The Love Show #15: Two Weddings

"One legal, one for TV"

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When Andy entered TLS, I jokingly said I would do so the following year.

After what I’d done to the crew, I thought that I’d have no chance as no farmer is stupid enough to put out a sign WELCOME FOX: HERE ARE SOME SIDES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE>>, but I decided to enter anyway.

What am I looking for? I mused. If I was a lot younger, Andy or Jake is my honest answer as they are respectful, intelligent and attractive and they stand up to me when needed (or baited). I’m not a cougar though, so someone of my age who is a non-smoker and professional, although I had no opinions about their children, but I anticipated that if so, they’d be adults. I told them that I had loved deeply once, then Dennis had been taken and while I still missed his love, I had always been open for love again, though I’d not been a spinster all the time since! For referees, I gave Andy and Sarah, Angie and my boss, James.

I was surprised to get a call for an interview and got Saska. “What are you looking for,” she asked.

“You scored hard last year,” I replied, “I want you to find me an Andy for my Sarah,” and she laughed knowing how deeply they are in love. “I’ve seen and bathed in their pure romance,” as I gently teared, “It’s so nice. Hopefully, you find someone that will build that in me again,” I concluded as she teared up too.

“How do you think people think of you?” she asked.

“You saw their cat jumper,” I shrugged, and she laughed. “Angie carries and uses the baseball bat a lot, I rarely have to use it,” and she laughed as she knew my role in the Airport Incident. “You can ask them, and I know that the kids,” my term of art for all those who I’ve mentored and brought into Rapid, “Respect me and enjoy my company. I’m somewhat reserved and to those who don’t know me, probably can be distant, sometimes threatening, though that’s partly from my role,” as she laughed harder.

The Experts did a joint call with Andy and Sarah which immediately diverged into a catchup, then they finally managed to get it on track. “I knew I could trust her from the first call when I was still in the taxi home,” Sarah replied, “You have to earn her trust and friendship and we’re proud that we have,” and she hugged Andy as he nodded.

Angie was called too as she’s known me the longest and they got Trust and Respect again and she praised my organisation and mentoring skills.

I was surprised that they found me a match and I told Andy and Sarah. They were still in Seattle and had now rented a house, though they were unsure where they’d end up, apart from curled up on the sofa with grey hair and they were now thinking of a proper wedding. “We want your wedding to be all about you, but would you like to give us away the night before?” they asked. I cried again, thinking of how wonderful it would be to have two weddings in a day, and they hit up the Experts who they still messaged. The decision was that The Manor House would be used for two days, with their Officiant being recalled to action.

Things progressed rapidly as Angie took control and decided that a full celebration was in order as it was rare that everyone was in the same room. The theme would be Celebrating Connections and would be a full-day event. She wanted the key staff from Seattle to attend, along with Sarah and Andy’s key colleagues and they wanted the Experts would be invited as honoured guests. The Experts thought this was adorable and agreed to attend “We had a little post-film chat, and we loved their description of what happened when they were away. We’d love to know more,” Jo replied and soon, The Manor House was blocked, and it was agreed that only the wedding would be filmed.

What to wear? I mused. At work, I’m a skirt, blouse and jacket girl – quite formal which is useful when I need to strike fear into someone! At home, jeans and tops are my go-to. I admired Sarah’s dress and hit up Hong yKong Tailors. As I’d fully brought Rebecca under my wing now, she agreed to help me choose a dress, knowing that I’d semi-mirrored myself onto Sarah that mad morning when I’d started my ensnarement. I chose a full-sleeve, full-length dress that looked quite like Sarah’s and while it was a good fit, it wasn’t that good a fit as I’m not a young girl anymore, and while my attitude can be fearsome, my body isn’t. I knew that they would be in the same gear for their second wedding as their first and she suggested the dark red dress for when they walked me down the aisle and he’d swap out his white shirt for a dark blue one with a Concorde tie.

