The Older Woman – Part 1: The Service Call

"One service call changed my life - I was 22 and she was 39"

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This story is entirely true.

Back in the early nineties, I was working as a repairman for a large furniture company. The furniture was total shit, so it often got damaged when the delivery guys were hauling it from the warehouse to the buyer’s home. Every morning, I was given a list of around a dozen service calls within a hundred-mile radius of the warehouse. I drove to the customer’s house, assessed the situation, and did my best to repair the damaged furniture. If a part needed to be replaced, it was necessary to schedule a follow-up visit.

At the time, I was twenty-two years old and in a disastrous three-year-long marriage. The bottom line was that I got married too young and regretted it. At the time, I had little self-confidence, probably because my wife and I seldom had sex. We were both raised in very religious homes and were taught that sex was only supposed to be between a married man and woman – missionary only.

Looking back, I realize now that I was a healthy, fit, and attractive young man, albeit a late bloomer. At 6’1” tall and 180 pounds, with blonde hair and blue eyes, I had a lot to offer a partner. I just didn’t know it.

Then I met Kayla.

It was my last service call of the day. Kayla put in a claim for a dining room table she purchased that was damaged in transit. When I arrived at her door, she invited me in and showed me the damage, which was little more than a small dent and a couple of superficial scratches on the leg of the dining room table.

To be blunt, Kayla looked exactly like the vast majority of my customers – older, probably in her late thirties or early forties, and very well-manicured. I figured she was a housewife with at least one kid and plenty of extra time to complain about superficial damage on a shitty piece of fake-wood furniture.

At least Kayla didn’t hover over me while I did the repairs. She disappeared into the back of the house and I did what I was paid to do. The repairs took about thirty minutes.

When a repair job was completed, I had to get the customer to sign a release form that stated the work was done to their satisfaction. After calling her name, Kayla came back out to the dining room and inspected the work. She said everything looked great and then invited me into the living room so I could fill out the paperwork.

I sat on Kayla’s sofa and she sat down right next to me. It took about ten minutes to write up my report, throughout which Kayla kept making small talk. During that time, I learned that she was divorced, had one teenage daughter who was a junior in high school and worked as a receptionist in a doctor’s office.

Kayla also had a new kitten. When I was close to being done with the report, the kitten woke up and stumbled over to me before trying to climb up my legs and onto my lap. The kitten was adorable, so I set down my clipboard and helped it get up onto my lap.

Kayla touched my arm to get my full attention. It was then I noticed she had beautiful eyes, blue like the color of glacial ice.

Then Kayla said, “Does that kitten know something I should know?”

Back then, I was thick as a brick. I had no idea what Kayla was talking about.

Kayla clarified, “It seems drawn to your lap for some reason. What are you hiding in there?”

I’m sure my look of total confusion made her think I was a total idiot. I shit you not, I started feeling my pockets to see if there was any food in them in an honest attempt to answer her question.

Showing a great deal of pity, Kayla sat up and said, “Wait here a minute. I’ll be right back.”

I got back to work on my report, assuming Kayla had to use the bathroom or something. When she walked back into the living room, Kayla was carrying a towel and a bottle of what looked like lotion. I watched her as she laid the towel down at my feet and set the bottle on the coffee table. Kayla then knelt down, her knees on the towel. Without saying a word, she unzipped my pants and pulled out my penis.

This all happened so fast, I didn’t have time to feel anything. I was in a state of shock. Kayla pumped some lotion out of the bottle, took my flaccid penis in her hands, and massaged the head and shaft with her fingertips.

Keep in mind that my wife and I had sex maybe once every three months and it was always man-on-top. Our sex life was more like a science experiment than love-making, but I didn’t know any different, and neither did she. Until that moment, my wife was also the only woman I’d ever kissed, much less had sex with.

To this day, I ask myself why I didn’t stop Kayla right then and there. But the answer is always the same – it felt really good. My eyes were fixated on her long red-painted fingernails as she slowly traced lines around the ridge of my cock-head. She kept her eyes focused on the task at hand as her fingertip made the slightest possible contact with that most-sensitive nerve just under the top of my shaft.

I watched my cock grow rock-hard in Kayla’s skilled hands. After firmly grabbing my seven-inch cock at the base, Kayla simply said, “Wow,” before taking my entire length in her mouth. I can still remember the feeling – my first time experiencing a woman using her lips and tongue to massage my cock. It was warm, almost hot, sensual, and comforting at the same time.

Kayla’s long curly blonde hair fell onto my lap as worked her lips up and down my shaft. Then she stared up at me with her big blue eyes and ran the tip of her tongue along the underside of my cock.

I couldn’t hold out any longer. When Kayla sense I was about to cum, she wrapped her lips tight around my cock-head and sucked. She moaned as my cock pumped load after load of cum into her hungry mouth. Then Kayla lifted her head, stared me in the eyes, and licked her lips to show me she had swallowed every last drop.

Kayla then casually sat up and said, “There’s a nightstand in my bedroom that also has some damage. I forgot to report it. I’m going to call your boss and ask that they send you back out next week.”

I never once uttered a word and had no idea how to process what had just happened. A week later, sure enough, there was Kayla’s name on my service call list.

If you’d like to hear more, let me know. Kayla and I ended up being involved with one another for two years. Some of the things that happened during that time were amazing and others things are disturbing if not downright scary.

However, that service call changed my life in just about every way.

Published 3 years ago

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