The Love Show #14: The Watcher

"With experience, comes wisdom and the highest level of sneakiness"

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I’m Annie and I work at Nest Ventures. My email signature says Secretary to The Regional Director, though my official title is Executive Assistant to the Regional Director. This is pompous Americanism which I despise, as I’m just a humble Secretary. I joined Nest two years after its creation when there was already another EA/Secretary: Angela, though she was, and remains, in Seattle. Who I report to hasn’t changed, it’s just that their role has grown as Nest has too, so now I have ten dotted, though no solid lines up to me. Even I’ve forgotten the origins of my nickname Wing. I’m, somewhat sadly, a mother of none, though a mother-figure to dozens.

Nest has always had a Small Company attitude, and, for the first few years, it meant that people got involved with projects outside their core job, and I certainly have, including where we developed a secure comms app called OMessage. Angela had a knack for Logistics and soon got a reputation which, over time caused her to become Logistics Manager, though we still joke that she’s prone to behaving like a Secretary! When the Rapid concept arose, it was decided that the EAs would control it, even if managers actually ran it, akin to an Officer running with the Senior Chief controlling.

I was five years into Nest and the company had grown considerably when I was covering reception and Andy arrived for his interview. He was still early in his career, smartly dressed and polite. For some reason, I decided to sit in on his interview which I sometimes did, so I hit up another Admin to cover, then escorted him to the interview room. There, I just politely glared at the interviewer who announced that I’d be staying which caused a problem as there were now four in a room for three. He got up and slid his chair over to me which impressed me, though I passed it back and dug out another from the next room. He was somewhat quiet during the interview, with a tendency to answer questions with WE rather than I and he erred towards understating his abilities, albeit qualifying with “want to learn”. Towards the end, the interviewer asked if I had any questions, so I asked a few randoms to try to pull out his personality, with his answers tending to the formal, albeit honest.

We discussed him in the post-interview washup. I have no decision on hiring, though I pointed out that the Chair Incident was a massive green flag for me. The conclusion was that he was slightly on the junior end, though with a motivated mind. Thus, he was a hired as we decided that what he didn’t know, he’d soon find out.

He’s never reported to me, though over his first few months, I kept an eye on him, making polite conversation, albeit sometimes tweaking his tail to elicit a response and getting a polite bite-back which is what I actually want. He’s always been respectful to me, albeit respectfully disrespectful when needed! Over time, he grew into the role and slowly, I pulled him into Rapid as that evolved and grew. Being largely single and young, he was always up for a challenge, including one project that involved multiple time zones and pulling overnighters, then going home to sleep. Someone pointed out that he was like a Bat – only seen at night, which he laughed with, then a few days later a toy Bat was hung over his desk.

Angela and I met regularly and got to know each other very well. She mentioned that her twin Sarah, callsign Weasel, was progressing in the Air Force, though sadly, wasn’t likely to make Brigadier. Nest was starting to need full-time pilots, so I suggested that when appropriate, she hit her sister up and start to change the reporting line as family are not allowed to be direct colleagues. She managed to offload the pilots onto the CFO, then Sarah/Weasel joined Nest two years after Andy.

At Nest, I’ve become a mother/grandmother-cum mentor figure to lots of colleagues and he is one of them, though he was more open about his life than I was, in part as my life is quiet.  He knew Angie well and sometimes stayed with them instead of in a hotel when in Seattle and soon became a younger brother figure to the twins and their families, including Weasel’s toddlers. Sarah asked her twin why he was single. “He loves Nest and all that it brings him, sadly he’s married to it and doesn’t realise it, yet” she replied and later repeated it to me.

Sadly, his career progression was impacting his love life, and he mentioned several times that sometimes he didn’t think he was diligent enough as a boyfriend due to his work. His Rapid work increased too, and he was close to the pilots which resulted in his becoming Ground Ops Day 0. None of the Ground Ops are flyers and Day0s fly out in a different aircraft with extra kit to set up and manage whatever base we get for the birds. The pilots love him as he’s a great advocate for them and usually ahead of what they need. I admired his honesty, though my experience as a girlfriend and wife was sadly too brief and too long ago to be of use. I was hoping that Nest would find a role for him with more seniority and less travel. Sadly, it was either, or, not both and I knew that soonish, his loyalty and love for Nest would be outweighed for his hope for deserving, romantic love and he’d have to leave us.

