“Any luck with Sophie?” Richard’s text read when it popped up on his phone while he sat in bed, scrolling through his phone before trying to go to sleep. He sighed. He hadn’t attempted to bring it up since his try the day before. There was now less than a week before the game.
“Not yet, it’s taking some work,” he sent back.
“Did you tell her?” he texted back to James. He wasn’t sure how to answer that. He hadn’t brought it up to Sophie yet because he was afraid of her reaction.
“Not yet,” he sent back to the man. Simple and honest.
“Why not?” Richard asked him. He didn’t really want to dive into his uncertainties and the potential effects on his marriage with the man.
“Just finding the right moment,” James text back.
“She’ll say yes, just tell her,” came the response. He kept saying to tell his wife, as if it wasn’t up to Sophie but rather something he should just tell her that she’s doing.
“I’m not so sure, Richard,” he texted back. It was strange texting the man about her, but stranger things had happened recently.
“Trust me, she will if you tell her to. She just needs your permission to let loose,” Richard sent back. Hilarious that Richard thought he knew so much about Sophie, but he couldn’t help but wonder if that was true.
He looked over at Sophie, watching her as she flipped the page of her book. She was already under the covers, reading by the light of the lamp on her nightstand. She was wearing one of her cute pajama sets rather than the typical oversized t-shirts she often wore to bed. It wasn’t a clear signal that she was open to sex, but it also definitely wasn’t a stop sign. He slid over towards her until he was pressed up against her, spooning her.
Sophie snuggled back against him without taking her eyes off of the book. He put his hand on her smooth leg and slid it up until it was near her hip.
“Ahem, can I help you?” Sophie said as she looked over her shoulder at him.
“You sure can,” he said as he planted a few kisses along the side of her neck and let his hands roam her.
“James, I’m trying to read,” she faux protested as he started to unbutton her pajama top so he could get his hands inside of it. Once his hands were under her clothes, it didn’t take long for her to start responding. Her eyes closed as the book slowly closed in her hands. His hard cock was pressed against her ass while his hands explored her tummy, her chest, and down between her legs.
“Mmmm,” Sophie moaned as she squirmed with pleasure. He continued to kiss her neck, trying to get her wet and ready for him. He was grinding his cock between her ass cheeks and then pulled her shorts down so he could put his cock between her legs. She turned towards him and their lips met, slowly kissing as their bodies melted together.
“I’m ready,” she told him finally, letting him know that it was time to put it in. She rolled onto her back, expecting him to move on top of her, but James had a different idea.
“Get on your hands and knees,” he ordered her the way that Richard had. The look on her face was hard to read as she stared back at him, their wills competing silently. Finally, without a word, she turned away from him and onto all four. “Face the mirror,” James told her. He wanted her to see her the way that he had when she had been with Richard. She turned slightly so that she was facing the mirror with him kneeling behind her.
Sophie was bent over in front of him, just like she had done for Richard. The view of her ass was incredible. He wanted to take her hard, like the older man had done. He wanted to make her cum while he fucked her senseless.
He slipped himself into her waiting pussy and she immediately started moving her hips back against him. His hands firmly gripped her hips so he could control his thrusts into her.
SMACK. James slapped her ass just like Richard had done while he took her from behind.
“James!” Sophie said in shock as she turned her head to look at him. In response, James reached forward and grabbed a handful of her golden hair like the older man had done to keep her where he wanted her. He understood why now. It made him feel completely in control of his wife.
“Oh, shit,” Sophie let slip as he pulled her back onto his cock by her hair. She rarely cursed when they made love and he had to admit it was incredibly hot. He picked up his pace, trying to channel his best impersonation of Richard. He looked up in the mirror and took in the sight. Sophie’s emerald green eyes were startlingly beautiful amongst the lewd scene as she looked back at him. Her breasts were swinging back and forth with his thrusts, her ass up in the air for him, her luscious hair gripped tightly in his fist while he rode her.
“Richard called me the other day,” James blurted out, unable to keep his cool any longer.
“What?” Sophie asked breathlessly as she focused on taking the pounding from behind.
“He called me. Said we could make a lot of money,” James continued as he tried to control his breathing to maintain control.
