Fucking humiliated. Of all times Kitten could have walked in, Mistress had forced an orgasm so intense on me that my legs wobbled like I was a newborn fucking deer. I had never squirt before and I had fallen into the puddle of it.
“Pleased to meet ya!” Worst day of my life but it seemed like this was just a Monday for Kitten. “So… um… Mistress. Where did you meet your new friend?”
“She knows you fucked her fiancée, Kitten.” Mistress reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. Her attention shifted from me and I tried getting up, but my damn legs were like Jello and I stumbled back to the ground.
“Ha ha! Oh, thank Christ for that.” She wasn’t how I imagined. “I didn’t want to be dancin’ around that all fuckin’ day. Hiya, Red. No hard feelings?”
“Fuck off, cocksucker.” Can’t even look at her right now.
“Wow, jeez. OK. What’s her problem?” Couldn’t tell if she was fucking with me or not. I crawled toward my clothes but Mistress strolled past me and pinned them under her foot. Then I heard the click of a camera. Then another. Mistress put the phone back in her pocket after she was satisfied with her damned pictures.
“These are mine, Red. You made me work for them, so I will keep them.” I wanted to curl into a ball, but I had already shown too much weakness. The strength in my legs was returning and I forced myself off the floor. “Kitten, Red will be staying with you.”
“Oh. Um, how long is she gonna be here?”
“A few weeks.”
“Uh-huh. And why is she staying with me then? We have, like, twenty empty rooms till the next party.”
Tired of being spoken about like I was an unwanted thing, I pushed my legs till I could stand. I barked at them, “Give me my own fucking room.” Mistress ignored me.
Juniper walked in with a blanket in hand. “Director, I wish you would stop playing around and wasting my time. I was on the phone with a client when I received your text. If you are done here I would appreciate you focusing on the upcoming party.”
Mistress loomed over me, elegant and prideful. “I am working on the party, Juniper. Red will be part of the opening act.”
I didn’t know what the hell that meant but the other two made a big fucking deal about it. Juniper chimed in first. “Absolutely not.”
Kitten whined like a child. “But I thought you said I was gonna do somethin’ fun!”
“My vision hasn’t changed, Kitten. It always involved Red. She is our newest dominatrix.”
“That will not work,” Juniper remarked as she tried to cover me. I wasn’t about to cower under a blanket. I swatted her away and let it fall to the floor.
“Her? She’s gonna be a dom?” Kitten looked me up and down, apparently not impressed with anything she saw. “Really?”
Mistress was undeterred. “Red is my new, very special project. I am personally going to train her. And Kitten, you belong to Red now. Be a good girl and do what she commands.” Kitten looked like she had been punched in the belly, something I sort of wanted to do to her myself.
But I didn’t want a conversation, I wanted to get dressed. “Fuck you all. Just take me to my room.”
Red, naked as a jaybird, stomped as Juniper led her away. I waited for them to leave out of respect for Mistress before I gave her a piece of my mind. As soon as the door closed I chimed in. “Mistress, seriously? What the hell?”
“Oh, Kitten. I’ve just had the most wonderful time.” The office was a damned mess. Table knocked over, broken glass all around it. Papers scattered all over the place. I was gonna say something about it when I noticed my lady was undressing. “Desk chair.”
She was actin’ like she was in heat. Red had worked her up, made me a little jealous. But at least I was gonna be the one who got to eat her out. I didn’t need told, I knew what my Mistress wanted.
She sat back in her leather chair and spread her legs. I wished I had time to go put on my collar and cat gear, but this was obviously somethin’ of a desperate need. I dropped to my knees and she opened one of the drawers and took out a cigar. She only smoked those on special occasions. “Mistress? You’re serious? I’ve never seen you train a dom. I thought you only worked with professionals.”
I was given a stern glare as she cut the tip from the cigar. “No more talking. After you are done here you are to report to Red and stay by her side.” Obviously this was not up for discussion. She drug a match across her desk and lit her cigar. Unceremoniously, she grabbed my hair and pressed my face into her pussy as she took her first puff.
Mistress was pungent with the musk of arousal. Really salty too, she had been sweatin’. Fuck, she tasted good. Sucking on her cigar, she held my hair and roughly ground her cunt against my chin.
“Kitten, I smelled your Big Bad Wolf on you the second you walked in that door. I suppose I didn’t let you in on my game, but leave Red’s fiancée alone. I don’t want my plans derailed by your sloppy fucking needs.”
I would have given her a ‘Yes Mistress’, but with my tongue up her snatch all I could manage was an obedient grunt.
She inhaled deep as I pleasured her. The smoke poured from her lips and lazily drifted away. “Stay in your lane, be a good girl. Red is lightning in a bottle, and she needs help to break out.” Through the veil of smoke I realized she wasn’t even lookin’ at me. Instead, she was deep in thought. Thinkin’ about her new favorite toy.
She began her deep, sensuous hum. It was the way she came when she was alone and pleasuring herself. I would listen to her some nights as I lay at the foot of her bed, pretending to be asleep. There was somethin’ lonesome about it.
But I would never give her anything less than my best performance. I put everything into it, did every trick she ever taught me to please her. Glassy eyed, she just smoked her cigar and got off. Then she dressed and walked out of the room without even so much as a ‘Good Kitten’.
Kinda hurt my feelings, truth be told. She used me dispassionately, like I was no more than a vibrator. Like I wasn’t even there.
I texted Red again, still no response.
I had lacked any good excuse when asked why I had disappeared for a couple hours in the middle of the day. Apparently some higher up from regional had been through my office and I wasn’t at my desk. They needed some files from me, waited a half hour before the guy left angry as hell.
I told them I had fallen asleep while I was having lunch but I don’t think they were buying it. Telling them I was getting anal sex lessons in the park in the middle of the day didn’t seem like something that would be appreciated. Maybe I should have gone for it, the truth will set you free.
Couldn’t have been any worse really. Fired is fired.
Red’s windfall from her job would likely be washed away well before I had steady income again.
I felt like shit, sitting alone in my apartment in the middle of the day. I thought of Kitten, and looked at her number in my phone. There wasn’t anything to say that wouldn’t have just been sad and desperate. She made it clear, I was a fuck buddy.
