So, a quick recap. I am sixty now, very slim, with a tight stomach, and very, very healthy. I have a full head of thick, grey, and dark blonde shoulder-length hair.
I suffered a major stroke when I was forty-two, resulting in about ninety percent muscle usage loss. So I am virtually paralysed, with very weak speech. I guess I have about seventy-five percent movement in my head and neck, and about fifty percent movement in my left arm and hand, but virtually nothing anywhere else. I am in a wheelchair for all my waking life, but I am very happy. I live on my own, in my own flat, near the sea.
I suppose I have a bigger-than-average cock, at just about six and a half inches when it’s hard, (with a substantial mushroom head.) and a good four and a half inches when it’s soft. (Which about four or five carers have commented on in the past.) When I wank off and cum, because of my age and brain injury, I don’t cum a great deal, and I don’t really ‘shoot’ cum now it’s more of a dribble!
I just love flashing my growing cock to the carers!
I guess they find me attractive, with my full head of thick long hair, tight stomach, and flirty, liberal, and ostentatious attitude.
Anyway, Niki was one of my main carers, as you know, and I had a few ‘incidents’ with her. She’s quite attractive, mid-thirties and was used to me getting a hard cock and, sometimes, ejaculating in front of her! So I was rather saddened when she announced she was leaving. That was a good two years ago now.
A few carers have come and gone since, as they just don’t seem to stick around.
Oh! Carers/nurses are used to seeing partial or full erections. as it just can be part of their job. (So I am led to believe.)
I employ my carers, so I have all their mobile numbers, and I have four carers coming in throughout the week, sharing the week between them, so I have one carer on each shift. (Mornings, to get me up, dressed, fed and toileted. Late afternoons, for my tea and mid-evening to put me to bed. (I don’t have lunch) I employed two extra carers in the past year, or so, and hopefully, they will stick around, as I get on with them very, very well. Luckily, three are in their mid-thirties, and the other is in her late sixties. They are all females at the moment.
Every morning I get a bed wash/bath, and I love it when my cock swells, and I get a partial erection in front of them, particularly the younger ones. (Even though two of them are overweight.) After the bed wash/bath, I have cream massaged into my thighs for a couple of minutes, as they tend to go stiff and the cream helps with this. My cock tends to be lying between my thighs, and it swells significantly as they do this. I have noticed that two of them tend to ‘just’ nudge the very end of my swelling cock every so often, and it swells more and more and begins to lift! So there are times when my cock goes very hard in front of them. When it does, although they make no attempt to cover it with the ‘handy’ towel, I ask them to give me a few minutes. The ‘two’, tend to be smiling as they walk out of the room! (Mission accomplished. No doubt!)
These two carers have recently commented on the flaccid size of my cock! I have a young kitten, and a few weeks ago, jumped up on the bed and started sniffing my cock! As the carer lifted her off the bed, she said “I know it’s nice ‘Tish’, but you shouldn’t be sniffing it!” The other carer started doing a day shift a few months ago, and had to fit a sheath on my flaccid cock. (A sheath goes on like a condom, and directs urine into a leg bag.) She said, “How am I supposed to fit ‘that’ in here?”
One of them is quite attractive. Tall, shoulder-length, dark blonde, not slim but not fat. I really like her and tend to get a full hardon in front of her nearly every time she comes in. (once a week)
She started here about a year ago, just doing three evenings, and we really hit it off straight away. She’s married with kids.
We are very good friends now, despite the age gap, and text each other quite a bit, and we are always laughing when we are together. She, quite regularly, brings me ‘homemade’ cheesecake and other stuff.
A few months after she started, we were texting each other quite a bit, to say the least, so I decided to test her, as she asked me if I slept okay. I said that I had been ‘occupied!’ in the night. She texted back ‘What do u mean by occupied?’
I said ‘Man things!’
After much tooing and frowing of texts, she wrote, ‘Oooh, did you wank over me then? Did you cum?’ For a few weeks after that, our texts were very, very explicit:
(She had only seen me with a flaccid cock, whilst these texts were going on.) ‘U have a nice cock. From what I have seen.’ Apart from her asking me if I wank over her. (Which I do) She asked me if I had wanked over other carers? I text ‘No’ She text ‘Mmmmm, that’s good.’ She texted me a picture of her in lingerie, laying on the bed, with the caption, ‘This will help u:’
‘Did it make u hard?’
