The New Wife Chronicles: Part 2, The Awakening

"I married a good, proper woman who turned into a stunning Hotwife."

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We lay next to each other, our bodies sweaty and our breath racing from a steamy round of marital sex—well, mine was, at least. It was very enjoyable. We had just returned from having dinner with friends. Kim had a few glasses of wine, and I was still very much enamored with her new look. It had only been a few weeks since she had made a major change in her hairstyle, and the mere sight of her ignited a renewed sense of desire within me.

It started during the car ride home. From the driver’s seat, I placed my hand on her leg, as I usually do during car rides together. But this time, I placed my hand higher up on her thigh and gently slid it under her skirt, feeling the softness of her soft pussy lips through her silky panties. I don’t know if it was the wine or her new-found desires, but she spread her legs slightly wider and glanced at me while biting her lower lip.

I am really loving this new version of my wife. They say that when you reach your late forties, sometimes you experience renewed sex drive, or it could also be due to the situation with her controlling mother’s passing, but either way, this new version of my wife was very much welcomed. It wasn’t a drastic change in anything other than her increased availability to me and the frequency of our lovemaking, but as a married man, I’ll take it.

We parked in the garage and hurried inside. I tried to strip her right there in the kitchen, but she refused. There were still things in her mind that were off-limits, and to her, the kitchen is a family space in the house. She couldn’t possibly have sex there.

“Let’s go upstairs,” she muttered as I kissed her bare neck.

As much as I wanted to take her right then and there, I also knew I couldn’t ruin the opportunity. We’ve been married for too long and have experienced too many dry spells, so I wasn’t ready to gamble on how long this new, hornier version of Kim would last.

Upstairs, we engaged in the typical married couple’s sex. She took me in her mouth for a few minutes, then I ate her out while my penis regained its hardness. Soon, I climbed on top of her—after putting on the condom, of course—and engaged in missionary intercourse until I came into the prophylactic.

I rolled over, and now we are back to where the story began. Hi, I’m Dan, and welcome to my retelling of how my wife Kim transformed from a conservative housewife into a dominating and sexually empowered Hot wife. If this is your first time with us, please go back and read Part 1 for the full backstory.

Anyway, let’s return to our postcoital scene.

As I lay there, looking at the ceiling, coming down after my climax, I placed a hand on Kim’s bare leg and softly caressed it. We rarely spoke after intercourse because we were both basking in the glow of marital lovemaking. My mind filled with visions of her beautiful face smiling back at me as I pumped my penis in and out of her. She was very encouraging and loved the way I felt inside her. She never really said it out loud, but I could tell by her face that she was satisfied.

My vision was interrupted by a faint buzzing sound. I thought it was in my mind, but I soon felt Kim’s hips begin to tremble next to me, and her breath quickened. I looked over and saw her knees were bent up with an arm straight down between them, and her head was pressed back against the pillow. She was using a vibrator! I knew she owned one—we got it as a gag gift many years ago, but I didn’t believe it ever saw the outside of her nightstand drawer.

I rolled over onto my elbow to watch her. However, in the throes of her pre-orgasmic state, she was oblivious to my presence, despite us having just finished making love. I stared in amazement as my wife’s body convulsed in uncontrollable waves. Her hips swayed as her free hand reached for her naked breast, gripping it firmly and squeezing her nipple tightly. She rarely let me play with her nipples, claiming they were too sensitive.

Her face contorted into a tight ball, and it appeared as though every muscle in her body contracted simultaneously. She pulled herself into a tight crouch, with her knees bent to almost touching her shoulders and her feet stretched out straight. I could see the small flower tattoo on her foot—the one she got as her first act of rebellion—stretching along with the rest of the skin on her feet as her toes splayed outward.

In an instant, her breathing went from shallow, fast bursts to nothing. She lay frozen, without breath, movement, or anything but the whirling sound of the vibrator fluttering over her clit. I watched and wondered, “Is she OK?”

After what seemed like an eternity, she let out a deep gasp, straightened her legs and started making moaning sounds that I have never heard before. I was so captivated by her that I didn’t realize my dick was rock hard again, my subconscious sexual desire must have been triggered by the incredibly erotic scene unfolding before me. Kim’s legs began to quiver, and her moans subsided, giving way to more labored breathing. She released her grip on the vibrator, but its buzzing sound continued to fill the room. With her now free hand, she reached up and softly caressed the inside of her own thigh, while her other hand continued to slowly knead her breast in a tight handful.

