The Nap

"A man experiences an abrupt wakeup during an early morning flight"

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It was just after six in the morning when I boarded my return flight to Chicago. As part of my job, I took a regular trip to our neighboring regional office in Minneapolis, which usually lasted a couple of days. Meetings had run late on the previous night, and I was short on sleep. During a travel day, I was expected to report to work for the second half of my normal scheduled work hours. I hoped to get a forty-five-minute nap during the roughly sixty-five-minute flight to help get me through the day.

Unfortunately, the plane was almost fully booked. It seemed like these flights were either completely full or empty, and there was no in-between. At least I had a window seat, which would ensure that I didn’t have to get up for bathroom breaks or get bumped into by fumbling passengers walking down the aisle.

As always, I came prepared with a small blanket and mini pillow in my carry-on bag. Once seated, I got settled into a comfortable position wearing the cozy tracksuit that I usually donned on those early morning flights. There were three seats on my side of the plane, and they were all occupied. Fortunately, neither of them bothered me as they could see that I was fully intending to go to sleep.

I leaned ever-so-slightly into the side of the plane as I stared blankly out of the window. It didn’t take very long for me to nod off.

I can recall having a dream about a sexual encounter with a familiar girl. She took the vague form of several of my ex-girlfriends, the secretary from my office, and the cute barista at my favorite coffee shop at different points in the encounter.

We always seemed to fall just short of having sexual intercourse, although we were both naked and doing just about everything else that we could possibly do. I remember thinking that I was getting overstimulated at that point in the encounter and was in danger of finishing before we really got the action going.

Just then, my eyes started to flutter. Dazed, I looked around the plane and realized where I was actually at and that it was just a dream. I quickly realized, though, that the sexual stimulation had not stopped. As I looked down, I could see movement underneath my blanket. I looked things over and quickly realized that the man sitting next to me had reached his hand inside my pants and was stroking my cock.

Strangely, much like when you fall down in public, my first reaction was to make sure that nobody had noticed what was going on. Groggy and panicked, I wasn’t sure how to react. I wasn’t gay and had never had a gay experience in my life. Still, I was paralyzed by the fear of causing a disturbance that would draw attention to what was happening.

It was then that I realized how close to orgasm I was. I could feel cum traveling from my balls to the “on deck” position, most likely pushing a couple of drops of residual urine and seminal fluid out in the process. There was probably less than a minute until “blast off.”

Nervously, my eyes darted from the dancing blanket at my waist to the man next to me. He finally looked in my direction as my eyes pleaded with him to end it one way or the other. He smirked at me and chuckled as I clenched my armrests tightly with both hands. I was trying my best not to make any noise, but my heavy breathing certainly had to be audible.

The back of my head pressed firmly against the headrest as my cock rocked spastically in his hand. It was an incredibly powerful orgasm, and it felt like I had pumped a gallon of cum, although that is often a deceiving sensation. My body wilted as I drifted into a state of afterglow.

The man retracted his hand from underneath the blanket. I could see a thick blob of cum that began to separate slightly as it slowly ran down the back of his hand. He casually licked it off, and I heard him rumble, “Mmmm”, as he swallowed it. From that point forward, he paid me no attention.

I looked down at my lap, fearful of what sort of mess was lingering underneath that blanket. I peeled the blanket back slightly to find my cock still peeking slightly out of the waistband that I had loosened earlier. Cum was splattered everywhere. It was on the front of my jacket, on the pants, and all over the underside of the blanket. I tried to use the blanket to mop some of it up, but it only smudged it around. I tucked my cock away and crudely folded up the blanket, trying to keep the wet areas folded in.

I hoped that my clothing would miraculously dry and not leave any splotches, but that was not destined to happen. By the time I got tidied up, the plane was touching down. As the plane started to empty, the man next to me stood up and started to walk down the aisle. He turned back toward me and scoffed in an effeminate voice, “Enjoy the rest of your day, Sleeping Beauty.”

Published 1 year ago

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