“Woe to the earth and the sea because the devil has come down to you with great fury because he knows his time is short. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.”
There was no time to ponder anymore. Foolishly, it would prove, I set out on my own that night. My mind drew blanks.
The hours my team had spent fruitlessly chasing shadows and rumors had me teetering on the brink of exhaustion. Sleep? Sleep had escaped me for weeks, or was it months? I dared not look into the mirror anymore; the dark circles and puffy bags around my eyes weren’t those of a thirty-two-year-old woman, but the hollow shell of a seasoned investigator cursed for eternity to this one unsolvable mystery.
I stepped out on the streets. The night was pitch black. That one email had tingled my curiosity, and there was no turning back. Black letters were printed on a red background, and I instinctively knew where, and the letters let me know when.
I had thought about calling Christine, Don, Chelsea, and Frank, my team, but how many times had I called them out in the middle of the night on futile searches and barren missions? They were spent, and they were useless to me now. They had started questioning my leadership. The nerve! I was highly decorated. At thirty-two, I was the best investigator this city had ever seen. No one I had chased had ever gotten away.
No, I didn’t call my team mainly because I didn’t want to.
The email had said ‘Now’ but ‘there’ was forty-five minutes away by car. I had to make it faster. Sirens and lights weren’t an option; I needed stealth, but fast stealth. I hurried to my car, cursed the loud ‘bip-bip’ as it unlocked, sat in, started the car, and threw a hasty glance in the mirror before turning into the street, my heart pounding with urgency.
As I raced through the city streets, the glow of streetlights flashed by in a blur. I knew the route like the back of my hand, having driven it countless times, each turn calculated to shave seconds off my journey.
My fingers shone white on the steering wheel; my heart was racing in my chest as I had to slow down because of the endless construction work that seemed to ravage the city and tear the streets apart, holes in the ground as if hell itself had erupted through the asphalt.
I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror: barren holes of black from sleep deprivation, long, grey lines etched across my face, my skin like parchment.
Finally, I cleared the last orange pylon with the orange flashing light, and I sped up, hoping the cat had crossed the road before I reached her.
Navigating quieter neighborhoods, I pushed my foot down harder. Here, near the city’s outskirts, the buildings grew shorter, and soon, houses appeared. They blurred in my mirror, obscuring domestic abuse and teenagers hooking the streets.
Soon, that steep left-hand turn onto the narrow gravel road leading to ‘Lucky Hill,’ which was neither a hill nor a place of happiness. The rise in teenage pregnancy throughout the city stained the lookout point’s once serene reputation, overshadowing it with whispered rumors: the gates to hell.
‘Lucky Hill’ wasn’t my destination. The gravel road continued, less traveled, deeper into the forest below. Trees spurred in ancient times reached their wooden arms down as if trying to snare a wary wanderer daring to enter their realm. They didn’t look as menacing in the morning light when I usually made this drive.
Finally, I arrived at the clearing I knew so well. We had spent hours investigating the underbrush, and I knew each twig, stone, grass, and fallen leaf.
It was always the males we found here, their bodies twisted and burned, mostly their bones. The girls?
The girls we had never found.
Sixteen boys and girls had gone missing in this wretched city in the past two years—all in the ages between sixteen and nineteen. Even national news had caught interest, and it was always I, Lucy McDermott, who stood in front of the cameras, explaining to the nation that we stood in front of a major break-through in the investigation, that we had secured evidence, that we were sure to catch the culprit soon.
Evidence? We had fuck all to go on. Scattered bones, burnt to crisps, in an otherwise untouched field. Eight times in two years, it was the same ordeal. It had taken us months, the first time, to find this place; the last couple of times, we had driven here on instinct.
There was no DNA to extract from those bones; twice a month for two years, I had reassured Mrs. Timberwall that we had high hopes of finding out what happened to her Sophie. Then, the Smiths and her Kate, the Franklins and their Anne…
Lies I forced myself to believe in to face another day.
I turned the ignition off and sighed. Thirty-four minutes it had taken me, the fastest time yet. I exited the car and filled my lungs with the crisp, fresh air.
Torches were set ablaze to my right, and my left, and a deep chant filled the clearing.
The torches narrowed in on me, forming a pathway into the overgrowth ahead. As they drew near enough for me to make out their form, I saw they were held by dozens upon dozens of cloaked figures, their hands held to the sky.
A strange calmness washed over me, although an unpleasant one, like a cold glove wrapped around my heart.
