“Jesus, Sis. Nice work!” Rachel whispered to her sister Katie, whose boyfriend Ryan was lifting one of their heavy bags out of the back seat of their car. A heavy bag in each arm, his muscled flexed and the sisters found themselves enjoying an indulgent moment, taking him in. “You look so happy, Katie. You’re practically glowing! Honestly, you just get more beautiful every time I see you.”
“Oh you’re the best, Ra-Ra.” Katie cheered, and threw her arms around her big sister’s neck. “I’ve bloody missed you. Anyway, that’s easy for you to say, you’ve always been a frigging goddess.” Katie squeezed her a little, before letting go. “And thanks. I am happy. So very fucking happy!”
“God, I’ve missed you too, Kay-Kay.” They were the only people in the world still allowed to use the childish nicknames they’d grown out of in every other way. “I’m so glad you and Ryan have finally got things together. I don’t know why, or how you resisted so long. And is it just me or has he got even more buff?”
Rachel remembered only too well the last time they’d all met up, in the summer, at Rachel and Tim’s new home in Edinburgh. Katie had let Ryan drive her the whole way there, six hours, to stay one night and then leave again. She had practically had to wallop Katie round the head to make her see that Ryan was desperate to get into her knickers. Katie had suggested that it could just as well be because Ryan was looking forward to getting an eyeful of Rachel instead, but that was clearly madness.
Here they were now, all together again at their dad’s second home in Norfolk. A gorgeous little cottage, surrounded by fields, the odd straying sheep, and no one else. The cute thatched roof, low ceilings and rustic countryside vibe made the place perfect for hiding away, relaxing and forgetting the rest of the world existed.
“I know, right?” Katie smiled a knowing grin at her sister. “He’s so great, and so damn cute! Honestly, Sis, I just can’t help myself around him. It takes every bit of strength I have to peel my body off him and get out of bed every morning. I mean seriously, if he gets any hotter, I’ll lose my job. And probably get dangerously dehydrated too.” Katie gave the low cute laugh she always did when she’d said something intentionally filthy and shocking. Her shameless humour was one of the many reasons everyone seemed to just love Katie, even if Rachel found it a little childish at times.
Rachel rolled her eyes. “Alright Kates, alright. Don’t need all the gross details.” She teased, although actually quite unashamedly loving the details, and her little sister’s happiness. Ryan had been a good friend to Katie for years now, ever since the end of high school. He’d been so good to her particularly when their parents separated, which was when she really most needed him, but it had been so clear to everyone except Katie that he wanted more. “That would probably explain the warm glow though. Dirty little girl.” Rachel teased, with a cheeky smirk. Katie was no little girl anymore though and they both knew it.
“Well, Rach, your Tim is no slouch either! He is in seriously good shape. I’ll bet you climb that guy like a fucking koala when you get the chance!” Katie quipped, a happy smile curling her lips.
In the last couple of years, Katie had really grown up and changed, in all the right ways. The long, gangly limbs had blossomed into a tall, classic and elegant frame. Her features and shape had grown and her wide mouth and big, bright eyes had become a picture of simple and exquisite beauty.
Rachel couldn’t be happier for her. Eighteen months older than her sister, Rachel had been through a similar metamorphosis herself at around sixteen years old. As Katie had approached her nineteenth birthday, there had been a silent fear in both of their minds that maybe the younger sibling was simply destined to remain the ugly duckling forever. There had been flings and flirts for her, but no real boyfriends, and no one that even came close to the calibre of man that she felt Katie deserved. And, thank the heavens, nature had simply been saving the best for last, as now at 20 years old, Rachel was an absolute stunner.
It had certainly influenced how Rachel saw her. She’d never intentionally looked down on her, but now it was as if she’d come of age and suddenly their conversations had grown more open and honest. She was an equal now, not just her silly little sister, and they were closer than they had ever been.
Rachel couldn’t help but see just how alike they had come to look as well. They were very similar in height, build and size, with their only obvious difference being the way Katie’s eyes just leaning into their father’s blue, where Rachel had inherited their mum’s green, with fair skin and light freckles.
“Hey, Ryan, good to see you! Glad you guys finally arrived.” Tim said. His tone briefly matched his short smart hair, and groomed clipped appearance.
The guys had shaken hands and nodded coolly, before pulling each other into a big goofy man hug. Tim and Rachel had been dating for nearly three years now, and had moved to Edinburgh just over a year ago, when he was offered a promotion to Police Inspector there. Tim and Ryan had always clicked, and despite the distance between them all meaning they don’t see lots of each other, they quickly discovered they have a whole load of common ground and get on fabulously.
“Yeah, the roads sucked. And, well, you know Katie on long journeys… let’s just say we had to make a fair few stops.”
“Uh huh. You dirty bastard, I fucking knew it. Five hours in a car and you guys have to stop to bone en route.” Tim gently punched him on the shoulder. Tim’s smart, polished policeman’s façade was dropped already.
“Ah, dude… I just mean she gets bored easy. Sitting still and relaxing is hardly the first thing you associate with Katie now, is it?”
Tim had to admit, sitting still was definitely not the way he most liked to imagine Katie.
Although, actually in truth Tim was exactly right. They’d stopped at a small layby to grab a coffee and some sandwiches, and as they found a secluded picnic bench in the entrance to some woodlands, Katie hadn’t been able to keep her hands to herself. Before he’d even got the last of his egg mayonnaise roll into his own mouth, she’d slipped to her knees and was slurping his cock into hers.
“Whatevs buddy, I can’t blame you though, Ry. Look at her. God, I hate having to leave my Rachel alone for five minutes when I’m not busy with anything else. I could plough that beautiful woman every time the wind changes for the rest of my life I think.”
“Wow, so eloquent, Tim. And I’m the dirty bastard here!” Ryan rolled his eyes, slapping him on the shoulder.
