What a beautiful afternoon it was. I woke from Wolf’s bed and stretched myself out. Went and decided to raid his kitchen a bit, see what I could make myself to eat. I was famished. He had some energy drinks packed in the back of the fridge, better than coffee in my opinion. Score! And some boring bran flakes and sugary cereal too. Count Chocula, this time of year? Must be shoppin’ at the discount stores.
My phone was freakin’ buzzing off the hook. Mistress and Juniper were lookin’ for me. So was Red. Ha! Hope she enjoyed the show.
Their apartment was shit. Cracks in the ceiling, could hear the conversations from the neighbors like I was in the room with them. I wondered how the lived like this, no privacy at all. Apparently Carol from next door was bangin’ her boss. Good for her.
I looked through their pictures too. First the ones on the walls, then through an album I found on a table. Looked like it hadn’t been opened in a year, covered in dust. Red never smiled for pictures. Wolf always grinned like an idiot. Then I found one of their wedding invitations stuck to the fridge. Only a few months till the big day…
Kinda felt silly, realized when I read it that I was fallin’ for Wolf and only now learned his actual name. I said it out loud, sounded like somethin’ I would name a dog. And Red’s felt equally funny. Like a comic book villain. Weird.
And the books, might as well been labeled ‘Him’ and ‘Her’. Seemed like each one had their own bookshelf. One was organized by size and shape. Technical manuals, medical texts, and art books. Also a bunch of shit on political revolutions and history. Boring as hell. Red.
The other side was stuffed in no particular order and had action figures all over it. Full of comic books, fantasy and sci-fi, even a few kinda dirty books. You know, where you plow through some generic elves and dragon shit for a few good parts. This side was more my speed. Wolf.
I hadn’t brought a change of outfit. Nothin’ I had from before seemed appropriate for stormin’ the castle. So I went through Red’s things. Fuckin’ skinny girl, nothing was gonna fit around my tits. So I just grabbed some of Wolf’s comfy sweats.
Probably should get goin’. I’ll sneak in and get changed. And after that I can probably cause a little hell. It was gonna be a great day!
Mistress’ video editor worked fast. Apparently he mostly filtered out trash and bad angles were you couldn’t see shit. Kitten wasn’t exactly discerning with what she shared. After a few hours he sent us a rough copy of Kitten and… fuck it. I’ll just call him Wolf at this point. Everyone else was.
Was he even my fiancée anymore? The man getting dolled up and pegged wasn’t exactly known to me. If this is who he really was, who the fuck have I been living with?
That didn’t make me feel great. Felt like I was with a stranger all this time.
Also didn’t like that his legs were definitely better than mine. All lanky and shit, he could wear so many cool fucking dresses that didn’t work for short ladies. Asshole.
I had told Mistress to leave me alone while I watched it. Got her copies of their first night together and their Red Riding Hood game. Been watching them for hours, filling a notebook with my observations and feelings.
I had a lot of thoughts on the mind, but it was hard to get them all straight. You see, when I’m confused I do my research. I try to analyze and understand. And when the time was right I was going to need to do some experimenting. And there was a lot to fucking think about.
But for now, how was I gonna handle Kitten when I saw her? She was erratic, kind of a crazy cunt if I’m honest. It was going to be important to be the level headed one if I was going to come out on top.
Then a knock on my door. Mistress’ voice called me, “Red, she’s here.”
I composed myself. Took a moment to breathe. Got all zen and shit. Then answered the door. “Where is she?”
Mistress shrugged. “The cameras were disabled. I have most of the hallways and a few choice rooms monitored. But she turned them off remotely. Except for one.”
“The hallway in front of my office. I normally keep it locked, I don’t give anyone else the key. Not even her.”
I stormed off, could already feel myself getting pissed. “Well might as well go where she’s leading us.”
The office door was wide open. I turned to Mistress just sighed. “Ok, she doesn’t have the key but she probably can pick the lock. She’s never done that to me before.”
I rubbed my temples. “Great, so she’s going off book on you now? What the fuck is going on?”
Mistress looked ashamed, a weird look on the lady. “I think I pushed her in a way I shouldn’t have.” She noticed I was looking at her, hid it quickly.
I remembered the look on her face when Mistress made her into a Silent Stranger. The way she shrunk when she was called a disappointment. I was pissed at her at the time, didn’t really clock that she was genuinely hurt. “Yeah, you fucked up. Why were you doing that.”
Mistress gave me this shitty grin. Her game wasn’t over yet. “Sometimes I like to wind my toys up and see what happens.”
I flicked her off. “Fuck you.” We went inside, didn’t expect her to be there. But Mistress’ computer was on. I breathed again, ready to try and keep my cool. Push it down and control it like I always did.
The printer was going off. One after another, full color pages spilled out. They were of the pictures Mistress had taken of me. When she had threatened my job and stripped me, fingered me and made me squirt. I looked pathetic, collapsed on the ground in a puddle of my own sex.
Ok, so the keeping calm plan was getting pushed back for now.
From somewhere in the mansion I heard her. Distant, but clear. She yelled in a sing-song voice, “I stole your bi-itch! I stole your bi-itch! And he liked it!”
I growled, “I’m gonna tear her fucking…”
Mistress blocked me from leaving the office. “Red, I’ll handle this.”
“You caused this god damned mess. What could you possibly…”
Cold metal suddenly wrapped around my wrists. Mistress was a quick one. Fucking put me in handcuffs before I realized what was going on.
“What the fuck is this now?!”
“I fuuuuuuucked Wolfie! Right in the aaaassss!” Ha! I love bein’ a brat. Honestly one of my favorite feelings. And besides, I wanted to put on a bit of a show for Mistress. I knew what she wanted from me. But fuck if I knew why. Putting us together after I fucked her man, pushin’ me away and makin’ a big deal of how much she wanted Red… she wanted us bouncin’ off each other.
But why? What the fuck did she see in Red, cause I didn’t get it.
I hadn’t put on much, a cute little black dress and some ears. Nothin’ fancy, but enough to keep my theme goin’. Was versatile too. Didn’t know what sort of shit I was starting with Red. Probably should watch it though, we almost came to blows last time. Might again. Maybe that would make Mistress happy. A nice slap fight, tearing each other’s clothes… fuck that did sound fun.
