The Point – Chapter 6

"Mark and Zach try to get Justin to come to terms with his sexuality."

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The next day at the weight room, Zach and Mark were talking over how they would lead the team for the rest of the year. They decided that Mark would focus on the guards and Lee, while Zach would focus on the big-men and Ant. They discussed what they needed to work on with the team and, of course, “the bigger picture.” They both decided that Justin was the one who needed their help the most. Hopefully, they could help out Ant at the same time, but that would certainly be up to the two of them. The two couples seemed to be in good shape, but they needed to get some updates on Maxi, Luke, Lee, and Trey. They all kept to themselves for the most part. If they were involved, it was somewhere outside of Coach’s sight. So, Zach and Mark needed to spend some one-on-one time with them. Fortunately, it was an even swap of the workload, so that should be easy enough. They agreed to suspend their joint workouts for a few days so Zach could meet his two guys alone in the weight room and Mark could meet with his two guys on the court.

After several workouts with Zach, Mark was confident that he was always at least partially aroused when he was in the gym. He just couldn’t understand whether it was the physical activity, the other guys, or whatever that turned him on.

So, they finished their workout, took a quick shower, and headed over to check in with Coach and get ready for practice. They let Coach know what was going on and he seemed quite happy with the way they were handling the team.

Practice went smoothly. They did a short scrimmage with Zach’s team versus Mark’s team. Zach’s team won handily, mostly because of Devon and himself. As practice wound down, the two captains made sure that they let everybody know that nobody was allowed in the showers after practice. Well, everybody except Justin and Ant.

As practice ended, some of the guys hung out on the court for a bit. Others went down to the locker room and milled about. Mark headed down and got ready for his shower. He waited for Justin and Ant to head in, signaled Zach, and then hung up his towel and headed in. They were in their usual spots to the right. Ant first, then Justin with an open shower at the end.

“Good practice today, Ant!” Mark said as he slapped Ant on the backside. Ant flinched and slowly turned to Mark, obviously not amused. Mark headed to the end of the row by Justin. He was unsure how to approach the two, so he decided just to mix it up a bit. “I never noticed before, but you have a nice ass, Ant. Don’t you think so, Justin?” There was nothing but silence. “Not that I am really into that. I don’t exactly have the cock for that if you didn’t notice.” Mark chuckled a bit. “I am more of a cock-man. Any size, shape, or color. I just like cock. And that feeling when he buries his cock deep inside of you and you are completely in his control.” Mark made a very sexual groan.

Ant turned to Mark and said, “Why don’t you shut up?”

“I’m sorry, Ant,” Mark said. He put his hand on Justin’s shoulder and reached across to “fist-bump” Ant. Mark’s wet, slippery chest slid across Justin’s back as he did. Ant hesitated and then reluctantly complied. By the time Mark got back to his shower, Justin’s cock was on the rise. Mark immediately called attention to it. Ant was staring at Justin’s cock and Mark could see a bit of movement between Ant’s legs. Justin saw Ant looking and immediately headed for the shower entrance.

When he got there, he was greeted by a small wall of a human being. Zach said, “Justin. Ant. You two aren’t going anywhere for now. Mark, get your ass out of there.”

Mark walked by the two guys and said, “Have fun, boys!” and walked by Zach. He grabbed a towel and had a seat on the bench. Zach stood at the front entrance to the showers, making sure that nobody went either in or out.

Roughly fifteen minutes later, the two of them headed out of the showers. They were both smiling and being playful with each other. They dried off a bit and wrapped a towel around their collective waists. Zach let them pass.

Ant led the way. He stopped in front of Mark. Mark stood up and Ant bumped shoulders with him. He grabbed Mark’s hand, gave it a squeeze, and said, “You’re alright, man.”

Justin followed closely behind. He stopped in front of Mark. He just stood there for a bit, flashing a smile. Suddenly and unexpectedly he charged at Mark, giving him an aggressive hug. As they collided, both of their towels fell to the floor and they were standing there with everybody watching, completely naked with their cocks touching. Justin whispered, “Thank you” in Mark’s ear. Then he bent down and grabbed both towels from off of the floor. He handed the one to Mark and pinned the other around his waist. As he and the waiting Ant returned to their lockers, the locker room erupted in applause.

Zach’s voice shot out, “Alright, guys! Show’s over! Take your showers, you stinky fuckers!”

By that time, everybody had been waiting for at least ten minutes. It was a mad dash to the showers. Mark headed over toward Zach, who was still in his gym clothes. “That went well. I wasn’t sure at first. I thought maybe Ant was going to kick my ass for a bit,” Mark joked.

Zach laughed, “Ant! Pfft! He is a total softie.”

By that time, Zach was stripped down and Mark handed him a towel and waved his head toward the shower. As they headed to the shower, Mark mumbled, “That softie would kick my ass.”

They hung up their towels and as they turned around they saw that every shower was occupied. The layout in clockwise fashion was Jamar, Chris, and Lee on the right. Luke and Trey were at the back. Devon, D.J., and Maxi were on the right. “I think that we are waiting,” Mark whispered.

Zach charged into the shower in his usual less-than-subtle style. “Whoa! My kind of party here. Let’s do a bit of a team-building exercise. Chris and Jamar, I think that you two guys can share a shower.” He gave Chris a bit of a nudge toward Jamar, clearing out the middle spot on the left. “And let’s see, D.J. and Devon.” He gave D.J. a nudge over toward Devon’s shower, opening up the middle shower to the right.