A year later, his then-girlfriend had decided she wanted someone with more work-life balance which wasn’t him, and he got the signal this time, then he found a role elsewhere that didn’t involve travel. He said “I’m leaving Nest, but still up for Rapid, though Nest is still in my heart” which made me, very unusually, cry, and we emailed regularly once he’d gone and less often, had coffee.

The Love Show was something we often caustically remarked on. On one of our coffees shortly after coming back from a solo holiday, he’d mentioned that he’d applied for TLS “for an adventure, and hopefully love,” which we laughed at, given the minuscule success rate. It was a surprise to us when he got past the initial screen, and I was happy to be a referee. I got Sid and we’ve always thought he was a weasel – “the bad sort, not our sort” [Sarah/Weasel], we would joke, and I was very circumspect when he called me. I was honest about absolutely trusting Andy as we all do, especially the pilots. We were stunned that he actually made it to be coupled, and I said that I would put my application in next year, though I knew that I’d be the oldest ever if I got in! I did wonder how he’d get on at the Dinner Parties that we thought were outright vicious as, while he can go head-to-head with the boisterous male pilots, he’s not aggressive like some of the guys are. Worse, we can go head-to-head to the ninth syllable, and I thought he’d be bored if there was a lack of wordplay.

It was during his “Honeymoon” that the quake struck, and I was in the office. As usual, Angie stood up as Master Controller and me as Site Controller. I got Alisha, another Admin, to purge the Alpha and Delta rooms’ diaries for the next week as Angie OMessaged: We’re Fucked so I called her. We have four Day0 Ground ops: I already knew that Jason and David were out with COVID, and Andy Honeymooning. Angie told me that Jake had just broken his leg. We discussed whether to either raid a Cycle 1 Pilot which would cause other problems, send out a non-Day 0 Ground Ops, or pull Andy off. We joked that, given the TLS success, he’d be paired with a nut so wouldn’t mind being rid of her, though we sincerely hoped for the opposite. As Weasel is the Senior Pilot, we knew that if things had gone well, she’d be able to sisterly-wind him up enough to lift him, though he’d be as diligent and professional as ever, and I texted him as Angie arranged for a jet to pick him up on his arrival. I called his mother who he’d texted his flight, which I then checked: three hours from landing.

As we talked, in the Seattle hangar, Atara was being configured and loaded, and she’d go off first on the callsign Falcon 1 with Weasel as Pilot. Once she’d cleared the hangar, Ataxa would go through next and with some different kit, as Falcon 2 and with Dog in charge. We got the flight plans approved and thus, as soon as F1 was ready, she’d be off, with F2 tailing. One of the First Officers mentioned that he’d done some work with the Apella Project in Patagonia and that their base was 300km from the quake zone, but they only ran in summer, and it was now their winter. He exited the call, hit them up, and they handed over everything to us which would make Andy’s life somewhat easier: no rough sleeping and transportation and hotel on a plate.

I got Alisha to open the Rapid App and start her checklist as I headed into the first conference call. She pulled the Nest Locker which has changes of clothes for a week. His were still there, and she brought ours to my largeish office, plus blow-up mattresses and sleeping bags which we’d be using for the week. She then called IT and got a Surface imaged for him, then headed to the airport to drop his items at the BizJet terminal.

When he called, he unfortunately got her rather than Angie or me as they don’t know each other well, and she briefed him. She messaged, distilling her briefing: he was following instructions though had requested Sarah another one!, I thought, get OMessage. I OK’d this, though instructed that she be in a group just with him. On my return, I asked her how he was, and she simply replied that he “was OK.” I decided that regardless of when, I’d brief him so I could get a read on his honeymoon, though I considered that his requesting the girl get OMessage was positive, and I knew instantly that I had someone new to mother. Angie and I decided that there was now only one Sarah: the girl as I referred to her and the pilots would use their Tags.

