The Perfect Father Figure – Part 4 (Finale)

"Paige has fallen hard for Arden, but can she trust him with her heart? Series finale."

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Glowering at Jackson, I spoke in an equally cold voice. “What are you doing here?”

I noticed his jaw tighten. Clearly, he thought I’d be thrilled by his unexpected appearance at my job. He’d never showed up here before; hell, I was surprised he remembered where I worked. 

For a moment, he looked uncertain. Running a hand through his dark hair, he seemed to struggle for the right words. “I couldn’t reach you,” he finally blurted out. His stare grew hard when it returned to Arden. “I’m beginning to understand why.”

My face burned from humiliation. The last thing I wanted was for Arden to think I’d bring a bunch of drama into his life. Turning toward him, I knew my expression was pleading. “Can I have just a minute to take care of this?”

“Sure, Paige.” While replying to me, he regarded my former crush with utter contempt. 

Reluctantly, I left the counter and closed the distance between me and Jackson. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that Arden remained in the exact same spot. Though he pretended to study the invoice he held, I knew he was determined to keep an eye on me. Despite my embarrassment, I was grateful for his presence.

When I stood before Jackson, he opened his mouth to speak, but I held up a hand to stop him. “You need to leave. Right now,” I said in a dangerously low voice. “I’m working.”

“Oh, is that what you call what you were doing?” Jackson’s face, which I’d always found so gorgeous, twisted into a snarl. “You could have saved me the trouble of coming all the way out here if you’d just answered my fucking call.”

My anger flared like a flame doused in accelerant. “I don’t owe you anything! How many times have you gone weeks without responding to my texts? You used me, and it’s only now, after I’ve moved on, that you’re making any effort at all.”

He recoiled as if I’d slapped him. There was no mistaking the fury in his eyes, yet he flashed a mocking smile. “Christ, Paige, I always knew you had daddy issues.” His voice was loud enough for Arden to easily hear. “You’re so goddamn needy. But I never thought you’d start fucking a guy old enough to be your father. I hope he’s at least paying you extra.”

I released a faint, wounded cry even as I wanted to lash out at him. So vividly, I could imagine punching him in the throat. But he was far stronger, and I knew my fists would inflict little damage. 

Before I could give in to my foolish urge, Arden stormed over to us. It was astonishing, how quickly he appeared at my side. “Get your sorry ass out of my store, or I’ll beat the shit out of you!” he growled at Jackson.

I stared at Arden, shocked by the change in him. Not once in all the months we’d worked together had he lost his temper; he’d never even raised his voice. But now? He looked like he could tear Jackson apart with his bare hands.

Jackson’s hands curled into fists, and I feared he would take a swing at Arden. Instead, he stepped back, again smiling at us. “Paige is a nice piece of ass,” he said, “but she’s not worth fighting over. She’s all yours, old man.”

It was Arden who lunged at Jackson, but I managed to grab his arm. “Please don’t,” I begged. “Just let him go.”

Beneath my palm, I felt the tension rippling through Arden’s muscles. As soon as Jackson turned and left the shop, I said, “I’m so sorry! I never thought he would show up here.”

Returning his full attention to me, Arden’s gaze was both tender and regretful. “None of that was your fault. I should have thrown him out sooner.”

We didn’t have a chance to discuss it further before a customer entered the shop, soon to be followed by several more. As my shift went on, I grew painfully aware of my boss’s pensive expression. No longer was he playful, nor did he rest a hand on my shoulder or the small of my back when he passed by. I tried to tell myself that the careful distance he maintained was simply a result of him being cautious. Yet my fear increased until I had to swallow the lump of tears rising in my throat. 

Only after we’d closed the shop for the night and were all alone in Arden’s office did I ask in a plaintive voice, “Are you angry about earlier? I promise it won’t happen again.” My stare drifted toward his desk, where he’d taken me with such passion, and such need, just that afternoon. It felt like an eternity had passed since then.

“I’m not angry, sweetheart,” Arden said gently. Still, he didn’t reach for me. “It’s just that…” He appeared almost helpless while searching my face. 

“What is it?” I demanded, trying to control my growing panic.

He let out a heavy sigh. “That boy is a little shit who never deserved you, but what he said about…” Again, his words trailed off. Finally, he held out his hands, as if to plead with me. “What he said about daddy issues… It made me start to worry that what we’re doing might end up hurting you.”

“It won’t!” I cried. “How could it hurt me when it’s all I’ve ever wanted?”

Tenderly, he grasped my shoulders. “But what if I’m not really what you want? What if I’m just a substitute for a deeper need?”

I shook my head fiercely, as though that would prevent me from hearing what he said. But my efforts were useless. His words sliced into me with the sting of a sharp blade. “I should have known better than to call you Daddy,” I told him while blinking back tears. “Now you’re like Jackson. You think I’m fucked up, that I’m needy and damaged.”

