The Public Art Exhibition – Part Seven.

"A very awkward moment for Sue as Sally discovers her new fetish."

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Chapter Ten.

I swore as I pulled in. I reached for my shirt and slipped it on awkwardly. I had my pants in my hand and stepped out of the car to put them on as fast as I could. I bent over and hitched them up as fast as I could. I was just straightening up when Sally walked through the door into the garage. Our eyes locked and I know she saw the panic in mine as clearly as I saw the confusion in hers. I was fumbling with the button on my pants, my breasts still swinging freely between the open halves of my shirt. I got the button to catch and was trying to pull the shirt together as fast as I could but there was no hiding what had been going on.

“Ahh, hi, Mum. Are you right there?”

Sally had a quizzical look on her face that looked as though it was about to crack into laughter. I swear my face must have been neon red at this point. I sighed, looked down at my dishevelled state and just shook my head. I began to laugh at the absurdity of the whole situation. Here I was, a full-grown woman running around like a sneaky teenager and getting caught. Meanwhile, my daughter was the one acting more mature than me despite her obvious desire to laugh. I looked up at her, still giggling and shrugged my shoulders.

“Well, this is awkward. Talk about sprung.”

Sally released the laugh that had been threatening.

“Sprung bad, Mum. What were you doing?”

“Just… Look, let me get inside and a bit more comfortable and I’ll tell you about it. Just don’t judge your mum too harshly, okay?”

She giggled again.

“Were you driving starkers, Mum?”

“Sally, please.”

She put her hands up as though saying okay, have it your way. She stepped back to let me go through the door but as I did she smacked my butt on the way through as though I was a misbehaving child.

“Naughty girl.”

She couldn’t contain another giggle as I leapt in surprise.

“I’ll put the kettle on while you go get changed, Mum. I thought maybe we could go out for lunch then come back and go through this together.”

She held up the USB stick. I nodded, unable to say anything due to an intense embarrassment and the shock that the tingling from Sally’s spanking had intensified the tingling I was already feeling in my pussy. I went upstairs as fast as I could. I shut the bedroom door and my clothes virtually fell off. I was once again naked and it felt right again. I turned and looked back over my shoulder at the mirror and saw a large red handprint on my bare ass. It sent another shiver through me. Seconds later my fingers had parted the lips of my pussy and were attacking my clit. It only took seconds, as I had been close for the last ten minutes, for my orgasm to wash over me.

I stood there for a moment, my hand still in my crotch and my legs shaking slightly. I was once again in a position of questioning my sanity. What was I thinking? Sally was in the house and if I made any noises she would probably have heard. Hell, just from my behaviour alone she probably knew what I was up to. I was slightly ashamed of myself for my complete lack of self-control these days.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not ashamed of masturbating or having sexual desires. It was something I was always fairly open about with Sally because I didn’t want her to grow up with the same hang-ups that the majority of my generation grew up with. It is perfectly natural and normal. Sally’s natural inquisitiveness led to several conversations about it as a teenager. I made sure to let her know how I felt about it but also that there were societal limits she would face as well. It turns out, that pushing the boundaries of those limits and taboos was the very thing that turned me on the most these days.

I went into the bathroom and washed my hands then splashed some water on my face. I then went back to my room and picked out a summer dress that would allow me to cover up with the least amount of thick material possible and still stay cool on the warming day.

I went downstairs to the kitchen where Sally was waiting for me with my cup of tea. She was smiling at me but not in a condescending way.

“Feel better?”

I blushed again. She could have been talking about the change of clothes but in my heart, I knew that she knew what I had just done. Time to live up to your own advice, Sue.

“Much better thank you.”

“Good. Now, do you have a preference for lunch?”

“There’s a nice bakery in town now. How about we get something from there and go sit on the picnic grounds at the lake?”

“That sounds nice. Have your cuppa first though, you look like you need it.”

We sat and had our drinks then headed back out into the warmth. We went in Sally’s car and after going to the bakery we headed to the lake. The picnic area was on a different part of the lake from where I had been parking after work. There was a lot more shade from the gum trees here and the cool breeze coming off the water was lovely. There were several families there with the same idea of a picnic in the park but the tables were all spaced well apart so having a personal conversation without fear of eavesdroppers was relatively easy.

