The Pet’s New Job (Pt. 3)

"The last chapter of a young woman starting a new career, and finding a new life."

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“Hey John, do you have that file I asked you about yesterday?”

John looked up from his computer at the petite brunette in his doorway. Her short hair framed her face as hazel eyes look at him questioningly, her lips pressed into a friendly half smile.

He smiled back at her and nodded as he started looking through the folders on his desk, almost grateful to have a reason to look away from her body. Firm breasts beneath a low cut top with her toned arms crossed against them, and fitted pants showing the shape of graceful legs as well as an incredible ass.

He found the file he was looking for and held it out for her.

“Hey Catherine, you’ve been here for almost six months now. You know, we’ve never hung out or anything… after work, I mean. Would you like…”

She stopped him before he could continue, her face softening as she spoke.

“John, you’re a great friend here at work, and I love you dearly. But I don’t believe in office romance, it never works out well. So I really appreciate the thought, but I’m afraid that I would have to say no. Hopefully you’ll understand.”

He looked downcast, but nodded. “I understand, but hey… it was worth a shot, right?”

She smiled at him and punched him lightly on the arm.

“Thanks for that. And thanks for the file, Alan’s been asking me for my report on this thing.”

She took the file, and with a wave walked out of his office.

In the hallway she almost collided with her boss, Alan. He was a decent looking guy, especially considering he was in his early forties. He was almost two decades her senior, but he was friendly and had a mischievous glint in his eye that belied his age. Over the months they had become quite good friends, regardless of the difference in their years. They walked down the hallway chatting quietly on the way to their offices.

“So, finally shot John down did you?” he asked with a grin. “As the boss I have to say that I approve of your decision. However as a man I have to ask, why not? He’s a nice guy and obviously adores you.”

She didn’t have to think about it before replying, “That’s true, but he just doesn’t do it for me… you know? Heck, I’d probably break the poor guy.”

As she walked into her office she stopped and turned back around to face him. “And besides, I’ve always had a soft spot for older guys instead.”

She gave him a wink, and they both laughed. He continued on to his office, shaking his head and chuckling.


When she had gone to work this morning, the young woman hadn’t expected this.

She looked down at her own nudity as she sat upright in the office chair. A man walked toward her, smiling but with a gleam in his eye. She wasn’t sure what was about to happen, but she was excited to find out. She could feel her nipples hardening in the cool office air, and could feel her wetness on the leather of the chair beneath her.

“Now pet, what happened last time we were together?” he asked, as he reached up to take off his tie. “Oh, that’s right… you were punished for having an orgasm that I hadn’t given you permission for. Isn’t that right?”

She looked up at him submissively and answered, “Yes sir. I was a bad pet, I realize that now.”

“Yes you were. So now we’re going to try a little experiment.” With that he bent over and wrapped the tie around her wrist and the arm of the chair. He pulled it taut and knotted it firmly.

“Now what else… ahh… here we go!”

As she watched, he bent over behind his desk and unplugged his computer. Pulling the power cord out of the wall he returned to her. “This should do nicely I would think.”

With the cord he tied her other wrist to the other chair arm. Satisfied that she was firmly secured, he stood back to admire his work, as well as taking in the vision of the beautiful brunette naked in front of him. Her pert breasts heaved with her quickened breathing, erect nipples straining outward.

He reached down between her legs and ran a couple of fingers along her slit. She pushed against them, trying to get more pressure but he pulled them away and inspected them with a chuckle.

“Wet already? But we haven’t even started yet.”

Leaning closer to her he reached back down and once again stroked her vagina. This time he didn’t pull away, instead teasing her sensitive lips, up and down. As he went up he would rub her clitoris for a moment, then travel back down teasing her slit.

She started moaning quickly, excitement in her eyes as she bucked her hips trying to get more of his touch. He never increased his speed however, instead for several minutes merely lightly playing his fingers over her. The sensations from his rubbing grew more and more intense as she tried desperately to get more pressure, hoping for more friction to put her over the edge.

