Chapter 4 – A Whole Lotta Spankin’ Goin’ On
Part 15 – The Long Weekend & Spanking in the Park
I’d barely pulled out of the lot into traffic when Susan announced, “When we get home, I’m gonna spank you!” Before I’d had time to react, she added, “I’m gonna pull your pants down and give you a spanking! You need to get spanked good and hard!”
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied, adding, “Are you gonna put me …”
“Over my knee? Oh yes, as soon as your pants hit the floor, you’ll be pulled over my lap, and the spanking will begin just as suddenly!” I wasn’t sure how to respond because my mind was to some degree on a surprising amount of traffic that eventually came to a standstill, at which point she asked, “Don’t you want to know what you’re getting spanked for?” I was unsure where this was going and felt I’d missed something, so I said nothing.
“You just can’t stop, can you?” Still confused, I remained quiet. “Sticking your hand up my skirt! Trying to get your fingers on my pussy? … in my pussy? … my wet pussy?”
Seeing her legs spread again, I took that as a cue and reached between her legs and barely touched; what? Her smooth, wet lips!
Enjoying my puzzled but pleasantly surprised look, she did nothing, encouraging me to explore further, and when I did, another look of surprise showed on my face as I felt panties!? She smiled quickly before slapping my hand and pulling it from between her warm thighs. “Just because I’m wearing crotchless panties doesn’t mean you can stick your fingers in my pussy!”
Understanding dawned on my face, and I thought I knew how to play my role in this scenario she’d cooked up. I was never so grateful to be stuck in traffic. At this point, the traffic started moving, but only barely. “Susan, I’m sorry if …”
“It’s too late for ‘sorry’! You deserve a spanking! And you’re gonna get spanked as soon as we get home! Spanked good and hard right over my knee! C’mon! Admit it! You’ve earned a long, hard spanking across my knee! And likely a paddling as well! Well? Don’t you have anything else to say?” she demanded.
“Yes, ma’am, I deserve a spanking, and I’m sure I’ll have no say in how long you spank me, how hard you spank me, or even how you spank me, but I’ll try to be good. She smiled quickly, indicating I was finally on the same page of this script as her. This was going to be the fantasy she’d told me about, where we frequently use the various forms of the word ‘spank’ in our role-play conversation. The traffic inching along made continuing much easier than if I’d had to pay attention to driving as well, but it was delaying our arrival home, the frustration of which was beginning to show.
“That’s right! It is going to be a long and hard spanking! If this damn traffic will ever get moving!”
Having reached the top of a small bridge, we could now see the traffic backed up for the mile or so that was visible. As we slowly descended the other side of the bridge, Susan noticed the entrance to a county park would soon be accessible. As we reached the park entrance, she suddenly said, “Pull in there! Yes, the park! I can’t wait any longer to have your bottom in my lap getting spanked!”
Intrigued but a little concerned about exposure, I did as I was told and comforted myself with the knowledge that it was still raining, so the park ought to be nearly empty. It’s a long, narrow park with a single winding road leading to the water of the Intracoastal Waterway. I’d come here often to launch my kayak. Once near the water, the road split, forming a big loop upon which there were several picnic shelters.
We saw only one car well ahead of us that seemed to be leaving, which somewhat allayed my fears. There was a small parking lot near the kayak launch with a shelter nearby on the point of the park, jutting into the water, exposed on all sides except where a walkway led to it.
“It’s still raining, so we’ll have to do it in the back seat!” she said as I headed into that parking area. Though the back seat wasn’t exactly roomy, I would prefer it to the possible open exposure of the shelter. Susan was out the door when the car stopped and moved her seat as far forward as possible to give us more room. I did the same as Susan barked instructions.
