She looks up at you through her hair, pale hazel eyes looking into your own, and holds eye contact as she brings her mouth off the top and gently begins to lick the head. You see a mischievous glint in her eye as she uses her tongue across the top and over the side, down and back up.
You were getting so close to cumming, and she knows it. She can tell by the way your body was tensing that you were getting close to the edge. You might have had your own fun earlier, but now it’s her turn.
While still stroking you with her hand she says with a slight smile, “What do you think, sir? I may have a tiny mouth, but is it good enough?”
The way she says it, the submissive tone belying the playful nature behind, increases your lust. With a groan you put a hand into her the hair at the nape of her neck and gently push her back down.
“What I think Pet, is that you should spend less time talking and more time doing your damned job. I told you to make me cum.”
She smiles at the husky tone of your voice, and looks back down to your cock. With fresh energy she dives her mouth back down on your sensitive glans and attacks like it’s the most delicious thing she has seen in her life. You keep your hand on her neck, closing and opening unconsciously in her hair as she continues to suck, lick, pull and twist on you.
The feeling is incredible. You wish that you could see her naked but now wouldn’t be a good time for that, considering that you are in your office seated behind your desk. The young lady is kneeling under the desk, the only evidence of her being there are your low moans and the occasional sound of slurping as she sucks on you.
The feelings are intense, a roaring in your brain that builds stronger until you know that you can’t hold it back any longer. Your breathing comes in fast shallow breaths as your hand tightens on her neck.
She knows what that means, she can read you so well.
Without slowing down she turns her eyes back up to yours, looking you right in the eye. Your gaze is fixed on the sight before you, one eye hidden as its brown-green twin stares at you from behind short dark hair… soft red lips sliding quickly up and down your length.
Your hands clench, and your entire body spasms as fire burns its way through your nervous system. You can feel your cock swell and shoot as your muscles are locked rigid with your orgasm. She never breaks eye contact with you as you cum, her mouth continuing to slide more gently now up and down you. You see her throat working as she swallows it all.
Your body relaxes after a few moments, your body still vibrating from the electric fire and your ears pounding with your racing heart. You feel soft lips still encircling you, and a delicate tongue licking and teasing your sensitive head as she makes sure that she has completely cleaned you.
She brushes her hair back from her face and sits back, eyes looking at you from under your desk. Her hand never releases you, and keeps a slow steady rhythm going as she asks you, “Was I a good Pet, sir?”
“Yes, it was good… I mean, yes Pet, you were very good.” You clear your throat and look around, still a bit weak from your orgasm.
“For now though I think I should probably put him away, and you should probably get out from under there.”
Pert lips compress together in a pout. “But he’s my favorite. I don’t want to put him away!”
“And believe me, you are his favorite too. But playtime is over for now.”
As you reach down and zip up your slacks, she crawls out from under your desk. She leans over to give you a kiss that sends your head spinning again, then leans over into your ear.
“But what about my problem?” she asks. She then lifts up her dress to reveal the leather chastity belt that you had put her in earlier that morning. She lowers the dress back down and whispers, “Sir… please sir, I want to cum so badly. This is driving me crazy!”
You chuckle, playing back the morning in your mind. Watching this gorgeous creature straining on the bed, desperate to orgasm, and totally dependent upon you to give it to her. The need etched on her face as she came over and over again. Despite the orgasm you just had, you can feel your penis beginning to twitch back to life.
“It wouldn’t be a punishment if I let you off easy, Pet. You were bad, and so the punishment stands. Don’t worry, you only have…”
You make a show of checking the watch on your wrist. You barely look at it however, instead watching her pouting face in the corner of your eye. Watching the way her lip trembles at your words, knowing that release isn’t going to be as swift as she had hoped.
“Oh, another two hours to go. I think you can do it.”
With that you reach a hand down onto her dress, feeling the hard leather beneath. You slip a couple of fingers between her legs and gently lift. Her eyes fly open, and her eyes begin rolling back as you press the small dildo attached to the harness in and out of her pussy. You stop after a few seconds, not wanting to actually bring her to orgasm.
You smile and wave her away.
“Now Pet, you run along. We both have work to do, after all.”
