“Becky, you can send in my next appointment now, please,” I said into the intercom on my desk.
“Yes Sir,” Becky’s voice came from the small wood-grained metal box on my desk. A couple of moments later Becky opened the door and a woman walked into my office.
I had my back turned at the moment, but I heard the door close. As I turned around, I was taken aback by the stunning woman that was now standing in my office.
Let me back up a moment here. My name is Peter Andrews, and I am a clinical psychologist specializing in marital and sexual relations problems.
I am fifty-two years old and have had my own practice for about twelve years now. I worked previously with a couple of other doctors but decided to open my own practice and it has been quite successful.
Now the woman in my office, I will call her Judy, was quite attractive. She was about thirty years old I would guess, but she looked younger. She had a very nice, but nervous smile. In fact, at first glance, she looked quite nervous and unsure that she should be in my office at all.
“D-Doctor Andrews?” she said timidly.
“Yes I’m Doctor Andrews, please come in and have a seat, Miss…?” I said.
“It’s Mrs… Mrs. Judy Miller,” she said.
“I see. Well, I find that my patients feel more comfortable when we talk as friends instead of doctor-patient so you can call me Peter. Now tell me, Judy, what can I do to help you?” I said.
“Well… Peter… I have a small problem. Well, actually it’s not so small, to be honest. It’s actually a pretty big problem,” she said. I could tell she was uncomfortable talking about it just yet. I was going to have to put her at ease and coax it out of her.
“Maybe it would help if we got to know a little bit about each other. That way you would feel more at ease with me and I wouldn’t seem like such a “doctor” kind of guy to you. I’ll start. I have lived here in the Houston area for about fifteen years now. I used to live in Minneapolis, but I got tired of the cold winters.
“I am originally from San Diego and was going to go back there, but the place just isn’t home anymore. However, I wanted someplace warm and a couple of doctor friends asked if I’d like to join their practice. So I did, but a few years later I decided to open my own practice. This way I am my own boss and I make my own rules and hours and workdays.
“Anyway, I’m divorced–I know it’s funny a marriage counselor that is divorced, but it wasn’t my decision. My ex-wife decided one day that she wanted something more than a budding psychologist could give her. I was just glad that we had decided to wait on having kids–it made the break up at least a little easier to take.
“That’s when I decided to change my specialty to marriage and family counseling, hopefully, to spare others from what I went through. It was also another reason for moving to Houston… I figured a fresh start in another place would help me get my life back on track.
“I like to get outdoors when I can, especially to the beach. I love the ocean, which is another reason I came to Houston. I try to get to the beach as often as I can and have a little beach house down in Galveston.
“I’m probably the only doctor you will come across that doesn’t golf–I hate the game! Hitting a small white ball with a crooked stick and then chasing after it just to hit it again! I don’t get the game. But that’s okay, there are plenty that do so I leave the golf courses to them.
“So what about Judy Miller? Tell me a little about you and what brings you to my humble office,” I said.
“Well, there really isn’t much to tell. I’m thirty years old, married, with one beautiful little girl. My husband David is an insurance salesman, and I have lived in Houston for most of my life.
“I’m a stay at home mom until my daughter gets a little older. Then I will find a secretarial job someplace. I was a secretary and receptionist before I got pregnant and, while I love being a mom, I can hardly wait to get back to the office setting,” she said.
“I see. So what brings you to my office, Judy? How can I help you today?” I asked her, hoping she was able to talk more now.
“Well doctor–I mean Peter,” she started. She paused a drew a deep breath. Whatever it was certainly had her troubled. “This is really hard to talk about. It’s our sex life. You see David is a wonderful man and a good provider but…” she stalled again.
“But what Judy?” I asked, trying to get her to the root of the problem.
“I have never had an orgasm!” she finally blurted out. She put her face in her hands, embarrassed at admitting this. “Oh God! I’m so embarrassed! I can’t believe I’m telling you about this!”
“Now Judy, there’s no need to be embarrassed. I’m here to help you, not judge you. You say you never had an orgasm? Not even when you were dating, or before your daughter was born?” I asked.
“No never. At first, I thought it just wasn’t the right guy… maybe it wasn’t meant to be. But then even after I met and fell in love with David it still didn’t happen. I started thinking it was me–something must be wrong with me. But I’ve been checked out by a couple of different doctors and there’s no medical reason why I can’t.
