I’m glad I found the right guy. Lee, I think it was on our third date, told me that he wanted a girl with some experience, not someone who had never had sex or hardly ever. He wanted someone comfortable with their body and how to use it for pleasure. Well, I was twenty when we met and he got the right girl.
Now, before you think I’m some kind of slutty whore, I’m not. It happens that the first time I had sex, unlike a lot of girl’s first times, mine was wonderful. Even better than wonderful. I was sixteen, he was twenty, yes, four years difference but he knew what he was doing and was kind and slow and gentle and loving.
So, once I tried it, I was sold. He and I were together for about a year until he moved away and I had already become involved with a guy who was nearer my age and we were doing it almost every day. I’ve never really been without a guy since and, yes, I guess, if you add up all the days until I met Lee, well it’s in the thousands, I suppose.
We got married and, now, fifteen years later, we’re still together, still enjoying the sex we have, still frequently, about four times a week. A few years ago, when our passion started to fade a bit and our sex became tinged with a bit of routine, we began telling each other of fantasies we had in the past or were coming up with in the present.
That was fun and sure did spice things up and we told each other about threesomes and foursomes of various kinds, nude beaches and resorts, sex in public places, a bit of light bondage which we did try at times, just a bunch of sexy, naughty things we thought would be fun.
Then, one night, a few years ago, after we had talked about us having another woman join us and if I would be inclined to have sex with her (I would), we had a great fuck. Then, laying there in each other’s arms, Lee asked me what my favorite fantasy was. Good question.
“Well, that’s pretty easy, really, having you and another guy taking turns fucking me all night long.”
“Have you ever really thought about doing it, actually having a threesome with me and another guy?”
“Of course, haven’t you? I mean the other way around with me and another woman? Haven’t you fantasized about that?” I asked as I rubbed his hardening cock.
“Oh, sure, lots of times.”
“And really doing it, for real?”
“Yeah, I’d love it,” he said as he rolled me over on my back as a short discussion of the possibilities of such an arrangement led to a second rousing fuck of the night.
We kept telling each other about our fantasies but never really acted on any of them though Lee did sometimes bring up adding another man or woman to our sex. And, he was serious about it. I wasn’t, though, well, the thought of it makes me wet as hell.
Then, this year, we planned a vacation back on Curacao, an island just off the north coast of Venezuela; it would be the second time we’d been there and we were looking forward to not only two weeks of relaxation but two weeks of hot fucking, just as much as we could.
We had booked the same villa we had the year before, just a few minutes walk to the beach and the second day we were stretched out on a couple of chaise lounges at the beach enjoying the sun when a man walked up and asked if he could sit in the one next to us. We said he could, of course and he then added, “I heard you speaking English and was wondering if you knew the area here very well.”
Lee told him we did, that we’d been here before and he asked if we knew any places one might have supper near by.
I told him of three or four that were quite good and reasonably-priced and we discussed the merits of each one. Lee then asked me if I wanted a coffee from the stand nearby and offered our new friend a coffee as well.
While he was gone getting the coffees, I was looking over our new friend, he was from England, named Jack Withers, and looked to be about our age, perhaps a couple of years older. He was quite nice looking and rather charming with his lovely British accent as he told me what part of England he was from and asked us where we were from as well.
I asked about his wife and he said, “Oh, yes, well, Margaret passed on two years ago. Been rather lonely ever since, of course. I decided to get a change of scenery and come here.”
I had been wondering what scenery he was interested in as I had sensed that he was rather checking me out. I did have on a very skimpy thong suit I’d bought in a shop at the airport here, one that I wasn’t sure I’d wear much at home.
We chatted some more and he continued looking me over, a woman can always tell these things, and I smiled at the thought.
“Why the smile, Jean?” he asked.
“Well, I was amused that you were doing just what I was doing when you first came up to sit.”
He looked slightly puzzled, so I added, “Well, Jack, honestly, I was rather checking you out. Just like it seems you’ve been doing as well.”
“Oh, I am so sorry. Well, no harm meant, please accept my apology. I hope you’re not upset.”
“Actually, Jack, I’m rather flattered. After all, I was liking what I saw and I hope you were as well.”
“Oh, indeed. Jean, you are a beautiful woman and very…well, very sexy as well.”
“Well, at least you’re being honest, Jack, I’m well aware of what men would want to do when they look at me like that.”
“Well, my only excuse is that I haven’t had a woman since Margaret died.”
“You, at least, have an excuse. I’m quite well taken care of by Lee and, yet, there are men that I still wonder what they’d be like in bed.”
