I lay on my front, hands bound behind me, legs spread. Mistress had yanked my hair back, forcing my head up to make me watch her fucking me. I was desperate to cum as she had been edging me for what seemed like hours, but she was holding an ice cube against my clit.
Maybe it hadn’t been such a good bet, after all…
The condo in Monaco was beautiful. It was spacious, airy, modern, well-equipped, with a gorgeous view of Port Fontvielle, and within sight of the Palais des Princes de Monaco, the Royal Palace. And, of course, very expensive, as just about anything owned by Miriam’s family would be.
Miriam had an appointment to see an important civil servant in Monaco for the family business, and they had agreed to meet for a late lunch, around 13:30. She wanted me to come along, both in my role as her office assistant, and to flirt with him.
I pouted. I was on vacation, and I told her so.
She smiled sweetly at me. “You will come along as my office assistant happily, and with a smile on your face – for which I will reward you later – or you will come along because I order you to, but without the reward. Now, you have an absolutely free choice: Which would you rather do?”
So, I went along as her happy, flirtatious office assistant.
At least it was a nice lunch. The civil servant, Otto, was in his fifties, but trim, and good-looking, so I had no problem flirting with him. I’m not sure if it helped Miriam or not, but it was fun.
And the food was good. Miriam was always surprised with how much I would eat when I was hungry. I told her it was the fucking that did it. It helped me work up an appetite…and did you say something about a reward after lunch?
Which is how we wound up, naked, in bed at around 15:30. I had finished warming Mistress up and was just starting to lick and nibble her pussy lips when her cellphone rang. I pouted when she picked it up and looked at the display.
“It’s Ilsa,” Mistress said, sat up, and answered.
Ilsa Bruner was Hans’ executive assistant. I had met her, and she scared me. She was forty-five, slim and grey-haired, immensely competent, very stern, and Hans trusted her implicitly. I think I’d rather fight a dragon than go up against Ilsa…especially as Hans would always back her up.
“Hi Ilsa, I have Nika with me,” Miriam said, putting the phone on speaker.
“Good. That will save time. We just got a call from Kristol, Ivan’s friend. She was calling for Katja DeJong. The call was routed to me, as Hans’ assistant, and I told her Katja was on assignment out of town.”
I moved between Mistress’s legs and started to get busy again, hoping to be able to distract her. She swatted me, but I dodged and kept at it.
“Excuse me a moment, Ilsa,” Miriam said, and put her hand over the phone. “Nadu!” she snapped at me.
I thought that was unfair, but she gave me no choice. I immediately knelt up on the bed in Nadu, eyes down. “Now listen, you little brat!” Then she took her hand away from the phone. “Sorry, Ilsa. What do you think we should do?”
There was a pause at the other end of the phone, then Ilsa said, slowly, “I think… Katja should decide what she would do.”
Mistress eyed me, then replied, “Yes, I think you’re right. Okay, Katja, what would you do?”
I thought quickly and reviewed what had happened with Kristol and Ivan. They thought they had blackmail material on Katja in the form of pornographic photos of me with Ivan and Kristol. So, Katja would be anxious about what they might do with them, and eager to respond.
“I think Katja should call as quickly as she can. I think she’ll be anxious to find out what Kristol wants. After all, she’s an eager, young intern, and she should be worried about what happened in Berlin, and about the photos that Ivan took. So, yes, she should return the call, and soon.”
Mistress nodded, “I think Katja’s right. Now, what do we think Kristol is going to want, and what should we tell her?”
The conversation went back and forth for some time, with all three of us offering ideas. Finally, Mistress wrapped it up. “Okay, Katja will speak with Kristol, and sound her out, see what she…which presumably means Ivan…wants. Nika may have to improvise, and I’ll listen in and nod or write her notes, but she’ll have to run the conversation. Are we agreed?”
There was a pause, then Ilsa said, “I think we should trust Katja. Her instincts seem to be good. Maybe Hans should give her a raise!” And she laughed.
Although I was still in Nadu, I gave a fist-pump in celebration.
“Obeisance!” Mistress snapped, and I fell forward onto my face.
Mistress sighed. “Yes, okay, Ilsa. I think you’re right. Katja will improvise. Let Hans know what we decided, okay?”
“Yes, of course, Miss Miriam. ‘Bye.” And she was gone.
