The Naughty Nurse

"Nurse Sowden gets caught having sex and receives a punishment."

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Nurse Mary Sowden stood outside the Matron’s office with fear and trepidation. Her stomach churned, but she also felt excited. She had never experienced being caned during her time in school and now, at the age of twenty-two, she was on the verge of receiving a severe caning. Her mind drifted to the events of that day that caused her to be standing and waiting for her punishment.


Mary had been nursing a male patient called Brian for the last three days. He was in his twenties and had a minor operation on the second day. He struck up a relationship with Mary and groped her on a couple of occasions.

This morning, he was due to be discharged after Mary checked his wound. Mary fancied him and wore her most provocative uniform. She had taken in the dress so it was tight fitting and low cut. She wore black stockings and a suspender belt with no knickers or bra.She wore chunky high-heeled shoes to show off her legs. She looked stunning with her curvy bum and boobs well displayed.

Mary took Brian into a treatment room but forgot to lock the door. She told Brian to remove his robe to discover he was naked and had an erect cock. She started professionally by checking his wound, but he groped her again and realised she had no panties on. Mary enjoyed his hand on her pussy and responded by stroking his cock. He tried to lift her uniform dress, but it was too tight, so Mary removed it. Brian lifted her onto the side of the treatment table and she spread her legs. Brian eased his cock into her slit and gently pushed. Mary responded by wrapping her legs around his body as he pounded away. Harder and deeper, he thrust, and Mary was panting loudly.

They were about to climax when the door was thrown open. Mary gasped as she saw Sister Groves looking straight at them.

“Mr Jones, Nurse Sowden. What are you doing?” she shouted.

Brian jumped back just as his cock spurted wildly. It went all over Mary’s legs and stomach.

Sister Groves was furious.

“Mr Jones, go and shower immediately!” she commanded.

Brian swiftly left and went to the shower.

“Nurse Sowden. Clear up this mess, get dressed and report to me,” she snapped.


About twenty minutes later, Mary knocked on the office door.

“Enter,” Sister Groves shouted.

Mary entered the room and positioned herself in front of the desk. She stood there nervously like a schoolgirl in front of the Head Teacher.

“You are a disgrace to the profession, nurse. Your uniform has been altered to tease the male patients and then I catch you have sexual intercourse with one of them. You leave me no option but to report you,” she continued.

“I’m sorry, Sister. We just hit it off, and it was a spur-of-the-moment thing,” Mary replied.

“It was a deliberate action to wear no panties or bra. You planned this and must now take the consequences,” Sister Groves stated.

Mary fidgeted as she stood in front of a furious Sister Groves.

“You will report to Matron at three o’clock this afternoon and can expect a severe punishment. Now get out,” she said furiously.


A voice startled Mary back to reality.

“Nurse Sowden, come in,”

Mary followed Matron into her office. She stood in front of the desk as Matron sat down.

“Nurse Sowden, I am shocked at your actions. You make your uniform seductive, wear no underclothes, and have sexual intercourse with a male patient in your care. Do you realise how serious this is?” Matron said calmly.

Mary began to speak, acknowledging that she broke the hospital rules and must be punished, before Matron interrupted her.

“You broke more than hospital rules. You should be reported to the Nursing Council and will probably be struck off. Also, a new law came in last year. It followed several instances of male nurses seducing female patients, but applies to female nurses as well. Having sex with a patient is now deemed an assault and can result in a jail sentence of up to five years. It is that serious,” Matron stated.

“I didn’t realise that. He was willing. Please don’t report me,” Mary pleaded.

“Luckily for you, this hospital allows corporal punishment as per your contract, and they pay you extra for accepting this condition. Moreover, it is not good for the hospital’s reputation to report you. I intend to administer six strokes of the cane for the patient incident and two strokes for the uniform breaches. Are you in agreement?” Matron exclaimed.

“And you won’t report me?” Mary queried.

“Of course not. The hospital has an excellent reputation, and that has to be protected,” Matron responded.

“Then I accept,” Mary said excitedly.

Mary had dreamt of getting caned many times but never got the courage to misbehave badly enough.

“Your will remove your uniform. I understand you are not wearing panties,” Matron said as she walked to an adjoining room.

Mary removed her uniform and stood there in just her stockings, suspender belt and shoes.

