I had just started to get ready for a “night on the town” with my roommate and best friend, Ryan, when he turned up at the house.
“Sorry, Bro, but there has been a change of plans,” he said. “I’m bringing my new girl, Nikki, along. You’re going to love her. She is great!”
“Oh, okay. I didn’t know that you had a new girlfriend. That was quick,” I responded. It was probably evident that I wasn’t really on board with him bringing his girlfriend along for a “guy’s night out.”
“We just met yesterday. She is so much fun! You are going to have the time of your life with her. I promise.”
We had a little more than an hour before Nikki was due to arrive. With only one bathroom and both of us needing to get cleaned up and looking our casual best, there wasn’t much time to waste.
I have been friends with Ryan since our high school years. We grew up playing sports together and were always in sync with one another. Whether it was Ryan at quarterback and me playing receiver, or me at point guard and Ryan roaming the paint on the basketball court, we always had the advantage over our adversaries. To be honest, we kind of function that way at the dance clubs, as well. Ryan is 6’ 4”, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He has big, broad shoulders and is pretty muscular. So…yeah, he does pretty well with the ladies, I would say.
At 6” tall with shoulder-length, brown hair, I am quite a bit smaller than Ryan. I’m probably fifty pounds lighter than him and am more of the fit, trim, six-pack abs type. While Ryan brings the ladies to the table with his standout looks, I am the one who keeps them there with my charm. I’m definitely the better conversationalist on the team.
I had finished getting ready before Ryan had, so that left me with the unenviable task of answering the door when Nikki arrived. When I opened the door, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There stood the most beautiful blonde-haired woman that I have ever seen in my life. She was wearing a prototypical “little black dress” with matching high heels. From what I could see, I don’t think that she had much else on if anything. Although her dress wasn’t terribly revealing, she was exuding sexuality. I stared at her, thinking to myself that I couldn’t believe Ryan’s luck.
How in the fuck did he manage to land her?
Nikki smirked at my reaction. It was obvious that I wasn’t the first man to be literally stunned by her beauty.
“You must be Mikey!” she exclaimed before leaning in for a hug. I wasn’t sure whether her act of spontaneous affection was genuine or merely to tease me. Either way, I nearly melted as she pressed her tender body against mine.
“Uh…yeah…come inside,” I responded.
“Do you always look this handsome, or did you dress up for me?” she teased.
I didn’t really know how to answer that. Instead, I just told her that she looked nice, as well.
After telling Nikki that Ryan was still getting ready, I invited her to join me on the couch. We chatted for a while and I found her really easy to talk to. I expected her to ask me a bunch of questions about Ryan and how we knew each other, but she never made any mention of him.
Ryan eventually presented himself and I found myself wishing that he hadn’t. I would have been happy to spend the evening alone with Nikki. After Ryan gave us a brief, but unnecessary, introduction to one another we headed out for dinner.
We headed to a local steakhouse, which was what we had initially planned before Nikki was added to the mix. It was one of our favorite hangouts and it was a local hotspot. The menu was similar to that of Texas Roadhouse, but there was a larger bar area and there was less of a Texas/country theme.
Once seated, we ordered a round of beers. I expected Nikki to order something more delicate, but she seemed pretty comfortable being “one of the guys.” When it came to order, though, the waitress asked Nikki for her order first.
“I’ll have the Caesar salad,” she stated. The words barely left her mouth before she burst out laughing. “I’m just joking!” She then proceeded to order a ribeye steak with a heavy emphasis on the word “rare.”
It turned out to be steaks and beers for everyone, the only difference was the choice of side dishes. While waiting for our order, the conversation got interesting and increasingly graphic.
Nikki prompted us to reveal stories about one another and our assorted wild and sordid encounters through the years. We each kept them pretty mild, not wanting to say anything that would upset her. Nikki, however, was not one to be outdone. She joined in the fun, telling us her own personal stories such as the time that she sucked her way out of a speeding ticket. Once she had fully participated in the storytelling, we were both freed up to be more candid with her.
Although technically Nikki was Ryan’s girlfriend, they had only known one another for just over a day. I wasn’t convinced that I was going to let him have her without a fight. She was everything that I could ever have wished for.
After we finished our dinner and drinks, Nikki suggested that we go back to our place. I was a little bit disappointed since we had planned on going to the club, but hanging out with Nikki had been fun thus far. We stopped at a carryout on the way home and purchased a ridiculous amount of alcohol for three people.
Once we returned home, we each grabbed a drink and continued the conversation. After a while, we decided to settle down on the couch and watch Black Doves because it was something that none of us had seen before. Nikki sat in the center of the couch with Ryan to her left and myself to her right. Predictably, she slowly worked her way to Ryan’s side of the couch, which caused me to feel increasingly uncomfortable as they got more playful with one another.
