Chapter Four.
‘Scarlett And The Devil Worshippers’
Emma Watson sighed with relief as she opened the front door of her fashionable apartment overlooking the Thames. She kicked her shoes off and slumped into one of three comfortable armchairs, rubbing her toes in both hands. The wall clock read seven and the morning sunshine was already streaming through the large window which faced East.
“Good morning, Emma. I trust you had a pleasant time in Edinburgh?”
‘Holmes. You’re up. Not like your usual self.”
Scarlett Holmes extinguished a Dunhill Menthol cigarette in an ashtray, but not before lighting up another with the remains of the spent smoke. The ravishing golden blonde looked rather prim and proper in a royal blue midi skirt and matching blazer, with a sombre white blouse beneath. It had been three months since Emma had taken on the woman out of time as a non-paying guest, and it appeared that she was not going anywhere soon.
“You look very chic in that outfit. Is something amiss? You normally lie in until noon.”
“Indeed, my dear Watson. Something is amiss.”
“Is it another crime? A murder? A brain-teasing mystery?”
Emma sat on the edge of her seat and awaited the answer.
“I say, here’s fun. We’ve known each other for a while now, and you are aware of my intelligence quotient and perception. See if you can use your powers of deduction on me.”
“Alright, um…okay. You’re up early and well-dressed. Either you have a client or you’re going out.”
“Good start.”
“I do believe that you are going out, as I see in your open purse on the table that you have an extra pair of panties tucked away. You may be away from the apartment for some time and you want to be prepared for anything untoward. I think perhaps you have a case, a particularly hard nut to crack in fact, and furthermore the man’s name is Phillips.”
“Bravo! How could you possibly think that?”
“When I looked up when you first spoke you were holding a letter and frowning at the contents. You discarded the envelope the letter had been in and I saw the name of the sender, Phillips, on the back.”
“Excellent work, Emma.” Scarlett clapped her hands at the admirable efforts of the charming young actress. “What a pity you are wrong on all counts.”
“I am? Balls!”
“I AM going out and I have a very early meeting with my gynaecologist. A Doctor Elizabeth Phillips. I thought I might need some extra underwear after the examination. I didn’t relish the visit and was in two minds whether or not to cancel. One good thing though is that I DO have the option of another case, and an exceedingly nasty one to be sure.”
“How so?”
“Do you believe in the Devil, Emma? Satanism, witches, and the like?”
“Not in the slightest. I believe in science and medicine.”
“I have been contacted by an Inspector Lester from New Scotland Yard, who wishes to meet me, accompanied by a Lord Buckley. Apparently, His Lordship is in a spot of bother. Blackmail, naturally. He’s been inducted into a Satanic Brotherhood known as the Church of Lucifer, an absurd name if ever I heard one.”
“I thought all that superstition had died out, even before your time.”
“There have always been evil worshippers, my dear. And there always will be. There is a thread of Satanism in every other aristocratic family in this fair isle. Including Lord Buckley’s. I actually knew his… grandfather, I presume, back in ’85. How strange it is that the current Lord Buckley is now older than I am. I haven’t been to Buckley Hall in 135 years. He’s been fleeced of £30,000, and now his blackmailers demand more. Government secrets no doubt.”
“Here they are now, then.”
Emma answered the buzz of the entrance intercom, and after five minutes, there stood a tall female with loose, fair locks and dressed in a light tan trench coat. Over her shoulder was a sad-looking fellow in a blue suit. As Emma welcomed them in, Scarlett immediately went to the male and shook his hand.
“Good day to you, Inspector.”
“Sorry to disappoint, but he’s not Lester. I am. Miss Adele Lester, at your service.”
“A female Inspector? Whatever next?”
Holmes nodded in apology, having never known the like, and stepped back as Adele shed her coat. Standing at a height of almost six feet in her knee-high black boots, the blue-eyed blonde easily towered over the rest. Beneath her coat, she wore a formal dark suit consisting of a two-button jacket and a daringly short skirt. The top of her jacket, although done up, was open from just below her magnificent 34DD cup breasts to display acres of bared boob. Her hips rode from side to side as she entered and planted her curvy backside into a chair and crossed her shapely pins.
