The Mirror and the Cloth

"Whoever said that the men and women of the cloth never had any fun?"

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Mathew had always admired Vicar John ever since he was a teenager in the church choir. In fact, he was more of a father than a friend or confidant, and now, at twenty-one years of age, he found himself at the dinner table being told, in no uncertain terms, to call him just John. It felt strange for him to drop the vicar term because it had been so ingrained in him. Janice, the vicar’s wife, sat opposite him as the aroma of basil and oregano thrilled their senses and the crisp blackberry notes of the claret swilled around in their mouths.

The conversation was appropriate for the evening though it must be said that Janice’s somewhat risqué and sharp turns of phrase often tried to turn the conversation to more sexual matters. Her attire was also affecting Mathew as he ate. The ups and downs of conversation seemed to match his emotions whenever he looked at the plunging neckline of her dark navy dress and the wisps of hair that floated angelically from the bun on her head. She would often take a sip of wine, replace the glass on the table and nibble at her fingernail in the corner of her mouth while Mathew answered some pertinent question.

Janice watched him: his eyes and how he directed the conversation to both John and her in turn, his lips and how they moved and his hands and how animated he was when talking about those subjects that interested him. Though it was his hands that she kept looking at the most while her wanton mind wandered down unattended paths that had them doing unprecedented things to her luscious body, things that she had imagined while they had worked together. Despite her teasing nature, however, none of her attempts at seduction ever took hold of him.

Vicar John was not entirely innocent. Over the months, he often found himself listening to his wife telling him all about how Mathew had helped her do this and how Mathew had given her ideas for more fundraising. The evening discussions started with normal chit-chat and slowly but surely, over time, they got around to her real thoughts, the thoughts of lust and wanton abandonment. What she’d like to do to him? He listened, knowing that his wife would have her wicked way, one day.

“We’d like you to come over for dinner one evening so that we can thank you properly for all you’ve done for the church and me,” she had told him. Her hand had grasped the inside of his arm as they walked and she quietly directed his elbow so that it pressed into her breast. She insisted that he attend. Her breathing belied her need that swamped her thoughts and swelled her bosom. Every touch seemed to ignite a new flame inside of her.

“It would be so educational for all of us, don’t you think?” was her passing remark.

Mathew knew why he had been invited to dinner and it wasn’t to talk about his upcoming studies at University or the help he had given Janice over the years in numerous forms of fundraising. He had helped the church achieve so much over the years, securing the necessary funds for a new roof and supporting wall to parts of the tower that was crumbling with the effect of ice and rain from the north-westerly winds. Once porous rock starts to crumble, the effect can be devastating and the decay, rapid. His ideas for generating new income were lifesaving to the church, though his enthusiasm for helping Janice was not altogether altruistic. Her advances had not gone unnoticed.

Despite his shyness, Mathew felt a certain connection to Janice and one that he knew was reciprocated. They got on well together. He had often watched her in the throes of ‘chaotic organisation’ as he called it, with arms flailing and animated body directing events, though Mathew watched her breasts more than her arms. He watched how they swayed when she wore those light summer dresses with their flimsy ties over her shoulder, watched as her abundant cleavage displayed her charms when she was dressed to impress any would-be financier and watched her lovely legs and thighs as they delved under her dresses and skirts to connect with her rounded and firm bottom whenever she bent over.

He was often asked to hold the ladder while Janice climbed it to secure ornamental hangings from attachments in the nave or side aisles. It was only after the first week did he realise why he was asked to hold the ladder and then it wasn’t until she had asked him a question, requiring him to look up and tell her whether the hanging was equally proportioned on both sides of her, did the cogs in his brain engage the driveshaft.

What Mathew failed to see was any sign of panties of any kind, even the ones that disappeared like a knife through butter. On subsequent times, he would often look up and inform her to be careful with her footing but Janice, being no-one’s fool, often wobbled close to the bottom of the ladder requiring a firm hand to stabilise her; a firm hand that would often be accompanied by a seductive ‘thank you.’ Whenever that happened, all she could think of that night was his hand on her bottom.

