It’s hard to do, but you manage to open them. You look back into the dark eyes above you, but it doesn’t last long as you shut them again and grimace.
“I said open your eyes!”
The words seep in and you once again open your eyes, looking back into the face above you. He’s staring intently down at you, and you can feel sweat on your forehead as you try to keep your vision focused on him.
“You know what I want to hear.”
And you do… you fight through the sensations and manage to whisper, “Please…”
“Please what? You have to say it.”
As you look up at him you try to hold back… try to ignore the sensations that are swimming around your brain. Your muscles tighten as you try to stop feeling, but it’s too much for you.
“Puh… please sir… may I cum?”
He smiles, leans into your ear and whispers, “Yes.”
At that magical word you let go completely. All of the fighting back against the orgasm is gone, and a rush of pleasure runs through your entire body. His fingers rub harder on your clit, sending electric bolts through your entire nervous system.
With a small scream your back arches as you pull against your restraints. Sweat trickles down your body, but you don’t notice as you’re lost to orgasm. Your eyes roll back into your head as the orgasm rips through you, your body taut like an electric current is running through you.
Then it’s over. Your body collapses back to the bed, exhausted. Too weak to even open your eyes again you say softly, “Thank you, sir.”
It had all started innocently enough. The young lady walking into her first day of a new job. The new co-workers, new names to learn and new faces to go with them. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but she slowly adapted.
Her co-workers were friendly types, some nicer than others and others slower than others. Pretty much what you would expect from a small business. While the Accounting Department wasn’t the most exciting of places, it was steady work. And that was after all the most important thing, the work. She had been out of a job for the last several months, and had pretty much jumped at the chance to get back into the workforce.
Her boss was an older man, friendly and always making jokes. He got along well with her and the rest of the team, and was thought of as pretty laid back. On the whole, it was a nice change of pace for her and she settled in to her new position learning as she went, and trying to be a help to the other Accounting team members, John and Stephen.
“Hey, Catherine! You look really nice today!”
The young lady turned around to smile at John, his face cracked in a wide grin as he waved to her. She looked down at her outfit, really just a skirt and top she had grabbed in her rush out the door this morning.
Catherine put her hands on her hips and affected a mock scowl as she responded, “What? This? Are you telling me that you don’t think I look nice the rest of the time?”
That brought John up short. His face turned red and he stammered out, “No, of course not! You always look great… I just thought you looked really nice today.”
Catherine laughed and playfully punched him in the arm. “Don’t worry, silly. I’m hot, and we both know it. And you’re looking pretty nice yourself!”
John’s face turned a slightly darker shade as he processed her compliment, and they walked together into the office that they shared with Stephen.
Work happened, as it does. When John had left for lunch, Stephen took the opportunity to have a chat with her.
Shaking his head and laughing under his breath he said, “You know, you shouldn’t tease the poor guy like that. After all, you know he thinks the world of you.”
Catherine smiled at the older man. “I know, and you’re probably right. I’m a naturally flirty person though, I can’t help it if he’s not used to being around someone like me. Besides, when you were his age wouldn’t you have liked flirting around with me?”
She swayed her hips for effect a bit, but Stephen didn’t take the bait. Instead he ran a hand through his gray hair and laughed harder. “Don’t try your tricks on me young lady, I’m too old and been married too long to even think about something like that.”
She laughed. “Well you can’t blame a girl for trying. And seriously, I know. He’s a sweet guy, and I’d never do anything to hurt him. But you can’t blame me for having a bit of fun.”
Stephen walked back to his desk. “I tell you what though, it sure has been more interesting the last few months since you came on board.”
“Which one was that?”
The words whisper into your ear. You had almost drifted off into a post-orgasmic bliss, but they startle you awake. You open your eyes and look up.
“Fuh… four, sir.”
“And what was the number?”
“Seven, sir.”
