It’s nice when you wake up and you haven’t a care in the world, you’ve no worries or guilt and the lover you’re with wants nothing more from you than to love you. That’s what it’s like being with Hazel, she lives for the moment and she’s taught me to do the same… well almost.
As I look at her laying fast asleep by my side, I think to myself this isn’t forever, we’re both only nineteen and neither of us can make much of a commitment to each other. This is like a glorious experiment, a little taste of what true love is like. I do love her, but I’m prepared for the time when I will have to step aside and let her move on in her life.
No worries though, we’ve got all summer yet and we’ll be together that long I’m sure, long enough for her to take a special place in my heart and be there forever. We will have plenty of time for more mornings like this, where I can simply look at her while she sleeps and count the cute freckles on her face, or run my fingers through her long wavy red hair.
Hazel has made me so happy, I’m her first great love and she’s mine, she’s shown me another way to love for which I will always be grateful to her for. I’ll show her my gratitude, I’ll just ease back the covers, whisper sweet nothings, and then wake her in the most loving and intimate way possible.
“Thank you my Foxy,” and I kiss my little lover on her soft breast.
“I will always love you,” and I kiss her tummy as I move down towards her pussy.
“Mmm,” she goes, as she stirs in her slumber, and I tell her once more I will always love her.
“You’re doing it again, aren’t you?” she says.
“Doing what? I thought you were asleep.”
“I was, but your silly fretting woke me up.”
“Oh. Sorry. I was only telling you I love you.”
She pulls me up close to her, holds me and caresses my face. She kisses me once on the lips then shakes her head as if she’s in despair of me. I know she’s not cross with me, but she has told me a few times now that I take a rather tragic view on love.
“Do you know why things always go wrong for you Steffanie?”
“No, why do they?”
“Because you expect them to. You even get off on it.”
“No I don’t,” I lie, I know she’s right.
“Not much you don’t, you were thinking about us finishing weren’t you?”
Oh God, she can read me like a book, but a least I can tell her I pictured us having a nice ending. By my standards I was being quite positive, I could just as easily have seen myself walking off into the distance, crying my broken heart out as the rain lashes down on my sad lonely figure.
“I’m romantic,” I tell her.
“Miserable, more like,” and she’s teasing me now.
We look eye to eye at each other, sharing a long and lingering look of love until soft smiles break out across our faces. She’s so pretty, and she makes me feel pretty, she also makes me feel wanted and safe. I love every minute I spend with her, I love being naked for her, the kind of nakedness where I’m not just revealing my body, but also revealing my mind.
“Shall I tell you our future?” she asks me.
“Go on then,” I reply, half expecting some great revelation.
“A kiss,” is her answer.
It’s another way of hers to help stop my anxiety, something I can’t seem to control and has ruined more than one relationship for me. In truth it’s ruined them all before they’ve even got started, any boys I’ve dated have soon been scared off by my little freak outs. Mind you, I don’t beat myself up about it, I never loved any of them very much and looking back I think I might have played a bit crazy purely to get rid of them.
Of course her prediction turns out to be true, our lips meet and our kissing is long and dreamy like always. I’ve never kissed anyone who makes me feel so good. I like this future game, we could play this all day, except I realize I’m already thinking too far ahead and breaking the game’s one and only rule.
“My turn,” I tell her.
“OK, go for it.”
“Our future is…”
“Being married to selfish bastards that don’t love us?” She guesses.
“No, me kissing your pussy,” I proudly inform her. I’m almost triumphant in proving to her that I’ve understood her message, enjoy the here and now, switch off for once and let go.
“That’s a nice future,” she replies.
It is a nice future, and one I would never have dreamed of barely two weeks ago. I’m so flattered and proud Hazel chose me to be her first proper girlfriend, although so far we’ve only told our friend Melanie about our relationship. Why don’t we tell everyone at college or even our parents? I know why, I’d be embarrassed because then they would know we make love and I lick her pussy. I’d deny my own feelings because I…
“Well go on then,” she tells me, “stop worrying and lick me out.”
Oh that’s sexy, I like it when she understands me and takes control, that’s what the boys have always got wrong. As soon as they’ve realized how passive I can be they’ve taken me for granted, the pretense of caring dried up and they were happy to fuck me but they didn’t want to listen to me or give me much back.