“Well, seriously, Ryan, I’m so glad you two are finally a thing. It’s about bloody time. But come on though, don’t hold out on me, you have got to be screwing like little bunnies. You fucking well should be. She’s totally turned into the clone of her sister, you can hardly tell them apart now. It’s insane.”
He gazed over to them and Ryan followed his stare, as they each feasted their eyes on both their butts. Rachel’s was clad in fitted black jeans, and Katie’s in flesh-tight grey leggings, both sculpted like works of art. There was no denying, they were a stunning pair of women.
Tim carried on. “I mean, I’m glad you’re here, but if you really want the truth, I would have happily taken care of both of them, if you couldn’t make it.” The extent of Tim’s filth still occasionally surprised Ryan, when he looked every bit the school prefect, to match Katie’s refined school teacher energy.
“Fuck, Tim. Too much porn! You’re wrong in the head mate. They’re sisters.” Ryan laughed a deep friendly laugh.
“I don’t mean at the same time. Just saying, I’d happily have kept Katie warm for you.”
“How in the hell did the police ever make you an Inspector? They should have locked you up and thrown away the key.” Ryan handed Tim one of the bags, to carry, and they began to head into the house behind the ladies. “But, yeah, I guess you could say that Katie’s graduated from being a mess, to a seriously hot mess.” Every bit as beautiful and sexy as your Rachel, he held himself back from adding.
Tim could never help wondering how a guy that looks as good as Ryan, with his gym-honed arms and chiselled features can be so serious and sensible, when he could be knee-deep in pussy if he bothered to cultivate just a tiny bit of game.
He nudged Ryan with his free elbow and a flash of his eyebrows, murmuring, “You can fucking say that again!”
Bags were unpacked, people settled in and eventually a late lunch was served: red wine, crusty baguettes, cold meats and some beautiful local cheese. Everyone was pleased to see that the girls’ father had left the fridge and cupboards fully loaded, and he’d stocked up the wine rack very generously too. They figured that there had to be some upside to the guilt of a divorced father, living it up in his new life with his slut secretary.
At the square table, the four each picked a side, with Katie beside Ryan, and opposite Tim. That left Ryan and Rachel opposite, and they smiled kindly at each other as they settled at the table. Rachel had always felt far more warm towards Ryan than she’d admitted. It was probably why she pushed Katie so hard not to miss her chance. She’d always felt sure he would be a tender and patient lover, capable of giving her the romance and nurturing she’d sometimes missed from Tim.
The men were also startlingly similar, in broad terms. Tall, very well built, clean shaven. Ryan just had a softer soul. If she was completely honest with herself, she had probably pushed Katie to snap him up to rid her of the temptation herself. She unquestionably found him attractive, but he was off the market and no longer a risk. They all tucked in to the food that was spread between them, tearing off chunks of bread and sharing everything on big plates.
As they hit satisfaction and slowed down, Tim was the first to lean back in his chair and look around the room. “This is the fucking life, isn’t it?” He sighed, the contented sound of a man looking forward to an entire evening of doing nothing but enjoying himself.
“Fuck yeah, it fucking is, fucking fuck-sticks.” Rachel teased him. “There are other words you know my love? I bet you don’t talk like that when you’re interviewing perps.”
Tim laughed, always amused by her prudish ways. He knew, beneath it all, the two of them balanced well. She reined him in just enough and helped him maintain his respectable appearance to the wider world, while he helped her remember to let her hair down, stay young and be a little bit crazy every now and then. Even if Rachel rarely let her hair down, particularly not literally, favouring a high tight ponytail at all times. In Tim’s eyes, he knew he had quite a demanding and forthright sexual character, but Rachel needed that to avoid living in a rut.
Tim stuck his tongue out at his girlfriend. “I’m well aware that there are other words, thanks, my love. But I like ‘fucking‘. ‘Fucking‘ is great. ‘Fucking’ happens to be my favourite!” Tim simply couldn’t help but push, especially when he knew it was embarrassing her.
“A-fucking-men!” Katie cheered from across the table from Tim, leaning her glass towards him, and inviting him to chink his, like co-conspirators. Partners in the possession of filthy minds, and even filthier mouths. Katie’s and Tim’s eyes fixed together for a little moment, and something unspoken and unnamed was shared. A little recognition of their common ground. A shared sympathy for their role as the sexually more adventurous, perpetually neglected halves of their respective relationships.
It struck Tim that Katie and Ryan’s dynamic was simply the mirror image of their own. Ryan was Katie’s anchor, grounding her when needed, and Katie was the engine, and probably kept Ryan on his toes just enough to stop him from getting too serious and forgetting that he is actually seriously hot.
Tim, fortunately, had just enough self-understanding to know that the prospect of him and Katie as a couple would be catastrophic. While the idea had his dick quivering, having watched Katie grow into the sexy, more confident and adventurous of the two sisters, he had no difficulty at all picturing just how plentiful and wild the sex would be. She would forever be the forbidden subject of his fantasies, but, it was clear that it could only end badly. Like bringing together two positive magnets, or adding acid to alkali. Tim imagined they would be like one of those scenes in Marvel films where two indestructible beings go to battle, and inadvertently destroy an entire city while they go at it. Knowing that still didn’t stop his wishing he could just get a little taste of that catastrophe.
“Good god, maybe we shouldn’t let you two pervs hang out together!” Ryan said, laughing into his wine glass.
“A-fucking-men to that!” Rachel cheered, parodying the others, tipping her glass towards Ryan, initiating a teasing little chink of their own. Their eyes also met and Rachel and Ryan shared their own little moment of bonding. Each with a look of sympathetic support, two people torn between living slightly overshadowed and unappreciated, in the intensely sexual world of their lover while also providing just enough of a handbrake to make sure they don’t go completely off a cliff edge.
