Mark was a freshman at a small local college. He had been a star high school basketball player and was offered a nice scholarship to play basketball. He played a traditional point guard position and at 5’9” and 150 pounds, he could get by in high school, but he was pretty undersized at the next level. He was getting a few minutes of playing time, but particularly as a freshman, he was feeling too small and a little bit out of his depth.
He had come from a very small town and was having trouble connecting with both his dorm-mates and his teammates. Adding to that was the fact that he was developing a bit of a reputation and was getting a lot of teasing.
Mark had a pretty considerable penis size issue. Being in college with communal showers and the same with the basketball team, some of the guys were ripping into him pretty hard and broadcasting the info to anybody around.
Mark was about one-inch soft and it stuck straight out. It barely stuck out past his balls. When he got hard, it went straight up and it didn’t even clear the line of his pubic hair at about two inches. He was so embarrassed at its size that he tried to avoid being seen naked, but it just wasn’t possible in this world.
He had a few girlfriends in high school but had never been with one in the traditional sense. One girl had given him a blow-job in school, but she laughed at him when she saw it and seemed to lose interest slowly thereafter. To make things even more difficult, he also had an interest in guys. Locker rooms were particularly difficult because it was often hard for him to hide his interest.
He would try to get into the showers either first or last. If he got in there first, he could try to distract himself and get his shower taken and his clothes on before he got erect. Otherwise, he would stall and try to wait until most everybody was out of there. The last thing that he could bear is to be standing in a room with a handful of wet, naked guys and to get a rock hard cock. The humiliation would certainly destroy him.
One day after basketball practice, he had delayed heading into the locker room. He had hung out on the court getting some extra shots up. When the guys started to file out of the locker room, he went in to get his shower. As he entered the locker room, only a couple of guys remained in there. Most of them were already dressed. He was happy to see Devon emerge as seemingly the last one out of the shower. Devon was the starting point guard and at 6’0” and 180 pounds was a bit taller and more muscular than Mark. His dark-brown hair was short on the sides and the back, but it was long on the top. He was often referred to as “Jonas” because he looked a bit like a lost Jonas brother. He had thick, muscular legs and he had the cock to match. It was of roughly average length, but he had probably the thickest cock that Mark had ever seen. He had often imagined what it would look like erect. Fortunately, his locker was on the other side of the locker room, so Mark could continue to slowly get ready without arousing too much suspicion, among other things.
He grabbed a towel and stripped down. Keeping his back turned the entire time, he dashed into the showers. Things got very quiet as he was showering. As he headed out of the shower the locker room was empty. He couldn’t stop thinking of Devon. Mark’s cock was already hard. It was a rare moment alone and he couldn’t resist the opportunity to have some fun. He snuck off into the corner of the locker room and leaned back into the cool metal lockers. With his thumb and forefinger, he started to slowly stroke his tiny cock. With the thought of Devon still fresh in his mind, it would make the perfect inspiration for the moment. He threw his head back and was ready to cum very quickly.
Just then Mark heard the entry door to the locker room slam. His head shot forward. He could hear shuffling feet and somebody was there before he could even react.
Mark was halfway across the locker room from his locker, his clothes, or even his towel. As he stepped forward, Zach rounded the corner and literally bumped into him.
Zach was the star forward for the team and a senior. He must have been meeting with the coach or the trainer.
Zach was 6’7” and quite muscular by basketball standards. He had moppy dark-brown hair and was a hunk by just about every measure. He was known by some as “Zach-kowski” because he had some similarities to Rob Gronkowski. His bright blue eyes and chiseled features didn’t hurt his overall appearance, either.
Zach had already peeled his jersey off and Mark’s nose was pointed right in Zach’s muscular bare chest. Mark was jittery and panicked as Zach said, “Whoa! Mark! Sorry, bro. Didn’t know you were in here.”
Mark saw Zach glance down and clearly see his tiny erection. Mark’s face went bright red. It seemed like an eternity passed as they stood nose to chest.