We sat and ate in relative quiet, only commenting on the changes in town, the weather and other inconsequential matters until we finished eating. There was a pause in the conversation, one of those long silences that told you something awkward was coming. I looked at Sally and could see by the worry lines on her forehead that she was contemplating something that she wasn’t sure how to approach. It was unusual for Sally to not just blurt out whatever she wanted to know and I was fairly sure I knew why. I decided to make it easier for her.

“What is it that you want to know, Sally? Just ask me.”

She looked at me sheepishly.

“It’s weird when you read my mind like that, Mum.”

I chuckled.

“It’s not mind-reading, Sally. It’s written all over your face. You’re worried about me.”

“Well, yeah, I am a little. What were you doing this morning, Mum?”

I took a deep breath. Here goes everything.

“Well, I have had some changes going on in me lately. I don’t know why really but it has changed the way I think about some things and the way I feel about some things. I have started experimenting a little bit with things that, well, let’s just say they are things that…”

“Just say it, Mum. We’re both adults.”

“Okay, I have been finding out about some things that arouse me.”

I knew I was blushing furiously so I stumbled on.

“I kind of like being naked, you know. A lot actually. The chance of someone seeing me or catching me naked where I shouldn’t be is really exciting. I had been for a walk and I decided to drive home naked. I had no idea you would be home early.”

There was a long pause as Sally took in what I was saying.

“Wow, Mum.”

“I’m sorry if this is weird or embarrassing for you, Sally.”

“No, it’s not that. Not at all. It’s just, well, I’m kind of impressed and I get it because. I have to admit, that sort of thing gets me excited too, I just never thought you would be into that sort of thing.”

I was suddenly intrigued. Sally was into that too? I had so many questions but I wasn’t sure whether I could ask them.

“You’re genuinely not weirded out by this?”

“God, no, Mum.”

“Have you ever done that?”

The question was out before I could stop it. I blushed and almost immediately took it back.

“Shit. Sorry, Sally, that’s none of my business.”

Sally just laughed.

“I don’t mind, Mum, but no I have never driven around naked. I have to admit though, that I am more than a little intrigued by the idea. Was it as scary as I think it would be?”

“Well, yeah but that’s kind of the point. I mean it is for me anyway. That risk of being seen is very exciting.”

We were both silent for a few moments. I watched her carefully as she processed the fact that her mother had become an exhibitionist. I could see the questions circling her mind and wanted to know what they were, but I didn’t want to push the issue with her at all.

“So, have you? Been seen that is.”

“I’m not really sure. I think maybe I was once but I don’t know how much he saw. I drove off in a bit of a hurry.”

“So you were parked at the time.”


My mind went back to the jogger just on the other side of the lake from where we were having this conversation. Then it skipped to the fantasy part where he stroked his cock for me and my pussy was all tingly again. I knew my nipples had hardened again and I caught Sally noticing too before she looked away.

“Were you… umm. Were you doing more than just sitting in the car?”

“Mmm. Yes well, I was pretty excited.”

Sally was squirming now. I wasn’t sure if she was imagining me masturbating naked in the car or if she had put herself in my position. Either way, she was clearly becoming a little excited herself.

“And was this before or after the cube?”

“It was after but it was around that time that things began to change for me.”

Sally nodded as though understanding something I hadn’t mentioned.

“The dress.”

I laughed as I remembered the dress from that day. God, I had felt so sexy in that dress.

“The dress was part of it.”

“Was that when you stopped wearing bras?”

She nodded in the direction of my breasts. I looked down and saw my nipples pushing against the thin material of my summer dress.

“Is it that obvious?”

It was Sally’s turn to laugh.

“Ah, yeah it is, Mum.”

“Yeah, it was about then that I stopped wearing underwear.”

Sally’s eyebrows raised dramatically.

“All underwear?”

I nodded.

“Pretty much.”

“Wow, Mum.”

She looked kind of impressed. There was another long pause as she thought about all I had said. She decided to move on from there though.

“I think we should probably get going. We’ve got a lot of footage to get through.”

Sally paid a lot of attention to me as I stood up, as though she really saw me as a woman for the first time and not just her Mum. I looked at her inquisitively and she gave me a big smile. It was a genuine smile and not forced at all which made me feel better about the conversation than anything could have.

The drive home was mostly in silence as we were each deep in thought. When we pulled up in the driveway I got out of the car and headed for the door. I was about to open it when Sally tapped me on the shoulder.


I turned to face her and Sally gave me a great big hug. It was unexpected and really lovely.

“Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine, Mum. I’m just really proud of you for, well, you know, exploring your world and I just want you to know that it’s okay with me.”

“Oh, well. Okay. Thanks.”

I wasn’t sure why she felt she needed to tell me that she was okay with it. I mean, we were both adults and I wasn’t about to stop being myself but it still felt nice to have her understanding.

“No, I mean if walking around the house naked is something you do now, then that’s okay with me. You don’t have to not do it because I’m here.”

She was blushing madly. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to be supportive of me or if she genuinely wanted me to do it. Either way, I didn’t think it was something that I would be doing just yet anyway.

“Oh, well, thanks honey but I won’t put you through that trauma.”

We both giggled as we walked inside.

We put some things from the picnic in the fridge and I got us a cold bottle of wine. I held it up for her to see. 

“I bought this to celebrate with you as we go through the video.” 

Sally grinned and went to the cupboard to get some wine glasses. She put them on the bench and then looked at me thoughtfully.

“Here, Mum. Go start up the computer and put this in. I’ll be back in a minute, just going to get into something a bit cooler myself.”

I took the USB stick from her, gathered the glasses and bottle together and headed into what had always been the spare bedroom for guests but spent more time being my office space. I got everything running then got an extra chair from the kitchen. I had just sat in my chair when I heard Sally approach. I swivelled in my chair and was taken by surprise at What Sally was wearing. She too had put a summer dress on, although hers only came down to mid-thigh, whereas mine was full length. She had also decided to not wear a bra. Sally had quite a bit more going on than me in the chest department but she still had that firmness of youth. Her breasts swayed with each step and her large nipples were plain to see through the light-coloured material. The result was somewhat hypnotic and I watched them sway to and fro as she walked into the room.

“You’re right, Mum. It does feel quite liberating and it is cooler without underwear.”

That’s funny, why was I feeling so much warmer all of a sudden?

She looked down at her breasts, took them in her hands and hefted them, as though feeling their weight.

“Although I doubt I could get away with walking around town like this.”

She moved over to the seat next to me and sat down.

“Now, let’s have a look at this.”

“Hmm? Oh right. Yes, let’s”

I tried to concentrate on what was happening but for the most part, I was stuck on the thought that Sally was sitting right next to me and just like me she was wearing no underwear. Then she got my attention.

“What’s this?”

I looked back at the screen and there were multiple folders. They were marked.

Subj. 1., subj. 2. and so on.

“Just open the first one and see.”

She clicked on the file marked Subj. 1. and it opened to another two folders, marked A and B. She clicked on A and found a video file. She pressed play and it showed the cube being wheeled out into the mall. It didn’t take long to work out that it was Luke’s file and we settled back to watch the show. Initially, there wasn’t much happening and soon Sally was leaning forward to scroll the mouse further along the video track. I glanced at her and was amazed at just how much cleavage she was showing as she leaned forward. Had the top button just popped open or had she opened it herself?

“That’s better.”

I tore my eyes away from her jiggling breasts and back to the screen. It was an incredible view of the first of the dancing girls. Good god, Luke had an excellent view from in the cube as this cute young girl twirled and turned no more than a few feet in front of him. She twirled and spun a few times, once even showing her panty-covered ass. She had a beautiful figure and I could see why the dress she was wearing inspired me so much on that day. She struck a pose and her friends all cheered and laughed.

Then the next girl got up. She was a lot buxomer and certainly more confident than the first girl. She was pulling out all the moves and eventually was twerking so close to the cube that she was almost rubbing against it. Her dress kept popping up over her butt showing her G-string, her ass cheeks and her scantily covered pussy. By the time she was finished, I was soaked. I heard Sally release her breath as though she had been holding it. I looked across at her and noticed the fingers of one hand were inside the buttons of her dress. At the moment they were just resting on her flushed chest but I wondered if they had just been brushing her nipples. The thought of it made me want to play with mine. At this point, I half regretted knocking her back on the offer of being naked.

There was cheering and cajoling coming from the speakers and that drew my attention back to the screen. The camera was behind the glass and that muffled the sound from outside. I could hear the girls trying to convince the third to get up and dance but she was shaking her head. The body language of the others made it clear that they were asking her why not and when she spoke they all laughed. To prove the point she was making though she quickly glanced around, spread her legs apart and held up the hem of her dress. There on perfect display for Luke was a lovely, neat and somewhat puffy-lipped pussy. Sally leaned forward and hit the pause button. There we were, as though looking through the eyes of Luke at this girl’s lovely pussy.