“Come over here and get in on this side!” She was already seated in the middle when I was at that door. “You’re getting a spanking, and it’s gonna hurt! I don’t want to deal with your pants, so pull them down out there!” she said just as I was about to climb in. It was still excitingly risky, even with no chance I’d be seen. Getting in with my pants around my knees proved difficult. “Oh, just take them off!” she yelled. Thankfully, it wasn’t too hard, given the shorts and shoes I’d worn, but I was still getting wet in the rain as all this took place.
“Don’t you have something to ask me?” she asked as I finally got in and closed the door.
“Please spank me, Susan. I deserve to get spanked on my …”
“On your what?” she demanded.
“On my hiney, Susan. I deserve to have my hiney spanked good and hard!”
“Yes, you do! And now you’re gonna get spanked! Get over my knee!” The space was still very limiting, but I managed to get in place quickly and was rewarded with immediate hard spanks on both cheeks! “How do you like that, hm? Over my knee, getting a spanking on your bare hiney like a naughty little boy! Maybe a spanking will teach you that just because I’m wearing sexy clothes in public doesn’t give you the right to put your hand up my skirt to feel my pussy!”
“I’m sorry, Susan! I know I deserve to get spanked!” She spanked almost continuously and surprisingly hard! It felt so good, even if the location wasn’t ideal. “Spank me, Susan! I need to be spanked!”
“That’s right! You need it! And I’m gonna give you the spanking you need! And I’ll still be spanking you long after you’re begging me to stop!” She used all the patterns we loved: ten or twenty in the same spot, alternating cheeks, slow and hard, and just random spanks at other times. She had me quickly squirming on her lap as we both continued the spanking banter.
“Ow! OWW! You’re spanking me so hard!” I complained, not entirely without justification.
“Oh, poor baby! Doesn’t like to get spanked so hard? Is this better,” she asked as she spanked harder than I knew she was capable of!
I don’t know how many of those I got before she decided to take a rest, which wasn’t surprising as this was easily the hardest I’d ever gotten from her. Raking her fingernails over the spot she’d just spanked had me arching my back and moaning in ecstasy.
“Is my naughty boy learning his lesson? Hm? You needed this spanking, didn’t you? C’mon, tell me!” she said as she caressed my sore bottom with both hands.
“Yes, Susan. I needed to be spanked! And Susan? I want you to spank me! I want you to pull my pants down and give me a good spanking anytime you think I need it!”
“Like now?” she asked as she resumed spanking with an energy that surprised us both. She’d spank me ten times on one cheek and then ten more on the other, but very fast and getting faster and harder as she rained them down on my bottom!
“Oh! Ohh! Ohhh! Oh my God! Susan! Oh yeah! Spank me! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ohhh, spank me! Spank me! Spank me! Spank me! Spank me! Spank meee!” I cried out, and she giggled! I’d gotten close to a hundred on each cheek in less than two minutes when she switched to twenty hard and fast spanks on each cheek and stopped. My hands went to my burning hot cheeks and rubbed furiously, enjoying the burning sting she’d put there.
“That’s it! Rub your poor, little hiney! You got a really good spanking, didn’t you?”
“Oh God, yes! Thank you! Thank you for spanking me! I guess I’m gonna get paddled when we get home?”
“Oh, we’re not done here yet!” she said with a devious smile, noting the surprise on my face. “I see the rain has almost stopped, so here’s what you’ll do. I want you to get out and go to the back of the car. Open the tailgate, bend over, and wait for me. Okay? Go!”
I got out and was surprised she didn’t follow me out. I was intrigued, but I had no idea what she was up to. Doing as she asked, I opened the rear tailgate, which had a short portion that folded down while the main hatch swung upwards. I’d never considered it, but the short lower tailgate provided a great position to bend over for our favorite activity.
I quickly looked around to be sure there was still no one around, and it was safe to present my naked bottom to my beautiful Susan, strict though she may be at the moment. As I was bending, I saw her coming with a paddle. It took a few seconds to remember where we’d just been and that she’d had her choice of a dozen or more paddles. It was a large, oval-shaped leather paddle that would easily get both cheeks with a single swat.