But I needed to fuck. Maybe it was the only thing that was going to make me feel any better, to at least dull the sting of being shit canned. Maybe I would try Kitten later.
I was getting hard again thinking of her. That was quick, I hadn’t been this horny since… fuck I had never been this horny. I wiped the cum off my belly. It was growing cold. Then I spit in my hand and closed my eyes, thinking of butt fucking Kitten while that green eyed girl watched us.
I barely registered anything once I walked out Mistress’ office. I just shuffled along. Exhaustion swept over my body as I followed Juniper’s bright red belt. She didn’t bother saying anything to me, nor did she bring me my clothes.
I just went into the bedroom and crawled under the covers. Then I shut my eyes. I wanted this all to be fucking over. I just wanted to be left alone.
Then I felt the blanket being tugged away from me. I tried to grab at it, but my hand didn’t fucking move. “Wake up, Red. It’s time for your training.”
Mistress’ voice was in my head, but I couldn’t find her anywhere in the dark. How long had I slept? In the pale light that crept in through the window I could only make out Kitten, nude and pawing at me. “She’s my plaything, right Mistress?”
I tried to sit up, to protest. But neither my body nor mouth would respond. “That’s right, Kitten. Do what you want with her. This was a mistake anyway.”
I heard Juniper’s voice too as Kitten rolled me onto my back. “I told you.” I wanted to tell them to fuck themselves, but my mouth remained slack and useless.
“I know,” Mistress answered with disappointment dripping from her words. Kitten bit my nipple and I wanted to scream as she dug her sharp teeth into me. “Be brutal with her.”
“Of course, Mistress.” Through the corner of my eye I saw Kitten’s dick. It didn’t surprise me for some reason, I just accepted it. Her massive dripping cock throbbed as she pulled me by my legs to the edge of the bed. She set my ankles on her shoulders and jammed it hard into me.
My mouth was silent, unable to express the aching torment as I was used. Kitten jammed her swollen monster deep into me, my body was forced to accommodate. She grabbed me by the chin and looked at me as she roughly pumped my limp body. I couldn’t even close my eyes.
Harder and harder, till I was being shaken like a rag doll. Kitten was chiding me as she came, her violating semen dripping out of me. “Red. Re-e-e-e-ed.”
“Red!” Kitten shook my shoulder and my eyes shot open.
I sat straight up in the bed and without thinking slapped Kitten so hard across her face that her glasses flew off.
“Ha, for fuck’s sake Red!” I rubbed my cheek and searched for what direction my glasses flew off to.
She was startled, must have been havin’ a hell of a dream. “Shit, I’m so sorry!”
“Honey, never apologize for showing me a good time. For a second there I was just hopin’ you were just getting into the swing of things.” I located my frames and put em’ back on my face.
Red pulled the blanket back over her cute little tits. “What do you want?!”
“I figured you hadn’t eaten. I didn’t know what you like, but thought you can’t go wrong with pizza.” I gave her a friendly smile. “But if that’s no good than get the fuck out of my room because we ain’t goin’ to be friends.” She looked over my shoulder spotted the box on the table.
“I… I need my…” She was flummoxed, that nightmare rattled her good. I felt like she probably still wanted to yell at me, but she was hungry. I pointed to the foot of the bed.
“Got your bag too. Go ahead and get some clothes on. I’m not gonna try and bust your chops like Mistress.” I didn’t leave either. You can get away with a lot by playin’ the airhead. Like how I got to watch her skinny little ass scramble to throw on some sweat pants and a hoodie by actin’ like it didn’t occur to me to leave.
She was cute, I understood why Wolf had a thing for her. She seemed spunky too, but I still didn’t get what Mistress saw. Kinda seemed like it was gonna be a boring few weeks.
She was a masochist. Jalapeños and habaneros. The pizza burned all to hell and I felt like my lips swelled while eating it. I wondered if this was her normal order or if she was fucking with me. Kitten was a mystery.
“So, Red. Mistress give you any sort of plan?” She was pounding an energy drink and working on a fifth slice while I was suffering on my second.
“She hasn’t told me shit. I assumed you were going know what was going on.” She had brought me a can of the neon sugar drink she was having. It tasted vile.
“Nah. When she’s playing her games I get left out of the loop. I’m not so good at keepin’ secrets when I get excited. Honestly I was surprised as hell to see you here.”
I addressed the elephant in the room. “So, do you frequently fuck men in committed relationships?”
“Oh yeah! But most of the time everyone’s there enjoyin’ it. You got any hard feelings toward me?”
Good question, I was at a loss myself. “Hell if I know.”
We sat in silence for a bit longer until we had our fill. Kitten looked bored. “So, you gonna do anything with me?”
“Mistress gave me to you. I’m at your disposal. Wanna smack me around a bit? That might make you feel better after I fucked your fella. Maybe you just want me to eat ya out? What tickles your fancy?” She leaned in and winked, and I noticed a large bruise around her shoulder.
“Um, maybe later. So… what did you two do on Saturday?” Mistress had said she would let me see, but the mystery of it was eating at me.
“Wolf and me fucked.”
“Wolf?” She had this smile on her face that pissed me off. A smug little half grin that she was fighting like she there was an inside joke I wasn’t part of.
“Yeah, he played the part of my Big Bad Wolf. And if Mistress hasn’t told you more than that I’m not gonna either. Fuck if I know what’s going on but I’m tryin’ not to step on her toes.”
Just thinking of Mistress was pissing me off again. The lengths she had gone to to fuck with my life. Her plan to make me into some prostitute. Made my blood boil. “I don’t get it. Why do you do it? Why do you let her treat you like this?”
She looked at me with a confused expression. “Because I want to.” She stood up and stretched. I could see more marks on her skin. “Same reason I do anything. Why would you do something you didn’t want to?”
“Because some of us have to.” It was in that moment I realized how different our worlds were. “Must be fuckin’ nice to have a carefree life doing whatever you like.”
“Red, honey. That’s because I realized I didn’t ‘have to’ nothin’. Once you get that through your head maybe you can start livin’ a little.”
That was a weird concept. I didn’t quite know what to say.
