The Magic of Winter

"Paul and Meredith get closer."

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Meredith Daulton was running around her house yelling. They’d been given the evacuation order a few minutes ago. The Ranch wildfire was coming and they had twenty minutes to get out.

Paul Caruso was packing both the car with computers, legal papers, and some clothes.

“My jewelry, “Meredith screamed as she threw a bag at him. “I need that, it’s valuable.”

“Is it insured?”

“Of course it is…”

“Then you don’t need it. I said clothes now, get in the fucking car and let’s GO!”

She snatched the bag from the ground as she got in the car, jewelry bag on her lap.

“How dare you raise your voice to me, Paul? I can terminate our arrangement.”

“You need to be alive to do that.”

Meredith and Paul had this arrangement for about eighteen months. That was when he won a bet with Meredith to be her male companion. He’d asked for only one thing, to be on the cover of her next romance book. He was and on the one after. Meredith noticed that sales were up close to ten percent over her previous books. A five thousand dollar a month salary went with the position and Paul hadn’t asked for a penny more. Nothing had gone missing from the house, except for corn chips. Paul had a knack of finding any corn chips within three miles. They were his favorite snack. A wistful smile came to her face.

Well, maybe not his favorite.

Paul drove through the inferno. The fire was ten feet from the road. Wind whipped sparks streaking across the road made driving dangerous. It was hot and smoke-filled inside the Bentley. It took almost half an hour to reach the barricade. Paul stopped the car and they got out.

The car was badly damaged. The paint had blistered and tires had started to deform.

“Ms. Daulton and Mr. Caruso?’ the state trooper asked.




“You’re the last two to get out. We’ll take you to a shelter.”

At the shelter, they were able to wash up, get a sandwich and bottle of water. Meredith found a hotel room, fifty miles away.

“That’s highway robbery, nine hundred dollars a night for a room with one bed.”

“Will that be such a problem?” Paul said with a wink and a smile.

“You can think of that at a time like this?” she replied exasperatedly.

“Yes Meredith and especially at a time like this, let’s go to our room.”

The police gave them a lift to the hotel. Meredith showered while Paul was on his phone. He kissed her, when she got out but could tell she wasn’t into it.

“What am I going to do?” she said with a moaning wail.

“I’ve made arrangements for our stuff to be picked up from the car repair shop. It’ll cost but they can fix the car and insurance will cover more than I thought. As to your question, you’ll do what all people do in a disaster. Be thankful that they, their loved ones, and friends are alive. We’ll go back when allowed and see what damage there is.”

Three days later they were allowed back to her house. In this case, more than half burned hulk that remained. Meredith sobbed when she saw it.

“Christmas is ruined. All our presents, the personal items, and everything else is gone.” Meredith said with a defeated sigh.

Turning to Paul, she buried her face in the crook of his neck for a few minutes. They spent the rest of that day and the next day searching the house. Surprisingly they did find many salvageable items, which were taken to a storage unit.

That night, at the hotel, Paul joined Meredith in the shower. He enfolded her from behind, kissing her neck. He used both hands on her luscious breasts.

“Paul I don’t know…”

“I do. Relax and enjoy it.”

Paul continued his affections, kissing down her back while one of his hands caressed her stomach and moved to her labia, while the other hand was paying attention to her ass. She used one hand to follow his between her legs. The other found his penis and was squeezing it, enjoying the feel of it growing in her hand. His fingers on one of his hands found her clitoris. He moved the other hand to tease around her anus.

“Mm, Paul that feels nice.”

Meredith spread her legs to allow more access. Paul readily obliged. First one then a second finger entered her vagina as he did the same to her anus. The water cascading over her body was adding to her excitement. Meredith felt her tension melt as her body responded to the building pressure inside.

“Oh yes my dear. God this feels so sensual, sexy, and relaxing.”