The group of four spent a very happy few hours around the table, sharing wine and stories. Tim told them all a number of stories about arrests that he most definitely shouldn’t have been sharing, and one about catching two of his colleagues fully “going to town on each other” in one of the interrogation rooms during a night shift.
Ryan tried to explain to the group exactly why he had chosen to train as a teacher, and a few risqué stories about some of the older high school students and their childish attempts to seduce him. He imitated them, copying the fluttering of their eyelashes and the way they would push their breasts together between their arms to desperately try and catch his eye. They were all weak with laughter as Katie and Rachel both took off their jumpers and imitated the move he was describing, knowing it only too well.
“That move certainly works a lot better when you two do it.” Ryan admitted, feeling his cock responding to the sight of them both pushing their breasts out at him, seductively. He found it hard to look away as they playfully pulled his eye to their cleavages, under the pretence of humour.
The stories slowly got cheekier, Ryan and Katie were asked to tell the story of how they’d finally got together. It had led to more drinking, lots of laughing and certainly brought a noticeable heat to the air as they took turns telling parts of the story of how Katie had invited Ryan over for dinner. He’d assumed it was a group dinner, but arrived to find it was just them. It had obviously been set up by Katie as a romantic event, even if she tried to deny it.
In her normal chaotic style she had served a pretty poor attempt at a beef bourguignon, which Ryan politely pretended to love. For dessert, she’d made a tiramisu and in trying to serve it, she’d somehow dropped it, covering the work surfaces and herself in mascarpone and cold coffee. Ryan came into the kitchen, laughed his arse off and began to mercilessly take the piss out of her. Katie, as childishly playful as ever had responded by splatting a handful of the mixture onto his cheek. He took revenge, splattering a good dollop right back at her, and the two of them had almost instantly ended up in a food fight. They attacked each other with handfuls of the tiramisu, indulging blatantly in the opportunities to freely grope and touch each other it created. Before either knew it, they had flown together, falling into a deep and rampant kiss, with their hands all over each other. Clothes were ripped from each other’s bodies and before long the couple were naked, dessert completely abandoned as they fucked each other senseless in the kitchen, before finally making it to the bed, where they had spent every moment they could of the following six last months.
Everyone drank and laughed along as the story went on. An intoxicating intensity settled between them while Katie and Ryan told the latter part of the story, and they both talked openly about how they’d been so desperate for each other, and how perfect it all felt. As they came to an end there was silence. It was clear that everyone was turned on by it, and simply by the tension and vibe amongst them. Tim’s eyes practically burned into Katie’s, as the mental picture of her naked, breasts covered in tiramisu, legs apart and getting fucked on the kitchen counter was impossible to shake off.
Rachel raised an eyebrow at Ryan as well, as she sipped daintily from her glass. Very impressed, she seemed to say, silently as she licked her lips towards him, holding his eye contact a little too long.
They hadn’t even really noticed the sun setting and the darkness setting in, as the afternoon drifted into the evening.
Tim felt he had to compete now. “It’s kinda funny that your first fuck was doubled over the kitchen worktop… that’s exactly where our last one was!” Tim said, practically roaring with pride at himself. He gazed over to the kitchen worktop just behind where they were all seated. Everyone’s eyes followed his, realising he meant the space right behind where they all were sat now. “Literally half an hour before you two lovebirds arrived.” He said, grinning proudly.
“Tim, shut up!” Rachel half whined, half laughed, swatting his arm. Then seeing the pointlessness of her prudish move, even she let go and fully let her hair down, both figuratively and literally. Rachel’s hair was a slightly more dirty blond, a shade darker than Katie’s who unlike her older sister, almost uniquely wore her hair down.
“Yeah, fair enough. No point hiding it. Figured we might as well make the most, while we had the place to ourselves!” she said, forcing a relaxed shrug and trying to suppress her cheeky smirk.
Rachel’s arms raised and her sweater pulled tight around her breasts, before shaking her hair out, to float down around her shoulders. She ran her fingers through her hair and shook it all out, in a way both guys found extremely sexy.
The two men couldn’t resist a look to the other with a poorly disguised grin.
“Now what?” Katie nudged Ryan’s leg with her foot, catching the glance between the guys, and knowing exactly what they meant.
“Nothing… what?” Ryan gave an unconvincing rebuttal.
“Are you perving over my sister, young man?” a tipsy Katie teased, with a cheeky smile.
“No! No, that’s not it.” Ryan flicked his gaze between the two women, awkwardly. “Rach, I’d just never seen you with your hair down before.” There was no denying the whole thing had turned him on.
“Perv away, my friend.” Tim laughed and reassured him. “They are as good as identical, so if you fancy one, why wouldn’t you like the look of the other?” It took them all a while to catch on to the fact that Tim was basically making it clear he had the hots for Katie too.
“Well no, that’s just all it was. It just struck me how much more alike you both look, when you’ve got your hair like that. And yeah, it’s really pretty.” Ryan said, and smiled into her eyes, trying to look more comfortable than he really felt.
“Pretty?” Katie rolled her eyes childishly. “Oh, please, your honour.” Katie put on a posh lawyer voice and teased him. “The defendant would simply like to state for the record that he finds Rachel’s hair “quite pretty”. Nothing to do with him being horny because we’ve hardly touched each other for almost…” glancing at her watch, “… five whole hours, and my hot sister looking like me while sticking her tits out at him. therefore, your honour, heretofore and henceforth realising that he would happily fuck my sister.” Katie finished with a theatrical flourish of her hand and roared in laughter at her own humour.
Katie had no difficulty being honest with herself, she wasn’t at all bothered by the thought of Ryan being attracted to Rachel, and there was no doubt she’d often considered what it would be like to screw Tim. If his performance in bed was even half as filthy and sexy as his mind seemed to be, she couldn’t help but envy her sister. And he was damn good looking. Ryan probably just had the edge in that department, but something about Tim spoke of restrained energy. Like the well-groomed, smart villain in a thriller movie. Strong, powerful and probably a little dangerous if unleashed. But also a completely wild and shameless fuck.
