Remembering the taste of him, the feel of his cock invading her pussy, and the wicked burn of the crop across her cheeks, she ground against the pillow between her legs, her thighs clamped tight around it. She needed a release, bad. With a moan, she stopped, barely on the edge of not coming. She wasn’t allowed to come anymore without his permission, no matter what day of the week it was. But God did she want to. Needed to, desperately.
Seeing that it was 9:16, she decided to call him.
He surprised her by answering on the first ring. “You’re up early, for you, on a weekend.”
“Hi, sir.” She gulped, suddenly afraid to ask about coming. Instead, she said, “I was just wondering if there was anything I could do for you. If you needed anything.”
“What a pleasant surprise.” Her heart glowed with his words, and hearing the smile in his voice. “You could pick up my dry cleaning. I need my shirts for Monday.”
“Isn’t that a little cliche? Having your secretary pick up your dry cleaning?” After she said it, hearing the sarcasm in her voice, she clamped her hand over her mouth.
Fortunately, he chuckled. “Yes, it is. But still, I need them. Reynolds Dry-cleaning, do you know it? Just down from the office.”
“Yes, yes I know it.”
“Excellent. You have thirty minutes. And you know what happens when you’re late.”
“Um…but…I haven’t…” She wanted to tell him she hadn’t showered or even gotten out of bed, but he was gone, the line dead.
Already four minutes late, Tracie came out of the dry cleaners moving too fast. It had rained hard the night before, and there were puddles everywhere. She slipped in one and almost fell. Regaining her balance, she looked down at the dirty puddle and then back up to his shirts covered in plastic. She noticed the little holes in the plastic. Her lips twisted into a smirk, the impulse running mad and wild inside her.
She checked the time on her phone. Eighteen minutes late. She didn’t think it could be done any faster. Of course, she had bigger concerns. Standing there, staring at his door, the puddle suddenly seemed like the worst idea ever. Her heart beating 90 miles an hour, she reached out and pressed the button. She heard the bell ring inside.
He made her wait. She had no idea how long, her heart beating loudly in her ears, but it had to be at least thirty seconds. Maybe forty-five. As she reached out to ring the bell again, the door opened. Then he stood there, those intense eyes staring through her, and she couldn’t think or speak. Her heart leaped and spun, so happy to see him.
“Hello, Tracie.” He reached out his hand and took the hangers from her hand. “I’m afraid you’re a bit late…” Then he noticed the water dripping from the shirts. And the dark, wet stain on the white shirt visible through the plastic. “What happened?” He sounded confused.
“I’m sorry, sir.” Suddenly she could barely speak. “I tripped. There was a puddle…”
He stepped away from the door, pulled up the plastic, and held the shirts up to the light coming in from the big windows on the far side of the loft. “You got every one of them wet? And dirty?”
“I’m sorry,” she said again.
He went through each shirt, and she could feel the tension growing. Disgusted, he dropped the shirts on the chair near the door and turned to her.
“You tripped?”
She answered in a whisper, “Yes, sir. Outside the dry cleaners.”
“And fell?”
She nodded.
“On the concrete?”
She had to think about that. “Yes, sir.”
“Let me see your hands.”
Oh, shit.
He took her hands in his and turned them over, palms up. He looked at her hands, then up at her eyes, the tension growing worse.
“Let me see your knees. Take down your pants.”
She was only a step inside his door, the door still open, but she knew better than to protest. With shaking hands, she reached down and unbuttoned her jeans, then pushed them down to her ankles. She hadn’t worn panties, to please him, and the cool air from the door felt alive against the wetness of her pussy.
He bent over, to inspect her knees, his face near her bare pussy. God, she wanted to reach out run her fingers through his hair, then pull his mouth against her clit, feel his lips against her pussy, and his tongue inside her. The thought was almost too much.
His fingers touched the skin of her knee, inspecting and probing. Then he stood up. With a look on his face she’d never seen before, he took her chin with his fingers and raised her head up to look him in the eyes.
“Miss Johnson, did you fall?”
The intensity of his eyes bored deep into her, stripping her soul bare. “No.”
“What really happened?”
“I put them in the puddle.”
“On purpose? Why?”
Closing her eyes, she tried to look away, but he wouldn’t let her chin move.
“Why?” he asked again.
She reached out with one hand and fondled his cock through his jeans. The feel of it sent a jolt through her body. “I wanted your cock.” She swallowed, then said, “And you only give it to me after you spank me hard.”
He let out a frustrated sigh and moved her hand away from his crotch. “Miss Johnson, in your position, I very much need to trust you. You’ve damaged that trust.”
She was lost and confused. Wanted to tell him she’d only done it because she wanted to be close to him. Tears threatened to run down her face.
Footsteps echoed down the hallway outside the door. She reached down, to pull up her jeans, but his foot was somehow standing on them, between her legs. She tried to move, but she was stuck, her feet trapped by her sneakers. A little smile played across his lips.
A voice from the hallway said, “Good morning.” It sounded like an old man, but Tracie was way too embarrassed to turn around and see. She covered her bottom with her hands.
“Good morning,” Evan answered.
“Has she been bad?” the old voice asked.
The old man chuckled, “Poor dear.” Then Tracie heard him walking away.
The foot came off of her jeans. “Put your nose against the wall.” He pointed to a spot on the wall, next to the chair with the shirts on them. “Stay there while I decide what to do with you. If I should keep you or not.”
