I shifted awkwardly, digging my ass into the seat. It was uncomfortable as hell. I dangled my bare feet and looked around the small, clerical office. “Juniper, with this huge god damned mansion why are you tucked away in this tiny fucking room?”
She didn’t look away from her spreadsheets as she pecked away at her computer. “My choice. It was too small to be of any use and I find it…” She paused to think. “Agreeably intimate.”
“Huh.” She was an interesting one. I liked Juniper, no nonsense. “Now, I’m just learning my way around here so let me know if I’m asking something personal. So you don’t…”
“No, I don’t fuck for money.” She was perceptive too.
I stood up and smacked my seat a few times, trying to find a way to make it easier on my ass. This was worse than sitting on cold bleachers, the pain of having a bony butt. “It’s just that you’re a fucking comic book fantasy. A regular Xena, I would have thought you were in high demand.”
She reached in her desk and pulled out three different burner phones. I watched as she started sending off nonsense messages to different people. I realized she was sending information in code. After that was done she returned to me. “It’s not a question of demand. I’ve received higher offers than of anyone in our little organization, including the Director herself. But I’m an accountant, sex doesn’t interest me.”
It was a queer thing, this beautiful woman working in a whore house and she didn’t give a damn about screwing. “So you’re ace?”
She stopped and thought about it. “Essentially. I’m not physically attracted to people in that sense.”
“Then why are you here?”
She gestured to the room around her. “The work is interesting. It’s a unique way to do business. And the money is…” She trailed off, but I think I caught her shudder. “So very profitable.”
“Alright, so tell me how these parties work.”
“Ask the Director.”
“I like her like this. Every time she runs her mouth she finds a way to piss me off.” I adjusted the black leather dress Mistress had given me. Didn’t fit right, wide on the hips. How do you even wash a leather dress?
“Red, I’m busy.” She pushed past me and went to the wall of filing cabinets. She beelined for one drawer and plucked a small file out before returning to her desk. Damn she was efficient.
“Fine, she’s shitty furniture anyway.” I climbed off Mistress who was on all fours beneath me. I tugged at her leash and she returned to kneeling. “Open.” Her mouth went slack and I pulled my dirty underwear out.
Mistress stretched her jaw before asking me, “What would you like to know?” She looked good, couldn’t deny that. That expensive ass underwear and the way she was all dolled up. Knew how to display the goods.
“First off, I’m not using your bony fuckin’ back as a chair again. That human furniture thing wasn’t as fun as I was hoping.”
“I’m sorry,” she said with a demure smile. “Some are better than others. Kitten, for instance, makes for a nice, soft foot stool.”
I bristled at the mention of her. The way Kitten gloated while grappling me, humping my ass and making me watch her fuck him… I gave Mistress a good slap across the face. “You might want to watch out mentioning her. It agitates me.”
“Yes Miss…” She looked at me curiously. “What should I call you?”
“Well, I certainly can’t be Mistress like this. So are you the Mistress? How should I address you? And how will you address me?”
Interesting. “Mistress Red… too derivative. Miss Red? Eh…. feels weak.”
“Perhaps something more befitting of royalty? Queen, or perhaps Princess?”
“Bend over,” I said trying to remain calm. She did so and I lowered her underwear. I spit on my hand, I had learned young that there’s more sting when it’s wet. I started wailing on her ass, leaving a couple nice hand prints on her. “Do I seem like a God damned ‘Princess’?! Fuck that noise!”
She winced with each blow, and apologized with every smack. I wondered if she suspected a land mine with that one. Princess. Fuck. That’s what my Mom used to call my little sister.
Fuck them both, I hadn’t invited either but suspected they would be at my upcoming wedding.
I looked over Juniper as she did her best to ignore us. The woman had her shit together. “You know, I like her style. I don’t need any fancy titles. I’m just Red, don’t need nothing else.”
“Just Red. I suppose you’re right, it suits you. So Red, what shall I be called?”
I smiled at her and gave her leash a hard pull. She fell back to all fours. “Why the fuck would my whore need a name? Now, explain how these parties of yours work.”
I made her go over it all, the logistics of everything. How there are about forty guests and how they drop enough cash in one evening to fund a small country for a few days. Juniper refused to let me look at the books, but I figured as much. “That’s proprietary data,” she said.
Mistress explained everything calmly, and for my part I tried not to slap her around too much while she was being compliant. I thought about what she had said the other day. “You mentioned me being part of your ‘opening act’. What’s that about?”
The mention of it excited her. “Of course my talent makes most of their money from more intimate business dealings.”
I swatted at her thighs. “You don’t have to fancy it up every time. You could just say ‘before the whores get to work’.”
“My apologies Red. Before the whores get to work, we have a cocktail hour followed by a floor show. It sets the mood, often it transitions into allowing the guests to participate for a price.”
“Like when a lady shoots a ping pong ball out her snatch?” I could tell that bothered her, she was obviously proud of these shows of hers.
“Nothing so…”
“Crude?” I suggested.
Mistress laughed. “Oh no, they are crude. Nothing so mundane. Each night is a unique experience, we never repeat the performance.”
A performance? That stirred something in me from when I used to dance. I loved being on stage, probably the only time I was ever really happy was when I was lost in it. “Give me an example.”
Juniper chimed in, “Our most recent performance was a selection of Shakespearean scenes and monologues, freshly contextualized by the addition of sexual acts.”
Wasn’t expecting that. “You’re fucking with me.”