We assembled at The Manor House for the proceedings. Angie, Weasel and Dog were there with their families and were on the same plane as Andy and Sarah, plus Angie’s 2IC Emma and Tomaz the Nest CEO. Sarah’s boss Adrienne, some of her team and some of the Execs were there too, plus Kerry, Andy’s new UK boss who’d replaced the micro-managing prick that he’d had this time last year and several of Andy’s colleagues, along with their parents. Sas, Jo and Sid discretely entered and were politely acknowledged as people found their randomly, or not, allocated seats.

“Welcome to Connections and Celebrations,” Angie said from the dais as the NEST symbol appeared and Tomaz lurked, knowing his place. “You can see that at each sitting, we’re shifting you around so that you can make new connections. After the fun stuff, we’ve got a wedding,” she laughed. “We celebrate the connection of Andy (Bat) and Sarah (Cen) who The Experts,” and she looked down, smiled a not-dinner-smile at them, “brought into our orbit last year. Then, tomorrow,” she sternly looked at them, “We hope that they repeat their success, this time on our good friend, Wing,” as everyone clapped. “At the beginning of each session, please take five minutes to connect,” as even Terri and the kids mixed in, much to the surprise of Andy and Sarah’s colleagues, though they soon got a shock when they realised that the kids were as knowledgeable as their parents.

The day progressed fast and lightly as first, Nest and Rapid was explained, then sessions were about Patagonia, other dets and finally, some conclusions that even Andy and Sarah presented and everyone, including The Experts, mingled. At morning tea, Terri approached The Experts and introduced herself which surprised them with its formality. “You did such as good job of their match, so why did you do hits on them?” she asked, stunning them with her cold appraisal.

They knew who she was: the co-author of the videos that they’d been shown after the final filming and Saskia took charge, “Your videos are amazing, but the footage had too many people in frame. To show them, we need their permission and that’s too hard,” she spoke an incomplete truth. Terri pondered it, as despite her age, she recognised an evasion.

“I understand,” she replied also knowing what wasn’t said, “I hope you’ve done as good a job for Wing,” she smiled and left as they finally exhaled knowing that the polite girl had cut to their core and they knew she’d knew that she’d been told a half-truth but was polite enough not acknowledge the other half.

Weasel: As soon as she’d talked to The Experts, Terri had found David and me and admitted what she’d done, asking if we thought she’d been rude. We’ve always told the kids that admitting an errance is better than getting found out later and in this case, the mouse (debatable!) had addressed the Elephant in the room. We knew she’d been polite and honest, so we just dropped and hugged her, knowing that she’d asked the question that was on everyone’s lips and, worse for them, it had come from a child so was asked innocently, sort of! What to do about it was a question that decided to postpone: she wasn’t going to be punished, though whether a reward was due was also iffy. As we would later find out, Saskia would stumble onto the solution.

At the end of the sessions, CEO Tomaz got up and shrugged, “The fun stuff is over, please form up in the garden at 5 PM for the Wedding,” and laughed.

Andy and Sarah got changed in together their room. ”Our last kiss as not-officially married,” he smiled and they kissed, then held hands, left the room and then knocked on my door.

My phone’s OMessage buzzed. Angie displayed and the message, Ready appeared, as we walked together into the garden.

The Officiant was at the Altar, “A year ago, Andy and Sarah stood before me and were joined. Today, I join them legally,” he said as I walked sandwiched between them down the aisle, then we got to the dais, tearfully hugged, then I sat down.

They held hands and Sarah said, “Today we celebrate our love for each other. We are grateful for your match,” and they opened up, went over and hugged The Experts who were politely surprised at this deviation from the norm, then returned to the dais though looking half at each other, half at us.

“My,” he continued.

“Our,” she interrupted smiling at him, “Vows said that ‘we write our story together,’”

“We wrote them sometimes together,”

“Sometimes apart.”

“Always of hope, including sometimes when others had none.”

“And out of growing love,” they concluded together.

“Our respect and love grew and grows deeper,” as the Experts approvingly nodded along with most of the crowd.

“We became closer to each other, and to you,” she said as they opened their arms to the room as a lot of us, including The Experts and myself cried loving tears.