“Wolf is my biiiiitch! Wolf likes bein’ my giiiirl!”
I had my little wrapped gift for Red too. Couldn’t wait to give it to her. I was wonderin’ how long our game of hide and seek could last. Wondered if Mistress would help her. If not I could probably have her runnin’ around the giant place for hours.
“Red is a… oh!” I ran face first into a pair of nice firm tits when I rounded the corner. “Hey Juniper.”
“Hello, Kitten. Having fun?”
I beamed at her. “You know it! I… whoa!”
She picked me up and threw me over her shoulder. Then she dangled a pair of handcuffs. “Please put those on.”
“June! You dog! You never wanna play! And handcuffs too! Kinky.”
She walked down the hallway, carrying me like a sack of potatoes. “We’re having a house meeting.”
“So… who wants to start?” Mistress sat next to me, trying to break the silent stare down between Kitten and myself.
“Fuck it, fine. I’ll start. Why the fuck do you even have this thing?” I rattled the chains that kept my hands from moving more than a few inches away from the bar built into the heavy interrogation table. “Only seen these things in police dramas.”
Kitten answered for her. “I bought it cheap from a city auction. Had a lot of fun with it. Can’t remember if I washed it last time. Still kinda has a smell.” She winked at me and grinned.
Juniper sat by her and studied my face. I wasn’t giving anything away. As far as head games and narcissistic abuse goes, these guys were amateurs. And the best way to deal with someone trying to push your buttons was to gray rock them, give them nothing. “You really need to clean up your messes, Kitten. You’re sloppy, a bad habit.”
Kitten blew me a kiss. “Sloppy. You have no idea. I mean, Wolf does a bit.”
“Oh yeah, almost forgot about him. You two seem to be hitting it off.” Mistress kept a close eye on me as well. I think I made them more nervous when I was calm than when I got worked up.
She swooned. “Yeah, he’s a lot of fun when he’s off your leash. Tell you what, why don’t you just let me have him. You two ain’t good for each other.”
I grit my teeth and clenched my knuckles, but breathed through the swelling of emotions. “Quite the fucking expert, Kitten. Did you arrive at that conclusion from riding silently next to him on the bus? Or from passing the time with him while I was having my fun with your Mistress.”
The table shook as she pulled against the chains and lunged forward. Kitten’s buttons were big and easy to push. I had an advantage. “Juniper, would you be a dear and take Red her present?”
“Director?” Juniper looked to Mistress who nodded. Kitten had a black box with a pink ribbon on it. Damn, that woman had a nice ass. So tall and elegant. She walked over to me and set the box down.
“Wait, Juniper. You work too hard for these assholes. Why don’t you take these back to Kitten, don’t need to take extra trips.” I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out a few Polaroids.
She was a hard nut to crack. But I could see my little digs were getting to her. Juniper set the pictures upside down in front of me. “Please, Red. You first. I wanted to bring you back a souvenir.”
“Thanks, Kitten. Really considerate of you.” She took the lid off. First she looked confused, then I saw her knuckles go white. Her eye twitched. And her voice went deep. “So can I assume…”
“Yeah, can’t believe you’ve been with that man for five years and never fucked his ass once. Since you weren’t using him properly, I did. I was gonna give him the cock that opened him up the first time. But I figured you really should have somethin’ to remember him by.”
There we go, she gave me a furious glare.
And I pressed a bit. “Maybe as a reminder on how to keep your next one in line.” Her chains rattled and her arms tensed. Yeah, she was pissed.
“Well thank you, Kitten. I will consider that. Now you.”
I took a deep breath. Best do it like a band aid. I flipped over all the pictures at once and let them spread out in front of me. I choked back my… fuck. I don’t know. Rage, sadness. Mistress was bent backwards, somethin’ big hanging out her glorious cunt. Marked and bruised… I just stared at them. A dead, empty feeling in my chest.
“Huh, Kitten. I think this is as quiet as I’ve ever seen you.”
The table screeched on the floor as I pulled on my chains.. I felt ready to explode. “Enough of the fuckin’ pleasantries. Why the fuck are we here?”
“Because you two need to get along.” Mistress seemed pleased, even as my eyes were drawn back to her in that state of disgrace.
I slammed my hand down. “Fuck that! She needs to leave!”
Juniper spoke up, surprised me. “Not happening. I’ve already booked her with two clients.”
That hurt. “Juniper, you too?” The room was feelin’ real lonely. Like no one was on my side.
She shrugged. “Probably for the best, but you missed a good show. Red proved to me that she was what it takes.”
Red also seemed taken aback. “Wait, you’ve already set me up?!”
“Yes, you agreed to it. I only have a week before the next party. Don’t worry, by all metrics they should be a very compatible match.”
Mistress took control of the room, calm and collected. But powerful. She could always fill a space with her presence. “Red leaving is off the table. She’s part of us now.”
I swept the photos to the floor, couldn’t stand em’. I stared Mistress down. “But… why are you being like this?”
“Red is special, as are you Kitten. But she needs brought out of her shell.” Her words gave somethin’ away. She wasn’t done yet with Red. Whatever she did to impress Juniper wasn’t her end game. I was supposed to get her there, but how?
“Fine, how do you wanna handle this Red?” I tapped my foot impatiently, staring at Mistress. Why was she so far away from me?
“Listen, I got into this bullshit by losing a wager. Believe it or not, Kitten. You already beat me once. On my anniversary, he went to you.” She was gettin’ emotional too.
“So then lets have another bet?” I knew what I wanted. “If you win I’ll give you Wolf back.”
Red shook her head. “Nah, you fucked his ass but I don’t think he’s really yours to give. I’ve got a ring, you’ve got some empty words in the heat of a moment. Besides, I don’t even know if I want Wolf anymore.”
I tilted my head and considered that. I think she was bluffin’, but honestly couldn’t be sure. “So what do you want then?”
She smiled. “You, Kitten. If I win, you are mine. Not Mistress’. You belong to me.”
Now that was interestin’. “Huh. Little ol’ me? You flatterer. Fine. But if you lose…” I licked my chops. “I want you. You and Wolf. Have myself a nice little set.”