I saw his sorrowful face on my screen and knew that he’d been crying which made me feel really sad too, though happy that he seemed to be crying for someone he felt for.  I asked about her and his description was “Intelligent, smart and pretty,” as he dropped a pic in the chat. I wasn’t that surprised as that is his order of preference.. and mine in a guy too as I thought of Dennis. I thought that while she wasn’t a stunner and slightly plain, she’s definitely pretty, and dead on his type. From the brief time that I experienced true love when my true love Dennis had been away, he’d bring me a new dress that would send me deep into his arms, so I suggested that giving her a dress when they met would make her happy. He grunted an OK and I saw him start to share his pics. Good boy: I’ve trained him well: knowing I want more pictures of the girl, I thought! Now it was business-time, and I briefed that he’d be heading far west into the night to Mojave. His asking me to put his breakfast and dinners in her OMessage demonstrated his feelings for her: I knew he wanted to speak to her often, so I offered to call her once we’d finished, and he was very happy.

After the call, I texted and OMessaged Sarah, requesting that she call me at her convenience.  I then messaged Weasel and her husband David, appraising them and he agreed to contact her once I’d done a background check and could open up her OMessage garden.

It was now very late, and I let Alisha go to sleep, though asking her to come to Alpha at 530 AM as we had a long day ahead and I ordered two large breakfasts and a plunger with four shots to arrive then for fuel.

My OMessage pinged, showing Sarah as the caller. She looked exhausted and was still in the taxi with her voice conveying shock. I introduced myself and said I’d put times in her diary when he’d be free, and she was grateful for that. She said that she’d texted the crew about the situation and was heading home for the week, where her mum would meet her, which I thought was good as she was starting to gain control. I looked straight into the camera and told her that she could “call me any time as we are in this together,” which I reinforced firmly, though politely. I suggested that she get the crew to send the wedding cake, etc to my office for storage which she thought was good, and I dropped the details in the chat.

A few hours of sleep later, we reassembled in Alpha for urgent business that demanded the utmost precision, and we hit the plunger and food hard. I remembered that OMessage has a Block Group function: the numbers you add are either blocked, or any others are. I created a PERMIT group with Alisha, Angie, Sarah and Andy in it, so today, I would only get calls from them.

I shared his share to her and instructed that she work backwards through the photos as I worked forwards, telling her to download any pictures with them in full shot, or waist up which she unquestioningly complied. I pulled his details off the app which gives his exact dimensions and clothes sizes in case we need to buy extra kit. We pushed the good ones onto the projector and weeded them down until we had three, and I sent them to the A4 printer. We determined that she is slightly shorter than him and doesn’t seem to wear much make-up. The dinner pictures were too close, though they inferred that she preferred plain, fitted clothes that weren’t showy. On the wall, next to the projector image that I’d zoomed to his exact height, I instructed Alisha to use masking tape to mark out his body outline, then we marked out Sarah which took longer until we were happy. I ordered more coffee and some cakes as we left the room.

The office was now busy, and we got the photos off the printer and headed out, looking for victims. Nobody was an exact match, though Alisha found three and I found one. I introduced myself and asked that she accompany me to Alpha now. “Sorry, I’m flat out,” Rebecca replied politely.

Across the room, I saw her boss. “Jacob,” I called out firmly and he hobbled over. Andy, I mouthed to him and his face dropped as he was supposed to be in Patagonia instead, then I shrugged meaning OK and looked down at the girl.

“Please clear your diary … for today,” he hesitated looking at me with a polite smile, and she was stunned that this unknown has the authority to summon her boss and purloin her so suddenly and for so long.

Back at Alpha, we cycled our Victims against the wall, though with the projector off, adjacent to, then inside, Sarah’s outline. Rebecca was the best fit, and we gratefully released the others, then we put her back against the wall, with the projector on. Poor girl, she’s absolutely stunned. At least Alisha is playing along well, I thought! We moved to the back and discretely talked, like a pair of farmers deciding on which heifer to buy at the stockyards, discerning that she was a size smaller than Sarah, then we returned and broke out the food.