I had to agree with Sally. That was a very nice-looking pussy.

“Wow indeed.”

Sally looked at me and her cheeks were now as flushed as her chest. She was lightly biting her bottom lip and I could see in her eyes that she was just as aroused as I was. I wondered if her pussy was as wet as mine. Did her pussy get as slippery as mine did, especially now that I was keeping it shaved? Did her cum smell like mine? Did it taste like mine?

What the hell was I thinking?

I forced myself to look away from her and poured us both another glass of wine. My hand was shaking as I handed her her glass.

We skipped through large portions of the rest of the video because it was essentially not that interesting to watch. I knew Sally would go over it in a more analytical way later but for now it was just about seeing it for the first time. The video ended as the cube rolled back into the warehouse.

“Well, that was ahh entertaining.”

I had to agree with her.

“Sally, I don’t know if you are allowed to because of your thesis but I would very much like a copy of that.”

Sally laughed.

“You won’t be the only one getting an edited version of this. I intend to keep a highlight reel for myself.”

I laughed along with her.

“Well, I imagine that will probably be the highlight of the whole thing. I know I certainly didn’t get a view that good.”

“Let’s have a look and see then.”

She leaned forward again and once again I was distracted by her breasts as they swayed in front of my face. She exited Luke’s folder and opened the folder marked Subj. 2. and opened one of the two folders in there. Unbeknownst to me, it was the second folder. I was still staring at Sally’s swaying breasts when I heard her gasp.

“What the hell?”

I looked up at the video playing but this was an entirely different angle. There I was, trying to get into the cube and stumbling. There were both Luke’s and Sally’s faces, staring at my upturned and G-string-clad ass. Both had equal looks of shock although Luke’s was tinged with lust.

“What the hell?”

Sally said again.

“Did the camera get turned around somehow?”

“It can’t have. It was mounted solidly. There are two folders, there must be two cameras.”

“I thought you were the one setting it up?”

“I set the parameters but the AV guys did the setup. They must have misunderstood what I asked for.”

I was starting to get a bit nervous, turned on like mad, this was the ultimate in being watched but nervous. Sally had no idea what she was about to witness.

“Ah, this could get awkward, Sally.”

Sally looked at me and seemed to draw understanding from my look and her memories of the day. She smiled at me.

“It’s okay. I already have a pretty good idea of what went on in there, Mum. There were a lot of tissues used that day.”

“So long as you’re prepared for what you are about to see.”

Again she looked at me with a coy smile. She then looked away and quietly said.

“I want to see. I want to watch.”

My pussy went into convulsions and I had to use all of my willpower to not stuff my hand into my crotch.

My face felt like it was on fire and I was so aroused it wasn’t funny. It wasn’t long at all before the video showed me investigating the smell and Luke’s cum. Then it was on. I was looking at myself going wild. I was all but naked, my bare feet up on the glass and spread wide apart. The camera showed my spread-open pussy in HD. My fingers were pounding into me and my cum was all creamy and leaking out over my ass.

I glanced across at Sally and my jaw dropped. Another button on her dress was now undone. She appeared to be squeezing one of her long hard nipples and her other hand was slowly moving towards her crotch. Her legs slowly began to spread and her hand began bunching her skirt up. Soon enough her hand disappeared under her dress and judging by the sounds she had begun playing with her very wet pussy.

I couldn’t believe this was happening right in front of me. Her fingers appeared to be trailing up and down gently over her pussy lips and teasing her clit. My own hands had begun to wander too. I was somehow copying her movements. One hand inside my dress and squeezing my breasts. My other hand found its way to my crotch and my fingers were moving to the same motions and rhythms as Sally’s. I was watching her intently and as my fingers copied what I thought hers were doing, it felt almost as though it was her touching me and me touching her at the same time.

She lifted one leg and draped it carelessly over the arm of her seat. The sight of her giving in to the moment like this seemed to amplify my feelings and she moaned as though she felt the same way. The motion of her hand under her dress changed and I could tell her fingers had begun to push into her soft wet centre and she let out a deep growl of satisfaction. She looked directly at me as I too followed suit and slid two fingers deep inside myself.

“Yes, push them in nice and deep.”