Red tapped her finger on the table. Looked me over, and nodded. “Fine. Terms established. So what’s the game?”
Mistress chimed in. “May I make a suggestion?”
Red and I looked at each other. I think we both were tryin’ to decide the same thing, if Mistress was backing either of us. Red shrugged. “Sure, fuck it. How do we do this?”
Mistress gave me one of her demure, smiles. Then stood up and stared massaging Red’s shoulders. That pissed me off. I didn’t like her touching Red… not after those fuckin’ pictures. “Now Kitten takes pride in being… unbreakable. She thinks she can take anything. So Kitten, submit to Red. One session. Juniper and I will be the judges.”
Juniper groaned. “Why do I have to be a part of this?”
“Impartiality.” Mistress ran her fingers through Red’s curls. She didn’t seem to like that, squirmin’ at her touch. “If Kitten ultimately bends to Red, accepts her or breaks, she wins. If Juniper and I feel as though it’s going no where, we end it. Then Kitten wins.”
“I’m in.” Red didn’t hesitate at all.
“Ha!” It’s gonna be so good to have Red under me. I was gonna have a lot of fun with her. I burst into laughter. “Ha ha! Ok. Make it easy on me, why don’t ya?”
Red gave me a knowing grin. “I think you’re underestimating me, Kitten.”
“Nah, you’ve been here a few days? I’ve been worked over by Dom’s that have been doin’ this shit for years. Decades. And not just one. Sometimes a few at a time. I don’t break, and I don’t even bend for real. Not to anyone but Mistress.”
“Then say you’ll do it.” She was taunting me.
“Sure, I’ll do it.” They hadn’t been noticing me fidgeting since we got started talkin’ about bets. “You’ve haven’t got a chance, Red. I’m a professional. And I know all sorts of little tricks of the trade. For instance…” I raised my hands up and dangled my handcuffs. Then growled, “Handcuffs only work on me if I want them to.”
Wasn’t ready for that. Juniper made a grab for Kitten, who slipped through her arms and ran straight toward me. She brought her hand back, and I saw rage in her eyes. I instinctively tried to raise my arms to protect my face, but never got more than the length of the chain.
“Fuck…” I winced, ready for the hit.
The crack echoed through the room. It shook me to the bone. But I felt no sting. I opened one eye and looked up. Mistress was holding her red cheek, and Kitten stood in front of her. Her whole body was shaking.
The room went quiet. I don’t think anyone could have predicted that. Least of all Mistress. “You… you’ve never…”
“I don’t like this game!” Kitten snarled at her, tears welled up and her voice saturated with hearthache. “What are you doing to me?”
Mistress rubbed her cheek, too shaken to speak back.
“You do all sorts of fucked up shit to me. And I like it! Hell, I’ve got a twisted relationship with pain. I like playing rough.” She pulled her fist to her heart, pounded her chest. “You can do whatever painful shit you want to me. But this wasn’t pain. You hurt me! How could you really hurt me?!” Kitten started sobbing. Ugly crying, sucking in snot as she wailed.
Mistress reached for her, “Kitten, I…”
Kitten swatted her hand away. “NO! You listen to me!” She poked her in the chest. “You don’t get to pull me from my darkest place and then treat me like this! You know I was gonna get myself killed? I was gonna do stupid shit until I died! Because no one fucking cared! They thought I was a dirty little freak, unlovable! But then you… you became my home!”
Mistress’ was breaking too, going pale and her eyes were starting to water. Kinda uncomfortable, didn’t feel like I should be here to see this.
“And no you pretend like I don’t matter? Like I’m not… like I’m nothing to you! Never again! We don’t play this game ever again! Do you hear me!”
Mistress nodded. “Yes, Kitten. I’m…”
“NO! Not yet! You wanted me worked up, you wanted me to rile up Red. I did it. I’ll do anything for you! So save your fucking apologies for after I win this fuckin’ thing.” Kitten prodded Mistess’ chest with her finger. “And from this day forward you are always on my side of the table!”
Kitten looked down to me. She reached down Mistress’ shirt and pulled out handcuff keys from her bra. I suppose she would know where she kept those. Then she undid my bindings. Very fucking sportsman like.
She nodded and extended her hand to mine. “Bet’s on Red.”
“Bet’s on, Kitten.” And we shook on it.
“Seems like you got acquainted with the dungeon. Meet me there in half an hour. I don’t want nothin’ but your best.”
I am the fuckin’ rock this world was built on.
I’m goin’ in there with nothin’ but cat ears and a collar. Myself and my Mistress. With that in my heart I will never yield.
Red doesn’t stand a chance in hell.
I’m unfuckin’-breakable.
Kitten had stormed out. Probably to get herself together. I would guess she’s probably going to be composed by the time we met. Like she said, there was experience and professionalism on her side. And honestly I didn’t know my odds. Probably weren’t good.
Juniper sighed. “Are you happy, Director? Is that what you wanted? Is this what you were planning?”
Mistress’ wiped her face, tried to pretend like she wasn’t rattled by Kitten. “I mean, of course not. How could I.” She gave me a smug smile. “Of course I knew something would happen. But I could never have predicted this. And isn’t it exciting?”
I tapped the table, looking over the handcuffs. How the fuck do I beat Kitten?
Mistress put her hand on my shoulder. “Is there anything you need? You’re allowed to have anything we can get you if you think it will help. Kitten would want it that way.”
I shouldn’t taunt her with what I did with Mistress. Would just steel her resolve. I thought of the dungeon. Just full of fuckin’ toys. And Kitten knew more about them than I did. Probably not a damned thing down there she hasn’t gotten used to. I might be fucked.
Suddenly I felt the back of my skull burn as Mistress pulled my hair. “Red, aren’t you pissed?” Well that broke my concentration.
I grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away. “What the fuck are you going on about?”
She slapped me in the back of the head. I stood up and faced her head on.
“Is this your idea of a god damned pep talk?”
“Kitten stole your man away. She put him in a dress. Filmed it, sodomized him till he cried your name. That wasn’t made to humiliate him, it was to fuck with you!”
“So? People fuck with me all the time. You just learn to take it. And don’t you dare hit me again!”