As she slowly came down from her orgasmic high, her eyes began to open and survey the room. She lifted her head and recognized the buzzing sound. Reaching between her legs, she found the motorized sex toy and flicked it off before dropping it again. She moved her hand from her tit to her neck and gently caressed it while a content smile spread across her face. Turning her head to the side, she opened her eyes to find me staring dumbfoundedly at her. I wouldn’t doubt it if my mouth was uncontrollably agape after what I just witnessed. 

She smiled and giggled softly, but she didn’t speak an actual word.

“Ummm, Kim,” I questioned, “What was that?” asking with a mix of shock and enjoyment evident in my voice. I’ve never had a woman use a vibrator or pleasure herself in front of me before, let alone my usual conservative wife.

She snuggled into her bent arm and with a glowing expression said, “Oh Dan, I was just so excited after you made love to me that… well, I just wanted to enjoy it a little more. Don’t worry, honey. It’s nothing. I love you,” she said as she reached over and gave me a kiss on the lips then rolled over to her opposite side.

I stayed in that position just looking at her and replaying the scene in my mind. Her orgasm was so incredibly intense. I’ve never seen her react like that to any of our past lovemaking. But after all, it was just a vibrator, a small toy. Nothing could replace the real thing…right? My elbow grew tired and so I slid it down and laid my head on top of it, still focused on the back of her head. She was out, deep asleep within minutes of her last words to me.

Out of curiosity, I slid my hand under the covers to find a huge wet spot soaking the sheet where Kim’s naked ass once was. My fingers pressed into it, feeling the slick, velvety puddle. I lifted my hand up and spread my first two fingers apart, feeling the stickiness between them, similar to the texture of soft glue. Looking back at Kim once more to ensure that she was indeed asleep, I reached back to the wet spot, reloaded my fingers, and eagerly inserted them into my mouth.

I fell asleep with a raging hard-on and the taste of my wife’s orgasm juices on my lips. I slept very well that night.

The sun poked through the shades, waking me the following morning. I rolled over to find an empty space where Kim had been sleeping. After sitting up and stretching, I followed my morning routine and headed downstairs to find Kim in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She was a very welcome sight, wearing my button-down shirt from the night before and what appeared to be nothing but thin panties underneath.

“Good morning, dear,” She said with a wide smile. I rubbed my eyes and watched as she appeared to float between kitchen appliances.

I walked over and gave her a passionate kiss, gently placing my hands on her hips and then sliding them down to her bare ass cheeks, confirming what I thought she was wearing beneath my shirt. We embraced for a moment, but it was interrupted by her realization that the food might be burning. She broke free and rushed to the stove. I took a seat at the large center island while Kim served me a plate of her delicious eggs and bacon. Kim was a great cook and kept us well-fed.

She propped herself up on her elbows across from me as I dug into the omelet.

“So, what are we doing today?” she asked from across the island.

 “I didn’t have any set plans,” I replied. “I know the lawn needs to be mowed and the shed could use a cleaning. So unless you have something we need to do, I can get some work done around here”

“That’s fine,” she replied. “Would you mind if Jenny and I went shopping then? We were talking about it last night.” 

Jenny was the wife of the couple we had dinner with the night before, and with Kim’s new style, she had been donating much of her old, conservative wardrobe and replacing it with new, more provocative outfits.

“You’re okay with that, right?” She asked.

“A thousand percent,” I replied, which was my standard response to something I was completely fine with.

I wanted to bring up the incident with the vibrator from last night, but Kim quickly disappeared upstairs to our room to get ready. I shook my head and lamented over missing the opportunity to say something. I finished my breakfast, washed the plates, and prepared myself for a day of yard work.

I was deep into cleaning the shed when Kim called out that she was leaving. I met her in the driveway and found Jenny’s Jeep already parked there, with the top down and doors removed, doing exactly what a suburban Jeep should be doing on a beautiful Saturday like today. Jenny was Tom’s wife and one of our more attractive friends. She had reddish-brown hair that was trimmed just below her shoulders. Today it was tied up in a ponytail to keep it from getting windblown in the Jeep. She stood at about five feet four inches and maintained a perfect figure as a part-time spin-cycle instructor.

I kissed Kim goodbye as she hopped into the passenger seat and waved to Jenny. “I had a great night last night, Jenny,” I said, being polite.

“Oh, I bet you did Dan,” Jenny replied before backing out of the driveway and down the street.

I stood in the driveway for a moment, pondering what she could have meant by that. She couldn’t have known about the incident involving the vibrator. Kim never talks about that type of stuff with anyone. I shrugged it off and made my way back to the cluttered shed.

