lower herself down. Moments later her swollen pussy lips were pressed against my face.

“You understand now, do you?” she asked as she began to grind her wet labia lips against my face.

I couldn’t speak but I could smell and taste as her foot rubbed against my bulge. I groaned and pushed my tongue inside her, eliciting a soft moan from her mouth. I could also feel her clitty against the bridge of my nose and I was taken back to my time with Ksenia in Minsk. She liked to face-sit me.

We spent a few minutes together until Ian tapped lightly on the bedroom door. “Dinner is about to start,” he shouted.

Maria cursed as she got up and released me. “What did you think of that?” she asked, as she kissed me.

“I loved it.”

“Most men do,” she replied, “but some men like it both before after.”

I was puzzled.

“Before the woman gets fucked and after she gets fucked.”


“Ian especially,” she informed after kissing me again.

“You mean after another… ?”

“Especially, after being fucked by another man!”

I smiled as her hand pressed against my bulge. “I am going to get him to do it before and after for us tonight. Would you like that?”

I nodded.

“Good,” she responded. “Queening before mating and after mating!”

I laughed. “That’s not allowed on the chessboard,” I told her. “Before, yes but not after.”

“On my chessboard, I make the rules,” she stated as she took my hand to lead me to dinner.





Maria sat next to me at dinner, while Ian sat at the end of the table. Her groping was out of view, but he knew it was going on. He left the room a few times and as he returned, she made a point of slowly pulling away from our kissing and moving her hand from my groin to my thigh. I was still puzzled by his attitude even though I was now relaxed about it.

After dinner, we remained at the dining table and talked. Then Ian asked if I would like a game of chess. I looked at Maria. “I think Richard would like to go to bed,” she said as she squeezed my thigh. “Maybe some other time.”

“Maybe we could play chess now,” I said, “but make it interesting.”

They both gave me their immediate attention. “If I beat you, Ian, I get to fuck Maria whenever I want. Not just tonight but any other time I want her – day or night, in fact. I will treat her as if she is my wife, Ian. Her body always available for my pleasure.”

I heard Maria gasp beside me. “If she wants me too, that is!”

“Oooooh, I like the sound of this,” she said.

Ian looked at me. I could see his hands shaking. “Do we have a deal, Ian?”

He opened his mouth to speak but the words didn’t come. “You do enjoy other men fucking your wife, don’t you, Ian?”

“Yes… but… “

“Ian prefers me to have intermittent dates, as opposed to regular ones with the same person,” Maria interrupted. “He’s afraid that the relationship might develop into something else.”

“I see,” I responded. “Well, I can understand that but with me living next door to you both, well… it will be like having sex on tap. I will want to drink from the well every day.”

He looked at us both again. “Well, if you can guarantee that the relationship will be just a sexual one and nothing else will happen… “

“Ian,” Maria cut in sharply, “When I let a man penetrate me he’s not just entering my vagina he’s entering my whole body, physically and emotionally. And when we share orgasms, it’s not just exchanging bodily fluids, it’s also sharing something very meaningful and beautiful. For men, it’s probably just a case of them giving a woman their dick but it’s a lot different for a woman. We give our all.”

I could see that Ian was shocked by her response. It wasn’t hard to see that Maria had probably ended some relationships reluctantly. “I’m sorry for my lack of understanding,” Ian told her.

Maria sighed. “That’s okay,” she said softly. “But next time I will only end the relationship if I want to, whoever it may be with. If the man wants to end it, then fine, but if he doesn’t and I like him… well who knows what may happen.”

Ian nodded. For a few moments, there was an awkward silence, then Maria spoke again. “So, is there going to be a game then?”

“If you want one?” Ian responded.

She turned to me. “Do you want to play chess for me as the prize?” she asked as her hand touched my thigh.

“Yes,” I told her. “Most certainly.”

She looked at Ian. “Well, you better get your board and pieces, hadn’t you?”

Ian left the room and Maria turned to me. “Mmmmm, I see you have a dominant streak in you!”

I smiled. “Only for the right woman.”

We kissed and began fondling. Ian came back into the room, and I withdrew my hand from under her skirt. Maria pulled her hand out of my trousers and zipped them back up. Our attention turned to the other side of the table where Ian was setting up the board. He had also brought a clock in with him and a chess notation pad. He tore a sheet off and offered it to me. I shook my head. “You don’t mind if I do, do you?”

I shook my head. “No, you go ahead.”

“We normally play thirty-five moves in seventy-five minutes and then fifteen minutes to finish – that okay with you?”

I nodded as Maria snuggled closer to me. Ian picked a piece from each colour and moved his hands behind his back. I watched his facial expression as he juggled them between each hand. Then he pushed out his clenched hands towards me. I tapped his left hand. It contained a white pawn. “You play white, Richard.”

He turned around the board and sat down before adjusting his brown pieces. I left mine as they were. A few moments of silence fell and then he looked up with his hand hovering over the clock. “Okay then?” he asked.

