The next day at practice, Mark continued to see changes in the way that he was being perceived. He received a lot more cheers from his teammates every time that he made a solid play. He felt like they were playing harder for him and that just made him more focused and driven. It was definitely his best day on the court since coming to college, even though it was just a practice. He also noticed that for some reason he was receiving a lot more pats on the bottom.
As practice concluded, he stormed to the locker with his teammates. He had already decided the night before that there would be no more hiding. As he reached his locker, Zach patted him on the shoulder and said that he was wanted in the treatment room. Mark wasn’t sure what was going on, he didn’t have any injuries or anything that needed medical attention. This was supposed to be an important moment for him and now that would have to wait for another day.
Zach walked into the treatment room and saw Justin standing there. He thought that he had interrupted Justin’s treatment, so he turned around ready to wait for his turn outside of the room. That’s when he heard Justin say, “Wait!”
Just then he realized that there was no trainer in the room. It was only Justin. Justin was a sophomore and one of the key backups on the team. He usually played the off-guard position. He was probably the best shooter on the roster, particularly from range. He was a very lean guy, about 6’2” and maybe 165 pounds soaking wet. He had short, messy blonde hair and a bit of a pointy little nose. Honestly, he was pretty cute in a non-conventional sort of way.
“After last night, I was thinking about things. You know, and I have this girlfriend and things have been pretty rocky lately. I have just been, you know, going crazy lately, and sometimes masturbating doesn’t really cut it. I just…I just need to interact with somebody else,” he said in a pretty heartfelt manner.
Mark replied, “That’s tough man and I would be more than willing to help you out sometime, but I have to tell you that last night was my first time. I am damn sore and I need a couple of days to recover.”
Justin jumped in, “No, no, no. I think you got the wrong impression of me. I am not gay. I just really need my dick sucked.”
Mark was confused by that comment. But if that was Justin’s perception of sexuality, he was certainly entitled to it. He also very quickly decided that he was down for that party. He smirked at Justin, nodded, and said, “Shirt off.”
Justin pulled his jersey over his head revealing his rail-thin chest and stomach. You could easily see each and every one of his ribs. His chest was heaving and he was clearly very, very nervous about this. All of a sudden, Mark felt like a seasoned veteran of these sorts of sexual escapades with a whole one under his belt.
He walked up to Justin and placed his hands on Justin’s hips. Justin seemed a bit uncomfortable with any degree of touching. Mark looked into Justin’s eyes and said, “Deep breath. It’s okay man.”
Mark slowly dropped to his knees. He looked up at Justin who was staring straight ahead and trying to not look down. He slid both thumbs inside Justin’s shorts and slowly slid them down. His semi-hard cock popped free as his shorts slid down to his ankles. Justin’s cock was a little larger than average. It was probably close to seven inches long and had decent girth. The interesting part of it, for Mark, was that he was uncut. Mark was circumcised and had never had any contact with an uncut cock.
As Mark grabbed Justin’s cock, he flinched. Justin’s heavy-breathing had turned to not-breathing. He was shaking noticeably and Mark was pretty sure that he could hear Justin’s ass clenching. Mark was beginning to wonder if Justin was going to be able to perform, but as soon as he started stroking his cock it became rather hard. Mark leaned in gave Justin’s cock a couple of playful licks. He heard a long sigh from Justin and he knew that he was going to be just fine.
He wrapped his mouth around Justin’s cock and then slowly drew his lips back. He waggled his tongue around the opening of his foreskin. Then, he peeled the foreskin back and swirled his tongue all around the head. He could feel Justin shiver as his tongue probed the tender underside of his cock. Mark aimed Justin’s cock with his right hand as he began to bob on it. He was certainly no expert at this, but he tried to do things that felt good to himself.
He started bobbing slowly as he tried to work his way deeper and deeper. Then he wrapped his tongue around the underside. He was keeping his mouth wide-open to promote minimal tooth contact. He was working it for several minutes, but he wasn’t getting any sort of response from Justin. He was beginning to think that he wasn’t very good at this.