Her eyes became dreamy and she rubbed her thighs together. “Mind if I tell you a story? It’s about the first night I met Mistress…”
So this was, like, seven or eight years ago. My parents sent me to college to find a nice, well off Mormon boy to get shacked up with. They even told me that my studies shouldn’t be a priority cause once I nailed a fella down I shouldn’t even have a job. As I got closer to graduatin’ they were getting angry with me, even talked to other parents to try and hook me up.
My first blind date this guy looks me dead in the eyes says, “Let’s pray together. Lord, please bless the seeds of chastity we plant, so it may bloom into devotion and righteousness to better serve you.” Blech.
So with a bunch of winners like that you can see why I hadn’t even been kissed. They all bored the hell out of me, and I was terrified of getting stuck with that. I clammed up on all my dates and never got invited to a second.
So my parents show up one day, pissed at the lack of progress on the marriage front. My Dad offers to take me out to lunch, whole thing seemed strange. When I get back I find my Mom had ransacked my apartment. She thought I had a secret boyfriend, instead she found my hard core porn collection. Erotica and nasty pictures that excited me, that sort of stuff.
My Mom called me a whore. I now wear the mantel of ‘whore’ with pride but at the time it really hurt. Said they would have me kicked out of school and insisted I go to a ‘rehabilitation camp’. We had a big fight and I stormed off and had this really stupid idea in my head.
If I was damaged goods, maybe they would stop tryin’ to sell me off. Like I said, this was dumb as hell but death seemed better than a life in a cage. So I decide to go to a seedy bar and start drinkin’. I figured some fella would take advantage of me, maybe worse if I was lucky. I was cryin’ when I ordered my first drink. Lower than I ever felt.
I saw her there. This tall, beautiful lady absolutely dripping with class. She seemed so out of place in this dark piece of shit bar. A couple of fellas were hounding her but she wasn’t givin’ them the time of day. But she locked her eyes on me and I felt so small and vulnerable.
Bartender plops down this brown thing that tastes awful, and I’m tryin’ to choke it down. Hoping to get to a place where I don’t feel nothin’.
Then I hear her voice. “You look like your having trouble with that. Maybe you need something more your speed.” Then she looks at the bartender and says, “Give her a Special Six.”
I thank her, not darin’ to look her in the face. She seemed otherworldly. Way too good for this joint. The drink arrives and it tastes sweet and fizzy. Much easier to drink and I start sippin’ on it.
“Are you a student?” She starts askin’ me small talk questions. And I realize it’s sort of like a date. With a woman. The drinks start hittin’ me and she gets more and more intimate with her questions.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“Do you like to masturbate.”
“Have you ever touched a cock?”
And I’m getting redder and redder. Relying on the alcohol to give me the strength to whisper out my answers. Then I get a new drink, and right in front of me she pulls out this brown bottle from her purse with a dropper. Then puts five clear drops into my cup.
“Is anyone waiting for you tonight? Will anyone be looking for you if you don’t come home?”
Fuck, she didn’t even try to hide it. What did she put in my drink? Drugs? Rohypnal? Then I start realizin’ this is what I wanted. I wanted to get fucked up and used. So I drink the drink. She orders me one more round, and I’m all giggles and feelin’ woozy. She puts in a few more drops. I realize I don’t even know her name. I ask.
“Why would I give you my name?” She whispers in my ear, “I’m getting you shit faced. I’m going to drag you away where you’ll be all alone. Then your cunt will be despoiled, your ass assaulted. I plan to violate your wholesome little body and leave you a crying heap as I walk away.” Fuck, I wanted that. Not that it mattered what I wanted.
The room was spinnin’. I am feeling hot and horny and terrified and realizin’ how dumb this was. I was completely helpless as she practically had to drag me to her car. We don’t drive long, I’m giggling and pressed against the window and see this shitty fucking motel. Hourly rates and a broken, buzzin’ vacancy sign.
“You’re stumbling around like an adorable newborn Kitten. Let’s go lay you down.” And I realize her hand is groping my breasts right in front of the guy checkin’ us in. She says somethin’ to him, I don’t catch it. But he’s lookin’ me over, really pervy like and it’s making me wet. I am so turned on and humiliated as I need to lean on her to hold myself up.
She takes me to the room and tells me, “You’ve had a lot to drink. Why don’t you use the bathroom.” So I’m on this dirty ass yellowed toilet and tells me to take my clothes off. Nothing seems real and everything is buzzing. I try but I can’t even work my buttons. She gets angry and strips me naked. I think I asked her to stop, but of course she didn’t.
I asked her to leave while I pee. “No, Kitten.” So I’m turning red as a beat and she starts liftin’ her skirt. She’s not wearin’ any underwear and her pussy is absolutely dripping. Even before I’m done pissin’ she grabs me by the hair and straddles my legs. “Lick it you drunk slut.”
It was like bein’ struck by lightning. She completely changed in that moment, got forceful and rough. And I realize this is what I wanted. I wanted someone to use me. And she was doin’ it. I had no fuckin’ clue how to eat a cunt. But I’m tryin’ and she is more grinding my mouth than anything.
“You cheap little whore. A few drinks and I can do anything I want to you. You’re helpless, aren’t you.” I try to answer and she slaps my face, then puts my tongue back to work. With piss still clingin’ to my nethers she cums using my face.
I’m gasping for breath and she grabs me by the hair and pulls me onto the dirty bathroom floor. It smells like urine and mold and she’s groping my body, lickin’ my breasts and pinchin’ and prodding. She tells me, “You’re a nice little piece of fuck meat, aren’t you?” And I’m moaning and telling her to stop. But fuck it felt so good. Sometimes I dream about the way she dug her nails into my tenders and being roughed up with my face pressed against the filthy tile.
“Aren’t you a disgusting little animal. Wallowing around, your cunt dripping.” She slaps me around, calling me all sort of terrible names. And then, well, it was the first time I came with another person. I’m sloppy, crying, and her fingers pushed deep into me while I’m grunting like a cheap hooker.
She leaves me like that, and I hear her making a few calls. I’m weak and dizzy, can’t really move. Then she goes out, doesn’t say a word to me. I’m confused and my whole body is feeling detached.
