The Mistress

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Mistress sat with a drink, contemplating the effective outworking of her plan she had initiated months ago. Little did she dream that it would turn out as perfectly as her deepest dreams.

First was her lover and Pet, or was it Pet and lover, who knows, but she did recognise that he singly has been all the pure and dirty sex that she could want – ever. She had found him, cornered and hooked him, and reeled him in.

Second, and most excitingly, she had moved him into her home… despite or perhaps in spite of the feckless husband now named Prickoless (her chosen term of derision). She would never forget their first meeting in public; Pet knelt before her and she wrapped her collar around his neck, fastening the buckle in silence.

Third, and perhaps most unexpected, the reason for the missing libido of the feckless Prickoless had been revealed. And whilst she still harboured much bitterness, and yes, even hatred, she could see the feckless one under the spell of her Pet and lover. Prickoless, of course, was willingly – at least at the beginning – caged. She had removed him from the matrimonial bed and there lay her Pet and Lover, majestic and hard whenever she desired.

Last, and most incredibly not part of her original plan, Mistress had given herself the most wonderful gift. For she had chosen to become pregnant. She delighted to torment the feckless one by announcing her pregnancy to her children, telling them they were to have a new little brother or sister. Knowing that they would be constantly asking their father about it added to her pleasure.

She wanted to reward her Pet, but how best should she reward him? She needed to plan this very carefully to get maximum pleasure for all – apart from Prickoless.

Then it dawned upon her that she would invite her sister-in-law to meet Pet. After all, it was her sister-in-law who first suggested a certain internet web site, where she happened upon her Pet. She felt she also ought to say the words “thank you” and show her what had happened as a result.

She put plans in place, specifically inviting her sister-in-law to visit at 8 pm on Sunday night, 14th of February. Mistress smiled at the irony of the date.

On the morning of the 14th, Mistress informed Pet that he was to be rewarded this evening. Pet looked at his Mistress with loving eyes and pondered why he was to be rewarded, but accepted the words of his Mistress without question.

At 7:30 pm that evening, Mistress asked her Pet to take Prickoless into their sanctuary of pleasure, and restrain him in the chair facing the bed … which he did without much thought. Prickoless couldn’t help but enjoy the touch of his teacher who aroused him like none other had for many years. Prickoless wondered the fate that was to befall him, for he knew that he was still on the receiving end of the bitterness of Mistress. At least his secret was shared only within the family home.

At 8 pm, the doorbell rang and Hazel, the sister-in-law of Mistress arrived. The door was opened by Pet – to the puzzlement of Hazel.

Pet led Hazel into the sitting room where Mistress was seated. Mistress smiled and asked if Hazel wanted a drink. Pet performed the task of opening a bottle of white wine, offering a glass to his Mistress, then to Hazel, who sipped it gratefully.

Hazel looked a little bemused and asked after her brother. Mistress smiled and said, “Prickoless will join us later.” Although, she truly meant Prickoless will watch us later.

Mistress said, “I think you have already noticed some major changes that have happened. I wanted to say thank you for the way my life has changed since you suggested that I visit that website some months ago. Pet here has transformed my sex life. As a gift to him, I wanted to share him with you, if, of course, you desire to test his skills.”

Hazel looked at Pet and the bulge in his trousers, licked her lips and said to Mistress, “You know, I think I will.”

Mistress invited Pet to take her to the bedroom, saying she would join them in a few moments.

Pet stretched out his hand and led Hazel to the bedroom. Opening the door, Pet allowed Hazel to walk into the room first. With more than a little surprise, Prickoless pulled against his restraints trying to cover his caged cock In front of his sister.

Pet went across the room and slowly stroked Prickoless on his cheek which resulted in his cock twitching like mad.

Pet gently undressed himself and then Hazel. She didn’t have the figure of Mistress, having smaller breasts, but her hips were narrower, and her belly taut. Having caressed her cheek, Pet lay her on the bed. He moved to the opposite side of the bed, so Prickoless could see Pet caressing his sister. Running his fingers over her breasts, Pet leaned down and tugged on her nipples with his teeth. Soon Hazel was gasping and mewling as Pet slid down to her waiting moist cunt.

As Pet was just about to partake, Mistress arrived already dressed with her savage appendage. She playfully spanked her Pet on his butt and told him to get on with pleasuring her favoured guest.

She walked over to Prickoless and said, “Open your mouth,” before she eased her strap-on deeper than needed, adding, “and make it good and wet for Teacher.”

Pet knelt before the open legs of Hazel and began to ply her with his dancing tongue. He didn’t let up until she had cum the second time, her pleasure rebounding from the walls.

Pet laid his majestic cock across her sopping mound as Mistress climbed onto the bed behind her Pet.

Published 4 years ago

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