The Mother In Law – Elle Chapter 4

"The fourth part in an ongoing series about his taboo fascination with his mother in law"

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He drove Kath and Elle to the wedding reception. The ceremony in the church had been quite pleasant, but his mind was preoccupied with the lust filled images that he was constantly imagining of his dick and Elle, his mother in law’s ass.

She was wearing a black dress that went down to her knees, a pair of black 3 inch high heels and a cardigan that covered her otherwise bare shoulders. She was heavily made up, with dark purple lipstick, and the smell of the liberal amount of flowery perfume that she had spritzed herself with right before getting in his car was making his head swim.

He was wearing a tailored, navy suit with a blue and white striped tie. He found it was constantly necessary to adjust his semi-erect penis through his pants when he thought no one was looking, so that he could even walk and sit properly.

Elle was sitting in the back of the car, and he had surreptitiously made sure to angle the rear view mirror downwards so that every time he glanced at it, he was treated to a glimpse of his mother in law’s knees and her pale white calves. Driving with this distracted was difficult, but luckily for his passengers, the exit for the reception venue was coming up ahead.

He pulled the car next to the restaurant, and watched as his wife, Kath, wearing a tight green skirt and cream blouse, and his mother in law’s black satin covered ass got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. He let out an erotically charged sigh and shaking his head a little, he pulled away in search of a parking spot.

The parking lot was so full of cars that it took him a good five minutes before he found a spot, nestled between a dumpster and a delivery van at the far end of the lot behind the restaurant. He locked the car and headed inside, shifting his engorged cock around in his trousers, again.

The meal was pretty standard wedding reception fare. So it certainly did not distract him any from his new found goal of flirting with Elle. She rarely drank any alcohol, and when she did drink she usually chose fruity concoctions that were not very potent. So he had taken the liberty of helping her to lose some of her inhibitions by ordering extra strong drinks for her as soon as she had finished the last.

He headed to the bar and retrieved yet another strawberry daiquiri, with an extra shot of rum for Elle, a Michelob Ultra for Kath and a soda water with a splash of lime for him. The ladies thought he was drinking his usual vodka tonics, but he was actually alternating each round as he wanted to have his full faculties for the evening ahead.

“Oh, I couldn’t have another one!” Elle giggled.
“Don’t be silly. It’s a celebration, you’re supposed to be letting your hair down and having a good time,” he said with a smirk. The three of them were sitting at a high-top table in the bar area of the restaurant.

He took the opportunity to take his phone out of his pocket and, activating the hidden recorder option that didn’t activate the screen, he positioned it underneath the table between his knees, aiming it, he hoped, at the knees of his wife and her mom. He kept up the pretense of conversation, all the while hopeful that he was getting some usable footage of between their thighs.

He desperately wanted Elle to spread her legs ever so slightly, just enough that the shadow between her thighs would recede to the point that he would be able to see the silky material of her panties, taut against her crotch. He recorded for three or four minutes until Kath got up to excuse herself to use the restroom and he turned off the recorder. She moved away, leaving Elle and him alone at the table. Surrounded by Elle’s friends and neighbors, at Kath’s childhood friend’s wedding, he put the second phase of his plan into action.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked, looking longingly into her large brown eyes.
“Oh yes, but I’m feeling a little tipsy,” she laughed softly, looking away shyly.
“Cheers,” he said, raising his glass and clinking it against her drink. He watched her take another deep drink through her straw. Some of the bright red liquid fell from her lip and dribbled on her chin.

He reached out and with his thumb gently wiped it from her face, and then casually placed his thumb into his mouth and sucked it, while never breaking eye contact with her. His cock could cut through steel, he thought, it was so hard, he was becoming concerned that he’d never be able to get up and stand again, his horniness was so severe. He extended his leg under the table and placed his foot on the bar that connected the legs of her stool, right between her two feet.

He looked away from her, feigning an interest in the music.

He took a sip of his own drink, as Kath returned from the restroom and resumed her seat. He and Kath engaged in some people watching, passing remarks conspiratorially about the way certain people were dressed, and how drunk the bride was getting.

Throughout the conversation, Elle remained disengaged and quiet, a strange, pensive look on her face, mixed with half a smile. He began to rub his foot against hers on the stool. Doing it in such a way that if anyone was to look underneath the table it would be glaringly obvious that he was seriously playing footsie with his mother in law.

She, for her part, did not immediately react, but slowly as the time went on, he felt her begin to move her legs, and cross them at the knee (he wished he had been recording to see that shift in the material that covered her legs). He left his foot where it was, not daring to look at Elle in case all he saw was a look of outrage and disapproval, but then, after a brief moment without any physical contact, he felt her right foot, in her high heel shoe, ever so gently caress his inside calf. He risked a glance at her, but Elle was not looking at him, instead she was taking another sip of her cocktail, as a faint smile played at the edges of her lips.

The restaurant lights dimmed as the bride and groom were announced to the room for their first dance. Soft romantic music filled the bar, and he felt the pressure from Elle’s foot increased noticeably, as did the pressure in his pants.

The guests all clapped as the newlyweds first dance finished. The Master of Ceremony asked the guests to join the newlyweds on the dance floor. Kath and Elle immediately shook their heads no. Adjusting himself under the table so that he could stand up, he reached out his hand to Kath. She insisted that she didn’t want to dance. Her feet were still too sore, having run a half marathon last weekend. But she leaned into him and whispered that he should take her mom for a dance. With his wife’s permission, as naively given as it was, he offered his hand to Elle, and hesitantly she took it.

He walked her onto the dance floor, together with about twenty other couples, to the strains of a slow, sexy jazz ensemble as they performed an old romantic song. He held her right hand with his left, extended straight out to the side, and placed his right hand on the small of her back, beneath the cardigan, assuming a traditional waltz posture.

He felt the warmth of her skin through her dress and he was glad that he had adjusted himself so that his big, hard dick was being held in place by his belt buckle. He held her just a fraction closer than was probably typical for a woman and her son in law, just enough that her perfume filled his entire being and his hands grew a little damp with nervous excitement.

They swayed to the music, he leading her confidently, and she clearly enjoying having a younger man move her around the floor. They looked deep into each other’s eyes, and he noticed she licked her lips a little, wetting them slightly, timidly. He wanted badly to put his tongue in her mouth and claim her for his own, but he also knew that if he wanted to get anywhere he would have to take this much slower.

Nevertheless, he did take the opportunity to move her body even closer to his so that her enormous chest was mere inches from his own, and his crotch actually got close enough to occasionally bump into her stomach. He hoped that she could feel it and that, even though she seemed pretty innocent, she realized this was all because of her and how badly he wanted to be inside of her.

His hand slowly and deliberately moved lower and lower down her back, until he was resting it on the top of the curve of her ass. It took everything inside of him not to just move it all the way down and grope her right through her dress, but he counseled himself that patience would pay bigger dividends than recklessness. He was also conscious that Kath, while not looking for signs of his taboo fascination with her mom, would surely notice anything too outwardly sexual. As the current song came to a close, Elle leaned in, pressing her boobs into him and whispered in his right ear, with a little slur: “thank you for the dance. It’s been a while since I’ve been shown…such a good time.” Call that a good time? He thought to himself, smiling at her with a knowing look. Just wait until I get you home.

[Note: Thanks to all who take the time to comment and vote, and thanks too to the moderators for their valuable editorial assistance. Enjoy!]


Published 8 years ago

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