Was I doomed to life without love never to trust or love another man again?
Oh how I miss that feeling of closeness and that rush of passion and ecstasy.
Yet you lifted my spirit, won my heart and made me believe in love again.
When I looked into your face, your smile lit up every corner of the room.
I could not help but smile back because your smile melted my lonely heart.
Then your eyes met mine and they twinkled with a fiery passion within them.
Piercing my eyes and going to the center of my soul deep within my heart.
You reached for me your hands trembling as you pulled me into your arms.
As my loneliness lifted, I laid my head on your chest listening to your heart.
I kissed you, called your name out softly and seduced you with my charms.
Lost in loves embrace our souls unite and I release the passion in my heart.
My mended spirit soars on the wings of an eagle as I feel love and it is right.
Let me walk by your side and watch our love grow into something beautiful.
When I think about being without you, I fall to pieces and I am not all right.
Spending forever with you side by side would make me feel wonderful.
I love you because of everything you do and how you make me feel inside.
When you say I love you and look at me like that, I know our love is for real
You will always have this heart of mine and I will be forever by your side.
I want to you to know how happy I am and how good you make me feel.