Her body spasmed when he found her G-spot. He used a thumb to rub her clitoris and continued the assault on her anus. Her water was now joining that of the showers in going down her legs to the drain. Two waves of pleasure swept her body with joyous pleasure. Paul caressed her back as he held her in his arms, bringing her down from her orgasms.

“You’re the best dear and now it’s your turn.” Meredith maneuvered Paul so his back was to the shower.

“These bathtubs aren’t the best but desire can be a strong motivational factor.”

Meredith dragged her black-painted fingernails over his hardening cock a few times, and then while kissing its length, she used those hands to play, squeeze, and tease with his balls.

“You may not be super long but you make up for it in girth.”

She slowly kissed and licked the tip, then slid her mouth over and down the shaft. Wrapping her hands around his thick cock, she intertwined her fingers on its top and used her thumbs to move up and down the shaft in sync with her mouth. When she heard Paul hum she knew it was time. She went all the way down his shaft, her tongue swirling around the thick hard-on. She used her hands to lightly pull his testicles. Then he exploded down her throat and into her mouth as she pulled back a little and caught four more blasts. She looked up at his face,

He always looks so peaceful and happy.

She slinked up his body, kissing as she did. They locked in a bout of deep kissing.

“Shouldn’t we consider drying off and then resuming on the bed?” Paul asked.

“I was hoping you’d suggest that so I won’t have to drag you by the hair to bed” Meredith replied.

They enjoyed forty-five minutes of slow but intense and passionate love-making. Paul was caressing her chest, abdomen, and legs while providing light kisses to her neck and ear.

“Thank you, dear. You knew I needed that and to tell the truth, I wanted that,” Meredith said.

“What? Nothing about how much you enjoyed it? I’m insulted.” Paul replied with mocking indignation.

“Relax, my dearest Casanova, you’re very enjoyable.” Meredith turned so that she was on her side looking at him. “Unfortunately, I’d like to make a change in our arrangement.”

Paul thought he saw sadness in her eyes and then a little fear.

“Oh, I guess you are going to fire me for how I treated you at the house.”

She kissed his lips, tenderly as she ran one hand through his light brown hair and the other entwined with his hand.

“Not in a million years. I’d like to promote you to boyfriend, though that would mean you’d lose your monthly stipend.”

“Before I answer, can I ask you a few questions?”

“Of course you can.” She replied tentatively and with a confused look.

“What do you know about me, since you selected me?”

“You’ve become a fair tennis player. You use a pool to swim, not just lounge around next to. You’ve never cheated on me, stolen anything from the house, or lied to me. Your being on the cover of my last two books has helped sales. You’re a very good lover and keep your room clean. No drugs or excessive drinking. I ran a full criminal background check on you and not even a parking ticket or no job either. You like people, even turned down an offer to be on the cover of that bitch-whore Yvonne Collin’s new book, two months ago. In your eyes, I see honesty, passion, and dreams. You like and appreciate me for who I am, not what I am or my money. That’s something I haven’t experienced in many years.”

“How would you like to take a romantic trip while your mansion is being rebuilt?”

“Does that mean you don’t care about our arrangement anymore?” Meredith sat up, the sheet dropping away from her 36C breasts.

“Meredith, I care more about you than any contractual arrangement. I love you.”

She sat there silent, for about half a minute. Then she smiled and started kissing him, sensually. “That’s so sweet of you and well I think I might be in love with you as well, Where would we go, on this romantic escape? France, the Caribbean?”

“Neither. My house in New York, it’s very beautiful there in the winter.”

“You mean that cottage you own,” as she kissed him.

Paul stopped kissing her. “Meredith, what do you think a cottage is?”

“It’s a small house to stay in during the summer.”