“I mean I have everything physically that I need. But I still can’t seem to have one. And doctor, I really want one! It’s driving me crazy and now it’s affecting our sex life–what there is of it–and our marriage.
“I don’t even want to have sex anymore. I mean if it’s only going to frustrate me, why bother? But I know David wants it, so I grudgingly go along with it. But we both know my heart isn’t in it,” she said.
“Yes, I can see that would be a problem. An unsatisfactory or unbalanced sex life has been the cause of a great many divorces and breakups. When one person is unhappy with the way things are going, it affects both of them and can lead to some very strained relationships,” I told her.
“Well, it has with us. David has taken to working longer hours at work. He says that he might as well work and earn money if there’s no reason to come home! I know he doesn’t mean it but, well you know the old saying, if Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy! And it’s true. I’m afraid this problem I have is making everyone miserable!” she said.
“Indeed. So you say you’ve never had an orgasm… when did you first notice this? When was the first time you had sex and didn’t finish?” I asked her.
“I guess it must have been back when I was in high school. A few of us got together and decided that the lake held more appeal than class did so we all went to the lake and he and I snuck off into the nearby woods and had sex. Or rather he had sex and I was his handy partner.
“He took my flower that day and I just thought that it was normal when under that kind of pressure–being a virgin–to not have an orgasm. But then afterward I never did either. I don’t know what it feels like to cum, doctor. I get plenty wet, I don’t have a problem there.
“But I really want to experience a true orgasm someday before I die. I want to feel the way I read about. I like to read erotic stories, and I read about how these women feel. I want to feel that way,” she said.
“Well, it certainly sounds like there is something getting in the way of your being able to orgasm, Judy. Now, all we need to do is find it and figure out what we can do to remedy it.
“Let’s go a little further back than your first time. A lot of these kinds of problems have roots in your early childhood. What was life like for Judy as a child?” I asked her.
“I don’t know… it was pretty ordinary, I guess. I mean we weren’t dirt poor, but we weren’t rich either. My dad was a career military man, a colonel in the Army. So we moved around a lot when I was little.
“But then one day coming home from the base, he was killed in a bad traffic accident. We lived off base at the time. Dad didn’t like living so close to his work because they kept calling him in for little things. We were in Wiesbaden, Germany at the time and when he was killed, the military moved us back to the States.
“After that, Mom and I tried to do the best we could. Mom began working to support us and that, in addition to Dad’s life insurance and military spouse pension gave us enough to live above the poverty line a little.
“I mean it wasn’t nearly as good as when Dad was with us, but at least I didn’t go hungry too often. I think Mom may have gone to bed hungry more than I did. I could never prove it but I think she gave me dinner when there was only enough for one of us.
“Anyway, I grew up and after I graduated high school I went to work as a receptionist at the small insurance office. That’s when things got better for Mom and I. With me working now, and Mom working, and Dad’s money, we were doing okay.
“I met David there at the office, he came on after me and was just getting started in his career. Mom still lives here in Houston and we live close by in case she needs help with anything.
“That’s about it; like I said a pretty normal childhood, doctor. I don’t see anything that would make me have a problem like this. Do you?” she asked.
“Well, Judy, there are a couple of points to your story that are worth noting. The first one is when you told me that you were a military brat and moved around a lot. This kind of transient life can sometimes make one feel disconnected and secluded.
“You aren’t able to have the long term friendships and closeness with your peers that other kids have. You move around and have to re-establish your friends and try to fit into the crowd all over again. This can eventually lead people sometimes to give up trying to make friends after awhile.
“The other thing I noticed is when you said your father died tragically. When a parent dies, especially suddenly and unexpectedly, it can have profound effects on a young person. These effects can be anything from deep despondency and a desire to go with them–suicide–to an almost nonchalant and even refusal to accept what has happened.
“Perhaps your father’s death has somehow affected your ability to feel closeness and intimacy with another man and so you cannot fully enjoy sex like you should. Tell, me Judy, how old were you when your father died?” I asked her.
“Let’s see… I think I was about fourteen at the time. Do you really think that’s it, doctor? Do you think my father’s unexpected death has made it impossible for me to have normal sex and orgasm?” Judy asked me.
“It’s entirely possible Judy. The human mind is a very complicated and unpredictable thing. And human emotions vary widely as well. It might be that you have somehow transferred both of these factors, your moving around a lot and the death of your father, onto any man that you feel is getting too close to you.