“Ah, shut up guys. Leave Ryan alone. It’s not like I haven’t been getting a good eyeful of him myself.” No sooner had the words left Rachel’s mouth than she clamped her hand over it, giggling like a shy schoolgirl. “Oh god, I’m sorry. I’ve clearly had too much to drink!”
But Katie and Tim were whooping and laughing, there was no way they were letting anything go. Ryan also couldn’t be bothered defending anyone’s honour if no one appeared to even care.
“Very well, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I confess.” Ryan held out his wrists as if surrendering to handcuffs. “I will deny it no longer. Your sister is hot. Rachel, you’re really fucking hot! But I categorically did not ‘just realise’ anything of the sort. I’ve always known that I would very happily fuck your sister.” He paused just long enough to cast an appreciative glance over Rachel, from head to knees, in her seat opposite him, before throwing her a smouldering smile that had her thighs rubbing together. “I throw myself upon the mercy of the court.” He fell quiet with a wide grin, and a relaxed shrug that triggered a range of eyebrow raises and smirks from the other three.
Ryan felt good to be actually making his own move, for once. Maybe he did need to learn to just step up and be a bit more bold.
Rachel tried to restrain her own beaming smile, as his words sunk in and warmed her. Ryan said she was “fucking hot”, and he was looking at her like he meant it. It certainly was nice to receive a bit of charm and attention. Tim would show his attraction by grabbing her, groping her, kissing her and whenever possible, by fucking her. Tim fucked. He didn’t really make love very often. She told herself she didn’t really mind. She enjoyed the fucking. She felt desired and incredibly physically satisfied, and knew she should be grateful, but she wanted more expression at times. More chance to have things on her terms.
“Well there we have it, everyone. Ryan and Rachel clearly fancy each other.” Katie spoke as if to the group, but it was Tim’s eyes that she was locked onto. Her chest rose and fell notably as she spoke, reddening a little. It was as if Tim was daring her to push this on.
The erotic tension in the room was unbreakable now, and there was no risk of anyone pulling back.
“Well, that may be, but you two are staring at each other like a take away menu.” Ryan tore his eyes from Rachel’s, his pulse also quickened from the energy in the room, but scary and exciting in equal measure. “I mean, if you really wanna… you know…” he trailed off.
He wasn’t exactly sure what he was saying or how to finish the sentence, but everyone knew what he meant. Rachel’s eyebrows shot up first, and Katie’s mouth opened in surprise, but closed again before any words came out. She looked from Ryan, to Rachel and then finally to Tim. The fire in his eyes said more than he could with words.
“Would.. would you, both… wanna…?” Rachel slid the words out slowly.
There was a look between Rachel and Tim that none of the four would ever forget. It started as a blank gaze, waiting for the other. But as Rachel saw the heat she knew so well, she softened, her lips curled just at the very edges and her and Tim shared something wordless and beautiful. Understanding, permission, infinite unconditional love. It was all there, in a look that you’d have missed by blinking.
Katie reached over, having to lean very noticeably and laid a hand firmly on Ryan’s thigh, which stroked immediately upwards as she brought her face in close to his. She’d been horny already and simply hearing Ryan be so honest, even if it was about her sister, had her pussy welling up. She felt ready to pounce on him and strip him right there. Her mouth closed in and seized his, as her hand greedily gripped and cupped at his package, finding his cock well on its way to being hard. It was out of sight beneath the table, but barely, and it was very obvious what she was up to. Their tongues met in a sloppy, hungry kiss and somehow it all seemed perfectly appropriate, in the tension of the room. Tim grabbed his girlfriend’s chair and yanked it, and her towards him as they lurched for each other too, unapologetically claiming her breast in his palm as they began to kiss deeply.
For a while, the only sounds in the room were the slurps and groans of the two couples making out intensely. It lasted quite some time, each couple practically climbing on top of each other, until Ryan eventually spoke up. “Should we maybe move all this to the lounge or something?”
“Hmmm… I guess.” Katie and Tim both resented the break in pace and would have probably been quite happy to see this through right there at the table, but they also clearly liked the idea of grabbing the massive sofas.
“Yeah, and I could really do with a glass of water I think.” Rachel cast what seemed to be the final vote, and the four slowly rose from their seats, feeling a little more wobbly than expected too, as they took stock of the four bottles of wine that they’d worked their way through.
Rachel led and everyone followed, grabbing a glass of water and wandering through to the lounge. With every step, she could literally sense eyes following her, she felt sexy and alive and her pussy was tingling and warming up at the easy sexy energy they were all sharing.
The guys each settled into a sofa and as Rachel returned, preparing to sit down next to Tim, Katie grabbed her hand and turned to her. “Come with me Ra-Ra. I need to steal you for thirty seconds. You boys can get comfy, we’ll be right back.”
As they were all on the move and headed out of the room, on autopilot, Rachel flicked off the light.
“Whoa, fuck!” They all called out in surprise, as the room and the entire cottage were plunged into pitch black.
“Shit, sorry guys. I hadn’t realised how dark it had got. Guess that’s the countryside for you. Once the sun goes down, it’s proper darkness.”
“It really is isn’t it? Even with the curtains all open, you can hardly see your hand in front of your face.” Tim said.
Rachel flicked the light back on and Katie’s hand squeezed hers. They looked into each other’s eyes. Rachel saw a familiar look of mischief that took her right back to their childhood.
“Wait there guys, we’ll be right back.” The girls giggled and hurried away, out of the room.
Stood in Rachel and Tim’s bedroom, the bigger of the two rooms, they let a moment of silence settle between them before Katie took her sister’s hand.