She smiled and ran her hand over her smooth head. “It was quite profitable. The finale was the assassination of Caesar, who was played by Kitten. Except instead of being stabbed people just paid to fuck her. We had a lot of takers.”
“Et tu, Brute.” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, really classy shit you got going on.” I turned to Mistress “What do you have in mind for me?”
She gave me an annoyingly smug smile. “I believe that’s what Juniper would call ‘Proprietary data.’ Is this all you wanted to do with me? Have me explain how I run my business?”
“I wanted some straight answers from you. But I’m starting to get the picture. Besides, I’m waiting on someone. They’ll be by any time now.”
They both had this confused ass look on their faces. I enjoyed that, it was nice being the one keeping a secret. Didn’t last long though. Juniper’s phone buzzed. “There’s someone at the gate. Director, did you order a plumber?”
I smiled, “There he is! Juniper, let him in! Come with me, whore. I wanted to see something.” I pulled the leash and Mistress followed me out of the room. “Thank’s Juniper!”
I looked around in the hallway. Still lost, after this I would need a proper tour. “Hey, take me to the front door. You got some cash nearby?”
“There’s some in a purse I keep near there. Red, what are you planning?” She seemed pleased with the mystery. I didn’t think this would be enough to rattle her, but it would be a good starting point.
Didn’t answer her though, just followed as she led me back around the maze of hallways. Then we heard the plumber knocking. “Hey, give me a couple hundred bucks.” She didn’t hesitate, just went to the coat stand and removed crisp hundred dollar bills from the name brand purse that hung there and obediently handed it to me.
I opened the door, keeping Mistress out of sight for now. “Hey, Henry’s Plumbing. You called about a clogged drain? Said it was an emergency?”
“Fuck, I was hoping you would be ugly.”
He was obviously confused. “What?” Good looking guy. Probably mid-thirties. Nice build, a little rough around the edges but nothing to kick out of bed. Had that ‘Hot Dad’ energy.
“Come on in. Hey, let me ask you a question. Do you like blowjobs?”
“What?!” He went on guard, looking behind him. He was suspicious, not that I blame him. People like us don’t get good things dropped in our lap. And his lap was about to get something quite nice dropped in it. “I mean, sure.” I opened the door wide to reveal Mistress.
“And you’ve had a few before? With different women?” I tugged down on Mistress’ leash and she obediently knelt on the ground.
He came in, looking all around like it was a fuckin’ sting. But he closed the door behind him. “Yeah, I do alright. Why?”
I handed the cash to him. “There’s your payment and a little tip. Just tell your bosses you snaked a drain. Now, what I need is a neutral opinion. You see this lady here?” I pulled her hair and gave her a little shake. “She’s pretty, right?”
“Um, yeah.” Could see in a bulge forming in his pants, yeah he did.
“She told me…. and you’re not going to believe this shit! She told me that when she sucks a cock she makes more than I do in a year! Now, I’m a woman who needs to see to believe. So what I need from you…” I looked down at Mistress who was smiling all to hell and licking her lips. “Is to get your knob polished and report back. I would do this myself but I lack the needed testing equipment.”
“You serious?” He had this messed-up smile as he started undoing his belt. His hands weren’t very dirty. Hell, he was woefully clean. They just don’t make plumbers like they used to. “Right here?”
“Yeah, right here.” I tapped Mistress on her lips. “Hey bitch, open up.”
“Yes, Red.” Very accommodating, I was hoping this would have caused her the least bit of hesitation but she jumped right in. I leaned against the door and watched. Mistress pulled out his cock and just went right to fucking town.
Wasn’t what I expected. I pictured Mistress being really smooth about it. You know, like effortlessly deep-throating, prim and neat. But she was downright sloppy with it. I mean, the plumber seemed to be enjoying himself. He was really getting a rise out of the way she gagged as she bobbed down.
He put his hand on her head, but she still was in charge. Didn’t seem like she needed much correction. “Holy f-fuck!” He was already having trouble choking out words. She sucked him hard but took breaks to slither her tongue over his shaft like a snake. And when she did, her face was peppered with sputtering cum and her own dripping spit.
Mistress looked up to him, sucking in air and sperm hanging from her lips, and asks him, “Shall I swallow, Sir?” I knew what he wanted, and I damn well knew she did as well. But I realized that she knew that he wanted to be asked. The intuition of a professional.
“Hey plumber, blow your load on her face. Make her a mess.” He groaned, obviously at the cusp of losing control. Then it hit me, she doesn’t suck a cock the same way for every guy. She had his preferences pegged before he even had his dick out. She’s giving out couture BJ’s like a champ.
Then she fucking winks at me as if to say, ‘Hey, watch this!’ And one hand goes under his legs, and the other takes him by the balls. Then she plunges herself down onto the length of him and sticks a finger up his ass. And this man goes all wobbly kneed as she chokes on his cock, then pulls herself back.
He hoses her down with jizz, and I see her finger pumping his ass. Her other hand is cradling and squeezing his balls. Mistress looked him dead in the eyes. She’s panting as his spasming cock shot rope after rope onto her until she milked him dry.
I stood up and grabbed another few hundred from the purse. “Thanks pal.” I stuffed the money into his shirt pocket while he braced himself against the wall and recovered. “So, what do you think?”
He gave me this big, dumb grin. “That was fucking amazing.”
“Yeah, it looked like it. But now let me ask you this, was that worth a year’s salary?”
