The Network Boy (5)

"The opportunity finally presented itself for a full on show. A Network Boy debut to remember"

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I won’t insult my readers intelligence by saying I hadn’t rehearsed this moment, I had, either alone in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom, or in front of Jim after a nights working the normal pub trade. Doing it for this large, hyped up audience was a different prospect entirely. I had taken the advice that Chris and Bernie had given me onboard and had worked out a routine that I was now about to put into practice.

I took Chantelle to one side and told her that the Underworld, Born Slippy CD that was in the DJ booth was my music, it was the extended mix and she was to keep on playing it as long as I was performing. I also gave her an instruction about the act finale which I trusted her to carry out. The tune had a great beat for stripping and moving to, dancing, as such would not come into it.

I was horny as hell, I was going to take my time and I was going to enjoy myself. My first job was to get out of the open space that was the small dance floor stage area for the first routine. I wanted to get in amongst those people, l wanted every man in the place to touch me and get hard watching me.

I nodded to Chantelle to fire up the music and began to strut in between the tables, stopping every few yards to put my hands behind my head and shake my arse and crotch in a circular pelvic movement. This allowed anyone who was within touching distance to grope, feel and playfully slap me. I suggestively moved my hands all over my fishnet vest and down my body, then put on an exaggerated show of slapping my own arse with one hand as I rubbed my cock through the leather with the other. I then put my fingers into my mouth and sucked them, offering them to the nearest men to then put them into their own mouths.

I decided the first eye contact man would be Mr Edwards, a special treat for a neighbour who until that very night I’d always thought of as a bore. I looked directly into his face as I writhed in front of him and bent down to unzip his trousers . He took out his cock out and started to wank off furiously as I made out to be performing just for him. He reached out with his other hand and I moved a little closer so he could feel and rub my cock through the leather shorts. The people around him shouted encouragement as he masturbated.

I felt a presence behind me and two hands firmly took hold of my arse, I turned my head to one side to see a large bear of a man beside me. He was huge and his grip on my ass was strong.

“And what can I do for you, horny man?” I said to him, putting an arm around his neck, I pulled his head towards my face and kissed him, a long full on kiss.

I heard a loud groan in front of me and cheers around me as Mr Edwards let go of my dick and shot his load. He was a heavy cummer and some of his spunk hit my shorts, I scraped it up onto my gloved fingers and rubbed my hand over his face.

I quickly moved onto the next set of tables, I had my eye on a guy who had earlier tipped me five pounds for bringing him a drink that had cost just one. I swaggered over to him, with a wicked smile on my face. He was sat with his chair facing outwards to view the action, I stood in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders. Looking down into his face I told him to open his legs so I could get closer and stand in between them as I wiggled and writhed for him. His hands immediately went behind me as he fondled my arse. I made the eye contact again, this time gesturing him to stand up.

“You want your five pounds worth? OK if I take your pants down? ” I whispered into his ear.

He nodded his head and ran his hands all the way up and down the back of my body. I was now oblivious to the music in the background, I was just naturally moving my body to the rhythm and it felt good.

“Good, stand on the chair ” I said, helping him step up onto it backwards.

He was wearing a suit but not the jacket part, which was draped over the back of the chair that he was now standing on. I ran my hands up the legs of his trousers, undid his belt and then unzipped him. The trousers fell around his feet and I ran my hands over his cock through a very nice pair of tight, silk jockey shorts which I soon took down. His cock was already hard, a nice slim seven inches. The audience had gathered around to watch me wank him slowly and then put his cock into my mouth. I made a show of licking the tip of his cock, then the shaft and finally licking his balls. I didn’t want to just suck him, I wanted him and the audience see how much I loved cock by using my tongue in as dramatic fashion as possible. I then smiled up at him as he took his shirt and tie off, he was loving the special treatment I was giving him, he was enjoying all the other men watching him get it. I kissed the end of his cock and left him stood on the chair wanking as I made my next move.