“Yes it was…”
You feel his hand sliding back down your stomach, fingers rubbing lightly as they travel. Slowly they go, teasing and sending sweet lightning through your already over stimulated skin. When they arrive at your cleft you throw your head back and moan as they start rubbing lightly on your clit. Moving in slow circles over your swollen button, each one a mix of pleasure and pain. You’re still so sensitive from the previous orgasms that each touch is like fire, but it still feels so good… like a cool wet wind blowing through the fire engulfing your mind. Your eyes roll back and you utter a guttural groan as you feel his fingers rub (torture?) your delicate flesh.
You feel his warm breath on your neck and he reminds you, “Remember, no cumming without permission. Is that understood?”
“Yes… yes, sir…”
You grit your teeth and try to hold back the orgasm. Your muscles tighten as his fingers keep playing with your clitoris. The fire that was engulfing you has now become an inferno, the pleasure and pain all that you can process. It builds higher and higher, until you are about to break.
“Please sir… please! May I cum?!”
You want to so badly… you can’t hold out for much longer. It’s such a relief when you feel him bend over you to whisper in your ear, to allow you to let go and let the wave crash over you again.
You’re so startled that you almost lose control. His fingers keep their slow and insidious rhythm on you, and your hips move involuntarily against them as you try to hold off the inevitable.
You moan louder, whimpers mixing with the sound as you try to do as you’ve been told. “Please sir, may I cum? Please? Please sir, may I…”
“No,” he repeats. “You may not. Not yet. You should be able to last longer than a few seconds, after all.”
His eyes twinkle as he looks down at you, the sheen of sweat on your body reflected in those pools. You love him so much, though right now you hate him so much more for denying you release.
“Please? Please sir?” Your voice breaks as you begin to lose control. “Please sir! Please! Please may I… please…. May… sir… aaaggghhh!!!” Your words come in ragged breaths as you use the last bit of strength trying to hold back the wave, but it’s too strong. Every muscle in your body goes taut as an electric current rips through you, crashing back and forth over and over into your brain. Your mouth stays open in a breathless cry as the wave roars in your ears and the world fades to white.
“So Catherine, how would you feel about going to the conference with me? It’s not far enough for flying, so you don’t have to worry about the TSA getting all grabby with you or anything. We could just drive down, stay the night so we’re ready in the morning. After the conference, we’d just drive back. You could ride with me, or drive separately whichever you’d prefer.”
Catherine looked at Alan, her boss, and considered. The conference would be nice to attend, since even after a few months she was still the wet behind the ears new person. Any chance to pick up new skills was always helpful.
“Sounds good to me. If you don’t mind, I’ll ride with you. I need to get my car serviced anyway, so it’d be a great time to do it.”
Alan smiled at her, “That’s settled then. I’ll reserve rooms for us, and we can head out tomorrow after work if that’s ok with you.”
She nodded her agreement. As she turned to leave his office she started planning for the next day. She could pack when she got home, and would just need to ask her neighbor to feed and play with her dogs. The poor things always hated when she was gone for the night.
She smiled as she thought about spending time with Alan. He was a really nice guy, friendly and outgoing. She was in her early twenties and he in his early forties, but they had always gotten along very well. They hadn’t actually spent that much time together, but the times they had spent were pleasant. He had a way of making her laugh, and while he was an average looking guy she might have made a play for him. Well, if he weren’t old enough to be her father.
Oh yeah, and if he weren’t married.
She shook her head and thought to herself, “This is great… the only three guys in my life are all at work. Two are married and the only one close to my age is like a puppy that I’m afraid will get his tail stepped on.”
Back at her desk, Catherine dove back into her work. Monitors alive with columns and rows, checking paper against LCD. It was a surprise when she noticed Stephen walking past her desk with his jacket on.
“What? Is it five already?” she asked, almost blurrily as her eyes tried to refocus on something farther away than her monitor.
“Yep. Come on little miss eager beaver. You know, you keep working like this and you’re going to make us old guys look bad.”
Catherine started at the words, stopping partway through putting on her own jacket.
She smiled at him, finished putting on her own jacket and walked out with him.
“Well, if you old guys would pick up the pace a little bit you wouldn’t have to worry about my eager beaver.”
