While I was in college, I loved watching my sister play with her boyfriend in our apartment. They had been having sex for over a year, and all three of us learned a lot. And the sex was delightful to watch whenever he came over to visit. She let me kiss him, so I could feel what it felt like. I loved it so much. Then the big day came when she got us birth control pills. We were so eager to finally fuck his cock. I was twenty, she was twenty-two, at that time.
But honestly, despite all the non fucking sex that they had over the last year, we had no clue about how to do ‘IT‘, for the first time. Oops! He, in his eagerness, just crammed it in. Bam! Shoving his penis in, bottoming out in one long dry stroke, blowing her hymen apart. It fucking hurt her badly. Not just the hymen, but the full length of her vagina. She screamed at him, hit him, cussed at him, and ordered him out of the house. He never came back. Oh sure, we saw him at school, but he was very embarrassed and avoided us big time.
After that experience, I decided I was going to stay a virgin forever. She bled like crazy and complained for days. Not one of her favorite experiences, and it scared me shitless.
About a year later, she fell in love with this wonderful guy who knew how to fuck. Holy shit. He taught her so much, and she shared. But no fucking way was I going to let his huge cock rip me apart. No, thank you. It mystified me how his big cock could give her such orgasmic pleasure when the first one had hurt so fucking badly. Sure, I know now. But back then, I was clueless. Now this man has the longest tongue. He drove us wild with it. Often. Oh, my goodness! Long story short, they got married.
Then when I was twenty-one, this tall really good-looking dude started hitting on me. I did the logical thing. I ran away. He never gave up. The next thing I knew, he kept asking me to marry him. What the fuck! My sister came to the rescue. First, she had him investigated. It turned out he was a good guy and she said that I should marry him. He did have one big drawback though. He was a virgin with no real dating history. Oh my.
The second thing she did was genius. A few weeks before our marriage, she got her husband to throw a false bachelor’s party, and invite my fiance. Her husband’s friend’s wives agreed that it would be fun for them to be there to impersonate prostitutes. Her husband plays the part of the fake upcoming groom, and his best friends, the groomsmen. Every man would have his wife as their pretend prostitute. My husband-to-be would get someone chosen by them to be my fiance’s fake party girl. Just a swinger friend of theirs to take his virginity and teach him a crash course in sex. Better than nothing, right? Well, that pretend bachelor party lasted until dawn. Everyone had a super good time, and several of the wives played with my fiance, driving him wild with sexual desire, before ‘the special one’ slid his cock inside of her. She took complete control saying,
“Your bride will be a virgin on your wedding day. It is up to you to ensure it is also ‘her special day.’
I am going to teach you how to do this. So pay close attention. This fucking I am giving you isn’t just for you. It is also to instruct you on how to make beautiful love to your new wife. When she sees this big cock, she may become scared. And I know that you do not want her to be afraid of you and your big cock. So please pay close attention to me. I will teach you how to drive your new wife wild with pleasure.”
When my future husband’s bachelor’s party came the next week, she was there again, ‘to ensure he was well aware of how to please his new wife’. Afterward, she told me that I should not worry and I would be very pleased. But, I was still scared. I still remember quite clearly, being there when my sister’s hymen was torn apart.
On the morning of my wedding day, I woke up at my sister’s house, nervous with pent-up energy. My sister had the perfect solution.
With her lying at my side, holding my hand, and giving me words of comfort and love, her husband made slow and deep passionate love to me. His beautiful penis eased itself up into me, with just a moment’s worth of slight pain, before it very gently slid inside my slickly wet virginal vagina. As his cock bumped against my cervix, he kept slowly pushing until he was fully inside of me. His cock felt wonderful as he ground circular motions against my clit, making his cockhead go round and round my cervix. I could feel my womb moving deep within my belly. My whole insides were alive. My vagina started this gripping motion in ripples of feelings. My leg muscles began to shake, and my hand gripped hers. Oh my fucking god, suddenly I knew that I loved cock!
We got up and showered together while she made breakfast. Showering together was such a sensual experience. After we bathed each other, we all had a nice breakfast before she helped me into my wedding dress. Then she bent me over a chair, raised my skirt, and pulled my pretty thong to one side so her husband could give me one last pre-wedding load of hot delicious sperm. Before any could leak out, she settled my thong back into place and fixed my skirts. Then she made sure everything about my appearance was perfect.
As I walked down the aisle, I thought how happy I was with my decision to remain a virgin until my wedding day. And it felt so good standing there taking my vows with my pretty white and lacy Wedding Panties slowly filling with cum. It was an exceptionally cheerful day for me. At the reception, I danced a lot, I love to dance. The tiny thong panties could not hold a huge load of semen, and soon both of the insides of my thighs were slick with his nice bounty. I wondered if anyone could smell his sperm. I certainly could. But, nobody said anything. Thank goodness.
My wedding night was delightful. My new husband made love to me for two hours before we fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was a heavenly feeling with his cock inside me and another man’s sperm still coating the insides of my vagina and leaking out of my uterus. My sister’s husband’s sperm kept flowing from me, it had to have filled my womb. Right? Thank god for ‘the pill’.