Finally she could feel the orgasm beginning to take hold, her eyes started to roll back in her head as an electric fire began to run through her body.

And suddenly it stopped. His fingers jerked back, leaving her bucking against air. Like a light switch the euphoria was gone, leaving behind an aching need.

Her moan turned into a whine as she looked at him, pitiable desire etched in her face.

“Please sir, I want to cum. May I please cum?”

He ran fingers slick with her essence over her mouth and shook his head.

“Not yet, I’m afraid. And honestly, not for a little while yet. But you might still enjoy this.”

With that he reached down with both hands and parted her legs. Kneeling down in front of her he leaned in close and began flicking his tongue across her swollen clit.

The effect was instantaneous. Her head shot back and the moan began once more. Her arms went taut against their restraints and her legs pressed down hard against his hands. He held her legs open with his palms as fingertips teased along the inside of her thighs, all the while his tongue caressed her. He would travel down, tasting her juices, and then lick back up stopping to rest on her clitoris… lightly stroking that sensitive button with his tongue.

He could feel the muscles in her stomach tightening up as she started approaching her orgasm again, and as her moans started to turn to a wail he again stopped and backed away.

Once again her hips bucked against air. Her breathing was quick as she looked at him and said, “You bastard! I was almost there!”

He affected a shocked look. “That’s ‘You bastard, sir’ pet. And besides, is that any way for a young lady to talk? I think we’ll have to do something about that.”

He walked over to his desk and opened a drawer. Reaching in he pulled out one of their toys, a small ball gag. Her eyes widened as he forced the ball between her teeth and tightened the strap around her head.

“There we go. That’s much better. Just so you know, the next orgasm that I will allow you will be with my penis inside of you, so don’t even ask.” He laughed a bit at that and finished, “Well, not that you could right now if you tried. Now where were we?”

He tormented her like this for quite a while. Sometimes using his fingers to almost bring her to orgasm, sometimes his tongue, and a few times a large vibrator. It was maddening for her, so many times getting so close to having the orgasm she desperately wanted and having them ripped away before she could finish.

She whined pitifully as she was denied, large brown-green eyes brimming with tears through a sweat soaked curtain of short dark hair. Those whines would turn back to moans as he would start again, only to be replaced with frantic grunts as he once more stopped. Her arms and shoulders ached from the effort of trying to pull free of the chair arms, and her seat was slick from her sweat and leaking juices.

He stopped and looked down at her. Her eyes were wild with need as she rocked her groin up and down, desperately trying for contact with something to let her orgasm. Her clitoris was engorged and stood out from her shaved mound, and sweat covered toned legs strained against his body trying to close so she could apply pressure with her thighs. Anything to achieve the orgasm she wanted so badly.

He reached over her and said, “Now remember what I said, pet.”

With that he removed the tie from her wrist and turned for the power cord on her other one.

He hadn’t even completely turned before her hand shot down between her legs and started rubbing her clit frantically. Before he could stop her, it was already too late.

Her head shot back over the back of the chair and her back arched as her whining turned into a guttural wail behind the drool covered ball gag. Her eyelids fluttered over white as her eyes rolled back into her head and her muscles locked rigid. For several seconds she didn’t even breath as she was locked in what seemed like a perpetual orgasm, the only thing moving were her fingers still frantically rubbing her swollen button.

Eventually the orgasm subsided and her head fell forward against her chest. Her body relaxed, completely drained. If someone had walked in at that moment, they very likely would have thought her dead.

The man studied her for a moment and shook his head. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”


The car windshield wipers beat a staccato rhythm as they drove down the freeway. The rain wasn’t hard, but steady enough that Alan had to keep his eyes on the road as he chatted with Catherine in the passenger seat.

“Thanks for coming out with me. I know I go to a lot of conferences, but honestly I think it’s a good idea for you to tag along. They’re great for networking if anything, and you definitely pick up on the material quicker than the guys.”

