Cindy was the cute little vivacious office gal that did payroll and greeted our customers. Every guy in the company like Cindy and for good reason. She was single and very sexy. She was easy on the eyes and always flirting with everyone, yet no one could manage to crack her security shield. She had a steadfast rule against dating anyone from work and she was quick to let everyone know it.
Cindy showed up at our company Christmas Party decked out in a shoulder-less top that clung to her body and showed off her best assets very well. Her black stretchy pants didn’t do much to put out the flames of passion that emanated from every guy at the party. I watched as one by one, they all saddled up and said hello to Cindy, some even offering to buy her drinks, or take her out for a dinner. I had to laugh, because Cindy was staying very true to her commitment.
Our company human resources manager was the daughter of the company owner and while Liz was married, we shared a special relationship because we had once dated before she got married. Liz probably knew me better than anyone in the company and although things didn’t work out between us, we remained close friends.
Liz saw me eyeing Cindy and asked why I hadn’t made my move. I laughed.
“Everyone knows she doesn’t date anyone from the company,” I replied. Liz smiled.
“So I have heard,” Liz replied, “But I also know she likes you, because you’re the one guy who hasn’t hit on her.”
“Yeah, right,” I sarcastically replied.
“I’m serious,” Liz replied. “You should probably get to know her.”
I mulled over what Liz told me for a full second and then told her, “I don’t think so.”
I was not going to be lulled into something I knew full well was not going to happen.
About that time, Cindy waltzed up, looked at Liz and then myself and asked,
Liz looked at me, smiled, winked and then walked off, leaving myself and Cindy alone.
“Hey,” I said.
“Hey,” Cindy replied.
Awkward moment.
“Are you having a good time?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Cindy replied, “But it could be better.”
“I hear ya,” I replied.
Awkward moment number two.
“Do you want to go somewhere else?” I asked.
“Sure,” Cindy replied, looping her arm under mine as I turned and headed for the kitchen area.
“No,” Cindy countered, “Let’s go somewhere else.”
“Where?” I asked.
“What about your place?” Cindy replied.
“But you don’t date guys from work,” I replied.
Cindy smiled.
“There is always the exception to the rule,” Cindy replied.
We jumped into my truck. I wanted to rape her right then and there, but decided to play it cool.
Garth Brooks spilled from the radio and I quickly turned it off.
“No, no, no,” Cindy replied, “I like Garth.”
I switched the radio back on. Cindy smiled as she laid her head back on the headrest.
“You know,” I began as I steered out on to the drive, “that every guy in this company would love to enjoy you accompaniment.”
“I know,” Cindy replied.
“So why me?” I asked.
“Because you’re not pushy and you never hit on my like everyone else,” Cindy replied.
“Everything in due course,” I replied.
Cindy smiled.
“Good things come to those who are patient.”
Cindy was about twenty-five, even though she looked much younger. I had learned through office gossip that she had been married but that the marriage didn’t last long.
“Do you want something to eat?” I nonchalantly asked.
Cindy smiled and then mischievously peered down at my lap. Her gaze was obvious.
“Food-wise,” I replied.
“How about if we stop off at the liquor store?” Cindy asked.
“What do you want?” I asked.
“An ice cold beer or two,” Cindy replied. “I want to get wasted.”
I chuckled.
“Then we should have stayed at the party,” I countered.
“Oh hell no,” Cindy shot back. “I hate freaking parties. I like one-on-one time.”
“Well,” I jokingly replied, “I guess that shoots the hell out of my plans for an orgy.”
“I can handle an orgy,” Cindy shot back, “so long as I get to control things.”
“Well, let’s take it a step at a time,” I replied, “Maybe a little one on one first.”
“Yeah,” Cindy shot back, “One on one is good.”
I steered into a package store. Two six packs and some chips. Bagged. Headed back to the truck and found Cindy applying a light shade of lipstick, a glossy pink color, to her lips.
She smiled as she looked in my direction.
“What do you think?” she asked.
“I think it looks sexy, but I think it isn’t going to stay in place very long,” I replied, as I shifted the truck into reverse and backed up.
Cindy didn’t say anything for a few minutes as we hummed down the roadway towards my bachelor pad. She dug into the brown paper back that sat on the floorboard between her legs. She opened the tab on one of the beers and chugged it. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and smiled.
“This is fun!” she exclaimed.
We pulled into a parking space right in front of my apartment. Cindy silently followed me to my apartment.
Her eyes were a dark brown and her brown hair fell lazily onto her soft bare shoulders. She leaned against the back of my couch, crossing her legs at the ankles, her hands on the back of the couch. If there was ever a sultry look for a woman to strike, she definitely had it going. I sat the bag of beer down on the countertop next to her purse.
“Do you want another beer?” I asked.