He looked down at Mistress who was licking her chops like she’d just slurped up some Alfredo sauce.
“Hey, she’s just a fucking whore. Don’t worry about her feelings. Look at me and be honest. What was that worth?”
He shrugged. “I mean, best blowjob of my life. No doubt about that.” He was stuffing his tired friend back in his underwear and Mistress gave me a boastful grin. “But it’s still only a blowjob. Like, if I didn’t have bills to pay and had the extra cash I could see me paying two or three hundred bucks.”
You know, being covered with some random guy’s spunk and having his shit in her fingernail didn’t bother Mistress. But she was a proud woman. And I saw it on her face, if only for an instant. His answer got to her.
“Thank you! Exactly the sort of feedback I needed. Now get on out of here.”
“See ya girls, feel free to call anytime.” He blew Mistress a kiss. He was damn near strutting out the door.
Mistress hadn’t moved from the spot I left her. “Did that please you, Red?”
I pet her head, doing my best to avoid the cum. “Maybe a little. It was certainly informative. But let’s get you to a bathroom. You need to wash your fucking hands. You know it’s the plumber who’s supposed to clean out your shit pipe, not the other way around?”
I let her wipe down a bit while she was there. I was thinking about having her wear the guy’s baby batter on her face while she showed me around but I didn’t want to get it on me if I felt the urge to slap her.
Time to get more answers. “So Kitten told me about when you two first met.”
She was splashing her face with cold water and lathering up soap in her hand. “Oh?”
“Messed up, can’t say I liked how you handled the situation. Kitten seems to think she ultimately consented. Sounds like you just fucked with her head to me and she’s making excuses.”
Mistress didn’t like that. I saw a flash of anger in her eyes. And not the performative anger she tossed around while playing, her hand twitched. She wanted to slap me. But she bottled that back up fast enough. Took a breath and answered, “Kitten was dying. I saved her life. I am willing to have this discussion with you as equals, but not like this.”
I didn’t punish her for that, that seemed acceptable. “OK, I’ll let that go for now. But one detail she let slip has been bugging me. She said you both had nothing when you met. Sharing a shitty apartment, much like I’m doing with my fiancée.” She wiped herself clean and toweled off.
“That’s true,” she cautiously answered. I had her on her heels, she didn’t know where I was going with this.
“Oh, how far you fucking fell.” I savored her confusion. “Where did your money go?”
She tilted her head with a curious look. “Why do you think I was rich?”
I laughed. “Tell me I’m wrong.” She met my gaze silently. “When someone is born with a silver spoon up their ass, you can smell it on them. And I can tell, you’ve never been hungry. Not really. So what happened? How did you get into this prostitution game?”
“Red, may I show you the dungeon? I’ll tell you on the way?”
“Ha, a dungeon? Of course, you have a dungeon. Why not, lead on.”
Mistress led me through the halls and told me about herself. “If you’re looking for some sob story or a gigantic sexual awakening, you won’t find it. I’ve always had… peculiar appetites. Sexually speaking. And my family didn’t mind. They never bothered to hide their proclivities either.”
“So then what happened?”
“I couldn’t stand the business. My father owned a large weapons manufacturer. They specialized in artillery and land mines. We were merchants of death. And I was raised to be the heir.”
“Big money then. And how long did you live off Daddy’s murder money?”
She genuinely looked ashamed. “I left home when I was thirty-five. I met Kitten a year later. When you grow up with that sort of family, well, it can take a while to see the light.”
“Oh, what a Saint you are.” I stopped her by yanking the leash. Not letting her get away that easy.
I pulled her to the ground and sat on her chest, digging my ass cheeks into her tits. Giving her a good stare. She groaned in discomfort but otherwise took it with no complaints. “And what about your clients? Are they any better? The rich fucks who pour money into your little parties?”
She held my gaze, hesitating to give me my answer. Which was good enough but I waited to hear her say it. “No, they are just as deplorable as my father.”
“Does the blood wash off the cash if it’s secondhand?” I opened my mouth and brought a wad of spit to my lips, and let it drip down onto her face.
She took it. Wasn’t smiling now. Finally getting to her. “No.”
“Open your mouth.” She complied and I let another glob of phlegm spit slide down out of my mouth and ooze into her throat. I waited for her to swallow it. “So why do you think you’re doing anything different now?”
“Because I’m taking it from them. Prying their ill gotten riches from their covetous claws. At least I can do something better with it, rather than letting that money rot in their banks.” Mistress was livid, she tried to hide it but I could feel the heat rising from her chest.
I got off her. “And what do you do with it? You bought yourself a mansion. Nice clothes, a pampered little life?”
“Hardly. Most of that was secured by my first investor.” She got off the floor and wiped my spit from her face.
“Who was that?”
She gave me a wicked look of pride. “My family’s biggest competitor. He had bid against us for government contracts for decades. He loved the fucking his rival’s little girl. I did things for him that I… I would rather never do again. And he got off by sending the pictures to my father. But that’s how I got started, made my connections.”
“Ha!” I could see she was genuinely feeling some disgust. Fuck if I know what she did for that guy but I couldn’t help but laughing. “Ha ha ha!”
“What’s so funny, Red?” Mistress realized her mask had slipped and put it back on. That same cold smile that normally rested on her face returned.
“The god damned nepotism! Can’t even start a nice house of ill repute these days without your Daddy knowing a guy.” I continued to laugh, and Mistress cracked. She began to giggle as well.
