The Quartet

"A group of old friends turns into a cluster of amateur lovers seeking experience."

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It was early in 1985. Ronald Regan has just been sworn in for his second term as President. The hottest movie in town was Beverly Hills Cop, starring Eddie Murphy. Families sat around the television to watch shows like Dallas, Dynasty, Cheers, and The Cosby Show. Home computers were rare and simplistic. New cars tended to be smaller, and imports from Japan hurt the American auto manufacturing effort. The 1984 Olympics ended in Los Angeles, and American women were still drooling over diver Greg Louganis.

Our story opens in a high school cafeteria on the Gulf Coast of Florida. In late February, the weather was already warm and getting warmer. Kids in public schools weren’t allowed to wear shorts, but the restrictions on girls wearing pants or jeans had ended. Of course, there were no cell phones.

Sitting around their customary table was the group called ‘The Quartet.’ The set consisted of Charles Farrington III (the unofficial leader), Lincoln Hardcastle, Margaret Townsend, and Katherine Moffett. School students called them the quartet because they were always together. They thought of themselves as The Quartet because they sang together. The singers met on their first day in Chorus class. Now, they were Seniors and a tight-knit group.

There was nothing exceptional about their looks. At best, the four of them were average. You couldn’t call the girls pretty, while the boys were far from handsome. They were… ordinary. Their brains set them apart from the rest of the student body. Charles would be the graduating class valedictorian. Katherine would easily be second to Charles. No one else was close to them. Lincoln was the unofficial school wiz in Math, having taken every math class offered and never making a grade below ‘A.’ He was a finalist in a national math contest. Margaret was Lincoln’s equal in the Science department. She was easily the best science student in the school. And, of course, they had all taken different languages which they spoke fluently.

But their passion was music. Shortly after school began in 1981, the chorus teacher recognized their talent and assembled them as a singing group. They gelled immediately and started entering high school competitions. Charles sang bass, Lincoln tenor, Margaret sang alto, and Katherine was a soprano. Every time they sang in competition, the chorus teacher puffed out his chest and congratulated himself on being wise enough to discover their talent.

Today, as they sat around their table finishing lunch, Charles called them to order. “I have something I want to discuss today. Do you all have time to hear what I have to say?”

Lincoln grinned and looked at his watch. “Well, I was going to the gym to work out with the basketball team, but I guess that can wait.”

Charles glared at Link, who frowned and said, “Or not.”

He began, “I’ve been thinking about things seriously for several days now and have come to some conclusions I want to discuss.” He looked around the table to see he had his friend’s attention.

“Except for when we sing, we are social outcasts. We don’t look like the other students. We don’t dress like them or talk like them. To my knowledge, the only one of us who has ever had a date is Lincoln when he attended last year’s prom with his sister.”

Katherine asked, “Do you have a plan to change our situation?”

“I have come up with some things that I believe will help,” he answered. Charles pulled a paper from his pocket and opened it. “First, I think we need to have more friendly names. For example, my name is Charles Benedict Farrington III. How could a name be stiffer than that? I’m going to suggest you now refer to me from now on as Charlie.”

“Do you have a name for me?” Lincoln asked.

“I do,” Charlie said with a nod. “I think you should become Linc. We don’t have to change our names; just go with a shorter, friendlier version.”

“What about me?” Margaret asked.

“I’m going to suggest Maggie. It’s not any shorter, but it comes across as more light-hearted.

“Oh, I like that,” Margaret said with a smile.

When he looked at Katherine, she frowned at him. “I don’t disagree with your assessment of the situation, but I’ll choose my own name. My grandmother has always called me Kate, and I’ve always liked it. My new name will be Kate.”

“Excellent,” Charlie said, knowing he had won the first round with the group. “Now, we need to start using those names around other kids. Let them hear us using nicknames. Many of them are afraid to be around ‘straight-A’ students. We have a superiority that makes them uncomfortable.”

“Changing names can’t be all your suggestion,” Kate said.

“Correct. We need to adjust our clothing to be more like theirs. Linc and I wear trousers and leather shoes. Most of the Senior boys are wearing jeans and tennis shoes. I suggest that we dress down to their level.”