She comes back, maybe half hour later. “I brought you a treat, Kitten.” She wasn’t alone. The guy from the front desk, the one she was molestin’ me in front of.
He looks down at me and asks her. “You sure?”
“Of course, she said that’s what she wanted. And you want to please your guest, yes?” She grabbed me by the back of the neck, sits behind me, and holds me in her lap. I’m feelin’ so out of it I couldn’t say nothin’ if I wanted to. Just watching as he unzips his pants and unrolls a fat cock.
“Open up,” he told me. And I did, without any hesitation. She held me steady and I think I sucked him off. Maybe he just fucked my mouth. It’s hard to remember. End result was the same though, a hot load blasted in my face. She slips him ten bucks and says to get out and he does.
I’m just leanin’ against the wall trying to come to terms with having my mouth violated and she comes back and grabs me by the hair. Drags me along to this dirty cracked mirror and bend me over the sink in front of it.
She holds up this purple dildo and flicks it on. It’s vibrating loudly and so shiny. I want to beg for mercy, beg her to stop. But I’m too weak, the drugs and booze have made me helpless. “Does my dirty bitch want her ass fucked. Why are you trying to hide it? That look of yours tells me everything.”
She grabs me by my sticky chin and forces me to look at my face. It’s surreal, like I was looking at another me. Cum dripping from my nose and nothin’ but smiles. I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t. I’m grinnin’, no matter how much I try to stop my lips just twitch and I can’t hide it. And then I feel her slide the dildo up my ass. She didn’t use much lube, it hurt. My legs shook and the vibrations felt like someone chiseling at me from the inside.
And I see myself in this cracked, shitty mirror. Female divinity fucking my ass, using lowly ol’ me for her amusement. She’s laughing at how wet my thighs are, and I’m moaning, unable to make out words. Then there’s a knock at the door. She pulls me over and throws me on the bed, the dildo still shoved up into me.
“Thanks, oh shoot. I realized I don’t have any cash for a tip. But I have something else you might want.” Mistress lets in this food delivery guy. Greasy lookin’ fella. Overweight. Kinda gross actually. “Pick a hole,” she tells him.
He’s lookin’ around like this is a police sting. But seein’ me writhing on the bed in the nude he didn’t hesitate for too long. He drops his pants and gives my cunt the most glorious four pumps of his life before his little cock starts spittin’ a load. He pulls out and cums on my bush.
“Well that was quick,” she goaded him. I think she wanted him to keep going. He doesn’t look back at her, just pulls up his pants and runs off.
Then she pulls out the dildo and lays beside me. I feel her fingers push into my cum filled pussy, and she starts touching me in ways I never knew was possible. Then she kisses my lips, doesn’t care about the cum on me or the cock I had sucked. And it’s sweet and passionate and I feel completely released from the chains I wore for so long.
Then she asks me somethin’. “I give up, Kitten. I’m at a loss. Please tell me, do you even know you’re faking it?” I’m trippin’ on my words, trying to ask what she means. She doesn’t need me to talk, can get her answers from my face.
And she looks like she’s in heaven. “You’ve amazed me. You actually think you’re drunk!” I don’t know what she’s talkin’ about, because I am drunk, right? But it’s like a fog is startin’ to lift.
“You had quite a lot of Special Sixes tonight. Those were sparkling grapefruit juice with a twist of lemon. And I spiked your drinks with meletonin. You’ve had about one child’s dose over the whole night.”
And I start to realize she’s tellin’ the truth. I was stone sober when she… when I let her do those things to me. I let perverted strangers cum on me, in me. My bush was matted with it.
“You didn’t know, did you? You just hoped? Oh, my poor Kitten.” And her fingers start going into overdrive. I’m yellin’ and I can’t help myself. I try to cover my mouth but she won’t let me. She wanted to hear me, so I got loud. “What sort of desperate life have you been living? You wretched, sad thing. Why don’t you cum for me?” And I did.
Every emotion in the whole fuckin’ world is pounding in my head. I’m cryin’ and laughin’ and she’s holding me close to her chest. And she pleasures me, so deeply I never knew it was possible. Until she slows down and then she’s just holding me.
“Did I fulfill your desires tonight?”
I told her she did.
“What other sort of perverted dreams do you have?”
And I start tellin’ her. Tellin’ her things I’ve never told anyone before. I spill out some of my sickest and most taboo desires and she listens and strokes my hair and is so tender with me.
She asks about why I did what I did that night. And then I’m telling her about my parents and my church and how I’m supposed to be nothin’ but a fuckin’ baby machine…
And the shame started meltin’ away. The humiliation of livin’ just to wait and die, I didn’t need it. I didn’t need to please my church, some future husband, not even my parents.
“You did a really dangerous thing tonight, Kitten. I’m glad I found you.”
I apologized to her.
“Live with me. I’ll keep you safe, and I’m going to make every one of your fantasies come true. Whether you want it or not.” She kissed me so sweetly. “Now I’m going to teach you to lick my pussy right. You were terrible at it. Can you be a good girl and do as I say?”
And I told her for the first time, “Yes… Mistress.” She liked being called that.
“Huh.” I rolled over her story in my head. “Oddly romantic. You know, for being completely fucked up.”
She bit her lip, her eyes blissfully glazed over as she let her memories run wild. “Yeah. Isn’t it wonderful?”
“So, you’re telling me to just fuck off from all my problems because that’s what you did.” I sighed heavily and my shoulders slumped. “But not all of us have rich girlfriends to front the bills.”
“What are you talkin’ about? Rich girlfriend? When we met between the two of us we barely had rent. What we got now, we trimmed that fat off the pigs ourselves.” I hadn’t expected that at all.
“You mean, this giant fuckin’ mansion was bought on a prostitute’s salary?” I started crunching the numbers in my head, the tens of millions of dollars this house alone would have cost.
“Yeah, and we had a blast doin’ it. Fuckin’ rich assholes and robbin’ them blind. Shit, if it was only about the money we could have retired a couple years ago.”
I was having trouble coming to terms with that. That they fucked for money, a lot of god damned money. And they had no shame, hell they were doing it for fun at this point.