“This is crazy. I needed to make sure you’re ok,” Katie asked softly.
“I’m ok, Kay-kay. Better than ok. So long as you are.”
Katie saw in her sister’s eyes that she was telling the truth. “This is amazing. Like I’m realising that in all these years, I’m still only now really getting to know you. I never imagined you so… well… so awesome.” They both smiled. “You and Tim really do love each other, don’t you? I can see it now, you’re an amazing couple.”
Rachel pulled her sister in and hugged her. “I love you, Kates. You’re going to be just as happy with Ryan. You’re both perfect. If we’re doing this it’s a one off. It’s for fun and it changes nothing, ever.”
They pulled back, looked into each other’s eyes, serious for a moment. Then the mischievous smile returned slowly to Katie’s eyes and spread to Rachel’s. In an instant, they both knew they had their silent answer, as their faces lit up and a childish giggle rang from them both.
“Ryan, dude, you ok?” Tim asked him, as he clamped a friendly hand on his shoulder.
“Am I ok? Sure, course I’m ok.” Ryan looked a little puzzled. “Why? You ok?”
“Oh, cool. I wasn’t sure if all that chat had maybe got a bit weird or something, for you.”
Ryan gave a cool little laugh. “Nah, man. Seriously, I’m nowhere near as awkward about stuff as you think, I just reign things in a little bit because I know it’s always best to stay behind wherever Katie is, rather than be out in front, if you see what I mean?”
Tim raised an eyebrow staying silent, not really understanding and inviting Ryan to carry on.
“Katie is pretty wild, but mostly she’s just way more outspoken and blunt than me. But so long as I stay just a pace behind her, metaphorically speaking, then it all stays just under control, and we have a great time.”
As he stuck up for their relationship, there was a little voice in the back of his head telling him something maybe wasn’t quite right. He did want to take more control. Katie was always in the lead, and if he did initiate, she would quickly escalate and jump back in front. He loved that she knew what she wanted, but what about what he wanted? Deep down, he simply wanted to have the chance to step up, be the man and fuck Katie the way he wanted, because he chose it. That shouldn’t be too much to ask.
Ryan cut the conversation and his thoughts short. He took Tim’s hand, in a manly grip, thumbs hooking and palms clasping. He knew what he wanted.
“Tim, we’re doing this, right?”
“I’m game, and the girls clearly have their minds made up. Me and Katie though… you’re sure?”
Ryan was surprised at just how sure he was. “I think we’re all in for a treat.”, he said confidently as the guys grinned at each other. Without another word said, they each walked to the opposite sofa they had been seated at, signifying the swap they were intending. They knew the ladies would come back, see they had swapped places and understand their agreement.
The ladies padded quietly out of the bedroom, and made their way into the lounge. The entire house was shrouded in darkness now, except for the one table lamp gently lighting the area around the sofas.
“Hey boys!” Katie whispered as they approached the sofas from behind, out of sight. She gave Rachel a cheeky wink.
They could hear the guys excitedly moving around on their couches, maybe just getting settled and comfortable, or maybe even undressing. A thought that had Katie’s insides fluttering with hope.
Rachel took a last calming breath and nodded back to her sister, before switching off the light, and plunging the whole room back into the total blackout. Rachel still couldn’t really believe what they were about to do, but the thought of it had her rubbing her thighs together. The girls slowly made their way in the pitch black. And then at the last moment, they swapped sides and each headed to the opposite coach.
As the women approached, the guys had been nervously waiting to see them, but at the last minute, suddenly they were plunged back into darkness, and then in an instant the women were upon them. Each of the women sank to the sofa, secretly claiming their sister’s man. Katie’s hands were the first thing to find him, meeting an arm and chest in the dark, which was plenty to let her easily orientate the rest of him. She slid her leggings down and off, before laying down, and pressing herself against him. She instantly felt the bulge of his hardness against her hip, her whole body alive and fizzing with excitement at the massive step she’d taken.
Rachel was already free of her jeans before she’d even got to the couch. She raised one knee slowly onto the sofa, not wanting to ruin things by accidentally injuring Ryan or crushing anything important, unaware that she couldn’t possibly have hurt Ryan, as he was in fact on the other soft. As soon as she did, she felt hands reach out for her, one sliding around her thigh, and the other sliding over her bottom as she was guided down to the sofa, and onto him.
Things flew into action. Ryan felt the dainty fingers slide over his pecs and curl in the hairs of his chest as she sank onto his body, breasts pressing against him in the dark. His mind began to race, his cock jerking as he fully realised what was happening. Fuck, I’m seriously about to have sex with the beautiful Rachel Warwick! She was the only woman he had ever known who could ever come close to matching his Katie. Their faces met and their noses touched, her warm breath filling his senses. There was a moment of hesitation, where he wondered if they’d done the right thing. Was this all too far? He’d started out buoyed by the sexy vibe, and the flirty chat they’d all been exchanging, but his certitude was starting to leave him, until he heard the first little sigh and the sounds of kissing from the other sofa. He knew it was the sound of his girlfriend, probably already dripping wet all over Tim.
The sound of their coupling swept all caution from his mind. He knew the time for thinking was long gone, and he pressed his mouth keenly to the face above his. Within moments they found themselves crushed together, moaning and searching out each other’s tongue, energy flowing between them, their kiss growing more urgent and horizontal. In that moment he was resolute. He was going to fuck Rachel, and do it thoroughly, the way he wanted to. Ryan’s hands gripped the taut cheeks of her butt, pressing their crotches together, showing his need and stoking their fire, before sweeping both his hands the whole way up her back.