Feeling very much like a very naughty, little girl with her jeans still around her ankles, she shuffled over and put her nose against the wall. Her hands still covered her bottom.
“Hands on your head,” he said. She did as ordered, wondering how long she was going to be there.
She heard another noise, more footsteps, and thought someone else was walking down the hallway. He closed the door, and she realized the footsteps were from inside the apartment. A sense of panic welled up inside her.
“Is this your new toy?” It was a woman’s voice. The footsteps walked up behind Tracie, and she felt a hand against the skin on her low back, just above her ass. She wanted to pull away, or pull her hands down and push the hand away, but she dared not. The hint of perfume, expensive perfume, rolled through Tracie’s senses. The hand caressed one cheek, then the other. Who is she? His girlfriend? His wife? How do I not know about her? Confusion filled her, and tears started to run down her face.
“You told me she had a nice ass, but wow…” Fingertips played with the bottom of her ass, then moved towards her pussy. Tracie let out a little, weak gasp.
“What happened to your shirts?” The hand left her ass, and she heard the plastic move.
“She dumped them in a puddle. On purpose.”
“Apparently she wanted me to spank her hard, then fuck her.”
The woman laughed. It was a good laugh.
“She lied about it. Said she tripped.”
Tracie closed her eyes, embarrassed.
The woman said, “Uh-oh.” The hand returned to Tracie’s ass. She realized she liked the soft feel of it. “He has a thing about lying,” the woman said to Tracie’s ear.
To Evan, the woman said, “At least she lied for the right reasons. Because she wanted you. Your wonderful cock.”
Yes, Tracie thought. Tell him. Tell him I only wanted him.
“Still…” he said.
“And we all have our little lies. I tell you you have a big cock all the time.” She laughed as she finished it, and he roared in mock anger. Tracie felt the woman get pulled away from her, then heard two hard smacks. The sound pulsed in her clit, and she wished she was the one feeling his hand against her ass. Hoped, with all her heart, to feel it again.
Two more smacks landed, then the woman escaped with a laugh. “Shouldn’t you be spanking her?”
“Hmmm…” his voice sounded grim again. “I’m not sure I can keep her now.”
“Well, let me see if I can save your shirts, before you decide.”
Tracie heard the rustle of the plastic, then the woman walk away.
He came up close behind her. She knew it was coming and braced herself. His hand cracked hard into her ass, first one cheek and then the other. Two more fell on each.
“You’re going to be here awhile. Don‘t you dare move. Unless, of course, you’re no longer up for the anything you’ve promised. If you don’t want to be mine.”
At the office, she’d been put in the corner before, and knew she wasn’t allowed to speak. She nodded, hoping he knew she didn’t want anything else on earth except to be his.
He left her there, confused and scared, for a long time.
Tracie heard footsteps again. Light ones, and knew it was the woman. A hand touched her shoulder, and the woman whispered, “Shhh. He’s in the bathroom.”
The hand turned her, and she saw the woman for the first time. A little shorter than Tracie, she was maybe thirty. The beauty of her face pushed a spike through Tracie’s heart. Perhaps more exotic than beautiful–no, exotic and beautiful–her rich, wonderful skin made Tracie wonder if she was South American or Spanish, yet Tracie hadn’t heard an accent. The high cheekbones were framed by long, dark brown hair filled with waves of curls. It was nearly black. More than anything, though, the eyes struck Tracie. As dark as the woman’s hair, they danced with a gleam and the excitement of doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing. Despite herself, Tracie liked her.
The woman lowered Tracie’s hands, then helped her drink water from a tall glass. Tracie moved around a little, her legs and arms stiff.
The woman whispered in her ear, “Be good for him today. Be very good. Prove to him why he should keep you.”
Tracie stared into the woman’s eyes, wanting to thank her.
They both heard the footsteps. Tracie quickly turned and put her nose back against the wall and her hands back on her head. She hoped she was in the same spot.
He asked, “What are you doing?”
“Just playing with your toy. She’s very wet.” To make sure, the woman pushed her fingers up and into Tracie. Tracie groaned. “Are you going to spank her soon? I want to watch.”
“So you think I should keep her?”
“Of course I do. I’m sure after you spank her good and hard, she’ll have learned her lesson.”
“I doubt that. I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what she wants. There will have to be something else to make sure she learns.”
That sent a tremor up Tracie’s spine. The woman’s laugh made it even worse.
They left her there again.
“Tracie, step away from the wall.”
She jumped, surprised by his voice and how close he was. She hadn’t heard his footsteps, lost in her own little world. After finding herself, she stepped back on uncertain legs.
“Take off your clothes and put them on the chair.”
Her legs stiff, she struggled with bending over and untying her shoes, then pulling them off. After stepping out of her jeans, she pulled off her shirt. Trembling, she was naked before him. She looked over and saw the woman sitting on the couch, staring at her, a wicked smile on that beautiful face as her fingers played with her long, dark hair.
“On your knees.”
She lowered herself to her knees, her legs complaining, until she was even with his crotch. She wanted him in her mouth, but knew she wouldn’t be getting that anytime soon.
He lifted her chin to once again, and those eyes bored deep inside her, making her feel so much more naked than her lack of clothes.
“Do you still want to be mine?”