She waved her hands in dismissal as she replied, “It’s my pleasure! I love getting out of the office, and besides I was looking at the agenda for this thing… they have some really interesting panels lined up.”

He shook his head. “I would never have thought that someone your age would use the term ‘really interesting’ about a financial accounting conference, but there you go. You madam, are a weird girl.”

“Yep, that I am!” she said in agreement. Then she rubbed hands together and said, “But can we turn up the heat a bit? You have it freezing in here. Next time I’m wearing a parka instead of a skirt.”

“Freezing? It’s set at 72. I take back what I said… now it all makes sense. You’re actually a 60-year-old grandmother in disguise! Tell you what, I’ll turn up the heat to about 80 or so. I’ll even hurry up so that you can get to the hotel in time to turn on the TV and catch up on your ‘stories’ if that helps.”

She slugged him in the arm, cutting his laughing short with an “Ow! Goddamit, that actually hurt!”

“Good! It was supposed to. Fine, keep your stupid thermostat on its stupid 72 if you want.”

He rubbed his shoulder and started chuckling as he drove on. After a couple of minutes in silence he glanced over at her.

She was turned looking out the window, her face peaceful in the grey light of the overcast day. She was quite beautiful, and again he felt guilty for the thoughts running through his mind. He was married after all, but he was still drawn to this lovely creature. They were only friends, but that hadn’t stopped thoughts and dreams about her. With furtive glances he looked at her, following the curve of her neck down and across her shapely breasts. He could make out the barest hint of her nipples through top, which didn’t do anything to help his situation. He saw her shapely legs showing from underneath her grey skirt, which was pushed up a bit with her hands hidden but moving underneath.

He almost wrecked as he noticed this. He straightened the car out and managed to choke out, “What the hell are you doing?! Are you masturbating over there?!”

She turned to look at him and laughed.

“No, of course not. That looks like this.”

With that she started moving her hands in a steady motion under her skirt, but stopped after just a second. When she saw the shocked look on his face she burst out in laughter.

“Oh my god, you are so easy! No, I was just cold. I have a very warm vagina, so I was just warming up my hands.”

“You… warm… you have… WHAT?!”

“A very warm vagina. It’s true, though I don’t know why. I’ve told you about my experiences with women, so believe me that I know what I’m talking about.”

Alan tried his best to recover, his mental gears slipping a few spokes. The two of them had grown quite close as friends over the months, but this was a new level for them. Great, he thought, another fact that’s going to pop up in my dreams.

But out loud he said, “Well, ahem, I would imagine that’s just what it seems like to you. After all, it is the warmest part of the human body.”

She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Don’t believe me? Fine.”

She reached out and grabbed his hand. Before he could stop her, she pulled it over to her side of the car and stuck it under her skirt and against her vagina. He could feel lace against the backs of his fingers, as well as the moist heat coming from her. He tried to pull his hand back but she held it firm against her, causing his hand to jostle against her underwear covered slit. He could feel the lace shifting between his hand and her flesh, and he distinctly heard her breathing quicken. He glanced over at her and saw her eyes half close as a flush grew on her cheeks. As if his fingers had a mind of their own, they straightened out a bit in order to feel more of her heat against them.

She suddenly seemed to snap out of her trance and pulled her hand out from under her skirt. As she released it back to him she asked, “Well? Do you believe me now?”

All he could do was nod as she smirked and turned back to face the window. His heart raced as he looked at her. His gaze held far longer than it should have as he steered the car down the freeway, but he couldn’t help himself. He stared hungrily at her now prominent nipples, and tried to catch a glimpse of the warm region that his hand had just explored.

He surreptitiously rubbed his nose, drinking in the smell of her sex. As he pulled his hand away, he was surprised to see a slight glisten to it.


She was still out of it and not paying attention as he busied himself clearing his desk off. She didn’t see as he opened a drawer and pulled out a bundle of restraints, attaching each to a leg of the desk. She did however startle awake as he walked over to her and removed the power cord that bound her wrist to the arm of the chair.