Mistress looked at me, thinking.
“Hello, Kristol? It’s Katja DeJong. You wanted to speak with me?”
“Katja! How delightful to hear from you! How are you, girl?”
I looked at Mistress, who was lying in bed next to me. We were both still naked…and I still hadn’t had my after-lunch reward!
“I…I’m fine, thanks, but in a bit of a hurry. Can I call you back later?”
“No, it’s fine, I’ll be quick. You made a big impression on Ivan. He’s actually sorry he didn’t get to say good-bye the other day, and he never says that! He’d like to see you again.”
“Oh.” I gulped, and Mistress poked me in the ribs. “I…I’m in Amsterdam now, working on an assignment here. I don’t think I can come to Berlin.”
“No, actually that works! Ivan is going to be in Antwerp later this month, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind making a side trip to see you. Would you like me to make arrangements to see him? He’s really very eager to get together with you again.”
I let the silence run for a bit, “I…I’m not sure, Kristol. That night was…well, it was not something I’m proud of. I’m…I’m really a very good girl, and…well, things got…out of control for me. A bit. Really.”
“I completely understand dear. But Ivan was most insistent.”
“But…but I’m not really like that! I’m not a bad girl, and that night was… Oh! It was so different from anything I’ve done before. It just wasn’t like me… and… I’m not that kind of a girl!”
Kristol waited until I was finished then said, “I know dear, that was very clear to both of us. That’s actually one of the things Ivan liked so much about you. You are so pure, so sweet and innocent…and he appreciates that.”
I let the silence stretch.
“Look, why not just meet him for a drink, okay? Then make a decision. He’s really a charming man, and a lot of fun. You’ll have a good time, I guarantee it!”
“Um…” I swallowed noisily, and Mistress covered her mouth, smirking at me. “I guess? I suppose I could meet him for one drink.”
“Excellent! Ivan is really good to his friends. He appreciates them, and makes sure they know it. You won’t suffer for it, I’ll make sure of that. And who knows? Maybe this could be the start of a whole new chapter in your career. Ivan can make things happen for you. He’s a very influential man!
“I’ll be in touch when I know Ivan’s dates and we’ll set something up. You take care, now…and don’t let them work you too hard, okay?”
“Uh, yes, sure. And…thank you Kristol.”
She chuckled. “It’s no problem, sweetheart. We’ll see you. Kiss, kiss, bye!”
And she was gone. Mistress threw her head back and laughed, banging her head against the headboard. “Oh fuck, that was funny! ‘Oh, Katje, you’re so sweet, and pure, and innocent! Kiss, kiss, kiss!’” Then she started kissing the air.
I was shocked. Mistress almost never used profanity. Then she caught my eye, and I started to laugh, and soon we were both rolling around on the bed, holding each other and laughing.
And then we were rolling around on the bed…and we weren’t laughing anymore.
That was more fun…I mean, Mistress called Ilsa again, and briefed her on what happened, and promised to call Hans to discuss it later. But then she looked at me and indicated that I should lie back on the bed.
I was there in a flash, arms open and knees spread wide, waiting…and she wasn’t far behind me. And she brought her crop.
She rewarded me for my patience by swatting my kitty three times, which is always a turn-on for me, then used her mouth to ease the burn.
It didn’t take me long to cum after that, and Mistress wasn’t far behind me.
After that, we both napped. When we woke up, Miriam decided we’d go to the Monte-Carlo Casino for dinner, and then gamble for a while, just for fun. She had me call for reservations, and her family name got us the promise of a nice table.
So, we dressed for the casino, as required. The casino really wanted people to wear formal evening attire, but it was summer, and the dress code was relaxed slightly. Still, Mistress enjoyed dressing up, as do I, so we both wore more formal clothes, and I wore the silver collar with the wolf’s head that Mistress gave me for public wear.
[img]https://upload.lushstories.com/1432292001-Nika’s gold collar with wolf.jpeg[/img]
Mistress’ dress was long and a shimmering white, mine was short and black, we both wore high heels, and we had our hair up. I did Mistress’ and my own, of course, although she helped with mine. We both made ourselves up as glamour-pusses, and I thought we both looked good enough to eat…which was what I had in mind for later, anyway.