“I don’t,” he said firmly. “I could never think that, Paige.” 

But it was too late. Pulling away, I rushed to grab my purse, which I kept in Arden’s desk drawer. “I need to go.”

“Please.” He extended a hand, and I easily evaded his touch. “Please stay so we can talk about this.”

How could I talk when I was about to start sobbing? “We should have kept it a one-time thing,” I managed to choke out just before fleeing his office. He followed, right on my heels, but I refused to slow my pace. When he took hold of my arm, I yanked out of his grasp. 

Still, he followed me out to my car in the lot, pleading all the while. “Honey, I’m sorry. I’m just so afraid of hurting you.”

“You already have.” My words came out as a pathetic whimper. Drowning in shame, I got in the car and drove away, willing myself not to give Arden so much as a glance. 

His text appeared on my phone soon after I arrived at my apartment: Please let me know you’ve gotten home safe.

At first, I didn’t respond. I figured he would quickly lose interest, the way Jackson had. But he sent another text. Paige, please. If I don’t hear from you, I’m going to stop by your place. 

I couldn’t bear to see him again that night, not when my pain was so raw. I’m home now, I replied.

Thank you for letting me know. And I’m so sorry. I hope you’ll give me a chance to explain.

When Ariel stepped out of her room and found me crying, she merely gave me a hug and whispered, “Is it Jackson?”

It was easier to lie. “Yeah,” I whispered back.

“You should tell him to fuck off.”

“I did,” I said, “and he got really nasty about it.”

Ariel gave my back a comforting pat. “Well, good riddance to that asshole. You’re better off.”

I knew she was right, but it wasn’t Jackson I was weeping over.

I was scheduled to work again on Wednesday. As that time drew nearer, I thought about calling in sick. But no, I wouldn’t be so childish. At some point, I would have to face Arden again, and I wanted him to know he could continue to count on me as an employee. Still, I hardly ate or slept. When I wasn’t in class, I skulked around the apartment, feeling as if my despair was weighing down my feet like thick mud. 

I showed up to my next shift dressed in slacks and a prim blouse. Arden and I were working together, just as we had on Monday, and as I opened the shop door, I pasted a pleasant smile on my face. He stepped from one of the aisles, carrying several books. The moment my boss saw me, his expression softened. I noticed that he looked as exhausted as I felt. Clearly, our argument was weighing heavily on him, too. “Can we talk? Please?” he said quietly.

Whenever I’d asked him that same question in the past, he dropped everything to make time for me. But I now strode toward his office to put away my purse. “We’re fine, Arden,” I called over my shoulder. Since he’d just opened the store, we didn’t yet have any customers and I didn’t have to worry about being overheard. “We don’t need to discuss anything else.”

Moments later, I returned to the front of the store and found him behind the counter. Again, our eyes locked, and all I wanted to do was rush into his arms. My body ached to feel his embrace. Averting my gaze, I went to stand at his side. A strained silence fell between us.

I rested my hands on the countertop, leaning forward as if I needed support. Arden inched closer, then covered my hand with his. I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of his palm on my skin. 

“I’ve missed you, Paige,” he whispered. 

A tremor of longing coursed through me. Before I could respond, the shop door opened, and I quickly withdrew my hand. Looking up, I offered my usual smile to the customer. “Hello! Let me know if I can help you find anything.”

The guy hovered near the entrance, pretending to study some bookmarks on display. I’d never seen him before, and something about the way he completely ignored my presence unnerved me. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, and while he kept the visor of his ballcap pulled low so it shielded his eyes, I saw he had a patchy blond beard. Glancing at Arden, I discovered he was closely watching the man as well.

Finally, the guy seemed to lose interest in the bookmarks, and he started toward the counter with a purposeful stride. Again, I smiled, anticipating a question from him. He acted as if he would walk past me and Arden on his way to the opposite side of the store. I couldn’t help but feel relieved that he didn’t want any help.

Then he came to an abrupt halt in front of us. My eyes widened in horror when he pulled out a gun. 

I’d always wondered what I would do in a situation like this. Would I panic and scream? Or would I be able to keep my cool and avoid getting shot? It turned out that I completely froze, as still and uncomprehending as a piece of carved marble. 

“Give me all your fucking money!” the man screamed. 

Even his terrifying voice, and the way he jabbed the gun at us to emphasize his order, didn’t jolt me into action. I could only stare at the weapon; in a strangely detached, dreamlike way, I expected to feel a bullet piercing my flesh at any second.

It was Arden who rushed to open the register. But as he did, he placed his body between me and the robber. With a firm hand, he pulled me back and out of the way so he could shield me from view. Standing behind him, I was so close that I could feel his comforting warmth. It served to remind me to breathe, though I struggled to draw in a full lungful of air.