Then, all of a sudden, he got his response. Justin grabbed his head forcefully and drove his cock deep down Mark’s throat. Mark was just about to gag when he looked up and noticed that Justin had finally looked at him. He locked eyes with Justin. Mark held back his gag-reflex as mightily as he could. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he efforted to take Justin’s full length. Almost instantly thereafter, Mark felt the hot spray of cum against the back of his throat. Cum oozed down his throat as wave after wave of cum flooded his mouth. Justin had him pinned tightly and he was just going to have to deal. He felt like he was at the dentist and he had to force that “hard swallow”. A big, painful gulp relieved most of Mark’s stress. It was Mark’s first taste of another man’s cum. He had tasted his own many times and while it wasn’t really offensive-tasting, it never tasted good by any means. This was different, though. It wasn’t about the taste, it was about what it represented and Mark savored every bit of Justin’s load.
Justin released his grip on Mark’s head and groaned a very satisfied, “Oh, fuck.”
Mark backed free of his cock and steadied himself on Justin’s hip, almost hugging him. He gasped and struggled for breath for a bit.
Justin boomed, “Oh, god! Mark. Are you okay? I’m so sorry.”
Mark said rather low, “I’m good. No worries.”
Mark let go of Justin’s midsection and slowly staggered to his feet. They both stood there in silence for an uncomfortable amount of time. Justin gave Mark a look like he wanted to kiss him, but there was nothing but awkwardness.
Finally, Justin said, “Thanks man, I can’t tell you how bad I needed that. That was fantastic. I just hope that I didn’t get too aggressive with you at the end there.”
“No, it’s all good Justin. It’s just that I am pretty new at this and you sent a pretty heavy load my way. Not that I’m complaining or anything,” Mark replied.
Justin bent over and pulled up his shorts, then he grabbed his shirt off of a bench. Justin stuck his hand out in a fist-bump motion. Mark fired back, but it seemed like an odd thing.
“Catch you later, bro,” Justin said as he walked toward the door.
As he walked past Mark, something screamed inside his head. He grabbed Justin’s arm firmly and held up his progress.
“I’m there for you if you ever need me,” Mark said as he slowly loosened his grip on Justin’s arm. Mark’s hand slid slowly down Justin’s arm until their hands touched. Both gave each others’ hand a tender squeeze just before they broke contact and Justin walked out the door.
Mark stood there stunned. He wasn’t really sure what had just happened. Was this just a casual encounter or something more? Was Justin just as repressed as Mark had been? Or was he just a horny guy wanting to get off?
Mark’s contemplation was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. He immediately thought that it was Justin coming back. Instead, Devon walked through the door wearing nothing but a loosely wrapped towel. Mark wasn’t really sure what was going on once again.
“Are you here to see the trainers?” Mark asked.
“No, not exactly,” Devon said, “I was hoping that you could work me into your schedule.”
Devon dropped his towel, exposing his thick cock. Mark’s first thought was, “Jackpot!” His second was that hopefully, Devon was down for oral. There was no way Mark could handle that fat cock today.
Hoping to steer the chain of events, Mark slowly dropped to his knees and offered his mouth to Devon. Devon charged in and stuffed his soft cock in Mark’s mouth. Mark opened up as wide as he could. Devon started to thrust his cock slowly. He grabbed Mark’s head tightly and stared him down as he rhythmically fucked his mouth. He wasn’t going particularly deep, so the only issue was dealing with his impressive girth. He was probably just short of the thickness of one of those body-spray aerosol bottles. Fortunately, Devon was doing most of the work, so all Mark had to do was to open wide and keep his tongue prominent. It was all that Mark could do to keep his mouth open wide enough to not catch his teeth on Devon’s cock. His jaw began to ache from the strain very quickly.
Several minutes had passed and then suddenly Devon pulled his cock out of Mark’s mouth. This was the first chance that Mark had to get a really good look at it hard. It was a fucking beast. He thought of how painful that would be to take anally. Then he thought of how sore he was from Zach’s cock the previous night and he quickly decided that he may need to be broken in a bit before he attempted something like that.
Devon was stroking his cock feverishly. He grabbed Mark’s head, coaxing his mouth open, and immediately groaned. His cum began to spray into Mark’s mouth. It was thick and salty, but pretty easy to manage in this situation. Mark wrapped his lips around the head to make sure that he received every drop of his reward.
Devon hesitated for a moment with his head reared back in ecstasy. Mark continued to gently lick and suck on the head, swallowing every little bit of cum. Once Devon had recovered, he reached down and pulled Mark up to his feet. He gave Mark a man-hug with a bit of a caress on his cheek. This was clearly not his first gay experience.