“We’re off,” I bade Alisha, and she knew to issue letters of thanks to our unsuccessful victims, cc’ing their divisional manager. “Please bring your coat and we’ll be doing some walking,” I instructed Bex as we headed to my car, and then to the shops.

In the clothes shop, we politely talked, though I could see she was stunned, wondering why we were here. I knew that explaining would be too hard and too abstract, so it was best that she just obeyed me. I located the Womenswear section and asked her size to more confusion. I went through the racks purposely passing over candidates to her until we had six, then led her to the changing rooms. I got her to try on each one, coming out into the full light so I could closely examine her like a model. Some were too tight, though looked good on her, some were just bad on her and one was perfect, which I shot with my phone and told her to put in a different pile, then we revisited for more candidates until I had six which, in turn, I put on the counter and shot each dress and also the barcode tag. I instructed the attendant to hit the shelves and get one size larger in each which she then wore, and they were thankfully slightly loose and re-shot the barcodes. The final decision could wait, and I decided to sleep on it, though I thought Sarah would look good in any and I felt happy anticipating her surprise. We concluded with a decent lunch with pleasant conversation, and I got to know her better. When the time came, I would explain to her what today was about, though this wasn’t the time. We’re always looking for new Rapid members and I decided that I had a good candidate facing me, though it would take time for me to ensnare her! My letter to her, Jake and my boss, the Director, would wait until after the full success of today was determined: I knew that it would be somewhere between good and stunning.

In my office, I called Sarah to check in and she said that they’d had a brief and tense chat when he was at Mojave, though she knew that this was due to him rushing. She’d decided to work at home for the week and told the producer that the only way she was contacting Andy was via messenger. I hadn’t determined his phone signal, though strongly suspected that they had a good one, but decided that it was best to keep down the people who could call him so he could focus on the mission and his chats with her.

Later, Angie called me to let me know that everyone had arrived. She relayed that Weasel said that Andy was professional but very distant and it was obvious that that he missed her. I replied that Sarah was wrung out. She said they were planning a breakfast link-up with Sarah and Weasel would 1:1 after, which I said was great as she’d hear directly how much he was needed.

Over the next few days, we communicated, and she was getting fed up with The Pests pushing to get Andy. On the next call with him, I sent my three candidate dresses and told him to let me OMessage remote into his phone. While he was looking at them I created a BLOCK group and added the Producer. No chance of that bugger getting him now: better they don’t have to lie about why, I thought, as he told me which one to buy. This would be my gift to her, and I cried gently in knowledge, again thinking of my so-long-ago-guy. I called the store manager who I knew and placed my order, requesting it be boxed.

Late on Wednesday, I had an unexpected call from her. She was livid and I then understood as she explained how he’d been got at. She’d told me about Day 1 Bring Up and had said she’d never contact him again at that time and now they were going to do a link-up at that rotten time. She’d supportively kept counsel and supported him, though was worried that things would go bad. I made a few rude remarks about their behaviour, though my role was simply to console and absorb. For me, going behind backs is the height of rudeness, and that rudeness doesn’t go unanswered. I had its germ and suspected a different one was forming in her head. I showed her a video of The Lodge where they’d stay which soothed her somewhat and now, my respect for her was immense. I realised that she might be truly equal to, and worthy of him, though I was sad and angry that they were in the buggers’ trap.

I called Angie again to let her know and for her to warn her twin. On our calls, I’d regularly mentioned and praised Sarah and I sent her a pic of Sarah’s to-be dress. “You know, in any other circumstance, I’d want her,” [in my team] she mused, “Not going to tell Sis: she’s perfectly capable of hitting me up,” she snorted!