She nodded.
“Say it.”
“Please, sir, I want to be yours.”
“And you’re still willing to do anything?”
“Yes, sir, please sir. I’m sorry I lied. I’m sorry I messed up your shirts. Please punish me.”
He seemed to think about it for a long, long moment. She felt her heart near to breaking. He said, “Follow me.”
She started to stand. “I didn’t say anything about getting up. I think you on your hands and knees is where you belong. Don’t you?”
She crawled after him, her face turning red, knowing the woman was watching.
On the coffee table sat a paddle, a leather strap and a wooden cane. That made her pause.
He stopped her near the table, and she noticed several sheets of paper and a sharpie on the floor. He pointed to the paper.
“On the first sheet of paper, you’ll write, ‘Mr. Duhamel owns me. I am his to do with as he pleases.’ Do you understand?”
She nodded.
“Once the first page is filled, you will bring me one of those,” he pointed to the wicked trio on the table. He didn’t need to say what would happen then.
Since the paper was on the floor, she crouched down on her knees and elbows, pushed her hair behind her ear, and started on the first page. He walked away.
The woman moved down the couch, until she was even with Tracie, then put her bare feet on Tracie’s back. The woman said, “She’s very useful, Evan.”
As Tracie neared the end of the first page, her stomach started to clutch. She knew soon she would be feeling the paddle. Her knees were hurting, from being against the wood floor.
When she was done, she looked up at the woman.
“All done, sweetie? He’s in his office.” She pointed to the doorway past the open kitchen. Tracie nodded. The woman smiled and moved her feet. Tracie picked up the paddle and crawled past the couch and towards the doorway.
When she reached the doorway, he was sitting at a desk under more big windows, his back to the door and her. Not wanting to be in any more trouble, she waited quietly, not even certain if she should crawl through the doorway.
Eventually he turned, and one look told her that his anger hadn’t dissipated. She knew she was in big trouble, that her ass was going to pay dearly for her foolish behavior and, worse, lying about it. He moved an armless, wooden chair to the center of the room, sat on it. He motioned for her to come closer. Avoiding his gaze, she handed him the sheet. He reviewed it, an unhappy look covering his face.
“I’m afraid your penmanship is quite poor, Miss Johnson. You know how I prize neatness in your work. You’ll have to do this one over. Hand me the paddle.”
She did, and he motioned for her to move across his lap. She draped herself over his lap, then reached for the floor. She could see her own legs, and between them, Raleigh’s feet in the doorway. No doubt the woman could see all of her–her pussy and her little asshole, and worse, her utter willingness to do anything for him. Her humiliation was complete, her face turning red in shame, her pussy wetter than ever.
The paddle cracked into her left cheek, hard and mean. She gasped, the warmth spreading across her ass. It hit her right cheek. The first ones always hurt the most, until her endorphins kicked in, and he wasn’t starting off easy. They came fast and hard, one on top of the other, until her world shrunk down to the screaming nerves covering the skin of her ass.
A crying mess, she lost count somewhere around thirty. It went on and on.
When it was over, she laid there, on his lap, crying.
“Raleigh, would you get Miss Johnson another sheet of paper? She needs to do the first one over.”
Her second paddling was as long and hard as the first. The only difference was that her ass was already red and sore, so the second felt even worse. She started crying sooner.
Then she was crawling back to the living room, knowing she had a least two more pages to write, and two more spankings to go. Her knees were tender against the wood floor, but that was nothing compared to her tender, tender ass.
She crouched down again, then felt Raleigh’s feet return to their usual spot. Very neatly, she began writing, My only purpose is to please Mr. Duhamel. He owns my pussy and my ass. He owns all of me. She wondered about the ass part.
Taking her time, she wanted it to be perfect for him. After filling several lines, she felt one of Raleigh’s toes slip down her back and start to tease her ass. Tracie stopped writing, closing her eyes, enjoying the soft touch. And being at Raleigh’s mercy. Like most of her friends, Tracie had experimented with other girls in college. She’d even made out with Mandy a few times, loving the feel of Mandy’s big breasts in her hands. Whenever she got drunk, she couldn’t seem to keep her hands off them. But this was so different–being at the mercy of an attractive, confident woman. Suddenly she wanted to see and feel Raleigh’s breasts. She could tell they were good sized, not as big as Mandy’s, but still much bigger than Tracie’s.
A toe slipped lower, teasing her low ass, then the lips of her pussy. She leaned forward, her head nearly touching the floor, offering herself up.
They both heard the footsteps from the office, and Raleigh slipped her feet back up to Tracie’s back.
“Tracie, are you dawdling? Trying to delay your next spanking? That will only earn you extras.”
“Sorry, sir. I’m almost done.” She started writing again.
In truth, she was worried about the next spanking. It would either be the leather strap or the cane.
Thinking about those two options, she messed up. She pressed her head against the floor, not believing what she’d done. She’d misspelled Duhamel. What was that going to cost? Wiping a tear from her face, she finished the page, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
Figuring it was the lesser of two evils, she slipped the strap off the table, put it between her teeth, and crawled back to the door. Again, he made her wait, then inspected the sheet.
“Really, Miss Johnson?”
“I’m sorry, sir.”
“Is this like the shirts? Your way of asking for even more?”
“No sir. Please sir.”
“What should I do about this?”