She hit me again. A solid slap across my face. “Learn to take it?! Wake the fuck up, Red! You have a right to be fucking furious. I can feel it blistering off you. Want to know why I did this? Because from the day we met I felt that rage begging to be released. I want to set you free.”
I pushed her away. “How the fuck do you think this is going to ‘set me free’? I survived by staying in control!”
She pushed me back. Fuck she was strong. I bounced off the wall. “Then be in control! Control your anger and let it out! Because your anger is all you’ve got!”
“Fuck you! Get out of here! I need to fuckin’ think.”
Mistress shrugged and gave me a coy look. “Think fast.”
She walked away, and Juniper went with her. Sauntering away that gorgeous ass and that… that… fuckin’ red belt.
That belt…
“Juniper! Come here, I need you to get me something.”
“Hey ya Red! Miss me?” I bounced in, feelin’ pretty damned good to be honest. I wonder how long it will take for this to be over?
She was lying on one of the sex benches. Her arm dangled off the side behind her. She was starin’ at the ceiling, just flat on her back. Almost looked like she gave up already. “Hey Kitten, we’re waiting on Juniper. She’s tracking down something I need.”
Huh, wonder what that was. “You look good.” She did. Had this red leather dress. It was short, but maybe a bit loose on her. And a pair of matching boots.
“Thanks, doesn’t fit well though. Turns out you guys don’t have a lot of Dominatrix gear in my size.” She looked me over. “You look good too. You’re a pretty lady, Kitten. We’ve been at each other’s throats so much I don’t think I’ve told you that.”
I playfully gave her my best embarrassed schoolgirl. “Oh, stop you!”
Juniper came in, had something wrapped up in her hands. “I found it.”
“Good, you got both things I need!” Red stood up and brushed herself off.
“Both?” Juniper looked at her with confusion. “You only said you needed…”
“You have both. We’ll get to that in a bit. Mistress, we good to start?”
Mistress sat in a chair in the corner. The places the Silent Strangers sat. So they were gonna stay out of this. Good. “Yes, whenever you both are ready.” Juniper joined her and sat the bundle down.
“Kitten?” Red pointed to the ground in front of her.
“Ready when you are Red. And I’ve been thinkin’…” I said while kneeling before her. “You’re kinda a tight ass. I want to help you with that. So the first thing I’m gonna do is have Wolf give you a good rough butt fucking. See if we can loosen you up.”
She smiled at me, and pet me on the head. “We’ll see, won’t we Kitten? Now today you are due for two things. Reward and punishment.”
“Ooo! Startin’ off original, Red!” Fuckin’ amateur hour.
“Kitten, you are a creative girl. That’s for sure. But I don’t think you understand how important renovation and evolution is to keep the classics fresh. Now let’s start with reward. Wouldn’t want to get something like pleasure in the way of our fun later.” She circled me and ran her fingers around my bare shoulders. “How did it feel to fuck Wolf?”
I looked up at her, she had a weird look in her eye. “Amazing. Video couldn’t do it justice.”
Suddenly she grabbed me by the hair and knelt with me. She pressed her lips into mine and our tongues danced together. Wasn’t quite expecting that.
“Fuck, I’ve been looking forward to this. Kitten, you’re a sexy little tramp. You know that?” I started fondling her breasts, been wanting to to that for a while now. Good fucking handfuls.
Had her off guard, she was a bit uptight. “Thanks, Red. I… oh! Mmmm.” I slid my thigh between her legs, letting her grind against me. Gettin’ wetter by the second. She stared wanting at my chest and I guided her head down. Let her lick my hardened nipples
“Kitten, without you I would have never having fucking guessed. I can’t stop watching you and Wolf. Couldn’t peel my eyes off it when he pinned you on the dirty ground and ripped up that fuckin’ dress! Didn’t even know what he did to you at the time. But your stink was all over him, fuck I loved it. I made him screw me the second he got home.” She rocked her hips against my thigh. “Learned I’ve got a taste for sloppy seconds. So long as I get my dinner while it’s still warm.”
“Yeah? Maybe you’re kinda a freak after all. Huh, Red?” I silenced her with a kiss, soft and tender. Fuck, she had a nice body. A tender softness and thick, strong muscles. Really unlike mine, I could have a lot of fun diving into those curves.
“Kitten, you have no fucking clue. And I’m just gettin’ started.” I slipped three fingers into her pussy. I wanted to hear her moan and she obliged.
“And then you come along and fucking pegged him! My fiancée, the man I promised my future to… Dressed up like a girl and paraded around a club. Humiliated. Then you reamed the bastard while he begged for mercy!”
“Did… did you like that too?” She was already starting to build to an orgasm. Getting her to cum wasn’t gonna be hard. Keeping myself in check was. Fuck, I wanted this but I couldn’t let myself get too carried away. Still had a job to do.
“So fucking much!” I sucked on her tit and she squealed. Her thighs pressed together and I could feel her cunt pulsing. There’s the first one. “When he looked into the camera, called to me for help. You know what I wanted more than anything?”
“Fuck, what? Mmm, what did you want Red?” I reached up and laced my fingers into her thick, black hair. Grabbed her by the back of the head and pulled. She leaned back, sticking her tits out into the air and my fingers in her cunt worked her over harder, faster.
“I wanted to be there.” I snapped at her tit, got a good amount of skin between my teeth to enjoy while flicking my tongue against her nipple.”
“Sh-shit, Red! That’s nice!” Heh, painslut.
“I wanted to be right there in front of him. The cheating fucker, reaching out to me thinking I would have stopped it. God, you know I never knew I could squirt before I came here. I bet I could watching that, playing with myself till I got Vixen… Wolf… whoever… right in their pretty fucking face.” Dirty talk pushed Kitten into her second as she pulled herself away from me. She threw herself forward, making me hold her by her hair as it was being pulled tight. Girl knew how to get herself off.
When she relaxed her body I released her and walked over to the bench I was lying on before. I sat on the edge and spread my legs. Touching myself with my slick fingers that I had used on Kitten. “C’mere. I’ll tell you a little more.”
Mistress and Juniper watched in fascination. I had kept the extent of my interests hidden. Had to keep your cards close to your chest with this lot. Kitten went right to work, licking me slowly and methodically. “Good girl, you remember how I like it.” I pet her downy hair and draped my legs over her shoulders.