“So, you are the famous Scarlett Holmes. I was expecting a more mousey type.”
“So we are both surprised then. Let us cut to the chase. Your Lordship?”
“I have been a fool, Miss Holmes. And my sorry and debauched nature has become my abject misery.”
“Tell all.”
“I first discovered the brotherhood through a colleague in the House of Lords. They go by the Church of Lucifer.”
“The aristocratic House of Lords. Naturally.”
Scarlett gave Emma a sideways glance and winked.
“Please, do go on.”
“I was told that the brotherhood engaged in regular orgies to appease the Dark One and that the sex was hotter than any he had ever had before. At first, I was reluctant to join, although all the members had a liberal view of politics. After all, they were a devil-worshipping cult. But the average age of the willing females was apparently between the ages of 20 to 35, and as I am a widower of 50 the urge of free sex was pulling me in.”
“And then came the hook and line.”
“Quite. I was informed that my initiation orgy had been filmed and that unless I handed over the sum of £10,000, the film would be delivered to every newspaper in the country. Even in these current relaxed times, there would be a scandal. I readily agreed to the blackmailers and was instructed to attend the very next orgy. I knew full well that there would be no end to their demands, and sure enough, I was again coerced into handing over £20,000.”
Buckley took a gulp from a glass of water as Lester took up the story.
“Now things have escalated. The chapter are demanding that His Lordship pass over state secrets, secrets that he is in possession of in his role of making and shaping the laws of government. At a loss as to what to do next, he made the wise choice of contacting the police.”
“What do you suggest then? Arrest the entire chapter?”
“Without any evidence whatsoever, and only Lord Buckley’s word against theirs, no. I propose that we catch them all in the act as it were. The next orgy is planned for the ancient Wiccan festival of Beltane on May 1st. It’s understood that a big sexual ritual is traditional with this date, as well as blood sacrifices.”
“How are you planning to catch them in the act, as you say?”
Scarlett and Adele looked at Emma who asked the question.
“By going undercover. Myself included. His Lordship has the task of providing the location this time around and has to provide five women willing to take part in the group sex. There will be thirteen members of the chapter, including the High Priest and his mate present. Through an escort agency, Lord Buckley has booked two former glamour models, so we just need two more females.”
“Then look no further. Young Emma and I shall be only too happy to assist.”
“Precisely the reason we came here today,” said a relieved Inspector Lester.
Emma did a double take and stood up with eyes blazing.
“Bloody hell, Holmes! You could at least ask first.”
“Does that mean you won’t do it? Your country needs you.”
Emma scuffed her foot and huffed.
The modern world still enthralled Scarlett Holmes, who had been wrenched from the year 1891 to 2023. This world was a considerable mishmash of high-rise buildings made of concrete and steel. The use of petrol, natural gas, and electricity powered such things as aircraft, motor cars, and extremely fast railway trains. But despite all the seemingly magical achievements, the greatest and most welcome wonderment of all was the sexual liberation for all. For Scarlett, a self-confessed woman with excessive, and almost uncontrollable sexual desires, this was heaven on earth.
“Here we are, Buckley Hall.”
Emma, not one of the best drivers admittedly, did an exaggerated sweep of the gravel drive and then slammed on the brakes of her fire truck red mini hatch. She turned off the ignition and windscreen wipers and heard a soft sort of whimpering to her left.
“Holmes! What ARE you doing?”
Scarlett was cowering under the front passenger seat wide-eyed and ashen-faced.
“I have never been driven so fast in all my life!”
“I was only doing seventy. I was cruising. Oh, look there are the others.”