“See?” she said, offering a view of the paddle, “We don’t have to wait to get home to get your bottom paddled good. Bend over further, not on your elbows,” she instructed. Getting in position, I realized I couldn’t see out the front windshield and hoped no one would be driving in, as this was more exposure than I’d ever had.
I was both nervous and excited at the prospect of being naked from the waist down, bent over, and publicly exposed, and I was about to get what I was sure would be a very hard paddling! “You’re getting a hundred swats, and I want you to count them quickly!” With that, the first swat landed perfectly across both cheeks.
“One, ma’am!” I said immediately.
“No, ‘ma’am.’ Just the number!” she said as the next came.
“Two … ow! … Three … Ow … Four … OW,” and so on until she stopped at ten.
“This has to go quicker! The next swat will be coming as you’re counting the one before. If you don’t count one or miscount, we start all over. Understand?”
“Yes, Susan. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen …” I counted, trying to keep up with the speed of her swats. Speed seemed to be the theme of the day, and although each stroke was hard, I was a little numb from the spanking, and the paddling felt good. She stopped at twenty-one; I suspected an attempt to trip up my counting. I decided to go along and counted twenty again when she resumed.
“Wrong! That was twenty-one! We start over!”
“One! Two! Three! Four! Five!” I counted until she stopped at twenty. Varying only how high the stroke hit my bottom, they landed with precision, both cheeks feeling the pain. The next round went to thirty before she stopped again, and an attempt to rub my burning bottom got my hand smacked with the paddle. Thinking we were halfway done, I relished this most painful spanking Susan had ever delivered!
“How does your hiney feel now? Hm? You needed this spanking! And I will spank you anytime you stick your hand up my skirt uninvited! Raise up! Give me a good view of my target, your burning red bottom! Here come the last fifty with the paddle! You’d better hold on!”
The last fifty with the paddle? Did this mean there would be more with some other implement? For the first time with Susan, I was a little worried about how far this would go. I still loved her paddling, and those last fifty were indeed wonderfully painful. As we approached fifty, I was a little disappointed that it would end soon. Little did I know …
“Now you can rub your hiney! C’mon, let me see you try and rub the pain away!” she said with a devilish smile. “Next time will be an even longer spanking and two hundred swats of the paddle if you ever try to grab my pussy under my skirt again!” she warned. Thinking it was over, I stood up and went to hug her.
“Oh, Susan! That was amaz …”
“Oh, we’re not done! You still have some more spanking coming! Go get your pants from the back seat!” she ordered. I was a little worried about what her next scene would be.
As I retrieved my shorts from the car and turned towards her, she said, “You can put them on, but don’t fasten them and leave your bottom exposed!” As I wondered what the purpose of this was, she told me. “We’re going to that shelter right on the water, where any boat, kayak, or canoe will be able to see you getting your hiney spanked and paddled! Now walk! And make sure I can see that bright red bottom all the way!”
I walked as I held my pants in front, being rewarded with an occasional swat from her paddle as she walked behind me. As I reached the end of the picnic tables beneath the shelter, I both feared and relished the full view of this shelter to the water.
It was so close to the rocky waterline, offering a view of the water from three-quarters around, and apparently, the rain hadn’t kept some boaters away. None passed closely as the water was very shallow, at least a hundred feet out, but if anyone glanced this way, there would be no doubt about what was happening. I loved how Susan ad-libbed this scene in the park and couldn’t wait to show my appreciation.
“You can drop your pants now! You won’t need them till we go home. Now, lay back with your hiney just over the end of the table!” I moaned ecstatically as I watched Susan throw her skirt off, finally allowing me to see her new panties, her crotchless panties! She climbed onto the table, lifted her leg over my prone body facing my legs, and positioned herself perfectly to smother me with her wet pussy.