Alan was on the way back to his office as he heard the rest of the Accounting team talking. Coffee in hand, he swung by to see what was going on. He had barely walked into the department when he was flagged over by Catherine.
“Alan! Hey, get over here for a second!”
She had only been at the company a few months, but Catherine definitely was making the place her own. Sure, it might be his department, but she didn’t have any problems with bossing him and the other guys around. He chuckled and walked on in, muttering to himself about “kids nowadays.”
“What’s up?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee. She was excited about something, but he didn’t have a clue what. And from the looks on John and Stephens’ faces they didn’t appear to be too far behind.
“Have you met the new girl? Intern with Human Resources?”
“If you’re talking about the redhead, then yeah. Susan. She just came on board this week. Though she’s not an intern, she’s the new manager over there. She’ll be taking over when Debbie retires next month. Why?”
Catherine absorbed this for a second, and Alan saw something in her eyes. Was it… fear? Whatever it was, it was gone in an instant and she was her normal perky self.
“Oh no reason. I thought I might have gone to school with her. Though she’s cute, huh? I’ve always liked redheads.”
Three sets of eyes instantly glued themselves onto her. John’s mouth was a bit open, and Stephen just shook his head. Alan was the first to recover from the mental rearranging going through all of their minds.
“Well… umm… I really couldn’t say, sexual harassment and all that. Though if I did, I’d definitely agree with you. As for going to school with you, I wouldn’t think so. She’s young for a manager, but I think she still has you beat by a few years. Probably 28 or so.”
“Ok, thanks! I was curious about it, and these two bozos didn’t know who I was talking about.”
She gave him a smile and walked over to her desk. Alan looked at the other guys, gave a shrug and walked on to his office.
He had just settled down to work on the quarterly financials when his cell phone buzzed. He picked it up and saw a message from Catherine. When he read it his eyes flew wide in shock.
“Holy shit! You remember the nameless redhead squeaker that I nailed at that party a few years ago? She works here! Her name is Susan and she’s a fucking manager in another department! Fuck me, I know she was wasted that night, but I really hope she doesn’t remember me! Though, she was fun. :-)”
Alan read the message again. And again. It was like he was in a trance as the words settled into his brain, with images of his petite and athletic employee and the tall redhead beauty down the hall swirling through his mind.
That wasn’t what he replied though. Instead he settled for, “Excuse me?”
A few seconds later he heard footsteps running down the hall. Catherine ran into his office and slammed the door shut.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry about that!”
Her face was flushed and her eyes darted around the room, settling on anywhere and everywhere except to make eye contact with him.
“I meant to send that to a friend of mine! He’s right below you in my address book, and I hit the wrong name! I’m so sorry!”
She looked down in obvious embarrassment.
“I’m not in any trouble am I? I mean it was a long time ago, and we were both drinking…”
Alan smiled at her, “Doesn’t matter to me, though I wouldn’t recommend another round at work.”
She smiled at him in obvious relief, though embarrassment still showed in the blush on her face. “Oh thank god. Thanks Alan… and please don’t tell anyone!”
“Not a problem.”
She opened the door and turned to go back to her desk as he finished his statement with a chuckle, “And besides, what guy wouldn’t want to think about two hot girls making out at a party?”
Catherine stopped in the doorway and turned to face him. With a mischievous grin she looked him full in the face and said, “Oh… we did a lot more than just make out.” With that she gave him a little wave and skipped off down the hall.
Alan just sat behind his desk staring at the empty doorway, a stunned look on his face.
“Have you learned your lesson, Pet?”
You gaze at the dark haired beauty before you. Dark hair falling over lovely downcast hazel eyes, pale skin glistening in the light of the hotel room. Pert breasts rise and fall with her breathing, dark erect nipples pointing out from them.
She stands there open to your examination, completely naked except for the leather chastity belt that she has been wearing all morning. You can see juices covering the straps across her crotch, and trails running down her thighs.
“Yes sir. I was bad, and I’m sorry for that. I shouldn’t have cum without your permission, and I’ll try not to again.”
“And what is it that you want, Pet?”
“Whatever you would like, sir. I’m here for you, sir.”