Something to think about I guess. How many days have I gone home from work, feeling used and degraded just for enough to scrape by. Two god damned incomes for a shitty one bedroom apartment.
“Listen, Red. Don’t mean to bust your chops here cause I figure you’ve had a hard day. But you’re kinda borin’ the shit out of me.”
“If you’re so bored you could just tell me about your night with my ‘Big Bad Wolf.’” It was starting to get to me, I came here to explore whatever it was I felt when I saw my fiancée throat fucking another woman and everyone was being cagey as shit about it.
She rolled her eyes. “I already told you, no. Not without Mistress’ permission.”
I thought about this. “But she gave you to me, right?”
“So as my… property I guess… I order you to tell me.”
“No.” I could feel a vein in my head throb.
“Why not?”
“Don’t wanna.” I didn’t like the bratty way she refused me.
“Don’t you have to do what I tell you?” She dramatically collapsed on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. She reminded me of an angsty teen.
“I ain’t your fuckin’ slave Red. Here’s the big secret about how this works. You don’t make orders, you make firm suggestions. If it sounds fun, I’ll do it. If it doesn’t sound fun, well I need to trust ya. And I don’t fucking know you.”
“So, you’ll do what I say but only so long as it’s what you want?”
“Eh, maybe missin’ a little nuance but you’re getting closer to the heart of it.”
She was really making me angry again, and that shit eating grin of hers was getting to me. “Like when your Mistress told you to suck my man’s cock.”
“Oh yeah, I was hungry for it.” She hopped up on her knees and assumed her cock sucking position. “Honestly I just expected him to bust after a few seconds and run off. But he got nice and rough. Doesn’t he do that for you?” There was no doubt, she was trying to start shit.
“Fine.” I went over and tugged at her dress. “Take off your clothes.”
“Oh.” The order perked her up. “Oh! Now that’s somethin’ I wanna do! Anything you want me to put on? Maybe my cat ears or…”
“No.” It was weird, wearing my sweats and ordering Kitten around like that. It didn’t feel right. But I just went with it. “I want to see what he did to you.”
“Maybe a little jealous?” She was still trying me, even as she took off her clothes.
“Not one bit. I just wish I could have been there when he…” I was dumbfounded as she shimmied off her dress.
Her skin was peppered with blues, greens, purples, and blacks. She beamed proudly at me as I got close and inspected the damage he left.
“Wolf did all this?” That damn smile of hers. That quivering, gleeful smirk that leaked with sadistic joy. I noted that wasn’t all that was leaking. She was getting wet already. Fucking slut.
“Most of it. There’s a few lingering marks other people gave left, but Wolf was somethin’ else entirely.” She popped her ass toward me. “He loved sinkin’ his teeth into me. Makes sense. When you only give your dog bones to chew on, he’s gonna dig into a real piece of meat.”
My arm moved of it’s own accord. I slapped her so hard she staggered and nearly fell over. Kitten caught herself, and giggled as she wiped the trickles of blood from her lip.
“I guess that was low hangin’ fruit. Sorry about that Red. You got a mean left hook. But is that it?”
“You want another?!” Honestly I lost control. It felt good to hit her.
“Yeah, I do.” I pinched her nipple, twisting it hard only to have her moan in delight. “Fuck Red, your just using playground tactics. That’s the sort of shit little boys do to each other. You’re really out of your element here, ya know?”
I was sweating and worked up. I tossed off my shirt, leaving myself bare chested as I grabbed her by the neck and pulled her to the bed. “Your just a spoiled little cunt who needs to be taught a lesson.”
Kitten wheezed through my grip and tittered. “You wouldn’t know where to begin.” I threw her on the bed. The bitch rolls over and sticks her ass in the air. “Go on, maybe try and work over a bruised area. You know, where Wolf dug his fingers in good.”
I took her suggestion. She yelped with each strike, every time I spanked her ass she simply squealed in pleasure.
“Fuckin’ amateur hour, Red. Why don’t you get on out of here? Go home and leave Wolfie to me. You’re in over your…”
There was a knock on the door briefly before the handle turned.
“You girls seem to be getting along well,” Mistress observed while wearing nothing but a hair pin.
“Heya, Mistress. Red here was just…”
“Shut up, Kitten.” My heart sank. She, well she did all sorts of shit to me all the time. But the way she had started actin’ was different. She seemed annoyed with me, dismissive.
“What’s the fuckin’ game now?” Red was still worked up. I was hard on her, but I was getting really miffed. Mistress never took on apprentices, she had never lent me out to some amateur. And she wasn’t grateful for it at all!
“No game tonight, Red. Just pleasure.” Mistress walked over to us, my ass still high in the air ready to be spanked. I was thinkin’ maybe she had something in mind for all of us. I gave my booty a little bounce for her. She just pushed me off the bed like I was a dog gettin’ in the way.
That hurt much more than a good smack. “Mistress, why…”
“I said shut up, Kitten. You may stay but only as a Silent Stranger.” I was pushing back tears.
“Tell Red what a Silent Stranger is.”
I bit my lip, looked to the floor, and answered. “Silent Strangers may only observe from a distance. Silent Strangers are permitted to masturbate so long as they do so quietly. If a Silent Stranger cannot follow these simple rules,” I choked up and couldn’t finish.
Mistress finished in my stead. “They must leave. Now go and sit.”
I was crushed. Silent Strangers were… they were just customers. The kind we would never play with but were happy to milk for money. The sad rich weirdos who jerked themselves and weren’t allowed so much as a grunt.
And now I was one of them. And worse still, I had left it all on my face. The genuine hurt and humiliation was plain as day and Red loved it. She wasn’t happy with Mistress, probably would have told her to something along the lines of ‘Go fuck yourself’ had I not been there. But I had pissed Red off more.
“Well?” Mistress sneered at me. A Silent Stranger in my own room… I went to the far corner and sat in my reading nook. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around myself. I couldn’t stand being exposed any more.
And Red kept her gloating eyes on me as she went to my bed with MY Mistress.
The way they screwed… it… it wasn’t screwin’. It was too intimate to be called that. Too delicate. Mistress made love to her. She whispered into her Red’s ears words I couldn’t hear. Never raising her voice or making demands. Never even expecting Red to reciprocate the attention.