As she lowered herself, I pulled the crotch slit fully open just in time for her smooth, steamy lips to envelope mine. She squirmed a bit to find the right place for my face in her slit and told me to lift my legs. Wrapping her left arm around to hold them up, she spanked me a few times to ensure I understood what I was in for.
“Now, I’m gonna spank you till you make me cum the first time! I’m gonna paddle you until I cum the second time! And if you’re still alive, I’ll jerk you off till I cum the third time! Now get that tongue working on my cunt!” she said with unexpected vulgarity and prompted me with a bunch of spanks to my tightly stretched bottom in the diaper position.
She spanked only occasionally while she wiggled around on my face, even getting on my nose for a while. When she would keep still long enough, my tongue seized the opportunity, licking and sucking her swollen, slippery lips! She motivated me with a short series of really hard spanks and commands to ‘eat my cunt’ and ‘make me cum in your face,’ which happened quickly.
“Ooo! Good boy!” she whimpered as the waves passed over her. Before she even calmed, she started again, this time grabbing my head and slamming it into her crotch as though I was fucking her with my whole face. “C’mon, Mark! Do it again!” she said more as a request than a command, and I willingly obliged. I licked, sucked, and probed her sopping wet pussy as best I could.
Realizing crotchless panties aren’t completely crotchless and noticing they were getting in my way, she got off my face long enough to take them off and throw them on the table. Sitting again on her throne, that was my face; we both kicked it up several levels.
“I think we’re being watched, Mark! A boat, a long way off, but they suddenly stopped and are just sitting there looking this way, and I don’t care, do you?”
“Give me my toy back!” Susan laughed and slapped her pussy down on my face. I’d bet it was for show that she resumed paddling with a steady, continuous pattern of swats, to which I moaned and arched my back at the new pain, groaning and mumbling with my mouth covered by her tasty, wet lips. Her pleasure accelerated rapidly when she stopped paddling, and I concentrated on my efforts to make her cum.
Using my recently freed hands, I pulled her apart and stuffed my mouth and tongue deep into her gaping hole. Crying out, she lifted her body and held it still, allowing me to penetrate her further. In less than a minute, her quivering body told me she was cumming again, and she gulped air as she went over, trying to catch her breath. She sat lightly on my face again and shuddered with each touch, lick, or nibble.
“Oh, Mark! I can’t do it again!” she said, still quivering and writhing from this orgasm. “I can’t! Not now!” As she got up off me, I sat up as well. Standing back on the shelter floor, she gave me one last order. “Come here, you!” I was standing, though not steadily, when she threw herself at me, planting kiss after kiss on my sloppy, wet face.
“Oh my god! Kiss “That was amazing! Kiss “I can’t believe we just did that!” Kiss
“Susan! I can’t believe …” Kiss “… you just did that!” Kiss “That was the best …” Kiss “… spanking … Kiss “… ever!” We locked lips for minutes as our bodies and hands rubbed against each other. Our bodies felt like one as we refused to let go.
“You really liked it? The whole scene and all the spanking talk?” she asked, her face inches from mine.
“I loved it, Susan! Especially all the spanking talk!”
“And it wasn’t too much, was it? I mean, I think I’ve had enough now, but …”
“Maybe a little too much, but I still liked your Sexy Words fantasy, and I’m sure we’ll repeat it many times!”
“So,” she asked, looking lustily into my eyes, “what should we do now?”
“I’m taking you home, little one! But I can’t decide whether I want to make love to you or just fuck you so hard you’re screaming!”
“Mmm, why can’t we do both!” she said with a devilish laugh. “Fuck me, Mark! Then make love to me! But I need some spanking too!” she said with downcast eyes and her trademark bitten lip. I smiled in agreement and went to get my shorts off the floor while Susan retrieved her skirt and panties.
“Leave those panties off!” I commanded! “They’ve gotten me in enough trouble today!” She laughed, put her skirt on, and handed me the panties.