As sadly expected, Bring Up went bad due to an overnight re-tasking. He was still crying when he called me and, to be strong for him, I had to dig deep not to cry. I saw the box on the office sofa and smiled, “The dress will solve everything,” being reminded of the feeling I got when Dennis gave me one, though sad at how long ago that was. He brightened at the reminder and thinking of her in person tomorrow. I thought their reunion would be good, though I was worried that when he returned home, the buggers would ruin it maybe I can reverse that, I thought. During the call I got him to let me remote in again, this time I added BLOCK UNKNOWNS, setting an expiry of the morning after his return.  After the call, it was my turn to cry hard alone in anger at what they’d done and my loving memories of Dennis came flooding back, washing the pain away. Mostly.

We like to make Downs as comfortable as possible. This includes getting a reserved area in a Lounge so that people can unwind and re-connect before the flight, though they have to make their own way to the airport. From the off, I’d decided on XXXX and asked her to tell me where I could pick her up from. It was very early and, even in the dim light and in jeans, zip-neck and trainers, I saw her beauty and composure which deepened my admiration for her, especially after last night.

I decided that what he’d told me, he could tell her, and I wouldn’t as I’m good at keeping secrets! In the car, I asked her about it and she was blunt and somewhat brittle. “Stupid bullies get it eventually,” I acknowledged, briefly squeezing her knee hard, then rubbing it gently as I’d squeezed too hard, as was thinking of those buggers, and concluded, “Together you stand, they will fall nasty, hard, and unexpectedly,” as my germ started to sprout. I laughed at his take-down of Sally as: for us, trapping and taking down was a playful sport that we’d played a lot.

At the airport, I continued leading her as she was still understandably rough after last night. The dress box was labelled 10B (Angie) and there was a smaller, likewise-labelled one, containing Nest-branded sports clothes that I thought she might like and would help her fit in there.  As we’ve previously had items nicked in transit at the airport, I have Airside ID so I can act a an agent for Angie when she sends stuff over to prevent this, and then her vicious reaction! It also means that I can ask check-in staff, and I always do, mainly to make sure they don’t fuck things up which does happen. It’s also useful for cutting to the head of the screening line and I surprised her with this too.

At the Lounge, it was good to see all the families again and I was proud that they actively went for her, including her in everything and making her discretely their centre, so taking her mind off everything. Soon the flight was called, and I escorted them to the gate, though my work here was incomplete. I headed to the Security Office where I hunted down the Team Leader who I knew well. In booking Sarah’s flights, I had her passport, and forwarded this with the needed documents to Security. They handed over her airside pass the hug gets tighter, so does the nut-squeeze, I knew, knowing nobody else did.

As usual, Angie reverted to Secretary and headed out to Atlanta with the kit on the 757 and I anticipated her meeting with Sarah when they joined the plane. She can be rather forceful when hands-on and under stress, and I hoped she wouldn’t accidentally scare poor Sarah! After she’d got on the plane, David discretely messaged Weasel and I: bit of a scare: Ange full on as usual! S cool tho and chatting with her! After arriving in Patagonia, he discretely sent me a pic of them hugging on the runway which I thought was so romantic. It was now night again and I was alone in the office. Memories of long-ago the times I’d met Dennis at the airport came flooding back and I cried long, soft streams of tears as I still missed him and had never managed to find anyone remotely equal. Enjoy the flight back, I texted Angie to distract.

On the first night there, they called me, thanking me for the dress and later, he asked me to get the others. She solo’d So very grateful to me which made me cry, and later they sent me a pic at dinner of her in it. I showed this to Alisha, and we agreed that it was a stunner, and thought he looked good too, though I’ve never seen him dressed less than adequate!

I thought they would discuss quitting TLS after that shit show. He is very loyal, and I sensed she is too, so their discussion was more of an academic airing and the decision would be clear: they were still in because they’d made a promise, and not from loyalty to those who had betrayed them.

Weasel and David called during the week advising that things were going well, and much better. She’d had another 1:1 with her upon arrival, admitting that she’d heard everything on that horrid morning. Their admiration grew for her during the week and she and Dog called Angie and I to discuss hitting her up about Nest as they were impressed with her and made very positive comments about their relationship. I smiled when Angie dropped her offer and was happy when they came back advising that she’d accepted. This meant more work for me in setting her up as Stream Junior to his Stream Lead, though this time, I thought that I’d not be doing much as the Stream EA as they’d use the work to bond.