Buckley Hall. A centuries-old stately home in Hertfordshire was a listed building with a chequered past. Rumours of the 3rd Earl being brutally murdered during a Satanic ritual gone wrong had hung over the generations of the Buckley family ever since. Standing by the front entrance was a small group consisting of Lord Buckley, Inspector Lester, and two astonishingly attractive females. One brunette and one blonde. Emma hopped out of the car under an umbrella, followed by a groggy-looking Scarlett. The weather had turned inclement during the drive up from London, and the evening sky rumbled from the rolling thunder.
“Lord Buckley, Inspector.”
“Ladies. Let’s get inside quickly.”
His Lordship herded all the ladies inside where they shook off the rain in the hallway.
“Our illustrious guests not here yet?” Holmes asked as she gathered her wits from the manic drive on the M25 motorway.
“Soon enough, Holmes. Let me introduce you to my female escorts. I hired them from Lady Sonia’s Glamour Girl Services. Lucy, and Rhian.”
Both models were curvy and incredibly attractive. They had dressed alike in mid-length evening dresses with such low-cut necklines that their ample bosoms threatened to spill out at any given moment.
“Evening. Nice weather for ducks.”
Rhian seemed a bubbly sort with big brown eyes and side-swept blonde locks and a smooth white dress.
“Do you really believe in all this hocus-pocus then?”
In contrast, Lucy spoke in more of a classier accent than her blonde counterpart. The top-heavy brunette had a full and lush mane of chestnut tresses and an equally impressive 32GG-sized bust.
“I take it all with a huge grain of salt. These underground Sabbat meetings tend to be all about sex.”
“Suits me and Lucy. We fuck for money.”
“You never know, Scarlett.”
“Ever the romantic, eh Watson.”
“Come on, ladies. I’ll show you where you can change.”
Lord Buckley led them all to a back room that had a long dressing table, a wall-length mirror, and a modest bathroom.
“You will all have to wear these cloaks with the hood up until told otherwise by the High Priest. And nothing is to be worn under it. Show them, Inspector.”
Adele Lester had already stripped off and the astonishingly slim blonde with the gravity-defying 34DD boobs stood naked and proud. Buckley helped her adorn a heavy worsted green cloak that met the floor. The inside had a comfortable velvet lining, and the hood had two tassels.
“Come on then. Get naked. And lube up. It might be a long night.”
The Inspector pointed to an array of lubrication tubes and a wall clock that showed eleven. Sixty minutes to go until the witching hour. Lucy and Rhian were no strangers to nudity and were naked in a trice. Emma was acutely aware of Scarlett staring at her as she got out of her top and skirt. Holmes had admitted to her that her great-grandmother and she had been lovers and that the two Emma’s could have passed for identical twins. She wondered if the blonde bombshell had designs on her this night.
“You are a delight for the eyes, dear Emma.”
“Thanks, I think.”
Emma was attractive in an understated way, petite and slim, with perky breasts and a pert bottom. The gentle swell of her abdomen led the eye to her trim V of pubic hair that failed to conceal the soft pink folds of her delectable pussy. Scarlett was of a more bodacious type, wide of hip, round and full buttocks, and huge and spectacular boobs.
“We go down.”
His Lordship was followed by the cloaked team down ancient steps to what appeared to be a defunct wine cellar. Buckley had attempted to restore the subterranean chamber into a relatively tolerable state while keeping the original brickwork. Scarlett noted the inverted pentagram on the wall behind the raised platform at one end of the candle-lit room. Black candles to be more precise.
“So, the idea is to let proceedings play out until His Lordship is compelled to cough up the documents. That is when I give my officers the signal to break up the orgy and arrest the accused.”
Adele outlined her plan to the others as they huddled together.
“Just how far into ‘proceedings’ do you think we will need to wait?”
“Until I say it is necessary. Now, we wait.”
By fifteen minutes to midnight, the rest of the chapter had gathered in the cellar, making an unholy thirteen all told. The general hubbub of voices signaled their arrival to the cloaked females who waited in a line patiently. Lord Buckley mingled with the brotherhood and welcomed them all one by one.