“I suppose that’s true. Now would you like to see the dungeon?” Mistress gestured to a large cabinet stocked with overpriced wine in a hallway.
I looked it over. Scuff marks on the floor and I could feel a breeze coming from underneath. “Holy shit, are you telling me you’ve got a secret entrance to your sex jail? Anyone I know down there?” I explored it, looking to see if I could figure out the button or lever to open it up.
“Would you like me to show you?”
“Sure, save me some time.” She pressed onto a wood panel and it revealed a keypad. I watched her type in the code. “Seriously, 1-2-3-4-5-6?”
She gave me one of her demure smiles. “You’ll learn that so much of our business is about presentation. Creating a mysterious allure. Honestly I don’t give a damn about hiding my playroom. But the reveal, well we charge extra for that.”
Learning a lot today. “Smoke and mirrors all over this place. Like regular hooker magicians. Lead on.”
Impressive looking room. The floors were a cold, black marble. All sorts of weird looking furniture covered with straps and rivets to tie someone down. There was even a golden cage suspended by the ceiling. “This is my favorite room in the house. I’ve had a lot of good memories here.”
I looked over this wall full of dildos and weird looking toys I’ve never seen in my life. One of the cocks was a giant black thing as big as my arm. “Anyone actually use this?”
“No, Red. Not really. That one’s here for an… intimidation factor.”
“Well color me intimidated. Use that thing once and your footsteps are going to have an echo.”
Mistress giggled, “You do have a way with words, Red.”
“Yeah, I have my moments. Holy shit, look at this old school thing!” Hanging from the wall was an old Polaroid camera. Hadn’t seen one of these in ages.
Mistress smirked. “Oh, those are special. Now everyone has access to a camera at all times. You can take a picture and share it with a millions with a click of a button. I keep this around because it reminds me of a more… civil time when pictures were kept amongst friends.”
I pointed it at her and snapped a picture. I shook it and let it start to develop. “Can’t argue with you there. Just wish I had this when you were basted in that plumber’s protein shake. Now why don’t you show me around and tell me about some of this bullshit.”
It was a valuable education. The shit people come up with to be kinky was amazing in it’s own way. She had this fuck machine with a self pumping dildo that had temperature controls. You know, in case someone needed fucked by an icy dildo or their ass filled with something that gave them an uncomfortable burning sensation.
I had her take me around and explain how some of it worked. A lot of the equipment was complicated, felt like I needed a fucking owners manual to understand it. “What about all that rope? I’ve seen some of that fancy knot work online. What’s it called… chibarry?”
“Shibari, though that term wasn’t used till recently. Classically the art is called Kinbaku.”
I slapped her in the back of the head, didn’t like her talking down to me. “I didn’t ask for the history lesson, Professor Prostitute. So this Kinbaku, I take it you’re good at it?”
“Oh Red,” she said while smiling dreamily. “Yes.”
“Can you teach me?”
“Of course, but I’m afraid it’s not something you can pick up quickly. It takes practice.” Hmm, something to try later maybe.
“Alright, well I see you have a rack of whips and shit over here. I think I want to try those out.” I looked them over, running my fingers along their grips.
Mistress stood beside me. “A dominatrix often finds a tool that calls to her, that she favors. Does anything here stir you, Red?”
I picked up a weird looking whip with a bundle of knots at the end. “Not really. But I want to give them a try.”
I looked around the room and spotted some locking metal manacles attached to the floor. There were some rivets around on the ground, wall, and ceiling near it. Figured it was designed to let you get creative how you tied a person up. “Come here. This seems good.”
“Yes, Red.” She went and showed me how to unlock the restraints. I had her get on her knees and clamped them tight above her calf.
I went and grabbed some of the rope. “Give me your hands.” She complied and watched the knot I was tying around her wrists.
“That’s interesting. What sort of binding is this?”
“Butcher’s knot. From my stint in kitchens during college. Good for tying up a piece of meat.” I pulled it tightly and could see it cut into her wrists. Probably shouldn’t leave her too long like that, blood flow would be an issue. But it was good enough for playing around for a little bit.
I raised her arms above her head and pulled it backward, making her arch her back and stick her tits out. I saw how flexible she was, nearly had the rope to her feet before she looked unstable. I tied it off on a close by rivet. Looked uncomfortable, she had the silhouette of a backwards shrimp. “Thank you, Red. I will enjoy this.”
I took a switch off the rack. I knew that one. I gave her a good swat across the tits. She muffled her instinct to yell. “Huh, that one’s simple enough. And look at that, a nice pink line.” I got close and examined her breasts. I ran my fingers over the raised skin and Mistress moaned. “Alright, calm down ya slut. I’m just getting a feel for it.” I set it down beside her, might need that again.
“A wonderful start, Red.”
“What in the fuck is this?” I held up a weird thing with a bunch of leather straps hanging from it.
“A flogger.” I rolled it around my hand. I gave her a whack with it, the result was disappointing. More like an aggressive brushing than a hit. “Try more of a snap with your wrist.”
“Thank you, you truly are a wealth of knowledge.” I took her advise and swatted her with it again. It worked a little better but still not great. “This one probably takes a bit of practice?”
“Yes, Red. Many of them do.” She squirmed, not sure if it was the position I left her in or the fact that she was drooling from her cunt. This was definitely doing it for her. “May I suggest the cane? Like the switch but thicker.”