You look at her and feel your lust rising. You want to reach out and caress those breasts, plucking at the nipples that seem to be reaching yearningly for your touch. You want to kiss the lips that are slightly open in front of you, and take her in so many ways.
“That’s a good Pet. In that case, I’ll let you have your little reward.”
You reach out and unlock the small padlock at the front of the belt. The strap falls away from her crotch, revealing a small dildo about the size of your thumb which glistens with her juices. You continue your work and unbuckle the belt from around her waist.
She stands still as you work, though you can tell that she would love nothing more than to reach down and rub herself. You can see how excited she is by the puffiness of her lips, and how engorged her clitoris is. You smile and run a finger along her sensitive button, chuckling at the shiver that runs through her body.
“Now get on the bed. Let’s take care of your little problem shall we?”
She jumps onto the bed like the floor had just become lava. Eager eyes look at you as she starts pulling at your clothes, anxious for you to join her.
You remove your underwear and climb onto the bed over her. Looking down on her, your erection straining to be put inside of her, you ask her, “Now Pet, is there something you want to say?”
She looks up at you with soulful eyes, her expression full of begging need and says, “Please sir, may I cum?”
“Yes, you may Pet.”
You put the head of your cock between the lips of her vagina, and with a single thrust embed yourself fully in the body of the beautiful brunette. She immediately starts panting under you, shaking with lust and sensation as you pull out only to thrust back in. You begin a rhythm, marveling at how wet she is from her morning of teasing torture.
After only a few thrusts her eyes roll back in her head and her mouth opens. Low guttural grunts in time with your thrusts are the only noise she makes for a few seconds before she grabs your back… trying to pull you deeper into herself. She screams in your ear as she goes rigid under you, orgasm hitting her like a freight train.
Alan and Catherine sat together at the hotel bar chatting. This was the second conference that they had attended together over the five months that she had been with the company, and they enjoyed each other’s companionship. It had been a long day though, and the night was winding down.
He cocked his head to the side, indicating a busty brunette walking through the hotel lobby. Her short skirt flared around her thighs as she walked, pulling a rolling suitcase behind her.
“What about her?”
Catherine looked at the woman for a second. “Hmm… she’s pretty, and she’s got nice boobs. Not too sure about the face though. But to be honest, the body makes up for it. Yeah, I think I’d fuck her.”
“Hehe… your standards are so much higher than mine, apparently. Not only would I fuck her, I’d probably get on my knees and thank her for the opportunity.”
Catherine laughed at him. “Ah, but that’s because you don’t have my tricks. ‘Oh my, I love your outfit! I wish I could wear something like that. And finding a bra to go with it… what do you have? Oh really? I can never get ones that fit there! Can I see it? Oh of course not in the lobby, can I follow you up to your room?’ Somehow I’m thinking that wouldn’t go as well for you.”
He laughed with her, then leaned in so his voice wouldn’t carry. “Hey, don’t look now, but your admiration society is back from the restaurant.”
She sighed and glanced around. Sure enough, three men had come back to the bar. Each tried to be circumspect in their attention to the petite brunette, and all of them failing horribly.
“You know, the middle one is sort of cute. If I didn’t think they were a package deal I might give him a whirl.”
Alan choked on his scotch. “What? Ok, girls are one thing, but you don’t even know the guy!”
She looked at him quizzically. “So? What does that matter? He’s cute, and I like to fuck.”
He just stared at her for a moment. “What?” she asked, twirling the straw in her drink. She then popped both of her hands under her chin and said in a cute little girl voice, “What’cha thinkin’ about?”
He shook his head and just said, “Dear god, I wish I had known you when I was younger.”
She laughed and said, “Honey, I would have left you a broken quivering mess on the roadside.”
She straightened her face and reached out to pat him on the hand. “Don’t worry, I like older men too.”
He threw his arms up and affected a look of mock terror. “I know! That’s what I’m afraid of!”
He looked to the lobby and pointed. “Hey, what about the blonde in the shorts?”
It has only been a few minutes, but already she is wrung out from orgasms. The smell of sex is strong in the air, and a sheen of sweat is covering her body as you thrust into her again and again. Soft mewling noises come from her open mouth, and her eyes are closed below you.