She wasn’t sure what would please him. “Spank me hard every day this week?”
“Will your bottom ever get sore enough that you actually learn a lesson?”
Before she could answer, he took the strap from her and walked back to the living room. She followed, butterflies bouncing off the walls of her stomach.
He waited for her at the end of the coffee table. “Stand,” he ordered. She did, feeling weird to be up and off her knees. “Keep your legs straight and put your elbows on the table.” She bent over, suddenly aware of her raw ass high in the air. She looked at Raleigh, still sitting at the end of the couch and only a few feet away. “Up on your toes. I want you to strain to keep your ass high. If those heels touch, we’ll have to start over. Are you ready?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Why are you being punished?”
There were so many reasons, she had a hard time picking one. “I’ve been very bad.”
“Heels together.” That seemed odd, but she complied. Raleigh let out a small groan. That worried her even more. “Close your eyes. And turn your head towards Raleigh.” Apparently Raleigh would make sure she kept her eyes closed.
She felt something against her lips. She opened them, and Raleigh pushed her big toe into Tracie’s mouth. He chuckled. “She has a thing about getting her toes kissed and sucked. I’m afraid you’ll be doing a lot of that. You have a hard spanking coming, so make sure you don’t bite down on her toes. You wouldn’t want to give her a reason to spank you.”
Suddenly Tracie could think of nothing else except Raleigh spanking her. Going over her lap, laying across Raleigh’s bare thighs.
The crack of the strap against her skin brought her back to the moment. Painfully back to the moment. She almost stood up, only the toe in her mouth stopping her. The strap had struck her at the bottom of her calves. While she was still processing that, it struck again, just above the first one.
Oh shit.
Slowly, he worked his way up her legs. She wondered what type of marks the strap would leave on her skin, knowing her skirts wouldn’t cover them and that she’d be allowed to wear nothing else. Everyone would know she’d been punished. And that he owned her.
The strap reached the back of her knees. She cried out, despite the toe in her mouth. Christ it hurt. And Christ she liked it. For a moment she thought about what a strange turn her life had taken, and even stranger, how her whole being loved it and craved it. She liked the strap too; the feel of the soft leather against her skin and the heat it left behind. It hurt, but not as bad as the riding crop. And different from the paddle, too.
It punished her thighs, they were so tender, and she was almost happy when it reached her ass. Then the first stroke reminded her that she’d already been paddled hard twice. He seemed to reached back for a little more, cracking the leather into her lower cheeks three times in a row. Her tears truly started then.
Raleigh switched her toes, pushing the second and third toe into her mouth. She opened her eyes to see Raleigh slip her hand inside her white jeans and begin to rub herself. She sucked harder on the toes, then used her tongue to flick across them.
“Raleigh, stop that. Or I’ll be using the strap on your ass next.”
Reluctantly, Raleigh pulled her toes out of Tracie’s mouth, but held them against her lips. Tracie kissed and licked them. Tracie watched Raleigh pull her hand from her jeans, an annoyed smirk on her face.
The strap punished her again, slowly covering her ass with stroke after stroke. He worked his way over the top of her ass, then continued up her back. The strokes weren’t as hard as those delivered to her ass, but they still hurt. And she loved it. Wanted her entire body to whipped with it. Her chest. Her breasts. Her nipples. Her stomach. Then, the thought of her having to spread her legs and have her pussy whipped while Raleigh watched–that thought almost made her come without anyone touching her.
He brushed the strap up and down her back. “Who owns you, Miss Johnson?”
“You do, sir. You own all of me.”
“What do you think I’ll do if you lie to me again?”
She had a hard time saying the words. “Let me go?”
“Do you want that?”
“No sir. Never. I won’t lie to you again.”
“I hope not.” His hand caressed her raw, whipped ass. She froze, hoping and praying that he would play with her pussy. He didn’t.
“I’m going to whip your body again, this time from the top down. Based on your behavior, should they be light or hard?”
“Hard, sir. Very hard.”
“And after that, how many should I put across your ass?”
Oh crap. She wanted to say a high enough number to please him, but she didn’t know what that was. “Twenty, sir?”
“Hmm. I’m not sure that will be enough. We’ll see how you’re doing after twenty. Ask for it.”
“Please whip me, sir.”
He did, the strokes even harder.
When she was nearly done with the last page, she heard him talking on the phone in his office. Raleigh heard it, too. She lifted Tracie up by her shoulders, then kissed her, her tongue pushing deep into Tracie’s mouth. Raleigh held a finger to her lips to make sure Tracie stayed quiet.
Two of Raleigh’s fingers reached out and pushed into Tracie’s pussy, her palm rubbing against Tracie’s clit. She used her grip on Tracie’s pussy to grind even harder, pressing down and covering Tracie’s face in her wetness. It didn’t take either of them long. Suddenly, Raleigh froze above her, her back arched. Tracie licked and licked her clit. Raleigh came, shuddering.
She kept humping Tracie’s face, then reached down and pinched one of Tracie’s nipples, her other hand pumping in and out of Tracie’s pussy. The days of not being allowed to come, the mornings of kneeling before him naked and sucking his wonderful cock and the taste of him, the nights of teasing herself and then not coming, and the spankings today, all built up like a massive, flooded river denied by a dam. Plus, she wasn’t supposed to come. Didn’t have his permission.
The dam broke.
