The Prescription – Complete

"This is the conclusion of a story of trust, possession, and love."

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-Dr. Jameson is to be recognized this month for outstanding reviews and excellent care. Patients have plenty to say.  

“When I had to have my gallbladder out, he took good care of me. The relief was almost instant, I’d recommend him to anyone.” 

“When I got shot last year, it was pretty bad. They said I could have died, but he stopped the bleeding. I wouldn’t be here without Dr. J.” 

Dr. Jameson began his tenure here at Valley Medical two years ago. He hails from Washington state where he attended the University of Washington at Seattle. After completing his residency at the Regional Center of Medicine, he practiced for four years at Liberty Medical. We look forward to his continued service.- 

-Take me down- 

The highlight in the hospital newsletter was a surprise. Matt hadn’t even said they were going to mention him. It had been a whirlwind of activity over the last eight months. He had stopped taking travel assignments and signed on to stay close. At the time, I’d tried not to read into it but hoped it was to be near me. Shortly after that, he asked me to move in with him. I could not contain the excitement as I leaped into his arms. The lovemaking that ensued was the stuff of romance novels. Over the next while we settled into a routine of gym workouts, golf Saturdays, and motorcycle Sundays. On the odd weekend, we would frequent the BDSM club in the next city 40 miles west.  

On this particular Saturday night, we were leaning against the bar inside Club Hush. It was situated downtown just off a main street. It had a rough enough exterior with its aged brick facade and warehouse metal doors for an entry. The inside put me in the mind of those restored 1920s semi-detached homes. Exposed brick could be seen on the walls with some bits of plaster still clinging to it. There was a large dark wooden front desk with ornate hand carvings on either end. The little hostess reminded me of a Fae creature or a Pixie with her pink hair and big blue eyes.  

Matt had bought us monthly memberships after our first visit, so, we simply scanned a key card to get in. Past the second set of doors, the senses were met with the atmosphere of a restaurant and bar. There was an open area that was actually a wide pathway to the dungeon. There were a few small tables and chairs arranged around. To one side a full polished bar glowed and sported the usual liquors. The lighting was low, and so was the music that floated in.  

We had just ordered our drinks. I had a rum and coke, and Matt had his Jameson Irish Whiskey. I teased him about it relentlessly and hadn’t even brought up the article yet. He’d just narrowed his eyes and promised a spanking was in the cards for me sooner rather than later. It was only 8 o’clock and it was still pretty slow, but the demonstration had already started. We took our drinks with us and walked past the tables, down the corridor, and to the elevators.  

There was a plaque on the wall reading ‘Level 1- Bar and lounge. B -Dungeon, private rooms.’  

The doors swooshed open with a chime, and we walked in. The ride down was quick enough, and when they opened again, it was to the familiar sounds of moaning and the slapping of flesh.  The air was comfortable and tinged with red lighting. It gave everything a dreamy quality. Our view was partially obstructed by a decorative screen. To the right, in the direction we’d come, there were bathrooms with lockers. Opposite them were the private rooms. They resembled hotel rooms, but they were stocked with condoms and lube. Also, the beds were made for connecting restraints.  

To the left, the room opened up to a large, sectioned area with a low stage. There were a few low couches and chairs facing it.  Further past was the dungeon proper. There was a padded spanking bench, a standing St. Andrew’s cross, a seated cross, stocks, a Berkley horse, and a wheel. Suspended from a corner was a hoist attached to a cage.  

Most of the equipment was vacant, but there was a pair using the standing cross.  


Some Dom was flogging a naked sub while cuffed at the wrists and feet. That was the source of most of the moaning. I licked my lips; I loved a little impact play. 