On her return, she called me, again thanking me for everything. She looked straight at me, “I’ve told them about our plans..” and I smiled, knowing that she’d told the crew straight: you have no choice. With each call, I admired her more as she knew what they needed and was politely resolute in striding for it. If the buggers weren’t happy, she didn’t care much!

Dog called me and asked if they could send me the brooch that they were having made for and I agreed. Let me know when you want them, I messaged Andy.

The night before his arrival, I called her and asked that she meet me at his place as I needed help setting it up: this is the truth, sort of! Thus, my soft hand extended around them and, the other tightened around the crew’s nuts, not that that either knew or realised yet. I wrapped by letting Alisha know that she was Master from late tomorrow until I returned to the office as I knew that she was ready to step up, though things were quiet.

If we need to at Nest Up, the EAs will go to someone’s house, use the instructions in the App to quickly enter, then gather the required belongings and be out within five minutes as everything is videoed and bullet-pointed, though my US colleagues have to make extra-loud announcements to deal with the prevalence of guns! I’d gone round mid-second week just to tidy, so I knew that everything was good, but I would need help with the cake and Alisha helped me get it into the boot.

At his house, Sarah was in a good mood as she followed my instructions, and I saw her linger and examine. I gave them a decent supply of food for their time at his and she helped me with the cake and champagne as I wanted.

I said I needed to fix an OMessage problem and she passed her phone to me. Hands tightening again, I thought as I created a Block Group on her phone: Exclude Unknowns and the Producer, setting the expiry to 9 AM tomorrow. “That’ll teach the fuckers,” I carelessly grunted as now they were offline to the buggers and any random phone number they’d try to use, which had been a one-time trick the prick had played!

I drove and as I did, more hand extensions: this time passing across her new Nest ID and Airside cards. The hands extended more as I steered into the right lane away from the Short Stay and towards the Staff Zone which I have a tag for. In the corner of my eye, I saw her shrug She’s not stupid: just riding along, I realised. As we went through staff screening, my hug to her became obvious: their reunion wasn’t going to be filmed, and I wondered whether the crew were starting to feel my squeeze manifest by her absence. Each step towards the gate was my hug increasing and hopefully, the crew starting to feel my squeeze as they stressed about her absence and dead phone too!

Angie had told the airline to get him off first and now the hug enveloped as he walked through the door first. It was so cute that they were in identical clothes, and he made for me out of respect, though peeling at the last minute to her and then their embrace. I was holding back tears of joy at seeing their embrace and needed to give them time, and me to cry, so I forced a smile and patted their heads and told them to meet at the café. Memories flooded back of the sadly too few times I’d met Dennis at the airport, and I walked fast to staunch tears. I started to laugh realising that the crew would be shitting themselves wondering where she was, which I did care about as things were going exactly to plan!

At the café, I saw the throng of deplaners pass. Just as the drinks arrived, I felt arms around me as they gratefully embraced me, setting us all off in floods of joyous, loving tears. Were they In Love? I mused, Probably not yet, as they’re cautious, though not that far off, I concluded in my tears as I moved back to give them space and guard them. Inwardly, I was laughing as this was working out much better than I’d hoped: they were now using a kid’s toy, kissing and feeding as the crew must be getting desperate as she should have been there long ago and likely, him coming through the doors to be filmed embracing her, whereas the embracing was in front of me! I went and got a pitcher, then returned with a playful angry look: Time for bed kids! They released and she told me that they united scribbling was a reminder of his/their vows. This deserved another, lovingly joyous embrace and thinking of the buggers’ landside misery made me even happier!

Finally, we animatedly headed to baggage claim and then via the Aircrew line to passport control. I knew that the crew must be going ape wondering about the dead phones and absent couple, and I had one final, painful squeeze to apply as I directed them towards the car, though I didn’t tell them to space out. I held tight to them, saw the anxious crew and couldn’t resist a final, painful squeeze: I stared straight at the betrayers, glared a smile and flashed birds wonder if they’ll be able to use any of this crap for the show? I wondered, inwardly sniggering as we left the terminal as she asked if I wanted the spare room. I admired them for this, and specially my boy for letting her decide. I had spectacularly made their night .. and the crew’s too, though in the inverse!