Right about then, Lee came up with a tray holding our coffees and we talked some more about the island and several places we knew to eat. Then, Lee asked our new friend if he wanted to have dinner with us at one of our favorite places and Jack agreed.
Later that afternoon, we were back in our villa where we took a shower and had a nice naked nap to rest up from a spirited fuck. As we lay there after, enjoying the lovely afterglow, I brought up a long-ago conversation.
“You remember talking a while ago about getting me another guy to team up with for a threesome?”
“Sure, we’ve talked about it for a long time. That and a lot of other things.”
“Well, I think I might have finally found a man that I’d be interested in for a threesome.”
“Must be Jack, huh?”
“Yes, he’s really quite charming and rather good looking, I think. Yes, Jack. Now, were you serious?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Yes, I think I do.”
“Sounds like you may be serious. Well, I think Jack is a very nice guy, I can see why you would be attracted to him and if you are, then, sure, I’m willing and prepared for him to join us in bed.”
“Now, I guess the ball’s in my court, huh?” I added.
“Seems that way. We’re having dinner with him later. Kind of makes it easy.”
“God, I’ve really got to decide, don’t I?”
“Looks that way, love, it looks that way.”
“Well, you’ve wanted me to be more adventuresome…I want Jack to fuck me. There, I’ve said it. I want him tonight.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal. Well, you do if you agree that I can have a woman join us sometime in the future.”
“Deal,” I whispered as I closed my eyes and tried to imagine our new friend, Jack, naked up between my legs.
Then, I whispered again, “I’m so horny now thinking about tonight, if I suck you nice and hard, would you fuck me again?”
Lee, bless him, was quick to grant my wish.
Later, Lee was in a sport shirt and chinos as I pulled on the sexiest thing I brought, a plush terry minidress, black, with a see-through black lace bra and stood before Lee.
“Oh, girl, no panties? Poor guy, remember it’s been two years for him. He’s liable to cum when he sees you.”
“I’ll see that he cums and more than once, he deserves a great night.”
“From what I see, he’s gonna get just that. Lemme see how wet you are?” and I lifted my hem and spread open. Very wet.
“Well, hon, there’s no question what’s on your mind tonight,” he said as we went out the door of our villa and began to walk to the restaurant.
Jack was already there at the bar and jumped up when we came in and showed us to the table that was to be ours.
“Hi, you two, and, well, my, Jean, I have no words for how wonderful you look this evening,” as he bent down to kiss my cheek which I turned away getting his lips instead.
We ordered wine as we looked over the menus. I could also tell that Jack was looking me over as well. I was hoping he was famished.
Our dinner was lovely and we had a cognac after, then asked Jack to come back with us for a final nightcap.
As Lee got us each an Amaretto, I found some music on the radio and asked Jack if he’d dance with me. He professed that he was rusty, of course, but then glided me around the floor with grace and ease.
I was just tipping my head up kissing him when Lee came in with our drinks.
“Oh, sorry, I’ve been rather a cad, it’s been so long for me, please forgive me,” he stuttered.
“Only if you kiss her like you’d really like to, Jack,” Lee offered. “I’m sure Jean is old enough to stop you if she doesn’t want you to kiss her.”
I tipped my head back and he kissed me again, this time with a bit more pressure. I slid my tongue between his lips as we slowly danced. We danced arm in arm, lips to lips for several minutes as we french-kissed while my hands explored his back and butt.
“She loves her butt rubbed while you dance with her, Jack. Believe me, she’d love you to do it.”
We danced for a minute more, then his hands came down and up under my dress as he began to rub my bare butt. I don’t think he had realized until then that I was bare-bottomed but, surely, he was getting the idea now that the evening was headed toward the bedroom. I was sure of that when I pushed my pelvis forward and felt the erection pressing back as he kneaded my ass and pulled me to him.
“Why don’t you let Jack dance with you naked, hon? I know how you love to dance that way. Bet he’d like it too.”
I tilted my head back to look up into Jack’s eyes as his facial expression expressed some disbelief at my husband’s suggestion. Then, I stepped back, pulled off my dress, reached around to undo my bra and let it slide down my arms to toss it over to Lee.
Jack’s eyes were devouring me as I stood there for him to see and to hunger for.
I leaned up and kissed him again and when it was over, he whispered in my ear, “Are you sure Lee doesn’t mind about all this?”
“He knows I want you, Jack, we’ve talked about it and it’s okay with him. Have you ever danced naked with a woman before?”