We sat on one of the couches and watched. I looked on in fascination as he whispered something to her. Roughly caressed her belly and hip then- 


She let out sounds of pleasure despite the obvious pain. It was then he started making a fast whip-like motion but with a fraction of the intensity. I sighed. The tails of the flogger appeared to sooth now, rather than bite. Her body seemed to relax a bit at the reprieve. He paused and dragged the tip of the handle down her thigh. Pulled away and 


She was reddening up now, multiple tiny stripes appeared on her pink flesh. I was spellbound watching the scene and did not realize Matt had been watching me just as closely. The whisper in my ear startled me,  

“What do you think?” 

“It’s kind of like what we’ve done, but more…” I dragged out, 

“Intense?” he finished. 

“Yes. I’d do it though,” I said tilting my head in thought.  

He pulled me to climb sideways onto his lap. We continued watching as the sub’s begging devolved into babble. The Dom nimbly unfastened her ankles first, then her wrists. He attached something to her collar. A leash.  


I hadn’t really noticed the black collar around her neck until that moment. After giving her a moment to gather herself, he turned and led her off the stage. I stared at the now-empty space with thoughts swirling in my head. Matt’s hands rubbing my legs and his breath on my neck yanked me back, 

“What are you thinking?” Matt asked. My hand came to rest on my throat without my realization. 

“Oh, you just don’t see a leash much, and he didn’t have her crawling.” I dropped my hand back to my lap.  

Sir had put a collar on me before, during playtime, but it came off after. Sometimes I would wear it around the house while he was at work. He couldn’t know, could he?  

“No, he didn’t make her crawl. Like I wouldn’t make you either, you’re not my slave,” he replied. 

I nodded. His hands kneaded my inner thighs and he spoke with whiskey breath,  

“I think we need something here,” he gently bit the side of my neck, “Don’t you?” 

My pulse quickened,  

Please be saying what I think you’re saying,’ 

“But, when we play, you put a collar on me. I like it,” I arched my neck and spread my knees a fraction.  

“Yes, I know, but we need something more…“ he paused thoughtfully, “permanent to show my claim on you don’t you think?”  

I gasped. He really was talking about collaring me. I could hardly breathe.  

“Need something better than that cheap leather at home,” he said, kissing me on the cheek. 

I stiffened, ‘He did know!’ I turned to him, with a guilty expression. 

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do anything wrong, I just,” I sighed, “I wanted to feel closer to you.” 

“I know, sweet girl. That just let me know you were ready for me to ask you.” 

My breath caught and I smiled widely. 

“Would you wear my collar? Be mine for everyone to see?” 

Impossibly, I smiled wider and exclaimed, “Yes, Sir. Absolutely!” as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

I couldn’t believe he wanted to show off his claim to me. It made me feel light, big, and bold all at once.  

He held on to me tightly. Smiling at me he beamed,  

“My sweet girl, you’re always so good. I can’t wait to show you off. In here and in public.” 

“Mmm,” I moaned into his mouth and those insistent fingers clamped over my pussy through my jeans. I began rocking up into his hand and was about to go for his cock, there was a loud crackle overhead and a rumbling  BOOM! 

We looked up instinctively, 

Was that thunder

“Fuck!” he mumbled and checked his watch. We had been there about an hour, and the chance of rain was only 15%, and much later in the night, so this was a surprise.  

“C’mon, we might be ok.” 

I didn’t argue; it was his rule. Matt never took me out on the Harley with him if the weather threatened to turn. We made our way to the elevator and pushed the ‘up’ button. He was checking the weather app on his phone, to see if the route home was clear. It was about a forty-five-minute ride after all. I watched as he visibly relaxed.  

“The direction we are going helps, this storm should miss us,” he told me as the elevator door opened. 

A small group exited before we got on. In the dim lighting and silence, my mind went back to the conversation we’d just had. He punched the button for the first floor, and I hooked my arm into his and rested my head on his shoulder.  

“Thank you,” I breathed out softly. 

He looked down at me and kissed me again as the doors closed again. I attacked his lips. There was something he’d started, and I was desperate to finish it.  