“C’mon Red, I like your stories. Tell me more!” She obediently returned her attention to my cunt and looked at me with mischievous eyes. I’ll let Wolf off the hook for one thing, I can see how one might get addicted to Kitten fast.
I laid back and put my hands behind my head. Really treating myself before I had to go hard. “Shit Kitten, that’s nice. Now after I win this thing, fuck there’s some much I’m gonna do with you two. Wolf fucks Kitten. Kitten fucks Wolf. Vixen fucks Kitten, shit I’m looking forward to that one.” She had dreamy eyes and purred as she pleasured me. Liked that idea too I guess. “You can go harder, thinkin’ about this sort of stuff really loosens me up.”
She eagerly did so and I wrapped my legs around her head. Forcing her face to press between my thighs.
“Fuck! And… and you also taught me I can enjoy it a bit rougher after watching. Remember what you did to me on the bed? Fingering me and mmm… and driving that bristly bush of yours against my ass. Fuck I liked that! And I like this! Mmm, fuck Kitten!”
She squeezed my ass and jammed her tongue into me. God damn. I arched my back and let the feeling wash over me, and I filled her mouth with… whatever the fuck it is a lady squirts. Gonna have to look that up later. Kitten went in for more, ready to get me off again.
I stopped her, used my flexibility to put my foot on her head and kicked her back. “Aren’t you enjoyin’ yourself Red?” Kitten gave me a smirk and let my cum or whatever drip off her. She ran her hands through her hair, dampening her raven locks to keep my scent on her. Fucking hell, that was hot.
“Yeah, I really am. Thank you for that Kitten. You see, it’s not going to be all bad when you belong to me.” I stood up and locked my fingers together. I stretched high toward the ceiling. “Fuck, I could go for some more of that. We have a lot more on this subject to go over, Kitten. But unfortunately, and as a performer this is always on my mind, we have an audience. And I think they are ready to see our discussion turn to punishment.”
“You little slut, my thighs are fucking soaked, ran down into my shoes.” Red kicked off the boots. She had nice feet, slender and strong with round little toes. I was gonna make Wolf suck on em’. And she was all smiles. Haven’t seen her like that before.
Heh, maybe she was a proper pervert after all. Good for her! I was gonna have a lot of fun with her and Wolf. My mind was racin’ with the possibilities. “Well, what am I bein’ punished for?”
“Like I said Kitten, you taught me a lot and I’m grateful.” Suddenly the smile disappeared and she glared at me with contempt. “But let’s be clear, fucking someone in a committed relationship is a shitty thing to do. Because it’s not just them you’re fucking and you know it. And claiming you stole my bitch? Now I haven’t been in the business for more than a few days but even I know that’s a professional discourtesy.”
“Yeah, I’ve sure been a naughty girl!” I looked over, Mistress and Juniper seemed intrigued enough to see where this was goin’. Red was just gettin’ her head clear when she had me eat her out. So now the game was actually starting. “So teach me a lesson.”
“Kitten, that’s exactly what I intend to do.” She walked over to the rack full of all our tools. I wondered excitedly which one she was gonna pick! “These are cute.” She picked up a whip, and let it drop to the ground.
“I like that one, really bites into ya!” Mistress was so good with it. Precision of a god damned surgeon.
“I’m sure you do.” She grabbed a paddle, one of my favorite actually. Then tossed it after she got my hopes up. “You see, the problem is that you haven’t been punished before. You’ve played games.”
“Ha! I’ve been…”
“YOU HAVEN’T BEEN SHIT!” She shouted, really took me off guard. Her voice echoed through the dungeon. She stared me down and I lowered my eyes. “And have more fucking respect. Don’t interrupt me when I’m educating you.“
I gave her a bratty and insincere, “Sorry, Red.”
She eyeballed me some more, but let me get away with it. “You’ve played games. And when you play games, you use toys. Kitten, this room is a playground. And these are toys. They are meant for pleasure.” She kicked the rack and the whole thing tumbled to the ground. “But I’m going to teach you the difference. You need two things. Discipline and punishment.”
“Very intimidatin’, Red!” She walked past me and slapped me on the back of the head as she sauntered to Juniper.
“I didn’t give you permission to talk, did I? You’re don’t take me seriously.” She bared her teeth.
“Oh shucks. Sorry, Red. You’re right. You’ve been here since fucking Monday! How could I not have given you the well earned respect you deserve!”
“I totally understand, Kitten. I know exactly how you feel. My dumb shit boss hired his dumb shit son for the promotion I wanted. I had to fucking train my manager, Kitten! Can you imagine that? Training a man to tell me how to do my job?!” She unwrapped a bundle of cloth and smiled. “So you’re right. Respect is earned.”
I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t a freakin’ metronome. Something we’ve had sitting in the music room for years. Never gave it much thought. She brought it to me. “This is discipline.”
“Oh, is it?” Didn’t ask for permission to speak yet. I honestly wanted to be punished, was gettin’ bored.
Red raised an eyebrow and gave me a cocky smile. She turned it on and set it down on the floor.
Click. Click. Click. Click. The hand bounced back and forth and it clicked away at it’s steady beat.
“And over there, is punishment.” She pointed to Juniper. What the fuck was she doin’?
All three of them looked at me like I was nuts. Maybe I was. Everything was riding on this. “Juniper, stand up.”
She did so but warned me, “I’m not getting involved in…”
“I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about what you’ve have. You’re like a fuckin’ cartoon character. I’ve only ever see you wear one outfit.” My eyes went to her waist. “Mistress, remember when you asked me if any of those toys called out to me?”
She nodded. “Yes, Red. You said they didn’t.”
“Well something did. Something that any kid who’s had it rough probably learned to fear. A symbol to remind you exactly where your place was.” I reached for her belt, undid the latch, and slid it from her hips. “Thank you, Juniper. You’re a real trooper. I’m gonna keep this.”
Kitten eyed it, she looked smug.
I snapped it on the ground. It echoed off the marble floors. “This called to me, Mistress. From the moment I stepped into this house, I wanted this belt.” I turned it over in my hand, examining it. “This is a good fucking belt.”