“Are you serious?” Sophie asked him as she tried to turn back towards him, but he held her firmly in place by the hair. He didn’t stop fucking her while they talked. He wanted her to remember what it was like to be with Richard with the hope that it would make her more willing to hear him out.
“He said he needs you to distract some guys from the party he took you to,” James told her.
“What?” she asked again, having trouble processing his poor explanation while taking his cock over and over again.
“He wants you to serve them drinks at a poker game, this weekend,” James said and increased the force of his thrusts into his wife as if that would convince her.
“Uh, uh, uh, Jamesss,” she moaned in pleasure.
“I’ll be there too, but I want you to say yes,” he told her as he wrenched back on her hair.
“He’ll want moree,” she argued, “He’ll want mee.” SMACK, James slapped her ass again, leaving a very faint redness to the skin. James had so far been managing to pretend that wasn’t likely, but she was right. If they went, the chances of things escalating out of control were there, but he didn’t care. His lust was fully in control of him now. If he got to watch his sexy young wife fuck Richard again that would just be a bonus.
James pumped into her, fighting his growing climax. He was close and wouldn’t last much longer. “Say yes,” James ordered her. He felt incredibly dominant in this position and it was having an effect on him.
“Mmmmmm. Just serving drinksss?” she asked him again.
“Yeah, just drinks,” he told her as he desperately struggled to hold on to his control.
“You, uh, promise?” she asked between her gasps.
“Yes, shit, yes,” James stuttered as he came, his cock pulsing into his wife’s unprotected womb. A few seconds later, he collapsed forward onto her, exhausted. Sophie hadn’t cum, but he had still lasted long enough to feel good about himself.
They rested for a minute before Sophie slid out from under him and turned to face him. Her expression was serious now.
“You’re serious about this? He called you?” she asked now as she studied his face.
“Yeah,” James said sheepishly. It was good to get it off his chest. He didn’t like keeping things from Sophie and it had been weighing on him significantly.
“James, that isn’t a good idea. We’ve talked about this,” she told him while studying his face.
“We talked about you doing things with Richard,” James corrected her. “We didn’t talk about if he offered you money for something like this.”
“This is the same kind of thing that led to last time,” she told him as her voice grew softer.
“It won’t this time,” he assured her. “I’m going to be there with you.”
“At a poker game?” she asked him.
“He thinks that having you there will distract the other guys enough to give us a big advantage,” he explained.
“James, that’s ridiculous,” she argued. “They’re not going to forget how to play poker because I serve them drinks.” He did have to admit she made a good point and it made him second-guess himself. James didn’t know if it was the money or the idea of getting to watch her in front of the other men, but he felt compelled to convince her.
“Well, Richard wants you to wear something that’s a little revealing to make sure that they’re distracted,” he said, avoiding eye contact as he explained that point.
“There it is. We’re already talking about getting me out of my clothes,” she sighed as she shook her head at him. “James.”
“A dress, Sophie, not out of your clothes,” he rebutted. “Serving drinks.”
“Is this really what you want? For me to distract men at a poker game by wearing a revealing dress?” she looked at him, her green eyes intense as they penetrated his best attempts to hide his desire. “This isn’t about the money, is it? It’s like last time. You want to see me do it.”
He knew he couldn’t avoid the truth with her. It was like she saw straight through him every time. She could read him as easily as she could her book that had fallen off the bed while they made love. “I don’t know why, but yeah. Part of me finds it irresistible to think about other men looking at you. Wanting you.”
She thought about it for a few moments while they lay there in bed together. “Tell me the rest.
James felt a bit silly explaining it out loud. “So we’ll get half of whatever Richard and I win, but we’re playing with Richard’s money.” He told her, leaving out the $15,000 he was putting in to get the opportunity to make even more money.
“And how much money exactly?” Sophie asked him cautiously.
“Richard said, at least four or five other guys at the table other than us. It’s high stakes, so maybe fifteen to twenty thousand for each of them,” James recalled, “at a minimum.” He expected Sophie to react the way she had when he had told her about Richard’s offer a month earlier, but this time she didn’t seem surprised at all.