I could see want in his eyes as he studied my face. His hand trailed down my arm and grasped my hand. He lifted it with my index finger extended and pressed it onto the ‘Hold closed’ button.  

“Don’t let go,” he ordered.  

‘Yes, Sir.” 

I felt him roughly undo my jeans and pull them down to mid-thigh. One hand kneaded my ass, and the other cupped my mound while a finger eased into my slit. A moan slipped out and I rocked into it. My movements also caused my hip to graze Sir’s hardon tucked neatly to the side. He hadn’t told me to be still, just to not let go of the button. The hand on my ass sent a singer down my crack,

‘Oh. My. God.’ 

Doing my best to get friction from that finger, I tilted my ass up inviting him further.  

“Look at that, my needy girl. Haven’t played here in a while, huh?” 

I shook my head, “No, Sir, we haven’t”.  

His roaming fingers grazed over my tight ring, and further down to dip into my pussy. This caused mixed emotions of disappointment and mounting pleasure. Just when I got used to the fingers of one hand on my clit and the other in my pussy, he pulled them out and slid them back to my hole again.  

“Oh yes, please, Sir.” 

“Please what?” he asked, rubbing light circles around it.  

My eyes closed with a deep breath. He loved making me say the most obscene things, “Please fuck my ass with your fingers.”  

Sir hummed and nuzzled his face close to mine, working that finger further in past the tight ring. I groaned deeply and began riding that finger. He insistently rubbed and pinched my clit, it wasn’t going to take long. I was already worked up from before and the musky scent of my arousal filled the small space.  

“Please, Sir, I need to cum,” I moaned into his neck, now sucking and biting on it.  

“That doesn’t sound like asking,” he replied, swatting my pussy one time. It made me clench and throb harder. 

I jumped and settled, trying again, “Please, may I cum, Sir?” I could feel my wetness gliding down my thighs now. 

“Yes, baby girl, cum.”  

His fingers played me like a fiddle, and I sang for him. Throwing my head back, I could only hold on to his shoulder as full-body shudders came over me. Incoherent sounds poured from me. I was still riding his fingers like I couldn’t get enough, floating between too much and wanting more. I was still catching my breath when I felt a fleeting kiss on my exposed neck.  

He quickly withdrew his fingers, giving them a quick suck, and pulled my pants up. Looking around dazed, I was trying to figure out what the urgency was when Sir stepped between me and the doors. He zipped and buttoned my jeans just as the bell chimed,  


Belatedly, my eyes darted to the button I had released, “I’m sorry,” I said to him, as he began to lead me by the hand through the small crowd of impatient strangers.  

Letting me catch up to him, he replied with a smirk,  “Don’t worry, I owe you a spanking anyway.” 


-Side effects- 

The ride home was pleasant on the 2008 Dyna Wide Glide and we got out of the city before the rain started. The open highway stretched before us into the dark as if calling us to explore its secrets. I pressed my front into his back and rearranged my grip. Our leather jackets squeaked together, and my helmet bumped into his again. They were a necessary evil. We’d just cruised back into our hometown when mist started fogging my visor. It had rained here. We were going through an intersection two blocks from the turn for home when it happened. In my peripheral vision, there were headlights too close,  

Way too close!

I felt jarred as everything went out from under me. There was a sensation of falling.  


Then nothing. 


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. 

Somebody turn that fucking thing off! I hate heart monitor alarms when it’s a normal rhythm.’ 

Beep. Beep. Beep. 

It’s giving me a headache, turn it off!’  

“Baby? What’d you say? You can open your eyes.”  

Was that Matt?’ 

I cracked open eyes that I hadn’t realized were closed. The fluorescent lighting on the exam room ceiling pierced my very soul. Shutting them tight again, I mumbled, 

“Tuuurn off beeping.”  

A moment later the wretched beeps stopped. Testing the lights from hell, I slowly cracked one eye. It wasn’t as bad that time, and I instantly recognized where I was. It was an ER trauma room, in the very hospital where we worked.  