Kitten giggled at me. “Oh no! You’re gonna give me a whoopin’ like little Red used to get?”
I folded it in half, let it go taught, and snapped it together. “You don’t seem concerned, Kitten. Because like I said, you’ve never been punished.”
I walked over to her. “Now bend over that bench. The one you just tongue fucked me on.” She did so with a bounce in her step. She was excited.
I nodded my head back and forth with the beat.
Click. Click. Click. Click.
“Hey Kitten, let’s say there was a ball on the ground. What foot do you kick it with?”
She was perplexed. I could see the gears in her brain turning and saw her right foot give a little kick. “This one.”
“Thank you, Kitten.”
I slowly raised my arm, lined up my target. Click. Click. Click.
“FUCK!” Kitten’s feet kicked. She wasn’t ready for the first one.
I brushed my fingers over her left buttcheek. Felt the heat and looking at the raised skin. Not bad for the first one. “Interesting fact, if you kick with your right you likely sit with more weight on your left. First thing about punishment, you want them to carry it with them. Feel it even when it’s over.”
Click. Click. Nodding my head along.
This strike right on top of the last one. But she was ready, not so much as a peep. She looked up at me proudly.
“That was thirty seconds. I used to dance. We learned our steps by the beat of a metronome. I love this sound. It’s structure. It’s order. And from there we can build something…”
“Something beautiful.” Her cheek was startin’ to get pretty red already. “You see, you hit the beats. But you live between them. That’s where the art comes in. Delicate arm movements. The expression you carry on your face. Subtle changes in the way you carry your body.”
I teased her a bit, tapped her right ass cheek.
Then I hit her left.
“Mmm!” Kitten smiled back at me, can’t tell if she was trying to cover for herself or if she actually enjoyed that. Either way was fine for now.
“But I’m reminiscing. We’re here because you need to learn about punishment.”
“And is that what this is? Boring me to fuckin’ death and then givin’ me a little whack on the tush?” Cocky little thing.
“Yeah, might seem a bit boring at first. Because unlike your games, this isn’t strictly for pleasure. It’s to make a point.” I lifted the belt above my head and brought it down. She winced and I pulled back. “Not yet, Kitten. You’re getting ahead of yourself. Keep the beat in your head.” Good. She was starting to feel it.
“Well I’m sorry. Not all of us are…”
Along the edges of the red strap marks, light bruising started setting in.
Eh, just a little pain. Was that it? I had this thing locked down.
She didn’t say much at first. Just wandered around me for a while, staring me down and smacking my ass with the belt. Can’t say how long it went on. The metronome was oddly disorienting. The constant click, click, click. I often found my eyes locked on the movement of the hand going back and forth, could get lost in it.
And I’ll admit, that the pain was startin’ to ramp a bit. The annoying thing was she worked the same spot. Over and over. How many times have I been hit? Twice a minute for… I dunno. It added up. I wondered how long this would go on before Mistress called it. I looked over. Juniper and her were whispering, starting to get bored.
Then Red suddenly laughed! “Ha! There we go! Now you’re body’s getting it?”
I looked back. “What?”
“It’s subtle at first. Did you even feel it this time?” She ran her finger over where the belt last hit. “Your cheek tensed first. You’re body is learning the rhythm.”
Did I flinch? I dunno, didn’t seem like a big deal.
“Stand up, Kitten.”
I did quickly. My legs were fallin’ asleep laying flat on the bench.
Fuck. she loved that spot.
She nudged my breast with her belt. “Pretty tits, Kitten. So soft. Probably one of the more tender areas of your body.”
“You like em’? Wolfie is a fan.”
“I can see why.” She ran her thumb around my nipple. Felt fuckin’ good. Made em’ all hard. “Probably would hurt to have these smacked around.” She squeezed one tit and raised the belt.
Then she went for the ass again. Same place. Fuck.
“It’s gettin’ to you, isn’t it? This is how an actual sadist does it. That’s the treatment I got. Same spot every time. Where they know no one will see the marks…”
She went silent. Kind of eerie actually. Just the metronome and the sound of us breathing.
She shook her head and ran the belt across my tits. “These are softer targets. Even has a nice bullseye.” She leaned in and flicked my nipple with her tongue.
A moan parted my lips.
“But even still, you would prefer me to take a swing at them over your ass again, huh?
“Mmm!” Crap, got a noise out of me.
“Or maybe I should go after this belly.” She ran her hand over my stomach. She pressed her hand against my stomach, felt my abs. It’s weird how vulnerable that made me feel. “But I won’t. What about across these thighs? Hell, just spread your legs.”
I did as she ordered. And she was right. I felt my butt twitch right before…
Red tapped my cunt with the folded belt to the beat of the clicks. Fuck, it was a terrible tease.
“Would you like a good hard shot here? Right flat against this… frankly gorgeous cunt.”
“I would love a little rough treatment there, Red.” Damn, those taps were makin’ me wet.
She kissed my shoulder. “I bet. You know, why?”
“Why’s that?”
Fuck! That was really startin’ to hurt.
“Because it would be a moment of relief. Give your ass a break. Even if it’s for one beat. If it would just be anywhere else. But you just keep gettin’ worked over.” She seemed… angry. Her lip curled and I could hear it in her voice. She was startin’ to let loose.
Arm was startin’ to get tired, but had to push through that. Had a ways to go.
I ran my fingers over her ass. There was barely any red skin left, all becoming black with pooled blood. She winced at the delicate touch.
“Ow.” It was light, quiet. But Mistress and Juniper stirred. They heard she was having a hard time masking the rising anguish.
“Punishment has been all I’ve lived, Kitten. It’s one fucking think after another. Now I’m not trying to take away from your pain. Your life was no fucking bed of roses. But you found your home, didn’t you? Someplace to feel safe and respected?” I pointed to Mistress.
“Yeah, but you had…”
“Wolf never fucking understood!”
I could see it in her eyes now. She was starting to fear the belt.
“He never fucking got it for one moment. You can tell someone the shit you went through and they’ll nod their fucking heads. Tell you how terrible it is and give you a nice hug. But they don’t fucking get it!”
She looked at me, had god damned pity in her eyes. That pissed me off.
“Look at the floor!” She hesitated. “I SAID LOOK AT THE GOD DAMNED FLOOR!”