He flashed a smile and said, “I’ll see you at practice tomorrow. Keep working hard, everybody sees your improvement.”
He turned around and scooped his towel off of the floor showing off his thick, muscular ass. He draped it over his shoulder so it kind of covered himself up and strutted out of the room.
Mark doubled over with his hands over his face. Suddenly, he burst out laughing. He wasn’t sure what was going on with his life, but he was certainly enjoying the ride.
The door shot open again and, “What’s so fucking funny in here?” boomed through the room. Mark fired straight up to see Zach standing there laughing his ass off.
“Motherfucker! You set all of this up, didn’t you?” Mark shouted.
With a wide smile, Zach said, “I told you that we take care of each other, didn’t I? You got what you wanted and your two teammates got what they wanted. What’s wrong with that?”
Mark watched as Zach sauntered across the room with just his compression shorts on. The outline of his erection was clearly visible as he sat down at the examination table.
“So, what sort of treatment will you be requiring today, Zach?” Mark asked playfully.
“Nothing out of the ordinary, just the standard treatment,” Zach responded.
“Alright. You are going to have to take those shorts off and lie down on your back. Oh, yeah, legs fully off of the bench,” Mark commanded.
Zach strangely followed Mark’s orders without much hesitation. There was a bit of showboating, but nothing that Mark didn’t appreciate. Mark walked up to the edge of the bench and pulled out one of the steps. He knelt down on the step and grabbed Zach’s cock.
There was a bit of stroking and sucking and all suddenly Zach started to ask him about all sorts of things. Some basketball-related, some sexual, some to do with their encounter the previous night, others just about his life in general. It was a bit unusual. It was an entire conversation being had during a blow-job. But, not just a conversation, a deep conversation. At the end, Zach came softly in his mouth as he cradled Mark’s head. The two sat there staring at each other for a bit, then they started to get dressed. Zach grabbed his shorts and pulled them up as Mark gathered himself.
As they headed into the locker room, everybody was long gone. It was just the two of them. But, now it was strangely quiet. Mark stripped down and headed in for a long-overdue shower. His head was spinning like mad. Shortly thereafter, Zach appeared in the showers. They stood on opposite sides, clearly staring at each other. Mark was erect from the start and Zach was erect within seconds of entering the shower. Now, neither of them knew what to say.
Zach got a quick shower and headed out without saying a word. His rigid cock sticking straight out like a nine-inch javelin. Mark didn’t know whether to be disappointed or to be relieved. He stood in there for a couple of extra minutes composing himself. As he mentally unpacked things, Mark realized that he hadn’t even touched his cock through the entire process of satisfying three different guys. Hell, he didn’t even take off one article of clothing. By the time that he headed out of the showers and into the locker area, Zach was gone. Disappointment hit Mark like a brick wall. His erection that had been throbbing hard for almost an hour now was fading fast. He dried himself off and threw on his clothes quickly. He dashed out of the locker room and as he entered the hallway he was met by an imposing figure.
Zach was standing there pacing in the hall. Mark stopped abruptly and his shoes squeaked on the tile floor. Zach turned around trying to be nonchalant.
“Oh, hey. I forgot something in my locker. I was just heading back,” Zach muttered unconvincingly.
“Alright. Well, I’ll see you at practice tomorrow then,” Mark responded.
As he went to walk past Zach, a large arm blocked his path in a familiar way.
Mark looked up at Zach. But before Mark could say anything he was met with a kiss. A bit surprised, but certainly not disappointed. Mark returned the favor. The two stood in the hallway making out for a while until Zach blurted, “You can’t tell anybody that I kissed you.”
Stunned, Mark said, “No, no, I won’t. Not if you don’t want me to.”
Mark was shocked by that request. He was just trying to process what Zach was thinking. Clearly he didn’t care if everybody knew that he and Mark were playing around, but he didn’t want them to know that he liked him. Mark placed his hand softly on Zach’s chest as they shared a brief moment.
Zach turned around and headed back into the locker room. As he got to the door he said, “Can you be in the weight room an hour before practice? You need to build muscle.”
“Um, yeah. I think so. Yeah,” Mark stuttered.
“Alright, look me up when you get there. I’ll set you up,” Zach added.
Mark turned away and slowly walked down the hall. His head was completely spinning and he was struggling to process what had just happened over the last hour and he contemplated what in the world could possibly be coming next.