“We have no idea if you even have a good chance of winning,” she pointed out, still very skeptical of the plan that Richard had come up with.
“That’s why Richard wants an advantage,” James explained.
“And you’d be playing with Richard’s money?” she asked again as she seemed to be considering it.
He swallowed nervously. “Yeap,” he lied. He watched her face as she concentrated, considering everything. Even with the money piquing her interest, she seemed uncertain.
“And you’re sure you want this?” she asked him again, making him say it aloud again.
“Yeah,” he managed as a knot caught in his throat.
“Fine,” she told him. “but remember, you wanted it.” With that, she got out of bed to go to the bathroom to clean herself up. James lay in bed, shocked that he had been able to convince her. Now he just hoped he hadn’t made a mistake.
James typed out a message to Richard and hit send. It was simple and short. It didn’t take long for Richard to answer him.
“Hell yeah, I’ll have the dress and all delivered tomorrow to make sure it fits,” his message read. And all. James wasn’t sure what that meant, but he was eager to find out.
Sophie pulled into the driveway and saw the package on the front steps. James had told her that the dress from Richard would be delivered today, but the box was significantly larger than she was expecting. She had laid in bed the night before as she tried to make sense of her husband’s desires. She had thought they were on the same page before, but what Richard had said to her had been true. When he had told her about the poker game and who would be there, she had laughed and immediately told him no. Then Richard had something that had stuck with her, something that she hadn’t been able to put out of her mind.
“Ask James. He would have you do it for free. Hell, he couldn’t get enough of watching you with me. Maybe I’ll ask him to convince you,” Richard had said to her. She had dismissed him, assuring herself that wasn’t true, but then… Less than a week later James had in fact tried to convince her.
James didn’t know that Richard had already told her about the game, but it confirmed to her that he wanted her to do it. He wanted to watch the reactions of the men. It turned him on in a way she had never seen before and that she didn’t understand. She was still afraid of where that could lead, of how it could consume them both again.
She picked up the package on her way into the house and set it on the counter. Lucy greeted her, bouncing up and down with excitement that she was home.
After letting Lucy out into the backyard, Sophie turned her attention back to the box. She wanted to open it before James got home. She cut open the packaging tape and opened the box, which revealed several smaller boxes inside. There was a box that was clearly a shoe box, another expensive looking box from a designer clothes brand, and then several other smaller boxes from brands she didn’t recognize.
Sophie opened the expensive looking box first, revealing a satin, emerald dress. The shoe box had a pair of heels, or to be specific, six-inch stilettos that looked like they would break with the simplest misstep. They were the kinds of heels that Sophie imagined strippers would wear. She opened the next box and inside was a matching set of lace lingerie, also emerald in color. Richard was bold to even send the underwear he wanted her to wear, but it was in character. The last small box she had expected to be a necklace or earrings, but actually was a gold body chain. She decided to go and try on the dress quickly so she could see exactly how revealing it was.
A few minutes later, she was studying herself in the mirror. All she could think was that she looked like a hooker. Well, a high-class escort would probably be more accurate. The satin party dress was an emerald color that matched her eyes and made her blonde hair really pop, but it was tight and short. The material barely covered her butt and the top came down so low that it felt like her breasts would spill out entirely at any moment. It was held up by the thinnest of spaghetti straps on both shoulders and the material was so thin it would probably almost be sheer in the right lighting.
She hadn’t put on the lingerie underneath. The arrogance of the older man annoyed her, but she knew she couldn’t expect any different from him. She would probably wear some of her own underwear so she would be more comfortable anyway.
The heels were incredibly tall and she had to practice walking in them for a few minutes before she felt confident that she wouldn’t fall. As she was walking back and forth down the hallway, she heard the front door open.
“Wow,” James said as she walked out into the living room with the dress on. His eyes were wide and he was otherwise speechless. This was definitely not a look he had ever seen from her before.
“What do you think?” she asked him, wanting to get his opinion before she told him how she felt about it.
“You look incredibly sexy,” he said, stepping toward her and reaching out to touch her side through the thin material. Of course he would like it.