They slid under her sweater slowly peeling it up, the fabric bunching until she raised herself, enough to let it pass over her breasts, freeing them to the air. He wished he could see them. He figured it was the darkness that was making this possible for the sisters. He may have no real visual memory of it, but he was going to take in the feeling of it through every fibre of his being. Her arms raised over her head as the whole sweater was swept up and away, and he finally broke their fiery, intense kiss to dive in, taking her breasts into his hands, and clamping his mouth around one. He greedily sucked and filled his mouth, his tongue flicking the pert peak. She let out a deep, unrestrained sigh as Ryan devoured her breast, relishing their perfect fleshy fullness, his hand cupping and squeezing the other, pulling her tight delectable nipple between his fingers.
Over on the other couch, things were building too. Tim had been restrained and calm, trusting what Ryan had told him about Katie, expecting her to naturally run the show. He wasn’t disappointed as the hands roamed freely all over him, making a beeline for his crotch. He’d already kicked off his trousers, and she showed no hesitation in gripping her fingers around the shaft of his dick, through the smooth fabric of his boxer shorts. She sighed and bit his lip playfully, the temptress showing her appetite for her prey, squeezing and enjoying, before sliding her hands into the waistband. A gush of warm air rose up from deep inside Tim, as he ran his fingers through her hair, and seizing the back of her head he pressed her lips firmly to his again, his tongue hungry for hers.
Tim unknowingly began to emulate Ryan in slowly peeling her sweater up and over her breasts. Instead, his hands were seized, and stopped, clamped where they were. Tim smiled to himself, hugely turned on by the thought of Katie’s assertive sexual energy. Rather than lift the sweater up and off, she sank downwards, leaving the sweater empty in his hands as she slid down his body. Her mouth tracked down his abs. He gasped as his cock was pulled free and the tip suckled eagerly, with lips, teeth and tongue all combining with to blow him away. His mind spun and swam. Fuck yes, Katie! Now that’s a fucking blowjob, he thought, in response as his girlfriend, cloaked in the pitch black ran her tongue the whole way up the bottom of his shaft, teasing out the first little drop of precum, then sank and sucked the whole length hungrily in.
Katie, on the other couch was loving how easy she felt Tim was making everything. They kissed like sex-starved adolescents, tongues and teeth clashing and duelling, sparring like wrestlers. Katie felt free of the need to constantly drive and push things on. She wore nothing now except the thin satin knickers, and she ground her pussy down on the hardness of his thigh, loving how strong and solid he felt. As she rocked forward to grind her clit against him, he seemed to read her mind. One of his masculine hands slid down her taut abdomen, and down further, following her curve, their hearts both beating hard as he made his first soft contact with her soft outer lips. Unrestrained, he flowed on, fingertips first finding the little nub of her clit, taking a little moment to enjoy its silky feel, before dipping to the warm crease of her pussy. They sighed into each other’s mouths as his fingertip swirled tenderly in her wetness.
Katie gave a hot, sex-filled breath as his fingers provided the hardness she needed. She already somehow knew this would give her everything she craved, and she happily gave herself over to his control. He curled his digits up, working little by little into her, as she circled on his hand. They kissed, an ever-growing kiss that seemed to flow and affect every atom of her being, her breasts crushed against his strong frame as his fingers plunged in and out of her, beginning to fuck her. Holy shit, this man knows exactly how to touch me. She sighed, mewling softly and clamped their bodies together tightly, the excitement of knowing the muscular frame beneath her was her sister’s boyfriend, a man she’d always been attracted to, but never imagined that she might actually be allowed to have. And here she was, with his fingers fucking her, with her sister’s full blessing, while Rachel was probably writhing in just as much pleasure on Ryan’s body. The secret, the crazy wrongness of it all completely blew her mind and flooded her pussy. Before she knew it, she was stroking her hand up and down his meaty cock, well on the way to a first, fast-building orgasm.
The sound levels in the room began to rise, the darkness heightening everything, and the whole group tuned into every sound, every scent and every move.
Tim settled for a deep groan as his brain tried to process the reality of feeling Katie’s tongue-tip wiggling in the slit of his cock, before her lips sank down again to engulf his cock and take him back in. For some reason that her sex-addled brain couldn’t articulate, Rachel felt liberated and encouraged by the freedom that this secret, stolen tryst with Ryan seemed to be giving her. Tim eventually gathered her loose hair and bunched it up in one hand. He smiled to himself, appreciating the irony. He had always wished Rachel would wear her hair down, like Katie does, and here he is bunching Katie’s hair up. Gently he backed her off, wordlessly communicating that it was time to give his cock a breather.
With no desire to slow things down, if she couldn’t suck him any more, she knew what she wanted and for once she was going to take it, on her terms. She climbed her way up, her lips, tongue and teeth exploring the hard, textured terrain all the way. She speared her tongue into his mouth, ravenous, wondering if Ryan would be used to tasting himself in Katie’s mouth like this. She rocked up further still, dropping and pressing her taut breast to his mouth. His cock was ragingly hard at the thought of finally guzzling Katie’s beautiful tits into his mouth, which he did with great gusto, but she didn’t stop there for long. She wriggled on and gathered a fistful of his hair, seating herself on his face. Her happy sigh turned into powerful gasps as his tongue began to lash and slather her pussy with great affection. Oh fuck yes, Ryan, THAT’S how you eat a pussy! She suppressed a momentary thought that this was a sensation she already knew she would miss.
Still all completely blind in the pitch black the other two could only listen to the soundscape. The kissing and the moaning, and the carnal overture sounds of squelches and slops were driving everyone crazy with arousal. It was impossibly exciting as they both began to suspect they were finally listening to their own partner getting fucked on the other sofa. Ryan felt the flood of wetness from what he believed to be Rachel’s now sopping pussy as she bucked on his fingers. His rigid cock in her hand was pressed against her butt, as she began to work the head of it towards her slick opening. Ryan felt completely ready to fuck Rachel now, but he wasn’t giving up any control.