That’s the difference, Hazel takes control when I want or need her to, she does it to give as much as take. She does it now, she spreads her legs wider, even opens herself for me, doing all she can to stop my stupid brain whirring away and churning out pointless worries one after the other. Her approach works perfectly, I bury my face into her, concentrate on pushing my tongue up her cunt, I think about nothing but satisfying my lover.
“Oh yes, that’s it… that’s it my love…” she cries out.
I love licking Hazel’s pussy, I love it even more when she orders me to. Her words have me tingling all over and I’m going to force an orgasm from her as good as last night’s. I’m going to slide two fingers deep into her just how she likes, very gentle at first but slowly building until I’m fucking her with my hand.
I soon get her close, but she twists her body beneath me, changes the sensation so I have to build her up again. Her cunt is so wet and between fingering her hard I lick and lap at her sweet juicy hole. I want to give myself to her more than anyone else has ever done, I want to be a lover she will never forget, a lover who… the doorbell rings and I freeze with Hazel’s pussy lips sucked into my mouth.
“Oh God, not now, I bet that’s the porno queen.” Hazel says.
The ‘porno queen’ is an affectionate term for our friend Melanie, inspired by her promiscuous nature and trashy dress sense. We only ever call her that amongst the three of us, it’s a cheeky bit of fun and no offense is intended or taken. Melanie dresses like a slut, and she has no problem with admitting it.
“Stay there, I’ll get her to come up,” Hazel says, and my lover gets up and grabs her fluffy dressing gown on her way to answer the front door.
“Don’t get dressed,” she calls back to tell me.
If it was anyone else interrupting our love making I’d be annoyed and frustrated, but not with Melanie, she can barge in whenever she likes, we want her to feel comfortable with us and not be intimidated by our relationship. Ever since our mutual experience at the old loony asylum we’ve become a close unit of three, Hazel and I as a couple, with Melanie closely tagging along.
Both of us want to get Melanie into bed with us, but she won’t even though we’ve explained to her that it would be a different kind of love to what Hazel and I have. It would just be for fun, an expression of our loving friendship with naked kisses and cuddles and nothing much more than that if she didn’t want it.
“I’m not a lesbian,” our sexy friend keeps on insisting.
I think Melanie is just a little scared of herself and how much she would enjoy girl on girl love, I’ve no doubt it’s only a matter of time before she does join in with us and why not? She’s been only too willing to let countless numbers of guys fuck her, guys that just used her with nothing like the sincere feelings that Hazel and I hold for her. A bit like me really, I held back at first, not believing my attraction to other girls.
We will simply wait until Melanie is ready, we’ve both kissed her and Hazel did slide her hand inside her panties, Melanie can’t deny she enjoyed that and she’s admitted thinking about Hazel fingering her plenty of times since. I’ve thought about it too, I see us both sucking on Melanie’s big tits as our hands explore her voluptuous body, the three of us all cuddled up in a tangled heap of feminine softness. What a lovely idea.
“Melanie’s got a new image,” Hazel announces when she rejoins me in the bedroom. I sit up all expectant and only too well aware that I’m showing off my nice firm little breasts to our friend as she walks in. Hazel winks at me, a secret message that we’ll have another try at getting Melanie naked with us, but only if she really wants to.
“Ooh, nice tits Steffanie,” says our sexy friend as her greeting to me.
“Oh Melanie,” and I can’t help but laugh, I always do every time I first set eyes on her.
“It’s the soft chic look,” she informs me, spinning around in her new pastel pink baby doll dress. All very sixties in style, and as usual for Melanie, her little dress is indecently short.
“It’s a Barbie dress,” I tell her.
“So? Do you like it?”
“On you I do.”
It wouldn’t suit me at all but Melanie looks great, she’s a dress designer’s dream despite not being a stick insect like they normally prefer to show off their creations. She plonks herself on the bed right next to me and sends a kiss my way without our lips actually touching.
“Hello,” she says, talking to one of my breasts as if she were addressing a little dog or something. As she says it she playfully flicks my nipple, just the once, but that’s enough to excite it.
“I’m interrupting you two aren’t I?” she asks, and we all laugh because it’s so obvious that she is. But we don’t mind at all of course, and to help prove it Hazel happily carries on with her normal morning routine, by sitting at her dressing table with her cleansers and make up, her pretty face reflected in the mirror as she listens to Melanie chattering away about her new dress and softer new image.