You don’t know how many times she has cum. At least three, maybe four, and each punctuated by a small scream. You can feel the sweat from your bodies and her wetness mingling together and running down your thighs.
You slow your driving rhythm down and put your mouth next to her ear.
“Now Pet, do you feel better?”
Her eyes stay closed as she breathes, “More… more… may I have more, sir?”
“Of course, but first…”
With that you pull completely out of her and lean back, drinking in the sight of the figure wet and exhausted before you. You reach down and lightly rub along the shaved slit, feeling the wetness coat your fingers as shivers run through her entire body.
You grab her around the waist and roll over, pulling her tiny frame on top of you.
“We’re going to play a little game now, you and I. I’m going to fuck you until you cum again. Then I’m going to keep fucking you, and I am not going to stop until you get off of me.”
Her eyes open wide and a smile parts her lips. An excited flush covers her skin as she settles herself down on you, impaling herself on your erect cock. She starts to grind on you, your penis stroking her insides as she rubs her swollen clit over your pubic hair. She grinds faster and faster, throwing her head back and facing the ceiling as she cums again, her legs shaking on either side of you.
She slows down for a moment, so you take that opportunity to grab her waist. You can almost fit your hands around her, and you use her hips as handles as you force her body up and down on your shaft. You buck your hips under her as you grind her pelvis into yours, each thrust eliciting a moan from her still upturned face. Sweat drips from her cheek as her back arches and she cums again.
You slow your thrusting for a moment to allow her to recover. She leans over and puts her chin on your shoulder, putting her hands on your arms. Her breath is coming in quick gasps of air, hot on your ear.
“Oh, you’re not done yet. Not by a long shot.”
With that you raise your hips high off the bed, thrusting yourself deeply into her. Your hands push her up your body, scraping her tender clit over your groin. You pull her back down then push back up, all the while thrusting deeply into her folds. Her legs are folded back, her hands on your arms her only support except for your hands moving her body forcefully up and down the length of your penis.
Her eyes fly open and her mouth opens in a wordless scream. Sweat slicked hair partially covers her eyes as they roll up into her head, until she flops back down on your chest exhausted and twitching.
“Puh… puh… please…. May I stop, Sir? Sensitive… It’s… sensitive…”
She lies on you as you continue fucking her. Thrusting in and out of her channel, rubbing her sensitive clit across you. Her legs shake as you move her on you, no energy of her own, a powerless doll in your control.
With labored breath you tell her, “Pet… I told you… I’m not stopping until you move”
She weakly tries to move as you continue impaling her. You feel her leg move slightly on yours, but take to notice.
“Can’t… can’t move… please Sir, may I sto… aaagghhh!!”
Another orgasm rips through her small body, shaking her to the core. The pain from her sensitive clit mixing with the pleasure of the act. Each climax is more painful, and all the more intense. You can see the two fighting on her face, neither one winning and instead intensifying the other
“Too… much… too… much…”
“Catherine, this is fun sitting here letting you tease the old guy with your sexual exploits, but it’s late. I need to be getting to bed… lord knows I need all the beauty sleep I can get.”
Alan stretched his arms above his head and heard his back pop in a few places. He looked across at the brunette shaking an empty glass at him accusingly.
“What are you talking about? The night’s young!”
“Yeah, but I’m not.” He stuck his tongue out at her to prove his maturity. “Besides, it’s going to be a long day tomorrow so some rest is called for.”
He stood up out of the chair. “I’ll see you in the morning. You going to hang around here?”
She looked around the bar area. It had mostly emptied out, though the three men were still sitting at the end of the bar talking among themselves. She had a thoughtful look on her face for a second, then got out of her chair and pulled her purse onto her shoulder.
As she stood up she wavered a bit and grabbed onto Alan’s arm for support. Her breasts brushed against his shoulder, but she didn’t seem to notice. He did though, and cursed himself mentally for it. You’re a married man, for chrissake! Stop that!
He helped her steady herself and took her arm through his to help her stay vertical as they walked toward the elevators.
“Sorry about that, Alan,” Catherine said as they made their way down the hallway to the bank of elevators. “I must have had a bit more to drink than I thought.”
“Oh yeah, one scotch and soda. Big drinker you are.”