Zach said, “I heard that a few of the guys were taking some jabs at you. You can’t take that stuff personally. We are all together here. Even if we bust each other’s balls about stuff. So, I have to ask, are you embarrassed to be in here around other guys?”
Red-faced, Mark begrudgingly said, “Yeah, wouldn’t you be?” as he pointed toward his now limp little cock.
Zach retorted, “It isn’t just your size that you are uncomfortable with, is it? I have a hunch there is a reason that you were in here jacking it.”
Almost in tears, Mark wailed out, “Zach! Please! You can’t tell the guys! You can’t tell anybody! Please, Zach! I can’t deal with that right now!”
“Easy, man, it’s ok,” Zach said as he placed his massive hand on Mark’s shoulder.
Mark shivered at Zach’s touch. He immediately found himself staring at Zach’s bare chest and well-defined abs. Mark’s cock immediately went rock hard, again.
Zach chuckled. “That’s all that it took, huh. Barely a touch and you lost all control.”
Mark flashed a panicked look and lunged toward his locker. Zach extended his arm and blocked Mark’s way. “You know, dude, this is college. Nobody holds back around here. I have fucked almost every guy on this team and half of the guys in the dorm. Oh, yeah, and half of the girls on campus.” Zach boasted.
Zach placed his right foot on the bench, unlaced his shoe, and pulled it off. He did the same with the left. He reached down and pulled off both socks. Mark stared intently. Without hesitation, Zach pulled down his basketball shorts and his compression shorts all in one motion. They dropped around his ankles and Zach stepped out of them.
Mark was mesmerized. He had seen Zach naked before, but not this close up. Mark thought that Zach was the sexiest guy on the team and probably had the hottest cock. It wasn’t the longest or the thickest on the team, but it had a fair amount of both and was just perfectly proportioned. His big, full balls hung low and heavy and his soft cock hung down with the entire head extending below them.
Zach said, “You are a good-looking guy and I can see that you have different interests. As long as you are ok. with a less dominant role. I can’t imagine that any guy wouldn’t be interested in you. You are a handsome, lean, fit guy and you have an amazing ass…amazing.”
He grabbed Mark and spun him around facing the lockers. He grabbed his ass with both hands and pressed his body against him. Mark felt Zach’s face press against his shoulder. After a bit of caressing, he spun Mark back around. As Mark focused, he quickly noticed that he wasn’t the only one with an erection. Zach’s cock was now at full-mast. It was a solid nine inches and it was throbbing in anticipation. It looked amazing. It had a bit of a narrow, pointed head and then quickly went to it’s thickest point. It tapered a bit near the base and it curved slightly upward and to the left.
“So, if that’s what you really want, your towel is over there,” Zach said as he pointed to Mark’s wet towel at the end of the bench.
Trembling all over, Mark dropped to his knees. He took a long, deep breath and then grabbed Zach’s cock with his right hand. He gave it a couple of long, slow strokes. Then he lunged in and wrapped his lips around the head. Mark moaned as his lips touched Zach’s cock and Zach quickly responded in kind. Mark felt a warm sensation shoot through his body. He stroked the base of Zach’s cock as he sucked the head hungrily. He pushed himself deeper and deeper until he removed his hand from the base. He couldn’t get it all in his mouth, but he got far enough that his hand was in the way. He tugged gently at Zach’s balls and was amazed at how large and heavy they were.
After a couple of minutes, Zach grabbed Mark and stood him up. He turned him around toward the lockers with his arms extended and his legs spread.
Mark’s heart was beating out of his chest. He felt like he might pass out, but he knew that he couldn’t back down this time. Zach crouched down to get underneath Mark. He felt Zach’s left hand on his hip as he guided his cock up to Mark’s ass.
“Are you ready, man?” Zach asked.