She moved around so she had her back on his chest, and he held her, “We are united,” they concluded together which was a surprise for some as this isn’t how vows proceed.

“Finally, I earn my bread,” The Officiant said slyly, eliciting laughs, “Sarah, do you take Andy to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

She looked into his eyes and said “We have always been united, even when apart, and today I take you lawfully,” as she scooched in better.

“Andy, do you take Sarah to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

He held her tighter, “Apart made me miss and love you more. Each day I respect and love you more. I take my love to be my lawfully wedded, so loving wife,” and kissed.

I got up, “These rings join you in matrimony,” I said, placing them on their fingers to wide-eyed looks.

Rebecca and Ellie got up and came to the dais as the screen turned on, showing their Unity logo as she moved slightly sideways on him. “These symbolise your love,” they said as they pinned the badges on their chests.

“Andy and Sarah, you are legally united in marriage. Congratulations,” The Officiant concluded as they kissed a loving kiss to applause and some happy tears, including from my eyes.

They walked down the aisle, then lingered as the attendees formed a circle around them and people put one hand on the person’s front hand and the other on their neighbour’s. “They are united, we are united. They trust and respect absolutely, so do we,” Terri called out surprisingly powerfully and to the surprise of the non-Nesters. Everyone clapped, then the circle parted, and we headed with joyous tears in our eyes, back to the Conference Centre for dinner.

As usual, it was our preferred mingle dinner, though there was a toast first which they gave as the stunned Experts looked on wondering what was next. “Tonight is our legal uniting, tomorrow is your uniting,” Andy said as they held my hand.

“We are honoured to be worthy of your friendship, trust and love. You are a role model to us all,” Sarah continued.

“My old friend, you give the best, you deserve the best. We wish you every deserved gift.” Angie honked and Weasel playfully snuggled her twin, then they came over for a five-way hug as we all teared up and I saw the Experts discretely and approvingly nod and the room toasted.

The next morning, we all assembled for a goodbye breakfast as it was only their families and Angie, Dog and Weasel and their offspring, plus Jake, Bex, Alisha and Emma invited for my wedding.

Back at my room, they filmed Angie, Weasel and Sarah as we made short work getting Terri and I ready. We were all still on a blissed-out high from yesterday and weren’t that talkative, and the crew knew this and didn’t try too hard. The Twins left and Andy joined us, hugging us and kissing his now-official love. “We love you so much,” Sarah murmured.

“So much indeed,” he reiterated as they took my hands, and we left the room.

“I hope I look as good as you two do at the Altar when it’s my turn .. maybe in 15 years?” Terri smiled, hugging Sarah and we and we hugged the wise girl back.

The families assembled in the now-truncated Wedding Area. Their families sat at the back, then Jake, Bex, Alisha and Emma. Angie, Weasel and Dog sat in the second row with their spouses behind and the kids at the far end of the rows. The Groom’s family made polite chat. “We’re the kids’ parents,” A&S’ parents replied when asked to confusion.

When Weasel and Dog introduced, they got more bafflement. “When Cen comes down the aisle, it’s too hard having two Sarahs,” Weasel laughed to more bafflement from the other side of the aisle, though everyone on my side did.

Stuart, the groom, came down the aisle in penguin suit, like Andy yesterday. My side nodded approvingly as he introduced himself and he too was stumped with the responses to who my gang were – especially the reference to The Kids which their families know is my term of endearment.

The Wedding March played as the doors opened and my side smiled, as again, his side was stumped as they saw two very adults with me in the middle and Terri holding the flowers behind. “Who’s the girl?” Stuart’s sister asked as Weasel reached over and playfully scruffed her as she passed by.

“Who’s the couple? Somewhat rings a bell,” his brother whispered to Stuart, and the twins smiled: A&S were very proud of their love, though never accepted any offered publicity, not that much was offered as they returned to Seattle shortly after the last filming and they admitted honestly that they were earning sufficient to be quite comfortable.