I got into the middle of the next group to let them all get a good feel of me and heard a cheer behind me as my five pound tipper had obviously just shot a hot load into the air.

I felt amazing, and incredibly horny, now I wanted to strip. There were a few naked and semi naked guys in the crowd but theydidn’t put on a show to get like that. It was what I was there to do and I wanted every single person in the place to watch and make my debut go with a bang.

I made my way to the centre of the pub where the space had been cleared in front of Chantelle’s DJ stand. Everyone followed, the people who had been watching from the distance of the bar came over, only Mike and Jamie remained which gave them a little time to tidy things up in the bar.

Chantelle stopped kissing and groping her boyfriend in the DJ stand for a few minutes to tell everyone to give me some room, and they formed in a large circle around me. I noticed Chris and Eddie had made their way to the front. a little ironic that Chris was already naked and needed toget a better view of a stripper, he looked over at me and started to rub his cock.

“Go on, Pauly. Go on! ” Chris mouthed the words to me.

This was it, I started to pace around the circle before settling in the centre to strip. I remembered the advice again and kept my head up as I moved around, my eyes were on the same level as the people watching and I made a point of looking at them all as I ran my hands all over my body. I put my arms out in front of me, making sure to keep my arse and midriff moving as I unbuckled the wristbands one after the other. Once they were undone and off, I threw them into the air over the heads of the people in the front row. I started to circle again, close enough for people to touch me as I used my mouth to take off each glove, I had the first one in my teeth, stopped in front of one of the guys, put a finger onto his lips.

“Open! ” I said to him.

He opened his mouth as I took the glove off and then stuffed it into his mouth. The man stood beside him was wearing nothing but a t shirt, I started to stroke hiS dick with my other gloved hand, smiling straight into his face, he was already hard. I stopped stroking him to take off the second glove and then left it there, draped on his erect cock.

I went back into the middle of the circle, putting my hands behind my head to undo the leather collar around my neck, moving my crotch in a circular movement as I got the clasp apart, I threw it behind me over my shoulder.

I felt like my cock was going to burst out of the tight shorts any time and needed to get naked soon, I needed to cumm and I was going to do it in front of all these people.

The shorts would be last thing to come off though, the fishnet vest was next.

I dug my fingernails into the material to make a rip, I needed this to work out right for full effect. I started to tear it a little as I continued to stride round the circle gathered around me, feeling confident that I would be able to rip it open and off in one go. I pulled at the material hard in either direction with both hands tightly hold of the black fishnet. To my relief and amidst loud cheers from the men around me the whole vest tore open in my hands. The audience reaction as I swung the torn vest around above my head astounded me, they were going wild. I then brought it in front of me and tore it clean into two pieces, I throwing one half to my left, and one to my right.

I got an overwhelming feeling of joy as I strode around the circle once more, this time in just my leather shorts and boots. The music had fitted the act perfectly, Chantelle had done a great job in turning up the volume at the points where I’d instructed her to. It rose to it’s highest level now, the drumbeats making the floor shake beneath my feet, accompanied by the claps from the audience as I prepared for the finale. I stopped every few strides to bend over, touch my toes and wiggle my ass to give anyone within reach the opportunity to slap or caress it. I then moved back in the centre of the dance floor and started to unbutton my shorts whilst moving my hips from side to side with my legs apart. Once the shorts were fully unbuttoned I closed my legs and pushed the shorts down around my ankles in one swift movement. I took a step back and out of the shorts, then swung a kick with my right foot, a football free kick style shot that sent the shorts in exactly the direction I had intended. The sweaty leather shorts flew towards Chris and Eddie who I had picked out stood at the front of the crowd. The leatherswere going above their heads until Chris put his hands up and caught them, a cheer went up as if I had just scored a goal with the kick.