“Do you think it’ll distract them enough?” she asked him. She wanted to see his reaction as he remembered that she would be wearing this in front of a group of other men. His face immediately changed, but it was doubt or concern. It was that same look of hunger as he had last month. That same look that terrified her.
“I’m not sure they’re going to be able to focus enough to play at all,” James said as he admired her.
“I think I look like a prostitute,” she told him bluntly.
“Oh, well, um,” he stuttered for a second as he tried to answer.
“See, you think it too!” she told him.
“But like a really high-class prostitute,” he said as if that was better. “You look incredible.” Sophie studied his face.
“You don’t think this is all too much?” she asked him.
“It’s just serving drinks,” he reassured her.
She gave him a weak smile, but didn’t know if that was the truth.
Sophie opened the door of the Uber that Richard had sent for her and stepped out onto the curb with help from the driver. He took her hand while she pulled her dress down and steadied herself on the stilettos. She thanked him and started toward the grand entrance of the building. It was an upscale hotel that rose thirty stories above the riverfront it overlooked. The dress she was wearing was shorter than any dress she had ever worn and Sophie felt like it was riding up her butt every time she took a step. She pulled it down as she approached the entrance, the doorman holding open the door for her. Sophie noticed the man’s eyes go up and down her body while she walked by him.
The last few days had been a blur as this had been weighing on her mind.
The lobby had vaulted ceilings with chandeliers lighting the marble floors and walls. She was drawing looks from many of the people she passed as she strode through the lobby toward the elevators. She knew how she looked and what they must be thinking. If she saw someone dressed the way she was, she would have thought that some businessman was paying a fortune to have a good time while he was out of town.
She reached the elevator and pressed the button to call one. While she waited, she tried to quiet the butterflies in her stomach. The anticipation was killing her. Finally, the doors opened, and she stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. Richard had told James that she should be there fifteen minutes before anyone else and that they had to come separately so the others wouldn’t know they were together. When the elevator doors opened, she stepped out into the hallway with a door on both sides.
The door opened and Richard was standing there in a fine Italian suit, his greying hair swept back. He took her in and whistled loudly. “Hot damn, these cocksuckers aren’t going to know what hit them,” he laughed. Sophie grimaced at the language. “Well, come on in and let me show you around!”
She stepped into the penthouse and looked around. It was incredibly nice, with floor-to-ceiling glass windows overlooking the city in all directions, new appliances, and premium finishes.
“Wow,” Sophie said as he led her into the room and she looked out over the river. The sun was already down and the lights from the buildings were reflecting off of the water. Several ships were slowly making their way downstream to some distant port, disrupting the otherwise glassy surface of the water. The view was incredible.
“The view never gets old,” he told her as she took it in. She turned to answer him and realized that the river wasn’t the view he was talking about. Richard was staring at her. He stepped towards her and placed one of his large hands on her side, feeling her through the thin material. “Maybe I should cancel tonight and keep you all to myself.”
“Richard, no,” she said to him as she pushed his hand off of her. “That’s not happening.”
“I think if you give me a chance, I’ll change your mind,” he told her.
“I’m just here to serve drinks,” she told him.
“Is that what your husband told you?” he asked her with a knowing smile. Sophie didn’t like what he was implying. “But then again, you knew what could happen when you came here tonight, didn’t you?”
Sophie blushed at that. Yes, she knew what could happen, but she hoped to keep things under control this time, even if James wanted more.
“Before the other guys get here, let me give you the rundown of the bar and what I need you to do,” he said, changing the subject and leading her over to the bar. “So the bar is here, everything you need to make a few drinks. Don’t worry, they won’t ask for anything complicated.”
Sophie hadn’t really given any thought to actually serving drinks. She had been too focused on what she was wearing to think about anything else.
“Now, when it comes to the game. I need you to work the table. Flirt with them a little, lean over and give them a good view of those tits, especially when they’re trying to play a hand. Make sure they keep their eyes on you or you and your husband are going to be out of a lot of money,” he told her. But that didn’t make any sense. James was supposed to be playing with Richard’s money.
A knock on the door interrupted them before she could ask him about it. He gestured towards the door, telling her to go answer it, but she paused to pull down her dress again before walking in that direction. It had ridden up again and was just barely covering her butt.