Mistress lightly ran her tongue over Red’s hard little nipples, ran her fingers over her body like she was playin’ connect-the-dots with her freckles. Mistress planted her knee between Red’s thighs and allowed that bitch to slowly rub her pussy against the long, voluptuous thigh. It was never loud, how that fuckin’ ginger came. Her breath got choppy and excited and she climaxed with a sigh.
I watched for nearly an hour, hopin’ maybe Mistress would change her mind. Red was treated to sensuous massages, gentle fingers, and a warm, compassionate tongue that lapped her from one cordial orgasm into another. I had no desire to touch myself, it was torture.
Red knew it. She would shoot me glances and knowing stares as my Mistress pleasured her. She ran her hand through my Lady’s hair as she was goin’ down on her. Then she smiled at me and mouthed one word.
I was, I really was. I had played so many games with my Mistress and she always gave me what I wanted. Rough and hard and passionate… but how long had it been since she gave me tender? I hadn’t asked for it, but I didn’t know I needed it till now. And it was makin’ me sad. Really fuckin’ sad and I was pushing back the dejection.
But a tear found it’s way onto my face. It traveled down my cheek as I looked to the ground and I couldn’t help myself. One, quiet sob fought it’s way out of my throat.
“Out!” Mistress snarled before returning her attention to Red. I almost protested but I saw there was no point. That icy glare destroyed me. I grabbed my bag and hung my head. Leaving my room to them.
‘Hey stud, still up?’
My phone buzzed by my head, stirring me from slumber. I jumped up expecting to finally hear from Red. She hadn’t so much as sent me a text to let me know her plane landed. Instead I found a message from Kitten. I looked for the time, it was two in the morning. She was up late.
I typed back quickly. I had been dreaming of our last encounter all day, hoping that maybe some more fun might soothe the existential dread of being fired. ‘Thank you for earlier.’
‘So polite, it was my pleasure.’ She followed it up quickly with a question. ‘So Red never let you fuck her like that, huh?”
It was hard to tell over text if she was trying to work me up or genuinely interested. ‘No, Red never liked it rough.’
‘Did you like it? Screwing her all soft and mushy like that?’
I thought for a moment, thinking back to my first night with her. How it had seemed so intense despite being so calm. Like making love in the eye of a hurricane. ‘Yeah. I mean, I used to. I guess I still enjoy it, but I want more.’
There was a long pause before her next message. ‘Hey, let me in.’ Then three small raps on the door.
I jumped up, tripping in my haste as I ran to unlock the bolt. Kitten was there in a long trench coat. She looked uncharacteristically low. “Hey Wolfie. Where’s your bed?”
I was wearing only a dirty pair of pajama bottoms which were embarrassingly cum stained from my self pitying jerk off sessions throughout the day. “Um, down the hall. It’s really the only room other than the bathroom. What are you…”
I never got to finish that thought. She dropped the coat behind her, she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. She barely looked at me, just went and laid herself down. “I’m curious, tryin’ to figure something out really. Make love to me like I was Red.”
It was weird to hear her say ‘make love’. I wondered where her crassness had gone. But fuck, did she look good. “So, you want to… roleplay my fiancée?”
She shook her head. Kitten was acting weird. I could have sworn she looked like she was ready to cry. “No, nothin’ like that. Just do it to me how you do it to her.”
“Nice and gentle, right?” I asked, surprised by the request. She nodded.
I slid my pants off, I had cheated on Red every other way. Why not in our bed? And besides, how could I say no to Kitten?
I don’t know if it would make me feel any better. But I was depressed and wanted to try.
It was interestin’, the difference in how he treated me. He whispered sweet things to me, told me how beautiful and cute I was. His hands were soft and he fondled me with affection. There was no indulgent squeezing, no filthy names. It was weird, he made me blush.
It was slow and smooth. And it took a while to make me cum, but for his part Wolf put in the effort. He had climaxed twice before I did, which is the only times he changed his pace. He would almost stop as I felt the warm heat fill me, then rock his hips until he found the rhythm from before.
It became meditative, taking the time to feel every bit of his shaft as it slid in and out of the warm lips of my cunt. As the night went on, our sweat became a lubricant between our bodies. Then sensation of his chest sliding up and down my tits became hypnotic. I resisted my usual habits. Didn’t cry, didn’t beg him to stop, didn’t act even the smallest bit reluctant. Just told him how good he was makin’ me feel.
And when I closed my eyes and thought of Mistress, I let the sensation of him wash over me like a wave till it eroded me down. There I found a tranquil bit of pleasure. It wasn’t intense, honestly I would almost a whisper of an orgasm. But it was exactly what I needed.
After that, I laid with him a bit. We didn’t talk, think we just both enjoyed another warm body in our bed. I had snuck out, Mistress told me not to mess with Wolf while she was doing whatever the fuck she was doin’ with Red. I told him I had to head off before I fell asleep.
“Thanks, Kitten. That was nice. I think I needed it.” I had been so up in my head that I really hadn’t considered Wolf much.
“What’s eatin’ at ya? You feelin’ bad about what we’re doing?”
He shook his head. “No, honestly that’s about all that feels right. I… while we were fucking in the park today. Some upper management big shot came in for an inspection and I wasn’t there. When I showed up a few hours late I got fired.”
“Oh, holy shit! I’m sorry about that!” I had forced his hand to play with me and genuinely felt kinda terrible about it.
“So, now I need to tell Red. And I probably should break up with her. It’s just.. it’s a lot.”
“Hey, kiddo. Don’t you worry about it. You know, financially speaking I’m what you might call comfortable. You need somethin’ to get you by?”
Wolf seemed ashamed by my suggestion, but I could tell he was considering it. “Are… are you sure?”
“Yeah, no problem at all. You can pay me back somehow. You’ll owe me a favor.”
It was at that moment I had a really wicked thought. Like, probably a piece of shit way of thinking considering how nice he had been treatin’ me. But the thought of Red spending the night with my Mistress still stung, and maybe a little revenge is all I really needed.
“I’ve got more party planning that needs done, Red. I had a fantastic night, but if I let myself get any more distracted Juniper will let me have no peace.” Mistress kissed me on the lips, I could barely move from that spot.