In the dark car, I sped down the deserted motorway towards his, basking in the reflected heat of today, with the generators lovingly curled up asleep behind. At his, I discretely made my way to the spare bedroom and quickly fell into a deep, wonderous, and sated sleep, though I thought that their sleep would be delayed as they got the heat out of their system. Not that later, my alarm went, and I discretely headed back to the kitchen where I set out a breakfast fit for lovers like Dennis had done for sadly too short a time, then I headed into the office.

I called Angie to let her know that they were ensconced. “Shame those bastards didn’t get what they deserve,” she angrily remarked.

I shrugged, thinking that Angie’s idea of retribution was nasty, vicious and involved sackings. I just smiled, shrugged and put up a full hand [5th Amendment], “Now Angela,” I stared at the camera and using her hated full name, “Depends on your definition,” a larger shrug, “You know that Washup is for knowledge sharing,” I sternly reproached my friend, and smiled. That’s for them to tell and I’ll fill in the blanks, I decided as she laughed wondering what I’d done.

Normally during the pre-Washups, we’re all in the same room and the EA guides the Senior and Junior. Andy’s done a few of these under my tutelage and I decided that, for once, I’d be very hands-off as I thought that they’d be doing it somewhat less intensely, though more collegial and hands-on! For the EAs, Alisha was my junior and I decided that Jake would be the EA as both guys have done that role too.

Back in the office, I realised that people were looking at me weirdly. I met Jake in the café, and he gave me the same look, then asked if I’d heard from Andy as he knew was back, though unable to contact him due to The Test’s ban on calling non-participants which they were semi-adhering to. “They’re OK” I coyly replied and realised that I was still feeling the love waves that I’d set off at the airport. As a nuclear warhead is small and creates an enormous mushroom cloud and then the blast waves, my gentle steering had created an enormous feeling of love that was still rippling. Feels different from In Love, though just as nice I reconciled.

As part of her plan to ensnare Sarah, Angie had hit up Andy’s now-ex boss about him part-timing which he was delighted about, and he’d now be coming accompanied. As usual, Andy was very diligent in his paperwork and had found time at home to sign back in his clothes and passport and arranged a time when they’d be apart to bring back the Locker Kit. When we met, sadly Jake was out for his cast to be changed, so we quickly knocked through the formalities. He also had a largeish reusable bag for the dresses and wanted to meet Bex, though he was being very cheeky about it. I playfully slapped him across the head and with my response to his second comment, he gave me a gentle put-down as I was still really feeling that night! I didn’t realise that my voice would inspire terror in the poor girl, and I realised that she’d managed to forget the whole, mad experience that I’d put her through when she didn’t recognise the dress that she’d briefly worn.

Back in the office, we were more emotional than we’d ever been together as we embraced. I had made him so happy and that had flowed back to me. The brooch box looked stylish and, while I’d seen the Tag’s image, I hadn’t seen the actual Formal, though I knew that it would look amazing on her when he pinned it to the dress. I inwardly smiled when he mentioned that when they’d filmed them, the crew had been excessively respectful, so I simply kissed him on the forehead as a mother does You know that I did it. Good boy. I’ve rarely kissed any of my children, though this was definitely right. I was thinking about how romantic it would be when he gave her the dresses and the brooch as I always loved Dennis giving me dresses and I’d made my appreciation long and very clear.

Angie and I were planning Washup and, as we all do, Andy loves The Chalet, in part as he was on the project that turned a bankrupt disaster into what it is now. We discussed sending them over earlier to set up which would give them some extra them-time and having the Weasel and Dog families there, ensuring that they were around friends for what would be a hectic week. Weasel had called me and said that Sarah was still slightly wary of Angie after their initial encounter and we laughed, and she wondered if I knew any graphic designers as Terri needed some help.