I was nearly ready to excuse myself and head to my bedroom for the night when Ryan left and headed into the bathroom. As soon as he left, Nikki slinked her way down the couch and snuggled up next to me. Before I knew what hit me, I felt her hand gripping my thigh. I swallowed hard as I felt my cock quickly swell inside my pants.
Nikki heard the audible gulping sound and turned toward me. “Are you alright?” she asked. She was so close that her lips nearly touched my ear.
“Yes,” I whispered as Nikki’s hand slowly but firmly massaged my inner thigh.
“Is that for me?” Nikki giggled as she pointed at the bulge in my pants. My sudden erection was pinned downward in an awkward position, leaving the obvious outline of the head of my penis quite visible.
“I…um, I…” was all that I got out before Nikki outstretched her hand and ran her fingers over the taut fabric. With Ryan in the adjacent room, I didn’t know what to do, although I knew what I wanted to do. Instead, I just sat in place with my body tensed up. It felt like I was already on the verge of orgasm. Fortunately, Nikki didn’t continue touching it for long, or else I would have blown my wad in embarrassing fashion.
“I think that somebody wants to come out and play!” Nikki remarked.
She unbuttoned and unzipped the front of my pants. Then, with both hands, she started to yank my pants down. I lifted my backside off of the couch slightly as my cock was being even more uncomfortably pinned down. Finally, it was set free and smacked into my midsection with a “thunk.”
Nikki’s cool hand immediately wrapped around my cock. I didn’t know what to do with myself. Ryan was surely going to return at any moment and I was certain that he was going to throw me through a wall when he saw me with his new girlfriend. Nikki, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be the least bit hesitant to push things forward. She planted her right knee into the couch cushion and swung herself around so that she was straddling my body and facing me.
“Your cock is so hard that it doesn’t even feel like it’s real!” she exclaimed as her body mimicked the motion of sexual intercourse. “I can’t wait to feel it inside me.”
With both hands, Nikki hiked her dress up until it was around her waist, exposing her smoothly-shaven pussy. “I didn’t wear any panties tonight, just for you two!” she teased. I watched as she took her index and middle finger and rubbed up and down her slit before sliding them inside her pussy up to the first knuckle. When she withdrew them, webs of her sticky excitement shimmered as her two fingers separated. Nikki placed them inside her mouth as she sat just inches in front of my face.
“Would you like to taste me?” she asked. I nodded in response, as if in some sort of trance. Nikki repeated the action, but this time her fingers were inserted into my mouth. As I sucked her fingers clean, Nikki started to grind against my cock. I could feel that the underside of it was getting moist with her excitement, as well. Nikki looked down and asked, “Should I lick that clean, too?”
She didn’t wait for me to answer, nor did she do what I was expecting her to do. Instead, Nikki raised her body, grabbed my cock, and lowered herself onto it. “That feels amazing! I have never felt a cock that rigid inside me,” she proclaimed.
As she rode my cock, she continued to talk to me. Her face was mashed against mine so that I could literally feel her mouth move as she spoke.
It was then that the inevitable happened and Ryan returned. “You couldn’t fucking wait, could you?” he shouted.
I turned toward him and stared like a deer in the headlights, not exactly sure how to respond.
“I’m sorry, Baby,” Nikki interjected. “His dick was so hard and I’ve been waiting for this all day!”
“Dude,” Ryan barked at me, “you fucked my girl before I got to!”
I really wasn’t able to understand what was going on, but clearly it wasn’t as much of a surprise to Ryan as I thought it would be. All that I could do was stare at Nikki, who hadn’t shifted from her position on top of me. She grabbed hold of my chin and started speaking to me as if there were some sort of language or comprehension barrier.
“I am not the sort of girl who has ‘a boyfriend,’ so to speak. I’m the sort of girl who has ‘boyfriends’ plural. I already found one of them,” she announced as she pointed to Ryan. “He nominated you to be the other one. So, are you interested?”
“I…um, so this is a threesome?” I clumsily asked.
“Yep!” she smiled.
“Do we have to do stuff, too?” I asked as I pointed toward Ryan.
“You boys can do whatever you do or don’t want to do, as long as you take care of me. There will be a fair amount of incidental contact, so I wouldn’t recommend it if you are afraid of such a thing.”
I turned toward Ryan and agreed to give it a try.
That was all of the encouragement that Ryan needed. He immediately started peeling off his clothing and he was completely nude in seconds. That part was pretty intimidating. Ryan is a big dude in more than one way and he had a noticeable size advantage, both in terms of length and girth. I was really dreading any sort of side-by-side comparison.