I nodded and he started the clock. I already knew what I was going to play. The normal openings for white are either d4 or e4; d4 being more passive. I wanted to get the game over with as quickly as possible and fuck Maria, so I played the aggressive e4. Ian took a few moments before responding with c5. I looked at him, c5 is usually the opening response for the Sicilian Dragon. I played Nf3 and he quickly responded with d6. The next eight moves followed the standard line for the Sicilian – 3. d4 cxd4, 4.Nxd4 Nf6, 5.Nc3 g6, 6.Be3 Bg7, 7. F3 0-0, 8. Qd2 Nc6.

I took my time with move nine, wondering just how much Ian knew about the Yugoslav attack. It is aggressive and considered the ultimate test of the Dragon, with white quickly castling and developing his pieces to attack black’s king. Maria’s hand was resting on my thigh, it was warm and close to my erection. I could recall the taste and smell from her face-sitting, I was eager to fuck her. I played 9.Bc4, continuing with the mainline for the Yugoslav attack.

Ian smiled. “The Yugoslav, hey!”

I returned his smile.

“I got slaughtered a couple of weeks ago with that and he only had an Elo rating of 1600. I guess yours is much higher?”

“2203,” I responded.

Ian smiled, overturned his king, and stretched out his hand. “Is that it?” Maria said.

“I’m only going to get slaughtered anyway, so I will let you two get off to bed.”

“You should study Carlsen’s games, Ian, he is considered the best at the Yugoslav now. Maybe I will teach you some lines to it sometime,” I told him.

“Yes, he’s untouchable at the moment isn’t he?” he said as he shared the last of the wine between our glasses.

“Nakamura has beaten him,” I said.

Maria had slipped her arm through mine. “Now, now guys. Enough of the chess talk,” she interrupted, holding my hand to emphasize our coupling.

I looked at Ian, wondering what was going through his mind. He had crumbled at the chessboard, not just losing our game but losing his wife in the process. “Are you ready for bed, Richard?” she asked quietly.

I turned and smiled at her. I had an erection – of course I was ready. She turned to Ian. “Richard has never seen proper queening before, darling, “she told him. “I thought we could give him a demonstration.”

He looked away.

“You would like to see my husband being queened wouldn’t you Richard?”

“I would love to.”

Maria released my arm and walked over to him and took his hand. “Shall we go then?”

I followed them to the bedroom. Maria turned on the bedside lights and turned off the main one before leading Ian to the chair. He knelt on the floor then turned onto his back and pulled himself under the chair. Maria then strapped his wrists to the restraints before unbuckling his belt. I watched as she humiliatingly stripped him from the waist down. He had an erection, but it was quite small. She held it and waved it from side to side as she looked up at me with a smile, before getting to her feet.

She stripped down to her stockings and suspenders quickly and then came and undressed me. She held my erection in her hand for a few moments while looking down at her husband lying there. Ian could not see but I knew that she was making me aware of my superiority in size. Maria then guided me to the chair by my erection. Both of us peered down at her husband looking up; his eyes fixed upon her hand around cock.

She gave him a few moments of pleasure staring up at her holding another man’s cock before she let go and sat down. Maria spread he legs and sat back so I could part of his face under her. “Come on Ian, get me ready for Richard’s cock. I haven’t had one as big as his before,” she told him as she took hold of me and guided me to her lips. I reached for the back of her head and pulled her gently forward.

This was bliss for me. I stood side on, my feet almost touching Ian’s arm. I looked down at him and could see his pre-cum running down the length of his cock. He too must have been in bliss, and so was Maria. She began to rock back and forth, moaning softly. My free hand found itself cupping her breasts and squeezing her nipples before moving down between her thighs. My fingers suddenly found themselves sharing Maria’s cunt with her husband’s tongue. Maria’s cries got louder.

She came quickly. The effect of two men busy pleasuring her cunt served its purpose and she suddenly got up. “Fuck me, Richard,” was all she said as she dragged me by the hand to the bed. With the curtains drawn around us, I fucked her hard and quickly while her husband lay nearby chained to a chair. Her legs rested on my shoulders, my hands dug into her bottom, and she screamed loudly as I pounded away at her. It didn’t last long but it wasn’t meant to. Our fast, hard, fucking had the desired effect. Maria orgasmed and I filled her with my seed. Moments later, we lay side by side in post-coital bliss.

For a few moments, I forgot all about Ian as I lay there with my arm around Maria’s warm nakedness, but she remembered. “I’ll get Ian to clean me up and then get rid of him,” she told me, as she reached down for my cock. It began to come back to life again. “We’ll have a nice long slow one this time.”

Maria swung her legs off the bed and pulled the curtain back so I could watch, and then walked across to the chair. “This is a present from Richard,” she said to him as she sat down. I could hear his slurping sounds as she ground into his face, and I could hear her taunts. “It’s so good having a big cock inside me,” she said. “I came so hard.”

I could see his cock twitching as she spoke. “I bet he tastes good, doesn’t he, darling?” she said. “You’re going to be getting lots and lots of his cum over this next while, darling.”

I found myself holding my erection, listening to her, but I resisted the temptation to masturbate. Instead, I lay and watched the spectacle of a husband being queened by his wife after another man had fucked her. Followed by her getting up, picking up her panties and kneeling by her husband’s side, before wrapping them around his cock and masturbating him. It was a supreme lesson in humiliation and control.

I had seen many skilful chess demonstrations and learned many things over the years, but Maria’s queening lesson surpassed all that gone before it!


Published 4 years ago

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