SMACK, Richard’s large hand made contact with her ass as he slapped it through the thin material of her dress. Richard didn’t move his hand from her while he leaned in and said one final thing to her.
“Do a good job tonight and I’ll fuck you after until you can’t remember your husband’s name,” he told her before giving her a little push towards the door.
James walked into the lobby and looked around, taking in the grandeur of the hotel. He had looked Richard up in the past and it was obvious that the man had been very successful, but he hadn’t expected the man to own a penthouse at a hotel like this. He walked quickly to the elevators, knowing that Sophie was already upstairs. His anticipation was killing him as his heart was beating so loudly that he could hear it in his ears. He stepped off of the elevator and walked to Richard’s door, knocking.
He waited for a few seconds until finally, the door opened and his own wife greeted him. They were supposed to pretend they didn’t know each other, Richard had insisted, so he did his best acting.
“Uh, hey, James,” he introduced himself, offering his hand to his wife as if it was the first time he had met her. Sophie looked absolutely stunning. She had her golden blonde hair in loose curls falling over her shoulders. The emerald dress fit her body snuggly and sensually, her long tan legs and ample cleavage on dazzling display. The stilettos raised her perky rear even higher than normal and made the short dress seem even more immodest. Her slender shoulders showed the thin straps of her dress with the emerald straps of the bra she had on underneath, doing far more than a little teasing. The last touch was a gold body chain that ran off both shoulders and connected between her breasts before continuing down beneath her dress.
James couldn’t take his eyes off of her body and he knew that no red-blooded man would be able to focus on anything else with her around the table.
“I’m Sophie,” she greeted him and took his hand as she showed him inside the penthouse. There were already a few guys hanging out in the living room, talking. He recognized Richard, who stood imposingly amongst the group, his stature towering over the other men. He also seemed to have taken the center of the conversation, his booming voice telling a story.
Sophie whispered to him as they stopped near the huge kitchen island. She leaned back against the island, trying to look casual while she spoke to him. “Are you sure about this? I think this is going to be too much.” Her face and the tone of her voice was deadly serious.
“What do you mean?” he asked, trying to be discreet. He didn’t want to draw too much attention to their conversation with the group of men just across the room.
“Richard, the other men. This is going to escalate too much. I can feel it,” Sophie told him. James felt his cock twitch at her words. He took a deep breath while he tried to think. He didn’t know how much it could escalate but he thought back on how it felt to watch her with Richard and knew what he wanted if it came to that.
“It’ll be okay. Let’s just see what happens,” he said, hoping that if they just stayed for a few minutes, they would settle in and her nerves would calm like they had last time.
“You really want this so badly?” she asked him in a whisper, her eyes looking at him with understanding. “You know what I’m saying and you still want to stay.”
James didn’t know how to answer that, but he nodded his head. Yes, he told her without words. His young wife studied him as she had the first night she had gone out with Richard. “Whatever happens, you asked for this James. It’s all for you. And it’s all on you. I want you to know that. I’ll play my part, but I told you we should leave.”
“Soph…” James started to answer her, but a booming voice cut him off.
“Hey, James, come meet some of the guys,” Richard waved him over. James turned away from his wife and walked towards the group of men. “James is the son of an old friend. This is Cliff, Hank, Arthur, and this old fucker is Clarence.” Richard quickly introduced them as James shook each of their hands in turn.
Cliff was probably about Richard’s age but shorter, much heavier, and balding. Hank was likely in his early fifties, wiry, and greeted James with a thick country accent. Arthur was a small man, probably around sixty, with salt and pepper hair. Lastly, Clarence was an older black man, probably closer to seventy than sixty, with a kind smile who greeted James enthusiastically.
“It’s a pleasure to have you with us, James,” Clarence said, “Richard insisted you join us tonight, so you better play well so you don’t let him down.” Clarence laughed, indicating he was clearly messing with James.
James laughed at the joke as well. “I’ll do my best, but I’m happy to be here. I’m always up for a good game of poker,” James answered.
“I don’t know how good of a game it will be, but at least it lets me drink and smoke without any nagging,” Cliff said as he glanced at his watch.