“To be honest,” Charlie admitted, “My stepmother always buys me fashionable clothes, but I just put them in the closet. Last week she got me a Members Only jacket. I initially rejected it, but I know that brand is very ‘In’ now.”

“What about us?” Maggie asked.

“Your female classmates are mostly wearing jeans. I prefer the skirts you two wear, but they’re not very popular. Some of the girls in school are showing off some fine rear ends. Maybe you should try it.” Charlie could see that this topic was making Kate anxious.

“What’s next?” Linc asked, wanting to change the subject.

“I guess I’d call it sex,” Charlie replied. “Since we haven’t done any dating, I’m guessing that none of us know anything about kissing. We need to develop some degree of familiarization with the topic before we can be conversant with it.”

Linc chuckled. “I’ll bet the boys at that table wouldn’t even understand the words that you just spoke.”

“How do you propose that we learn about this topic? Kate scoffed.

Charlie lowered his voice. “By kissing each other. We are two and two. We pair off and kiss. It’s no different than running a scientific experiment. We do it until we are comfortable and confident in our abilities. It’s something that people all over the world do daily. I would suggest it can’t be too difficult. When we have our first occasion to kiss someone, we don’t want to come across as total goobers.”

“Let’s say I buy your suggestion,” Kate said. “Where would we do this scientific experiment? Surely not here at school.”

Charlie was feeling good at this point. He had anticipated the question and had an answer. “Linc lives just two blocks from the school. His parents work and don’t get home on school days before 6:00. I propose we go to his house and practice there.”

Linc tapped on the table. “That would work. What do you think, Maggie?”

“I’d be happy to try it,” she answered with a grin. “I’m closer to you two guys than any other male I know. I think it might be fun. And, I agree we need some experience.”

Charlie studied Kate’s face. She was considering the idea but was still deciding.

“Would we be in the same room while experimenting?” she asked.

“Whichever way makes you more comfortable,” Charlie said. “There aren’t any rules. We can do anything we want. The idea is to gain some working knowledge so that when we are in the situation, we’ll know what to do and how to react.”

Kate’s response came quickly. “When do you propose we begin?”

Charlie looked at Linc. “How about today?”

“The sooner, the better,” Linc laughed. “Tempus fugit. Or as John Wayne would say, ‘We’re burnin’ daylight.'”

After school that afternoon, Charlie took the group in his car to Linc’s home. They entered the house through the kitchen door and stopped in the family room.

The four stood staring at each other for a long minute before Linc asked, “How do we start?”

“I hadn’t worked that far ahead,” Charlie said, scratching his head.

Maggie reached out to take Linc’s hand. “Come on, Linc. Take me to your bedroom, and we’ll leave these two here. We can get in a little practice and switch partners later.”

Linc didn’t hesitate. He pulled Maggie behind him into his bedroom.

Charlie turned to face Kate. “Now what?”

Kate slowly moved to Charlie, put her hands on his cheeks, and pulled him into a soft, tender kiss.

After a bit, Charlie moved away from her with a smile. “I think I like kissing.”

“Me too,” Kate said, pulling him back for another kiss. This one lasted longer and managed to get his blood pressure up. Again, he pulled away, saying, “That’s nice.”

“Then let’s try it again. I think we’re getting the hang of it.”

This time, Kate put her arms around Charlie’s neck and held him tightly. After a few seconds, she slipped her tongue between his lips and pressed her chest against his.

Suddenly, a bonfire broke out between them. Their passion exploded with pent-up lust. Charlie put his hands on Kate’s ass cheeks, pulling her tightly against him, allowing her to feel his hard cock through his trousers. It was the most exciting thing she had ever felt and filled her with a boldness she had never known.

Kate stepped back, taking his hands and pressing them to her breasts. She saw the shocked look on his face but knew she wanted more. Pulling her shirt off over her head, Kate dropped it on the floor before unhooking her bra and dropping it. She looked into his eyes and saw a look of astonishment.

“Kate, those are amazing,” he muttered.

“They’re too big.”

“No, not at all. They’re beautiful.”

“Show me you like them. Kiss them.”

Like being pulled by a magnet, Charlie’s mouth flew to a nipple. He kissed, licked, and sucked on it until Kate moaned.