As I rearranged the different pieces of lawn equipment around the shed, I discovered a stack of old boxes occupying the back corner. I pulled the first box off the stack and opened it, trying to remember what it contained. Inside, there were trinkets and memories from my pre-marriage years. Old concert ticket stubs, photos from guys’ trips, a few pictures of past girlfriends, and various other mementos from my past. I looked through it and quickly reminisced about the individual times and experiences with a quiet laugh.

I wanted to spend more time going through them, but I had to finish cleaning the shed. I’ll put it in a place where I can come back later and reminisce in more detail. I then grabbed the second box, expecting more of the same. However, when I opened it, I found some old shirts that had yellowed and deteriorated. I reached in to shove them aside, only to lock eyes with a half-naked woman featured on the cover of an old porno magazine. My mouth opened in surprise as I had forgotten that I had stored them back here when Kim and I moved in together. I put the box down and reached for the stack of magazines, fanning them out in my hand.

Alluring cover girls from the late 80s and early 90s flashed across my eyes in various provocative poses. I stopped on one that had dark, fanned-out hair, small, natural-looking tits, and striped athletic socks that reached her knees. I flipped through the pages, thinking about all the times I had probably jerked off to these models during my younger days. I chuckled to myself, joking about how glad I am that I can still see straight—referring to the old wives’ tale that claimed excessive masturbation could lead to blindness.

The pages flipped over to the spread featuring the cover girl. Photo after photo showed her spreading her legs, cupping her natural breasts and eye fucking the camera; enticing every lonely man who put their hard-earned money down on a seedy gas station counter for a glimpse at her back in the day.

My dick grew stiff in my pants as I skimmed the pages. I chuckled slightly and placed the magazine back in the box before resuming my chore. As I swept and reorganized, I couldn’t clear my head of those classic porn girls that I fell in and out of love with 10 minutes at a time back then. I put the broom down, reached back into the box, and grabbed a few magazines in my fist before heading to the bathroom. I furiously flipped through the pages, not exactly sure what I was looking for, but I would know it when I saw it.

I finally stopped on the pages featuring a leggy brunette with voluminous, teased, and Aqua-Net-styled curly hair. She was dressed in a lacy bra and frilly skirt that barely covered her ample bush. Her legs were bare, and she was only wearing a pair of matching strap-style high heels. Her photos had yellowed slightly over time on that cheap magazine-grade paper. I pulled my pants down as I scanned each photo of her lounging on a bed of plush pink silk pillows and sheets.

I have tons of modern online porn at my fingertips, however, there was something about this vintage men’s magazine that just turned me on right now. I spit into my hand and gripped my penis with a firm handshake. I flipped the pages as I worked my dick up and down. The centerfold was a glorious photo of her lying on her back, with her natural tits pointed upwards. She grabbed one leg below the knee and crossed the other leg underneath it. From this angle, I could see everything that turned me on, her feet and toes in those shoes, her long, shapely legs, and her perfectly round tits.

However, it was her ample bush that captured my attention the most. I stared at it while quickening my pace. It was dark and curly, not overgrown, but enough to cover her pubic area. It grew down around her pussy like a pair of seductive sideburns, with her soft pink pussy lips framed between them. The curls of her pubic hair matched the curls of her voluminous and wild hairstyle. I gripped the edge of the sink and shot a rope of cum into it. In my moment of self-gratification, I could have sworn that I saw her face smiling back at me, almost as if she remembered all the times I dropped a load of seed into my hands over her sexy photos before. My cum volume fell to a dribble in my fist and I stood there panting above the magazine that was over thirty years old.

I returned to work in the shed, putting the boxes of old memories and magazines back on a shelf, and finished up my tasks for the day. Inside, I checked my phone to see if there were any messages from anyone. To my surprise, there was a text from Kim. I opened it and found a text and a video file.

“OMG, the funniest thing just happened, baby!” Read the message, followed by a few emojis of a smiley face sticking its tongue out.

I clicked on the video that accompanied it, showing Kim and Jenny driving in the open Jeep. From outside, the sound of an engine revving can be heard as the camera pans to a sports car filled with college-aged guys waving out of their window. The guys were hollering something unintelligible as they drove alongside the Jeep. Suddenly, you hear them howl and fist pump the air, while the camera turns back to the girls with their tank tops pulled down and their tits exposed towards the guys. I watch in disbelief as they both giggle to each other like schoolgirls before ending the flash and seeing the sports car speeding away, honking its horn in approval.

I was shocked. My wife just flashed some random guys. What the fuck? I had to watch it again to believe it. I didn’t text her back because this video was sent over three hours ago, while I was either working or jerking off in the bathroom. I wasn’t necessarily mad, but I wasn’t happy either. Kim has never flashed me besides the occasional time I caught her coming out of the shower, let alone outside in public.

