The Power of The Moon ch.3

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Grace tries to fight the fact that she is in love with Matty..While Matty knows he is head over heels for her!

The cab stopped right outside Grace’s apartment complex. Matty ran around to open the door for her before she could do it herself. Grace smiled, no one had ever tried that hard to do something for her, not even her parents or Sam.

Matty opened the door and helped her out of the car walking with her all the way to the door of the apprentment complex, “Well, uh, I had a fun night even though it wasn’t long.” He said smiling at her and sticking his hands back into his pockets shaking because of the crisp night air. “I would love to do it again sometime…maybe longer and no chasing after people?” He said smiling to let her know he was kidding around about the last part.

Grace blushed, “I don’t know I am kinda busy..with work and making sure Sam doesn’t kill herself every time she walks out the door.” She said starting to take off his jacket that he had given her so she wasn’t cold, “But maybe talking on the phone or something like that.” Grace said handing Matty his jacket.

Matty smiled and took the jacket wrapping it back around her shoulders, which were way smaller than his. “How about you keep it…So then you will have to call me to set up sometime to give it back to me.” He said kissing her lightly on the cheek he walked back to the cab and hit the end of the cab telling it it could leave.

“What are you doing?!?” Grace asked taking a few steps away from her building to watch him walk down the street.

Matty turned around but kept walking, “walking home! I am not so cold anymore!”


Grace was sitting in her office and glanced down at her phone and then over at Matty’s jacket that she had carried around with her for about a week now. She had worn it when Sam and her had gone out the night after Matty gave it to her and wore it to work everyday since. It smelled like him and reminded her of his sweet smile and the kiss on the cheek that had burned on her cheek for a few hours later that night.

“When you going to call him to give that back?” Sam was standing in the door way to Grace’s office eating a P&J sandiwhich, which she ate every friday for lunch with some baked chips.

“I don’t know, I am kinda afaird he won’t want to see me again.” Grace said feeling her cheeks starting to burn as Sam stared at her. “Oh yeah, because guys just carry around nice jackets like that to hand out to girls for fun!” Sam said rolling her eyes, “take my advice kid…Call him before it really gets akward.” She said walking down the hall to her office. Grace sighed and picked up her cell knowing that Sam was right.


Matty sat on the couch checking his phone every three minutes like he had been the whole week. He sighed and threw his phone hard at the couch Landon was laying in. Watching it bounce off the top of it and land on Landon. “What the hell, dude?!?!” Landon yelled spiling his Coke all over his lap because the phone came out of no where.

“Sorry I got mad…I just thought she would have called by now. I mean I gave her the jacket my dad bought for me before we went to that training thing!” Matty said sparwling out on the leather sofa. “Landon what am I going to do? I mean I think I am in love with a girl I knew for about thirty minutes!”

Landon shurged and handed Matty back his phone,”I would just call her and tell her stairght up that I needed my fucking jacket back!” Landon said more worried that Matty was going to lose that jacket that he was way jealous of him having.

“Landon!” Matty yelled at him when his phone began to buzz, he checked the caller ID. It was Grace! Matty jumped to his feet and threw a pillow at Landon making him spill even more of his Coke in his lap. Matty couldn’t help but laugh as he walked into his bedroom and closed the door.


“Hey, it’s Grace.” Grace said simply when she heard Matty answer.

“Ya I guessed that when it popped up on my caller ID!” Matty said smiling.

“Matty,” Grace started ignoring his comment. “I was calling you so that we could set up a time for you to pick up your jacket. It needs to be sometime after 5:30 because I don’t get off work till after that..I don’t want it to be fancy or anything. You could just come over and pick it u-”

“Grace? Why are you making this so perfessional? I don’t want it to be a, ‘Oh heres your jacket now I never want to see you again, Bye!’ thing. I want it to be a date! Because Grace I think you are very pretty and funny and I want to know you better! So I know this is going to sound very random but how about…We got for a walk in the park after you are done working and you bring me my jacket and we walk in the park?” Mattysaid as fast as he could so that she couldn’t stop him.

Grace felt a lump in her thoart trying to think with her brain and not her pussy. “Um ya sure tonight I guess I will call you or you could call me..” She said and quickly closed the phone falling back into her chair and placing her hand on her head.

“Yes!!” Matty screamed out loud jumping up and down and throwing his hands in the air. He ran out and jumped over the back of the couch smiling like when he was told he was going home for awhile.

“Looks like someone scored a date!” Landon said eating a bag of popcorn.

Published 13 years ago

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