Feeling pressure on my hand, I looked to the side. Matt sat there looking, well, worse than I had ever seen him. He had red eyes and smudges on his face, his left hand and arm were all banged up. He was wearing those green surgery scrubs. 


“What happened?” I croaked out. He gulped but spoke in that tone I knew well. It was his work voice.  

“A car cut us off at that intersection, High and thirty-four. I braked and tried to swerve to miss him, but it was too late, we went into a skid.” I saw his eyes water as he continued to speak in that clipped tone. “You were thrown from the bike, landed, and rolled onto the shoulder. You have a concussion, two broken ribs, and road rash.”  

He paused as if to continue but dropped his head. He slowly brought my hand to his forehead, and hot drops fell to my wrist and wound down my forearm. He was sobbing, and it wasn’t difficult to piece it together. I brought my other hand around and ran it through his hair.  

“Aww, babe. It’s not your fault. I’ll be ok,” I tried. 

He wiped his eyes hurriedly and kissed my hand. He placed it carefully on the bed, 

“I’ll tell Jerry that you’re up,” he said and whisked out of the room.  

Seeing him like that had me worried, but we could talk later. I sighed and cringed. Yep, that explained the pain in my right side. I raised my hands to do a quick inventory, there were a few cuts and abrasions. Looking under the covers, my legs seemed OK. My head though. It throbbed, and I rested it back on the pillow just as Dr. “Jerry” came in. He basically told me what Matt just had, how to care for the concussion, and medicine he was writing for the ribs.  

He ended with, “I know you’re in good hands.”  



-Two weeks later- 

I sat on the sofa in our townhouse drumming my fingers on the couch arm. Checking my phone again to reveal no new messages had me throwing it down with a huff. It bounced on the cushion, which hardly reflected my frustration.  

Why wasn’t he home yet? He should have been home two hours ago. This was getting to be the norm. Matt was becoming increasingly distant since the accident. When he was here, he seemed absent-minded. I had been able to return to work the week prior, and with my ribs slowly healing, I’d be independent soon. As much as I cared about him, I’d be damned if he was going to ignore me because I got hurt. Tears threatened for what seemed like the hundredth time, and I forced them back. Just then, my phone rang. It was Master Andrew. That was weird.  


“Hi, Princess!” His voice made me smile. Since that retreat, we’d had him and Laura down for a couple of dinners. We’d gotten to know each other pretty well. He usually called Matt though, why was he calling me? 

“Hi Master Andrew, how are you? How’s Laura??” I returned. 

“We’re good. Worried about you guys though,” he replied. My heart sped up, was Matt ignoring him too? 

“Have you heard from Matt lately?” I asked hopefully. 

“Princess, I haven’t heard from him in about two weeks,“  my heart dropped at that, and tears welled back up. “Tell me what’s going on.” 

I unloaded the whole tale, the plans for collaring, the wreck, and the absences. When I was done, he told me, “I hear you. Don’t pack your bags just yet. Talk to him about how you feel, and I’ll get through to him, even if I have to come down there.” 

He reassured me and hung up. Feeling better than I had in a while, I just had to wait now.  

Two days later, we sat at the table eating take-out Asian food. I didn’t make much conversation at first, as I was consumed in my own melancholy thoughts. Still, it had to be done. Resolved, I took a breath and started, “I need to tell you something.”  

It was awkward because it was at the same time he said, “I’m sorry I haven’t been here.” His smile was pained as he quickly continued, “Please let me say one thing then you can say whatever you want.”

I nodded my consent and he continued, “I know I haven’t been around much. I should have been, but I blamed myself for you getting hurt. The way I feel about you…” His hand found mine across the table, ”I don’t know what I’d do without you.” 

I smiled and returned the grip he had on my fingers. 

“I thought you didn’t want me anymore because I was too much to deal with or something. I was going to say that I was thinking about looking for a place to go.” 