“This is almost everyone, but Ben is going to be late,” Richard interjected. “Ready to get started? We can keep shooting the shit while we play.”
“Yeah, let’s do it. I’ve been itching to get some of my money back after last time,” Arthur said with a chuckle. Richard led them to a back room with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the river. A round table had been set up in the middle of the room with cards and chips already stacked for each player.
Hank whistled as he looked around. “Hell of a nice place to play.”
“I think it’s clear how good of taste Richard has,” Clarence agreed with a glance back to the room they had just left. James wasn’t sure but suspected the man may have been referring to Sophie. He had noticed each of the men glancing in her direction whenever they had a chance.
As they were getting started, Sophie came into the room and approached the table. James saw all eyes go to his gorgeous wife. The dress really did an amazing job of highlighting her fit body and slender figure. The dress was made of very thin material and left little to the imagination. The older men weren’t ashamed to gawk at her and of course had no idea she was his wife. He thought about what Sophie had said to him a few minutes earlier. Whatever happens, she had said. It was all on him. James watched her, knowing that he wanted to see where this went no matter what.
“Can I get anyone a drink?” she asked the group without showing any of the awkwardness of the situation. She had a hand on her hip as she looked around the table at each of the men in turn.
“I’ll take a whiskey, neat,” Hank answered first, leaning back in his chair casually. The rest of them followed him and quickly gave her their requests. Sophie had worked as a waitress in college and put those skills to good use as she listened attentively without needing to write anything down.
“Coming right up. You boys have fun,” she said in a surprisingly playful voice. He hadn’t known what to expect when he came tonight, and after what she had said to him earlier, he had worried she would seem cold or nervous. But Sophie was putting on an Oscar-worthy performance so far. The entire table was transfixed as they watched her strut back to the bar to get their drinks. Her walk seemed far more sensual than normal as her hips swayed side to side with each step. Maybe it was just the stilettos, or maybe she was already trying to get their attention. Either way, nobody looked away until she was out of sight.
“Richard, I’ve been dying to ask, where did you find this girl?” Cliff asked, gesturing in Sophie’s direction.
“Ha, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Richard laughed with his loud voice. James couldn’t help but notice that it seemed that he wasn’t the only one enjoying their reactions to Sophie.
“What a fucking body,” Arthur said as he watched her move around the bar inside. “I’d say that I miss the days of my wife looking like that, but none of them ever looked half that good.”
“Did you see those tits?” Cliff asked, still drooling over her. James could feel his cock react as he listened to them. “She looked good the first time I saw her, but damn, that dress tonight is something else.”
“Her tits are hard to miss in that dress. You think they’re real?” Hank asked in his thick country accent.
“If they’re not, they cost a fortune,” Arthur answered. “Any surgeon that could do that is an artist.”
“What do you think, James?” Cliff asked him with a nudge and a smirk.
“Yeah, she’s gorgeous,” he answered after a moment of trying to get his dry mouth to make the sounds he needed.
Clarence had started shuffling the cards so he could deal for the first hand. “She’s certainly a lovely young lady,” he added as if he was just a kindly grandfather. His answer almost made James laugh as it was so out of place among the rest of the conversation.
“Understatement of the fucking year. She’s so fucking sexy,” Cliff answered him. “How old is she?” he asked Richard.
“She can’t be more than twenty-five,” Hank said as he looked in her direction again. James knew that he should try to join in the conversation to fit in, but so far he was just caught up in listening to the men discuss his wife so candidly.
“Barely older than my youngest,” Arthur added as he shook his head.
“No offense Arthur, but none of your daughters look fucking anything like that,” Cliff said back to him, drawing laughter from the rest of the men at the table. Even James joined in as he started to relax a little around the other men. The awkwardness of everything was fading as he accepted his role in the evening.
“Fuck you, Cliff,” Arthur said back to him, but he seemed to take the joke well.
“Are we going to play or what?” Richard said, trying to move them along. Each of the men already had chips in front of them and James had quickly counted and saw that they were for the full amount of the buy in. He had never played poker with such a large amount of money and he could feel his nerves kicking in as his adrenaline surged.