He stood beside her and stroked her hair for a moment, soothing her quietly. “It’s all right pet, you just relax and recover for a bit. You’re going to need it in a few minutes.”

His words didn’t help to ease her mind, but his hand caressing her hair did. She relaxed into the chair, closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the post orgasmic bliss still running through her body. She could feel her muscles twitching, jolting her through the afterglow. She knew that she had broken the rules of their game, and that she would be punished for it, but at that moment she couldn’t have cared less.

A few moments later he tapped her on the shoulder.

“It’s time, pet. Stand up.”

She opened her eyes and pulled herself out of the comfort of the office chair. She could feel liquids pooled below her as she got up, and more ran down her thighs as she stood. She clasped her hands together behind her back and looked at him submissively. With the ball gag still in her mouth she couldn’t say anything, but the question was plain in her eyes.

“Now pet, I told you that you were not allowed an orgasm until I was inside of you causing it. Is that correct?”

He looked at her for her confirmation, and was satisfied with her nod of agreement.

“I was testing you, you see. Possibly a bit mean in how I did it, but it was enjoyable. And did you pass the test, pet?”

He again looked at her for her answer, and a hesitant shake of her head was her only reply. Her eyes were downcast as she waited for her punishment.

He led her over to the desk, and pushed her gently down onto the top of it. She understood his intention and laid down, her back pressed against the cool wood. He took each of her arms and attached them to the restraints.

He spoke while he did the same thing to her legs, “Since you’ve been so greedy with your orgasms regardless of what I’ve said, I’m going to give you as many as you can handle. And quite possibly more.”

He reached once more into his drawer and pulled out a wide leather belt device, which had straps and metal rings attached to it. He took a moment to look at the young woman on his desk, arms and legs hanging down and over the edge of the wood… each bound by a cuff that was tied to a leg of the sturdy piece of furniture.

Her eyes were questioning as he belted the wide strap around her waist.

The smaller straps were pulled down and over her crotch and snapped into place. Though she couldn’t see it, a large ring was directly over her vagina.

“You know, it’s amazing what you can buy on Amazon. I didn’t even know these existed until a few days ago.”

He reached back into the drawer one last time and pulled out a large wand vibrator. Her eyes grew large as she looked at it in his hand. Was he going to tease her again?

He reached down and put the head of the vibrator into the ring. The pressure from the straps pressed it tightly against her clit, the touch causing her to moan softly. He stood back and admired his work.

“Pet, this is called a ‘forced orgasm belt’. I’ve been wondering what it would be like for you. Shall we find out?”

Without waiting for a response from her, he pressed the ‘On’ button on the side of the vibrator. The unit hummed to life, and her body jolted awake. She started moaning louder and slowly moving her hips as the vibrator massaged her sensitive crotch.

“Well, that should do it. Let’s see how that works for you in about… oh, fifteen minutes or so. Maybe thirty.”

He turned to leave the office as her eyes grew wide and she started making urgent grunting noises.

He turned back around and told her, “Don’t worry. I think you can handle it.”

And with that he walked out of the office, closing the door behind him. He could hear the vibrator buzzing through the office door, and could also hear her moans growing louder as the unit worked on her. He stood beside the door for a few moments until he heard the telltale sounds of her first orgasm, then smiled and walked down the hallway to another office. While I’m waiting, I might as well do some work, he thought. Although he knew there was no chance that he would be able to concentrate on work with what he knew was happening just down the hall from him.


Alan and Catherine once again found themselves at the hotel bar finishing up the first evening of their conference chatting companionably with each other. But the difference this time was that he could barely keep his eyes off of her. He still remembered the car ride earlier that morning, and could still feel the heat of her sex on his hand. While he talked with her about movies and music he thought about nipples poking through a tight fitting top and half closed eyes as his fingers explored lace covered regions.

It was so wrong, he knew. He was a married man, after all. But he was also human, and the young woman sitting across from him had become one of the best things in his life. Though their relationship had been completely chaste until that morning, he knew he had already fallen in love with her long before.