“No, but I’m certainly enjoying it.”
“I meant, have you ever gotten naked and danced with a naked woman. I wish you would, Jack.”
I couldn’t have hinted any stronger, I’m sure and he was soon out of his clothes, no doubt, rather non-plussed that my husband just sat and watched.
Jack was lovely, his salt-and-pepper pubic hair surrounding a very healthy-looking cock, it looked to be about the size of Lee’s, around seven or so inches and maybe a little thicker around. I reached out and took it in my hand as we began to dance slowly to the soft music.
“I just can’t believe this is really happening, it’s just nothing I ever expected.”
“Well, we have the kind of marriage, Jack, where we both want each other to enjoy life in all it’s facets and Lee knows I’ve been thinking of having a new man every once in a while. And, that’s you.”
“If he has no objections, I would be honored to have you any way I could, Jean.”
“Well, how about any way you wish?”
Chapter 2
“I think you two need to take this into the bedroom. I’ll join you shortly. Save some for me, Jack,” Lee chortled as I took my new English lover by his lovely cock and led him into the bedroom and pulled back the top sheet and lay down spreading wide.
“Come fuck me, Jack, I am so horny.”
“Yes, but first, my dear,” and he got up between my legs and lowered his face as I felt his tongue begin to sweep up and down adding to my wetness.
How could I not want this man? I thought. He takes care of my pussy first, he’s such a love. I was wondering how long he’d be here on vacation, I wanted him more already as he licked and tongued me to heaven.
I finally had enough and whispered, “I want you to fuck me, Jack, mmm, right now, I want your cock.”
He lifted his wet, smiling face off me and moved up to grip his cock and shove it about half way into my outstretched pussy lips, then a second shove sent him deep, then he began moving in and out.
“Oh, oh, Jean, I can’t tell you how wonderful this is. It’s been so long, just so long without a woman. Then, now, to have one like you, so beautiful, so sexy, this is heaven for me. I cant tell you how much this means to me,” he said and I pulled him tight and whispered, “Just enjoy me, Jack, give me your cum.”
He fucked in and out of me, taking nice long strokes, pressing down at the bottom of each thrust, he knew how to fuck, this Englishman. He would vary the angle he thrust into me from right to left, low to high, just making me feel so good.
“Just hold still, Jack, let me do it,” I whispered as Lee quietly walked into the room, now naked as well, slowly stroking himself, as Jack knelt between my legs while I raised my hips on my hands and twirled my butt around and around.
“Oh, oh, UUNH, UUH, mmm, mmm, oh, that is sooo good, ohhh, just keep going, mmm, oh, I’ve missed this so much. Thank you, Jean, thank you,” and he bent down to kiss me over and over. I’ve never had more satisfying sex with a man and hadn’t gotten my own orgasm yet. I really didn’t care, he was happy.
He kept moving back and forth, I could tell he was softer now but it felt like his ejaculation was huge, I had cum drizzling down my butt crack as he whispered in my ear, “Jean, I’m so sorry that I was so quick, you hardly had a chance to even get warmed up, it’s just been so long for me, I couldn’t help it. Sorry.”
I pulled his head down to me and kissed him, tonguing him deeply.
“Oh, don’t worry, Jack, I’m happy you had such a lovely cum. And, I want you to have lots more tries, so don’t worry about me, it was wonderful. Now, I think I’ll let my patient hubby have his turn. Don’t go away, I’m not through with you,” and he pulled out of me as Lee got on the bed.
“How about doggie, hon,” I asked him as I turned and got up on my hands and knees, Jack’s cum still drooling down my legs. He waddled up behind me, rubbed his cock up and down a few times to get it good and slippery, then pushed right up into me all the way. Oh, my pussy was so excited and ready.
Jack was now standing near the closet door, his hand on his cock slowly moving it back and forth. I looked over at him and asked, “Would you like that sucked, Jack? I’d love to do it,” and he came over and got up on the bed in front of me and positioned himself so I could take him in my mouth.
I started just on the tip knowing how good that felt for men; he was lovely not to try to fuck my mouth, it’s just so hard to suck a man when he’s thrusting at you, and his hands were down sweetly caressing my face as I pleasured him.
Lee was behind taking long, slow drives into me, his hand up under me rubbing my clit; he just knows so well what I dearly love. I was trying to suck Jack as well as I could. I usually have my hands free when I suck a cock and, truthfully, being up on my hands and knees made it a challenge to give him a proper suck. But, he looked pretty happy regardless.