I picked up one that matched her description. It had a good weight to it, but still didn’t feel right. I gave her a solid thwack with it across those nice tits. She made a greedy gasp of pleasure. I examined the impact, more of a bruise than the switch. “That one’s decent. Still not feeling any of them. But I see you are.”
She bit her lip and obviously was doing her best to look enticing. “I am, Red.”
I held the cane pointing toward the ground and put it between her legs. “Is my whore feeling as though I could be giving her cunt more attention?”
“Oh, yes Red!” I flicked my wrist up and snapped her in the pussy.
“Oooh! Fuck! Thank you Red!” Seemed like it hurt, but she was getting off to it.
I gave her another welcomed flick and she yelped. “Is this what you wanted from me today? To smack you around a bit, learn to fuck you up in a way you find pleasing. Convince me to be your fucking street walker?” Harder this time, I hit her. This time I let it linger and rubbed it back and forth across the swollen vaginal lips.
“Mmm, it’s nice. But that’s not why.”
I started to find a rhythm to the strikes. Hit. Rub. Let it drop. Tap the floor. Repeat. “Then why?”
“Red… I want to be understood. And I saw it… OW! Fuck Red, thank you! I saw it in your eyes. The day we met. I intended to pay you off and be done with it. Just an apology for letting Kitten mouth fuck your man. The outrage I saw you desperately hiding. And not shedding one single tear! OH!” I put some anger in the last one.
“Understood? What the hell do you mean by that?” I growled at her, enraged that her esoteric needs had fucked my life completely. I knelt down in front of her and turned the crop over in my hands. Pushing her panties aside I twisted the handle up into her. The leather grip dragged in and out of her cunt as I screwed her with it.
“OH! Fuck, Red! I… I can’t tell you, it’ll c-cheapen it. I need you to understand on your own! Mmmm, fuck that’s rough.” I could tell that was a compliment, not a complaint.
“So that’s what this is all about? You just need a fucking friend?” I let go of the cane and she whimpered. Her hips moving helplessly trying to find a way to ride the limp tool that hung out of her. I placed the palm of my hands over her breasts, then dug fingernails into the surrounding skin.
“AH!” Mistress squirmed as I scraped my nails inward, drawing red lines toward the center. My fingers met around each nipple, which I pinched and stretched harder and harder till they slipped away from me. I could see her juices running down the crop as her futile thrusting did nothing to relieve her needs. “Oh… please. Don’t be cruel!”
“Cruel? Cruel?!” I continued to grate her chest with my nails as I growled. “Cruelty is destroying my life on a whim. It’s tossing me to your hell-bitch Kitten for your twisted games under the threat of losing my god damned job! It’s tossing your pocket change at me, kicking me while I’m down, then whining that no one understands you! FUCK!”
I felt wild, vengeful as I grabbed the switch. “Red, I’m sor…. AH!”
I snapped her stretched belly, again and again and again. She blubbered and begged for forgiveness as I painted her skin one thin red line at a time. “I don’t need your empty fucking apologies! I need you to feel it! My fucking helplessness, the humiliation!”
I thrashed cries out of her, knowing that ultimately the only pain I was inflicting was skin deep. She whined and groveled as I worked her over. This wasn’t getting me anywhere. Hell, she was getting off to it. But damn it felt good. I only stopped when I realized my arm had gone numb.
“Please, Red! I know what you mean? I do! Just please, let me cum. I, I can’t take it anymore.” In all my anger, I hadn’t realized how achingly horny I had become till I looked at her battered body with pride. Looked at what I had done to her.
“Nah, you don’t get it. Not yet. But maybe I can give that mouth something better to do than bitch.” I walked behind her and straddled her head. She was tall and had to lean even lower to accommodate me. I pushed my pussy to her face and she licked me, slow and methodical. “Good whore, you remember how I like it.”
View was amazing, the cane hanging from her nethers. Her torso and heaving tits marked by my abuse. “Mmm…” She was enjoying herself as well.
“You’re an adaptable slut, I’ll give you that. How you do me, and how you did that plumber. You gave us both what we needed, figured us out… ohhhh…”
Mistress sucked on my pussy and the tip of her tongue circled my clit. Felt like that thing was two places at once. Can you have a double jointed tongue? She started moaning and I realized I was squeezing her tits without thinking. Fuck she was good. I groped her sweaty breasts and gripped her head with my thighs. It didn’t take her long. I came and surprised myself when I squirt into her mouth.
Fuck, never before in my life and she’s done it twice in two days.
I dismounted her wet face and let her simper. She was pouting, trying to push me to give her more. Needy looked good on Mistress. I went back for the Polaroid, figured this was something deserving of a souvenir.
I took a dozen or so pictures. Every flash of the camera, every time the picture rolled out, I could tell she was self conscious about it. She wasn’t used to being the one on display, to be made vulnerable. Tied up, beaten, and her twat violated with leather.
I thought of Kitten, how she referred to this woman as her Goddess. I’ll make sure to give the little bitch one of these pictures as a little ‘thinking of you’ present.
Satisfied, I knelt by her and yanked the crop from her cunt. “Ah! Red, you wicked thing!”
I pulled her hair, seeing just how far she could arch back. “I want to see the where you do these ‘performances’. Take me to your fuck shows!”
Her head nearly touched the heels of her feet. Pretty spry. She whined and groaned with longing as she rubbed her thighs together. “Yes, Red.”