At the altar, I saw Stuart and we politely introduced, “You are pretty, you have nice kids,” he complimented me, proffering his hand which I took as I examined him: nice suit greyish hair, no dye (tick), thinning (neutral), and no stupid comb-over or wig (more ticks). I smiled, nodded and briefly turned to the back of the church, sending the second compliment to its correct recipients, then The Officiant nodded.

“You have given us so much love. Yesterday, you gave us away,” Andy said as Stuart’s eyes widened expecting The Officiant.

“With our immense love for you, today, we give you away,” she said as they gently kissed my cheek, and we gently cried.

Terri turned and raised her hand, “Server so loved, today you are served what you deserve” my side called out in unison as Stuart’s side politely clapped. She really is the boss here, I thought.

“Tell you later” I whispered to him as the trio took their front-row seat and they briefly hugged as Weasel reached over to lovingly kiss her daughter’s cheek, answering his family’s question.

“Today, we unite Annie and Stuart,” The Officiant intoned and nodded to me.

“Mr Spock greeted people ‘Live long and prosper’,” I quoted to laughs. “He omitted ‘ … and to love and be loved’” I shrugged and smiled at Stuart. “Today, I come giving my full heart and head, hoping to live a long and loving life with you,” and smiled. “Others said that we ‘Write these Pages together’” and I turned to Andy and Sarah and smiled briefly. “And I hope our supply of pens and paper is bountiful. I come in friendship, hope, but maybe a somewhat lively peace.” He nodded, hoping he’d had the storm before the calm.

The Officiant turned and nodded to Stuart. “Love, well I know you’re hugely loved even from these few minutes,” and turned around acknowledging my side. “I come with an open mind and a heart and head ready to give and to receive friendship, respect and hopefully romantic love. These are my sincere hopes and wishes” and we smiled at each other as our families clapped.

“Annie, do you join with Stuart? Asked The Officiant and paused as Andy and Sarah returned to the front.

“Yesterday you gave us the rings that legally joined us. Today, we give you this ring that signifies hope for true love,” they said as they passed the ring to me as his eyebrows furrowed as another question was answered.

“Today, in hope of our future, I join with you,” I said, placing the ring on his finger.

His brother passed over the ring, “Stuart, do you join with Annie?” The Officiant asked.

“I join with you in hope,” he replied, placing it on my finger as I teared again.

“You are joined, you may kiss the bride,” The Officiant concluded as he looked at me.

I placed my hands on his shoulder and looked at him, which he reciprocated and hung there, savouring the moment and pondering. I pulled him tight into a hug and held him there as he reciprocated and I felt the comfort of the embrace, then slightly released and playfully peck-kissed him which he returned, as he concluded with a soothing circle-rub on my back.

We walked down the aisle holding hands, to clapping. “Kids: Andy and Sarah. They’re my friends and colleagues. They were matched successfully last series and yesterday, they became Legal,” I told him as he vaguely nodded, sinking in among all the eddies that had so recently formed.

“The girl, Terri, is the one behind Andy’s daughter. We love her immensely. The back two rows: Andy and Sarah’s families. The rest are my colleagues and they’re dear friends too,” I concluded to try to enlighten the poor guy.

“Do you like Patagonia?” I asked and he shrugged questioningly. “They loved it, despite it being his work too. We’re spending half of the time there, the rest in BA [Buenos Ares],” I concluded somewhat ruining later’s surprise. “I hope we have half as good a time as they did,” I smiled thinking of their pics and knowing how much Down had taken them forward. He just nodded, though I did hope he’d open up soon, though I knew and accepted that the wedding hadn’t quite proceeded as he expected!

Stuart: Annie letting slip on the honeymoon destination implied that she had some influence on the producers which I thought was unusual. While I had watched last season, it was usually after dinner and while either doing paperwork or the newspaper, and I’d forgotten most of the show. I thought they’d spent their honeymoon there and, while I wouldn’t have chosen it as Argentina is completely off my radar, it did sound appealing.

The families mingled as we headed out to film the staged kiss. Stuart’s side was now completely baffled: who are the couple and how are they related to me were their questions. Andy and Sarah marshalled them back to the seating.