As soon as she had said it she realized how it could have sounded. Her face turned a bit red as she glanced sidelong at Stephen, but she could tell from his expression that the older man hadn’t taken it the way she had feared.
Breathing a sigh of relief, she headed to her car. She yelled a quick “Bye!” to Stephen and waved to John, who was just coming out of the building as she was getting into her car. A quick ten minute drive and she was home, lists of things she had to do and things she had to pack whirling in her mind.
The roaring in your ears subsides slowly, your eyes still closed as you gasp air. Each orgasm is so much stronger, so much more painful and yet so incredibly intense. Your body still echoes from the thrumming that it was alive with mere moments before.
You think to yourself, “Five, that was five. Only two more to go. I still have two more to go. I can do it.”
And then you realize that it’s quiet. His hands are gone, his breath gone from your neck. You open your eyes in alarm and see him gazing sternly down at you.
“What did you do?” he asks.
“I came, sir.” You reply. You know that look, and you know what it means.
“Yes you did. And did I say that you could?”
“No, sir.”
“That’s right. I told you not to, and you did anyway. Like the greedy thing that you are, you came without my permission. Is that correct?”
You look down, unable to meet that look. You want to scream that it wasn’t your fault, he did it. But you know the rules. You were not given permission to cum, so by the rules you were bad. You want to point out to him that he had something to do with it, but that would be against the rules too.
“I’m sorry, sir. I was bad.”
You bite your lip, knowing what you have to say next. You don’t want to, but you force yourself to do it anyway.
“I should be punished, sir. I was bad.”
“So you’re settling in well. The guys seem to like you, at least.”
Catherine pulled her gaze away from the road winding by and looked over at Alan. He was watching the road as he drove, and occasionally flicking glances at his passenger to make eye contact as he talked. He had his perpetual half-grin on his face, and seemed to be in a good mood.
Catherine thought about it for a moment and replied, “Yeah, they’re good guys. Not sure about the other departments, but Accounting is squared away.” She hesitated for a second and continued, “What about you? What do you think about my performance?”
“I think you’re doing a fine job! No complaints there, except for possibly that Stephen can’t keep up with you. Oh, and I’m really hoping that you don’t leave John a twitching puddle on the side of the Catherine Highway.”
She could feel the blush coming on as he said it. “I know, and I’m sorry about that. I swear that I haven’t done anything, but…”
“Don’t worry about it. He’s a big boy, and should be able to handle himself. Heck, he’s older than you are… well, physically at least.” Alan gave a small chuckle. “Boys versus girls, you know. And besides, I haven’t seen you do anything to lead him on. I suppose you just grow on people.”
Alan thought for a moment while he drove, and gave a quick laugh. “You know, I like driving but it would have been nice if this thing were farther away. Someplace like Vegas. Or heck, for that matter I hear Scotland has nice convention facilities.”
“Scotland? Why someplace cold like that? If you’re going to go foreign, go for Japan!”
He looked at her a bit quizzically. “Japan? You’re a fan, I take it? Let me guess, with your age… Anime? Are you a Sailor Moon fan or something?”
She laughed. “Sailor Moon, Cowboy Bebop, Urotsukidoji… sushi, shibari… heck, I love it all!”
She hadn’t been thinking as she was talking, and the blush hit in full force as she realized what she had done. This wasn’t one of her friends she was chatting with, this was her boss! Luckily he wouldn’t catch the references, but still.
She was wrong about that one. She had been talking while he was mid-sip of his drink, and his surprised spluttering let her know exactly how wrong she was. After he had regained his breath from inhaling his soda he looked the young blushing woman full in the face.
All he said was, “Hmm…”
You lie on the bed in an exhausted heap as you await your punishment. Your eyes are closed and your limbs so heavy that you don’t have the energy to move any of them. You feel movement around you, but can’t make the effort to look.
Then you feel the cuff on your ankle open. Hands on your other ankle as it is released as well. You bring your legs together involuntarily to protect your still throbbing nether regions.