At that, he abruptly stood abandoning his half-eaten fried rice. Matt came around the table and placed his hands on my shoulders.  

“I meant it when I said I want you to wear my collar. I’ve been an idiot these past couple of weeks, but I still want you. If anything, I want you more.”  

I stood and he wrapped me in his arms. It felt so good to be back like this. His strong arms wrapped around me, like nothing else could touch me. I sighed with contentment, unable to avoid catching a whiff of his scent. 

“My sweet girl, forgive me?”  

I nodded my head, “Yes.” 

“Then what do you say we give that sling a workout? Should be easy enough on your ribs.” 

A very few minutes later I hung suspended from the ceiling in a sling, my weight supported at the trunk and all four limbs.  I took a deep breath testing the position, and it barely hurt. That’s when I felt that warm mouth on my lower lips. Instinctively, I spread my knees to get more, but he would not be rushed. Sir’s tongue teased my hole, dove into my pussy, and danced on my clit. I wanted to press against his face, but there was no leverage. 

Damn sling.’ 

He did not make me wait, thankfully, and pressed his naked cock into me in one smooth stroke. It was different like this. Sir stood still but held on to my hips and alternated pushing and pulling me away. It was dizzying in a good way. He reached down and began massaging my clit and I could not take any more. 

“Please? Oh god Sir, please make me cum.” 

“Mmm, already huh?” he grunted and continued. 

“Yes, I’m so close, please,” I begged. 

“Are you sure you want it? Cause I’m not so sure,”  

To my dismay, he pulled out. 

“Uggghhh!” I whined, but he simply shushed me as he circled around to my head, 

“C’mon baby girl, open that sweet mouth.” 

I did and he slid his cock into my wide-open mouth. The taste of myself on him pulled a sinful groan from me. There was enough of him underneath to cause our flavors to be mixed. It was decadent. As I sucked and cleaned his cock, he massaged my breasts. He squeezed and pinched the nipples.  

Sir followed that with a light slap that made me jump. One of his hands reached lower over my belly to my clit and pinched,  

“Mmm,” I moaned trying to buck my hips. 

He pulled out again and rested his balls on my mouth. I began sucking on them one at a time, but he started dragging them over my face.  

Holy fuck’. 

I closed my eyes and just basked in it. Him. His scent. His possession.  

“Fuck, baby girl. You love this, don’t you? You’ve taken everything I’ve given you. So fucking sweet.” 

He was looking down at me with hunger in his eyes. His cock and balls trailing across my cheek. 

“You take care of me. I don’t ever want to say no,” I replied sincerely, “I can’t get enough of being yours.” 

“You make it so easy to love you,” he said softly. I looked up at him, shocked, but I could tell he meant it. It explained everything. Those fucking tears welled up again.  

“I love you too,” I croaked.  

Our lips met in a tender upside-down kiss, and I struggled to get my hands on him.  

“Hold on, sweet girl.” 

Sir deftly unhooked and lifted me from the sling as my legs encircled his waist. He carried me to the bed and laid me on it. We were kissing passionately, our hands roaming. After a moment he guided his swollen cock into my slick pussy. The pace was not hurried. We simply made love. That was until a shift of weight caused him to grind on my clit. A loud moan escaped from me, and I began meeting his thrusts.  

“Please, oh please, Sir?” I begged.  

“You need it, baby girl?” he asked, pounding in harder, the sounds of slapping flesh reverberating off the walls. 

“So bad, Sir, please.” 

“Mmm. I’m right there too. Cum sweet girl.” 

The pleasure that racked me was mind-numbing. It seemed to climb higher and higher. I was somewhere between bliss and oblivion for several glorious seconds. My head ached as I came down. Sir pounded into me nearing the finish. He let out something near a shout and stiffened with his grip fast. Hot semen flooded my inner folds and seeped out. It ran down his balls, down my crack, and onto the sheets. He leaned down to kiss me giving a few final thrusts. I sighed into it. 