As we turned to leave, we heard a bunch of clapping, whistling, and whoops and suddenly remembered our audience. We turned to look at each other, and without a word, we turned to face them, bowed at the waist, waved goodbye, and walked away laughing.
Thankfully, whatever had snarled up traffic had cleared, and we drove home quickly and uneventfully, apart from the fact we were both going commando without our underwear and very conscious of the fact. Susan would flash me whenever it was safe, which had my hard-on peeking out of my shorts while she giggled like a schoolgirl.
Finally, we were home, and once in the door, I took her by the wrist and led her to my bedroom, where we shucked off our shoes, and I put her directly over my knee. With a quick flip of her skirt, I had instant access to her tight, little bottom.
“You’re getting a spanking,” I said, smacking her cute cheeks playfully! “You want to get spanked, don’t you, little one? Hm? Want me to spank your bottom?” I added, continuing the same spanking banter as before.
“Yeah, I want a ‘good’ spanking, Mark! Spank me!” And I did; hard enough to feel good but not to hurt a lot. She moaned, squirmed, and writhed on my lap. At one point, she lifted her bottom and slipped her finger into her slit first and then quickly inside, pounding her pussy while begging me to spank harder! Cumming quickly after that, she didn’t miss a beat sitting in my lap and removing my shirt, pushing me down on the bed to rip my pants off as quickly as she could, and sliding her shirt off as well.
Climbing on top again in the sixty-nine position, she offered her sloppy wet pussy to me while immediately taking my dick in her mouth, sucking for all she was worth. I poked at her pussy a bit with my tongue, but my mind focused on the expert sucking my dick was getting, and it didn’t take her long to get me to shoot explosively, and for the first time today, I suddenly realized.
Satisfied temporarily with her repayment, she turned around and spread her lips on my face. I could only mumble incoherently as she pressed her pussy hard against me while both hands behind her worked my cock back to enough erection for her to sit on. She took it inside her as soon as she could, and we bounced and thrust our way to another loud orgasm!
Exhausted, she fell to my side as we recovered from quivering bodies and short breaths. We touched each other but with no intent to escalate again. Dreamily looking and kissing, we calmed ourselves eventually. Susan was about to start me up again.
“I want to make love to you in the shower, okay?” I offered, kissing her face.
“Yes! Please? I love you so much!” she said, seemingly on the verge of tears.
We stepped into the steamy shower and helped each other rinse the rain, the sex, and the sweat off our bodies, after which we wrapped ourselves around each other, kissing all over our faces as the warm water rained down on us. It wasn’t long before she was ready, and I was hard, but we didn’t devour each other; instead, I sat on the shower bench, and Susan sat on my lap facing me, guiding me gently once more into her waiting pussy.
Grinding slowly against the other, our hands tenderly explored our sensitive parts, raising our arousal slowly and seductively. Wanting to be on top, I wrapped my arms around her tight, little bottom and stood, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around me for stability while I turned us around and sat her on the marble bench, sliding gently in and out of her sheath. In a kneeling position, but knees off the floor a couple of inches, I was aligned perfectly with her perfect little pussy, making love slowly and gently to my beautiful girl. We came with satisfied sighs, kisses, and a long, tight hug in the rain.
We bathed each other in a similar, gentle, loving way, not trying to arouse but caressed with lather continuously running down our bodies. We dried each other the same way, but as I ran the towel down, then up her thighs, her pussy just inches from my mouth, it called to me for a lick, but Susan pulled away.
“Not now! Please? I’m a little tender down there,” she said before kissing my upturned face.
The day had become an unplanned but all-out sex fest, leaving us both very satisfied but also tired and quiet. We made a light dinner and then spent the rest of the night in bed, holding each other, watching movies, and loving every minute of quiet embrace.
I hope you enjoyed this exciting and impromptu setting for Susan’s fantasy and more! If you did, remember to ‘like’ and/or ‘favorite’ it! Thank you for reading! … and the long weekend isn’t over yet!