Mathew would often be affected by the sight of her and would often resort to some form of adjustment in his attire. It was true, he couldn’t help himself, but he always felt ashamed afterwards, after all, Janice was married to Vicar John and his urges were uncharacteristic of him.

Mathew adjusted his attire one more time, this time concealed by the tabletop as Janice leaned over the table to retrieve the empty dishes and take them away. Mathew could not resist the temptation to watch her bottom move beneath the flowing dress as she let her body sway.

Vicar John reached over for the bottle of wine and as he pushed it towards Mathew’s glass, the neck pushed the glass over, spilling valuable red wine over his shirt and trousers. There was an immediate cry of surprise and John shouted to his wife for help.

Janice arrived with a hand towel at just the right time as Mathew rose from the table to survey the damage. Without thinking, her hands busied themselves as she rubbed the most affected area with the absorbent cloth. Her hands did not mistake the solid bulge that had appeared or was already there and she kept dabbing at it in an attempt to extract as much wine from his clothes as she could. In hindsight, she thought, sucking on his trousers would have been more useful.

Mathew watched as Vicar John left them together to return the towel to the kitchen and their eyes locked in knowing realisation.

The smirk that appeared on her lips was telling. Her hand reached out to stroke Mathew’s face and his wrapped around it, stopping her in its track. His eyes dropped to the swelling of her breasts.

“Come,” she told him, taking his other hand and directing him to face the wall in the lounge that held a full-frame mirror. Janice positioned Mathew so that he looked into it. She instructed him never to take his eyes off it and to rest his hands by his side.

Mathew watched her hands wrap around his face as her fingers and nails delicately touched his eyes, his nose, his cheek, his jawbone and finally rest around his neck. Janice caressed his Adam’s apple before she rounded his shoulders.

“I have been waiting for this for so long,” she whispered.

From behind, her hands came upon his chest and one by one she eagerly plucked the buttons from their holes until his shirt was open and his hairless chest was on full display. They both watched him breathe and in that time her thoughts became tumultuous. Her hands tugged at his shirt, releasing it from his trousers thus allowing her hands to scrape up the side of his torso and for her fingernails to scrape over his nipples.

Janice tugged at the shirt and removed it from his arms throwing it to the floor in an act of unbridled passion, her hands returning to his belt and buckle which she expertly unsecured; dropping the zipper in the same action.

Janice leaned into his body. “Take the rest off for me while I watch,” she whispered.

Mathew was nowhere near as sensuous as Janice had been and yet he managed to remove his trousers, pants, shoes and socks with some elegance and without stumbling. He threw the clothes in the same direction as his shirt; the red wine adding a stain to his upper thigh.

Mathew stood upright and looked into the mirror. His cock followed him. At first, he hadn’t noticed the appearance of Vicar John nor did he want to admit that he was standing in this state of undress with him nearby, but he knew that whatever would happen, Vicar John knew about it because it was he who had pleaded with him to attend the dinner.

Janice’s fingers once more teased at his waist, tickling him softly as she drummed her fingers along his flesh. Her eyes looked over his shoulder and while she could see his cock in the mirror respond to her touch she refused to dive in and take hold of it. She had waited too long for this moment and she expertly controlled her impatience. It would be for the best.

Her hands circled his chest once more before she stepped back and slightly to one side of Mathew.

“Darling, my dress if you would be so kind?” Directing her comment to her husband.

She held her hands by her side as John unzipped her dress in a slow and deliberate motion. Once the back had flared open he prised it from her shoulders and Janice wriggled out of it as John pushed it downwards.

Mathew swallowed hard at the slow reveal and closed his eyes and muttered incomprehensible words under his breath when he saw Janice’s body in its full glory. Her breasts held firm by her brazier and her silk rope and lace panties doing almost nothing to hide her sex from his gaze.