Luckily Catherine was oblivious to all of this as she finished her drink and put her hands down on the table. “Well mister, I think it’s time for this little girl to get to bed.” She stood up and staggered as she did, a bit woozy from the alcohol.

Alan was out of his chair like a flash, taking her arm to help support her.

“You know, this is becoming a habit. One drink and you can’t even make it up to the room on your own.”

She put her arm around his and leaned against him, using his body as a stabilizer for her walking. She didn’t seem to notice as her breasts pressed into his arm, their warm softness sending shivers through his body.

He pretended not to notice and guided her to the elevator, pressing the button for his floor.

“I’m on nine. What about you?”

“Really? Same for me.” She smiled up at him and said, “Well at least you know this time. Maybe you won’t think I’m trying to come back to your room with you again.”

He could feel the blush starting to creep up his neck and onto his face as he remembered the misunderstanding at the last conference they had attended. And traitorously his mind wouldn’t stop thinking about how much he wished that she would do just that.

She let go of his arm to smooth her skirt down just before the elevator came to a lurching stop at their floor. She wobbled a bit and fell against him, her arms going around his back for support as her breasts pressed firmly into his chest. He could feel them rise and fall with her breathing as she stood there for a moment waiting to get her balance back.

Then the elevator doors opened and the moment was broken. She pulled away and turned to walk carefully out into the hallway. He caught her up and again took her arm in his to make sure that she didn’t have an accident on the way.

Before he knew it, they were in front of the door to his room. Every fiber of his being wanted to ask her to come in with him, but he couldn’t do it. Not only was it wrong, but he knew that the young woman didn’t have any interest in an old guy like him. He sighed softly and pulled his arm away from hers.

“Here I am. Are you going to be okay to get to your room? Would you like me to go with you?” he asked her, not really worried about her being able to walk down a hallway after a single drink but instead unwilling to let the night end.

She laughed a bit. “No, don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I just like being escorted by handsome men.”

She gave him a wink and a grin, then turned and continued down the hallway. “Have a good night, and pleasant dreams!” she called over her shoulder as he opened the door and walked into his dark room.


After twenty minutes he walked back down to the office. Opening the door, he was shocked by what he saw.

She was still strapped down to the desk, but her eyes were wild as her head whipped from side to side and her limbs strained against her cuffs. He could see tears on her face, as well as drool running freely from around her ball gag. The noises she was making weren’t moans, but instead seemed to be meaningless babble behind her gag. The room smelled strongly of her sex, and he suspected that she had soaked the desk with her juices. Sweat from her exertions covered her entire body, dripping down her naked torso and being flung off as her body bucked from side to side trying to escape the buzzing demon between her legs.

Before he could do anything her noises started to increase in pitch. He could swear that she started saying, “no, no, no,” when she suddenly arched off the desk and let out a muffled scream as another orgasm wracked her small body. Her eyes were shut tight and her face contorted in a look of pain as her battered clitoris forced her to cum again. Knowing how quickly she had orgasms he couldn’t imagine how many she had gone through already.

He ran over to the desk, quickly turning the vibrator off and and removed it from the harness. As he did it dripped with her juices, which had run down and coated almost the entire device. She was still making incoherent noises behind the gag, and her eyes were still closed. Her face looked pale and drained of all energy, although her features were still contorted in a grimace of pain.

He removed the cuffs from her legs, and they curled up in a protective gesture. Her eyes opened wide as he released her arms, the look in them almost feral. She had the look of a terrified rabbit that had just noticed the fox on her trail.

She gave a yelp and threw her body off the edge of the desk, landing on all fours. Quickly she ripped the ball gag from off her head and scurried under the desk. She curled into a ball underneath, knees pressed against her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them. She rocked herself slightly, mumbling, “no more… no more… good pet… no more…”

“Oh god, Catherine! I’m so sorry!” He said as he bent down to put an arm around her. “I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you! I was only playing!” He put his other arm around her and hugged her fiercely, trying his best to comfort her. He could feel her entire body spasming as if she were being hit repeatedly with small tasers.