She whispered almost to herself but I did as I was told. Before long the room was filled with the sounds of our moans, the wet sounds produced by our pussies the slapping sound of our palms hitting our clits and our pubic mounds as we fucked ourselves hard. The smell of our combined juices filled my nostrils and then it hit me. It was like a tidal wave as I was shoved under the current of a massive orgasm. I knew I was calling out. I knew I was wetter than even I thought I could get and I could hear Sally crying out in the throes of her orgasm. Her voice strangely echoed mine.

I sat there, disoriented, twitching, convulsing from time to time with the aftershocks of my orgasm. My hand had fallen from my breast and was resting gently on my bare thigh. Her head was thrown back and her eyes had a glazed quality about them. Her hand had slipped out from beneath her dress and I could see her fingers were wet. I realised that the hand that I was looking at was coated in my daughter’s cum. That thought sent another shiver through me.


Sally’s eyes were coming back into focus and she was blinking as though she had just stared at a bright light. She turned her head to look at me and a big grin spread across her face.

“Are you okay, Sally?”

She gave a gentle snort that if she had the energy may have turned into a laugh. Her eyes lingered on mine for a few seconds.

“Oh yeah. I am more than okay. That was… Hell, I don’t know what that was. Incredible, amazing, stunning, beautiful. None of that is enough to say what that was.”

I felt my face warm with pleasure as I realised that she wasn’t weirded out by what had happened.

“It was pretty amazing wasn’t it.”

She pointed to the screen with her free hand.

“Mum, you look absolutely beautiful when you cum. Not only was that the most erotic thing I have ever seen but that was possibly the most erotic experience I have ever had.”

Now I was blushing fiercely. I couldn’t believe she had just said that. I had just been uncovered doing something quite taboo, beyond taboo, downright filthy. The way I was acting was purely primal, like a wild animal and yet she thought it was beautiful, that I was beautiful. Sitting next to me was one of the most beautiful people I know, both in character and appearance, yes I am aware of my bias, and she thought I was beautiful.

I was moved to tears. Sally noticed me crying and immediately moved from her chair and embraced me.

“Oh, Mum, don’t cry. I know you probably feel awkward or embarrassed about me seeing that, but I mean it. It was a beautiful, heartfelt, natural thing. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Do you think I would have reacted the way I did if I thought you were behaving shamefully?”

I loved what Sally was saying, even if she was slightly off. I just couldn’t move past the fact that we were embracing after we had each just had an intense sexual moment in each other’s company. The only thing that felt inappropriate to me was how I kept getting aroused in my daughter’s presence. I wasn’t upset that she had seen me masturbating in the cube or that our physical reactions to that had been what they were, I was, more than anything, confused about how I should be feeling. I felt such intense love and fierce pride for her right now but quite separate from that was the fact that an attractive young woman who I had just seen cum for the first time was now holding me and it felt so damn good.

I held her back from me before I did something that I would regret. I gave her a smile that probably looked a bit watery considering the tears.

“Sally, I’m not ashamed of who I am or what I have done. I was crying because despite all that you have learned about me today you still think I am beautiful.”

“Oh, Mum. It’s because I have seen you on a more personal level that I have seen even more of your beauty. You are more beautiful because of it, not less.”

I stood up so that we were face to face and embraced in another hug. I kissed her on the cheek and then squeezed her closer. We held each other for a long time but it felt so good and neither of us was in a hurry to let go.


I whispered.


“As much as I am enjoying this hug, I’m starting to enjoy it a little too much.”

“Mmm, I’m enjoying it too. I don’t mind though.”

Her hand began to trail lightly down my back, causing a shiver to run through my body and it was almost impossible to prevent a delighted little gasp from escaping my lips as her hand cupped my ass cheek.

“What don’t you mind, Sally?”

I asked lamely. The truth was I had a pretty good idea where she was going with this but I was beginning to feel conflicted. I was incredibly aroused but this was my daughter.

“I don’t mind if you want to touch me. I want to touch you.”

If I didn’t put a stop to this very soon I was going to lose all self-control and no doubt all self-respect.

“Sally, I swear that if you weren’t my daughter I would want to touch you and taste you but…”

“Do it, Mumma.”

She had never called me that before and it was so hot. She was pressing all my buttons but one and it wouldn’t be long before she would do that if I let her.

“I just can’t, I’m so sorry.”

We stepped back half a pace and looked each other in the eye. We were panting like it had been the hugest effort to separate but there was a fire in Sally’s eyes that I was pretty sure matched my own.