Mistress, when formally dressed, looks like a queen. She commands instant respect and attention. I, on the other hand, look like a sexy snack…which is, fundamentally, what I am. And I’m perfectly okay with that, as long as I can be Mistress’ snack.
We got a cab to the Monte-Carlo Casino, drew interested stares as we arrived, and had a lovely supper at a table where we could see and be seen. As two sexy exhibitionists, that suited us just fine.
We talked about what Ivan might want, about Monaco, and the weather, and the water, and what it must be like to live here, until we finally finished our supper, then wandered over to the Casino proper.
I was fascinated by the beautiful rooms, the well-dressed people, and all the glamour. Mistress told me not to be a country bumpkin – the Casino’s purpose was to separate fools from their money, and make them like it.
I asked why she gambled.
“Because I enjoy it. But I’m not fool enough to think they’re going to make it easy for me to win.” She gave me €1,000, and told me I could keep anything I won over that…but would have to work off anything I lost.
“And what will I have to do to work off my debts?” I asked her in my best, innocent girl voice. She just smiled down at me.
I figured I couldn’t lose, whether I won or lost money. And I wanted to have some fun.
We walked around for a while, with Mistress describing the games to me, and telling me how hard – or easy – it was to lose money at each one. “Stay away from the slot machines,” she said, “They have lots of bright lights and sexy sounds for a reason…to distract you from the fact that they are robbing you blind, okay?”
Craps and Blackjack were the two best games to play if you wanted to work at winning, she said, but she decided that since we were here for fun, we would play roulette. “You’ll have more fun there…and you might even be able to win something, if you’re even a little bit lucky.”
So, we wandered over to a low-stakes wheel, with a €10 minimum, and sat down next to each other. Before she let me bet, she explained how it all worked. I mean, I had seen roulette wheels in films, but had no idea how the betting worked. She explained Rouge & Noir, Even–Odd, High–Low, Columns, Dozens, and more. Then she said that the individual numbers paid out the most – 35:1 – but also had to lowest chances of winning.
I got it, to my surprise. It just made sense to me, as if this was imprinted in my mind before I even walked up to the table. So, I turned to her and said, “How about side-bets. Are they allowed?”
She looked at me, amused. “What would you bet on?”
“Well, we could bet who’s won the most money, you or me.”
Now she smiled, “And what would you wager? That’s my money you’re holding, you know.”
I smiled up at her, knowingly. “Oh, I think we could probably come up with…something…”
“Forfeits?” she suggested.
“Why not?” I answered.
“Okay, we’ll compare how much we’ve won or lost every five rolls, okay?
“Deal!” I said, grinning. I’d gotten what I wanted…and there really was no way I could lose.
She bet €100 on black…her family’s company colours being red and black – Rouge et Noir – then waited to see what I’d bet.
I bet €20 on green…zero.
She looked at me. “You do realize your chances of winning are 1 in 37, and they only pay 35-to-1, right?”
I grinned at her and nodded. “But if I win…I get €700!
She shrugged, and we waited for the ball to fall, “Le numero six…six, noir!” the croupier called.
Mistress had won…and I had lost.
She won three times, always betting on black, then switched to red and lost twice, so was up by €100…and I kept betting on zero, and was down by €100.
She looked at me. “Are you trying to lose?” she asked.
“Maybe…” I said and grinned.
She smiled back at me. “I’d like your thong, please.”
I looked around and saw that no one was really watching us, so stood up, pulled my skirt up at my sides, hooked my red thong with my thumbs, and shimmied it down my legs, then stepped out. I bent over and picked it up, looking at Mistress quizzically.
“Place it on the table in front of you, please.”
I hesitantly did that, blushing slightly. The croupier didn’t notice, but the couple sitting across from us did and nudged one another, whispering. Mistress calmly picked it up, folded it, and put it in her clutch.
The same thing happened after the next five rolls. “Your bra, please.”
This was trickier, even though it was light and lacy. Working through the material of my blouse, I unsnapped my red bra in the front, then had to shrug it off my shoulders, and shimmy it out through one of my sleeves.
Have you ever tried to do this in a crowded casino, surrounded by people? It’s not as easy as it sounds, believe me. Fortunately, as a stripper, I was practiced at these kinds of moves, and managed it without getting too many stares, although the couple across the table were grinning at me now, and the guy next to them was staring at me openly. I winked at the couple and ignored the guy.