He looked up. “Did I hurt you?”

“No,” she whispered and smiled. “My nipples are very sensitive. I once had an orgasm just by playing with them.” She grinned. “Give me more.”

Charlie returned to it, moving his mouth from one to the other.

Kate’s head was spinning from the pleasure he was giving her. She put her hand behind his head and pulled him tighter to her breast.

Without really thinking about what he was doing, Charlie put one of his hands on her thigh, moving it up to touch her soft cotton panties.

When he pressed against her pussy, Kate gasped and whispered, “Yes, Charlie. Yes!”

Now encouraged, he began moving his fingers back and forth through the wet spot. Kate responded by unzipping her skirt and letting it fall to the floor. “Take my panties off,” she directed. “I want to feel your fingers inside me.”

After getting her naked, Charlie returned to torturing her breasts with kisses and soft bites. His finger slipped into her dripping wet hole, and she gasped again. Kate was almost giddy with the flood of feelings he was giving her. She pulled his head up, kissing him with great passion while he continued to finger her.

Kate almost screamed when her first orgasm washed over her. The muscles in her legs shook, and her arms locked around his neck. When Kate could focus her eyes on Charlie, she issued another order, “Get your clothes off.” She supported herself on a chair while she watched him disrobe.

Charlie was somewhat hesitant. The only time anyone had seen him naked was in the showers at school. But seeing Kate naked and panting, he knew he wanted more of whatever came next.

When he stood naked in front of her, Kate’s eyes fixed on his stiff cock. It felt large when pressed against her, but now it looked amazing. His rod was stiff and pointing at her. She moved slowly until she could wrap her hand around it and was amazed by its heat and stiffness. Kate stroked it and looked into his eyes. “Are we going to have sex now, Charlie?”

“Is that what you want, Kate?”

“More than anything,” she whispered and kissed him without releasing his stiff cock.

Charlie looked around the room, seemingly confused about what to do.

“Sit on the couch,” she told him.

Once he was seated, Kate straddled his legs, placing her virgin pussy directly over his virgin cock. “I am officially giving you my virginity,” she whispered as she lowered herself onto his cock.

“And you are taking mine.” Charlie was amazed at the heat of her pussy and how wet it was.

Kate continued to glide slowly downward until she had taken all of him. She closed her eyes and marveled at how full she felt. After a moment of being still, Kate began to move up and down on his shaft. “Hold my tits,” she begged. When he did, she began to move faster. Kate groaned and opened her eyes. “Oh, my God, Charlie, this is so good.”

Charlie was still shocked this was happening. He was holding two glorious breasts in his hands, and his cock was hidden in a magnificently tight, wet pussy. Charlie had never dreamed this would happen. He was still surprised it was happening with Kate. They had been close friends for four years, but he had never considered she would be willing to have sex with him.

“Twist my nipples, Charlie,” Kate growled. “I’m gonna cum, Charlie. Oh, sweet Jesus! I’m gonna cum!”

This time, her orgasm left him covered with her hot fluids. Kate’s entire body shook as she held him tightly. When she stopped trembling, Kate asked, “Have you cum yet?”

“No, but I’m pretty close.”

“Don’t cum inside me, Charlie. I’m not ready to get pregnant.” She lifted off his hard, wet dick and knelt between his knees. Wrapping her fingers around his shaft, Kate began to stroke it, her eyes glued to the tip. She tightened her grip and moved her hand more quickly. “I want to see you cum, Charlie,” she whispered.

Charlie had been masturbating for years, but he had never had someone do it for him. This was incredible, and he was about to blow. “Yes!” he said and released his load. It shot up in the air, coming down on Kate’s hand and his belly. She kept jerking, and he continued shooting hot streams of semen.

When he stopped, Kate lifted her hand to her mouth to lick his cum. “I like it,” she said with a smile and licked more. She wrapped his still-hard cock with her breasts. “Did you enjoy that, Charlie?”

“Are you kidding?” he responded. “It was fantastic, but I didn’t think we’d go this far.”

“Once you touched my breasts, I knew we were going all the way. Do you really like them?”

“Of course I do. I can’t believe you’ve been hiding those wonderful globes. If you showed them off, every boy in school would be after you.”