Tracie came, crying out, but Raleigh’s pussy and thighs contained the noise. Her body shuddering against the wood floor, Tracie wanted another, but Raleigh pulled her fingers out and stood up. She made Tracie clean off her messy fingers. Then she pointed to the paper. “Hurry,” she whispered, then pulled her jeans back up and walked away.
Barely able to concentrate, the smell of Raleigh filling her senses, she finished the page and crawled towards his office, the cane in her mouth.
Only one word covered the page. Anything.
He was still talking on the phone, but took a moment to cover the phone and say, “Raleigh, will you put her over the chair?”
Acting a bit annoyed, Raleigh walked to her, then took a handful of Tracie’s hair and gently led her back to the middle of the big, main room. She moved the leather chair, it was like an old banker’s chair, from the entry area to the middle of the room, next to Tracie. She pulled Tracie up from the floor and guided her around, to the back of the chair. The top edge of it pushed right against the skin above her pussy–where her pubic hair would be, if she had any. Raleigh bent her over the chair, until her elbows were touching the soft leather of the seat. She left Tracie there.
After a few moments she came back, leather straps in one hand. She tied one around each of Tracie’s wrists. Raleigh kissed her. “Ok, you know how he likes you up on your toes. Stretch up.” Tracie pressed up, onto her tippy-toes. Raleigh pulled her hands forward and attached the straps to the legs of the chair, below the cross-brace that ran between the legs. Tracie tested the straps and knew she wasn’t going anywhere.
Then Tracie noticed the other two straps. Raleigh took the straps and moved around behind her. She took one of Tracie’s ankles, moved it to the outside of the chair leg, then wrapped the leather around her ankle and the wooden leg. She did the same to Tracie’s other leg.
It was much worse than bending over his desk. She felt spread, her pussy and her ass unbearably vulnerable. The tortured, tender skin of her ass complained about the tight feel of her stretched skin. As if to emphasize her vulnerability, Raleigh ran her fingertips lightly up the inside of Tracie’s leg.
“You have such nice legs,” Raleigh whispered as her fingertips reached Tracie’s pussy. “He said you were always wet.” Then her fingers were gone, Tracie wanting nothing more than to feel them slid–
A crack sucked the breath out of Tracie’s body. Raleigh spanked her other cheek. “You like that, don’t you.”
Tracie could only mumble a strained, “Yes.”
She got two more, on each cheek. Then those lovely, slender fingers teasing her pussy again.
His voice made them both jump. “Raleigh, you’ve more than earned a spanking yourself. Go put your nose against the wall.”
He left them there, like that, and Tracie had no idea for how long.
After a forever, he came back.
He sat down on the floor in front of her, their heads even, and lifted her chin. He kissed her, a good, deep, long kiss. His fingers trailed down to a nipple as he kissed her again. He pinched her nipple, then rubbed it.
“Do you want me to punish you?”
She nodded.
“The cane hurts, worse than the crop.”
“Please. I deserve it.”
“No,” he said. “I think you want it.”
She wasn’t sure needing and wanting were the same thing. “I’m sorry,” was all she could say.
“You don’t have to. I can untie you and you can leave.”
She knew ‘leave’ didn’t just mean leaving his loft. “No. Please.”
“After I cane you, Raleigh’s going to be very turned on. And I’m going to fuck her, right here, right in front of you.”
She didn’t know what to say. Her heart felt like it would break in two, then crumble into smaller pieces, each as soft as mud. Yet she’d already licked Raleigh and liked it. Her emotions felt like a car wreck.
“And after I fuck her, what do you think I’m going to do? What do I make you do after I fuck you?”
She closed her eyes and licked her lips. “Clean you.”
“That’s right. I’m going to make you lick my cock and balls clean. And Raleigh’s pussy, too.” He let that sink in. “Look at me.”
She opened her eyes.
“Do you want me to untie you? It’s your choice.”
“Ask for it, then.”
“Please cane me. Punish me.”
“And then?”
“Let me clean you. And her. After…” She couldn’t say that.
“Are you starting to understand what anything means?” Those damn eyes bored down deep into her, forever finding dark, hidden spots she never even knew existed.
She nodded.
“Do you still want to be mine? To be my pet?”
She nodded again.
“You need to say it. I need to hear it.”
“Yes, please, sir. I want to be yours.”
“Anything. I am yours, to do with as you please.”
“Good girl.”
As it always did, that made her heart shine.
“Raleigh, come give Tracie ten on each check, with your hand. Good and hard.”
Tracie heard Raleigh bare feet pad across the wood floor, then felt one hand lightly touch her lower back. “Sorry, dear.” Then the first one cracked into her skin, igniting all the previous punishments on that cheek.
He never moved, staring into her eyes, his fingers playing with one nipple. He even kissed her as Raleigh’s hand spanked her.
Then it was time.
“Raleigh, bring me the cane.”
He made her kiss it, every inch of it, then gave her another good girl and walked behind her. Raleigh moved back to the couch, a scared and excited look on her face.
She jumped as the cane touched her lightly, on the low curve of her ass. He rubbed it up and down her ass, then down her thighs.
“An even dozen, this time,” he said. “Ask for it.”
“Please,” she said.
“Please, what?”
He wasn’t going to make this easy on her. “A dozen, with the cane, sir. Please.”