Sir pulled out and I expected him to give me his cock again, but he spread my knees bowing his head to my leaking pussy. 


He gave a long lick as he’d done before but did not linger. He crawled up next to me and took my mouth giving me a generous taste of our mixed flavors. It was intoxicating.  We sank into each other until it was unclear where one ended and the other began. 


-Yours… mine-

Two weeks later, I knelt on the low stage before Sir on the lower level of Hush. I did my best to hear the beautiful words he was saying above my racing heart. 

“I offer you this collar as a symbol of my claim on you. With it, I offer protection, discipline, and love. Will you accept my collar?” 

“I accept, Sir” I answered. He raised the silver chain to my neck and fastened the tiny lock.  


The sound was barely audible, but it elicited a wide grin from me. I had the key in my hand, and held it up at that point, 

“Sir, I offer you this key as a symbol of my devotion and submission. I also promise to obey the rules set forth, serve the best I can, and love you back. Do you accept?” 

“I accept,” he bent to help me up and took me in a long kiss and a tight hug. There was an eruption of applause from the small crowd.  

I opened my eyes smiling. There was Master Andrew and his pet along with the club regulars. The cold metal warmed to my skin quickly enough, but the weight felt significant and important. Loosening his grip, but not releasing me entirely, he took in the sight of me. I reached up and cradled the lock in my fingers. Letting the excitement bubble up, I tightened my hold around his neck and leaped into his arms. Laughter rang out from me, and he simply held on and carried me off the stage. 


I sat at a small table in the back of the quaint coffee shop on a fall day. It had been three months since the collaring ceremony, and Matt and I had only grown closer. Just then he came over from the counter with our coffees and slipped into his chair opposite me. I appreciated the fragrance of freshly ground beans and steamed milk as we chatted about nothing in particular. Often, we’d pause to simply enjoy the view through the large windows. 

“Hmm, it’s a nice day for brunch. Shall we?” he asked with a sly grin. Puzzled, I checked the time. Brunch? 10:30? At the Pecan Press? 

‘Oh!’ I realized with a jolt. 

“Our first date!” I exclaimed, “You brought us back here a year later,” I said smiling. 

“Yeah, Thought you might like that,” he said smiling. 

“I love it!” I couldn’t believe he had remembered the exact date. I was so lucky. 

“It’s been quite a year. Any regrets?” he asked. 

“None,” I spoke confidently as I downed the last of my latte, but there was something hard in the bottom of the cup.  

What the…?’ 

I got the long wooden stirrer to see what it was under the puddle of froth, belatedly noticing Matt’s silence. Sliding from the cup and hitting the table with a clatter was a silver-toned ring. The round-cut solitaire diamond shone despite the coffee dripping from it. I was stunned into stillness.  

No way. Was he really? He was! I hoped, but I never…’ 

Matt moved quickly. He grabbed a napkin, dried the ring, and knelt before me.  

“You told me once that being a sub made you feel whole. I never feel more fulfilled than when I’m with you. Will you take my name? Make a family with me?” 

Realizing I was still holding the cup and stirrer I placed them on the table and held out my left hand to take the proffered ring. It slid on like it was made for me. 

How did he do that?’ 

“Yes,” I said in a shaky breath. 

“Yes?” he echoed. 

“Yes!” I cried as I threw my arms around his neck. He squeezed me back and stood, lifting me off my feet. A possessive kiss followed which was met with a smattering of applause from the occupants of the shop, workers and customers alike. We thanked them and returned to our table.  

There were arrangements to make, and a grand future before us, but Matt’s hand rested on my knee as he bent to kiss my neck.   

“Love you,” he told me softly. 

“Love you too,” I returned. 

I reached up and caressed the lock as I had done so many times before. The waiter was standing at the table with complimentary plates and Matt was saying something, but I was lost in the sheer happiness of the moment. We were together… One… Complete… 

Published 1 year ago

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