The Marriage
Oh my god! I am so unbelievably happy! My life has become a dream come true. A few weeks ago, I married a remarkable man who loves me as much as I love him. And then we met this delightful couple. They took my wonderful new husband and me out to this amazing microbrewery. I wore this pretty dress that felt so good all across my bare skin. Our drinks hadn’t even arrived before these two hot men drug me laughing off onto the dance floor. And wow! They were so incredibly sexy I was afraid my husband would be crazy jealous. But instead, he sat there with our friends watching me dance with this huge smile on his face. And to my surprise, he kept squeezing his erection through his pants. Watching me dance and seeing these two hot men flirting with me, was turning my husband on! FUCK! Really? Oh my god! Now that turned ME on.
I have always been a bit of an exhibitionist. Dancing with these two hot men in the short dress I was wearing, made me feel daring and sexy. I knew that my bare butt and smooth pussy must be flashing to anyone who cared to look. It THRILLED me immeasurably seeing how turned on my husband was getting watching me dance. As the men started flirting harder and harder and started touching me, rubbing their bodies against me, letting their hands wander across my body, I kept glancing towards my husband. I was almost expecting maybe flashes of anger or jealousy. But instead, I saw pure happiness and a horny joy, just radiating from him. And my god! That turned me on! It was like a wildfire fueled by lust. These two handsome men were the sparks igniting the flame. I am the flame. My husband was the fuel to make my flame burn hotter and brighter.
The more my husband showed me how much he enjoyed watching me, the more I wanted to do. It encouraged both my desire to please him and my sexual birth as a full-blooded horny woman. Each time I went over to our table to get another swig of beer, my husband would kiss me, tell me he loved me, tell me how incredibly hot and beautiful I looked that night, tell me how sexy I looked out there flirting with these two men. Fuck! My husband just threw cups full of fuel on both my horniness and my love for him, each time he did that. Was I happy? Fuck yes!
My vagina was so wet, that when the band took a break. I headed off to pee and dry off my inner thighs. While in the stall, I of course couldn’t resist giving myself a quick little orgasm. It came fast, hard, and short. As I headed towards our table, my husband pointed at the bar. My new friends were standing there with fresh beers and one for me. I slipped between them and took a big drink. Dancing makes me very thirsty. I felt their hands on my ass as I drank. Then the one on my right wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me up against him so I could feel his erection pressing against my tummy.
His other hand slid up my side and over my breast as he kissed me. It felt incredible. I could see my husband watching, grinning, and squeezing his cock through his pants. My pussy gushed as I saw this, and I became absorbed in the kiss with his tongue playing with mine. I felt my skirt rise and a big hard cock slip into me from behind. It didn’t stay long, a few strokes, at the most. My husband winked and blew me a kiss. He saw everything! I came right then and there. My husband was teasing me into this even more daring state of horniness and fueling my natural exhibitionist feelings and desires. God I love my husband!
I was so fucking crazy horny as we went back out to the dancefloor. I didn’t last but a few dances. The men kept telling me how much they wanted to take me outside and give me a quick fuck. Two cocks at once, by two hot men. That is pretty hard to resist. As horny as I was, nothing could stop me, unless my husband said no. I went over to my loving husband, sitting on his lap, feeling his erection. I asked him if he would mind if these two men took me outside ‘for some fresh air’. My husband kissed me in response, patted me on the ass, and urged me up off of his lap and back on my feet. With my arms around these two men, happily laughing, we walked together towards the door. My husband sat there watching me as I turned to look towards him, as we stepped through the door. Our friend was snuggled up to him, saying something in his ear. He was smiling. We blew each other kisses and I waved as the door closed.
Outside, they knew exactly where they were going. Behind the building was a fenced-in area. The gate was quickly unlocked. (They had a key?) It was a private space with tarps hung over the chain link fencing. Boxes and empty kegs filled about half the space. My dress was quickly placed carefully across a keg and the men sandwiched me between them, cocks out. They kissed and fondled me, taking turns turning me around to face them so they could passionately kiss me. Each time they turned me, the first one cock entered me from the front, only to be replaced by the other one from the rear. On and on it went for perhaps 20 minutes. I was amazed at how easily my super wet vagina swallowed up these big cocks.
The whole experience was pretty much non-stop orgasms. I couldn’t have been able to stand up by myself. My legs were not capable of holding me up. Then the most amazing thing happened. I was being kissed deeply, a cock buried in me from behind, both breasts cupped in his hands, holding me tight against him. Then the cock in front of me, just slowly pushed its way right inside along with the other one. They just held themselves there, not moving. My vagina slowly adjusted, and my mind became intensely aware of feelings both emotionally and sexually within my body that gave me a sensation of wonder and delight. Then my vagina muscles started to ripple as I exploded into orgasm. They just held me and kissed me as I clung to the man in front of me. I honestly did not think that I could take it if they moved their cocks around inside me right then. Thankfully they didn’t. Neither did either one ejaculate inside me that night.
When I recovered from my incredible orgasm, they both tenderly kissed me as they dressed me. Then they took me by my hands and led me back to my husband. There they shook his hand and told him how lucky he was to have such a Hot Wife and what a pleasure it was to be able to spend an evening with me. My husband BEAMED with pride and said it was a marvelous evening for him too. Then they both gave me big hugs, said goodnight, and left.
I snuggled on my husband’s lap as we finished our beers. Then we were driven home and my husband and I made out in the back seat all the way there. What a Wonderful Evening. I’m a delightfully happy wife.