Mark responded with a nod. Zach slowly pressed his cock forward. He pushed it harder and harder until it popped inside. Mark gasped. He had previously done a bit of anal play, but nothing even close to this size. It was typically a finger, or a small diameter object no larger than a plastic broom handle. This hurt. It really hurt and it felt like he was being ripped in half, but it hurt in a good way.
Zach waited for a second nod to proceed. He began to fuck Mark, slowly at first, then a bit deeper and more aggressively. As they went forward, Mark was groaning louder and louder with each thrust. His face and hands made a loud rattling sound as they slammed against the lockers.
Zach seemed satisfied that Mark was ready for a bit more. He wrapped his arms around Mark’s hips and hooked his hands around his thighs. Zach rose to a standing position, hoisting Mark over a foot off of the floor. At that point, he had Mark in his full control. Zach was pounding Mark’s ass with long, hard strokes. Mark braced his arms against the top of the lockers. He groaned every time Zach bottomed out on him. It hurt a lot and he considered asking Zach to slow down. Tears began to stream down his face. You could hear a firm slap as Zach’s thighs and balls smacked Mark with each thrust. Mark’s knees and feet randomly rattled against the lockers making a loud racket that drowned out all of the human noise.
Mark was enjoying the experience overall, but he was a bit unsure until without notice he felt the strangest sensation. All of a sudden, with every thrust of Zach’s cock, he felt a shooting sensation in his cock. It didn’t feel like anything he had ever felt before. He thought for a second that he was somehow pissing himself. As he looked down, he noticed that cum was pumping out of his hard cock and dripping to the floor. It wasn’t really pleasurable. In fact, it felt like a quick squirt of pee. It was then that he realized that Zach was milking him and that he was pumping him dry. His cock kept squirting over and over. It must have sprayed twenty times. By the time his cock stopped pumping he felt completely drained and strangely satisfied, even without a point of orgasm.
Just then, Zach’s thrusting intensified. He started groaning and growling like an animal. He buried his cock balls-deep into Mark’s ass as he shot wave after wave of cum deep inside his ass. Mark felt the incredible heat of Zach’s hot cum fill him up inside. Zach collapsed against Mark, pinning him tight against the lockers with his feet still dangling off of the ground.
They slowly slid down to a staggered position. After a minute or so, Zach stood up, he held Mark from behind and made sure that he was doing alright. He backed away and his now limp cock popped free from Mark’s ass. A flow of thick, creamy cum quickly poured out.
“Fuck! I think that was the biggest load that I have ever shot. You are an amazing fuck, man.” Zach said.
Mark replied, “That’s nothing. Look at my load.” as he pointed to the floor.
There was a large puddle underneath Mark. Most of it was a thin, cloudy liquid.
“Dude! I didn’t even see you cum. I mean, you didn’t even have your hands down there. Did you?” he asked.
“Nope,” Mark said proudly.
Mark was completely drained. He was soaked in sweat and his chest was heaving rapidly. Tears had painted a wide, wet stripe down both of his cheeks and they were dripping from his chin. His ass was sore, damn sore and cum was running down his leg.
“I am glad that you liked it. But, I do have one more surprise for you.” Zach said as he turned Mark around.
When Mark turned around, most of the basketball team was standing there. Mark couldn’t believe it. How could he not hear them come back in? Then the panic returned. Mark’s face went bright red again and he covered his face with both hands, trying not to cry.
Suddenly the locker room burst into applause and cheers.
Zach smiled at Mark and said, “I told you that we are all together here”.
Every one of the guys gave Mark a “fist-bump” and most gave an “ass-slap” also. They were laughing and joking. For once, Mark felt like he was a part of it. Several of his teammates even seemed to take a special interest in him for some reason.
Mark loved every bit of it. Suddenly, he wasn’t ashamed of himself. He was strutting around the locker room talking to everybody, even though he and Zach were still completely naked.
Mark had finally found the acceptance that he had been seeking for so very long. He could clearly see where his life was heading and that he had in just a few, short minutes found a new path for his life going forward.