The Point At Which You Entered

"At that point, we became one."

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I try to find the point 
At which you entered. 
But, there is no line 
Of demarcation 
For where my body begins 
And where yours ends, 
No great divide 
To direct the flow 
Of water that runs so deep. 
Nature is unprepared for the power 
That swells up within 
And shatters the rock. 
For what seems to be 
A subtle sway, 
A soothing current, 
Forms mountains and valleys, 
Leaving nothing free of its 

You looked into my eyes, 
Knowing my real name 
And then 
Whispered it across the dampness 
Of my skin 
With fingers and lips. 
And when I could no longer stand 
On my own two legs, 
They wrapped around you, 
Drawing you even closer 
Because where skin meets skin 
Is not enough for true lovers.

There is no separation 
Of your spirit from my soul, 
No language 
For the creation of an image 
Of where 
You entered me. 
No mirror could justly reflect 
The heat of the ingress, 
Nor can the feel of your slow descent, 
That perfected stroke of progress 
As you stretched me open,
Be captured.
My body was not invaded, 
It was recreated.

And now, 
We are not simply adjacent, 
You and I have merged, 
Liquefied by our own heat, 
Entwined and moving as one 
–Expanding and releasing 
Into each other 
The point at which you entered 
No longer exists. 
We lie together 
As one, 
A new life 
In this new world 
Of our own creation.


©AvrgBlkGrl, 2014. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, or used in any other fashion without the express prior written permission of the owner. This manuscript is specifically written for

Published 10 years ago

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