“Follow me and bend over the horse,” Matron said.

Mary walked into the room and saw a caning horse in the middle and a selection of canes on hooks. She bent over the horse, and Matron selected the longest and thickest cane. Matron swished it causing Mary to jump.

Suddenly, reality hit home. Mary was about to be subjected to her worst ever punishment, and she felt sick in her stomach. Matron stood alongside Mary and rubbed the cane across Mary’s buttocks. It felt strangely cold as it touched.

“Legs further apart,” Matron commanded, and Mary did as requested.

Matron smiled as she admired Mary’s beautiful bum as she lined up the cane.

The cane lifted high over Matron’s shoulder before it swished down with a loud crack on Mary’s buttocks.

The burning line erupted, and Mary yelped out in shock.

Matron paused before the cane crashed onto Mary’s bum, making her arch her back as the pain bit in.

The third stroke followed and hissed towards its target like a missile, cracking like a pistol shot onto her rear, causing Mary to cry out loudly.

Matron soon lifted the cane high and whipped it down hard, causing Mary to jump up as her whole bottom seemed on fire. She jumped around while rubbing her bum furiously.

“Back down and hold on tightly,” Matron barked.

Mary settled back into position and clung to the rails.

The fifth stroked came down with a violent hiss and Mary yelled loudly.

Matron continued at a steady pace and stroke six swished onto Mary’s buttocks. The tip bit into the furthest buttock and Mary hollered loudly.

There was a pause before the seventh stroke crashed onto her rump extra hard, making Mary cry out. Her eyes were red now as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Last one. Stay still,” Matron said as Mary fidgeted about.

The cane touched and rubbed across her red hot derrière before rising high over Matron’s shoulder. It whipped down on the gap between thighs and bum and had the desired effect. Mary yelled loudly and cried uncontrollably as Matron walked away.

Matron helped Mary off the horse and walked her into the main office.

“Get dressed when you are ready,” Matron said quietly.

Mary checked her bum and felt eight raised welts before easing herself into her uniform dress.

“You might regret making the dress so tight now,” Matron commented.

“Yes. I think I might,” she sniffled back.

“You may go when you are ready,” Matron said as she sat down behind her desk.

Mary staggered out, finding walking difficult. Luckily, she only had a few hundred yards to her flat.


As she walked, Mary felt her dress rubbing on her welts, and soon a warm glow appeared in her groin. She opened the door of the flat and swiftly removed her clothes and carefully eased onto the bed. She started stroking her pussy. It was moist and her fingers slipped into her slit and onto her clit. She started moaning loudly as she fingered herself before screaming delightfully to a climax.

She turned over and fell asleep on her face until morning.


Meanwhile, Matron had summoned Sister Groves to her office.

“Good afternoon, Sister,”

“Good afternoon, Matron,” she replied.

“I have called you here because I am disappointed with the situation today. You allowed Nurse Sowden to dress provocatively, causing a patient to get aroused. You should have stopped her,” Matron stated.

“But I warned her last week,” Sister Groves interrupted.

“In that case, you should have sent her to me this morning for ignoring your warning. I regret to say that you have to be punished as well,” Matron countered.

“But Matron,” Sister Groves started pleading.

“No more. Go next door, remove your uniform and get on the horse,” Matron asserted.

Sister Grove knew it was pointless arguing and did as instructed. She clutched the rails. It was not her first visit, and she knew what to expect.

Matron stood alongside her, and the cane rubbed across her bum. Matron lifted it high before it whistled down, causing Sister Groves to gasp. She had forgotten how painful the first stroke always was.

Matron swiftly lifted the cane again and swished it hard onto Sister Groves’s rear, just on her sit spot.

“Argh,” she yelled.

Sister Groves breathed a sigh of relief as Matron walked away.

“You may get up,” Matron said as she walked back into her office. Sister Groves followed, rubbing her bum as she walked, causing her tits to bounce.

Sister Groves got dressed slowly, thankful it had only been two strokes.

“I am sorry to have caned you, but your discipline has been lax lately,” Matron said as she opened the door.

“I am sorry. It is hard reporting nurses knowing they will get caned severely. I will try to improve,” Sister Groves said as she left, wiggling her bum provocatively at Matron in a show of defiance.

Published 6 months ago

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