“Drink this, Lord Buckley.”
Sister Sek sidled up beside him and handed His Lordship a glass of amber liquid.
“I really don’t think I should.”
“You must if you wish to keep pace with the young nubiles. This special blend will keep you hard for hours.”
Buckley downed the glass and instantly felt a certain tingling.
“I must say that I do feel, feel.”
“Good. We are all here to share those things so many of us yearn to share and yet dare not.”
Buckley wondered if Sek referred to the sex orgy or the expected handover of state secrets by himself.
“Relax, my Lord. When convention is rejected, all that is desired is pleasure. Pleasure of the flesh. Is that not what you wanted when you joined the brotherhood?”
“And have we not provided?”
“It’s all been terribly stimulating.”
“Tonight is your night, my Lord. Even the weather is in your favour.”
A flash of lightning lit the candle-lit chamber and as Buckley turned back to Sek, she was gone.
“Welcome to the High Priest!”
All eyes went to the raised platform where the ominous figure of a bulky man wearing an ornate golden mask with seven horns stood with a long staff in his fist.
“I, Mephisto, am the all-hearing eye of the Great One Himself. Tonight, on this hallowed night, we are gathered together for the furtherance of His will.”
“All bow to Mephisto.” Sister Sek held up her hands and the congregation all bowed deeply.
“We thirteen are gathered to celebrate the induction of His Lordship to the next level. By our tradition, we shall partake of the traditional orgy. Are we in agreement?”
“All bow to Mephisto.” Demanded Sek once more.
“Come forward.”
Buckley meekly approached the platform and looked up at the High Priest.
“State your name.”
“Lord Henry…”
“Your brotherhood name.”
“Right. I am Brother Ram.”
“Brother Ram, I bid you welcome. We are heartily glad that you have chosen the dark way to the furtherance of His wishes and cause. I shall indoctrinate you to the second level once we have offered our bodies and indulged in carnal knowledge. Who have you seen fit to bring to us this evening?”
“I have brought these five women tonight.”
Sek clapped her hands and Scarlett’s little troop all shook off their heavy robes to reveal their naked bodies beneath.
“We have Sister Scarlett, Sister Emma, Sister Lucy, Sister Rhian, and Sister Adele.”
Mephisto and the other males looked on at the five-bared ladies directly in front of the platform with approval.
“You have chosen well, brother Ram. Most agreeable. Sex magic is the source of succour in our earthly existences. Let us start with the sisters performing for the brothers. Lucifer, Prince of Darkness! Accept this humble gathering of unrestrained indulgence as a token of our loyalty to thee. Begin the ceremonial rite of orgy!”
Lucy, Rhian, and Adele reacted immediately, with the stacked brunette finding herself as the filling in a sexy blonde sandwich. With Rhian behind her, and Adele at her front they writhed and gyrated together, rubbing their voluptuous bodies against each other. Emma stood in the buff, aware of the six male onlookers who had all discarded their hooded cloaks. Despite her misgivings, the brown-haired beauty was absolutely captivated by the sight of three naked and heaving females glued together in abject lust.
“We must engage, dear Emma, lest we draw attention to ourselves.”
“Right. Oh!”
Scarlett faced Emma and pulled her lithe body to her own. Emma gasped at the buxom contours of the golden blonde as she rubbed up against her. Scarlett’s darting tongue snaked inside Emma’s mouth as they engaged in a lingering French kiss. Searching hands ran all over her back and bottom and she felt her nether cheeks pulled apart for a lewd display for the rapt audience.
“Splendid fun!” Mephisto announced as they tore off their own robes.