“It’s still very short,” I tell her, taking the chance to place my hand on her bare thigh.
“My legs are my best feature, don’t you think?”
“Everything is your best feature Melanie, you’re gorgeous,” Hazel tells her, which is true, our sexy friend is female physical perfection as far as we’re concerned. She has amazing long shapely legs, lovely big boobs and such a beautiful face with eyes that truly dazzle you.
“Ooh thanks,” Melanie says, soaking up the flattery like any girl would do.
I keep my hand on her thigh and she doesn’t object, she’s too busy watching Hazel and sneaking quick looks at my breasts, which I still have made no attempt to cover up. The cosy, sensual atmosphere we have in the bedroom must be having some affect, I’d love to touch her pussy and find out how much she’s aroused.
“Will you brush my hair please Steffanie?” Hazel asks me.
“If you like,” I reply, and get out of bed and walk over to her.
I know what Hazel is doing, putting on a little show of the two of us for Melanie’s benefit, who goes quiet at the sight of us both. We must look sexy and cute, with me casually naked and grooming my lover. Hazel chats away about nothing in particular, but then begins turning up the heat in an effort to seduce our friend.
“Do you think my girlfriend is sexy Melanie?” Hazel asks her.
“Of course I do, I think she’s lovely.”
“Turn around Steffanie, let Melanie look at you.”
Oh my, Hazel is so good at this, she’s only said two things and I’m already turned on like crazy. I do as she says, I turn to face Melanie who looks at me open mouthed. She looks away, embarrassed for a second, but then she can’t resist Hazel’s offer to study my nudity closely. I can almost feel her eyes on my breasts, then my pussy, then all over me.
“I’m lucky to have her aren’t I?” Hazel asks.
“Ye…yes,” Melanie stutters, her voice sounding dry.
“Do you know what Steffanie likes best in bed?”
“er… no. What does she like best?”
“She likes being told what to do, don’t you my love?”
“Yes Hazel,” I reply, changing my pose a little.
Hazel can see Melanie in the mirror, she’s carefully watching our friend’s reactions to everything she says.
“You can have her if you want Melanie. Just to share, remember she’s mine.”
I think I’m going to cum without even being touched. Hazel is offering me out and I love it.
“I…” Poor Melanie doesn’t know what to say.
“Have her do what you want,” says Hazel.
Oh that’s clever, ease the pressure off Melanie, don’t scare her away.
“I’m not a lesbian,” Melanie says, but she says it so feebly I think it’s the last time we will ever hear that defense. Hazel is easily breaking her down, our friend looks away again, she can’t look at me as she presses her hand against her crotch for a second or two.
Melanie is ready, she has been for a long time and just needed the right moment. She can’t say it though, she doesn’t have the words inside her to tell another girl to come and do something sexual to her. She’s exactly like I was when Hazel seduced me, completely at a loss at what to say or do.
“Shall I tell Steffanie what to do for you?” suggests Hazel. Another clever thing to say to make things easier. “We won’t tell anyone,” she adds for good measure.
Melanie is completely gone now, all she can manage is the faintest nod of her head. She’s putting her trust in Hazel’s hands, which is no bad thing as Hazel wants nothing but to please her.
“Steffanie, show Melanie how you love me.” Which is a lovely way of saying it.
I go to kneel on the bed and Melanie instinctively opens her legs to welcome me between them, she even pulls up her sexy short dress a fraction, just enough to give me a fuller view of her barely adorned pussy. She’s not naked like me yet, but it’s clear that her sheer lacy white panties will do little to prevent me from pleasing her.
I lean over her, rest my weight on one hand and pull up her dress some more with the other. I move slowly forwards until my face is directly in front of hers. The poor thing looks terrified, and she barely responds when our lips touch. I stroke her face and kiss her again, ease my tongue into her mouth and share the taste of Hazel with her. She likes that, our kiss becomes deeper and full of passion as we snog for a while, our mouths firmly pressing together until I break off to offer her so much more.
“Hello Melanie.”
She smiles at me in recognition that she’s meeting a new Steffanie now, a Steffanie that’s hers for a while and come to love her. I move back down her and softly kiss the inside of her thigh, a few inches from my ultimate target of her pussy. I can’t wait to get those panties off her, but I’m going to take things slow, tease and tantalize her before offering her the full joy of my mouth.