John unclipped the bra and Janice’s arms fell forward to let it fall off her body. She let Mathew gaze on her breasts for a while. She allowed him his need to feast on her ample flesh and to watch her nipples grow with her excitement, though she didn’t know how long she could last before she would have to devour him.

Janice watched his cock stiffen and knew that it was all her doing. She congratulated herself that at fifty-three years old, she still had it.

Slowly she stepped behind Mathew. He turned to watch her move closer but she turned his head quickly back to face the mirror. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Vicar John undress. He looked into the mirror and locked eyes with Janice once more.

Her face disappeared for a fleeting moment when she removed her knickers to let them fall at her feet but soon her fingers played with his waist as she stepped closer and closer.

Mathew waited for the contact and soon he felt the warmth of her breast flesh on his back and as she moved he felt the hardened nipples scrape across his back like her fingers were doing on his chest. She teased him. Pinched his nipples, stretched them outwards as far as they would go before letting go.

She kissed the nape of his neck and slowly moved to his earlobes. Savouring every moment, every action, every scent, everything she had thought about doing in all those months before this. All of her pent up energy and desire was focused entirely on Mathew.

Janice licked her tongue over the length of his neck and Mathew let his head fall backwards. The sound of her panting in his ear overtook all other senses bar touch. Her fingers slowly clawed at his chest, his waist, his stomach, and when her fingers were inches away from his swollen cock, Mathew opened his eyes to look in the mirror; willing them onwards to grasp his erection firmly and squeeze it.

Janice made sure that her fingers remained inches away as her eyes locked on his magnificent rod. Her breasts pushed hard into Mathew’s back as she circled the wet patch of her groin on the cheeks of his bottom. Her fingers continued their journey downward and once more Janice’s nipples flicked at his flesh. Her hands came upon the sack that dangled in the mirror, seemingly unconnected to the hard rod of steel that stood upright and yet containing all that lovely cream that she craved.

He wouldn’t have been the first choir boy or handyman that she had taken in that very position and he wouldn’t be the last either, but Mathew didn’t need to know that. It wasn’t the act of sex, it was all about instilling the urge for them to do naughty things when they couldn’t help themselves. It was all about bringing them to the verge of something exquisite and letting them realise it was what they had always wanted. Some of the younger men would spurt over the floor as soon as her fingertips scraped over their scrotum, others would last longer. Lasting wasn’t a problem for her. She knew they would be upright and raring for seconds as soon as she kissed them, or let them touch her breasts, or suck on her nipples or when she would insert her juiced up finger into their mouths accompanied with the suggestion that they suck it. That action always made her pussy leak profusely.

Mathew had good control of his nether regions and while she gently squeezed his sack in one hand she also squeezed his buttocks with the other; letting her finger slide down the crack of his bottom and over his anus.

Not yet, she thought, just not yet!

Janice smiled at Mathew in the mirror, knowing that he was enjoying every minute of her game but not knowing it was a game. Her hand left his bottom and she congratulated herself on soaking a couple of fingers with her juices. She brought her hand around his neck and whispered in his ear.

Before what she was telling him registered, Mathew could smell her scent. Her hand squeezed his ball sack one more time while inserting her fingers into his mouth.

Mathew sucked on them, avidly curious as to how a woman tasted, and was disappointed when he realised the taste had worn off and that he was sucking on fingered flesh. He was half tempted to turn around, drop to his knees and drink from her chaliced cup but her hand encroached onto the base of his cock and she tugged it downwards.

“Darling,” she said, turning her head towards her husband, “do see to his needs.” Her tone was authoritative, almost demanding in a timid sort of way.

Mathew caught the flicker of the devil himself in her eyes and noticed Vicar John walk towards them. He looked at Vicar John and then into the mirror. Janice looked straight back at him causing Mathew to become immobile with her looks alone. It was as if his feet had been clamped to the floor with just a subtle suggestion that he stay that way, just from the way she looked at him.