The chanting stopped, and I felt the piercing eyes of the countless creatures staring at me.
Then his voice filled my head, chilling cold but not disagreeable, offensive but not repulsive. He uttered one word.
I trod onto the path before me, and the chant began again. As I neared the edge of the clearing, the thicket in front of me gave way as if the earth itself wanted me to find passage into her heart.
As I walked, the creatures fell in line and followed me, still chanting. My feet guided me deeper and deeper still into the woods, and each scrub and bush, each root and twig, each branch and leaf gave way to our strange company. With each step, another pair of torches lit to my sides, guiding the way. I saw bent shadows ducking in and out of the dim light in the thick vegetation on either side.
I heard a loud screech to my left and turned to see a monstrosity of twisted limbs and sharp bones lunge out at me. A fiery whip cracked through the air and snatched the creature, flinging it to the air and slamming it to the ground, the crushing of bones almost deafening, drowning out the chants behind me.
It seemed I had a mighty protector looking out for me.
We walked deeper and deeper until I saw a dim, red light fill the treetops ahead of me. I wanted to haste on, but my feet were only moving at the somber rhythm of the chants.
He wanted me to get there but in his haste.
The light seemed to move and shift, but after forever, I came to a clearing deep at the forest’s heart. My entourage of hooded creatures split to the left and right and marched along the outskirts of the clearing, forming a perfect circle of light.
At the center of the ring was a large stone table, and upon it lay a young woman, possibly in her late teens. She was stripped of her clothing, and each arm and leg was pulled to her sides, held down by more cloaked figures.
A young man sat on the ground at the head of the bed, sulking.
“Sonja! Sonja! Oh, my God! Sonja!”
“God?! GOD?”
His booming voice filled the forest as he appeared in a ball of fire, setting the ground beneath him on ablaze.
“Your god has forsaken you, child! You shall bow to me and plead for your death to be swift!”
His fiery skin paled and reduced to a somber ember. He shrunk in size, his distorted features settling, turning jagged bones to smooth muscle and his goat-like face into that of a handsome, distinct gentleman. Eight feet tall, but handsome.
“What have you brought for me this evening, fine servants?” he asked his creatures, and they hurriedly offered him the young woman.
“Oh, a delightful specimen, indeed!”
He jumped the table, quite animal-like, and sniffed her crotch, then his tongue, like a snake, shot out of his mouth and pushed into her, deeper and deeper until it bottomed out. He withdrew his tongue with a snap and grinned.
“Wet, but not spent. Good!” he purred.
“No. Sonja, no, no, no!” the young man whimpered, and again, his fiery whip lit the sky. It snapped across the man’s face, flinging him to the ground.
“Turn her around!” he commanded, and swiftly she was swung around on her hands and knees.
“They say I speak in a forked tongue,” he whispered, “but that is not all a forked tongue can do.”
Again, his snake-like tongue shot out and split in two, then burrowed itself deep inside her holes.
I watched his massive member grow out between his legs, large and heavy, hindering his movement. He withdrew his tongue and mounted her, his enormous meat dangling and jerking as he thrust his hips forward, missing its target, and again, before finally sliding into her in one heavy thrust. He started pounding into her rapidly and with great force. His tongue shot out, curled around her neck, and into her mouth.
We all watched in silence as he ravaged the young woman.
Then, his tongue retracted, and he howled, a long, wolf-like howl into the night; his back arched, and all his glistening muscles contracted.
He pumped his sperm into her in big, gushing blows, filling her entirely. Her stomach started to bulge as he contracted his muscles one final time. Then, he withdrew himself from her with his black sperm gushing out of her and grunted. He jumped off the table and started pacing, all the while huffing and puffing.
He jumped back onto the table, facing her.
“Mouth!” he hissed.
“Yes, Master!” she replied, opening her mouth wide for him.
He pushed himself into her; her jaws seemed to unhinge themselves, much like a snake, and his throbbing meat pushed itself down her throat. Rhythmically, she pushed herself back and forth, allowing his giant meat to grow inside her.
Satisfied, he pulled himself off her and mounted her once again. She shot her ass up at him, and he fucked her ravaged hole until he once again started pumping her full of his pitch-black sperm.
Triumphantly, he jumped off the table.
“Hell and fire! Release yourself!”
His thunderous voice filled the air and was answered by dozens of loud cries and howls.
