The Most Intense Workout

"Mike gets his big sister's help with getting in shape"

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Angie had always been into exercise. She’d lock herself in her room and turn up some music while she stretched and did mostly cardio. Some rope jumping, the treadmill, and when she was doing pushups or jumping jacks, she would slide a few things around to give herself some room.

Her younger brother, Mike, was thinking about trying out for the baseball team at school. He played regularly with friends but he was by no means fit. He had natural talent but knew that he needed to up his game if he was going to compete for real. Angie knew about fitness so he approached her and asked if she’d help him come up with a plan or some program to get himself in shape. Angie couldn’t have been happier.

She asked Mike his “goals” and he told her that he needed to just get into shape for the try outs at school. He stressed that he knew he wasn’t really “fit” like she was. Angie’s body was tight in all the right ways and places. When she threw on a leotard or yoga pants, you had no choice but to stare. She had an amazing ass and a tiny waist. Her tits were a nice round shape. To that point, Mike had only really thought of Angie in those terms. She was in great shape with a great body.

Soon Mike just started joining Angie during her nightly workouts. When the weather warmed up they would take walks or run together. Within a few weeks, Mike could tell that his body was more toned than when they’d started.

Angie told him that he should start to mix in weights but that he had a bad habit of not stretching before working out. Stretching was important when it came to not tearing or straining muscles.

Mike knew nothing about stretching. Angie started showing him what she’d learned at yoga and told him that yoga despite the fact that much of it involved sitting or laying on a floor mat, it was quite a workout. Soon Mike was doing yoga with his sister. He was sweating more than when they’d run together.

Angie had moved much of her workout to the basement since it had more room for two people. Still, as they worked out, Angie also gave her brother tips about skin care and generally how to take better care of himself. After working out, Angie was showing Mike the right way to wash his face and treat his skin. Using a bar of soap on your face isn’t the best way to treat the skin that faces the world. She showed Mike the joy of face masks and also waxed the hair off his ears, fixed his unibrow and even how to get rid of chest hair and show his definition as he worked into better shape.

Truthfully, Mike was beginning to enjoy the after-workout regimen as much as the workout itself. As Angie would work on his face or wax hair off his shoulders, Mike could feel her tits knocking against his body in various places. In the mirror, he could watch Angie’s shapely ass.

One night he even commented, “Man, Angie, you have, like, this perfect ass.” Angie blushed but thanked him for the endorsement. It had been a while since anyone had given her any positive affirmation on her appearance. Angie was a hard worker. She was older than Mike by four years, so they ran in different circles. He rarely saw her with a guy or prepping for a date.

Soon the post workout plan was they’d alternate taking a shower and then get to the skin and hair care. Angie always showered first. She’d still be in her robe when Mike emerged from his shower wrapped in a towel. Angie told him that they should trim his hair and neaten his appearance up since they’d made progress on his skin and removed the hair that was sprouting everywhere. Mike trusted her completely. He also loved the way his sister smelled.

As Angie was walking in slow circles trimming her brother’s hair, applying products to it and combing it – Mike was inhaling her scent and enjoying it. As Angie would move closer to cut some hair, her robe-covered tits were brushing against his arms and back. Her belt was loosening and soon the robe was dangling open a bit more freely. When he could, Mike was looking into any gaps he could find. He could see more of Angie’s side boobs now as she was lifting her arms and snipping at his hair. Eventually though, she’d readjust and tie her robe again. Sometimes as she was lost her working on Mike’s hair, she’d lightly hum or sing to herself. Suddenly Mike was melting at the sound of her voice also.  Beyond that, Mike was as hard as a rock.

The next night it was workout time again. Angie had on something that had enough lycra to cover an 80s metal band. She also had on a t-shirt that was stretched to capacity against her tits. Mike tried as best as he could not to stare directly at them. The more they worked out the harder that became. Mike suggested every possible activity that would inspire Angie’s tits to bounce. Rope jumping and jumping jacks were the best. He also asked Angie to help him stretch out and that he felt tight. As Angie accommodated her brother, their physical contact was creating a noticeable silence in the workout space. Feet flattened together and legs spread, hands joined and pulling gently to stretch the legs and back.

Angie could do a full split and early on had promised Mike that she’d help him to reach that goal also. Now though, Mike asked her to show him her split just so he could marvel at the curves of her ass and crotch.

When Mike would lean to one side to stretch, Angie would slide her hand from his shoulder down past his ribs to his waist and lower in an effort to show him the correct position his body should be in. The gentle stroke of his sisters hand made Mike’s knees buckle.

The more Angie helped him to stretch out, the more their bodies touched. With Mike on his back and Angie stretching his thigh muscles, she was directly between her brothers’ legs. Mike was alternating looking her in the eyes and closing his. As she’d move closer towards his chest and press down on his shoulders while using her knees to spread his legs wider, Mike instinctively placed his hands on Angie’s hips. Slowly, they moved to her waist. Her tight shirt had crept up towards her ribs. His fingers followed that path and paused at the hem of her shirt. Half of Mike’s hand was on skin and the other half was on her cloth-covered ribs. He knew he wasn’t more than two to three inches from feeling the underside of his sister’s tits.

“How flat can you get your legs?” asked Angie.

Now Mike uncurled his knees and Angie knelt between his legs with them spread wide open. Angie was leaning flatter also. It got to the point where Angie’s hips were barely an inch off Mike’s body. Her tits were now making light contact against her brother. Mike started to let go of Angie’s waist to support himself by placing his hands against the floor. Once he let go, Angie’s lower body made contact with Mike’s now fully erect cock, which was laying flat between his groin and navel. Angie let out a gasp and so did her brother. They made eye contact but neither of them separated from their position.

Mike was confused about what to do next. He knew what he wanted but he wasn’t sure they were on the same page.

“Are you OK?” asked Angie.

“Yeah. You?” he answered.

“Yeah, I’m good here,” she said.

Mike was good here also.

Mike stopped bracing himself with his hands and returned them to Angie’s waist. This time he slide his hands up until he came to the curve of Angie’s tits. He was basically holding her by the rib cage. He could feel Angie almost climbing a bit higher towards his face. This was insanely intense now.

Angie’s curls were hanging down towards her brother’s face. He could still feel the lower portion of his shaft making some contact with his sister’s crotch.

“OK Mike,” said Angie. “I think I’d better shower.”

The ride (literally) was over.

As they slowly started to separate, Angie leaned in and gave her brother a short and sweet kiss on the lips. As she pulled back, she smiled.

“Fucking intense right?!” she said with a sweet smile.

Mike became very aware of the puddle of sweat beneath his back. Tomorrow’s workout would hopefully top this one.

Published 5 months ago

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