Rhian was on her back on a specially placed Moroccan woven rug that had ornate demonic motifs and other alike intricate patterns. Lucy knelt between her spread-out legs and was eagerly licking all around her shaven muff. Behind her was Adele, who had her cute nose buried in Lucy’s backside and was pushing her tongue deep inside her pussy. Emma stood there in a mixture of awe and heightened excitement and felt her own pussy nicely moist and warm. Her nipples stood out like tiny buds and Scarlett flicked out at the erect peaks with great enthusiasm. Used to a man sucking on her nipples, Emma did enjoy how Scarlett teased and nibbled on her very sensitive buds.
“Touch me, Watson,” said Holmes in her soft and husky voice.
Emma gulped hard and fondled Scarlett’s tits, surprised at how full and firm they were. Their mouths met again and their tongues mingled with each other. Emma’s body felt wonderful in Scarlett’s arms as they pressed together tightly. Her medium but firm breasts rubbed on hers and the nipples felt pleasantly stiff against her skin. Scarlett moved her fingers down to between Emma’s legs and lightly caressed her damp quim. The lightweight actress went up on top toe as Scarlett used two fingers to probe inside her aching cunt.
“My word. You’re so juicy down there. Does it feel nice?”
“Ummm! Ohhh!”
Emma gripped Scarlett by her shoulders for balance as she was frigged hard and fast. She bit her lower lip as she rode the expert finger fuck from her great-grandmother’s lover! From her point of view, Emma was indeed enjoying her very first exposure to another female. Following her natural instincts Emma humped her hips and gyrated on the ever-frantic thrusting fingers, while Scarlett used the heel of her hand to knead her erect clit.
Scarlett had dropped to her knees so that her face was level with Emma’s mound. Emma covered her mouth to stifle a scream as Adele came up behind her and parted her soft labia to allow easy access for Scarlett to lick her most sensitive area. Adele also dipped down so that both bountiful blondes now slathered at Emma simultaneously. Near to fainting, Emma struggled to stand up as two tongues slipped and slid in and out of her hot snatch.
Adele’s fingernails dug into Emma’s pert bum as she furiously licked her pussy from anus to clit. Scarlett meanwhile had her pointed tongue buried inside Emma’s twat as far as she was able to. Warm tingles of ecstasy spread through Emma’s loins quicker than one could say ‘The game was afoot.’ Emma came on the spot and with her hair disheveled and a huge grin on her face she plopped down onto the rug and sat there with her thighs clamped shut.
“Your turn, Scarlett. Let’s show ’em what you’re made of.”
“Delighted, ladies.”
Eager to taste the others, Scarlett laid on the ornate rug and splayed her legs. Adele grabbed hold of her thighs and started to lick and suck on her delicious pussy. Lucy joined in and now two wet tongues slid up and down and across her damp slit. Scarlett felt a welcome pair of hands on her heaving bosom and out of the corner of her eye saw the top-heavy Rhian lean over her. Instantly turned on, Scarlett pushed her lower body up to meet the exciting oral assault from the others. The transfixed men wanked their erections furiously as they looked on at the flying mass of bared limbs, hair, and hot bodies.
“She’s so wet,” noted Lucy with her chin coated with Scarlett’s pussy juice.
Before she could respond Rhian had placed her bald cunt directly over her face and without hesitation, Scarlett pushed her tongue up as deep inside the offered muff as she was able to. Rhian shunted her pelvis back and forth, smearing Scarlett’s lips and nose with her increasing wetness. As Lucy and Adele were totally absorbed in pleasuring the famed detective, it came as a pleasant surprise when Emma Watson began to blow hot air on their raised backsides. One by one, beginning with Lucy, Emma licked out both of them with noisy relish. Having savoured the female touch, the charming English rose slathered on Lucy’s outer folds with a lustful impulse.
“Oh, crikey!”
Lucy mumbled into Scarlett’s soaked bush as Emma delved inside her cunt, pushing the tip of her tongue as far in as she possibly could. Then Emma again turned to Inspector Lester whose knees started to buckle as her quim was fingered by the enthusiastic Emma.
“Feel free to partake whenever you so wish. my brothers.”