“I don’t want every boy,” she said seriously. “I just want you. I’ve been in love with you since the day we met. I’ve always wanted you.”

“Did you know we would have sex today?”

“No,” she said with a blush. “But I had an agreement with Maggie that when we got here, I would get you. She’s always had a bit of a crush with Linc anyway.”

His cock was beginning to soften. When Kate saw it, she leaned forward and took the head in her mouth. Now it was Charlie’s turn to gasp.

She looked up at him and asked, “Do you not want me to do this?”

“I love it,” he whispered. “I was just surprised.”

Kate put it back in her mouth but kept her eyes on his. When it began to harden again, she began to fuck him with her mouth.

Kate continued until Charlie said, “You need to stop. I’m close again.”

“I want it,” she told him and continued.

“Oh, fuck!” he groaned as he began filling her mouth with his spunk.

When he was finished, Kate let him see her swallow and grin. “I liked that. Did you?”

“It was incredible.”

“Will you let me do it again?” she asked.

“Not more than ten times a day,” he said with a grin, and Kate giggled.

“Maybe we should check on our friends,” she suggested.

“They’re being very quiet,” Charlie said as he helped Kate up off her knees. “Maybe they didn’t enjoy kissing.”

Still naked, Kate and Charlie walked to Linc’s bedroom. The door was open. They were both shocked to see their friends naked on his bed and madly fucking. Linc was on top of Maggie, pounding her with long, deep strokes. Maggie had locked her heels around his thighs, encouraging Linc by saying, “Yes, yes, yes!”

They stood there watching for a full minute before Linc pulled out and shot his load of cum all over Maggie’s chest. Linc growled as he covered her with his spunk.

Linc was still holding his cock in his hand when Kate and Charlie walked up beside them.

“That was quite a show,” Kate said, drawing their attention to her.

“This guy is amazing,” Maggie said without the slightest bit of embarrassment.

Kate ran her fingers through the semen on Maggie’s chest and put it in her friend’s mouth. “Have you tasted it?” she asked. “I found it quite delicious.”

Maggie sucked her friend’s finger and grinned. “Yes, it is.”

The four of them shared stupid grins as they realized they had just all had sex for the first time and found it thrilling.

Maggie smiled and held out her hand to Kate. “You should ride Linc’s dick. It’s amazing.”

Kate kissed her friend’s hand. “I think I’ll stick with Charlie. He got me off twice, leaving me feeling drained but wonderful.”

Charlie looked at his watch before asking Linc, “How long do we have before your mother gets home?”

“We’re safe,” Linc replied. “She won’t be here for another forty-five minutes. We could go one more time.”

Charlie grinned at his friends. “This wasn’t in my plan for today, but I’m so happy we reached this conclusion. I want to suggest that we get dressed and avoid the possibility of being caught naked.” He looked at Kate and Maggie. “I’d like to continue seeing you both naked forever. But I’d like to avoid any problems with adults.”

Kate turned and hugged Charlie. “This was the best day of my life. When can we do it again?”

Charlie thought for a minute before smiling. “We should have a quartet rehearsal at my house on Saturday. My parents are going sailing with some friends. There will be no one at my house all day. How does that sound?”

Each of them had been to Charlie’s home. His father was a wealthy and successful lawyer. Their home was just off the beach with a large pool and gulf view.

“Are you still living in the apartment above the garage?” Linc asked.

“Yep,” he said with a grin. “My stepmother likes me being outside the main house. She likes to make a lot of noise when she has sex with my father. She prefers that I’m not close enough to hear.”

“What’s good for her is good for us,” Linc smiled. “We can make our own noises and not worry about them.”

That night at dinner, Charlie’s stepmother casually asked, “Do you have any plans for tomorrow, Charles? Your father and I are going sailing with the Wilsons.”

Charlie tried not to smile. “The quartet is coming over in the afternoon to practice a piece we expect to sing for graduation. We’ll be in my apartment.”

“That’s great, son,” his father said. “Your group is just the best. I hope you can stay together next year.”

Cutting the steak their cook had prepared, Charlie replied, “We haven’t decided where we’ll be going to school next year, but I hope we can stay together.”