The zero didn’t come up for me the next time, either, so even though Mistress lost money, net, on the next five rolls, she still came out ahead of me.
“Pull your skirt up to your waist, and sit with your legs open, please” was her next instruction. At least this time, I didn’t have to put anything on the table.
I smirked when the guy opposite tried to look under the table…then realized that the table is very deep, and he couldn’t see anything. He got up and looked as if he was going to move over to our side, but Mistress fixed him with her basilisk stare, and he sat back down again.
I wasn’t sure what more I could lose, but that really wasn’t my problem, so I smiled at Mistress. “Double the bet?” I asked.
She snorted. “With what? To what?”
“Winner of the next five rolls gets to be Top for the night?”
She looked me hard in the eyes. “You? Top?” She snorted, “You wouldn’t know what to do.”
I just smiled at her and waited.
“Fine. But it’s going to be winner for the evening gets to be Top.”
I nodded…then bet €100 on zero. If I won, there would be almost impossible for her to catch me. And if I lost…I still won. Which was what I’d been angling for all evening.
You see, I really do like being submissive. And I knew she would want to get even with me for being a brat…so…it promised to be an interesting night, all around.
Whichever way the ball rolled.
We were home, and I was staring up at my reflection in the mirror.
Mistress had won, of course, and she had a wicked gleam in her eye when she did. I was wet…and eager…but tried not to show it, playing the unwilling victim being forced, which I know she likes.
I was wearing red lingerie, filmy and almost transparent, but Mistress seemed to find me sexier in lingerie than naked. My hands were bound behind me, my feet were, once again, locked wide onto a spreader bar, and I was bent over the bed. She had ordered me to watch as she worked on me in the mirror she had placed opposite the bed, so my head was turned up to stare at our reflections.
“You know, Mouse,” Mistress said, as she walked towards me as if stalking me, a bowl in one hand, and her other hidden behind her. “I was very anxious at times when you were in the Dungeon at DeCoven. But…one of those times, although I promise you I was anxious, I also found one of your little…escapades…rather a turn-on.”
She put the bowl down on a bedside table and dropped whatever she was holding in her other hand farther up the bed, out of my sight. She leaned over me, putting her hands on either side of me, her naked tits hanging down over my back, and looked into my eyes in the mirror. “And that was when the Keeper disciplined you for playing with yourself without permission…”
My heart skipped a beat, and I swallowed. That was not a pleasant memory. And Mistress was entirely capable of leaving me edged, panting, and desperate to cum, just as the Keeper had. This might not be as much fun as I had hoped.
“Ah! I see you remember that little interlude! Well, let’s see what we can do to recreate it. Or at least parts of it. Any objections?”
I didn’t say anything because she had stuffed a ball gag into my mouth and strapped it tight. “No? Good! Then let’s get started, shall we?”
First, she pulled my panties down as far as my spread legs would allow. Then, she started whisking her hands along my back, and down between my legs to my kitty, then quickly on down my legs to behind my knees, then up again. And she kept doing it, and she was in no hurry.
Mistress had done this to seduce me the first time I visited her dance studio, so I knew how expert she is at it. Before long, I was straining, panting, and drool was running out of my mouth around the ball gag.
She stopped and waited until I started to calm down, then picked something up from the top of the bed…and I heard a buzzing sound. She held up her favorite vibrator so I could see, it, then ran it lightly down my spine, between my ass cheeks, and finally used it to split my pussy lips.
She stopped short of my clit.
I was writhing already, and she had barely begun.
She kept moving the vibrator around my body, edging closer and closer to my clit, but never quite getting there. I started tensing every time it touched my groin and started trying to beg…which, of course, was useless as it came out as a series of grunts and mumbles.
Finally, she split my pussy lips, and slowly worked the vibrator into my pussy, twisting it back and forth as she went. My body went rigid, and I was moaning, desperate for her to bring me off…and knowing she was going to play cat and pussy for a lot longer.
When she finally had it buried completely inside me, she left it there, unmoving but still vibrating for a while…and then pulled it out completely. It broke free of my cunt with a slurping sound. She held it up so I could see it in the mirror. It was coated with my juices. She held it horizontally, and let it drip onto my back.
“My, my! Someone is getting pretty excited. Perhaps it’s time to…do something about that, hmmm?”