“I’ll expect you to count. If you lose count, we’ll start over. Ask for the first one.”
“Number one, please, sir.”
She heard the cane cut through the air. Felt the line of molten heat spread across the skin of her ass. Her world went white. She couldn’t imagine another eleven.
The crop tapped against her lower back.
“What do you say.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Ask for the next one.”
“Number two, please, sir.”
The cane cut the air again. Impossibly, it was worse, lower on her ass, right where the strap and the paddle had fallen so many times. She cried out, nearly a scream, and her body pulled with all her strength against the leather straps. Suddenly she understood why she’d been tied.
By the fifth one, she was crying hard, lost in the pain, her body slick with sweat. Her world shrunk to nothing more than the heat of the cane and the burning stripes across her ass.
She lost count, somewhere in it all. Raleigh whispered “Eight,” to her.
By ten, she was limp, only the chair holding her up.
Eleven was across the middle of her ass.
“Lift up. Beg for it.”
It took all of her, everything she had, to stretch up and present her bottom to him. She could only think of him, wanting to please him, wanting him to not be angry with her.
“Please, sir, number twelve.”
“Good girl.” Another molten stripe, again low, where her ass met her thighs. She cried out, her body shuddering.
His hand caressed her ass, then cupped one cheek, squeezing it. Through the tears, she gasped, his hand impossibly cold.
After moving around the chair, he sat once again in front of her, the wicked cane next to him. He kissed the tears from her face, then kissed her. Something broke inside her, and she began crying even more. He held her against his shoulder and neck and rubbed her back.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
“Shhh. It’s ok. I forgive you.”
He held her there, holding her, until she stopped crying.
Raleigh got bored. She rubbed her cold hands across Tracie’s ass. Then Tracie felt something even colder on her bottom–the magic cream. Raleigh, slowly and gently, rubbed it in, covering every inch of her poor ass. Her fingers played with her crack, trailing down it. A fingertip teased her asshole, rubbing it in circles. She arched up and the finger slipped in. Another fingertip played with her clit.
Raleigh said, “Do you know your juices are running down your leg?”
He said, “Such a naughty, dirty girl.” He kissed her cheeks again. “What am I going to do now?”
Her fingertips still playing with Tracie’s clit, Raleigh said, “Yes he is. And I need it.”
He said, “Say her name.”
“Raleigh. You’re going to fuck Raleigh.” Strangely, she sort of wanted to see that now. He kissed her again.
“Come here,” he said, to Raleigh.
She giggled, then moved quickly to him. He stood up and undid his jeans. Raleigh pulled them down, a hungry look in her eye. She was still wearing her white sweater, but somewhere along the line she’d ditched her white jeans. Then she saw Tracie staring at her and kneeled down to kiss her.
Suddenly his cock was there, half-hard, between the two of them. He pushed it towards Tracie’s lips. “Make it hard. Make it hard for her.”
Feeling her face turn red with the humiliation of it, she opened her mouth, wanting to taste him.
“Yes, make his cock very hard, for me.”
Raleigh helped, her fingers playing with his balls, her other hand teasing Tracie’s nipples. Then Raleigh pulled off her white sweater, no bra, and laid back on the rug. Her breasts sat big and ripe on her chest, her cream-chocolate skin perfect. She saw Tracie staring at her chest and played with both her nipples.
“Do you like them?” she asked. Tracie could only nod.
He pulled his cock out of Tracie’s mouth. She had made it very hard. For Raleigh.
Raleigh spread her legs wide. He knelt between those wide legs, then picked her up with his hands under her hips and pulled her closer to Tracie. He set her ass onto his thighs. She reached down and placed the head of his cock against the lips of her bare pussy.
He said, “Don’t you dare look away.” Tracie realized he was fucking her like this so she could see everything. So she had to watch.
“Please,” Raleigh moaned.
Slowly, he pulled her thighs closer to him. Confused, fascinated, and with drops of her wetness running down her legs, Tracie watched as the head of his cock disappeared into Raleigh’s pussy. Raleigh groaned, “Fuck yes.”
He pulled her all the way up, until his cock was completely in, then pulled her body up so they were face to face. One ripe, full breast was only inches from Tracie’s hungry mouth. Raleigh reached out and pushed her thumb between Tracie’s lips.
He lifted her up, then let her slide down his cock. Raleigh groaned again. “God, I love your cock.” He chuckled, then started fucking her faster, lifting her up and down. Her legs wide, she started helping him, bouncing up and down, faster and faster.
She pushed two fingers into Tracie’s mouth. Tracie sucked on them, hard, her tongue dancing back and forth.
“I’m going to come,” Raleigh said loudly. He fucked her even faster and harder. Raleigh cried out, pulling her fingers from Tracie’s mouth, her hand clutching at Tracie’s face and then her hair. He pushed her down, on her back, his body covering hers, and kept fucking her. Raleigh only got louder and louder. “Yes, fuck me, fuck me harder. Fuck me, baby.”
He did. The slap of skin against skin filled the room. Her hips humping the air, Tracie thought, with just the barest touch, she’d come like never before. Even if she could rub her thighs together, it would be enough. More than enough.
Raleigh screamed, coming again, her body thrashing and shuddering under him. He slowed down, but didn’t stop.