I released her, and after some shaky fumbling untied my knot. Always easier to tie than untie. There were dark bruises left where the rope had dug into her wrists. I could see I had tired her out, she wasn’t as poised as usual. She started to stand and I swatted her ass. “No, back on all fours. I think it’s time you felt what it’s like having to crawl while others get to walk. And gather my pictures for me. Maybe I’ll make Kitten a little scrapbook of our special day.”
Took a while, but I didn’t mind. It was growing dark out, and Mistress was getting tired. Over the cold marble floor, up the metal stairs, across the wooden floors. Bet she wished she had more carpets. She was wincing and her knees were scarlet by the time we got there.
“This is it, Red. Our parties start here.”
“Good, back on your feet.” I tugged her leash. I could see the pain as she straitened out her legs.
I was feeling satisfied in many ways. I got a feel for the business, got under Mistress’ skin a bit. Had myself a nice orgasm too. But I still hadn’t felt… inspiration. Until she opened up the ball room.
I looked around in awe. It was like out of a movie, a large wooden dance floor that could probably hold up to twenty couples at once. It was dropped about a foot into the floor, the area around it was raised in multiple tiers like stadium seating. No, more like an intimate stage. And of course it was extravagant. Fancy chandeliers and pricey curtains all over the room. “Are those stage lights?”
Mistress followed my gaze. “Yes, I wanted to put on a good show. Lighting is obviously essential.”
“You know, I used to work tech a lot when I danced. Had to get the ins and outs of how a production was run.” I lifted myself up onto my toes, surprised I could still go on pointe after all this time. Couldn’t hold it for long, but it felt good.
“Oh, well that’s certainly a good skill to have.” She watched me as I twirled and stretched, trying to see what my body remembered to do.
“So, what do you do with all the money you make on these things. You never answered that.” I had a plan formulating, but wanted my curiosity sated first. And I wanted a little longer to play ballerina, letting my muscles reminisce about a time when I moved with grace and beauty.
“Juniper takes five percent of every transaction. After that the house takes a cut to cover costs and upkeep on the house. What’s left over from those are distributed with equal shares among all talent. And what you make for your personal liaisons…” She caught herself before I smacked her ass again. “I’m sorry, Red. What you make from whoring goes directly into your pocket.”
“Alright, not a bad deal. But what do YOU do with YOUR money. You make so much, is it all in a vault somewhere?” My arms moved elegantly on their own to the memory of Tchaikovsky. My legs stumbled, reminding me that I had abandoned this dream long ago.
She watched my clumsy dance with fascination. “No, I give most away. I don’t tell my talent what to do with their money. Most have Juniper wire a portion to various charities. I concentrate on medical care and food access in war torn countries. Kitten has personally funded housing for runaway children and no kill shelters for animals all around the country.”
“Hmm, just a regular Robin Hood, aren’t you.” I finished with a pirouette, not like I used to be able to. I had been stiff and joyless for so long, folded myself up into what I was told to be. And I couldn’t do that anymore. I needed to break free.
Mistress seemed saddened as I stopped. “Please, will you dance for me again one day?”
“Maybe, we’ll see what sort of mood I’m in.” I went over and grabbed Mistress by the collar and pulled her to the dance floor. “Thank you, I’ve gotten everything I needed today. And I’ve finally found it.”
“Found what, Red?”
I pulled her by her collar down to me and kissed her, long and wet. “The place where I’m gonna fuck you, you silly whore.”
Mistress bristled. “Red, thank you! How would you like me?”
I let her go and gestured to my stage. “Actually, I want to propose to you my own vision. Granted, I haven’t seen any of your shows but I have a hell of a fucking idea. Won’t take me long to set up, I just need to know where you control those house lights.”
She sucked on her lower lip. “Of course, and what about me? How can I prepare myself for you?”
“Get out of here. Don’t bother with a shower. Just back here in only a robe. No fancy jewelry, no expensive underwear. And scrub off all that makeup. Come here bare as the day you were born. I’ll explain costuming when you get back.”
She giddily ran off. I played around with the light box, set up everything how I wanted. I was getting the layout down and was able to hop to a few different rooms and get the few items I required. Mistress knocked on the ball room door not long after I returned. “Red, may I enter?”
“Come on in, I think we’re ready.”
Outside I heard the pattering of rain. The sound of water hitting the roof echoed around us and the clouds consumed all starlight. The room was completely pitch black. “Red?”
“Go to the dance floor.”
I heard her shuffle around. “I’m here.”
I flipped the switch. She was blinded by the lights, squinting and disoriented. A spotlight focused on the middle of the dance floor and all the others illuminated the same spot. Focusing the large room down to an area about the size of a large bed.
“Now you want a performance. And I’ve got this idea. You ever star in your own shows?”
“No, Red.” She trembled, wearing only her robe.
“I didn’t think so. I bet you run around like the queen fucking bee at these things. Talking up the whales, cherry picking the richest clients for yourself? That sound about right.”
She nodded with a grin. “Yes, Red.”
“These clients, they hang off you and say shit like, ‘Hello Mistress’. ‘Thank you Mistress’. ‘Slap me around please Mistress’. They treat you like a fuckin’ Goddess here, huh?”
“Yes, Red.”
“I thought so. Take off your robe.”
She let it slide to the floor. Looked damn nice, even without all the trappings. “What shall I wear for you?”
“Oh, you’re done.” I walked down from the darkness to meet her. I was also keeping it simple. I wasn’t wearing a thing. Except for my strap-on. I picked a thick one, but realistic. I wanted authenticity. I kicked her robe out of the light.