She turned the vibrator off, put it down on a towel, and reached for my favourite playtoy…her crop. She teased me with it for a while, slapping my ass cheeks, and up and down my legs. Then, without warning, she smacked my pussy hard.
I bucked and moaned, and felt my climax starting to rise.
She paused for a while, and then, again without warning, smacked my pussy. My whole body flinched, and I moaned deeply. It wouldn’t be long now, and I wondered if she was going to let it end this quickly. I hoped she would…
Then she put down her crop and reached for the bowl on the side table.
I knew, just before she scooped the contents out, what was coming next…and I didn’t like it! Her hand came out of the bowl holding some ice cubes, dripping in her hand.
I tried to thrash around, hoping somehow to escape, but she laughed, and placed her free hand in the small of my back, pushing me into the mattress.
The hand holding the ice cubes moved over my back, and she held it there, letting the ice water drip on me. When the first drop hit me, it felt like it was burning, and I jerked. She moved her hand slowly over me, letting the drops fall in different parts of my back…then further down until the drips started falling on my ass. She moved her hand slightly, and a drop fell on the inside of my ass crack, and started to roll down between my legs.
I bucked and tried to push against her, but she only laughed again and held the small of my back down.
“You know, holding these ice cubes is kind of…uncomfortable. Maybe I should find someplace…warm…to put them, wouldn’t you agree?”
I shook my head violently “NO!” but she ignored me.
“And I think a nice, warm place would be right…” and her hand moved between my legs, “here!”
She pushed the ice cubes against my pussy, and slid them around to make sure they slid across my clit and the whole area between my inner lips. I went rigid as the shock hit what were perhaps the most sensitive parts of my body, and I started to thrash harder.
She held the cubes there for what seemed like forever, ignoring my attempts to move away from her, then finally, pulled back, and dropped them back in the bowl again.
“Wow! That ice is…cold…isn’t it?” she said, licking the water off her hand, then shaking it. “And…mmm…you taste good.”
She moved behind me, and lowered her mouth between my legs, then started eating me as only she knows how.
She knows my body intimately and is a consummate professional sex worker as well. As cold as I had been, I quickly became hot and dripping wet again. I put my forehead down on the bed, and cried out in frustration.
Then felt her hand snake through my hair, and pull me up again to face myself. “You will watch what I do to you…all of it. Understand me, slut?” Her face showed the cold, hard expression that so scared me. I could only nod, docilely.
There are reasons why she is my Mistress. I not only love her, I not only swore an oath to obey her, I not only worship every centimeter of her body, but she does now, and always has, been able to scare me silly with a look.
She moved up onto the bed, sitting next to me, and picked up the vibrator again, this time using it against my side, first the side nearest her, stimulating my tit and down around my hips, then leaning over and doing the far side. Then she slid it under me, moving it down so it was just short of my mound. It was vibrating my lower torso, and shaking the bed, but it was not directly stimulating my clit. It wasn’t enough. It was just tantalizing, which was precisely what she had in mind.
Then she reached for another toy and held up a fat butt plug vibrator that she sometimes used on me. She looked at it admiringly, then took a tube of lubricant, watching me as she squeezed some onto the plug, then smeared it all over. She put the tube down, then leaned forward, holding it up so I could see it.
“This can go in easy, or it can go in hard, but it is going to go up your ass one way or the other, little Mouse.”
It was incredibly difficult for me to relax my sphincter in the excited state I was in, but I did my best. It wasn’t as good as I would normally have been able to do, but it was enough that it didn’t hurt too much going in.
Then she switched it on low.
All I could do was groan. I almost put my head down again, then jerked it up as soon as I remembered I wasn’t allowed to do that.
Now there were conflicting vibrations working on me. The vibrator underneath me was quivering my lower torso, but not quite stimulating my clit. And the butt plug was buzzing away in my ass, sending vibrations next door to my cunt.
Mistress stood up, put one hand on her hip, looked at me, and smiled.
“I wonder, little Mouse, I wonder just what you would have done if you had won. I’m sure you would have thought of something diabolical to do as Top…wouldn’t you?”
I tried to shake my head no, and say no around the ball gag, but she continued. “You know, I’m just sure you would have done something terrible to me. I feel quite sure of it. So, I feel entirely justified in getting even…although you haven’t yet had a chance to do me, have you?”