“Anyone watch last season’s TLS,” Angie barked from the dais to their nods and my side sniggered. “You don’t remember these two?” she asked as a dim light started to shine. “The couple that spent first month intermittently separated, then didn’t go to The Suites,” few more nods. She glared at them, “The ones that got the crap edit: they got legally married yesterday,” she concluded as they stood by her, bursting from not being able to laugh, and Weasel used a down-flap motion on her hand to calm her powerful twin down, wondering if she was going to blow, though the last comment scored a boundary on Stuart’s gang.

Weasel: Hearing Sis go off reminded me of a few Master Chiefs I know barking orders. She can definitely bark when needed, thankfully she bites rather less often, though when she does, it’s very bloody!

“Our families are at the back,” Andy announced as they stood up.

“Angie’s my boss now,” Sarah laughed, “Weasel is her sister, and she’s also a Sarah. She and Dog are pilots, so we use their callsigns, and the middle mob are also colleagues,” she concluded and kissed her now husband.

We got to the closed-off area where the staged kisses would be filmed. “Hold and quick connect?” he asked me, which I concurred.

The photographer motioned us into view, and I backed into him, looking up as he gently and chastely held my sides as the shutter clicked. He dipped his head, and I brought mine up, pursing my lips which he lingered, then gently met as the shutter snapped, then we broke off. Their way was more fun, but we pissed them off enough last year, I thought, and we walked back to the room, politely talking about music to relax.

The guests were seated as we arrived at the top table and Andy and Sarah semi-formally shook his hand, then hugged me. “The toast,” a small but powerful voice called out, “It’s legal here, so I get a sip” Terri girly giggled, setting us all off as she walked up.

“We do things a bit differently,” I muttered to him, and he shrugged, thinking that in my definition, the Grand Canyon is a shallow dip.

Stuart: Yup, seems that the Flower Girl is the boss here and she’s enjoying it!!

“Stuart, we welcome you to our family,” Terri continued. “Annie: a name that is rarely uttered,” as he and his family looked baffled. Again!

“Wing, as we call you, describes you perfectly,” Andy chimed as he held his now-wife’s hand.

“Guardian, gatekeeper, and mother-figure. You wrap your loving arms around us. To earn your respect and trust, and that you call us friends is a true honour that you don’t realise how much we appreciate. You have been there for me, and us, since the beginning and we are truly grateful,” she chimed, kissing my head gently.

“We look forward to you getting to know our dear friend and hope that you are worthy of her, and like yesterday, you will become legal” Terri said beaming. “To hope and love: Annie and Stuart” she concluded so gracefully and powerfully that impressed even more from such a young body, and the three of us hugged her.

“Annie?” he questioned wondering whether to use my name or Tag, and I nodded, “The love and respect that your friends have is heartwarming and powerful. Trust and respect are built over time from actions and words. I hope that, in time, I am as worthy of yours as they definitely are. To us and our hope for love,” he returned the toast.

My side immediately moved over to his side picking a victim, which surprised them and him as they were expecting to have time to recover from yet another shock and they left us to chat. He asked me about myself, and I explained that I’d been at Nest for over 20 years, in the same role albeit as Nest had grown, I’d essentially become more senior and he smiled, “A good PA is worth their weight in gold, I can see your friends respect and love you,” he smiled and explained that he was a Civil Engineer. Over dinner we made polite chat, exploring likes and dislikes, finding no major dislikes or allergies and that while we liked an occasional tipple, neither of us are big drinkers.

I asked if he’d been married and had kids. He explained that he was long-divorced and had a son older than Andy who wasn’t able to be here as he couldn’t be filmed. I explained that I’d briefly been married decades ago until he suddenly died, though I’ve not been single the whole time since. “I live in the present, though there are times that I remember our good times, it’s just that I’ve never found anyone else to truly love. But this year, I’ve been fortunate to bask in their growing love,” I concluded slightly tearfully, and he politely and gently rubbed my hand which I appreciated.