The man kept shouting, his commands issued as impatient barks. I had no idea how Arden remained so composed as he emptied the register of bills and coins. “That’s everything,” he said in a remarkably even voice. 

The man must have stepped to the side as he reached for the bag of money, for Arden mirrored his movements, constantly providing me with cover. “Give me your watch,” the guy bellowed. “I want your fucking watch, too!”

I violently shook behind Arden while he removed the watch and placed it on the counter. Terror pulsed through me in a nauseating flush, only to be replaced by icy adrenaline. Never had I experienced such abject fear. But it wasn’t for myself. No, I was so afraid Arden would be hurt as he tried to protect me.

When the man finally ran out of the shop, I felt my knees buckle. Arden whirled around and reached for me. “Sweetheart, are you okay?” His gaze moved over my body, as if to detect some hidden injury.

My lips quivered; for a long moment, I couldn’t speak. Then tears flooded my eyes, and I threw my arms around him. “Daddy, I thought I was going to lose you!” I sobbed.

“Oh, baby, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” Holding me close, he buried his face in my hair. When I lifted my head to meet his eyes, his lips found mine. It was a brief kiss, but full of so much tenderness that I immediately calmed. 

Once Arden was convinced I was fine, he called the police. Of course, we had to close the shop, and we gave statements about the robbery. Afternoon gave way to evening, and by the time night fell, we were both exhausted. Finally, we were able to leave. As Arden walked me to my car, he kept an arm around my waist. “Will your roommate be home when you get there?” he asked.

Still somewhat frazzled, I tried to remember Ariel’s schedule. “She’s working late tonight; she won’t be there till after eleven.”

“Then come to my house,” he quietly insisted. “I don’t want you to be alone right now.”

I readily agreed, for I didn’t want to be away from him. He opened the passenger door to his car, and I climbed inside. During the drive to his place, I leaned back against the seat, still reeling from the day’s events. Reaching for my hand, Arden murmured, “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Paige.”

Fresh tears filled my eyes as I lifted his hand and kissed his bare wrist. I knew the watch that the robber had stolen was a gift from Arden’s father, and one he cherished. “You kept me safe,” I said while struggling not to cry.

He glanced over at me, his smile tender. “I promise I always will.”

Listening to his words, I felt that familiar warmth inside my chest. It was joy, I realized, and no one had ever evoked it within me so strongly. Not until I met Arden.

It didn’t take long to arrive at his house, which was unassuming, almost modest, for a man with his kind of money. Once inside, I discovered he lived much like he worked: surrounded by books. 

“Would you like something to eat? You must be hungry,” Arden said.

I shook my head. “No, thanks. Can we just… lie down for a little while? I feel completely wiped out.”

“Of course, angel.” 

He gave a brief tour of the house, welcoming me to help myself to whatever I needed. I loved how homey it was, how warm and lived-in. I immediately felt comfortable there. The master bedroom had a huge, four-poster bed that I adored at first sight. 

“Come here, Paige.” Arden held out his hand to me, and as I stood before him, he unbuttoned my blouse. He was gentle, his fingers steady where mine would have fumbled. “You look quite different in this outfit,” he remarked. “Still beautiful, but different.”

“I didn’t want to tempt you,” I told him with a grin.

Arden leaned forward, planting kisses along my neck until he reached my ear. “Don’t you know, Daddy loves being tempted.” After removing my blouse and unclasping my bra, he gave my nipples only a teasing caress, then turned his attention to my slacks. Moments later, I wore just my panties. Kneeling before me, Arden lifted his head to meet my eyes. “Do you want to keep these on while we’re in bed?” 

I knew that was his way of making clear he wouldn’t pressure me for anything. “No,” I whispered. “I want to be naked with you.”

Smiling, he slowly lowered my underwear. They weren’t as sexy as my sheer white panties, but he seemed delighted by them just the same. When I was completely nude, he buried his face between my thighs. Running my fingers through his hair, I moaned at the feel of his lips on my mound and outer labia. 

“I was so afraid,” he continued in that low, soothing tone, “that I’d never have the chance to do this again.”

Unable to resist, I reached for him. Arden climbed to his feet, his mouth claiming mine. As we kissed, he hurried to unbutton his own shirt. Stepping back, I eagerly watched him undress. Not only did I take in the sight of his hard cock, but I also admired his strong arms and legs, and his chest, covered in coarse hair. When he turned to draw back the covers, I greedily gazed upon his ass, still firm and muscular.

Gathering me in his arms, Arden laid me down, then moved to join me in bed. Immediately, I nestled into his embrace. For the first time in my life, I felt I was exactly where I belonged. It didn’t matter that this house, and this relationship, were new to me. Finally, I’d found my place.

Arden grazed his fingertips along my spine. “I never wanted to hurt you, Paige. I was devastated…

Published 3 months ago

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