They sat quietly like that for several minutes. He held her as her body slowly started to regain composure. The spasms gradually slowed down and stopped, and he stroked her sweat soaked hair as she swayed slightly in his arms.

Finally, she lifted her head and turned her face to him. “Alan?” she asked quietly, her voice a bit raspy from the strain she had put it through recently.

“Catherine, I’m sorry… I really am, I took it too far and I shouldn’t have… are you all right? Can I do anything?”

“Water,” she said, her voice cracking a bit. “Please, water.”

“Of course. Hold on, I’ll be right back.”

He stood up and ran out of the office to the Break Room. As quickly as he could he grabbed a couple of cups and filled them from the water dispenser, then hurried back to the office. She was still curled up under the desk where he had left her. He handed her the first cup, and with trembling hands she drank the entire contents.

“Here’s more if you want it,” he said, and offered her the second cup.

She nodded and took it from him, downing it almost as quickly as the first.

Her voice sounded much better as she handed the empty cup back to him and said, “Thank you.”

He tossed the cups into the garbage as he knelt back down beside her.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded slowly. She was obviously drained, though she seemed to be getting better quickly. She reached out an arm, and putting it around his neck pulled him close. She held on to him as he returned the gesture and held on to her as well.

“I’m so sorry. The whole punishment thing was stupid, I shouldn’t have done it. I thought… well, I thought you might like it.”

She smiled a bit and said, “Honestly, I’m just trying to think of what other rules I can break… sir.”

He stiffened in surprise at her words. She leaned over and kissed him, throwing all of herself into it. She might have been tired, but he wouldn’t have guessed it from the passion behind that kiss. Too quickly she broke off and leaned her head against his shoulder.

She closed her eyes and rested, starting to nod off as she leaned against him. He heard her say as she drifted off, “You have to punish bad pets… but maybe not that one again… well… possibly not that long next time.”


Alan stood just inside the door of his room for a moment. He thought about opening the door and rushing after her, grabbing her and pulling her into his room. He could see in his mind the look on her face as he put his arms around her and kissed her, pulling her body close to his.

He could picture her body as they struggled to remove their clothes, her top coming off to reveal a lace bra underneath… then the bra being pulled off to reveal shapely breasts.

Her skirt would fall to the floor, and a black lace thong would be the only thing still between them. He would reach down and start to pull it down, taking in the sight of…

He stopped himself, cursing his weakness for what it was. He was a horny old man, a married horny old man at that, and she was a young and beautiful woman. Not only was she most likely his best friend, but she was his employee. With almost two decades between them, why on earth would she have any interest in someone like him?

He shook his head and looked around the empty room. Oh well, let’s get ready for bed. Maybe some Conan can take my mind off of all of this, he thought as he started undressing for bed.

A few minutes later he was finishing brushing his teeth when he heard a knock on his door. “One second!” he said loudly. Since he was only wearing his boxers, he threw on the button down shirt he had been wearing earlier and opened the door.

The hallway was empty. He stepped out a bit and looked both ways, but nothing was there except empty carpet in both directions. He shrugged and closed the door, thinking that possibly someone had their TV a bit too loud.

As he walked back into the room there was another knock, only this time he realized that it hadn’t come from the door to the hallway, but instead had come from the door that connected to the next hotel room.

“Umm… hello?” he asked.

“Excuse me, could I borrow a cup of sugar?” he heard from the other side. Catherine’s voice.

He unlocked the connecting door and turned the handle, pulling it open at the same time.

She was wearing a terrycloth robe, standing just inside the door. He could see into her room, a mirror image of his own. Her suitcase was open on its stand, and he could see a pile of worn clothes below it. She had obviously been getting ready for bed herself.

“See what happens when you let someone else make the reservations for you?” she said with a grin. “You just never know who is going to end up as your neighbor.”