I asked why he’d gone on TLS, and he replied that he’d tried online dating and had no luck and wondered if there was anyone of his age who had applied too. I replied that after Andy had put in his application, I joked that I should too this year, “’You are loved by us, we just wish that you could find someone to romantically love you again,’ he told me. Though after what happened last year, I was surprised that they’d let the Fox back in the coop.” I laughed, and he looked at me in surprise and I knew that he’d either not watched or hadn’t paid attention to last series. “When Andy returned from Patagonia, their reunion was supposed to be filmed at the airport. I ruined that by having them reunite at the gate,” I smiled evilly. “That’s their story, I’m just the page-turner,” I modestly concluded as he smiled at me wondering why I’d done that.

Stuart: I had no idea why Annie would ruin the crew’s [supposed] post-honeymoon filming, but whatever had caused her to do it, I sensed that it was from her loyalty to them, so I scored that a positive on her though I wondered how she’d rigged it. Just nod: she’ll tell me when she’s ready, I thought. I also completely missed the subtler point: he had returned alone.

“A lady has her secrets. I hope that you’ll trust me with some of them when I’ve earned it,” he gently said and I placed my head on his shoulder and briefly kissed his cheek Curious but not pushy: So far, so good.

Seeing an opening, Terri approached. “I’m Terri, good to meet you,” she said formally, proffering her hand to shake his and I shook my head that girl still gets me!

“Good to meet you” he said somewhat stunned at the girl’s formality.

“She deserves to be treated well, I hope you can,” she continued, hung and looked him straight in the eyes, “Or mummy might strap on her Eagle again,” she glared at him, then smiled. Pilot I mouthed at him and glared at her. “I know, that’s an Auntie Angie comment,” she giggled as my new husband couldn’t work out whether it was a joke or a threat and I brought her in and kissed her head, then she left the table to find a new victim.

“The Twins are so alike, but so different. I see bits of both, and her dad in her,” I said as Andy and Sarah approached.

“You got hit by her? she asked him, laughing. “First time I met her, she decided I needed looking after, and I did … sort of,” she playfully kissed Andy on the lips as he laughed too and reciprocated his love’s kiss. I departed to chat with his sister and brother, hoping they’d find me sane in this weirdness, and they got him a drink to unwind him!

 “We’re probably not the best TLS role models,” Andy laughed, and he looked baffled wondering why they were seemingly admitting that they were bad on the show, despite their appearance and attitude here.

“You getting pulled away at the end of our honeymoon,” she snuggled into him as he held her tight, “A week together, week apart, repeat, then we were into prep for next trip. It was for the best that we evaded The Suites,” she laughed, and they briefly kissed.

“We had more fun not being in the suites,” he slyly replied, “What happened was meant to be and we are,” he replied as Stuart nodded getting the meaning.

“So meant,” and they playfully kissed again.

“Any advice?” Stuart asked.

 “We’re not the right ones to give Model Participant advice,” Andy laughed again, “The crew have needs, so do we. We decided early on that if ours conflicted with theirs, while we’d try to accommodate, if push comes it’s politely and firmly ours,” and he emphasised ours.

“They really didn’t like filming us doing the crossword after dinner and we decided early on we didn’t want to talk about what happens at night.”

“Or …” and they playfully kissed again, “And we never have, and we’ve had fun fending them,” he laughed. “Find your pace and stick to it. When you are ready to do something..” he hung.

She placed their hands on her Tag, “You will be ready. The Experts are decent people, and they were here yesterday. I just hope that prick of an editor gets his head out this time!” she bitterly remarked as she hadn’t forgotten The Pests for their down edits and Stuart’s eyes went wide at the sudden, nasty turn. Andy hugged her tight, “The Experts have seen the truth, so they might lean on him,” she sneered a sneer worthy of Sid, “If you give polite answers, even if indirect or obtuse, it’s hard for them to be aggressive back,” they laughed.

“Honestly, what do you think so far?” Andy asked Stuart in a respectful voice, like a son to a father.

“Annie’s nice. I hope will last the distance, but it will take time,” they nodded, “You guys are very different with your attitude. It’s slightly imposing, though not brash, and very honest. Your love and respect for her is stunning and touching.”