Kim came home and walked in with an armful of shopping bags.

“Dear, I’m home,” she called to me as she walked through the house.

I was in our room and had just finished taking a shower. She came in and kissed me on the lips.

“Oh my goodness, Jenny and I had the best time,” she said without even being asked the question. She began rattling off where they shopped, what they tried on, and where they ate lunch.

“Oh, and did you get my text?” she asked with an innocent giggle.

“This one?” I asked, holding up my phone with the video playing.

“Yes!” she squealed. “I can’t believe we did that!” she said as if it was the funniest joke she’d ever heard.

I didn’t respond. I just turned around to face the sink, turning the water on to shave.

“Oh dear, you’re not angry, are you? It was just an innocent thing,” she assured me, stepping closer. “After all, you know these are all yours, dear.”

I could see through the mirror that Kim had pulled her top down, exposing both of her perfect breasts. She came up behind me and pressed them against my back. With one hand she pulled at my towel, causing it to open. Simultaneously, her other hand reached around and grasped my cock. She proceeded to caress it in her palm and softly kiss my naked back. She felt it grow in her hand and began to move at a quicker pace, jerking me from behind. My back arched as I gripped the edge of the sink top. She stroked me for a few more minutes and then let out a deep, sultry laugh.

“See, dear, you know I’m your girl,” Kim hissed.

I was rock hard, but I had ejaculated earlier while looking at the magazine model, so I had nothing to offer at the moment. Kim turned her attention to the collection of shoes and clothes she had purchased. Bag by bag, she showed off her haul and shared the story that went with each one, as my erection gradually subsided.

That night at dinner, I mustered up the courage to broach the vibrator topic. It was easier now with the flashing incident happening so soon afterward.

“Babe, can I ask you something?” I asked.

“Of course,” she said.

“The vibrator… from last night,” I mentioned. “How… Um, I mean… what was that all about?”

“Oh, that?” she replied. “It was nothing.” She paused. “I found that old thing in my nightstand the other day, and, well, you got me so excited last night that I wanted to experience a just little more, you know… enjoyment.”

I recalled the intense orgasm she had and thought to myself, “Just a little?”

She continued, “Don’t worry, baby. Nothing can replace you. I love what you do to me.”

“Well, what about today in the jeep with those guys?” I followed.

“Dear,” she said in a motherly tone, “that was nothing. Just girls having fun. They drove up and beeped. We gave them a quick flash, and they laughed and drove off. I swear we never saw them after that.”

She stood up and walked over to my side of the table. “I’m sorry if it made you mad… I won’t do it again.” She said as she sat on my lap and draped her arm over my shoulder. She kissed me on the lips and said, “Come on, let’s clean up and go watch a movie, deal?”

I nodded, and we cleared the table before changing into our comfortable night clothes. She picked a movie, and we settled into bed. Halfway through, there was a scene with two females making out with each other. I felt Kim slide closer to me until she was almost lying on top of me.

“Dan… does that turn you on?” she spoke just above a whisper.

I was surprised when she asked me that. We never really talked about sex, let alone other people having sex.

“Yes… I mean, no, not really,” I replied confusingly. “I guess… well…” stumbling over my words. Of course, it turned me on, but did I truly want my wife to know about it? Was this some type of trap?

“It’s okay if it does,” Kim reassured me, leaning in closer as her hand reached into my pants and sought out my dick.

Admittedly, I was starting to stiffen at the sight of those two women together on screen already, and Kim found it in mid-erection.

“Apparently, it does!” She cooed softly. “Can I tell you something and promise you won’t get mad?”

My body began to melt with her gentle touch on my dick. I wanted to say “No” to her question, but it was so hard to do so with her hand stroking me. “Of course, babe,” I said with a soft breath.

“That vibrator?” she paused, lowering her voice. “I was using it because I was actually thinking of someone.”

“Who?” I smiled, pushing back into the pillow and fully expecting her to say my name.

“Jenny” she whispered in my ear.

The sound cut like a scratching record. It rattled in my head for a moment before fully registering. I began to sit up.

“Shhhhh,” she whispered and gently guided me back to the bed, her hand now fully wrapped around my dick. “You said you wouldn’t get mad,” she reminded me sternly.

“Jenny?” I questioned. “What…”

She cut me off and leaned her face to my ear, lips just inches from me, and spoke in soft, broken sentence fragments. “The other night… when she and I went out for drinks… it kind of turned into more than that,” she dropped her voice even deeper, to a sultry whisper. “Jenny and I made out at the bar and it felt amazing.”

The hand job quickened slightly as she continued, knowing that I was now a captive audience. “We had drinks, and her hand touched my leg. We were kind of drunk…. she started touching me.”