“You are afraid of losing them. Afraid of either you or them moving away, or of them dying and leaving you alone that way. So you just don’t get attached fully. I mean I’m sure you love your husband, but perhaps you haven’t fully given yourself to him. It’s a self-protection mechanism we have. We don’t get close, so we don’t get hurt. I have seen it before many times.” I said.
“I guess that makes sense. But what do I do about it? How am I supposed to get past this if I am unable to let anyone get close to me? What am I going to do doctor?” Judy said, nearly crying. It was plain that this problem was eating at her very much.
“Well Judy, I do think I can help you. I think we should consider scheduling a few sessions so we can talk more about this, and I will do my best to get you over whatever it is that seems to be stopping you from enjoying sex fully,” I said.
“Whatever you think is best doctor. All I know is that if I don’t have an orgasm soon I am going to join the monastery and become a nun!” she said, sounding exasperated.
“Oh, I don’t think anything that extreme is needed! Let’s see, how does next Wednesday work for you say around 3:00? We could start then if that’s fine for you and then maybe schedule a session once a week to start then backing off to once every couple weeks if things progress like I think they will,” I suggested.
“That sounds fine. Like I said doctor, I am willing to do anything at this point in order to fix me. This is not a life, and it’s not fair to my family either. So whatever we have to do to get past this problem I have, I will do,” she said.
“Okay, for starters, then. I want you to stop thinking of yourself as a broken toy. You don’t need ‘fixing’ Judy. You aren’t some child’s toy that can be mended with a little glue.
“You are a person… a person with an issue that we can work on getting you over. But we will do that. If you are as committed as you seem to be, I will work with you until we have resolved this. Okay?” I said.
Judy smiled and placed her hand over mine. “Okay, doctor. Thank you,” she said.
“You are quite welcome… and it’s Peter, okay?” I told her.
“Okay… Peter,” she said. Then she got up and left my office.
Judy did start seeing me once a week as we agreed on. The first couple of sessions were just casual getting to know more about each other type of meetings, I wanted her to feel more comfortable being in the office before I started delving into the issue at hand. But then we started talking about her problem and what I felt might be the root of it.
As I suspected, it was her “abandonment issues” and the fear that if she got close to someone, they would leave her. We discussed her father and what happened to him since that part of the problem seemed the more important one.
Judy had been very close to her father and admired him greatly. He was her hero and her standard for any man to measure up to. So when “superman” was felled by the car accident, her world exploded like the planet Krypton.
Judy had been coming to see me for a couple of months when one day I got a panicked call at the office.
“Doctor, Mrs. Miller is on line two and she says it’s urgent. She sounds quite distraught,” Becky, my receptionist said over the intercom. Since I didn’t have a patient at the time, I took her call.
“Hello, Judy, this is Doctor Andrews, what seems to be the problem?” I said.
“Oh, Doctor! I don’t know what to do! David and I got into a big fight last night… I think he’s finally had about all he can take! Oh God, he’s going to leave me too! Everyone leaves me!” she sobbed over the phone.
“Okay calm down Judy. Take a breath. What happened?” I asked.
“We were having a good day yesterday, but last night, David came to bed and wanted to make love… I tried, I really tried hard… but it… it didn’t happen again!
“He got mad and said that I didn’t love him… that if I loved him I would let him please me… I do love him, doctor! I do! He rolled over and went to sleep without talking anymore and this morning he went off to work before I got up, leaving me a note on the bathroom mirror!” she sobbed.
“Well, he is probably just letting off some steam, Judy. I don’t think he is serious about leaving you just yet. He obviously still loves you if he wanted to make love last night. Just give him a chance to vent it out and he will be back,” I said, trying to calm her down.
“Peter, I really need to see you. I need someone to talk to. Is there any chance you could squeeze me in? I wouldn’t ask except I am so upset over this. Please?” she asked.
“Hang on a second, Judy, let me check my schedule. Don’t hang up, I’ll be right back,” I told her.
Then I buzzed Becky. “Becky how does my schedule look. Mrs. Miller would like to know if she can get an emergency session.”
“Well doctor, she’s in luck, we had a cancellation a little while ago so your last appointment won’t be able to make it. You are free from 3:00 on. Shall I make an appointment for her?” Becky asked.