“You don’t want me to…”
“I said you’re done. For this to work, I need you down to earth with the rest of us. No expensive ass necklaces, no designer clothes, and not a bit of your war paint on your face. You seem a lot smaller like this, y’know?” I went to her and took her hand. Leading her to stage center. “And this is how you’ll make your entrance.”
“Just walk in?” She was already uncomfortable. I had taken her armor from her. I knew the type, always done up. She lived her life hiding behind an elegant mask, and she skittish without it.
“Yeah, simple as that. This will be real easy for you. Now lay down on the floor.” She did so. “And spread your legs.” She gave me a little smile and complied.
“This what you want, Red?”
“Perfect. Good news is your done. Easy, right?”
“I’m… done?”
“Yeah. See, this is a statement piece. I’ve gotten this who operation figured out today. And it’s a hell of a racket.” I circled her, looking down like she was a piece of old meat. “The great ‘Mistress’, with her high-end secret fucking club. Where these god damn billionaire assholes shell out millions for the greatest sex of their lives!” I shook my head. “Ha! All idiots.”
“What do you mean?” She was shivering. A distant thunderclap rattled her. There would be more.
“You see, I grew up poor. No Big Daddy Warbucks for me. Like most people, I had to struggle. And when you grow up like that, it’s easier to see the scam. Ten thousand dollar purses. Fifty thousand dollar wine. Hotels that cost an entire months rent for one night. Those are for you. You and all the rich fucks with more money than sense.”
I could see her starting to shrink, pulling her limbs in and slowly moving into a fetal position.
I stopped at her feet and kicked her legs wider apart. “Like that, be a proper whore now. No clamming up, you’re a professional aren’t you?”
“I apologize, Red.” And the more she tried to fight it, the more nervous she became.
“Now anyway there’s quality. Like you can pay fifty bucks for a cheap pair of shoes that’ll last a few months. But if you can scrap together the funds you can get a good pair for two hundred that will last for years. But the joke is they’ll convince the ‘social elite’ that if they pay five thousand for a pair of shoes it’s something special. It ain’t. Just a pair of shoes.”
I leaned down and ran my finger up her slit. She trembled.
“And that’s what you got here. Brand name pussy. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an impressive feat. Something I couldn’t have figured out, though you did need your family connections to do it. These dumb asses actually think a nice fuck is more than a fuck. And that’s my point, my artistic statement I’m trying to make.”
I gave her one last stroke with my finger. I liked it when she squirmed. “Tell me how this goes, Red. Tell me about the performance.”
Back on my feet, I walked to the edge of the light. “So you come in and lay down. I want you to use that imagination of yours. I want you to try and picture everything like it’s happening at one of your fuck parties. Can you do that?”
She stared at the ceiling. “Yes, Red.”
“Good. You come in, and in the darkness you feel all those eyes on you. Those creepy pervert billionaires who normally so infatuated with you that they would pay to suck the shit from your ass. And you’re talent, the ones who respect and look up to you. Maybe Juniper is up on that corner there, watching you.” I pointed down, right where I was standing. “And Kitten.”
“What about her?”
“She goes right here. She should have a front row seat for this.” Her breath became jagged, like a panic was setting in. “You love her, don’t you?”
She bit her lip and I caught a tremble in her voice. “Yes.”
“I know, don’t know why you’re giving Kitten shit but I could tell you do care about her. We’ll talk about that later. For now, picture the love of your life sitting right here watching you. And then he comes in.”
I pointed to the side. She held her breath, but of course no one stepped in. It was just us. Mistress asked me, “Who is he?”
I shrugged. “To be decided. I’m sure Juniper would say the highest bidder, no doubt they would all be throwing money around to have the chance to play. This is the part of a lifetime. But that’s not how I see it. Doesn’t quite match my vision.”
“Who would you choose?” Her eyes were darting around, looking into the darkness. Feeling the audience I created for her, the rain acting as their distasteful whispers that mocked and laughed.
“I’m thinking some schmuck we pull off the street. Hard working, broken down, stinking of sweat and whatever shitty job he has. I see him as overweight, and frankly not attractive. We don’t have to tell him that of course.”
“Of course, Red.” I caught her gaze lingering where I told her Kitten was, she looked ashamed. She was starting to get it.
“Now once again I need you to use your imagination, because I’ll be standing in for that fella. So do your best to picture little ol’ sexy me as a big fucking slob.” And I stomped over to her, grabbed her knees and spread her wide.
Mistress’ voice was weak. “What happens next?” I knelt down and smirked.
“Honesty.” I lined the strap-on up between her legs. Roughly, I plunged into her pussy.
“Oh!” She put her hand over her mouth.
“You see, he’s gonna fuck you right here. Nothing fancy, no weird positions, all the presentation stripped away.” I pulled out and thrust again, harder this time.
She gasped.
“And they all watch you. Then they start to get it. Probably some of the quicker ones will understand but those who respect you, the really loyal ones. It’ll take them a bit.” I fucked her. A good, hard prod of the thick cock deep into her cunt. Then giving her a bit of time to think about it before doing it again.
Her back arched and she cried out. “That hurts!”
“So? You’re getting paid, aren’t you?”
I saw the tears building in her eyes as she understood what I was getting at. “Yes.”