With each kiss I give her she responds with a delightful little squeak, she’s still all knotted up with her confused desires and emotions. I know she’ll be wet now, and I’m sure I’ll make her cum really easily. I press my lips to the mound of her pussy, let her feel me breathing on her soft skin through the mesh of her panties.
“Oh please don’t Steffanie, I…” Her last words of resistance and her body soon rejects them, she opens her legs a little more and strokes my head with her hand, she gathers a few locks of my hair and oh so faintly pulls me closer to her. I run my tongue along the edge of her panties and with one finger slowly ease them to one side, little by little until a tiny part of her labia is revealed. I lick her pink fold so delicately, barely touching her and she spasms and thrusts up to me.
“Oh take them off, please take my panties off.”
I pull back to obey my first sexy order from Melanie, and as soon as she is free of her panties, I gently but firmly push her legs apart again. No teasing this time, I set straight to my task of loving her pussy with my mouth, I use my tongue and my fingers, I even use my whole face in my efforts to please her. I adore her pussy, I do everything I can to show her the beauty of the world she’s stepped into, the world of girls loving girls with no shame or restraint.
“Oh please Steffanie, please… please make me cum.”
No more nervous squeaks, it’s pleading for pleasure I’m hearing from her now.
“I love you, I love you both so much,” our dear Melanie cries out.
And on hearing those words Hazel takes her cue to join us in love…
II. Coming Out
Melanie has just cum in my mouth, her girl juice pouring and drenching us both as she enjoyed a long and powerful orgasm. I’m not going to stop though, she wants me to love her some more and make her cum again, so I’ll carry on licking and sucking her lovely cunt. I’ll do anything she wants me to until I’ve satisfied all she desires of me.
We’re all naked now and floating in our own dreamy paradise, me lost between silky smooth thighs, while Hazel and Melanie share another long sloppy kiss. The sound of love making fills the room, the creaking of the bed, mixed with all the slurps and sighs of our exciting intimacies. There is nothing outside this little heaven of ours that concerns us… so we don’t hear the sound of the front door opening and closing.
Nor do we hear Hazel’s elder brother David, as he makes his way up the stairs to our love nest in search of his sister. They have a close relationship I’ve been told, so he only knocks on the door lightly, and walks straight in before hearing her answer.
“Hazel, do you know where Dad’s car…”
There’s no time to react before it’s too late, there’s nowhere to run to and there’s nothing to hide us. We all shriek out loud and there’s a flurry of arms and legs, but we don’t actually move from our positions very much, we stop what we’re doing and then stay motionless. We’re trapped, we’re helpless and exposed, stuck in a few seconds of time that seem eternal. David just stands there, either frozen in shock or admiring the girlie paradise he’s stumbled into, probably both I should think. Hazel is the first to respond and break the deadlock.
“Get out, get out,” and I’ve never seen her becoming hysterical before.
She leaps off the bed and almost throws herself at her brother in a desperate attempt to push him out of her room, but David is considerably bigger and taller than his petite little sister, she’s no chance of budging him unless he wants her to. He seems to be stuck to the spot, unable to do anything except gawp at Melanie and I, while the realization of what we were all up to sinks in.
“We’re trying on dresses, now please, please get out.”
“Yeah, right, sure you are,” he says.
He goes to leave, but not before his eyes have scanned the sea of bras and panties scattered on the bedroom floor. By now I’ve risen up to kneel, although I’m still between Melanie’s legs, my face is soaked by her but there’s little I can do about that, just a quick wipe with my hand before covering my breasts. And Melanie? All she’s managed to do is to keep her eyes tightly closed and hide her wet glistening pussy behind her hand.
“Please don’t go telling everyone David,” Hazel pleads as he’s going. My poor Hazel, her white lie about dresses was useless, she must have known it even as she was saying it. She has no choice but to back down and face this new reality.
“David wait,” and she grabs her dressing gown and goes chasing after him.
This is awful. I want to pretend David’s arrival never happened, I want to go back down on Melanie and hide myself in her pussy. I want things to be as they were five minutes ago when everything was perfect, but I can’t turn back time, all I can do instead is to look at Melanie to share my sympathy for Hazel with her, and she smiles at me rather weakly.