Over the next fortnight, everyone was busy, and I regularly checked their Washup notes and was impressed, so I had little contact with them, apart from a coffee invite. Seeing her as they entered in the red dress and the brooch was breathtaking and I knew that I’d scored three bullseyes with them. The brooch looked amazing on her and made perfect even better, though poor Bex looked completely stunned as she trailed in and seemed to worsen when she saw me!

The girl’s mood started to lighten as they dished out the cake and coffees as she realised that she finally might actually know what the eddy that she’d been sucked into was about, and then turned into merriment as we enjoyed their video. I unguardedly mused my thoughts about the reunion which surprised her again, though nothing that they didn’t know as they were just too polite to ask! Then it was my turn to cry as they gave me the Manor House Spa voucher as he knows I love spas. They said they’d timed it for when the families had been bribed into doing Family Day filming, albeit still very reluctantly. After, I sent my letter of appreciation to Jake and soon, Bex would feel it weigh in her payslip, though my reach on her would tighten.

I had a final use of Bex before leaving. This time, I invited her and Jake to the café, rather than my office as I wanted honest opinions. I smiled and asked him what he thought about me. “

You’re like a wise cat that keeps us mice in tow. Always watching, rarely striking,” he shrugged as she looked on wondering where this was going.

I asked him about Angie who he knew well.

“That cat carries a baseball bat and isn’t afraid to whack the mice,” he snorted.

I asked Bex to sketch out what she’d just heard about us and summarise it in one image, though do several so we could review at the end of the week, which we did, and I got one screen-printed onto tops which I took to Whistler, though I asked Alisha to post a set to their families after I’d left.

The Spa was amazing, full massage, sauna, all the works. It’s been so long since anyone pampered me and I knew that this was a gift of true love and again, sometimes during my wonderful morning, I cried tears of joy. Then, it was time for lunch. I walked in and recognised them, though was shocked that the families were identically, and rather offensively attired as they got up and embraced me, to the shock of her family and somewhat surprise of his as I’ve met his parents several times. I really wanted to know about the T-shirts, though the message was clear: someone else really had it in for the buggers and, then I seriously thought that I had another candidate in Ellie. His parents were surprised that they were hugging me as they’ve always considered me stern and distant, which I mostly am, though the love at the table was flowing like a tsunami. I had melted since the airport and colleagues thought I must have a lover! Sadly, I wasn’t in love, though I was being warmed by the radiant heat of their pure love which my periodic drips of love had enriched and created a wonderful feedback loop. I’m not a mushy person, but this was the most love I’d felt in decades: different from Dennis’ and mine, but enormously enriching, and probably it had the same outward effects on me.

I love the twins’ kids as they are young enough to be proper kids and ones I wish that we’d had the time to have. Terri is a mix of her mum and aunt: caring and considerate with a hint of drive that sometimes politely trips me. At The Inn, she tripped me hard with her formal thanks. For a minute, I had to remind myself that I was talking to a girl, not her mother, though I wondered how Bex would feel seeing a girl on her screen. It was fun seeing Andy and Sarah together, relaxed albeit professional and, like other couples, they’d briefly sneak off together.

As soon as Sarah had accepted Angie’s offer, I knew that her first Consideration would be the blackout and I smiled at her acerbic phrasing, as did Angie. Now it was our turn to make a point, something I’d reeled Bex in with. I glared at him when he catcalled me about the jumper as he knew both meanings: a message about the buggers and a wider one that EAs are always lurking! When I’d hatched my plan, I’d dug deep in my mind to find those functions that, until now, I was one of the last to know, though now I wanted everyone to make sure they were intimately familiar with OM. I saw them whisper and nudge when I mentioned my comments about new members so sweet the way they work together my heart cried.

During Washup, it was good to see Sarah getting to know everyone and they got to tell their story, including the mysterious airport reunion and people asked me about my role in it and I simply replied, “Those that were due, got what was due!” At Conclusions, her calling him up and the accompanying speech was subtle and powerful in its praise for him and us and reinforced the core tenet of our existence: Absolute Trust and then Weasel and I came to the stage and embraced them. This is when I became sure that after I unite forever with Dennis, people will remember still my actions, mostly for good!

Published 2 months ago

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