Shaking his head, Mark walked in, assessed both spots, and quickly decided that he wanted to be next to D.J. and Devon. As he took that shower, Zach took the spot next to Chris and Jamar. Ten guys in that shower was a tight fit, especially when four of them were giants. There was quite a bit of unintentional bumping into each other and probably a fair amount of the intentional kind.

The two couples were getting rather playful with each other. There was a fair amount of kissing and groping. Mark kept a close eye on the two beside him. He tried to stay a bit to the other side of the shower to give them a bit of extra room. Maxi didn’t seem to mind that Mark was standing that close as he “accidentally” bumped his hand into Mark’s ass multiple times. One such occasion lasted quite a while and there seemed to be a bit of a squeeze at the end.

Mark surveyed the landscape and noticed that everybody had an erection, including himself. He wondered if an orgy was about to break-out. He hoped that it would, but he didn’t think that he was quite ready for that crazy of an experience just yet. After a few minutes, Jamar and Chris left and the shower started to empty without any real incident. There was a lot of leering and not much action.

As Mark and Zach headed out, Zach whispered, “Maxi wants to tear your ass up.”

Mark responded, “Not as bad as Lee wants you to tear his up.”

Zach smiled and bragged, “Again?”

As they headed to their lockers Mark mumbled, “Jesus. How am I supposed to keep track of all of this?”

They got dressed and Mark and Zach headed out together. They knocked on Coach’s door and heard, “Come in, boys.”

They walked in and sat down on the other side of the desk. Mark was bursting to let Coach know about how things went with Ant and Justin. He rambled a bit about the whole set-up. He told them that they were in for about fifteen minutes and whatever happened in there, they seemed to return in good spirits. Coach finally cut him off and said, “I know what happened, son. And you boys did a great job.”

Mark asked, “Coach, do you have a camera in the shower?” as he glanced at Zach.

“Son, I can’t keep things safe in here if I don’t have cameras in every room, much less the shower,” Coach answered defensively. “So, do you want to know what happened in there or not?”

Zach flashed Mark a smirk. Mark answered sheepishly, “Yeah, I mean, it would be good for me to know moving forward. That way I will know what is going on with them. Besides, I have been keeping an eye on Justin…”

Coach cut him off, “You can just say ‘yes’, son. Give me a second to pull this up.”

He spun his monitor around and there was the shower. There were Ant and Justin, with Mark on the end antagonizing the two of them.

Mark mumbled to Zach, “That guy on the end is sexy. I would do him.”

Zach retorted, “Been there.”

Coach barked, “Boys!”

The video continued and the guys focused as you could see Zach appear and Mark exit. Ant and Justin were standing there talking and you could see that they were both freaking out a bit. Justin started to pace around the shower waving his hands and shouting. Ant ran up to him and held him as Justin cried in his arms. Once he calmed down a bit, you could see Justin start to kiss Ant. The two of them made-out for a bit until Justin dropped to his knees and started sucking Ant’s cock.

After a minute or two, Justin got up and leaned against the shower. Ant knelt down and lubricated Justin’s hole with a bit of saliva. Then he stood up and slowly inserted his cock into Justin’s ass. You could see Justin almost collapse as Ant entered him. Ant went very slow and was being quite respectful of Justin’s virginity. Justin was stroking his cock with a lot of intensity as Ant slowly pumped away. It only took a couple of minutes before you could see Justin’s orgasm and quickly thereafter, Ant was cumming inside of him. As Ant collapsed on Justin, they both slipped and fell. They rolled on the floor, laughing hysterically until Ant got up and pulled Justin up to him. They shared a brief kiss and headed out of the shower.

Mark and Zach looked at each other. “Huh,” Mark said, “That didn’t go the way that I imagined it. Because, Justin, with me he was…”

Coach cut him off, “It rarely goes the way that you would think, son. Maybe he is just finding his way. Maybe he is versatile. Who knows? He probably doesn’t even know for sure yet. But, he will get there. You boys keep an eye on those two.”

Zach answered, “We will, coach.”

“Alright, get outta here. I have work to do,” Coach barked.

They headed out of Coach’s office. As the door shut, Mark almost tackled Zach in the hallway. He started kissing him frantically and pulled back to say, “Fuck! That was fucking hot! I have never seen people that I know fucking before.”

Mark continued to attack Zach until he grabbed Zach’s hand and shoved it down the front of his shorts. Zach started to stroke Mark’s cock as they bounced off of the walls, spinning and flailing about. In fairly short order, Mark started gasping and he started to grind his forehead into Zach’s chest. Zach could feel the warm spray of Mark’s cum all over his hand and inside his own shorts.

Mark stood there motionless. Zach slowly withdrew his cum-covered hand from Mark’s shorts and pulled it upward. The front of his underwear was wet with cum. Mark leaned in and licked his own cum off of Zach’s hand. Zach looked down at Mark and asked, ”You really wanted Justin’s first time to be with you, didn’t you?”

Mark stuttered, “No! I…I…maybe…yes.” Mark couldn’t bear to look at Zach.

Zach wrapped his arms around Mark and said, “It’s okay, bro. We will figure it out, one way or another.”

A booming voice came from the office, “Keep it down out there! I am trying to run a respectable establishment here!”

Mark whispered, “Can he see us?”

Zach pointed at the “sprinkler” in the hallway.

Mark chuckled and they headed out together.


Published 4 years ago

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