The clearing seemed to bubble with life as shadowy figures danced across the grass, crept along the forest floor, and howled into the night.
I saw a pack of the creatures jump the table and grope and pull at the young woman, eager to fill her holes with their cum-dripping meats, and she welcomed them, offering all her openings to them.
I noticed eight feminine figures, half crawling out of the shadows and over to the young man lying on the grass. Each of them had a red burning hue as if the skin had been peeled off their bodies. They all showed their tummies in different stages of pregnancy. They lapped at the young man’s body; one placed her bare sex on his face, another buried her tongue inside his rear opening, and the third wrapped her burning lips around his member.
I watched another pack of creatures mount the woman, her name I had long forgotten, while other creatures lapped at her body, licking the skin clean off her.
The creature who had the young man’s cock inside her released him, and he started shooting his load into the air. The women clawed at each other, fighting for his release, and they all seemed to catch a few of his drops.
A giant beast, who had been circling the stone table for a while, adorned with a massive, fleshy cock, sprung over to the young man and lifted him as if he were a feather, and impaled him on his sex. The young man’s fleshy rod sprung back to life and spewed another strand of cum onto the willing recipients, who howled ecstatically at their gift. The creature emptied himself inside him and let him fall to the ground. Another lusty creature took its place, split the man open, and shoved himself into his hole.
I watched as I heaved for breath; a red glow emanated from the young man’s stomach as he shot yet another trickle onto the beautiful female beasts on the ground below. He was passed on to another, then another, and yet another beast and all of them emptied themselves inside him and pushed his cum out.
My feet gave in as my treacherous, starved crotch gave in. I fell to my knees as I felt my wetness ooze out between my legs. Soon, I thought, the beasts will tear my clothing, mount me, and seed me with their offspring.
But not a single beast approached.
The red glow spread as the young man’s skin seared and burst into flames; his screams were only tongues of fire emanating from his mouth as he shot one last big load onto the awaiting hell-whores before he disintegrated in a pile of burning flesh and bone.
The goddess-like women crawled to the table, lifted the young woman, and offered her to their master’s feet.
He crooked his finger, motioning for me to approach him.
I stood before his towering figure, but confident I would already be dead if that were his wish, I remained calm.
“Lucy!” he says, “How delightfully good of you to come!”
“I didn’t know I had a choice?”
“We all have a choice!”
“What about them?” I said and pointed to the girl at his feet and the dying embers of what was once a young man.
“Did you not go to church? Did they not choose to succumb to the lust of the flesh? Did they not warn you, all of you, that this is exactly what I do? Tempt? Did they not freely enter my realm and invite me with their burning sexes, their oozing juices?”
He studied my face.
“You look tired, Lucy. Haven’t our games of hide and seek thrilled you? Have I misjudged your appetite for mystery so badly?”
“Hide and seek, Master?”
The last word pushed over my lips before my mind could catch it.
“Indeed. Playful games, innocent pawns in an endgame, another stalemate—scattered souls in my possession for eternity, or mere minutes and seconds, as it seems. You fools deeply overestimate your fragile bodies’ resistance to hellfire.”
“And them?” I asked, glancing at the sensual beings at his feet, their feline movements pampering each other with licks and kisses.
“My wives? Pretty beings, aren’t they? They are free to do whatever they want. It’s what they wish to that rubs you. I need them young; they’re the only bodies able to serve as vessels for my offspring. Your perverted obsession with virginity doesn’t work for me; I need them worn in, but only slightly. They will, in time, birth, and some will choose to return to your world, acting as my lure, and some will decide to stay. That is unless their offspring choose to devour them.”
He sighed deeply.
“Which is why I have asked you here this night, Lucy.”
He paused as if expecting my reply.
“Yes?” I uttered.
“’Yes’ as in, ‘yes, I will help you’ or ‘yes’ as in ‘yes, go on’?”
“Go on.”
My voice wasn’t nearly as cold as I intended, but more showing off keen interest.
“Seeds,” he said, “Human seed. And, unfortunately, flesh. But mainly, my wives need seeds to keep their babies growing. I need you to gather men, not these weak saplings, but men, who can endure and perhaps serve as longer-lasting feeders to them.”
“And if I refuse?”
“Why would you? Did you not take deep sexual pleasure in watching my beasts ravage those young bodies? Did you not drench your crotch at my…what do you call it? Savagery?”
“I did no such thing!” I lied.
“Flatter yourself not. I can smell your cunt!”