I felt paralyzed as Kim stroked my dick with her hand and my thoughts with her words. She continued, “I wasn’t sure if I wanted to stop her… but I have been wondering what a woman’s touch felt like.” She paused as she slid one of her silky legs over mine, wrapping around it like a sly serpent.

“I let her slide her fingers inside me. Does that excite you, Dan?” Kim purred in my ear.

All I could do was nod my head in agreement. She released my dick and let her fingers work over my balls for a bit as she continued her story. “It made me so wet too.” She affirmed, her breath sucking in with pleasure from the memory. “She touched me right there in the bar… She fingered me and played with my clit as we sat there together.”

My breathing increased as my mind swirled with these images her words are painting for me. She tugged on my balls before returning her grip and stroked my dick.

“I couldn’t take it anymore… She ordered me to go out to our car… There she licked my pussy so well Dan. It was so hot. She knew exactly where to touch me… And I came so hard., she explained, almost with the excitement of orgasming again.

I grunted as those words crossed her lips in rhythm with the strokes of her hand. I tried to say, “Did…did…did you…uhggg….” but was unable to.

“Did I touch her too Dan? Is that what you are asking?” she replied.

I just nodded between deep breaths.

With that, Kim’s hand slowed and her grip on me softened. “Awe dear,” She replied sympathetically but also with a slightly patronizing tone. “I don’t think that is important to the story, now.” Her hand motion now completely stopped, and her fingers curled just wide enough around my dick so as to not make contact with it.

My body felt like it was going to burst. I was uncontrollable, I was so overstimulated that I could only grunt as my wife was denying me both touch and the remaining story. I started to hump her hand, thrusting my hips up and down trying to force the rest of the hand job. My lips, useless for speaking, began to lick and suck on her neck, trying desperately to entice her back into jerking me.

I could hear Kim beginning to laugh. It started as a low giggle but soon erupted into full laughter as my helpless body tried to hump her like a dog in heat. 

“Now, Dear,” She commanded, “look at you.” She paused to let out a giggle. “All worked up over this, aren’t we?” She asked only to be answered in low, primal grunts.

Kim’s demeanor changed. She clamped down on my dick and placed her other hand over my sniveling mouth. A moment of silence hung in the air as she shifted her weight and placed her face directly over mine. Her eyes narrowed as her gaze turned to a more serious tone

“If you must know,” She growled, “I did… and she tasted delicious.”

My back arched as she confirmed my question. I could feel the cum starting to build in the base of my balls. Flooding them to the point of bursting. She held it back as her hand was tightly gripped at the base of my dick. 

She continued, looking me dead in the eyes. “I’ve never tasted a woman before, and Jenny tasted exactly as I had wondered a woman tasted like…God, she tasted so good.” She drew out the last words in a long and sultry tone.

My body began to shake under her grip. I had a thousand things running through my head and I felt like I was tied down to the hood of a speeding car.

She continued, “And you know what Dan?” Pausing to continue controlling the situation. “I made her cum too… with my tongue.” She accented.  “She came so hard. I know that turns you on Dan, I can feel it,” she said with a sinister tone. 

All I could do was nod to her from under her hand.

She began jerking me again. This time harder and more forceful.

“Cum for me Dan,” she ordered. “Cum knowing that your wife had sex with another woman.”

 I tried to cry out in ecstasy as a load of cum shot through my dick like hot lava while Kim stifled my groans with her hand. She continued to milk me, jerking relentlessly. Harder and fast than she has ever had before in our marriage.  

“Yes dear, I want to know how much that turns you on.”

 Another shot of cum fired through me, followed by a third. I don’t believe I had ever erupted harder before in my life. My cock felt like it was going to rip through its skin. Every sensation in my body was focused down there.

Kim giggled in a sadistic tone as my body spasmed through my orgasm. After making sure I was sufficiently milked, she dropped my dick. It landed in the puddle below my belly button with a soft slapping sound. She wiped her hand on my nightshirt and kissed me on my cheek. 

“I love you, Dear,” she cooed as she released her grip over my mouth and immediately rolled over to sleep. 

I laid on my back for what seemed like hours as I replayed this in my head. My dick flopped like a dying fish out of water for too long and continued to dribble drops of cum well after she had finished with me. The cum puddle soon turned from a thick mucus-like substance into a wet, milky consistency that ran down past my empty balls and between my legs and ass. I was helpless to move after Kim brought me through a mental and erotic journey that I had never experienced before.

I would eventually fall asleep from exhaustion. But before I did, I wondered what uncharted territory our sex lives were about to enter and explore now. 

To be continued.

Published 2 years ago

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