He awoke close to 7 a.m. that morning. Daylight was beginning to stream into the room through the half-closed window blinds. He reached down and adjusted his dick through his boxer briefs. He had a raging case of morning wood, and he casually gripped his shaft and gave it a gentle squeeze. Kath was till fast asleep beside him.
After spending a few moments remembering fondly last night’s love-making with his wife, he grew restless, and his bladder felt uncomfortably full, so he decided to get up. He pulled aside the bed covers, gently so as not to disturb Kath, and got out of bed. He was wearing nothing but the same black boxers he had had on all day yesterday. He moved as quietly as he could into the en suite bathroom and locked the door. His erection had not yet fully dissipated so he had to stand at an awkward angle with his legs spread far apart, as he bent his semi-stiff cock towards the toilet bowl. He sighed as he released a strong, steady stream of piss, mostly hitting his target. Once he was finished, he slipped himself back into his underwear, used some toilet paper to wipe up the errant splashes of piss on the toilet seat, and flushed the toilet.
Now that he had relieved himself of that pressing issue, he decided it was time to make himself some tea, and perhaps read the newspaper. As he made his way out of the bedroom and downstairs, Elle, his mother in law, popped into his mind. He and Kath were staying with her while in town for Kath’s childhood friend’s wedding that weekend. She must be one of the last remaining people under sixty who still subscribed to a daily newspaper, he thought to himself.
With that, just the fact that Elle had come to his mind, his slowly softening prick twinged a little. It was curious, he thought, that she was having this effect on him more frequently recently. He wasn’t sure what it was. Was it just that she was a semi-attractive older woman? Or perhaps it was the fact that, because she was his wife’s mom, thoughts of being intimate with her were taboo? Likely a little from column A and a little from column B. Either way he was getting hornier and hornier by the minute.
He set the kettle to boil on the stove top in the kitchen, and then, listening carefully for the sounds of anyone else awake in the house he went into the laundry room. He opened the washing machine, but it was empty. So he reached up and opened the cabinet door where the second-floor laundry chute deposited dirty clothes. Empty again. Disappointed, he closed the door softly and left the laundry room, all the while groping himself through his boxer-briefs.
He went to the front door, opened it and peered out. Elle lived in a peaceful subdivision that was set back from the main road. Outside it was quiet, and the humidity was beginning to rise. The weather forecast was for a clear, but muggy day. He enjoyed the sensation of the warm air on his exposed skin, and he reached into his underwear with his right hand and pulled his dick out to see how that felt. It felt good, and he grew a little harder as he slowly played with himself. He wondered if any of the neighbors were up early enough, and were watchful enough to see his impromptu display, but no curtains twitched and no doors opened, so he presumed he was unobserved.
After a few moments, he put his dick away and bent down to retrieve the newspaper on the doorstep. He returned to the kitchen once more, as the kettle began to boil, emitting a long, high pitched whistle. He took it off the heat, turned off the gas, and poured the steaming hot water into his mug. Once the tea was brewed he took it and headed back upstairs with the paper.
Once on the second floor, he proceeded past Elle’s bedroom door, only now he noticed that the door was wide open. He looked in casually and saw that she was sitting up in bed, with the covers pulled up to her stomach, reading her Kindle. He slowed to a stop immediately past her door. From his quick glance inside he had seen that she was wearing the same long t-shirt from the night before. His mind instantly thought back to her hug, and her breasts, and before he knew it his prick was at full attention again, and, as the blood rushed downwards he felt his inhibitions diminish.
“Good morning,” he said. He was holding his tea and the newspaper at chest level, and, despite the fact that he was wearing nothing else other than his boxer-briefs which he was very noticeably tenting with his enormous erection, he waited for her to look up.
“Hi there,” she replied, her gaze still stuck on her screen.
“The kettle just boiled, I could make you a cup of tea?” He asked.
“No, thank you.” She still didn’t look up.
“Alright, well if you’re sure…” She didn’t reply, and so, still feeling a little thrill at the thought that she had almost been confronted with the sight of her nearly naked son in law, and his obviously hard cock, he turned to leave.
“Did you sleep okay?” She asked. He looked back, she had put the kindle down and was looking right at him. He was in profile so his hard-on couldn’t have been any more noticeable through his underwear. His heart beat quickly, and he was flooded with adrenaline. He willed her eyes downward and saw that she did glance down briefly. He noticed her mouth form the shape of an “O”.
“Yes, thanks, you?” He replied, his voice shaking a little. She looked at him again, and, not saying anything, just nodded, He smiled at her, his cock feeling like it was about to burst. He just wanted to whip it out then and there for her to get a real good look. But instead, he held up his mug as if to toast her, and then, covering his crotch with the newspaper he headed back to Kath’s room.
She was still asleep, so he gingerly got back in bed, careful not to spill his tea, and he covered himself up with the quilt. The more he thought about it the more that the “O” Elle had made with her mouth started to look like the beginnings of a smile. He decided then and there that he was going to use this weekend as an opportunity to push the envelope with his mother in law. He would flirt as much as he could with her, in the hopes of maybe getting to see Elle’s other “O” face.
About an hour later Kath stirred and began to wake up. He kissed her good morning and offered to make more tea. She accepted and said she would shower while the kettle boiled again. He got up, put on jeans and a black t-shirt and left the bedroom.
He noticed that Elle’s bed was empty and her own shower could be heard. He hurried down the stairs and headed straight to the laundry chute. Inside was Elle’s t-shirt and beneath, balled up, were a pair of beige panties that Elle must have been sleeping in and had taken off on her way to the shower. His palms turned clammy as his perverted excitement grew.
He unfolded the knickers and turned them inside out, and examined them for signs of discharge. He was rewarded. A long white line of mostly dried discharge from his mother in law’s pussy was clearly visible. He held the panties up to his nose and breathed in her scent deeply. He used his other hand to manipulate his dick out into the open as it sprung to attention. He used his tongue to lick the dried cream and placed his nose right where her asshole would have been nearest the panty material and inhaled, smelling Elle’s fresh musk intensely. He was now beating himself off furiously. He couldn’t wait to start brazenly flirting with his mother in law, and who knew, maybe he’d get to experience her vaginal discharge up close and personal.
However, just as his orgasm was beginning to crest, he heard his wife’s footsteps above, and he was forced to stuff his cock back in his jeans and jam the knickers, still wet with his saliva, back into the laundry chute.
He dashed back to the kitchen and replaced the kettle on the heat, adjusting his dick so that his hard-on wouldn’t be too obvious to the casual observer. All that remained was for him to wait for the most opportune moment to put his plan in motion, and push the boundary of his relationship with his mother in law.
[Author’s note: Thanks to all who take the time to comment and vote, and thanks too to the moderators for their assistance in quickly reviewing submissions. Enjoy!]