High Priest Mephisto announced the next stage of the big orgy and in a trice Scarlett had a thick cock pushed between her red lips. The swiftness of the intrusion saw her left cheek bulge out as she endeavoured to take it all in. She could taste the saltiness of him as his rod scraped the length of her tongue.
“Bend, blondie.”
Adele was bent over onto her front and her buttocks parted so that her swollen labia were openly revealed. A stiff dick was thrust up inside her and her hips were pulled up as she was ruthlessly impaled on the man’s iron-hard tool.
Emma’s head was spinning as she was positioned on her hands and knees and mounted from behind.
“Oh, my days!”
Her waist was held in a firm grip as she was stuffed full of hot cock. His strokes were fast and true as she was fucked silly. The squelching noise of him pushing in and out was clearly audible as Emma fought to stay concentrated. Then her mouth was forced open and a rigid dick was inserted between her drooling lips. Emma was astounded as both men matched each other thrust for thrust, making the slender actress gag and groan from the two-pronged attack.
Emma had tears in her eyes as the knob in her mouth throbbed at the back of her throat. Her mouth gaped as he pulled out and left a string of saliva connecting to his bell end, only breaking when he shifted to her rear. The two switched and the cock that was in her cunt was pressed to her lips. She sucked him in and bobbed her head up and down on the purple head that shot up to the roof of her mouth. Behind her was an unseen male who dragged his erection along her dripping slit before entering her with a single lunge in.
“Darling Emma, oh my!”
Scarlett’s heart raced as she watched her beloved on all fours with her almost innocent face buried in a man’s crotch and with his stuffed down her throat. From her vantage point, the blonde detective looked on as another thrust in and out of her from behind. His big balls swung to and fro as he pounded the petite girl with rippling buttocks. With each rough push, Emma was slammed forwards so that the cock in her drooling mouth bumped the back of her throat.
“You’re not fucking,” said a member of the chapter. Another stood next to him and both sported a raging hard-on.
“Then let’s get to it.”
“You’re a big boy, aren’t you?”
Lucy and Rhian were having a ball, oblivious of any ominous undue unpleasantness, and had teamed up to take on a black-skinned brother whose ebony pole poked up straight to the ceiling. He looked younger than the rest and stood at a healthy six feet two. The two models looked at each other as they pawed at his thick cock which must have been all of eight inches long and more.
“Go for it,” he said in a deep voice.
The two babes both knelt down and took turns massaging his sturdy rod. Licking up the heavily veined shaft as he groaned wordlessly. Lucy especially, inhaled deeply of his manly scent and her pussy leaked down her thigh as a direct result of running her tongue up his entire length. Rhian took his glans into her mouth as Lucy nibbled and sucked on his balls. At opposite sides, they giggled as they pressed their open mouths on either side of his upright pole and sandwiched it between their fervid lips and tongues.
“Get down.”
Lucy was directed onto the rug and she yelped as her legs were pulled back and up. The black bull spat on her pussy and ran his cock head all over her pink labia. She shot a look at Rhian. A look that said I can’t believe his massive nine incher is going to fit. He bent over the hot brunette and kissed her huge globes of flesh. Lucy squirmed and gasped as he took her.
“Oh, baby.”
Rhian was enthralled as he eased his long organ deeper inside her best friend’s weeping cunt. First the enormous head, then inch by inch of black meat. Lucy let out a moan of pleasure as he drove into her with the entire length of his ebony monster. She hooked her ankles around his back and sobbed in pure bliss as she received a series of steady, hard thrusts. His pelvis drew back with every pull-out before he slammed back into the stacked model full pelt.
“So big, so big, so big!”
Lucy was further teased as the muscled hunk slowed up, slowly drawing back until he was almost out, and then plunging back home and pausing with his whole shaft buried in her stretched pussy. Her juices soaked his dark and wiry pubes as he drove her nuts. Lucy’s mouth gaped in a silent scream as he churned and rotated his hips as he fed her his length. His skin was so dark compared to hers as he smothered her curvy body and surged forward.