Paul chuckled as he shook his head. “My dear, I’d better tell you a bit more about me. First, I’ve banked almost fifty percent of my allowance; the rest was donated or spent. I don’t need that allowance. I’m a millionaire, oh not your millions to be sure. When I was nineteen, I won a New York state lottery for four million dollars. I invested it and had a year-round house built on Keuka Lake. I’m worth about seven million dollars. I’ll call the security firm and have my house readied for us. This hotel is nice and I do enjoy us being on top of each other, but it’s not a conducive place for writing, living nor is it romantic.”

“Oh, that’s a nice surprise. The man I just told I might be in love with decides to tell me about him being a millionaire. Any other secrets I should know?” Her arms akimbo as she looked at him.

“No but that’s a fantastic view of a pair of luscious tits.” Paul reached out and squeezed the nipples.

“A one track but nice track to be on. Okay, sounds intriguing. Tell me about this ‘house’ of yours,” she said making quotation marks in the air.

“No, I’ll let it be a mystery and a surprise. Now, you’ll need some winter wear, so let’s do some on-line shopping and have it delivered to my ‘house’.” He resumed the sensual and romantic kissing she had started. “Since you’re no longer my boss, get on all fours so I can fuck and make love to the most sensual and sexy body I’ve ever known.”

Over the next week, they ordered winter and other clothes for Meredith. Paul’s security firm acknowledged that they were delivered and that the house was ready. His vehicle was ready for use, at the airport. Meredith purchased the plane tickets and they flew into Rochester, NY. Paul brought his Lincoln Navigator around. The trip through the hills of the snow-covered Finger Lakes was beautiful. Meredith saw deer run across the road. Pine trees, undisturbed by the wind, covered in snow. She’d reached to hold Paul’s hand. About an hour later, they pulled up to a security gate. Paul lowered the window and spoke to the intercom. The steam from his breath was strange yet watching it had a romantic quality to it.

“Jolan-tru, Tal-Shiar.”

“Jolan-tru, Mr. Caruso.” came the reply.

“That didn’t sound like Italian,” Meredith said.


They drove a few hundred feet before the house came into view. Paul smiled at the shocked expression on Meredith’s face.

“What the hell is that? An old NASA ship?”

“Nope, that’s my house, built to look like a Romulan War Bird, from the original Star Trek series. My dad loved that show. Jolan-tru is a Romulan greeting or salutation. In simplistic terms it means, may you find peace. Tal-Shiar is the Romulan Intelligence Agency, what I call my security company. The house is a little over two thousand six hundred square feet. Once we’re inside I’ll show you around.”

He pulled into the garage and tossed their carry-on bags on the couch. Paul took an hour showing Meredith around. They ended in the kitchen where a bottle of champagne and some glasses were on the counter. Paul opened the bottle and filled two glasses, handing one to Meredith

“To a romantic time,” Paul said.

“I agree,” Meredith replied.

Paul opened the sliding glass door and led her onto the deck.

“I call this my observation deck. During the winter I have the glass panels installed. They’re removed in April. Meredith, welcome to Keuka Lake.” He gestured with his hand

“Dear, I only see snow.”

“The lake is frozen over.” He set his glass down and pulled Meredith close to him. They kissed with passion.

“This is different than winter at Vail. We’ll take walks on the road, have campfires on the beach. Even roast chestnuts over a fire on the twenty-third.”

“The only thing missing will be Burl Ives and a sleigh ride,” she chided him, playfully. “Thank you for this and yes it is relaxing and romantic. I love you and what you’ve done. Now, shall we check out the bedroom?”

The bedroom had stacks of shipped boxes in it. Meredith sighed, “I’ll start unpacking my stuff.”

“The armoire and dresser on the left are yours. There’s one last thing to show you.”

He took her up some circular stairs to a domed room. In it was a large telescope on a tripod, bookshelves around the round room and a desk with a computer.

“Welcome to my sanctuary.”

“Paul, this is so surprising…and wonderful. I never knew.”

“You had no reason to. Let’s unpack and get you situated.”

About ninety minutes later, they’d finished opening and putting away all of her clothes. Meredith had made a list of items to order. She started kissing Paul and rubbing his penis through his pants.

“That’s a most wonderful invitation to try out the bed,” Paul said in between kisses.

“I know you and me. There’s not enough time right,” Meredith said.

“Why,” Paul quizzically replied.

“I’ve a list of things that we need to buy, and I know there’s a mall nearby.” Her hands darted to his sides and began tickling him.

“Okay, my love, I surrender. Shopping it is.”

They went shopping in Rochester, which took several hours including dinner and the drive. Meredith put away what she bought, left Paul’s items on his dresser. Paul had the fireplace crackling brightly, in the unlit room. It was warm as they shared some wine, along with sliced peperoni and cheese.

“Paul, why didn’t you tell me about this place? It’s unusual to be sure but it’s a great cozy place.” Meredith asked.

“You’re the first girl I’ve dated who has more money than me. I was cautious about their motives and yes, I know and understand your concerns about men and me, for that reason. I didn’t want this to influence you about me. There’s a time and place for all things and when I did tell you felt like both.”

He kissed her softly on the neck, then an ear. Then he placed their glasses on the hearth. Paul stopped her from unbuttoning her blouse. “That’s my job tonight. It’ll be my pleasure to make love to you.” Paul had her nude in a few minutes, her pussy the center of his affections.

Oh my, this is different! He’s always been an exceptional lover but this is more…defined and relaxingly intense.

His tongue made her writhe; her hands pulled his face into her pussy as she came. Paul didn’t slow down. He moved to her face and they kissed sensually as her hands enveloped his body as she shifted to receive his hard and thick cock. Paul pleasured her, going in and out slowly at first but each thrust was a little harder and faster that before it. Meredith came again and she felt Paul’s seed fill her like never before. They lay there staring at each other.

“I do love you Meredith Daulton,” Paul said as he kissed her lips, nose and forehead.

“I love you Paul Caruso. Now let’s finally break in our new bed.”



The next day they went into town, Penn Yan. They had brunch and ate Buckwheat pancakes with strawberries and sausage.

I like not being recognized. Paul is well known and he cares about people. We’ve already stopped in at a homeless shelter and a house for battered women. It made me proud when he introduced me as his girlfriend.

She went to the observation deck, with some wine, cheese, crackers, and fruit. Paul said he had about a half-hour of phone time with his accountants and playfully begged her to forgive him.

“Of course, you go ahead and leave your new girlfriend alone for half an hour.” She winked and said, “Love you.”

“Love you too, dear.” and he left.

When Paul returned, Meredith got up and kissed him. Her arms draped over his shoulders.

“I’m glad that you brought me here. It’s different and beautiful. I’d never have pegged you for being a Trekkie.”

“I’m not, I like the shows, a lot but I never got into knowing everything about them. I’ve got a surprise for you for tonight. It’s December 23rd and some of the neighbors will be over for a campfire down on the beach.”

“Really?” as she continued to kiss him and used her hips to grind against him.

“Yes…believe it…or not.”

“How good?” Meredith was kissing his neck and ear. She used one of her hands to rub his cock.

“Not as good as you, love.”

“Afternoon delight, dear. Get your toned, sexy, and lovely body on the floor, cushions optional.” she undid his jeans, let them drop and pulled his shirt up and off. They each finished removing their clothes. Paul was on his back enjoying the view as she stood above him. She glanced at his quivering hard-on.

“Well, at least someone is happy to see me naked.”

“Meredith, I’m always happy to see you like this.”

“Stop talking and eat me, dear.”

She lowered her wet pussy to his face. His tongue licked her clitoris for a minute then moved to her vagina, probing and kissing. One hand lightly squeezed her clitoris his other had sought out her anus.

“That’s good dear, keep it up and I hope you can hold your breath for a little.” and she smothered his face with her pussy. His tongue going well into her vagina and a finger slipped into her anus. She felt her orgasm forming. She moved one of her hands from a breast to his cock.

“You’re so hard and slippery.”

Meredith lifted off his face and moved to hover over his thick hard shaft. She placed the tip and then she dropped onto it, feeling it go deep into her womb. Paul’s hip’s arched helping his cock go just enough farther, to reach her cervix. They kept this up for several minutes. Paul was using his hands on her breasts, while she was fondling her clitoris. Paul’s thrust came with more urgency, his hands reached to hold her hips, as he arched and thrust into her.

“Oh Paul, yes, this is so good, I’m coming, you’re coming. Yes, oh my yes!”

She felt her ejaculation as she felt his explosion, deep inside her. After reveling in both their orgasms, Meredith lay on top of Paul, her sweat covered her body and made the feel of Paul’s fingers, tracing her back, enticing and relaxing. She kissed his neck, saying.

“So, what’s my surprise?”

“Not telling. It wouldn’t be a surprise if I did.”

“Besides this, what’s there to do here in the winter?”

“You’ll find out, provided you don’t mind staying here for a bit.”

“Well, can’t say as I’ve any other place to go and discovering that your boyfriend is a millionaire only adds to how sexy and desirable I find you.” She lifted her head and rested her chin on her hands and licked her lips.

“Good.” as he kissed her. “I’ll set up one of the spare rooms as a study, where you can write or when you wish to be alone. Now that that’s settled, my cocks getting hard and I want to make love to you. On your back, cushions are optional.”

Meredith smiled and said, “Anything you can do, I can do better.”

“Accepted.” Paul slowly rubbed his cock across her clitoris, the, feeling her wetness. He kissed her lips, and then glided his tongue over them. He kissed her forehead as his cock wormed its way into her vagina. Slowly going all the way in the out and back.

He stared into her hazel eyes. Those eyes reflect my soul and she’s a true blonde… in both places.

For ten minutes, Paul continued his loving and sexy assault on Meredith’s vagina, lips, and breasts. She reached her breaking point. Her legs wrapped around his hips.

“Fuck me. Fuck me hard and deep.”

“Not now, lover. Enjoy this, I know your close.”

“Yes, I am,” escaped her lips. Her skin was radiant as a wave of warmth, sensuality and pleasure swept over her. Followed shortly by Paul’s explosion. They lay there for another ten minutes, then took a shower and dressed before going into town for a romantic dinner. After some Key Lime pie, Paul said.

“Now for your surprise. We’ll need our coats.” He leads her out the back entrance, to where a one-horse carriage was waiting.

“I know you’ve never had one of these, so this is a present I could get you that I knew you didn’t have. Merry Christmas, dear.” He kissed her.

“For real, a ride in a sleigh?”

“Yes, but since it has wheels, it’s a carriage.”

They were taken on a wooded path. Paul poured them some hot chocolate from a thermos. They reached a high point and could look down and see the lights of Penn Yan and the cottage along part of the lake. They got out and walked to the sightseeing binoculars that were there. Paul looked first.

“Man, no matter how many times I do this, it’s still an amazing sight. Humbling and peaceful. What the hell is that? Dear, come take a look at this.”

Paul back away and Meredith adjusted her eyes to the binoculars. She saw some campfires then pulled her head back and looked again. What she saw were some burning logs…

“Marry Me? Now, what guy would do…Oh my god?” She turned around and saw Paul on one knee holding an open box.

“Meredith, I love you. Will you do me the honor of being my wife, along with my friend? Will you be my Jolan-tru?”

“Paul, I…I… Yes, yes my love I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine.”

The rest of the evening was enjoyable. Paul’s neighbors and friends congratulated them on their engagement and roasted chestnuts didn’t taste that bad. Later that night, after their first lovemaking session as an engaged couple.

Meredith said. “I’ve decided, your nuts have hair but they are much more enjoyable and I’ve no reason to have them roasted. You are my Jolan-tru, my love.”



Published 5 years ago

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