He leaned in, his giant head inches from my face, his foul breath stung upon my skin as he inquired my mind with his fiery eyes.
“Refuse? I think not. You will bring me the men I need; whatever flesh you provide will be a nice bonus. Your youth, whatever is left of it at least, will stay with you for eternity.”
He stood up, and his erect member poked at my face. It smelled of sex, of young tender pussy, and sent my head spinning.
“Of course, you do have a choice. Refuse, and I will let my beasts feed upon your flesh; they are hungry, and it would be swift.”
I leaned in and kissed his massive head.
My phone woke me up. It was Frank. It was always him that phoned me with the bad news.
“Two missing teens: Robert Fawley, nineteen, and Sonja Scutters, seventeen. They haven’t been seen since early yesterday afternoon.”
“I’ll meet you there.”
I leaped from bed, rejuvenated from my nightly escapades, and entered the bathroom. My face shone with enthusiasm, and its natural color had returned. My eyes, my beautiful eyes, shone with intense fire.
I dressed, grabbed my keys, and headed out.
Once I arrived, my team stood ready and waited to report their findings.
Christine, at forty-two, would always bring me her analysis of the bones. Her brown curls rustled in the wind and covered her face as she spoke.
The bones, possibly male, burned to a crisp, ‘it would take a miracle to extract anything from them’; I had heard it all before, and honestly, I had no interest in her findings.
Chelsea, the voluptuous, blonde twenty-four-year-old and the most talented resource on the force since, well, me, shook her head, dumbfounded.
“Don’t worry your pretty little mind,” I told her.
Don, at thirty-six, studied the ground as we had done a million times before, looking for clues we knew weren’t there. He gazed at Chelsea, whom I knew he fucked regularly, obviously jeopardizing their work, and muttered something I didn’t care to hear. My dislike for his cockiness mainly stemmed from jealousy, as I had craved eating Chelsea since the day she joined the academy.
Then there was Frank, fifty-six, once my mentor. He was professional but had borne a deep grudge since I was promoted, becoming his superior.
“You look…” he began.
“Fantastic,” I interrupted, “Gloriously fantastic, with a deep sensual glow, don’t you think? I had the most intense orgasm last night! Let’s hurry up and wrap this up; I crave another.”
I loved the shock on their faces as I brushed past them and headed for the bushes at the edge of the forest before us.
They fell in line behind me as I cut through the thorny bush, and my mind found the narrow path ahead. The thorns tore their clothing, the branches ripped their faces, and sweat formed in pearls on their skin.
My sex dampened and sent trembling shivers up my spine.
“Boss,” Frank panted, struggling to keep up, “with all due respect, where the fuck are you taking us? There’s nothing but thick forest and thorny bushes as far as the eye can see.”
“Your vision was always flawed, Frank. Don’t you think that’s why you were passed on the promotion?”
At long last, as my crotch begged for release, we reached the clearing. They gasped at the sight of the massive stone table and hurried themselves over to investigate.
I strolled along, scattered my clothes behind me as I undressed, and felt the cool air tickle my body.
“Boss! Boss! You’ve got to see…”
Frank’s voice trailed off as he gazed upon my demon form; my red skin burned fiercely against the lush greenery around us, and his eyes widened, transfixed by the sight of my massive breasts straining against the scant fabric that barely covered them. My large, burning clit, glistening with desire, throbbed and pulsed, and each drop that fell from it sizzled as it hit the ground.
All of them gazed upon my terror, and I read in their minds, ‘Flee‘, but they were paralyzed, frozen solid in time.
“Oh, Frank. Once, you guided me with genuine care. Aren’t you sad now that you let that go? And aren’t you sad you replaced that with pride, envy, and wrath?”
I twirled my tongue into his ear and grabbed Christine by her arm.
“Dearest, sweet Christine. How many times have you failed me despite your skills? How many clues have I dug up for you that you returned barren, fruitless, and spent? Sloth is thy name!”
I looked upon Don’s terror-stricken face, sweat running down his face.
“Don,” I moaned, my sex released a stream, egged on by pure power, “You knew how I desired Chelsea’s sex, and you observed as I let her be, focusing on the bigger goals. You? You let your desires cloud your mind, drowned in greed and gluttony.”
I grabbed Chelsea by her neck and pushed her into my burning sex, where she sucked onto my burning clit. As I came, gushing into her face, I cursed her ‘Lust’.