She stopped and put her hands on her hips. She glared up at him in mock anger, pointed a finger at herself and said, “Hey! Little body! Doesn’t hold much alcohol!”
He laughed, “You say that… but it can sure put away some chicken wings.”
Her glare dissolved into giggles. “I can’t believe you have a picture of me with barbecue sauce all over my face. DON’T SHOW THAT TO JOHN! He’ll think it’s ‘cute’”
He took her arm back and started walking again to the elevator.
“Don’t worry, I won’t. Though he would be right, it IS cute.”
On the ride up to his floor he thought he should broach the subject. “You know, if you don’t want John hitting on you anymore you need to tell him. I can mention it, but I’m afraid that would make it ‘official’ instead of friendly. The boy is pretty smitten by you though, if you’re not going to give him a fling you probably need to let him know.”
She thought about it and agreed. “I know, I just don’t want to hurt his feelings. He’s a sweet guy but just doesn’t do it for me.” The elevator lurched a bit, and Catherine leaned against him for support. His heart started beating a bit faster as he felt her breasts pushed into his side. “But you’re right,” she continued, “I’ll have a talk to him soon about it.”
The elevator dinged on the eleventh floor and the doors opened.
“Well, this is my floor. You have a good night and I’ll see you in the morning.”
He started to walk out into the hotel hallway, and noticed her following.
“Oh now come on! You’re not following me back to my room, I don’t care how drunk you supposedly are!”
She flipped him off and stuck her tongue out at him.
“In your dreams old man. This is my floor too.”
Chagrined, he blushed a bit and took her arm again. “Sorry about that. Don’t know where my mind was.”
She was silent, just smirking in moral victory as they walked down the hallway. At 1113 he stopped and pulled out his keycard. “This is me then. Okay, so this time really have a good night and I’ll see you in the morning.”
He disengaged his arm, unlocked his door, and with a wave walked into his room. He heard her footsteps continuing as the door closed behind him.
Her head flops around like it’s unattached as she tries to move. All the while you continue your assault on her, your cock sliding in and out of her sensitive pussy. You take your hand from her hip and run it down between you, sliding a finger over her swollen clit.
The effect is immediate and electrifying. Her eyes again fly open and her hands clamp down on your arms like vices. Her breath comes out as a long wail, and her body goes rigid like an electric current were running through it. You feel her muscles tighten around you, and still you keep thrusting into her.
As her orgasm peaks this time, she somehow finds the strength to fall off of you. She lands on the bed beside you, lying on her side and curled into a slight fetal position. The muscles across her entire body twitch randomly as neurons keep firing from the onslaught that they’ve dealt with. You can clearly see the lips of her vagina, red and swollen from the abuse, glistening with wetness.
“nuh… no… no more, Sir… puh… please… I can’t… can’t… take it…”
“What? My greedy little Pet is done playing already? That’s fine, you’ve had yours. Now it’s my turn.”
She weakly reaches a hand back to take your wrist. She pulls you toward her and says, “Yes, Sir. Please use me.”
And use her you do. You come up behind her and once again thrust your cock into her. You go in easily, as lubricated as she is. Not worried about her, and thinking only of your own pleasure now you thrust in and out of her. You watch as her lips are pushed in and then seem to suck at your erection as you withdraw, as if they don’t want to let go. Weak moans from the other side of the bed are her only reaction.
It doesn’t take long before you feel yourself reaching the tipping point. As you keep your rhythm, you reach around her leg and force a hand into her groin. You see her head weakly shaking from side to side, but she can’t summon the effort to stop you. As you feel your orgasm take hold, you rub her poor clit from side to side causing her to buck one last time, throwing her head back and giving a scream of pure agony and ecstasy. Your orgasm seems to go for hours as you shoot semen into her warm pussy, all the while you rub her and feel her body rigid against your own as she struggles with her own climax.
It seems like hours, but a few seconds later you collapse in an exhausted heap behind her, your slowly softening erection still nestled inside of her. You wipe sweaty hair out of your face and put a hand on her shoulder. You can’t see her face, but you can tell by her body that she’s beginning to fall asleep.
You can barely make out the mumbling, but it sounds quite like, “I love you.”