"She came for a picture, left with an amazing memory."

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Emily was a bowler. She was very talented for someone who never practiced away from league play. She was built well for bowling, at 5’9″ and 165 pounds.With strawberry blonde hair, freckles, and steely green eyes, she was not afraid to prove herself, and did often. She felt that she would never find someone that would appreciate her for the talented, capable, respectable person she was.

One night, the first night of her new league, she wasn’t having a good night. Her first game was a 127, which really isn’t too bad, except that her usual game was around 150. She was frustrated with herself because she was trying to set a new average. They got into the second game of three, and her shoulder started to ache slightly, which was typical, but not normally this early.

Around the fifth frame her shoulder tensed hard just as she released the ball, making her jerk painfully. She heard a tearing sound, and felt extreme pain following it. She tried to shake it off, playing like it was just a normal thing, but it wouldn’t go away. She continued to play, but it hurt severely after she’d finished for the night. When she got home she kept ice on it for almost an hour, but it didn’t help.

She went to school the next day, but ended up leaving early because she was in so much pain. She iced it again when she got home. Her dad wasn’t too thrilled to find her at home when he got home from work. She explained the situation but, as usual, he didn’t care about anything but the fact that she wasn’t in school. She was used to that though, and brushed it off.

The next day, she didn’t go to school at all because of the pain. Her dad was furious and demanded that she go to the doctor. She agreed with him, as this was what she wanted anyway. He called the doctor and took her in the same day. The doctor told her to get x-rays, which she did, then returned to the doctor’s office. He told her that there was no bone injury and sent her to an orthopedist who told her that she needed an MRI.

She shuddered at the thought of the enclosed tube. She was only slightly claustrophobic, so it didn’t usually bother her, but this was a tighter enclosure than normal. The nurse gave her the phone when she got out to the waiting area so she could answer a few questions for the orthopedist’s office. The appointment was set up for the next day.

She walked nervously into the office where the MRI was to take place, shaking slightly as she filled out the paperwork. Once she finished it, she handed it back to the attending and waited, somewhat impatiently, for the doctor to call her in. When he called her in, he had to snap her out of a daze.

She followed the doctor back to the room for the MRI. He handed her a pair of paper shorts to put on, and directed her to a changing room. He told her to take off her pants and anything she was wearing with metal, including her bra. It didn’t have any metal on it, but she did as she was told. She would have listened to him no matter what he asked her to do.

He was hot, from India, she thought, but he didn’t have the slightest accent. He was about mid-height, and skinny. She tried to not look at him, but he caught her eye. When she stepped out of the dressing room, he made sure she didn’t have any metal, then led her to the exam room.

The machine was huge. He directed her to lie down on the table, and then put her in a shoulder strap, which she didn’t particularly like, but she let him because it meant he had to touch her. He got her strapped in place, and then pushed the button for the table to slide into the machine. He innocently placed his hand on her thigh, letting it slide down as the table moved in. She just barely held back a sigh; his hands felt soft and warm on her leg.

He left the room once she was in place so he could start the process. It wasn’t as bad as she thought being inside the machine. It was close, but she could see out the end, and it was well-lit on the inside.

When the machine started working, it started vibrating. It wasn’t as strong inside, but outside it was vibrating the table. Her legs were hanging out of the machine, but were on the table. It was vibrating her strong enough that she felt it in her clit. She wasn’t allowed to use her right arm because it was the one being held down by the strap. She fought against putting her left hand down and rubbing her clit, but she was overwhelmed by the vibrations and couldn’t help herself.

Her hand came out of the machine, just barely far enough to be seen, and started rubbing gently at her clit. The doctor happened to look up just then and saw what she was doing. She couldn’t see him, but she felt his eyes on her. She stopped out of embarrassment, but then she heard a slight moaning over the internal speakers of the machine. He had forgotten to turn the speakers off!

She knew now that he had seen her, but was enjoying it. She reached her hand back out of the machine and started to rub her clit again, but this time she went under the paper shorts. The machine continued to vibrate, and she rubbed harder on her clit. She let out a quiet moan, no longer caring if he knew what she was doing.

Her moan had obviously been heard on his end, because he quickly returned a moan, but it was louder than before.