“Yes, Becky, please do, thank you,” I said.
Then I went back to Judy’s call. “Judy, we had a cancellation this afternoon so if you still want to come in, you and I can talk about this at 3:00 this afternoon,” I told her.
“Oh, thank you, Peter! I will be there. Thank you so much!” she said. The relief in her voice was obvious.
And sure enough, promptly at 3:00, Judy arrived at my office. “Hello Doctor, thank you again for seeing me like this. I am at my wit’s end, and David has certainly had enough of my lack of intimacy,” she said.
“So tell me what happened last night. You said you had a great day… when did it start going downhill?” I asked her.
“Well I had just put Lisa to bed and David and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. I was all cuddled up with him and we started kissing a little… which led to more kissing and then a little making out. I actually was feeling pretty good and thought maybe tonight was the night.
“But when we got to bed and were making love, I just couldn’t finish again. David did but I couldn’t quite get there. And that’s when David blew up. He wants so much to be able to give me pleasure… to make me cum. But I just can’t seem to get there!
“Peter, what am I going to do? Poor David doesn’t deserve this. And I don’t think he’s going to be able to take much more. I know I can’t. If I don’t cum soon…” she said.
I looked at her. I could see the desperation in her face, the pain and hopelessness in her eyes. I have seen that look before and I was determined to help this poor woman.
“Judy, I know this problem you are having in reaching an orgasm has got you completely distraught and I know it has put a terrible strain on your marriage.
“There is one technique I could show you that might help you, but it is pretty unorthodox and many feel it is just too… um… personal. But if you are interested I will show you,” I said.
“Doctor I am desperate. I will try anything, do anything to fix this. Please, whatever it is let’s do it!” she implored me.
“Okay Judy, just understand that what I am about to do cannot leave this room. I could lose my license for what I am going to do. But I really think it will help you,” I said.
“Peter, you are my friend and I know you are trying to help me. I trust you. It’s all right, let’s do whatever you think will work,” she said.
“Okay, then you will need to get undressed,” I said as I went to lock the door. “Becky, It’s almost quitting time. I will be here with Mrs. Miller for the rest of the afternoon. Why don’t you just go ahead home? And lock the reception door when you leave. Thank you,” I said into the intercom.
“Yes, Sir. Goodnight,” came the reply.
“Okay, doctor, I’m ready. I turned to look at my patient. She looked stunning.
Judy Miller was a very shapely and attractive woman with long legs, a tight, firm ass, and generous breasts. Her long, black hair hung softly down to her shoulders and framed her lovely face perfectly. I could easily see why David was attracted to her and why he had tolerated this “problem” of hers for so long, I wouldn’t want to leave her if I was him either!
“You are a very lovely woman Judy,” I said. And it was no hollow compliment either. Had she not been married, I would have been tempted to shun my ethics and make a play for her myself!
“Thank you, Peter.”
“Okay now, what I am about to do is pretty simple, albeit unusual. I believe the reason you can’t reach an orgasm with David is because you fear getting close to him. So you have put up a mental wall between you two that prevents you from getting close and protects you from getting hurt.
“However, I am nothing, but a doctor. You don’t fear getting close to me, because you know you won’t. You and I are only friends because you are my patient. So there is a built-in distance between us. And because of this, I am going to see if I can help you,” I said.
“Um… okay…” she said still unsure of what I was going to do. Which is exactly what I wanted. If she had known my plans they may not have worked.
I stepped closer and lifted her up to sit on the edge of the desk. I cleared a path for her and gently laid her back caressing her softly with my hand as I did. I felt her tremble under my touch, but she cooperated.
I allowed my hand to glide over her smooth silky skin, my fingertips trailing ever so lightly behind my hand as I moved it down from her shoulder across her bare chest and down one side. She looked up at me as I began as if wondering what was in my mind.
I tried very hard to keep telling myself this was therapy, although to be perfectly honest, having a beautiful woman like this naked in my office and allowing me to have my way with her was a hell of a temptation!
My fingers then moved to her wonderful breasts, so full and ripe. I traced a finger around her areola and then brushed lightly over her nipple, which responded instantly. I took one of the meaty buttons between my fingers and rolled it a bit, plucking at it to get it to stand tall and erect.