Mathew couldn’t move.

John knelt in front of him and Janice took a firm hold of his cock and bent it towards her husband’s mouth. John sucked on the head. Janice smiled in Mathew’s direction. Mathew closed his eyes and sucked in a lungful of air that had been missing for some time.

The sucking sensation almost sent his oversensitive cock into overdrive. The fact that the mere act was accompanied by her finger pushing into his anus did not bode well for him. Mathew wouldn’t have imagined that either of these acts would have turned him on, yet they did.

Janice’s foot inserted itself between Mathew’s legs and she shuffled it outwards to give her probing finger more room. As soon as she had fully inserted it, she started to kiss his neck and shoulders and rub her nipples across his back in slow sensuous movements. Her other hand came upon his unattended nipple and she started to thrum it with her middle finger.

Vicar John sucked on his rampant cock, a cock that was becoming more and more unreliable in its attempt to hold back the flood until her words caused him to open his eyes.

“Don’t cum. Relax, enjoy it.”

Mathew’s lip turned up at the corner as he stared back at Janice. Wickedness sparked between them and then he saw it. She was waiting for something. She was driving him to the edge of the precipice and yet she was waiting for something.

Mathew’s hand flung backwards and connected with Janice’s crotch. He searched for her sex and pushed his fist between her legs, spreading them in the process. That’s when he saw the stern, controlling look on her face melt, at the precise moment his fingers entered her wet honeypot. That was the moment she lost all control to his searching, probing, pleading fingers. Janice opened her legs a little and was lost in a finger frenzy that fucked the living daylights out of her. She let her legs straddle Mathew’s legs as she pushed her body into his. His hands clawed at her sex and she humped his hand in a concentrated effort to bring herself off.

Mathew only heard expletives issue from her mouth from that moment onwards. Janice must have been on the brink for such a long time.

In a moment of realisation that everything was turning out in her favour, she issued one last command.

“Darling, the sofa. Now!”

Mathew was relieved, for if Vicar John had not stopped his oral assault, his throat would have been home to his white creamy liquid.

Janice clung tightly to Mathew’s body as his fingers kept up their digital assault. It would be fair to say that her thighs were soaked in the process. Janice ground her sex against Mathew’s hand before suddenly straightening herself. Her arms and hands grasped his chest tightly as if holding on for dear life; her body went limp, all manner of sensual expletives filled the air and when her orgasm ripped through her she showered his back in a million and one kisses as her body shook violently.

Janice clung onto Mathew until she was once more in a stable position. A quick look in the mirror informed her that he was still erect and probably desperate for quick and urgent release.

Breathing heavily she turned and walked towards her husband who was sitting in the middle of the sofa with his erect cock pointing towards the ceiling. Janice walked towards her husband before turning to stare into Mathew’s eyes.

Her index finger twitched and he immediately recognised it as an instruction.

She leaned backwards, took hold of her husband’s cock and aimed it in the general direction of her anus. Her earlier secretions were all she needed for lubrication and by the time Mathew stood before her she had sunk her bottom so that her husband’s cock was fully inserted. Janice let out a long and satisfying sigh. She was high on sexual adrenaline, something that not even her body could control and certainly not when she had two men to satisfy her.

Mathew was mesmerised by the way her breasts bounced as she slithered over her husband’s cock. She nodded in his direction in an attempt to make him move closer. In the end, words were needed.

“Fuck me,” she said.

Mathew leaned in over her body; his cock knew exactly which hole it needed to aim for and pushing it into her was never going to be a problem. Mathew inserted the head of his cock and could instantly feel the effect of Vicar John’s intrusion making its presence known. He pushed his cock in further and Janice let out a loud moan as it filled her. Once more she looked into Mathew’s eyes.

“Fuck me as I’ve always wanted you to fuck me.” Janice knew those words would incite him further. “Give it to me as hard and fast as you like.”