“You have all failed me, but no more.”
I summoned Master, and darkness fell. He appeared as if from the ground itself, his entourage of beastly men followed, and lastly, his nine young wives.
The beasts threw themselves at the women, clawing their clothes off and baring their skin, and one after one, they mounted them and dispersed their infertile juices inside them.
The women’s howls were silenced as their heads were mounted and long, fat, deformed sexes pushed into their oral cavities.
My pussy gushed as I watched Chelsea being split open as three beasts pushed themselves into her young hole.
But it was the men and wives that interested me. They tore at the men’s clothes and threw themselves at their sexes. The men were flung at their backs, and two wives immediately mounted them, riding their flesh into ecstasy.
Master snuck himself behind me.
“You did good,” he whispered, “let me reward you.”
His tongue spun around my breast and squeezed, then forked and latched itself onto the other. It formed small cups around my nipples and sucked them into its very flesh. Another snakelike tongue shot out and latched itself onto my clit, before; finally, two fat tentacles burrowed themselves inside my hungry snatch and ass.
The wives drained Don and Frank inside themselves and howled in euphoria at being fed. Just like the night before, the men were grabbed by immense beasts that impaled them on their fat meats. The wives took their faltering members into their mouths and gasped at the reward of their precious sperm being shot down their throats.
Master pushed and pulled at my insides and had wave after wave of orgasms wash over me. Watching the women torn to pieces as the beasts feasted on their flesh made me gush cum all down my thighs.
I collapsed as Master released me.
Fed, the wives gathered at their master’s feet, and I watched as the ground opened to swallow them. Frank and Don, now shackled and bound, followed willingly; to be sodomized and milked for eternity.
The women’s remains were so lathered in Don and Frank’s DNA that the men’s wanted status went national, then international, as they seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth.
“What unfortunate events to unfold right under your very nose, Miss McDermott,” the captain sighed.
“Yes, very unfortunate,” I agreed.
“We…I will have to put you on suspension, pending the investigation…”
“I think not,” I said. “I think you meant to say that you’re promoting me to your next in command. Who better to ensure things run smoothly around here should you go missing?”
He gulped.
“Yes. Yes, indeed, Miss McDermott.”
“I’ve taken the liberty to draw up all the paperwork; just sign the dotted lines.”
I sat myself on his desk and pulled my skirt up, revealing my dripping sex.
His hands were shaking as he scribbled his signature onto the papers.
“Good, now drink my juices.”
He buried himself into my sex and drank from my cup, his mind washed of all memory it once contained.
“When you’re done, you and I are going on a trip. There is no need to pack anything; I don’t expect you shall return. However, you shall live forever and ever. You have been fair to me, and I shall see if Master can provide you with his gentler beasts, perhaps not ravaging your hole entirely. Now, make me cum so we can be on our way.”
Crime in my city has dropped to an all-time low. We still lose the occasional teen couple, which seems a minor burden to our glowing city. Everyone loves Mayor McDermott.
Our prisons sit almost empty; oh, how I enjoy the visits to Master, rows upon rows of men, sodomized and milked. The last time I saw Frank, he was a mere shell of his former self. I let him lap at my sex, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching his wretched hole, stretched and bruised by one of Master’s most impressive beasts. He burned so hot, and I said my farewells, as I don’t expect I will be seeing him again.
Don? Don didn’t last long, but Master tells me his blaze was spectacular. He even managed to curse my name as he fed the wives one last time. Oh, his plentiful adoring wives; his harem.
They are his wives; I am his queen.
They have started birthing fabulous beasts of fire. Master prepares his army of offspring, awaiting the day they will spring forth and claim this earth as his own.
Domestic abuse is a thing of the past in my domain, much to the delight of the local reverends. Yet, the thought of corrupting our sanctuaries lingers—though the gray, trembling mice who gather there would scarcely satisfy Master’s ravenous beasts.
As often as I can, I enjoy multitudes of young men willingly filling my holes; I do have my earthly lusts intact, after all. I let them fill me to the brim, and the sensation of my Master’s wives eating the young men’s potent seed out of me makes me cum so hard every time.
Sometimes, I bring the men with me in abundance and watch them bred and destroyed by Master’s beasts while he dominates me. I believe this delights him as much as it does me.
My city is running out of sinners, though, which is worrisome.
I might have to expand my realm.
President McDermott has a ring to it that sends warm shivers down my insatiable cum-trap.