“It’s okay, Mum. I understand. I need to cum again though and I would love it if you stayed with me while I did.”

I had reached a point where I was pretty much open to anything. I doubt I would have kept saying no to Sally’s advances for much longer if she persisted and that scared the hell out of me. It shows just how far down the rabbit hole I had gone that this almost felt like a good compromise.

“I have to move now Sally.”

We began to separate and there was a slight awkwardness between us for a few moments. I looked at Sally again.

“Are we okay Sally? Is this going to be a problem?”

She smiled at me and I knew already we were okay but I still needed to hear it from her.

“We’re fine Mum. I do need a shower though.”

“Me too, but you can go first if you like.”

I watched her walk off then went up to my room to get organised. I sat on the end of the bed staring into space as I tried to wrap my head around what had just happened. How did I feel about it? How would this affect our relationship? Was I a terrible parent for having let it go so far? I should have been stronger, I shouldn’t have done what I did in the cube that day and none of this would have happened. But would I have been true to myself if I hadn’t? I certainly didn’t intend for this to happen and I didn’t set out to embarrass Sally.

“That’s no excuse, Sue. You are the adult in this relationship.”

Great, now I’m talking to myself. The voice of reason spoke up inside my head. Well, Sally has been an adult now for several years. She’s no fool and she knows what she wants. That made me angry, mainly because I knew it was right. Society had decreed this type of thing to be wrong and as such someone had to be to blame. That blame could only lie with me because I felt guilty and I didn’t want the blame on Sally. Therefore I was claiming ownership of it. The cool logic of my voice of reason told me that was ridiculous and that I was taking something away from Sally by claiming all responsibility, but what has cool logic got to do with hot passion?

Everything and nothing in equal measures apparently. So I sat there with my head spinning, staring out at the street and seeing nothing. I didn’t even notice when Sally walked into my room. I was startled out of my reverie when she sat on the bed next to me. She put her arm around me and pulled me a little closer. It was nothing more than a mother-daughter comforting hug and I appreciated it.

“Stop beating yourself up, Mum. I can see it in every line of your face so don’t deny it.”

I never was much good at hiding anything from Sally. I knew telling her it was all my fault would only result in an argument so I said nothing.

“The fact is, Mum. That was nice and I think maybe I needed it. I needed to show you that I was okay with every aspect of your self-discovery. Not only was it okay but it was damn exciting. That I share your enthusiasm and excitement for all of this. I was excited for you to be discovering yourself as a sexual being, not just someone’s Mum. You also need to know that I find it as erotic as hell what you are doing and that the idea of doing it turns me on at least as much as it turns you on.”

“That’s all great, Sally, but I am your mother.”

“Yes, you are my mum. I love that you are my mum and you have been the best, most giving, most honest mum I could ever ask for.”

“Don’t you see? That is what makes it wrong.”

“It was a spontaneous moment and at that moment we weren’t really mother and daughter. We were two adult women, mutually excited by something that shared a very loving and very arousing moment. A moment that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I hope it can mean as much to you as it does to me. Whether or not it ever happens again isn’t important. It was a moment that needed to be shared and I want, no I need you to understand that it was a beautiful moment between two women who love each other. Nothing more and certainly nothing less.”

I sat there thinking about what she had said. She was right of course, she was far too smart to be wrong about something like this but I still felt uneasy about it.

“We can never discuss this with anyone, you know that right?”

“Of course, I do, Mum. I know that a lot of people would frown upon it and I understand to a degree why.”

Once again she was breaking down my fears and worries with cool, calm logic. I felt a weight lifting from me the more I thought about it. I finally turned to face her. I still had tears streaming down my face. I no doubt looked an absolute mess.

“Oh, Mum. Don’t cry. You have nothing to stress over. It’s just been a huge day for both of us.”

She wrapped her arms around me.

“I love you so much, Mum.”

“I love you too, Sally.”

She gave me an extra tight squeeze and then held me at arm’s length.

“Now, go have a shower. Your face is all blotchy and all I can smell is cum and it’s driving me crazy.”

I laughed and she stood up, letting go of me. I followed suit and as I turned to walk out of my room to the bathroom she smacked me on the bum again. It sent a shock through me and I leapt in surprise as well as letting out a surprised yelp.

“Go on, scoot.”

She called after me as she giggled at my reaction. She couldn’t have known that the spank started those damn tingles all over again.

Published 2 years ago

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