Mathew slid his cock in and out with deliberate strokes at first but he could see the wanton need in her eyes; he could see how elegantly supple her body had become as she slithered between the two of them, sucking their appendages into her holes as if they belonged to creatures of the deep.

Janice climaxed. It wasn’t the most intense, but she knew that it was only her second and she knew her body all too well. The next would hit her hard and the one after that would elevate her almost to the stage of unconsciousness.

It wasn’t long before Mathew had finally taken control of her, thrusting his erection into Janice with the speed and aggression of a victim that had been teased to the end of his tether. His hands finally cupped her breasts as she took his weight while he squeezed on them. Mathew groaned and felt every luxurious inch as it slid past her opening and into the warm depths of her cavern. He shook his head, desperate to control his urge.

Mathew didn’t know how Vicar John was coping with the way her body must have squeezed his cock but he didn’t care, he wasn’t the one that could see the manic look in her eyes as she implored him to delve deeper within himself and satisfy her.

Mathew didn’t disappoint. His thrusts became more urgent though with much less movement. Janice could feel him nudge constantly at her g-spot. Her head fell back onto the back of the sofa and her third orgasm crashed over her; this time her body shook violently, just like the first time. Her legs quivered and she became still, relying on the motions of her two lovers to keep the sensations that she felt uppermost in her mind. She needn’t have worried.

Mathew had slowed his fucking quite considerably and he bent forward to suck on Janice’s engorged nipples. One after the other entered his mouth as he alternated between them. Vicar John’s hands crept around her stomach and he pulled Janice down onto his body, pushing his cock into her with what little movement he had left. Mathew presumed he was going to orgasm and started to speed up.

Janice had no alternative but to respond to their frantic fuck with those wonderful sensations building once more.

Mathew clasped her neck with his hand. Carefully at first and then tighter once her head was against the sofa. His other hand rested on the back of it for stability and he pounded into her depths. His thrusts came thick and fast, her breasts wobbling uncontrollably. Vicar John announced that he was cumming while Janice hung like a lifeless rag doll between them. Her eyes looked as if she was contained in a permanent orgasm.

Three orgasms had taken their toll, but her fourth was upon her with Mathew’s incessant fucking.

Young men had everything in their favour, that’s why Janice loved them so much, and with Mathew she had caught a prize exhibit of man flesh.

Janice nodded at Mathew, urging him deeper. She knew she was almost there. He knew he was too. She didn’t have the energy to cry out but as soon as he saw her eyes tip back in her head, he stopped clenching his muscle and soaked her insides, pulling out after the third jet to let his juices spray over her sweat covered body. He held his cock in her direction and allowed all the remaining spunk to flow over her.

Janice had almost, but not quite, passed out with the sheer exhilaration of the act. She slumped off her husband letting his cock plop from her backside and landed to one side of him.

Vicar John was breathing quite heavily; so was Mathew but for different reasons. It was the first time both men looked into each other’s eyes. Moments later, Mathew’s eyes were drawn to the wilting cock of Vicar John.

“Mathew, you must come to dinner again next week,” announced Janice with her usual flair as she caught the visual transaction between them. “I’m sure we have lots more to learn of each other.”

Janice slowly pulled herself upright. The clock struck ten in the evening.

“But for now, I think you and I should retire to the bedroom. He’s not as energetic as he used to be,” she declared, glancing back in the direction of her husband.

When they reached the table, Janice turned and kissed him full on the lips. Mathew’s cock stiffened. She reached for her half-full glass of red wine and with her other hand wrapped around Mathew’s cock, he was tugged effortlessly in the general direction of the bedroom.

The night had turned out better than Janice could ever have predicted and it was about to get better still, but even as she climbed the stairs with Mathew’s hand snaking up the inside of her leg and his mouth biting her fleshy bottom, her thoughts turned to Wednesday. In her wickedly wonderful way, she wondered whether Mathew would like to join her, Jason and Clive in their special choral practice session.

After all, oral technique has to be practised.

Published 4 years ago

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