I cupped her breast in my hand, squeezing it a bit and kneading the soft creamy flesh in my hand. Judy gasped slightly but didn’t try to push my hand away. I looked down at the woman lying on my desk. I looked into her eyes and smiled. Then I leaned down and kissed her.
At first, her kiss was cautious and unsure. But when she saw that there were no thunderbolts from heaven coming her way, she relaxed and opened herself to the kiss more. She moaned, almost imperceptibly, into my mouth. But I heard it. I tasted her need as I kissed her deeply.
I kissed her harder and felt as her hand moved up behind my head. She was beginning to accept my advances. This was good. I needed to get her really aroused before I could move in and see about getting her off. My hand squeezed her breast harder and I curled my fingers into the milky meat doing my level best to get her turned on.
Judy was still a bit hesitant, her feelings for her husband and not wanting to cheat on him were strong. But I could feel her resolve beginning to weaken. I kept up the pressure.
My kisses left her sweet mouth and moved to her neck. I knew from experience that neck kisses were a hot button for a lot of women and I was hoping Judy was one of them. Happily, she was, and she moaned more audibly as I kissed and nibbled at her soft neck.
Judy turned her head to allow me better access to her neck and I gently moved her hair away stroking her cheek before I kissed her again. Then my kisses moved south to her shoulder.
I kissed along her collarbone and then down the middle of her chest until I got to the valley between her soft globes. I raised my head at that point and saw that Judy had gotten more aroused just as I had hoped. While not completely lust-mad yet, she was definitely feeling good about this, and I had to smile.
“Shall I continue?” I asked her in a low voice.
“Please…” she softly said.
“Tell me. Tell me what you want me to do Judy,” I said.
“Please lick my… nipples,” she said.
I leaned down and licked one of her nipples with the flat of my tongue feeling the hard nub scrape against the rough surface on my tongue. Then I fastened my mouth over it and began chewing on it in earnest.
Judy came alive then, moaning and holding my face harder against her breast. I licked and sucked her sweet breast meat, encouraged by her responsiveness. My hand went to play with her other breast so it wouldn’t feel left out. But she moved my head over to lick and suck on it for a while, sharing my mouth and tongue between the two.
I listened to the sound of her increased breathing and the moans and coos of pleasure she was voicing as I worked. I was very pleased with how she was responding to me. Judy was definitely a sensuous and sexy woman and she had no trouble expressing her pleasure!
As much fun as I was having with her and as delicious as she tasted, I knew I couldn’t tarry too long. I had a job to do, and I needed to get on with it.
So while my mouth kept her occupied chewing and nibbling on her tender breasts, my free hand started wandering further down her body. It glided over her smooth belly and down across her waistline.
Judy still wore her panties, her modesty prevented her from getting completely undressed yet, but that was fine. I simply moved over top and began rubbing her through the flimsy material.
“Ohh, God!” she moaned. She had found her voice and in the quiet solitude of the office, her moans and whimpers resounded wonderfully. She opened her legs and let me work over her panty-clad pussy as my mouth continued feasting on her breasts.
By now Judy had become quite aroused and letting me pretty much do as I pleased. And I was pleasuring her as my hands and mouth nibbled and caressed her most sensitive spots. Her moans and cries told me that she was on fire and was ready for the next phase. It was time to bump things up a notch.
I left the side of my reclined patient and moved around to her feet. My desk was big enough (and sturdy enough) to support her fully from just behind her knees to just over her head. Her lower legs would dangle off the edge but I had a cure for that as well.
I placed a hand on each thigh just above her knees and slowly slid them up the tops of her thighs. I watched her as I advanced and saw that her curiosity was piqued as well. When I got to her panties I took hold of the waistband and she bit her lip as I began withdrawing my hands, taking the garment with me.
Slowly I drew her panties down her legs and she whimpered a little as I revealed the last vestige of her intimacy.
I was pleased to see that Judy, while not shaved like I prefer, was well trimmed and her pubes were short and soft. The dark hair framed her swollen and slightly distended pussy lips beautifully. I could see a glint of moisture on her hair and lips too as the room light refracted in it. She had a lovely little box!
When I had pulled her panties clear of her feet, leaving her now in just her heels, I brought her feet up and set them on my desk with her knees up and her ass and feet flat on the desktop.
I moved her feet to the far corners of the desk and opened her knees wide. I looked once again at the sweet fruit waiting for me and then I looked up her body and into the face of my supine angel…