The Music Within

"In the hands of the maestro music is possible"

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The maestro

is the pulse


within her veins

Long absent of rhythm

a heartbeat

of undefined breadth

shadowed and blurred

She cannot hear

the aching Symphony

swaying before her

Her disjointed melody


In faltering bursts

of anguished dissonance

Every note

a blackened surrender

of abandoned hope

Each chord

a heart wrenching plea

Beseeching her love

she choked

on discordant strings

of plucked breath


within her chest

A whispered cadence

of unsteady crescendo

waiting to be played


But then

when the maestro comes

draws his bow

over you



The discordant sounds

of your heart

become music

that soothes

and revives

Your body

comes alive

as he conjures

sweet melody

from your heart

Each subtle movement

of his hands

his breath

lead you

to a majestic

symphony of sound

and orgasmic bliss

Published 1 year ago

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