“Making me…making me…cummmm!”
The smoking hot model thrust up into his superb pumping body and her pussy made rippling spasms that saw a moist sheen bloom on her entire body.
“Me now, me, me, me!”
Rhian tapped the African on the shoulder and he turned to the brown-eyed blonde and looked at her amazing natural breasts with heavy-lidded eyes. Next thing she knew was being hoisted into the air as if she weighed nothing and twisted around so that she faced away from him with her backside in his groin. Rhian stretched her arms back and held on to him for fear of falling, and hooked her feet back onto his taut buttocks. His big black cock felt like a bar of steel against her cheeks as he eased her into position.
“You ready?”
“Uh, huh!”
His swollen crown prodded her pussy opening and parted her damp folds without any resistance.
He held her up in his strong grip and jiggled her pale frame on his bell end.
“Please!” begged the top-heavy blonde, desperate to be impaled.
With an almost savage thrust, he drew her back onto half of his shining log, just for a moment, and slid out again.
“Please! You bastard! Please?”
A sublime tremor ran through Rhian as she was again pulled back onto his rock-hard erection. The feeling of weightlessness was indescribable as Rhian was fucked in a flying angel position. Her massive tits swung wildly as she slid up and down on the man’s rigid dick. She screamed as she was pumped with astonishing speed over and over. The intense exertion of being manhandled in this way wracked her body with a pleasure she had not known.
“Oh, shit!”
Rhian came and her face flushed as she hung limp in his grip. He slowed up and then stopped with his throbbing organ still stuffed inside her pussy.
“I nearly came that time,” he said with a sardonic grin as he lifted her up and off of his twitching erection.
Scarlett was hunched over a brother who was beneath her and thrusting up into her asshole. His thick cock had opened up her tightly closed anus and then slipped up inside her rear hole with surprising ease. Her head was tilted up so that another fed her his turgid cock. His balls tapped her chin as he slid in and out. Copious amounts of saliva dribbled out of her mouth and down her deep cleavage. Still, another rampant Satanic follower shoved his hard dick into her cunt so that she was now effectively airtight. One cock for each of her holes. Mouth, pussy, and asshole. And Scarlett loved it.
“What a slut!”
The combined friction in her cunt and ass was almost too much. Mini orgasms pulsed through her pussy walls as they moved simultaneously. Three pairs of hands groped her heavy tits while they continued to fuck her senseless, and her nipples stuck straight out like two bullets. The man in her pussy thrust up into her soaked cunt and his stomach slapped against hers with a resounding smack. The one in her back passage gripped her hard as he throbbed inside and came with a shrill exhalation of air. He remained buried inside her until he was spent, and as he pulled out his cum trickled out in a hot line down her ass cleavage. Pussy man erupted inside her and he too continued to keep fucking her until his balls had emptied.
“Oh, he left.”
The cock in her mouth had vanished, only to re-emerge between the titanic pillows of Adele’s bosom. He was joined by another lucky guy who pushed his dick up beside the other for a unique double tit job. As one moved up, the other slid down in an obscene toing and froing in her deep homemade furrow. Adele deftly moved her pouting lips from left to right and back again to kiss their constantly darting cock heads. The sound of heavy slapping of her voluptuous boobs on their rigid poles echoed in the candle-lit cellar.
Several streams of white cum flew out and hit Adele in her slick cleavage and on her nipples. Even before the first had stopped ejaculating she was rubbing the sticky stuff into the ample flesh of her huge tits slowly and sensually. The other sighed as he too exploded and bathed the long-haired blonde’s jumbo-sized tits in a river of white cum.
Three hours had passed and Emma found herself in front of the biggest and most endowed black man she had ever seen in the buff. Before she could gather her wits she was made to tumble back onto the Moroccan woven rug onto her butt. The rabid African settled on top of the diminutive actress and his full lips were on her left breast in a shot.