“So my pet is greedy… taking what she hasn’t been given permission for…”
He takes your hand and unclips the cuff from your wrist. You flex your arm, trying to work life back into muscles made sore by straining against restraints. With one hand still bound you reach down to feel your battered vagina and quickly pull your hand away, amazed at how wet it is.
He walks around to the other side of the bed, and you open your eyes to watch him as he removes the last cuff from you. A smile is playing on his lips though he is trying to remain stern. As he removes the last restraint you roll onto your side, curled into a ball as your body continues to twitch… neurons still firing randomly from the onslaught of orgasms.
“Stand up,” he commands of you.
You shake your head weakly. You can’t do it. If you try you’ll collapse, your legs are so weak. They tremble and twitch as you lay on the bed.
“I said to stand up. We have a timeframe, and your punishment won’t wait.”
With a groan you straighten out on the bed. Slowly you swivel your legs over the side and prop yourself up with your arms. With monumental effort you stand, holding yourself up with help from the bed, but you manage.
Your head feels like it’s barely connected as you turn to watch him. He walks over to a bag and pulls out a handful of leather straps. You’re not sure what they are, but you are a bit worried. And a bit excited, as evidenced by the juices running down your thigh.
“Close your eyes.”
This you do gratefully. Swaying slightly, you feel the cool air from the hotel room air conditioner drying the sweat covering your naked body. You feel hands on your hips, then a belt of some sort is wrapped around you.
You startle a bit and start to open your eyes. A light but firm smack on your ass reminds you to keep them closed. Instead you bite your lip and screw your eyelids firmly shut.
He pushes on your legs, and you open them a bit to give access. You feel cool leather being pulled across your mound, and a strap being pulled between your legs. As it’s pulled tight you give an involuntary whimper as you feel something penetrate you, held in place by the strap now firmly snug against your vagina.
“You can open your eyes now, pet.”
You do, and look down. He has placed you in a leather harness of some sort, complete with small padlocks attached. As you move, you feel something inside of you moving in time with the pull of the strap connected to the belt at the front and back of your body. It’s small, possibly the size of a man’s thumb, but just enough to start familiar feelings stirring back up.
“If you are going to be greedy and take what’s not yours to take, I think I’ll remove that option from you for a while. You can wear that chastity belt for a while, and we’ll see how sorry you are in a few hours.”
You take a few tentative steps, feeling the small dildo inside of you pushing and pulling with every step. Teasing and tantalizing, but not enough to bring you to orgasm. The leather strap across your clitoris blocks your fingers as you unconsciously run a hand down to try to rub yourself.
“Now none of that. You might be able to slip a finger under that, but if you do then I’ll know. And if you’re bad, I’ll have to think of another punishment. For now, I’m content with this one.”
You bow your head a bit as you look at him. “Yes sir, I understand. No touching.”
“Good pet. Now get dressed. After all, we have to get to work.”
Work? Dressed? Your mind reels as you realize that he’s going to have you wear this as you are at the office. Wearing clothes, acting professional, mingling with your co-workers… all the while feeling that teasing sensation and conscious of what you’re wearing out of their view. And knowing that the man next to you holds the keys to your release.
As you begin pulling on your clothes you shudder a bit from the sensations coming from your pussy with each movement. Thankful that you had brought a dress for your rendezvous instead of pants you stand before him on shaky legs, dressed and ready to leave. Your head is high as you meet his gaze, determined not to let him see your weakness.
“Oh! A bit of defiance is still there, eh pet? That’s fine.” He laughs and takes your arm, pulling you gently to the door. “We’ll see how much you have left by lunch break. It’s only… oh, about five hours from now.”
Five hours?! Each step is torture, that feels so good and yet not good enough. You feel the moisture already running around the strap cinched tight between your legs. It’s been only a few minutes so far, and you have hours yet to go.
“One thing about it,” you think to yourself as you leave the hotel room, “lunch is going to be interesting.”
Ed: This is a bit of a proof of concept, and obviously the story lines aren’t tied together. Who are the participants and how they got there is left intentionally vague and up to the reader. If there is interest I’ll connect the two in a follow up.