I shook my head violently no.
“Still…you would have done something very…nasty…to me, wouldn’t you?” and she waited. I tried to shake my head no, but the truth is, that I had had some idle thoughts about what I would have done…and they weren’t particularly kind. In fact, some of them were positively evil.
Not that it mattered.
Except she knew me so well, that she could read my face like a book. Her smile broadened. “I thought so. Well, get your retaliation in early, I always say.”
She walked over to the window. “It’s a nice night out. Perhaps the neighbours would like to hear us play, do you think?” She opened the window wide, then came around and undid the ball gag, removing it from my mouth.
“Mistress…” I began.
“Shhhhh! Shh…shh…shhh. No words, little Mouse. You can make sounds, although I don’t know that the neighbours will like it if you’re too loud, but no words, understand?”
I nodded, but wondered how long I could hold out. I was getting close, with the dual vibrations working on me. I started moaning rhythmically, and Mistress understood immediately what I was feeling.
She quickly moved to the head of the bed again, and once again picked up the ice cubes. I groaned and turned my head to the side, then arched my back and screamed as she forced the ice cubes against me again. She held them there, moving them around, making sure to cover all of my sensitive parts over and over again, and slipping one in and out of my cunt, until I groaned.
“Please…please, Mistress!” I begged.
She stood up and said, “I told you, no words!”
She took one of the rapidly melting ice cubes from her hand, and pushed it into my mouth, then forced my mouth closed around it.
I could taste myself on the ice cube. It was bizarre to taste my own cunny juices, diluted on something cold, hard, and wet.
She stepped away, dropped the rest of the ice cubes back in the bowl, then moved out of sight, and returned wearing a thick, strap-on, black dildo. She picked up the tube of lubricant, slicked herself up with it, then stepped between my spread legs, positioning the tip of her cock against my quivering cunt lips. She waited there, watching my eyes, and when I blinked, she shoved it into me hard. With the butt plug in my ass, I felt overstuffed…as I was.
I arched my back, and screamed again, panting, then relaxed into it, breathing hard as she shoved herself in again, pulled back quickly, then shoved again.
She was soon thrusting in and out of me hard, and had a nice, smooth rhythm going. But when she noticed that I was starting to heat up, she stretched over, picked up a single cube, reached around underneath me, and started holding it against my clit.
The shock was as bad as the first time, and I tried to buck and writhe to get free…all to no avail. She grabbed my hair with her free hand and held my face up so I was forced to watch as she fucked me hard.
The only benefit was that I could see from her face that she was getting very close to cumming. She was becoming flushed, and her breathing was getting shallower. And I could watch her.
Despite how she was torturing me, or maybe because of it, I adored her. I had loved her far longer than she had loved me, and I worshipped every centimeter of her body, so watching her cum because of me was akin to a religious event, and I felt enormous pleasure as I watched her.
She closed her eyes as she began to cum, pulling my hair hard. Her whole body shuddered, and now she cried, not in frustration, but in ecstasy. Her orgasm went on and on, her nipples screwed up tight and hard, her whole upper body flushed and pink, her mouth open, and her eyes closed. Then she lowered her forehead onto my back, and sobbed, crying in ecstasy.
She dropped the ice cube from against my clit, and collapsed onto my body, crushing the breath out of me, panting for a while, I don’t know how long.
Then she pushed herself up on her elbows, licked the fingers of her right hand, slid it underneath me, and started to gently massage my clit.
It didn’t take long, and, very shortly after my Mistress, I came as she held me.
It was amazing, and I had won after all.
Not long after that, she pulled her strap-on out of my cunt, pulled the butt plug out of my ass, undid my hands, then released my ankles and feet, and rolled me onto my back on the bed.
She disappeared then for a time, but came back presently, lifted me like a rag doll, and carried me into the bathroom, laying me gently into the warm, rising waters. There were bubbles and candles, and sweet aromas. But mostly, there were her hands, her loving hands, bathing me, caressing me, and her voice telling me what a loving and beloved part of her life I was. How I belonged to her, and she would care for me always. How she loved having me as her slave, but how I was so much more than that.
I lay in the warm water, eyes closed, overwhelmed by my feelings for her. Finally, I opened my eyes, put my hand up, pulled her face down to me, kissed her lovingly on the lips, and said: