Drawn to him
Yearning for him
Hoping my needs would couple with his
And they did
After dead ends encountered
After dread doubts dispersed
When the magic flowed out of his heart
When his touch set me tingling with delight
He made me his own
Once for all
He tells me just how I complete him
And I know he accepts all I give
In return he fulfills what I’ve craved for
All of my life
Until him
Searching his face for traces
Something to give me a sign
Tell me are shadows descending
Will mornings bring struggles or peace
His battle is only just starting
So this fight is ours to be fought
No matter what comes
On the morrow
Together with him I will be
We have been two tides
Rising and coming ashore
Spreading our precious waters of love
Over our bodies in trembling ardor of sharing
And if that passion may pause
We still can reach across the gap and touch
With our hearts and our tears
This too shall pass
So I watch through the darkness of the night
Remembering the magic and the light
And it’s good