So that was what it was like being fucked by a professional. Mistress thrived off my pleasure, it was like she had an owner’s manual for my body. Every small movement or sigh and she seemed to understand what it meant. She would adjust and draw out every last bit of fucking gratification that could be had.
I was still pissed, but it was hard to be angry as I wanted to be. Not after she had been diligently getting me off all night.
Had a nice long lie in after that to relax and think about things.
Honestly, I was glad Kitten had been a bitch earlier. During the last few months I couldn’t decide how I felt about the meek little girl getting throat fucked in the video. But she had made it easy to hate her. And I loved that I was able to get under her skin.
“Hey Red! Fun night?” She came bouncing in around noon. A far cry from the sad little thing that slunk away last night.
I stretched and sat up. Mistress’ touch was still tingling on my skin. Her scent lingered on me. I was trying to figure out how to rub that in Kitten’s face when she made me an offer. “Hey, it’s cheatin’ a bit but do you wanna see a movie. You know, the one you’ve been askin’ about?”
Her night with ‘Wolf’… I did desperately want to watch. But her sudden change of heart gave me a prickly feeling like she was up to something. “You know I do. But I thought you wouldn’t without your Mistress’ permission.”
She shrugged. “It’s your fiancée, ain’t it?”
I was tryin’ to back off on my earlier idea. It seemed too cruel to Wolf. So I went with this plan instead hoping I wouldn’t have to, you know, scorch the mother fuckin’ Earth.
I had remembered our Little Red Riding Hood tape. Mistress was holdin’ that back, maybe she thought if Red saw what I did she would leave.
We ducked into the kitchen after we changed. Grabbed some cereal while Red and I did everything we could to not talk about what we did last night. Then I made popcorn and grabbed a few sodas. After all I was gonna join enjoy the show.
We had a couple of good places to watch. A lot of empty rooms, plenty of places to hide away from Mistress. I didn’t take her to any of the more obvious large projectors like the dungeon or the ballroom. Good, big screens there, but I went for something more intimate.
Took her back to one the smaller guest rooms. It was almost like a hotel, we could sit on the bed and watch the movie together. “Ok, so I’ve always had this fantasy of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf…”
She barely said a word, just had this hungry look in her eyes as I set the scene. Told her about the video Mistress sent to entice him to join in. I told her of ‘Please, don’t’ and how Mistress had given him one of her special pills. Then I started it up.
Red asked an occasional question. “Wait, could you see him sneaking up on you?”
“Ha! Yeah, saw him from like twenty yards away. Almost laughed at him, naked and skulking around. But like I said, I had led him around for over an hour and I was ready to screw.”
She was gettin’ into it, and so was I to be honest. The video was hot. “Did you really fucking cum or were you faking it?”
“I never fake it unless I’m bein’ paid, girl. I was just so worked up he dry humped one out of me.” I could see she wanted to do somethin’ about the growing urges. “You want me to touch ya?”
Her eyes were locked on the screen. “Maybe… you can… you can start by playing with my breasts.” She got naked, and why the fuck not? So did I. I was getting more excited knowin’ we were getting closer and closer to the real show.
“Oh shit! Did that hurt?”
“Red, you have no idea. He got so rough, and it felt amazing.” She was fingering herself now, the slow and steady way she liked. “Mind if I try?” In a distracted haze she let me. My little porno was really messin’ with her head.
“Oh fuck! Fuck!” She came the first time when she saw her man eatin’ his cum out of my snatch. And she chained em’ together from there. Watchin’ every depraved act he did to me. I was playin’ with her tits and she was grinding against my hand to try and match the way he stuffed my cunt full. “You’re a real fuckin’ slut, you know that Kitten?”
“Damn straight!” And finally, we were there. “You’re gonna love this part, Red.”
She was pretty cute, a bit of drool runnin’ down her chin as we got to the part where he was testin’ the waters and playing around with my asshole. And I started to finger her just a bit harder when she asked, “Is he gonna…”
“Wait and see, Red.” I cooed into her ear. I positioned myself behind her, so she had a good view of the TV. My one arm wrapped around her waist so I could continue to pleasure her while the other played with her small tits.
I pressed breasts against Red’s back. She had the same confused look he did when I told him, ‘Please don’t lie on your back.’
Red bristled and she didn’t notice as I was pushin’ my fingers a bit deeper into her than before.
I gotta admit, I was fuckin’ sexy as hell when I told him, ‘What kind of Big Bad Wolf doesn’t even have the decency to butt fuck a girl.’
Greedy me, I went in for a kiss. She was so fuckin’ wet, her whole body shook and we locked lips. Her eyes never left the screen though, like she was in a trance.
You know, ever since I had my awakening with Mistress I’ve met a lot of interestin’ people. Picked up a lot of weird skills here and there. Now there was this one fella in the gym I go to who went to the Olympics for wrestling. Got himself a shiny bronze medal too. He loved throwin’ me around in the showers and twisting up my body in ways no one else did.
I’m gonna need to give him a call sometime and thank him proper, because he taught me well. I snaked my legs around Red’s body and wrapped my feet around the inside of her thighs. She wasn’t goin’ nowhere.
Her tongue was in my mouth when she heard the line, ‘You and Red, you two are no good for each other.’
That bitch! The fucking whore! She held me tight, could barely move in her grip. Her fingers pumped me harder and fucking hell, she was already making me cum when it started. “What’s the matter, Red. I thought you were enjoyin’ yourself?”
I tried to stand but that cunt pulled me back on top of her. Her fingers continued to coax the orgasms out of me even as I tried to struggle to escape. “Mmm… fuck! Get off you bitch!”
“Oh. I’m getting off, Sweety!” Kitten rolled me onto my belly, her strong hips driving against my ass and pinning me to the bed. I roared as she pulled her fingers from my pussy and she wrapped her hand over my face, smearing my juices over my mouth.
I tried to push up, but I was helpless with her on my back. She was fucking strong. Those thick hips smashed me back down into the soft bed, and I was trapped. Her bristly bush grating against my ass. I tasted myself my juices ran off her finger into my snarling mouth.
Kitten grabbed me by the hair and pointed my face back to the TV. “Don’t miss the show, this is what you wanted to see.”