He pulled his fingers out from her, and brought them to his mouth. He melted in happiness at his first taste of Rachel, even though it was really Katie’s familiar, sumptuous pussy he was tasting. She purred as she sucked his fingers into her own mouth, tasting herself before her tongue barged into his mouth. She gave a restrained yelp, as he threw his powerful arms around her and rose up. Yielding and happy to be controlled and used, she simpered in pleasure, his arms pushing her flat onto her back on the couch before falling between her knees. She began to flood as his warm soft palms held her thighs open, invisibly exposed to him. Unable to see anything, he breathed in her exquisite scent. He tongued his way up one inner thigh, hooking his elbows to push her legs wide and lift her knees up, as he dove in. Oh fuck yes, Rachel! What a magnificent pussy! he thought, silently.
Moans, panting and all sorts of sex noises filled the air, as the two guys buried their faces – so they each thought – between the thighs of the other’s girlfriend. A heavy scent of sex and the sounds of tongues lapping charged everyone up, as each of the women rolled and ebbed on the choppy waters of their pleasure, also imagining themselves to be at the hands of a brand new forbidden lover, for the first time.
Further subverting the normal way of things, it was Ryan who broke first and simply couldn’t resist. Taking the lead again and with two fingers softly massaging her clenching walls, he straightened up onto his knees. He withdrew the fingers and she reached for him, trying to grab him and pull him in, desperate to finally feel Tim fuck her for the first time. Instead of complying for once, Ryan grabbed her hands and clamped them across her middle with one of his hands as he rose onto his knees, rocking her legs up with her feet on his shoulders, before taking hold of his cock and rubbing it up and down her slit. Eyes closed pointlessly in the darkness he revelled in the very thought of his cock-head stroking over Rachel’s clit stroking, knowing he had her right on the brink. Finally, he slid in, flowing and solidly he pushed on and deep, until he filled her fully. He began to give eager, hungry thrusts, each one deep and intense.
Even in the pitch blackness, they both saw stars. Oh fuck Tim, go on, fuck me just like that! Katie whined in wordless pain and ecstasy at the restraint, the power and the refreshing potency of the unbridled fucking she was getting. It was everything she hadn’t realised she craved. He’d barely got started and she knew she was only moments from orgasm already, nails rolling into his back.
On the other sofa, Rachel knew the time had come. Her pussy was clenching and dripping as he sucked on her slit and slid his fingers back and forth within her. Backing off just from the brink of what she knew would be a powerful climax, Rachel lifted herself off his face. She was now on all fours, and she reached back and grabbed him, pulling him towards her. Come on Ryan, step up now and fuck me! She had heard the sigh from Katie, and knew without question that it signalled the moment that her own boyfriend Tim had finally filled her, began fucking her. The very thought of it sent erotic shivers through her like an electrical storm, and a wave of heat to her very centre. For a split second, she thought she should feel jealous, but she just didn’t feel it.. There was no possible room for jealousy when she was desperate for Ryan to fuck her too. The whole moment was far too erotically charged, too full of happiness, and her mind was swept clear, with a sharp intake of breath filling her chest, as she felt the strong hands that seized her hips. She noisily let everything go as the head of his cock rubbed on her sopping opening, gathering her moisture. She pressed her hips backwards inviting him in, and reached a hand around to hold the back of his thigh, pulling him in hard and tight. Her message clear, Fuck me hard, Ryan. Take me now! Finally, Tim drove inside and her mind hazed and her body soared with pleasure as she pressed back, rocking and pushing, swallowing him deeper and deeper, driving with determination until her clit pressed on his balls and he filled her, as if he was made to fit her perfectly. He revelled in this energy and felt able to relax, for once simply riding the wave coming at him.
A symphony of intercourse began as the four each began to drive harder and deeper at one another in the dark. Each spurred on by the crazy rush of fucking the wrong person, and loving every moment of the feeling, they all bore down and quickly grew from the explorative tentative discovery strokes to ever heavier and greedier pounding. Sighs grew to moans, and moans into low wails as minutes passed. The whole world shrunk to the tiny bubble around them, as they clawed at each other, held and clamped each other firmly, bucking and fucking with complete abandon. They kissed and pawed and clawed and scratched at each other, claiming and enjoying every inch of the other, the sounds and smells of their sex and their heat flooding the opaque night. Somehow more connected in the darkness, all together than they ever had been in the light of day.
The guys pounded away at their partner’s bodies, as each of the ladies bounced and urged their crescendos along by circling their fingers over their own clit.
Things finally reached breaking point as Rachel planted her fists and forced herself back hard, her face buried into the couch. she felt no need for words, her pussy alone beckoned him to go as deep and hard as he could as she erupted into her climax. Stars burst, like fireworks within her as her body heaved and her sopping tender cunt spasmed. He leaned over her back, grabbing her tit beneath her, hitting every sweet spot she had inside her and jacked his hips as he burst inside her as well, each moaning and panting like a dying animal.
Katie wrapped her legs around her man and pulled him to her, thrown over the edge by hearing her sister come so hard, fucking her own boyfriend. She felt a strange rush of pride, taking in the sounds of her boyfriend doing such a fantastic job of screwing Rachel. She pulled him hard down onto her, drawing him in deep one last time with her legs, grabbing and pulling at his flesh everywhere she could. He kissed Katie like a savage, groping and squeezing her heaving tits as he gave his last few thrashing thrusts, driving deep and bursting his cum loose inside her. He swelled and pumped over and over, both feeling every vein and throb as they swirled together into loud, sloppy and all-consuming orgasms.
As the waves crashed and the peak of the storm passed, the group slowly settled, and they held reality at bay as long as possible. Like an explosion in space, the energy was ebbing away again slowly into the deep darkness. Ryan gave up his fight and fell limp onto the sweaty, tender body beneath him. They held each other tightly. His breath still fast, he couldn’t believe the pleasure she’d given him, as he rested on her, softly stroking and kissing the skin, playfully enjoying the luxury of this moment.