He growled, then pulled out of her. Tracie could see his cock shiny with her juices. Wanted it in her mouth. Instead, he roughly rolled Raleigh over, pulled her up onto her knees. Raleigh reached between her legs, for his cock, and guided him in. He thrust into her a few times, then pushed Raleigh down, her face against the carpet, her ass high in the air. He slapped her ass, then grabbed her hips and fucked her.
He fucked her hard.
Raleigh could only cry out, at the bottom of each thrust, her hands grabbing and pulling at the carpet.
To Tracie, she moaned, “He’s getting close, baby. He’s going to come in me. And then you’re going to lick me clean.” Apparently that was enough. Raleigh came again, shuddering against him.
He went faster and faster, skin against skin, a low moan escaping his lips.
“He’s going to come, baby. Oh, fuck. He feels so big. Fuck. He’s coming in me. Come, baby. Come in me.” And he was, he body shaking as he held himself tight against Raleigh’s ass. She moved her ass forward and back, milking him, making him shudder again.
He collapsed forward, against the smooth, perfect skin of Raleigh’s back. He kissed her neck, then rolled off her. Tracie’s pussy on fire, she could only stare at his cock, wanting it.
Raleigh rolled half over and kissed him, half laughing as she did it. She looked at Tracie and said, “You look hungry, dear.”
After standing up, she put one foot on the seat of the chair, her knee against Tracie’s arm, and used one hand to spread her pussy lips. The other hand took a firm hold in Tracie’s hair and pushed her tight against her pussy. “Lick me, baby. Make me come again. Can you taste him?”
Tracie nodded that she could. Her world was nothing but the smell and taste of him and her. She licked and licked, pushing her tongue in even further. Raleigh used her thumb to rub her own clit. “You naughty girl, you like that. I bet you’re running down your leg again. Eat me, baby. Make me come.”
Raleigh said to him, “Do you like watching her lick me clean? Did you like her watching us fuck? Did that turn you on?” He didn’t say anything, but it turned Raleigh on even more. “God, his cock felt so good inside me.” Then she came, pressing even harder against Tracie’s face and chin. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”
She half lowered, half fell to the floor, her body draping over his. She looked up at Tracie, then sat back up to kiss her. “Umm, we do taste good.” Then she laid back down.
After a few minutes, Raleigh teased his cock with a fingertip. “I thought you were going to make her lick you. I want to see that.”
He swatted her hand away. “In a minute.”
Her fingers kept after his cock. “It’s so fun to tease it when it’s little.”
“You are going to get spanked.”
Raleigh just laughed. Then she looked at Tracie, a wicked look on her face. “I know what will make him hard again.” She crawled over and kissed Tracie again. She whispered in her ear, though loud enough to make sure he heard, “Do you want to lick my nipples? Suck on them?”
With a little moan, Tracie nodded.
Raleigh moved her body so Tracie could kiss the skin between her breasts. “You want them, don’t you?”
“It will cost you ten with the strap. You liked the strap, I could tell.”
Tracie froze. She thought the punishment was over. Didn’t think her ass could take anymore.
“And you’ve wanted me to spank you all day. Haven’t you? Remember, no lying.”
Tracie whispered, “Yes.”
“Good girl.”
Christ, Tracie thought, I even love it when she says it.
After another kiss, Raleigh disappeared. Then Tracie felt the strap rub against her ass. Raleigh used the edge of it to tease Tracie’s pussy. She closed her eyes, wanting it so, so bad. And dreading it.
“You’re very close, naughty girl. Evan, can I make her come?”
“No. She’s being punished.”
Tracie felt it then. Fear welled up inside her. She didn’t know how, but she could sense Raleigh was about to tell him that she’d already made her come, earlier, after the paddling. Egg him into spanking her again.
“Raleigh, please,” she said.
Raleigh laughed, then smacked her ass. “Ok, my girl. I’m going to give you the strap like you want. Why do you want it?”
“So I can lick and suck your tits.”
The strap hit her ass. She cried out, straining against the straps, the pain blossoming out from her bottom. Raleigh didn’t hit near as hard as he did, but with all the punishment, it still lit up her world.
The others followed, not hard but quick, all over her ass. The tears came back, quickly, her pussy on fire. She arched up, wanting to please Raleigh. She took many more than ten. Raleigh gave her what she needed, harder and harder.
Something brushed her face. She opened her eyes to his cock, hard again. He rubbed it against her face, then lifting up and allowing her to lick his balls.
Crack. The strap found her thighs.
“Who owns you?” he asked.
“You do.” Crack.
He pushed his cock into her mouth. She opened wide, taking as much of it as she could. “Can you taste her? Her pussy?” Crack.
She nodded. Crack.
“Did you like watching me fuck her?”
She nodded again.
“Evan, come fuck her. She’s earned it. And I want to watch.”
Tracie’s heart froze. Her whole body wanted him inside her. Wanted it and needed it so bad, yet she dare not hope.
He pulled his cock out of her mouth. She missed it. He walked behind her. She felt Raleigh’s hand find her pussy, then both his strong hands find her hips. Raleigh’s fingers guided the head of his cock against the wet opening of her pussy.
“Please,” Tracie cried out. “Please.” She had never wanted anything so badly, her whole being crying out.
His cock pushed in. All the way in, splitting her.
“Fuck her hard,” Raleigh said.