I watched the screen, watched as she bounced herself lower on his cock. As she dragged me and mocked me to get him riled up. She wouldn’t loosen her grip on my hair and my scalp burned as I struggled. She told him, ‘Ya know, it makes me so horny knowing you came to me on your anniversary.’
I had a second, useless wind of energy. Flailing under her as she giggled into my ear. Helpless. She even spoke along with the video at the line, “Does it feel good to wipe her boring cunt off in my ass? I bet it does. I hardly smell her on you at all now.” Then the whore kissed me on my cheek.
She wasn’t just pushing her hips into me to keep me in place now, she was making a statement. Humping me like a dog establishing dominance. Forcing me to watch her get fucked by my… her ‘Wolf’. And fuck. Fuck. The scratching of her pubes drove me wild. My body was enjoying it, teased and my pussy grew wet. And that made me angry. So god damned angry.
I bit at her finger. She pulled her hand back before I got a piece of her but I had my opportunity. With a loud shriek I drove myself to the side and rolled us both off the bed. It was enough to break her grip on me. “You bitch!”
I grabbed at her hair and she went for my throat. We both pulled back our hands in closed fists. This wouldn’t end in a slap, Kitten and I were both out for blood.
Then the door flew open. “How am I supposed to work with this commotion?!” It was Juniper. She rubbed her slender hand over her bald head and then stared at us like we were a couple of misbehaving kids.
Shit. I was in trouble. You see, Juniper tries to remain stoic but when you get her left eye twitchin’ you’ve pissed her off. And it was twitchin’ up a storm.
“What in the hell?” She stomped toward us. “Unbelievable. Do you know how much money I’ll lose if you two beat the shit out of each other before the party?”
Red still tried to take her swing, her fist flying at my face but Juniper caught her arm. She pulled us apart. Her being a tall drink of water it probably looked like a teacher breaking up a playground scuffle. Red was still clawin’ at me though. I think I got through to her. “LET ME GO! LET ME AT THE BITCH!”
I tried to go after her too. Juniper had a vice grip on us both, but we were tryin’. “Oh Red, don’t ya wanna finish the movie? Look at him go! He’s havin’ some real fun now that he’s realized how sick and tired he was of fuckin’ your tired, skinny pussy in the same vanilla..”
“KITTEN!” I froze in place, Mistress was behind me. “What in the hell are you doing?”
I turned around, she had this look of contempt I’ve never seen from her. “M-mistress. I…”
“You shut your God damned mouth!” She turned to Red, tried to soothe her down. “I’m sorry, I thought Kitten was a professional. Instead she chose to be a selfish fucking child. ”
I hated the way she looked down at me. It broke my heart.
Mistress shook her head. She raised her hand and I winced, ready to be hit. “You are a disappointment.” The hit never came and somehow that was worse. She just walked back toward Red who was still strugglin’ in Juniper’s grip.
“Tell the Amazon to let me go! I’m done!” Well, at least that worked out.
“Please, Red. Let me try and make it up to you. I hoped Kitten would have taught you the basics but allow me to take your training into my own hands.”
Red wasn’t havin’ it. “Fuck off! You think I’m going to submit to being your bitch?”
“My… bitch?” She took Red by the hand and looked into her eyes. Her voice got low and sultry. Mistress was like a hypnotist when she talked like that. “Oh, Red. If I did… if I made you mine I would do such wonderful things to you. Stretched out across Saint Andrew’s cross? Tied up in ropes with such beautiful knots and suspended from my ceiling? Or maybe just my hand on your throat while I fuck you on the dirty ground?”
Red was squirmin’ at the thought of it. “W-why would I let you do that?” Her knees were shaking. She was tryin’ to seem tough, but Mistress was hard to say no to.
“Why? So I could teach you the pleasure of submission. To let yourself go and be completely consumed by another. I would force such pleasures on you. Your delicate prideful soul would learn to yield to me.”
I kinda wanted to see that, watch Red be turned into a puddle of blubbering mush by Mistress’ special attention.
“But that’s not what you need, Red. You have so little control of your life, how could I ask you to relinquish it to me? No, I have a better idea.” Then… then it was… it was horrifying. Mistress lowered herself, kneeling before Red. “Instead, I submit to you.”
“Mistress! You can’t!” She hadn’t allowed anyone to control her in years. Certainly never to anyone as… common as Red.
Juniper left the room mumbling to herself, “As if she needed another distraction. We are burning money while she plays…”
“I’ll make it up to you Juniper.” Then she glared at me like I was disgusting. “You too, Kitten. Get out.” She spoke softly, her eyes went back to Red, looking up to with all the longing of a dog begging for table scraps.
Red looked at me and grinned ear to ear. “No. She can stay.”
“As a Silent Stranger, of course.” I clenched my jaw and my body went rigid. Suppressin’ the urge to scream. “Don’t you want to see what I’m going to do to her?” Red looked me dead in the eyes, and with a loud guttural snarl she sucked the phlegm from her throat.
And Mistress sat on the ground, unmoving. My perfect Goddess smiled meekly as Red spit into her face. It ran down her perfect cheek and Mistress… thanked her. “You honor me.”
Red opened her hand and slapped her. The crack of it made my stomach churn. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.”
I couldn’t take it anymore. I burst out of the room as the tears ran down my face followed by Red’s cruel laughter.
“Come back, Kitten! Come and watch how she begs!”
I don’t know where it all went wrong, why Mistress became so infatuated with that common cunt. Why she… why she didn’t want me anymore.
The sadness, the hurt. The utter humiliation of it all. I couldn’t do nothin’ about it.
But the rage… the burning need for revenge. Now that was somethin’ I could handle.
Fine, if Mistress wanted a Dominatrix, I would be it.
If Red wanted to play fucking games with me, then I would crush her completely.
I went to my room and started packin’. I would need a lot of supplies for tonight. I already knew exactly what I was going to do.
I picked up my phone and made a call. “Hey Wolfie, you home? Good. I’m comin’ over. There’s something I want to talk to you about.”
He sounded excited. Poor boy, I didn’t want to have to do this to him. But Red gave me no choice.
I was going to break him completely.