As Charlie finished his meal, his mind was on the possibilities of tomorrow with his friends in his apartment.

At 10:00 the following morning, Linc showed up. “Is there anything we need to do to prepare for the girls?”

“I don’t think so, Linc. I want to have pizza delivered when it’s time to eat. I’ve got my little fridge stocked with soft drinks and borrowed a bottle of rum from my Dad’s liquor cabinet.”

“You going to try to get the girls drunk?”

“I don’t think we need to get them dizzy to get into their pants, buddy. After our session at your house, they’ll wiggle out of their clothes on their own.”

They heard footsteps on the stairs. When he opened the door, he was greeted by Maggie and Kate’s smiling faces.

“We were just about to get undressed to give you a proper welcome,” Charlie said with a laugh.

Kate put her arms around Charlie’s middle and hugged him. “Now that we’re here, we can get undressed together.

Once they were inside, Charlie asked if anyone needed something to drink.

“I don’t think so, Charlie,” Maggie offered. “I just want to get Linc’s clothes off and see what new things he can teach me today.”

“I did some reading last night and think I’ve got some good ideas for today,” Linc said as he pulled Maggie’s shirt over her head.

Charlie took Kate’s hand. “You guys get the couch today. Kate and I will be in the bed. I’m sorry, but there isn’t any privacy. It’s just one big room, but I doubt you care.”

“No,” Maggie said while wrapping her arms around Linc. “I just want to get naked with my guy.”

“That’s good for me,” Charlie said, pulling Kate to his bed. Once there, he pulled her into an embrace and a long kiss.

When the kiss broke, Kate whispered, “Last night, I got myself off three times thinking about what we did at Linc’s house. I now understand the word ‘horny,’ and I can’t wait to have you inside me.”

If Charlie thought his cock was stiff before, he had a new definition right now.

Kate’s hand covered his member and squeezed. “I want this, Charlie. Oh, how I want it.” She pulled off his polo and yanked down his shorts. Kate dropped to her knees and took his stiff cock in her mouth. She groaned with it on her tongue, sending shock ways through his body.

Charlie opened his eyes and looked toward the couch. He saw Maggie was naked and climbing on top of Linc. She sat down on his stiff cock and began bouncing.

“This is about to get crazy,” he mumbled before pulling Kate to her feet. “I love what you’re doing,” he whispered, “But I want you naked. I want your nipples in my mouth and my fingers in your pussy.”

In a matter of seconds, Kate was naked and lying on her back on Charlie’s bed. She held out her hands. “Come and get me,” she told him.

Charlie lay down beside her, sucking one of her nipples into his mouth. He remembered how excited she got the last time when he gave his attention to her tits. Almost immediately, Kate began to react to his work on her nipples. Within seconds she was grinding her pussy against him and begging to be fingered.

The action on the couch was almost identical to what Charlie and Kate were enjoying. Maggie was borderline hysterical and begging for more.

It was an hour and a half before the over-the-top antics ended. All four of the players were exhausted and almost unable to move. The room reeked of sex, and for the first time since the girls walked into Charlie’s apartment, there were no hard cocks.

“I think we need a rest,” Charlie told Kate.

Kate’s response was, “I’m hungry.”

Linc pulled Maggie close. “I’d love to do this fifty more times. But not right now.”

Maggie replied, “I’ll take fifty and fifty more, but after a rest.”

Charlie said, “I’ll order pizza, and we can go to the pool to cool off.”

“I don’t have a swimsuit,” Kate whined.

Charlie just looked at his luscious bedmate. “Honestly, Kate. You’ll be in my pool. Why would you need a swimsuit?”

Kate blushed. “I guess I don’t.” She thought about it briefly before saying, “I’ve never skinny-dipped. This should be exciting.”

Charlie pulled her naked body next to him. “When this day ends, you’ll have done many things you’ve never thought about.”

Kate snuggled close to Charlie and wrapped her fingers around his now soft cock. “I’m ready for anything and everything, Charlie. You lead, and I’ll follow. I am your slut to command.”

Charlie kissed her and said, “There is much more to learn, Kate. So much more.”

Edited by ChrisM

Published 9 months ago

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