Alan’s heart beat a bit faster as she walked into his room, but all he could say was, “Umm… what?”

She pretended not to notice as she kept talking. “So, would you like to watch some TV? Maybe put on a movie or something? I’m not tired, and I doubt you are either.”

“Catherine, I don’t know… it’s pretty late. Shouldn’t we be getting to bed?”

She reached down and picked up the remote for his TV. She smiled as she turned on the power, then started flipping through the channels. She quickly found one that must have caught her attention, because she left it there and put the remote back down.

If he had been on trial for his life, he could not have said what was on the television. All he had eyes for was the gorgeous brunette that was in his hotel room. The robe was short, and he had a great view of her slim legs and thighs. As she moved the gap between the sides of the robe shifted above the tied belt, and he could catch glimpses of flesh beneath. She turned, and he could tell that she had noticed him watching her.

She walked over to stand directly in front of him.

“I know you’ve been going to more conferences to be with me, even though you’ve never been anything but a complete gentleman towards me. You’ve never made any sort of pass, no matter how much I’ve been trying to get you to.”

It was true, he thought. He might have attended one, maybe two conferences a year before Catherine had joined the team. This was the fifth he had been to in the last six months. The people at work thought he had just taken a keen interest in continuing education, but he knew the truth. And she had just said it.

He was speechless however, so she took the opportunity to continue.

“I thought that since you were such a gentleman, and weren’t going to make a move on me… well…”

With that she reached down and untied the belt of the robe from around her waist. She shrugged and the garment fell from her shoulders, landing in a pile around her feet. She stood before him, completely naked. His eyes traveled down her body, taking in pert young breasts that rose and fell with her breathing, a firm stomach, and finally down to her completely shaved pubis. He tore his eyes away from her body and looked back at her face. He could see a flush that had crept in there, and could see something in her eyes. Hunger?

She stepped forward without another word and took his head in her hands. She pulled him down to her and kissed him tenderly. At least it was tenderly at first, but that soon changed as their heads swam. All of Alan’s worries and fears were swept away forgotten as his hands roamed over her body. Without breaking the kiss she reached up and pulled off his shirt, then pulled him back with her to his bed.

She laid on the bed, still kissing him… running her hands over him the same way that he was feeling her. His body pressed down on her, and she could feel his erection straining behind his boxers. She rolled him over, straddling his body on the bed and leaned back.

“Well, I don’t think you need these right now,” she said as she reached out and started to tug them from his hips.

He reached out and gently grabbed her wrist. “Wait,” he said, “are you sure?”

She could see the conflicting emotions on his face. The worry, doubt, lust, gentleness… and possibly love.

With a smile she told him, “I’ve been sure about this for months, Alan. I’ve just been waiting for you to be.”

With that she pulled his boxers down, releasing his erection. She took hold of his penis, eliciting a small moan from the man beneath her, then moved forward and settled herself onto it. She was already wet from excitement, and he went in smoothly. She leaned down to kiss him as she rocked her hips against him, feeling his hardness sliding in and out of her vagina. In a matter of minutes, she could feel her orgasm taking hold… setting her body on fire as she held onto him.

The first time she came it was intense. The ones that followed that night were more so. Catherine and Alan enjoyed each other’s bodies until long into the night, until finally they laid next to each other on the bed exhausted.

She was on her side, her back pressed against him. One arm was across her holding on tightly, while the other hand stroked her hair.

“Catherine…” he said, for no reason other than to hear her name.

She was facing away from him, but he could almost sense her smile.

“You know, you can call me Cat if you’d like. A lot of my friends do.”

“Cat,” he said, mulling it over in his mind. “It sounds like you’re my pet or something,” he said with a chuckle.

“Hmm…” she sighed contentedly and wriggled herself closer to him. “Pet… I like that.”

She laughed a bit and said, “I’m so glad this is a three-day conference. Though for tomorrow night… how are you with rope?”

Published 9 years ago

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