The machine eventually stopped, and she took her hand away from her now soaking wet clit. That’s when she realized that someone was standing over the machine. She tried to pull her hand back into the machine, but a hand took hers, and started to lick off her fingers.

She knew who it was, and it was making her more wet. She regretted having worn a thong that day. It was soaked through, and getting her paper pants wet. The doctor saw this, but realized she was helpless in there.

He pressed the button and rolled the table back out, but didn’t unstrap her from the table. He looked at her and she blushed.

“Were you having fun?”


He looked down at her crotch. It was soaking wet through the shorts.

“Let me take those off you,” he said with a grin.

She nodded, helpless to do anything. She lifted her hips so he could slide them off, but he just grabbed them and ripped them off her. He looked at her thong… Red, with a kitty paw-print on the front. He licked his lips.

“What are you gonna do to me?” she asked, giving him a wink that said he could do anything he wanted.

He drew little patterns around the waistband on her thong, making her jump slightly. He kissed her belly button, which stuck out below her shirt slightly. Then in one swift motion, like he had a lot of practice, he pulled her thong past her ankles and to the floor. He looked at her clean-shaven pussy and licked his lips.

He hopped up onto the end of the table between her legs. She could tell he was very flexible because he sat on his legs and bent down between her outspread thighs. He ever so lightly flicked his tongue across her clit, making her shudder. Her reaction to his tongue pleased him, and she could see him getting harder, his cock outlined against his pants.

All of the sudden he jumped off the table and pulled his own pants off. She discovered that he hadn’t been wearing any underwear, which is why it had been so easy to see him. He came back to the table and kissed her sweetly. She had trouble taking her eyes off his rock hard cock.

“Do you want this?” he asked her.

He noticed she had started stroking herself again, hard enough to make her squirm. He stopped her, bringing his cock up to her hand, rubbing it against her skin. She tried to turn her hand to reach, but couldn’t.

“Do you want this?” he asked again.

She only licked her lips. He grinned. He ran his hand up the length of his cock for a moment and climbed up onto the table again, this time over her head, lying across her, careful not to hurt her shoulder.

His cock sticking straight at her, she lightly flicked her tongue across the tip.

“Mmm…” he said, as he dove into her hot, wet cunt.

He lapped at her clit hungrily. Every time his tongue touched her, she kissed the head of his cock until she proceeded to pull it into her mouth. She used her one free hand to pull him down to her and hold him there, sucking on the whole length of his cock.

She could taste his pre-cum in her mouth and she started sucking harder. He moaned, starting to thrust into her mouth. She could feel him throbbing in her mouth and knew he was about to cum.

Suddenly, he moaned into her clit, sending vibrations deep into her. She moaned in response, her back arching, only her shoulders and her ass touching the table.

He plunged his tongue deep into her, driving it in as far as he could, pressing his face against her, his warm breath blowing across her swollen clit. Her back arched again, lifting him slightly. She broke her suction on his cock and let out a scream. She came in his mouth so hard that he could barely take it all in. He couldn’t handle it anymore. He gave a loud grunt and jerked hard, shooting cum into her mouth and down her chin.

She took in what she could before she collapsed from her orgasm, with him landing on top of her as he relaxed.

He immediately rolled off of her, trying not to hurt her shoulder, suddenly remembering where they were. When he rolled off her, he had to swing off the table. His feet made contact with the floor, and then so did his knees, his orgasm was so hard he couldn’t stand.

She lay there panting and trying to lick his cum off her face. She couldn’t reach all of it with her tongue. He watched her struggle for a second, and then wiped it up with his finger, putting it by her mouth, just out of reach. She stuck out her tongue and licked his finger. He unstrapped her shoulder from the table, letting her get up.

She swung her feet to the side and stood up, shaky at first, but she regained her balance quickly.

She helped the doctor up from his knees and walked him to where the clothes were, and helped him get them back on. She dressed herself and made sure she was all put together before going back to the waiting room to go home. Before she stepped out the door, the doctor stopped her. He gave her a sensual kiss and told her she needed to come back more often. She winked at him, letting him know she would be back, and walked out the door.

Published 11 years ago

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