Her eyes dropped immediately.
I was getting anxious, wanting to hit her again. “C’mon. C’mon. Fucking… C’MON!”
“RRRAAAAARRRRRGG!” I let out a scream! I could feel the heat raising off my skin. Fuck I was angry! I whipped the belt against the ground. Smacked it against the bench in front of her. Chomping at the bit for the next beat.
“Red…” Kitten spoke softly.
“FUCKING SHUT IT!” I waited behind her, stewing in my rage. “RRRRRAAAAA!”
“Oh!” She whimpered. I grabbed her blackened cheek. Squeezed it in my hands as she squirmed.
“Day in, day out! Bowing your head, taking the hits. You can’t understand. This is a fucking game to you! A little kinky fun. Get roughed up, a nice hard cock between the legs, and then you sleep it off. Take a few days, start it again when your ready! But that’s not how life works! Not for fucking me!”
“Red!” She bit her lip. I was hitting her harder now, despite the ache in my shoulder.
“Bust my ass, bring home the report card. All A’s. Cook the dinner. Clean the house but do I get a fucking break from it? Never! There was always a reason, always a god damned excuse to hit me again!”
I snapped the belt on the ground and Kitten jumped.
“Then you would think I would be free of it. Went to college, devoted myself to dancing. But no! Too fucking short. I’ll never…”
“AH!” She rubbed her tender backside, jumping at even her own touch.
“Never make a living doing that! Give that up, Red! You’re wasting your time! Pick something else Red! PICK A FUCKING JOB YOU HATE!” I slapped her tender ass, gritting my teeth, forcing myself to wait for the beat. “Don’t worry! It won’t be forever. You’ll just have to lick the right fucking assholes long enough and you’ll work your way up! FUCK! I want to hit you again!”
She took a step away from me. I grabbed her by the hair and held her in place.
“Oh, we’re whimpering now? Been a tough day?! Well what if it never ended?” I shook her by the hair. “C’mon Kitten. We’re having fun! Why don’t you finger yourself! You love a little pleasure with your pain!”
“Y-yes Miss Red!” I saw her hand was shaking as she brought it to her cunt. And so was mine. My arm burned.
“Just Red, Sweety. I guess you weren’t there for that conversation. I like where your head is at thought.” I kissed her on the cheek. “Do those fingers feel good?”
“Oh, Red. They feel amazing.”
That last one wasn’t so bad. Had me worried for a bit there. It was startin’ to get to me, had my heart racing when she started screamin’. But now she seemed like she was tiring out.
I, of course, was workin’ my pussy like she said. Don’t have to tell me twice. And I was starting to get into it. The thought of having her on the ropes was getting me all ramped up. Each swipe of the belt was still bloody murder on my rump, but I am unbreakable. And her arm was startin’ to go.
Weaker still. I also notice Juniper and Mistress were startin’ to talk. Did they see it to?
“Red… can I make myself cum?” I was edging it already. Not the best angle to get the job done, standing up like that. But I could work with it.
“Knock yourself out, Kiddo. But like a proper slut. Ass up in the air and face on the ground first.” Fuck, she read my mind!
I let my brat out a bit, winked to Mistress. Let her know that I had this handled.
“Don’t get cocky yet, Kitten.” Thought Red wasn’t paying attention there, she seemed deep in thought.
I took my finger out from between my legs and started to drop down.
“Hey, get back up and put those dirty fingers in your hole! I didn’t say you could stop!”
I added a bit of sarcastic defiance to my voice. “Sorry, Red.” I stood back up and inserted my fingers.
Hell, even without the oomph they once had, those hurt. It was a bit undignified and weird, dropping down into the position she told me with one hand between my legs.
It was taking me a while to do it while holding my balance. Fucking Red, making this awkward for no…
Shit. I tried to occupy my mind with pleasant thoughts. Like how I was gonna be tearing into her as soon as I won this thing.
“What’s taking so long, Kitten. Just get into fuckin’ position already. Thought you wanted to cum, enjoy your little treat!”
No shit, I could have if you would just leave me to it. Bitch. I was starting to get heated and the marbled floor was cold. But I got myself into a nice position and started pumpin’ my fingers again.
I closed my eyes. Thought of Mistress, and also Wolf. The way they made me feel and…
“Eyes open, Kitten. And more an arch in that back.” Fuck, she just kept interferin’. She pressed the ball of her foot into my lower spine and made me put myself into an uncomfortably deep bend. My tits squished against the frigid floor.
It was hard to work myself over like that, my arms had to bend awkw…
Damn! Another one. Red stared down at me. My round ass bounced in the air as I desperately tried to get myself off. Maybe she would lay off if I got one out.
“Mmmm…. Is this better Red?” I was almost feelin’ it again. She seemed unimpressed.
“I mean if that’s the best you can do. Maybe play with your tits a little bit while your at it.”
“What?! How the fuck am I su-“
“God damnit! Red!? I can’t do all that at once.”
Her expression was cold, cruel. “C’mon Kitten, isn’t this what you want to do? This is what you live for. Just do it how I say.”
I growled at her. “You don’t know a fuckin’ thing about getting me off! Just let me handle it!”
“Kitten, I’m in charge and you’re… one moment.”
Fuck, she was hitting hard again. I whimpered.
“I’m in charge. Just do it how I say!” She knelt down behind me, shoved her thumb inside with my fingers. It was uncomfortable. She was filling me, makin’ me want to cum even harder. But her interference made doing it right near impossible. I wasn’t like edging, it was pure frustration.
“Red! I know what I’m doin’! Fuck! Just let me…”
“Never worked a fuckin’ day in your life, have you Kitten? I mean out there in the real world. Because I can tell you don’t understand what’s happening right now. I’m giving you the real corporate experience, the humiliation you can only get from a nine to five. Having a boss breathe down your neck, telling you how to do your job.”
“F-fuck…” God, I needed to cum.
She was getting angry again. And I got worrying. Maybe she wasn’t tired after all.
Tears were forming in her eyes. She was getting frustrated and confused. Just where I wanted her.