Tim retreated enough to roll her over, back to face him, and they began to cuddle too, kissing warmly like familiar lovers.
Sweaty, tangled and dazed, they each began to process what they’d just done, and that they’d just had an absolutely incredible experience, fucking their opposite number. But the reality couldn’t be ignored, amazing as it was, it had to end. They had to swap back, and while they each could accept that it would never happen again, they would most certainly never forget it. Rachel reluctantly stood up, giving her man one last deep kiss. This is our last kiss ever, Ryan. She tried to load it with every ounce of gratitude, respect and unspoken love she could and that she would probably never have another chance to show him, before she shuffled off the sofa. She gave a “psst” and Katie understood. She heard Katie kiss her man one last time too, also sensing the heaviness of a door closing, never to be reopened.
The two both quickly walked out of the room, shutting the door. Katie took her sister’s hand and squeezed it tenderly. “I love you, Sis, thank you. Hurry back out, ok? Be quick.” She whispered. They each prudishly tried to cover their nakedness with their hands before turning on a light, despite everything that had happened, still not keen to be visibly naked in each other’s presence. They each ran into their bedrooms to cover up.
Left alone, the guys both straightened themselves up and gathered any clothing they could find before they flicked the lamp on. They both flinched and squinted, the light feeling like the desert sun after such total darkness. They exchanged a calm look, and both broke into wide grins, with no awkwardness at all. They nodded and Tim gave a happy thumbs up, which Ryan mimicked, with a happy wink.
“Fuuuuck. That was crazy.” Ryan whispered.
“Yeah. But, crazy awesome. Right?” Tim said.
“Oh my god, yeah. So fucking awesome.” Ryan replied, smiling as wide as he ever had.
It was around an hour later, when the four had finished showering, getting ready for bed and put things behind them enough to return to the same sofas, this time sitting talking, instead of fucking each other. A giant sharing bowl of nachos and dip was set on the table between them, and they’d all decided to have one last drink before calling it a night.
As they finally all settled, bottles of beer for the guys and gin & tonics for the ladies, they all leaned in to chink their glasses together one last time.
“Guys, that was fucking wild,” Tim said, feeling obliged to break the embargo on the matter.
Katie fell in step with him. “Agreed. I mean, fucking crazy, but intense as fuck, and so good.” Katie said, looking proudly into all their eyes, trying to avoid particularly focusing on Tim.
“To think, I’ll always look at this sofa and know what I did there, with you, Ryan.”
The guys both looked at each other, silently a moment.
“You mean this sofa, Rach?” Ryan said, pointing to the one where he had been all along. “with me, on this sofa… right?” Rachel looked at him, confused. “Rach, Kates, we swapped sofas, right? You wanted to swap.”
The realisation rolled over Rachel’s face, and then the others, until Ryan suddenly laughed a deep, rolling laugh.
“What the fuck guys. We swapped. We were going to swap, so we swapped.”
A stunned silence fell over the room. People stammered, stuttered, but no one could speak for a moment. They each looked from person to person. They’d all tried to swap. They’d all wanted to. And they’d messed the whole fucking thing up, and simply fucked their own partners.
Suddenly, all four burst out into roars of laughter and didn’t stop until tears streamed down all of their faces.
Drinks were eventually finished, the evening rolled on into night and they all relaxed together, amid more giggling and chatting. The conversation stayed clear of sex for a while, and instead, they made plans for the rest of the time they were to spend together, including drives around Norfolk and stops at a few of the pubs and restaurants. The girls occasionally found themselves looking at each other, and then each other’s boyfriends, astounded and proud in equal measure, but the topic didn’t come up again for some time.
It was finally decided it was time for bed.
“I just need to say this,” Tim spoke up. “Rach, you were different. I really thought you were Katie. You were… in charge, animal, wild. It was… well, it was fucking incredible.”
Rachel gave no reply, instead shrugging her shoulders with a proud little smile. It would take time to process but it felt like something incredible had changed for her. And they would benefit from it together.
“That’s how I feel too.” Katie followed on. “Ryan, that was so much more… well, so much more everything. More intense, more alive. You took control. And given that you thought you were with Rachel, I’m literally just realising that maybe that’s because I actually let you, for once.” A tear welled up in Katie’s eye, as she realised there would have to be some tough conversations after this, and maybe she had a lesson to learn. “You were incredible. Thank you.” She squeezed his hand.
Both couples held each other and embraced, exchanging kisses and whispered words of love. They were all slightly surprised at how deeply moved and connected they felt by the whole experience. Despite having tried and failed to swap, it had somehow been a huge revelation for them all.
They all stood up and filed out, the guys clearing the glasses and plates to the kitchen as the girls headed to the corridor, leading to the bathroom and the two bedrooms. Alone for a moment, the two ladies hugged. They paused for a moment, looking at their bedroom doors and, in a way only sisters can, exchanged silent thought. Rachel surprised herself, as a despicable idea crossed her mind, and a devilish grin crept over her face as she gave an intentional lingering glance at Katie’s bedroom door, then back to Katie. “Let’s give them a surprise. Give ‘em what they wanted,” she whispered. They each nodded, called out “Good night!”, loud enough to be heard, and darted into each other’s bedrooms, stripping and getting under the covers.
The guys left the kitchen in darkness and found themselves in the corridor themselves. They looked at each other in silence for a moment, before Ryan grinned his cute wide smile.
“You know, we could still correct the whole mistake.” he pointed at the two doors and then crossed his hands, the meaning clear.
“Well, they did want to. Let’s go for it!” as he clapped Ryan on the shoulder. “Enjoy, my friend.”
And without another word, Ryan cracked open the door of Rachel’s bedroom, reached inside and flicked the light off, before stripping and jumping into the bed.