“No,” she replied.
“What would you like?” I pressed.
“For you to come over here, kiss me and make love to me,” she replied.
Damn. Damn. Damn.
I stepped on front of her and peered silently down into her eyes. I placed my forefinger under her chin and lifted it, as I lowered myself to press my lips against hers.
All hell broke loose. In an instant, the passion was out of control. My hands found their way up under her shirt and to the back of her brassiere as she pressed her body against mine. She crossed her arms and stripped out of her form-hugging shoulderless top, even as I unfastened her brassiere. She held it in place with one hand as she looked up at me.
“Please be gentle,” she pleaded.
“Nothing but,” I replied, as she lowered the cups of her bra, to reveal her luscious breasts with hardened nipples perched on top of them. I unbuckled my jeans, as she dug past my waist-band, past the elastic of my bikini briefs, feeling for my manhood. In an instant, I stepped out of both my jeans and my underwear as I kicked off my shoes. I crossed my arms and shed my shirt. Cindy peeled out of her stretchy pants, as she eyed my manhood hanging between my legs.
“Let’s not rush it,” Cindy softly pleaded as we repositioned ourselves on to the couch. I had her sit on the couch, and then proceeded to strip her of her pink bikini-styled panties, which were moist in the crotch. I could tell she was already worked up and ready to go.
She parted her legs, as I knelt down in front of her. Her pussy was cleanly shaven. Oh My Gawd! She smelled heavenly! I lightly kissed the insides of her well-toned thighs and worked my way towards her golden honey pot. When I slipped my finger into her very moist and wet pussy, she let out an audible and very soft “hummmmmmmm.” The more I fingered her, the longer and louder her hum became. I flicked my tongue across her hood and gently sucked on it, as she grabbed my head and held it in place. Suddenly, she pressed her thighs against my head and let out a deep moan, holding my head in place.
“Don’t stop,” she screeched, “ohhhh! My gawd! Don’t stop!”
I didn’t intend to.
She pushed me back, and fell on top of me, straddling my hips, her wet pussy pushing down on top of my cock.
“Fuck me!” she pleaded, grabbing at my manhood and pushing it into her pussy. I could feel the warmth and wetness of her pussy as it enveloped my cock, the walls of her vagina pulsating and squeezing my cock. Her pelvis crashed against mine and she pounded my chest with her small fists.
“Oh my gawd! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!” she demanded as she worked her hips back and forth feverishly. She was out of control. She arched her back, her boobs bobbing up and down, as she gyrated on top of me. Suddenly, she tossed her head back and screamed, her body tensing up, “Oh Lord! I’m cuming!”
It was like a flood. She let loose with a torrid of womanly juices, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. She lowered her head, her palms planted firmly on my chest, and apologized.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for,” I replied, holding on to her hips.
“I made a mess,” she said softly.
“So what?” I replied. “We’re not done yet.”
I was still rock hard. I pushed her gently back and repositioned her on the couch. I shoved my cock deep into her pussy. Her eyes widened. I made a couple of hip thrusts and that was all that was needed.
“You’re cuming,” she acknowledged.
“Oh yeah,” I replied.
“Give it to me!” she pleaded.
I kept cuming and cuming and cuming, looking down at her angelic face, my cock buried deep inside of her. She dug her finger nails into my shoulders. Finally, after a few more pumps, I shifted to the side and fell back onto the couch beside her. Cindy grabbed my cock and immediately placed it into her mouth. She licked any remnants of my manhood from me and gently fondled my balls. My cock twitched. Somehow, she had managed to bring my manhood back to life- don’t ask me how, but she did. I asked if she minded trying it doggie-style.
“That’s my favorite!” she replied, spinning around and pointing her ass in my direction. I slipped my cock into her pussy, as she slipped her hands between her legs to hold it in place. Cindy shuddered and I could tell she was about to explode a second time. I grabbed her boobs and held on to them as she fell forward and on to her forearms, another massive orgasm raging through her body.
“Oh Lord!” she breathlessly exclaimed. “Oh Lord! Oh Lord! OH LORD!”
We lie on the couch for the longest time, eventually making it back to my bedroom. I listened as she fell asleep, her head and her hands on my chest. I woke up several hours later. I had a raging hard on and Cindy was going to town playing with me. It didn’t take much and I was shooting my manhood deep into her oral cavity. I dozed back off.
A door slamming woke us both up. It was my down stairs neighbor. We showered and got dressed and shared a nice breakfast at the IHOP down the street. I took her back to the office later that day to get her car.
“This was fun,” Cindy commented, as I pulled into the parking lot of where we both worked, “But let’s try and keep it on the down-low.”
I had no issue with her request. As Cindy exited my truck, she peered back at me, winked, smiled and remarked softly,
“Now we have to work on that orgy.”