I continued to jam my thumb in and out of her slit. Kitten began to moan. “You thought you were comfortable before, didn’t you? Thought maybe things were getting better? That’s the fuckin’ trap. You just got comfortable with the abuse. But they can always make it worse.”
“Fuck, I’m doin’ it! I’m cumming!” I could see her desperately rubbing her clit, and her pussy was quaking. So she was.
The belt bit into her as she squirmed and her toes curled. Kitten chirped out sounds of uncomfortable pleasure to the rhythm of me pumping her pussy to the click, click, click of the metronome.
She begged for relief. “I did it! I came! Give me a break!” I could feel her fingers trying to pull out.
“I didn’t say you could stop. Keep going!” I bounced the belt off her sore ass, teasing her before…
“This is what you don’t get about life, while you hide away in this fucking mansion! The god damned indignity. Lowering yourself and eating shit. And it doesn’t end! And just when you think you have it figured out, when you have something that makes you feel safe, that’s when it really goes tits up!”
She was gritting her teeth already. Reading for the next hit.
“Like… how I thought he loved me. Wouldn’t hurt me. But you proved me wrong, didn’t you Kitten!” She was shaking all over. Baring her teeth with a look of desperation. I had her backed into a corner. “You put on a fucking pair of glasses and he dropped his pants for you. Took what? A few minutes… Then you had his cock in your mouth and he wasn’t mine anymore. FIVE FUCKING YEARS, KITTEN!”
She had momentum. I was desperate, needed to rattle her. “Yeah, stealin’ him was easy as pie, Red! But you can have him back, I had my fun with him. Did you like how I left him? Drippin’ in my piss. Broken. You should have heard him whimper when I left him like that! Cryin’ as I walked away.”
That quieted her down. Staring me down… and then a knowing smile spread over her face. “Liar.”
Fuck it hurt.
She stopped finger fucking me, wrapped her arms around me. We were both drenched in sweat and shaking. “You’re a good girl, Kitten. Got a nice heart. Mistress told me about your pet charities. Homeless kids and stray cats. And that display earlier, yelling at Mistress?” She kissed my back, fuck… she saw right through me. “You’re a soft touch. You don’t have it in you to be cruel, not really. Cause you’re scared of being abandoned yourself. Wouldn’t do it to someone else.”
For a moment it felt soothing to be held. I felt myself break, started to cry. Then I got so scared when she pulled away. Raised the belt again.
“Thanks for taking good care of him, Kitten.”
Fuck. It was really bad. My ass was killing me. I was… I was afraid of the next hit. Afraid of that god damned belt. I had thought she was winding down. If anything each hit was harder than before.
Then she went back to working my cunt, her fingers curling inside me. Oh fuck. It was getting overwhelming. I… I can’t even tell if I’m cumming or not. The cold floor against my hot face. The sound of the metronome unwaverin’ in my ears. Fuck.
And the word… the one I swore I wouldn’t use… it worked itself into my throat.
“Mmm!” I bit my lip, tried to hide that she was gettin’ to me. It wasn’t working.
“This is my life, Kitten. One hit after another. And they keep fuckin’ coming! Like a blacksmith’s hammer, pounding me. Unrelenting! Forging me into something I don’t want to be! Cruel. Hard.”
She raised her hand and I let out a scream.
“NO!” Fuck, I was starting to feel it before the hit. God, if she just stopped once. Just missed one god damned hit. Maybe I could get my head straight.
“I’m hard, you’re soft. That’s why I’m gonna win this.” She dragged her fingernails across my sore ass. My nerves felt raw. It painfully prickled even when nothing was touching it.
And I felt the word move from my throat up into my mouth.
Red waited for the beat. Waited to strike me again. She wasn’t freaking out like before. She was patient, knowing I was being pressed to my limit. “It just keeps going on. Click… click… click…”
“MMM! God!” The word was pressing out. Getting to the tip of my tongue now. I bit it back. Couldn’t… fuck. I was getting disoriented. It hurt so much. And she kept fucking my cunt, rubbing my clit. Forcing my hand to do the same. Forcing pleasure… no not pleasure. It was torture. Wasn’t it? I couldn’t tell no more. It… fuck.
I… I needed Mistress. I, fuck… I am sobbing and I need my Mistress… But if I give in I’ll… I’ll lose her.
“Click. Click. Click. Click.” Red just bounced her head now. Back and forth. I tried staring forward, but just saw the metronome’s hand matching the beat of Red. The inevitability leading to another hit.
And to my horror, the word got to the my lips.
“E… en…” What the fuck was she trying to say? Fuck it, she was blubbering. Her one cheek was a sickly shade of black now. It was time to end this. If I could make it, my arm felt like it was going to give out.
“Go ahead and beg, Kitten. I want to hear it. Because I am furious with life. And I can’t thank you enough for letting me do this.” The rage, it wasn’t bubbling out messily like before. I could focus it, release it into Kitten. One crack at a time.
“Fuck! Please! Don’t…” She was losing it. Biting her lip and shaking her head.
“Click. Click. Click.” Everything was in beat now. My fingers in her cunt. The tilt of my head. The hand of the metronome. All of it became a promise of certainty. A countdown to more pain. My arm had gone numb. So had my mind. I could do this all fucking day.
“End… Endor…”
“GOD! PLEASE! ENDORA! ENDORA!” I didn’t even notice at the time. The clicking of heels behind me. The sound of two women rushing toward me. Her feet began to kick and her body spasmed.
“Endora?” I didn’t know what the fuck that meant. But god, I still had so much fury left inside me. It didn’t matter. I raised the belt high above my head and bared my teeth.
Fingernails dug into my wrist and I was pulled backward. It was Mistress.
She looked at me with a rage I’ve never seen from her. There was a flash of hatred in her eyes. “Red, you fucking monster.”
I collapsed and fell to my side. Then a cold stillness washed over me.
“Endora…” I said weakly.
Mistress dragged Red away from me and threw her to the ground. Then she pressed her shoe against Red’s throat till she went still.
“Kitten’s safety word. Leave her be. You’ve won.”
I… I didn’t belong to Mistress anymore.
I looked over at Kitten. She put her hands over her eyes and wailed, wallowing on the ground.
Fuck. I let my body relax. Laid on the cold marble floor.
I did it. I beat her…
Fuck my shoulder hurt.