Nikki dismounted and directed me to a standing position. The inference seemed to be that it was time for Nikki and I to strip down, as well. After doing so, Nikki positioned Ryan and myself next to each other on the couch. My seven-inch cock looked pretty paltry next to Ryan’s ten-inches. Besides that, the guy has a nutsack that is larger than I could even fit in my hand.
Much to my delight, Nikki chose me first. She straddled me and began riding my cock, much like before. This time, however, she had her right hand wrapped around Ryan’s rod, as well. I was probably the first choice, only so that Nikki could work her way up in terms of size, but I loved being the object of her affection.
After a couple of minutes, Nikki climbed off my lap and shifted over to Ryan’s. I watched as she raised herself up high and got into position. The two locked eyes as she started to lower herself onto his massive rod. She took it a bit slowly, but it seemed obvious that even Ryan wasn’t the biggest stallion that this cowgirl had ever mounted. It didn’t take Nikki long to work most of Ryan’s length inside herself. Ryan was more aggressive with her than I was, so she had the freedom to lean my way and offer her mouth to my very jealous cock.
The sequence would repeat several times, but each time I felt like I was getting increasingly jealous that I didn’t have Nikki’s full attention. I guess I was glad to be involved with her in any way, but I would have much rather been her only partner. She bragged to Ryan about how stiff my cock was. It seemed to be something that she really enjoyed, which was a big confidence builder for me.
I began to wonder if there would be any more variety to the encounter, but Nikki would soon give me the answer. She ordered Ryan to go fetch some lube which gave us a brief moment alone. “Do you like anal?” she asked.
I was relatively sure that she meant giving and not receiving, so I answered positively.
“Good!” she responded. “I think your stiff cock will feel great inside my ass.”
I’m not joking when I say that her response made me swallow hard.
Ryan returned with a bottle of lube and Nikki proceeded to lube up her ass, as well as my cock. She ordered me to sit in the center of the couch about halfway up from the back. Nikki gave Ryan a quick briefing on what she had planned for us and before I could even blink, she was lowering herself down onto my cock.
All that Ryan could do was watch us as Nikki took my cock all the way into her ass. She was clearly experienced at anal sex, but she still felt incredibly tight. There was no doubt that Nikki was in full control of the encounter. She kept me positioned exactly as she wanted. My hands were clasping her sides, just below her ribcage, while our legs were both spread wide at almost the same angle. Nikki rubbed her clit as she teased Ryan, who was clearly raring to go.
It was time for Nikki to invite Ryan to join in on the party. Not surprisingly, there was little hesitation on his part. He crouched down low in order to get a good angle of penetration and started to push his way inside Nikki’s pussy. I could feel Ryan’s legs rubbing against mine as he jockeyed for position, but what I really could feel was his thick, cock as he gained entry.
Although we were in two separate orifices, it felt like our cocks were rubbing against one another’s. That was probably a better thing for me since Ryan’s cock was bigger and had a much more forgiving texture.
Ryan certainly wasn’t satisfied with only inserting the tip of his penis as he kept driving in further. It became increasingly difficult to tell exactly how deep he was inside of Nikki, mostly because he had pushed past my limits. It became apparent that he was all of the way inside when his hairy balls started to rub against mine.
Not satisfied with dual stimulation, Nikki slid her hand between Ryan and herself and started to rub her clit as effectively as she could. Before I knew what to think of the situation, she told the two of us, “If you want to cum, now’s the time!”
It wasn’t hard for me to finish since I had been pacing myself for a while. It only required me to stop being passive and add a few deep thrusts to the mix.
I was the first to cum. Nikki’s head rocked backward and she gasped as I pumped my hot load into her ass. It didn’t take much longer for Nikki to be the second. She trembled and shook between the two of us, although I had no idea which of the stimuli actually set her off. At that point, it was time for Ryan to finish. I guess it was understandable for him to come last since he was the last to join the fray. Harder and faster he went, with his sack sometimes colliding with mine with stinging results. As he came, I could actually feel his cock throb as well as a sort of “flowing water” sensation as his load traveled to its destination.
After a brief rest, we started to unstack the pile. As Ryan pulled out, cum flowed from Nikki’s gaping pussy, eventually coating my scrotum. It was clearly something that I was just going to have to learn to accept if this arrangement were to continue.
Nikki got up, smiling all of the while. “I’m going to have a lot of fun with you two!”
She headed toward the bathroom as if she owned the place. As she got ready to enter it, she turned back toward us.
“I’m going to get a shower while you two ‘boys’ recharge your batteries for ‘Round Two’. Y’all can join me if you want to, though.”