He did. His cock slid out, then he slammed back into her. She gasped, the thrill of her pussy getting what it craved matched by the pain of him slamming into the skin of her ass; her spanked, paddled, strapped and caned ass.
Raleigh came around the chair, put her foot back up on the chair, and let Tracie taste her pussy again. Then she went to her knees. “I forgot you earned these, didn’t you?” She lifted her left breast up to Tracie’s lips and let her lick and suck on it. “Nibble on it.” Tracie did.
All the while, he fucked her, giving her what she needed. Like spanking her and fucking her at the same time. Her heaven. “Please, sir, can I come?”
Raleigh answered. “Yes, baby. Come on his cock. Make it all wet. I want to watch you clean it off again.” Then she pushed her breast even further into Tracie’s mouth.
She came. Her mind, her body, her whole being turned into one red, pulsing ball of energy. Finally getting what she wanted, and had wanted for days–her ass beaten and red, his cock deep inside her.
He didn’t stop, his cock pounding her. With the fire in her ass and her pussy, she couldn’t stop coming, one little orgasm on top of another, building and building.
Raleigh moved back down on the floor and onto her back. She lifted up one foot and pushed her big toe back into Tracie’s mouth. “It takes awhile, the second time. He’s going to fuck you good.” Then Raleigh used the fingers of one hand to rub her nipple–the one Tracie had sucked on–while the other hand slipped down to play with her pussy.
Another orgasm rolled through Tracie’s body. Not as intense as the first one, but bigger than the other, little ones. She loved that she was bound and helpless. That both of them could do whatever they pleased with her. That she was bent over a chair being fucked by him as she sucked on the toe of a beautiful woman.
She came again, thinking she was going to lose her mind.
Then his cock was gone, her pussy missing it the moment he pulled out. He pushed Tracie’s foot out of the way, then pushed the head into her mouth. She tasted herself on his cock, unbelievably slick with her juices. He was close. She sucked, her tongue flicking back and forth across the bottom of his cock. He reached out and grabbed both of her beaten cheeks and began to fuck her mouth. He groaned.
The first spurt, white hot, hit the back of her throat. She swallowed as he kept fucking her mouth. Again she swallowed, spurt after spurt filling her. She sucked and sucked, wanting it all, her lips tight around him. She loved the shaking of his body against those lips and the sounds escaping his lips.
With a gasp, he pulled out of her mouth and dropped back to the carpet. Raleigh was half under him, and must have just come–she was on her side, her body still shaking.
It took several moments to recover. Finally Raleigh managed to crawl to Tracie. She kissed her sweetly on the lips, then began untying her. She helped Tracie stand, then helped her over to Evan and they collapsed together, all of them touching one other.
Raleigh said, “Fuck, that was intense.” She rolled over, so that her and Tracie were facing each other, Raleigh on her side and Tracie on her stomach.
Tracie smiled at her, another wicked impulse running through her. “I’m pretty sure he still needs to spank you.”
“You wicked devil,” Raleigh said. She reached out, to smack Tracie’s ass.
Much later, late in the night and with dawn threatening, Tracie woke up. In his bed. His body lay sprawled out next to hers, the sheets a mess, his light snores comforting in the dark. Raleigh slept on the other side of him, her sweet ass against his side.
Tracie closed her eyes, trying to savor the moment. She had never felt so calm. So satisfied. So loved, she realized. This scared her, and part of her thought it odd and terribly wrong–that she needed to be owned and punished to feel like this. But those thoughts seemed foolish, overwhelmed by her immense sense of peace.
She tried to fall back asleep, but after ten or fifteen minutes, she gave up on that, then wondered what she should do. She could go watch TV. That might wake him. Then he might spank her, for waking him. She rubbed against the soft, soft sheets, wondering what he’d do if he woke up in the middle of her playing with herself. She slid her hand down, to feel the stripes across her ass. God, how will I sit tomorrow?
After moving the sheets very slowly out of the way, she slipped down and took him into her mouth. She could taste both herself and Raleigh on him. She liked that. Very gently, she sucked on his cock, then swirled her tongue over the head. Loving the softness of his skin, she planted small kisses up and down it. She heard him grumble, then felt his cock respond. She sucked it back into her mouth, wanting to feel it grow hard. Her tongue coaxed it back to rock hard, and she was amazed at the difference in size between soft and hard.
Slowly she kissed her way back up his body, letting her pussy lips trail up his leg as she did so. She avoided looking into his eyes as she kissed his lips, then all of his face, his neck, even his ears as her pussy teased his cock.
Having enough of that, his hands encircled her waist. In one thrust, his cock invaded her completely, filling her. She opened her eyes to find his staring back. With his hands, he fucked her, pushing her hips forward and back. Her fingers ran through his hair, loving the feel of it, her eyes never leaving his.
Finally, the intensity of it all too much, she closed her eyes and pressed her body tight against his. “I’m sorry,” she whispered into his ear. Tears slipped down her face.
“I know,” he whispered back, his voice kind. “I know. It’s all okay now.”
More tears flowed as her heart threatened to burst with emotions she couldn’t name and didn’t understand. She started thrusting her hips faster and faster. She wanted the moment to never end, yet couldn’t control her pussy’s mad desire.
The thought filled her head. Knowing the danger, the fear of it nearly overwhelming her, she wanted to run far away and hide. Yet she felt as if she’d die if she didn’t say it.
She whispered, “I love you.”