He seemed to literally suck her stiff nipple out of her tit and into his mouth where his tongue swirled around it with sloppy and warm suction, His midnight-hued skin felt hot on her naked frame, and she hooked her slim legs around his taut calves as she hugged him to her. His long shaft pulsated in her belly and Emma jerked her hips, coaxing him to enter her. The orgy had been an eye-opener for the usually demure female, and she had transformed into a cock crazed witch.
“Fuck me,” she asked in hushed tones, still not believing she actually spoke the words to her first black lover.
His hands moved under her and he lifted her to the desired angle for penetration. The weight of him and the position of her beneath him saw his cock meet her wet slit perfectly. He arched into her and he speared her pussy with a push and a snarl.
“Too…too much!”
Emma could scarcely breathe as he settled on his elbows with his dick fully embedded in her tight cunt. He slid back and his thick black knob bobbed and swerved above her gaping muff.
“Alright, again.”
Emma looked into his large eyes with an almost decadent gleam as he flexed his legs and slid into her halfway. He kissed both of her tits and she inhaled his musky scent. A smell of primal and unprincipled sex. His entire body was straining with the exertion of his breath taking fluid strokes Emma had her pins bent in half at the knees and raised up so that her feet bumped her ears.
“Hu, hu, hu, hu, hu!”
She let out tiny noises on each thrust up into her as her swollen pussy was plundered with a merciless authority. Emma raked his broad back from his shoulders to his hips as he held her under him. Unable to move an inch, Emma was totally possessed, fucked with fast and powerful thrusts that dragged her inner folds out along the stiff shaft of his ebony cock.
“Yes, yes, yes!”
After five minutes of this the petite beauty had cum twice, and her juiced-up muff, along with her well-earned sweat, leaked down the upturned crack of her pert bottom. Africa pulled out his swollen black rod and erupted in Emma’s pretty face, leaving a cascade of sperm on her from forehead to neck.
“He’s still fucking hard!” Emma thought as he took his leave.
Around her the orgy continued and Emma wondered how much time had passed.
“No, no, no. For the last time no. You shall not hold me to ransom a minute longer.”
The naked and flabby Sister Sek stopped riding Lord Buckley’s dick and reluctantly climbed off.
“You will regret this, Buckley.”
She stood up and looked at the watching Mephisto and made a slashing motion at her throat.
“Enough, my brothers of darkness. The dawn approaches with fierce haste. We have been spurned by Brother Ram on this most hallow of all occasions, thus must we prepare for the sacrifice.”
The orgy, which had been gradually petering out ground to a halt, and Emma and Scarlett huddled together, their exhausted bodies glistening in the light of the candles.
“Holmes? Sacrifice?”
“Yes. It seems our little group of Satanic perverts mean business.”
“And the brotherhood finds this normal?”
“To maintain our sexual vitality, and to admonish our latest failed inductee, we must sacrifice one of the female sinners in our midst.”
An eerie chant began to rise from a low rumble to a full and loud hollering as Emma looked anxiously at Scarlett.
“Inspector now is the time for backup.”
“Agreed,” Adele said as she pressed on her right ear and spoke into her two-way radio earpiece.
As Mephisto brandished a six-inch knife with a serrated edge, Emma struggled in vain. Adele and Scarlett began to lay into the naked throng of crazed men, kicking them in the balls and throwing punches the full impact.
“Stay where you are! This is the police!”
Six armed officers of the law burst into the chamber and the entire chapter of devil worshippers surrendered without fuss.
“Holmes! It was horrible! I could see the knife and everything.”
Scarlett hugged the trembling Emma and calmed her.
“Everything is fine now. We can go home.”
As the women threw on their cloaks again, Adele addressed the arresting officers.
“Sergeant. Where is the one known as the High Priest?”
“Looks like he took advantage of the panic and got away.”
“The bastard!”
As everyone took the stairs up from the ancient cellar a distant but distinct cackling was fancied to be heard by Scarlett and Emma as the thunder also receded into the distance.
more to come…