She went limp, grunting and gasping as I used her cunt. “I think Kitten will have the hardest time understanding. Maybe as we reach the finale, as the fella fucking you plunges his filthy cock into you one last time!” I slammed my hips into her and she let out a sharp scream. I held her like that. “When she sees him cum inside you. Or maybe when he tosses some crumpled bills at you and walks away. Maybe Kitten won’t get it till she sees the sperm leak from your cunt to the floor.
She closed her eyes and I saw tears of humiliation run down her face. “Say it, Red? What are you trying to tell me.”
“That at the end of the day it doesn’t matter how you dress it up. You’re all just whores taking it on your back.”
I sat there with the cock in her. Under the hot stage lights she quivered beneath me. Then I heard her, a quiet sob. As it grew louder I realized she wasn’t crying, she was laughing. “Oh Red! You do understand! Don’t stop! Keep going!”
She sat up and pulled me back on top of her. She ground herself against my rubber dildo and groaned in pleasure. “So you knew?”
“Of course I know! I’m a filthy fucking whore, Red! The rich pretend to be superior and so I do too! You ought to see how I keep the veil over their eyes. I lay on my back and tell them I have something exclusive, something special!” Her fingernails dug into my back. “FUCK ME HARDER!”
I gave in to her demand and suddenly the line of who was in charge started to blur. I put all that I had into every thrust. Burying my face into her tits as she spurred me on by kicking her heels into my ass. The storm outside raged as the thunder got louder.
“I tell the joke but no one laughs! The room is silent and they think I’m serious! But you get it! FUCK! Harder, Red!”
She suddenly seemed so much bigger. She rolled me to my back and rode my fake cock, breaking into a mad fit of laughter. It was contagious, I joined her as she ground me against the stage.
“But here’s thing, Red. You’re just like me, like everyone, a whore taking it on your back being used by some pompous fuck in a board room! You wanted honesty, then be honest! You say it too!”
She was right, and I admitted it. “I’m… I’m a hooker, selling myself like everyone else.” Mistress came violently on top of me as a flash of lightning illuminated the room. She held herself there, letting the ecstasy wash through her until she finally slumped over me. She nibbled my neck and whispered in my ear. “Thank you for seeing me. I’m not a Goddess. I’m a filthy slut with good marketing!”
She rolled off me, and we lay together listening to the rain. I had an urge I hadn’t felt in years. “Fuck, I could use a cigarette after that.”
A lighter flashed from the darkness. “I have one, Red.”
Mistress looked mortified. She tried to cover her breasts with her hands, tried to cover her gaping, hungry pussy. I had actually embarrassed her. “Juniper! What are you doing here?”
I kissed Mistress on the cheek. “She’s my guest. What’s art without an audience?” Juniper was all smiles as she lit a cigarette and bent over and put it in my mouth. “Thanks, you’re a life saver.”
“Thank you for the show. And you were right, Director. She can make us a lot of money. If that’s what you want of course, Red.”
I watched the rain pelting a window and blew a cloud of smoke upward. It been years since I had a good smoke, and it felt like heaven. “Yeah, why not? If we’re all gonna get screwed anyway I might as well get rich doing it.”
Juniper clapped her hands, as excited as I’ve ever seen her. “I’ll start finding you clients. And Director, I like Red’s show. Maybe we can perform it one day.”
Mistress went bright pink. “Absolutely not.” She looked around and concern flashed on her face. “It’s late, has Kitten come home yet?”
Juniper shook her head. “No, Director. She seemed… upset earlier. I wouldn’t expect her tonight.”
I was exhausted after that, so was Mistress. She took me by the hand and led me to her bed. I could tell she was worried about Kitten. We didn’t do anything after that, but I don’t think either of us felt like being alone.
I woke up early in the morning and Mistress was curled next to me. She looked cute like that. “Hey, off Mistress. I need to go take a shower.” She hummed gratefully and rolled off. When I came out she handed me a robe and we went to the kitchen to have breakfast.
Mistress made overcooked scrambled eggs and burnt sausages. I made a note not to let her cook for me again. “Hey Mistress, if you knew all along why did you look so hurt about what the plumber said?”
She sighed. “About my blowjob? Red, only three hundred!? No BJ is worth fifty thousand dollars, I thought he would at least say five hundred!” She didn’t seem to be enjoying her meal much more than I did. “Has anyone heard from Kitten?”
“I need to change, let’s go check her room. My shit’s there.”
We went together and found it was still unoccupied. Mistress shook her head. “She’s not answering her phone. I’m worried she did something stupid.”
“She’s a big girl, I’m sure she’ll be fine. Holy shit, my phone is blowing up!” It was nearly dead, hadn’t charged it since I got here. It was fucking full of messages. A lot from my fiancée, which made sense. Haven’t talked to him since I left. Probably should do that but I still didn’t know how I felt about him after all this.
But there were also a lot of messages from someone else. I didn’t recognize the number. I opened it up.
“It’s Kitten. She’s been texting me. All last night and this morning.” Mistress ran over and looked over my shoulder.
“What did she say?”
“Didn’t say anything. Just a bunch of pictures and videos of her with this redheaded chick.”
Mistress squinted at the screen. “Do you know her?”
“No, I have no idea who… Wait.”
I saw it in their eyes. And I scrolled through the pictures. Each more depraved than the last. And I grew hot. And the fire burned inside until I couldn’t handle it. And I exploded!
“KITTEN! YOU FUCKING BITCH!” I grabbed a cat statue and threw it into a mirror. Shards of glass spread over the floor.
Mistress took the phone from me and her eyes went wide. “Is that… Wolf?!”