I began circling my hips to make it feel better for Lee, I know he loves that when he’s behind me and, sure enough, it began to work its magic on his cock.
“Mmm, oh, Jean, that makes me feel so good, I really want to cum, yeah, mmm,” then he pushed into me as I felt the warmth flow into me.
“UUH, UUH, UNH, uuh, mmm, ooh, ooh, mmm,” and he slowed down and just moved a little back and forth. But I knew I had Jack nice and hard again, so I pulled away from him and turned my head and asked, “Hon, Jack seems really hard again, can you let him have another turn?”
“Be glad to, bet you’re enjoying having two guys to service you.”
“Mmm, more than you can imagine,” I answered as Jack pushed up into me, Lee’s fresh cum running down both my legs.
“Just hold steady, Jack, just keep your cock pointed at me,” I asked as I began rocking back and forth, each time clenching my pelvic muscles as I pulled off him. I knew that was a killer way to fuck a guy and I wanted him happy.
Lee said, “Oh, Jack, I know how that feels when Jean fucks like that. You’re a lucky man, that’s the best I’ve ever had, the way she tightens is just fantastic, like she’s sucking your cock with her pussy.”
“Yes, that’s exactly how it feels like a long, smooth mouth sucking me, I’ve never felt anything better.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, Jack. I might just do you again like this,” I told him. I was in such a sexual high, just fucked to the heavens above.
“Mmm, oh, Jack, mmm, oh, god this is a big one, oh, push in hard, baby, push hard,” and I shoved back on his long, hard dick as he thrust strongly into me as the tip of his cock hit new places deep, deep inside me, triggering an avalanche of an orgasm.
“AYYE, AYYE, UUNH, UUNH, UHH, UUH, OH, OH, mmm, mmm, omigod, that’s massive, mmm, oh, so good, so good,” I groaned as I lay there with my head down and my butt up as Jack continued fucking on and on. The ecstasy of it all just washed back and forth across me as the feelings went on and on.
Then, he shoved so hard into me that I was pressed to the mattress and, thankfully, he went down with me, still fucking me as I felt more cum jolting into me as his cock emptied into me once again.
“OH, UHH, UUH, mmm, mmm, oh, Jean, this is so lovely, mmm, oh, wonderful,” he groaned as he lay over me, not heavy, just supporting himself enough to keep from squashing me as he kissed my back which I love. It was wonderful.
After a few minutes, he pulled out of me and slid down to my side and held me in his arms as Lee got up behind me hugging me from the other side. I felt my husband’s cock pressing into me from behind, it feeling eager for more. I ran my hand down behind me and, sure enough, he was pretty hard, not steely, but good enough, especially if I gave him a nice suck.
I turned my head, “You feel hard, honey, is it some more of my pussy your nice cock wants?” as I squeezed it.
“Well, dear, it’s almost two and Jack and I probably need some rest. If you’re really wanting it, I’m sure one or both of us can give you what we can but, for me, well, I wouldn’t mind some sleep. There’s always tomorrow. I know I have all day with no other plans, what about you, Jack?” Lee asked.
“Tomorrow? Well, I would consider it an honor and a privilege to spend the day with you two, this has been spectacular, beyond my most fanciful dreams.”
“Well, if you like, just stay here and sleep with us and we can have tomorrow together as well,” Lee told him.
“Well, boys, I don’t care how late it is, I can’t sleep all drippy with cum and perspiration like this. Who’s for showering with me?”
I ended up with both my lovers in the shower and a good time was had by all soaping and rubbing. Just what I needed to induce a good night’s sleep sandwiched between them, arms and hands and cocks caressing me throughout the night.
That began our threesome with Jack which lasted throughout the rest of our two weeks in Curacao. I was pleasured by his cock countless times and it just made Lee hornier and hornier; I was a busy girl for sure.
The last thing I did before we left for the airport was to accept Jack’s cock into me for one last time. The night before we left, Lee suggested that I sleep with Jack in his villa, just the two of us, just like a married couple. Jack cried when I told him I was his for the night and we got very little sleep.
I email Jack almost every day and we trade pics back and forth, naughty ones, of course.
He’s a great friend and lover who visits us about twice a year and we all three greatly look forward to his coming and his cumming. He’s got a lady friend now but hasn’t told her yet about Lee and me. He says she’s pretty adventuresome but doesn’t know if he’ll tell her just how close he is with his American friends. You can’t get any closer that what we found on Curacao. He arrives next Saturday and, no, we haven’t prepared the guest room. We have a king-sized bed and we don’t want him to be lonely.