Clarence started dealing and the group’s attention locked in on the game. The first hand, James didn’t have anything decent, so he folded early. Richard went a little further before folding as well. Not the best start, but plenty of time left.
James took a few deep breaths to try to keep himself relaxed as the second hand was being dealt. The sudden head turns of the men at the table told him that his wife had come back into the room. He couldn’t help but watch their faces as Sophie walked in and set down the tray of drinks.
He took his own and took a heavy drink to calm his nerves.
“Thank you, darling,” Hank said with a practiced politeness as he took his drink from Sophie, his eyes already drinking in the young woman in front of him. Hank had a certain charm to him and was objectively more handsome than any of the other men, mostly because he significantly younger than most of them.
“You’re very welcome,” Sophie answered with a smile and walked around the table to bring Richard and Arthur their drinks. Hank watched her ass sway side to side as she walked by him. James didn’t know if his heart was racing more from the game or from watching the men leer at her.
Richard took his drink from Sophie. “Thanks, sweetheart,” Richard said, followed by a loud SMACK as he slapped James’ wife’s ass right there in front of the entire table.
James nearly spit out his drink but managed just barely to catch himself. He held his breath as he watched Sophie to see how she would react, but to his shock, she didn’t do anything but answer him like it hadn’t happened. “Of course,” Sophie said in a sultry voice. He quickly looked around at the other men, noting that Hank’s eyebrows were raised, Cliff’s jaw was nearly on the floor, and Arthur had a small smile on his face. Even Clarence seemed to have suddenly become interested.
After handing out the last of the drinks, she walked back out of the room, leaving them to play and talk.
“Goddamn, Richard!” Cliff said. “You’re hitting that?”
“Bullshit,” Hank said while looking back at his cards.
“No bullshit, I’d say odds are she’ll be bent over this table later tonight helping me celebrate taking all of your money,” Richard laughed with a pointed look directly at James. He could feel the heat on his face as Richard told him exactly what he wanted for later that night. James felt his cock rise as he thought about it. Had Richard said something to Sophie earlier to make her concerned that more would happen tonight?
“You’d tell us if this table had been used for that before, right?” Arthur asked as he picked his arms up off the table and inspected it. James had a decent hand, but he was still feeling out the other men and folded when Hank pressed him rather than risking a larger sum of money.
“Well, don’t leave us wondering,” Cliff said, “Tell us what she’s like in bed. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve fucked a woman that looked like that?”
“I’m sure you’ve never fucked anyone that looks like that,” Arthur said, no doubt a sharper barb because of Cliff’s comment about his daughters.
“Let’s actually play and maybe I’ll tell you what she’s like,” Richard told the other men. The next hand was dealt out before Richard would say anything more, but the other men didn’t forget about the question.
“Well?” Arthur asked, looking at Richard.
“What do you want to know?” Richard asked them, making the men think about their questions while he played the game.
“Is she a real freak?” Cliff asked. “She looks like she would be a freak.” James’ cock felt like it was about to explode as he listened to them talk about her.
Richard laughed, “She definitely loves cock, that’s for sure. Practically begs for it once you start fucking her.” James watched everyone’s reactions to that, but it was Clarence’s he found the most interesting. He didn’t show much of an expression, but he was listening as intently as any of the other men.
Hank spoke next, “In my experience, sometimes the really gorgeous ones think they don’t need to do anything but lie there. But I can’t say I’ve ever been with a woman that looked that good either.”
“Shit,” Arthur said quietly. “I don’t even remember what a twenty-six-year-old pussy feels like anymore.”
Richard answered Hank, ignoring Arthur’s comment. “Shit, not this one. She fucks like she loves it.”
“She’s tight yeah? Damn, I know she’s got a tight pussy just from looking at her,” Cliff added.
“Well, her pussy is the best I’ve ever had. So tight I can barely get it in and once I do, feels like it’s milking me the entire time. Like its desperate for cum,” Richard elaborated. James didn’t miss the fact that Richard was talking like it hadn’t been a one time event. He wasn’t saying it in the past tense. James didn’t believe that Sophie had been with him since then, but the way Richard was saying it… doubt had entered his mind.
“Fuck, does she have any friends?” Cliff asked and the table busted into laughter as they kept playing.