I was now naked but for my boots and on an incredible sexual high as I put my hands behind my head and shook my hard cock up and down with sharp pelvic movements. It was an incredible feeling as it hit my stomach then swung below with every one of those cock shakes. I turned and did this in every direction, and then walked over to the DJ stand with a huge smile on my face. The only thing that I had forgotten on the night was to bring baby oil with me. I had noticed that the earlier cowboy stripper had left a bottle there in his rush to run away from the party. To my immense relief it was still there when I put my hand around the back of the plywood plinth that the record decks were placed on. Despite my forgetful mistake I could now end the act exactly how I’d intended to.

I returned into the spotlight and squeezed the bottle, holding it high above me and letting the oil drip onto my chest and body, once the contents were emptied over me I flung the bottle over my head. I rubbed the oil into my torso, over my arse and paid special attention to rubbing it around my cock. I then walked around in front of my captivated audience inviting anyone who wished to use their hands on me. I allowed them to rub me anywhere, but eventually had to swat people away from my cock as I felt I was too close to cumming, I needed to save that for the grand ending.

When I got in front of Chris and Eddie they could see I had something planned, Eddie took the shorts that Chris had caught off him and pushed him towards me. I took Chris by the hand and led him into the arena, the circle was still around me but it had closed in and there was less room to operate.

I put my hand on the naked Chris’s head and pushed him down, gesturing him to get onto his knees in front of me. He did as he was told and I held his blonde hair in my fingers then pulled him onto me. I felt hands all over my arse and shoulders from the people behind me as my cock slid into his open mouth. I knew I wouldn’t last long, I’d got myself into such a sexual state that I was lucky to manage the four or five thrusts intothat welcome and willing mouth that I did. Once I felt the orgasm on it’s way I pulled out of him and pointed my slippery, oil covered cock upwards. At the point of cumming I looked up towards the ceiling and felt the relief as I shot. I screamed out as I felt the exhilarating rush of the cumm flying out of my cock, then down onto Chris’s face and body.

My legs buckled, I got down onto my knees, then into a foetal position on the floor, Chantelle faded the music out perfectly as Islumped down onto the dancefloor. The show was over and I heard applause and cheering all around me as I layin position. I looked up at the people stood around me and smiled, absolutely loving it all

“WOW! ” I sighed the word out, over and over. Once more, it was the only one that came into my head!

After I had recovered my composure a little and got back onto my feet, Eddie asked me to stay at the bar for twenty minutes or so. I remained naked but for my boots and still covered in oil to have a drink and mingle with the audience who had given me so much encouragement during my first official show. He said it would go down well with the members if I did it and I couldn‘t disagree with him. I was amazed by how many people wanted to chat and introduce themselves. Eddie said doors would definitely open for me within the network after that first performance.

Jamie and Mike came from behind the bar to congratulate me along with the long, tall, fat, thin, naked, semi naked, fully dressed, rich, poor, hairy, bald, young, middle aged and old. All members of this amazing network that I was now part of. The three of us posed for a few photographs for people, I was turning into an attention junkie. I had to say thanks to Chris for the advice him and Bernie had given me, it turned out to be invaluable and Chris thanked me in return for ending the show with him and for the gift of the shorts, which he had now put on.

Before I took my leave to get changed and cleaned up Eddie said I should nip to the toilets. Jim was still there, naked and cuffed to the pipe, he looked up as I walked in.

“From what I could hear from in here it seemed to go well ” He said, smiling at me.

“It did, fucking amazing ” I said looking down at him, he was on his knees on a plastic sheet that had been draped all over the floor.

“Well, go on then, you know what to do, what I‘m here for.”

I knew exactly what he meant, his sub fetish was to be pissed on. I stood over him and tried. For some strange reason, after all that I had done that night my bladder was shy. Eventually after a lot of whistling and looking up at the ceiling I managed it.

“Pauly, you are now a bone fide network boy, just fucking enjoy it as much as we all do,” He said to me, happy that I’d been able to complete the task.

“Oh I will, Jim. I certainly will”
I spent the next couple of days in a dream like state, reliving every moment of my debut as a stripper and entertainer for the network. A three letter word of exclamation kept invading my thoughts. You don’t need me to tell you what that was, do you?


Published 13 years ago

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