“Oh dear,” she says, and another silence follows. It’s like a tornado has just passed through our paradise, we’re badly damaged, but we’re not completely destroyed. At least not yet. Melanie and I still feel the love we all had happening between us minutes earlier. There was so much more to share, and we’re both feeling stunned by the sudden departure of Hazel.
Melanie’s hand is off her pussy now, but she stays as she was with her legs wide open for me. She needs me to touch her, reassure her that we have nothing to regret. I fondle her first, gently play with her until she takes hold of my hand to invite my fingers inside her. We stay like that for a short while, me slowly feeling the depths of her pussy while she lays still and enjoys the gentle calm of our intimate union.
“You made me cum,” she tells me.
“I know. Did you like it?”
“I loved it, thank you.”
“I loved it too, I loved pleasing you.”
Melanie blows me a kiss and I take my fingers from inside her so she can get up off the bed. I watch her as she looks around for something to dry her wet pussy and thighs with, she can’t see anything to hand and gives me a cheeky guilty look when she uses the bed cover like a towel between her legs.
“Hazel won’t mind,” she tells me, and when she’s done with drying herself she wraps her arm around me and pulls up the cover to wipe my face.
“Thank you for sharing with me,” she says. “It’s lovely being with you two.”
“We’re a little gang now,” I tell her.
“And Hazel is our leader, we should go and show her our support.”
Oh Melanie, you are absolutely right. Hazel has done by far the most to create our little world of happiness and she’s done it all out of love. It’s so unlucky and unfair that’s she’s now at the mercy of her brother’s judgment, at risk of being ridiculed and held in contempt by those that don’t or won’t understand her.
We come out of our daze and throw on our dresses in our haste to get downstairs to rejoin Hazel, our world is under threat and we’re going to rally around our leader and defend it. In the short time it takes I prepare a little speech in my head. I’m not much good at that sort of thing but that doesn’t matter, it’s what I’ll say that will count, not how well I say it.
We find Hazel and her brother in the kitchen and she’s obviously been crying, I love her more than ever at this moment. I know she looks up to her brother and this isn’t the way she would have wanted him to find out she has a physical attraction for other girls. I don’t give him chance to say anything, I need to get my thoughts out before I lose track of what I want to tell him.
“Hello David, I’m Steffanie, I’m your sister’s girlfriend and I love her more than anything.”
So far so good.
“And this is Melanie, our dearest friend, and we both love her too and she loves us.”
He looks at us both but with little reaction yet.
“We just want you to know that we were all making love, not doing something horrible or something to be …”
No, that’s heading off the wrong way.
“Look,” I tell him, changing my approach. “You can say what you like about Hazel, but we’ll tell twice as many people how wonderful your sister is, and how proud we are of her and how proud we are to be her friends and lovers and…”
“She’s the best and we love her.” Melanie sums up with.
I’ve run out of steam, but I think we made our point. He looks straight at me and then Melanie, he does that man thing of looking at our bodies as much as our faces, then he smiles and nods at us approvingly. I think he likes and fancies us both.
“You lucky bitch,” he says to his sister, and she bursts out laughing and crying all at once.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask him.
“It means I’m on her side you silly girl.”
“Oh, sorry, I thought you…”
“Don’t be sorry, I’m happy for her,” he tells me. “I was just a bit surprised that’s all.”
I don’t know what to say now but I’m glad I said what I did, there’s no misunderstandings and it’s clear that David has no intention whatsoever of undermining his younger sister or making her life a misery for loving girls.
“I think I should go,” he says, “leave you lovebirds to your fun.”
He makes a big fuss of Hazel before he leaves, she can’t stop crying but her tears are full of happiness not pain. She’s so relieved her brother accepts her for what she is, with his support there’s no need to hide anything anymore or make any pretense about her true nature.
“Well, nice to meet you Steffanie, and you Melanie.”
“Thank you,” I tell him.
“What for?” he asks.
“Being so understanding.”
“What’s to understand,” he says, “you’ve got love and that’s the best thing going.”
He’s so sweet, no wonder Hazel looks up to him so much.
“See you later lovebirds, I hope you will all come and visit me sometime.”
And after making his open invitation he’s gone.
“He kept calling us lovebirds,” I remark.
“We’re the Lovebird Gang.” Says Melanie.
That’s right, we’re the Lovebird Gang and we’re coming out, we’ve got a love thing going on and from now on we don’t care who knows it.
steffanie xxx