“We were made legal last night, we simply hope that in time, you are made legal too,” she said, and they embraced.

“We are here for you both as Wing is for us,” Andy whispered as I returned, and they briefly pulled me into their embrace.

Later, we walked out of the venue to more applause and back to our room with the crew filming us as we entered the room. Before us was the typical bed with champagne, roses and chocolates.

We surveyed the offering in front, and I was thinking that it was too late for the chocolates, though a single glass would be nice. “Champagne?” he asked.

“Yes, but only a glass?” I suggested, holding his hand which I found comfortable, and he asked the crew if they could see if they could get a half bottle.

 “Are you comfortable as is, or would you prefer to change?” he asked. I raised two fingers, “I’ll take the bathroom?” he offered, and I playfully put my head on his shoulder nice so far I thought, too long since Dennis, I briefly remembered as we separated, and then got changed.

He came out of the bathroom in blue jeans and a jumper, and I approvingly appraised him as he smiled, with the cameras still on us and the half-bottle appearing. He looked down at it, then up at me and I nodded. He uncorked and poured the champagne. “To us, in hope for our future,” he said, and I briefly peck-kissed him and we toasted.

He asked me how I’m feeling and how I thought the wedding went. “So good, so far, I enjoyed it.” I smiled into his eyes, “You thought you were having a gentle wedding and getting married to a gentle old lady,” I laughed, playfully baiting him.

“The wedding was very different … powerful and loving,” he mused, “A beautiful lady,” he smiled at me,” and I gave him a deserved, lingering hug and peck-kiss. He looked into my eyes, “The kids are right, some things don’t need to be mentioned to The Experts?” he asked, and I tightened my hold and opened my mouth slightly, moving in as we gently and briefly had our first proper kiss.

“They still seem bitter about somethings?” he observed as I moved slightly away, still looking at him.

“Their story is of love and separation; the crew did things they felt they had to do to get the story but were wrong and The Experts know that. We’ve forgiven, though not quite forgotten. Watching TV is wrong on our first night, but a few pictures tell more than a book?” I suggested as the Producer yawned, wanting good footage, not their misdeeds re-exposed. My guy nodded and I quickly powered up the TV and then paired it to my phone, finding Sarah’s Share folder and we sipped more.

I snuggled into him and played their wedding-honeymoon vid narrating that at the end, Angie and I had been forced to call Andy away for Rapid, though not explaining the speed, and he rubbed my hand. I hopped to the Streaming and played the first Dinner Party, showing her very casual entrance and his eyes opened wide and slightly shrunk from me, then the link-up showing Andy in Atara, her worry and then blow. My memories of that torrid week came back, and my voice quietened as I told him of the crew’s screw-over that led to her attire. “They played that card, but they didn’t know it’s a one-timer,” I acidly remarked about their call to Andy and her forewarning that led to her entrance, and I felt him stiffen and gently pull me into him, holding my free hand comfortingly. As I told him about Andy’s tearful call and, he held me tighter and I felt his breathing slow.

I swapped to the Share and ran Patagonia, showing their airfield embrace, though I skipped the rest as I didn’t want to ruin any more of the surprise, and he rubbed my hand, knowing why I’d gone hard on the producers to send us there. Back to the streaming, I showed their airport not-reunion, and his mouth went wide, then he laughed as it showed me flashing them!

He looked at me and I kissed him harder and longer as I savoured his touch. He knows not to ask, I knew nice kisses, but so long since Dennis I realised, holding back my tears of reminisce mixed with current enjoyment. More Streaming as it showed them batting softies in bed then on to their fun on the sofa and he laughed again as he understood their advice about dealing with The Experts. WashUp was next and he murmured approvingly at the stunning scenes as Sarah made her powerful Conclusion. “Explains a lot,” he said thinking and we realised that the Crew had disappeared. He looked into my eyes again and kissed me softly, and deeper as I wrapped my arms around him, returning his gentle kiss and we fell onto the bed entwined and relaxed into slumber.

Published 1 month ago

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