‘What I would like to do?”
‘Erm, cum!’
‘Are u wet?’
‘Just a little atm.’
‘ATM? Have I made u wet b4 then?’
‘Yes, I have masturbated over u.’
‘WOW, I’m very flattered.’
As I say, we are good friends now.
Whilst we were doing those texts, it did make me feel a bit awkward when she was here. She just said that I was being silly, as it was just words in a text!
After a couple of weeks of those very explicit texts, she said that she shouldn’t do it anymore, as she’s happily married with a family, and it’s wrong. We should just be good friends. I agreed. (Reluctantly!) So we have stopped those explicit texts now.
She has seen me with a full erection, as when she gives me a bed bath and thigh massage, I nearly always get one. I apologized, but she just smiled and said she didn’t mind, as she’d seen it all before.
A few weeks ago, she started washing me, and my cock grew and grew. She was wearing a blouse and I could quite easily see her cleavage! As she bent over a bit to wash me, I had a good view of her bra-clad tits. My heart started pumping, my cock went very hard and a few seconds later some precum appeared, not much mind you, just a small bead. She smiled!
As my erection started to subside, the precum dripped off the end of my cock, leaving a thin trail of ‘string’ behind it. I did apologize and she smiled, said she didn’t mind and wiped around my cock with a flannel.
As I have said, she doesn’t seem to mind me getting an erection in front of her, but if I am feeling particularly excited and I feel the need to cum, I ask her to give me a moment. I masturbate as soon as she turns to leave and I start cumming just as she’s walking out of the room.
I sleep on a cotton mat, and I am able to wipe my cum up, with the edge of that.
When I have gone soft, I call her back in. I am pretty sure she knows what I have been doing; if I can smell the cum, then she probably can too!
We are always laughing and she loves doing things and shopping for me.
I have said to her, in a text, that I am lucky to of met her and have her in my life. She replied ‘U are!’
She is nice, and she knows that I fancy her, and she knows that I will get an erection in front of her. But when she is physically working with me, she is professional and I try and be respectful and courteous.
She texted me a couple of weeks ago and asked me what my first impressions of her were. I said that professionally she impressed me, and personally she impressed me and that I thought she was attractive. She text back ‘Good. I like that!’
We remain very close friends.
My bathroom is, sort of, ‘En-suite’, as the bathroom door is angled between the hallway and my bedroom. On the wall, more or less, opposite the bathroom door, (handle end) are two pictures. When the bathroom door is open wide, and the light is on in the bathroom, there’s a very good reflection of the bathroom in the glass of the pictures.
Anyway, I have said that the carer who sent me explicit texts is ok with my erection, and is aware that I fancy her, was working the other morning, after being off for two weeks.
As she was giving me a bad bath. She started washing my groin area and cock. I felt my cock begin to swell as she washed it. Then as she dried, it continued to swell.
She pumped one shot of cream on my left thigh. “Oh! You have two on that leg now.” She pumped it again, and it went more on my upper ‘inner’ thigh. She started doing a very, very slow stroke/massage on it, going down to my upper inner thigh more. My cock was quite swollen and her fingers just touched it slightly, causing it to swell considerably more and then start to lift. “So did you miss me whilst I was off?” My cock was quite hard by now.
“Of course. Did you miss me?” My cock was now completely hard and pointing up to my chest. She pumped some cream on the other thigh and started stroking/massaging that leg.
Suddenly, my legs went stiff. “OH GOD!” I started spasming. She stopped as I started to ejaculate, and cum started trickling out my cock, and I did a very, very little spurt, and a little more cum trickled out.
“I’m sooo sorry.”
“It’s okay.” She was giggling. “Yes, I did miss working with you but you, obviously, missed me more.” She was giggling and smiling.
“So, so sorry.”
“Really, I don’t mind. It’s just one of those things. Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m so embarrassed.”
“Don’t be.”
“God! So embarrassing.”
She giggled. “I suppose it’s a compliment of sorts. So don’t be embarrassed.”
She went into the bathroom and came back with a flannel. She wiped the cum off my deflating cock, and used a corner of the flannel to wipe up all the rest. “I’ll just rinse this.” She disappeared again. I watched her in the reflection of the pictures. I heard her put the tap on, then I saw her put a corner of the flannel in her mouth! (Presumably, she was sucking the cum!)
She re-emerged and continued to wash and dress me, making small talk as she did so.